HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-9-28, Page 44 'Teunao1T. asmrsas 211. 1011 I; rte iur �. : DERICH, ONTARIO LOYAL. gDNaaDAY. Sept. With. But&ru.-Macy frost bore attended the (ioduricb lr4ostrial Exhibition last week .... We are pleased to karts that James Sallow*, who has been in- disposed. le able to be&out Thome* MCOratteu, ut Durhaa. Mao , is here on a visit to friends. Mr. McOratten has disposed of the greater part of his property in the West, bill intends re- turning mere in the near future Mre. Bennett, of Luckaow, has been a guest at the borne ot lire. Clark the past week Haughton Sornersrall Itas ieturned from his vidt to Prt- rolia. WESTFIELD. WEDNESDAY. Sept 27th. ANN1VKR$ARY. -The anniversary eervioes in connection with the Metho- dist church hers will be held on Sun- day. October 8th. Rev. T. W. Cosena, of ClioSou. will conduct services at 2 and 7 o'clock p. m. On tbe Monday evening following a fowl supper and eeter'tainment will be given. ST. HELENS. WEDNESDAY, Sept. . 7tb. Corn cutting is the order of the day. Harry Macey has returned trom Clinton. His many friends are glad to wee him in their midst again. Mrs. Reed, of Dungannon. visited het' patents, Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan, on Tuesday. Gregor Stuart. of the Holston bank. London, was home over Sun- day. Gregor has been removed to the breach of the hack at Port Arthur, for which place be lett on Monday. The W. F. M. Society will bold its thanksgiving meeting in St. Helene Calvin) church on the evening of Oc- tober 5th, ,when Rev. 11. Craw, of Fer- gus. wilt address the meeting. NILE. WEDNESDAY, Sept. 27th. The anniversary gainless of Nile Methodist cburoh will be held on Ste• day, lc r 8th. Rev. A. Brown. of North church, Goderich. will preach • 10:30 a. m. and 7 p. w. SNEPPARDTON. THURSDAY. Rept.h. 1 A Connect Evurrr.-The son a- 1 time of Sheppardton Methodist Murch Iaro ��ng for a tea-eneetiug to be I haln oTuesday evening. October 10th Leek for further announcements. LOTHIAN. TuauDav, Sept. 38th. THE LATE THOS. BARNRY.-Ao- other of the old pioneers pawed away on Saturday, ltkh inst., in the perbuo of Thos. Barnby. The funeral. which was largely attended, took place on Tuesday last to Green Hill cemetery. The bereaved ogee have the sympathy of a large circle of relatives and friends. BRIEFS. -- Mies Lena Henderson spent a few days with friends in Luck - Dow .... Wm. Logan spent a oouple of discs at London Exhibition. and .leo visited his daughter, Mrs. Braidy, of Stratbroy The stork left a baby girl at the home of Mike Hogan on `Vrsneeday- last. Congratulations : Miss Florence MacDonald is vending a few days with friends tht Ripley. LAN*. MONDAY. Sept. 23th. Roy Alton attended the Goderich fair. A number from here attended the Luce/low fair on Friday. Mrs. W R. Reed has returned from a visit to friends in New York. Despite tte appearance of rain in the evening the Rally Day service was quite largely attended. The friends and neighbors of Chas. McLean extend to him and his wife their hearty congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. George Lane enter- tained the young people of Hackett's appointment last Tuesday evening. An enjoyable time was spent in music and games. ST. AUGUSTINE. TUESDAY. 'Sept. 26th. BxtEi s. -Gus. McGuire, of Toronto, i- visiting friends in this vicinity. Miss McIntosh, of Goderich, is visiting Mies UM McIntosh this week Rev. C. M. and Mrs. ttuth- erford. of Reid's Corners, visited at Wm. McAllister's last week ..... Mies Betsy McAllister in compwy with Miss Ida McLeod. of Goderich, visited Kippen friends over Sunday .. Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Dalton and Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bowler. all of Kings- bridge. spent Sunday with friends in this vicinity. THE RietaMate.