HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-9-14, Page 9ct,94.49t 4 ... ct******* .1..+ it 4 cit 41.40461046 of the District 1 The News .� 4,44 4s4546464646.44454646 46464544 4546454645444645 444464646445+ 450t 46 One day leer week B. Colelougb, of LUCKNOW. the 14th conoessaon of Godericb to.ru- Ii1DNDAT, f3spt. 11th. ship, bought into Clinton a load of Miss Anna s)lluisb, of Kansan, U. tthat one weighed 9.970 poi+ode- The 8, A., ie visitin her aunt, Mn (i. W. stone was for use in road- king. Cater. __ A 000luoiet event In Hay township on Miss Gwendoline McLeod is back y evening of last week was the from Chicago, where she spent the marriage of Miss Mary Elizabeth Hey summer. to Resersou Cornish, of Exeter. Rev. Harold Agnew techs the boos In his Mr. Moss, of 'Lot ieb, tied for nuptialwrist the other day. He was spring- koot. The young couple will reside ing to catch the limb of a tree when in Exeter• nt of fhe missed his bold nod tell heavily to T' , b of Williauu Foster, a roar the ground with the above result. deof llnton for fifty years. took Mir Susie Webster has returned to Place on S•tutday wowing, Steptem- Mount Clemens, Mich. She was ac- ber 2nd. His bealth bad been failing cowpaaied by her niece, hiss Haul foraevenl yeah since an accident re -Webster. suited in it tedious illness which under- side!( bis strong constitution. A young life was cut short at Ex- eter oo Saturday. god int., when Lillie Gertrude Rowe, daughter of Mr. sad Mrs. Robert N. Rowe, parsed away at the age of seventeen yeas. Two attacks of meningitis following in quick succession resulted fatally. Death of John Irving, C1iaton. The late John Irving. of Clinton, who departed this life on September 3rd, was born in (litheroe, Lancashire, in 1824. He was the last surviving member of a family of thirteen girls and four boys. At the age of fifteen he 'ensued the joiner's trade, at which be served seven yeas. In 1852 the deceased married a Scottish lady of Liverpool and five years later they came to Canada. They remain- ed at Brantford for six months and then moved to Clinton. where they resided continuously since. Deceased is survived by his widow and five sons. F.teb. Downing, sos of Mrs. John of Brussels, has We Wbnat- D g or Calory,g Vrg fur � takes hold of • urw pC.Gidley,ublication. yon of Duluth, form- erly et ,pass &Way in tont cit1Lesday of last weak. He was o his thirty-fifth year. Ie, Sask.. a shoe. Jobneton, of Carly readmit of Gs is fiiilingfold blends in that town- ship. He went West tweoty-ons years ago. During a recent electric storm a large beak barn and straw shed on the farm of Chitties R4ledbenae, nano Put d- ein], was destroyed The whole of this brsoD s mop was consumed. Mr. end Mrs. William Lamont, of the Goshen line, Stanley, nd t� ated their raver wedding an 1. About forty guests were present,all oe whom thoroughly enjoyed Wednesday tsorning of last week ILe spirit of W. 0084012 McKee took ita flight at the home of bb grand- father. D. Milne. at Ethel. He was in bis twentieth year, and bad been in declibiog health for several months. A quiet hoose wedding at W ingbaw .tool place at the ef last 'swborne o newon Tuesday ng Mise Agatha Carrick was joined in wedlock with Roland Hartley Hill, of Twas per- foroota The rmed by Rev. E. H. (;rely. B. A. Ths barn and its contents on the farm of R. McLeod, lith c000eesion of Gree township, were destroyed during au electrical storm on Saturday. god lust. Mr. McLeod bad threshed a few days before. hence he lost bis season's crop. The loss is partially covered by iuwrane,. One of Winghamis respected'citi- zens, in the pessoo of Mend Robert - n, departed this life on Sunday. September 3ed. Tbe deceased was horn in ficotlaud in 1823 and bad re- •'ded in Stanley township the greater 1 art of bis life. He moved to Wing- s Asn tee yeas ago. A family of sex hridreo survive him. MacKay et Formosa. The issue of The Toronto Globe of last Friday contained the following : "MacKay of Formosa" lives again in hie son. Rev. George William Mac- Kay. son of Rev. George Leslie Mac- Kay, has been appointed, with his wife, • daughter of the late Rev. John Rosa, of IN ucefleld, Ont.., to the field in Formosa, by the foreign mission The citizen* of eeeforth learned committee of the Presbyterian church. ..rte deep regret two Thursday, 31st Mr. MacKay left Formosa nine yeas .n., of the death of Charles Weiland, ago, at the age of tweut.v. He studied ..