-Following is the score made at the rifle range last Sat- urday-poesible 35 : Ed. Robinson 33. Robert McAllister 30, Joseph Flynn 30. i'otu Liddy 20, Elmer Tiffin 38. Wm. M. McAllister 27, Harry Bellamy 27. David McAllister 28. Tom Foran 28, Jos Brophy 25, Ambrose 3rophy Z. Charles' Robinson 24. Oswald Pollard 24. Gus. Leddy 23, Wm. Thompson 23. Wm. Leddy 22. Tom Kearney 30. Wm. Redmond 20, Wm. Kinaban W. Joe Kinaban 19, A. McCabe 18. AUBURN. - (I1diCHENS AND HENS WANTED, alhe, for esab or trade- Higbee price raid. W. T. RIDDSLL, Auburn. mot • R' aDNtwDAY, Sept.:,'! t h. W. T. Riddell is having a cellar dug out under bis kitchen. Charlie Asquith and Joe Carter are packing apple.. at Errett's this week. Mrs. (`lute,. sr., of Clinton, is visit- ing at the hhme of her sc.n James here at present. Mr. cold Mr.. C.'Reat(le, G. Beadle, sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Beadle at- tended the funeral of Frank Robinson at Marnoch on Monday. A pretty wedding wa. solemnized at 8 p. m. Monday evening at Trinity church. Myth. v%hitt Mier Alice, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Mole. of Auburn, became the wife of Samuel Smirks, of Port Elgin, Rev. T. 11. Farr performing the ceremony-. The newly wedded couple will make their home at Port Elgin. TENNIS. -The members of the Blyth tennis club drove over Saturday after- noon to have a friendly game with the Aubui n club. One game of men's Joni -dee, four games of mixed doubles, and one game of men'* singles were played and in all of these except the last the local players %sere ahead. The scores were :- Birth Auburn Dr. McTaggart . Will McDonald R. McKay Ed. Lawson Lily Wanks. Gertie Asquith Walter Cowan Ralph Munro Mrs. Small 6 Ruby Young Roy Denholm A. A. Naylor 10 Limits Carter Gladys Cutt A. Somers 12 11 12 Alf. Rollinson 11 OUNOANNON. R. NEWTON, DKNTIBT, OF rill mese Year estie‘ewhoto • mime every ear. Ail =more sista- 1\ OT1▪ 1•OIL-•TSI LOCAL AGpeat is as K Post wane srali den woo. ink '•S.trsrd+ =bight amMks asses said ter theism". srW be VOR TOR FALL RENOVATING A tree will wche ant sane e sew war sasses. call litswe and ea Ur i 1[sia AN. Dw.assaeo.�� is treat isolate. i WZDEHESDAT. Rapt 27tb. Rev. Jos. Mott, of Uodericb, oven- g&tb. pulpit of Erskine church last $•►bath. Arthur and James Forbes went to Seefort.h this morning to attend the tall fair there. B. Augustine has returned from the West and give. a good account of the prairie country. W. H. McClure. wife and family. accompanied by Mts. Orisp, were e,- icing v .icing relatives in Colborne township over Sunday. Mrs. deo. Bradford is atilt with her daughter Beatrice at the boepital in London. The little girl is getting along nicely and we hope will soon las quite well. David Olen had Ma ankle sprained last Friday and is going about on crutches. He was working at Mr. Stonebouse's when the scaffold fell and hurled him to the ground. Rev. L. Bartlett and Misses ids Wbyard, Celia Pentland and Edith Treleaven attended the annual con- vention of the Epworth League* and Sunday schools of Goderich district' held at Blyth today. KIPPER. TUESDAY. Sept. 261 b. Naris. -This week Mr. and Mrs. D. Aldir, of Cayuga. are visiting in the old home here. All are pleased to see them looking so well and know they are enjoying their wort in the south- ern town where Mr. Alair is station ageot for the Grand Trunk ....Yes- terda Etta Jarrott lett for London to attend the Normal School and Albert and Mary Johnston left for Toronto to attend the University. Success to them I Last Saturday Gordon Gauld wheeled up from Toronto to at- tend the Collegiate in Seaforth. May it be a scholarship next year Last Tuesday Arthur Logan left here with a carload of household effect.% horses. Me.. for Mortlaeb, Sask., where he has a homestead and pre. emptiwo. His sale the week before was • success. yielding over $1,100, be- sides retaining six horses, a row and farm implements which be took with hint. His mother and sister left for the same plwe on the 18th inst. May gteat success attend them. ....Mier Parsons, of Baylekl, is visiting in the home of her brother, Robert. here.... On the 18th inst. Walter Osborne left for • trip through the West. intending to go as far as Edmonton. Miss Stewart 0 Sadie Carter 12 Archie Wells Frank Sturdy Mr. Small 14 U Asquith 0 Atter tee games. the vocal club served refreshment+ in the Orange Halt abort after-dinner spee.-hee be- ing made by Rey. J. L. Small, A. A. Naylor. Rev. R. A. Miller and Dr. Weir. C,iuiu;H NoTaa. -Mies Mary Den- stedt and Mies Kate KcOliaebey ase attending the annual convention of the F.pworttb Leagues and peonies schools of the (krderich district at Blyth, as delegates from the lood_ et worth League. Mies Mabel �e[a�. We third viae-perddeot of the 41616401, is to gl v* a paper before the eo/riza- tios today ow Mission Stud Masa." Nest Sunday being Rall Day in the Methodist church. the Sunday school will have dimple of the morn- ing ler rine. A modal prograw has two prepared. Aa Rev. R. A. Miller prooddeg eenlvaeeary .