-rood sob of Mr. and Mrs. H. Weil- three yeas in St. Audrey/6 Ooilege „red. Tbe deceased *as • bright young three yeas at the University of Tor - !,.d of eighteen yeas and his early onto, and three years at Clark Uni- l. nth it a matter of deep regret to verity, Worcester. Masa, where he ID .try. He was ill only a few days. took pot.! -graduate work in psychol- ogy and pedagogy, winning also a scholarship and his Master of Arta de- gree. Nation Results in Death. The news of the sudden death of William Coward. of the Pth concession of Usboroe, eame as a shock to tbat community on Tuesday morning of Leat week. Some few weeks ago the deceased submitted to an operation for the removal of a portion of the skin from one of his ernes, to be grafted on the arm of his brother, George, who re cently met with an ac- cident when his arm was torn by a stallion. The removal of skin by the physicians was succesbtul but it caused a slight sickness. This was not :considered serious and be was able to be shout more or less every day. ,Shortly after retiring, hcwever. on the night of his death be was taken worse and a few hours later the end came, the immediate cause of his death being heart failure. Mt.. Coward is survived by his widow and two daughters. William Wallace. a prosperous and popular young farmer ofTuckerbmith, r i, joined the ranks of the beoediots. , ren Wednesday of last week he was lotted in marriage with Mise Mar - ;.ret M. Campbell, daughter nt D. .,upbel. of Morris township. Tbe .-remony was performed at.the bride's h.une by Rev. 1) Perris, of \Vinghaw. veil ism Armstrong, of the 9th- con - .e• -ion of Grey, lost a fine Tamworth brood a per which be .valued at $40. One morning when be wentto the fork field to plow be found it dead ,by the fence. Evidently it had been killed by lightning, as the fence bore evidence of the electric cont Let. One .plistsr from an upright rail was buried twenty feet. The home of Mr. and Ms. W. A. Hoeg, Grey township, was the scene of as interesting ceremony oo Wed- nesday evening. August 30th, when their eldest daughter, Mies Jeonie T., was united in marriage to Wm. J. Mitchell. of Moesbank, Mask. Rev. David Wren. M. A., performed the ceremony. The bappy couple are leaving shortly for their one in Sas- ►atcbewan. 0ODERICH TOWNSHIP. MONDAY, Sept. 11th. lire. Archie Agnew has returned to Detroit after a visit of ten weeks at the old homestead. Her sister, Mime Bessie Weston, accompanied her to the City of the Straits. OBITOARY.-The death occurred on September 2nd of Ms. Thomas E11 - wood after an illoees of only a few weeks. Mrs. Ellwood was a woman held in high esteem by all who knew her. She Wes • native of England and came to this country with her hus- band about twenty-four years ago. Mr. Ellwood is foreman on the farm of John Middleton, by whom he has been employed since be came to this country. A family of twelve children survive. the youngsct being three THE MARKETS. - p.el and Chicago wheat F Close Lower -Live Latest Quotations. Quotations. CHICAGO. sept. 11 -Official as- aouaceoent that altbo the potato ere, In Germany u badly short the premis- ed yield of gn 'a la about the same Y last rear, had A washstand .Sect to- day on the price et wheat. Closing figures were 1c to 1 1-5c and 1 1-4her lead- ingthan Saturday slg staples. too. 'Mowed a net atelier corn 1-4c to 1-4c and 6-$c. a:sept for B.ptember. Oats declined 1-4c to $-tla. an' provisions Mc to Mc. 1•h• Uverpuol market closed to -day XI t 15d lower than Saturday on wheat. aN %d to ird higher os corns titwerp Bee -c higher. Budapest (c to Pic lower. Winnipeg Options. Clow. open. High. Law. Gose. Wheat- ,.La ext. .....1asK 10811 14444 1,;,-•,aT Dec. ..... 5e1► 1411 ton P1 sA May 154 Oats- as Live► JsMaof age. Three of the sons csepb, George and Frank, are in the West. The funeral took place last Monday afternoon to St. James' church, of which the deceased was • member. The interment was made in Bayfield cemetery. The pellbeererr were Chas. and John Middleton. Robe. Hanley, Reuben Grigg. Geo. A. Cooper and George Panther The death of Mir Jennie Butler took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Flynn, of Hullett, on Friday. Septem- ber 1st. The deceased had been a resi- dent of Clinton for a number of years, but the family resided originally on the 18th concession ot Godericb town- ship, nn the faros now occupied by Levi Trick. She is survived by two sisters: Ms. Kelly, of Flint. Mich., and Mrs. O'Hara. a Superior, and one brother. James Butler. of Dakota. A Narrow Escape \\ hila working in the grave 1 . int the herbs. McDonald farm. 9th commis ,ion of Grey, Roy ('unningham had a close call for hie lite. His father was working in the seine place and was .-aught too, but was able to fire bhp - self and assist his sort, who was pinned down and completely belples.. Tne latter suffered injuries in his back. right arm and rtgbt leg. New Industry for Clinton. Clinton its to have a new industry. A company to be known as the Clin- tcn Motor Cor Company is to be or- ganized with a capital of 1100.000 to engage is the manufacture of motor ear trucks, autos, etc. It is expected that the new firm will h•ve about lofty- men employed before the fleet of February next, provided tbat the by - lee submitted to the ratepayers of the tows is ratified. Accidents at Seafortb. LOTHIAN. Tt:wDAY, Sept.. 12th. Lteat -Threshing is the order of the day here now . .....Miss Nellie Gilmore left on Friday last to visit friends in Calgary. Alberta.. . McPhee. of Detroit. visited et his uncle's, Jas. McDonald's, last week. Alex. Barnby is in (ioderidb for a couple of days this week writing on his examination. Hugh ,yttpbb.on, head moulder at ;he Bell engin;. works. Saforth. met with a painful accident • few days :ego. He was sweating with the cast- ing when some of the molten metal .plasbed over the ladle on to his leg. burning him severely from the knee down. The same day W. H. }lender - fon met with a painfnl accident while piling lumber •t the Seaforth furni- ture factory. A board flew hack .udstruck him on the forehead, making • had gob. HAIR HEALTH. 1f Yoe Have Scalp or Hair Trouble, Take Advantage of T3» Offer. \We could not afford to so strongly endorse Rexall • 93"' Hair Tonic and continue to stll it as we do. if it did not do all we claizn it will. Should our enthu- siasm carry- us away. and Rexall "93" Hair Tonic not give satisfaction to the users, they would lose faith in us and our statements, and in copse luence our business prestige would suffer. We assure you that if your hair is beginning to unnaturally fall out or if you have any scalp trouble, Rexall -112- Hair Tonic will promptly erad- icate dandruff, stimulate hair growth and prevent premature baldness. Our faith in Rexall •'93" Hair Tonic in eo strong that we ask you to try it on our positive guarantee tbat your money will be cheerfully refunded if it does not do as we claim. Two sires, 50c and 11.00. Sold only at ate store - The Rexall Store. 11. C. Dunlop, south side of Square. KIPPEN. LEEBURN. TUEaDAY, Sept. 12th. BRtx1-•'+.- P. Stewart is in tendon this week.. Miss Lou Sterling left for Buffalo un Monday after spending a month with her father.... _Ms. John Horton and daughter. Mbar Lizzie. spent the week -end in Clinton. Harry Chisholm left on Thurs- day to attend College at Sandwich. Mr. and Ms. Donaldson, of Str•iSord, were gueets of Ms. J. Hor- ton last week.. ... Ms. .lohn Potter, of Woodstock, is visiting friends here. Mr. and Ms. W. Ruston and little daughter Margaret came up in their automobile from Stratford Sunday morning, returning in the evening. The marriage of s former Sesforth ...nog lady. Miss Ethel M. Pickard. was solemnized at Calgary_,Mta.. on Thursday. August Rlst. The groom, A. Lindner, 1s a member of the real .tate firm of Lindner & Co.. Calgary, :nod for a tits* was on the staff .1 the Dotalaiob Bank at Ssaftx4,b. Rev. Mr. Marshall performed the ceremony at the brides home. The bappy rotrpie left the seam afternoon for a shoos weddine trip to (hill Lake, after whteb tiny will enjoy en extended tour them* England. Date of OM McRae* Resident The Seal cell to which all must re- ease to Thomas A. P.aals.rilla oI onWed beenday of lost week. The Toronto Orale Market. Wheat. fan. bushel 15 15 to 1.... Wheat. goo's, lt7� bushel [, bushel Oat, new. bushel Barley. bushel Buckwheat. boated Pus, bu■hal Toronto Dairy Market. Butter. stere Iota • 17 • Mt Butter. sesarator. dairy. lb• 0 II Butter. creamery. I . rem0 1e Butter, Creamery. aalida/ I1 --- scam new, a 11 ss Montreal Grain and Preemie. MONTREAL, Sept. 11. --hen wan • fairly good demand tram the waR[�aag for both old awl new crop sodas wheat. and on the decline lit prima la the Waal♦ peg market sales of 14.4116 bt�aMel�_�!'