«sous oe Iia es dreuit, Rev. Mr. Dur- ant. of Seagrove. wW weepy the pal - harvest home service was W la eke ,fieitior a jtimyth, Sunday t .. tbo p .elWr ask therrewas bl '11so _____oseV* Neseof . Widow bnF CREWE. MONDAY. Sept. 25th. MAIZE-HAarY.-A very pretty wedding took place at the home of the 1„ide's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Hasty, at 6 o'clo. k on Wednesday evening, :loth inst.. when their third daughter, Margaret was united in marriage to Roy E. Maize by Rev. L. Bartlett. Only a few of the immedi- ate relatives were present at the cere- mony. The home was prettily dec- orated with quantities cf flowers, the young couple standing under an arch trimmed with a bell of roses. The bride, who was given away by her father, wore a gracef il gown of blue silk. trimmed with all-over lace, and carried a shower bouquet. Little Mil- dred McWhinney, niece of the bride, dressed in pale blue and carrying • tiny basket ref Howes. made a dainty little Hower git'I. The Wedding March was played by Miss Ella Hasty. youngest sister of the bride. Each wore a crescent brooch -et with pearls, the gift of the groom. The bride was the recipient of many exquisite gifts. among them a substantial cheque, the gift of her father. The young couple are two of our most popular young people and the hest wishes of their hosts of friends go with them to their new bnme. Tru VICTORS Cat.anKAT*--Dun- gannon is eomewhet of • Coeserva- tive centre, and the double victory of Thure.lea last -Lewis in West Huron and B . den in the Dominion at large -waw not unnaturally the occasion of a tremendous jubilation when the news was received over the telephone. A bonfire was lighted and other signs of rejoicing were tuanlfeet. Then about 2 'clock in the morning a party that had driven to Godench early in the evening returned and the celebration was renewed more lustily than ever. 1f any Grits slept that night their slumbers must have been sadly disturbed. THE FALL FAIR Nero Waae.-The greet event of the year in Dungannon -the annual exhibiuor. of the Dun- panoea Booiety-is hilbd for Th� Friday of • mut week. October 5th and 8th. Your by year this exhibition draws large crowds from the surrounding country, and with good weather next week's event should be s record -breaker. Liberal prizes are offered for exhibits in the various departments, and $300 is hung up in prizes for the speeding eonteeta, which always furnish good sport. Special preparations have been made for the grand concert on Friday night. Will. J. White, Tor- onto's popular comedianwill be here with the newest songs and hits. Jules Breazil. :r unique entertainer, will add much to the interest of the program with his musical and linguis- tic feats. The Misses Jaffrey. grace- ful Highland dancere will give an ex- hibition well worth seeing. Music will be furnished both at the fair end at the concert by the famous pipe band of Lucxnow. The admission fee for the fair islr'5c. children under twelve yearn loc. For the concert the admission fee is 35c. R. Mcllw•in, Nile. is secretary of the exhibition and inquiries for prize lists. etc.. should be directed to -him. FATALLY SHOT. Reeve Sweitxer, of Stephen. Killed by Ac- cidental Discharge of Gun. Tuesday evening of this week 4, minty ('reek Lane received a tele- phone me -wage from Warden Geiger convening the sad intelligence that 8. Sweitser, Reeve of Stephen township and a member of Huron county coun- cil, had been accidentally shot and killed that day while out duck shoot- ing. Further informatioo 4s hand is to the effect that the accident happened about six miles south of Grand Bend. Reeve 14weitser left borne about mid- day. accompanied by • boy, and drove to the shooting gmands. While in the boat the lad picked up the shot- gun to bring down • duck. The weapon was accidentally discharged and the contents entered Mr. Bw.lte s leg above the knew inflicting a fearful wound. The injured mag was hurried into his buggy acrd driven to his home, a doctor having been 'phoned for to meet Use victim there. Rut before reaching home Mr. Sweitser died from logs of blooe. The deceased wan one of the beet - known nen of the district in which he raided. Ha was shoat silty years at figs andncrema. da wwesill,aAasasill and ber d lb* ba� Ra iamb of � item • tl.a eiew rl.