_ mad*. The demand from were Naps Kingdom Is quiet- and hide The demand for oat ea .pet L Iced the tone of the market la steeag. having scored • further •ammmo N i lee per bushel. with males e( reuse se No. 1 Canadian western at 4mibo. es't.ra The foreign demand for flour wits fuser. fend bids for winter wheat, M per mists., 24 blither, at 1. 1d for October eht>sm� A good local and coantr7" triad, seatlmssa to be done. Milltee4 V scarce and sMwsg. Dairy produce and proclaims are rawly active. - Beef -Plat•, halt -barrels 1/1 155.. Waal barrels. Itis lbs.. 124.15. tierces, lee lbs, Lar tfercea. 116 lbs.. pike• blard 55 11. 5*1 (parchment caned). Mier tubes N lbs. net lD•re edtwo ba•d1M $%c, 15 ltd,. net, grain teibc, valla. wood. Si Itis net, frti0; Vs mita, 37 bib. groes. ads art Cut mesa Port -Heavy Canada barrels, s to M pieces. MM. t ueser- reN. 113. Canada short cut and back pork, 4 tto R pieces. barrels. {ti; Caaada Meer pork. barrels. 10 to 116 places, 1111.15; bean pork. small pieces. but tat. barrels. 116.60. 4 c, oar oats--Canadlaa western. No. 2, Iota. ex -store; extra No. 1 feed. W, c: No. 3 C.W.. 44c. No. fetocsl white. 4N4c: Na M local white. 45; No. 4 al welt.. 4t our-Manttoba springwwheater wheat Mats. 16.40; seconds. 14; 1h patents. N.*. strong bbake y', tole straight rollers. 14.36. fn bail!. Rolled oat -Per barrel. 1416; bag ot 15 lbs., 72.s. Com -American. No. $ yellow, Tic. _ 1[lll[••d- madl Os Ou tarlo XI to W alp 6:11 s of t IM �aP�4 to If; moulitiS. 151 shorts. Manitoba, to $32. No. 1 stock. Fugs-Betected. Inc to Sc: 70, to (mat- erna, 17'34e to lrlkc, 1S1`e to 13Vec. Rutter -Choicest. Sic to Wrc. seconds. 76ts,' to Wise. ' Oa . •w • 141 • ea S• � i •w e oseyeoafbs, e.aaa Iigga. a.w-lail it id THE BEST REMEDY ForWomen-Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound Belleville, Ont.-" 1 was so week t Troia a tennis woolusent that I concworn luded W hon1ydi�IL Ptak. ��w Compound. I several bottles it, and 1 gbh so rapidly that It seentgd 11 snake a new wPntaa of me. I tan de as a good a day', _ work L sincerely I �eisi p s day that I ny nile(1 • to teles issaak and I am exceedingly grate b fee your kind letters, a.T _ _ ythem. I give you part w�to publish this any Uma you "- Yrs. Az.sexr 17 icirrr, Belleville, Ontario, Canada. W o men eve ryw he re should remember that there is no other remedy knowl5 to medldne that will cure female weak- ness and so successfully carry woman through the Change of Life ae Lydia?. Pinkham'sVegets le Compound, ms8a from native roots and herb. For b0 years it bas been curial women from the wont fsrma of female ills -inflammation, ulceration, dis- placsmenta, fibroid tumors, irregulari- ties, periodic pains, backache, and nervous prostration. If you want special advice write for1ttoMrs.Ptakliam,Lynn.hoes. It is free and always belpfaL \WEDNESDAY, Sept. titb. Gouo Ween. -On Tuesday. the 12th inst.. Arthur Logan intends bold- ing an auction Bale of his farm stock, implements. etc.. and soon :titer, ac- companied by his mother and sister. leaves for Saskatchewan to term their homesteads and pre-emptions. All join in wishing them prosperity and happiness in their future home. They will be !netted near Johnston Lake, south of Moose Jaw. FARMSMot.D.-Mesas. Wesley Har- vey and Hugh Mcleanuid have dis- poeed of their splendid farms to two brothers named Fowler, from Toronto, The price paid was 18, i00 in each case. The first -named intends going West. where he will have ample scope for his energy and business ability. while the second will doubtless remove to some town and live on the fruits of his labors on the farm. Hoch families will be missed in this neighborhood, where they and their fathers bave lived for 'something like fifty years. BENMILLER. TUESDAY, Sept. 6th. TEACHER ENOAORD.