$erteaa hai^ $eaawei th1 /ae ae�* ysese, fie tarn swig >krl ag base twit,* 1Meamed will take plans no hi - THIN HAIR ON TOP. It Parisian Sage, tbe hair grower that E. R. Wigle guarantees, will not cause hair to grow where the hair is thinning out. nothing on this earth tern. And we say to everybody, you can have your money back if Parisian Sage isn't the best hair grower, hair saver, hair beautifier and dandruff cure on the market today. It stops itching scalp and falling hair and makes hair grow thick and abundantly. or money back. 50 cents for a large bottle. Parisian Sage makes the hair soft and brilliant and promotes growth. PALL FAQ -4M1. ,e Harriewe IL II Wir. !. MM •we116habs . ons . TIese9on ... $ 't ss.wtltee Oet A 5 Ort. 11, $ Oct. hg ••1 ,.,.........' S. .„ CARLOW. WEDNESDAY. Sept27thlt BRIEFS. -Mrs. Henderson left on Monday on her return to Chicago, after spending two months with her sister. Mrs. A. Johnston Mrs. Tyndall is home from London atter a visit to her daughter then Mies Hees, front Zurich, is the teacher in S. N. No. 3 : T. R. Elliott. of Goderieb, wields the birch in S. f3. No. Il, and Miss Tena Johnston is in charge at No. 1 Alfred Young leaves on Saturday for his no* home at Pit.te- hurg atter spending the summer herr. Rev. Oolin Tours of Prince Al- bert. was taken ill while on his way home atter a visit to his relatives here. He underwent an operation at Winnipeg and is still in the hospital then John Levy is buying antler for D. Cantelon, of Clinton. r. Levy is an expert in the apple bovines. Special Offer. The Signal and The Daily Globe (including the Saturday illustrated magazine section) will lee sent from dab of receipt of nyder to January let, 1919, for 73e or until January let, 1913. for SAS. Subscriptions received at this once. t f Hardly a single yuan has won distlnc- tioe ie the work his father intended for him. S 1511/5141151 ymew mei of MO =flew etiA� 7t8� ttERi. o taleel= awry andede Roves ow embed bdit Oil" 151611 le Jess St. Meer sop tem. FNrtttca *e .. J. W. W iwiloaat, at, g. B a r g a 1 n D a Y LS WE CLOSE SEPTEMBER AND START OCTOBER WITH II Two MONSTER BARGAIN DAYS 1 s YOU CAN SAVE BI0 MONEY IF YOU BUY HERE ON Saturday, September the 3oth and Monday, October the and Our offerings on these TWO BARGAIN DAYS will include' nearly everything in the store. Not a few selections only, but a store full of goods. We will make these Bargain Days two great selling days at this store. REMEMBER THE DAYS SATU!RDA,Y AND MONDAY NEXT J. H. COLBORNE THE SIGNAL JfA, mµ 19 3 $1•00 BusinessChange MR. JOHN BHOPBEY having retired from the firm of J. BROPBEY & Sote. the Furniture and Undertaking business will now be carried on as usual by JOSEPH and WILLIAM BROPHEY. The reputation of this old -established house is well known. and we assure our many customers and the public generally that the new management will keep it up-to-date in both departments. Furniture.... Obll and see our Furniture stock. We base some linea especially attractive. MARSHALL, ANITARY MATTRESS -the finest thing ter t1f\ bedroom yet invented. We are sok agents for Goderich. NOTICE. - All accounts owing the old firm must be settled by cash ot note, not later than October 15th. This is imperative. Brophey Bros. West Street Goderich, Ont. HAVE YOU EVER WORN A PAIR OF OUR Cushion = Soled SHOES 11 yon haven't, you owe it to you. feet to invest la a pair the nest time you are oboes.ey are Hue weer ooThh ear Whole one of _deet' ebb footwear. People who wear than say that Moir bat d • not get tired atter =long w- W. b they d0 in has ep w bels tem in beth welt ayes wesesti a lies.. EverythinglnSuimt Wear -Tennis. Bowling and Roanbag Meas A Full Line of TRUNKS and SUIT -CASES W. t1ERN 'Phone 226 Repairs Promptly Done NA3"IONAL RANGES Bnythat new Range while you are in Goderich attending the xhibition. To ase up-to-date, to insure peel satisfaction in cookies and under all circumstances. you must possess a NATIONAL RANOE. They speak for themselves. SOUVENIR and ART GARLAND HEATERS are the beat on the market. Is cot NOW the time to be thinking of that new stove for the coming winter's use 'e HORSE BLANKETS The season of the year is approaching when these goods will be much in demand. We handle only what is best. MARTIN-ENOUR PAINT We have in !tock an excellent supply for the fall trade. FRED HUNT Plumbing. Headne. Eavestrougbing and General Hardware. Hallali011 Street iimigoilittenatOateniniollitettlotimentinineninitibiiiiiAleilaiii 3 an Motto: "A square deal to everyone ' 1 it 3 r 3 F 3 WATCH FOR OUR F 1 3 SPECIAL F i ANNOUNCEMENT 3 1 NEXT WEEK E 3 'i IT WILL INTEREST YOU. E AGENCY NORDHEIMER PIANOS W. J. MUIR & CO. t�r1.A111 r "ase beef yaw /IMINE /foe fes► WOW.