-The trustees of 8. 8. Jio. 4, Colborne, have en the services of Miss Welsh, of d's Corners, for the coming ear at a sal- ary of 5600. Bailie St the for- mer Witcher, has gone Wert. RADEF'a.-Mr. and Mrs. Hunt have returned to Toronto after spending a couple of months with friends here. Joe. and Ed. Stewart have re- turned from • visit to the Toronto Ex- hibition las. Heddle, of (lode - rich, spent Labor Day with his par - ante here. ITCHING SCALP • CATTLE AA:WETS. Union Stock Yards. TORONTO, pt. 1l -Receipts of live :'ock at tfie Union Stock Ynrde were 127 cars, sheep and lambs cattle. Ski hogs. calves. NoTEe.-J. B. Dinsdale has re- turned from Hamilton. where he had been receiving treatment for his rheumatism. He is a little bet- ter possibly The following stu- dents from this neighborhood are at- tending Seaforth Collegiate : Murray Fisher, Geo. Stephenson, John Kehl, Helm McBeath. Lola and ida Rath - well. Greta and Emily ivison, May McGregor, and others. Anna Diasdale is attending the Business Collage in Clinton Last week sone of our teachers left for their schools, among the number being Miss Nellie McGre- gor, to hes near Stratford : Miss Mag- gie Mellis, near Vienna. and Miss Petrie, near Sault Ste. Marie. while on Tuesday morning Miss Grace Mur- dock began teaching in Bayfield road school in Stanley . . Miss L.ether- land. of Seafoith, visited friends here this week. Get Rid of is a Few Hears. There is nothing bode that will so quickly rid the sod' of dtstresing itchiness as Paellas Sage. the hair dresser and beautifier. 1. R. Wigle guarantees Parisian, to cure d*d>of, stop itching scalp and fallir.g heir or money back. erne la gl lh and salts it for only 50 cents •large Matte, ties brant M ow- bottle. it puts vitalit into the hair Hrtg ka *76" two yea t IM mei glues it a radiant lusts. is �Tt a/aO to it N tie Savo!(!* Mir drawing of cyael�l�agasba aa(M . -etx ie � w refreshes n .has. Yd s otq bohilt icklj ii !lata Jamie ea aseL+• N i oe stinkygrassy is islieMui to ose. hww, wren Mat feeenty-M1e ' ,v"' ) kern ` sr, {. a .. d to oaket �• , tech, „nerd' ltd la Mole tale (C• , s 1n .,( d„ „ ."11"4.*Ph7 F r thio!you are • owwsbtp. • fdaily d three sees and Probably moat 1s three new bores. Reporters. Export steer. *old •11 tn.. way from 11.75 to 19.60: expert bulls, $4.73 to 15.40 Butcher's. Many of th• brat butchers cattle be - Ing taken for export caused a short- age for this cls Prime picas advanced 1n sp-mpathY butchers641o7s5, 45lr76 00 to medium, 71.11 to good - s6.60• court to { eomtnoa. 1476 to 16.35: cows, 10 to $6: bulte40 Milkers and Springers. Market dull era stow. .oweespecially r. fee milker■ with prim. from 115 to 540 rack. Veal Calves. There was a limited supply of veal whichcalves ,74 cals•s of choicenewmtlk fedaquality at Ir per cwt. %hat and Lambs. Iambs were firmer at 45.46 to 75.11. and on• choice lot brought 15.15: .heap. ewes 11.71 to 15.15 for culls rams and heavy ewes, and light •tow brought 13.60 to 44.15. THEIR DEPARTt•RE Knower -run. - Rev. Mr. sod Mrs. McKibbon and daughter, of London. after spending four weeks with that lady's primate Mr. and Mn. Robert Meths, here, Mfr for their home last week. While ben Mr. McKibboo supplied Rev. R. Hobbs' work in James street Methodist church. Exeter. In goinghome they were accompanied by r. sed Mrs. Mollie, who expect to make their home with their daughter in future. They will be gseatly missed in this village. Hese. The Swift Canadian selects ted and watered uotN ed at 47.50a W. J. Johnston. of Gunn's. Limited. quoted hogs fed and watered a1 th• market at 77.40 and $7.10 f.o b. cars at country pointe. Montreal Live Stock. MONTREAL Sept. 11. -At the Montreal Stock Tares west me market the re- ceipts ceipts of leve stock for the week eMtag Sept. s were 1157 cattle. 1375 sheep and Jambe. we nos. a.4 IM calve. The supply on the mark.t this =orals. s coslstedof /0 cattle. 1155 sheep and lambs. 1M15 hog* sad 115 Nave.. A feature of the trade was the stronger feeling In the market for *little. wbl was Ano to the smeller oKwing,' .od .om•wbat •oarrlty of choice stock; mat - momently prices. w 'tempered with those realised last W sdn•eM7 Mowed as 'A- vant* .1 lac to 16, pm p.tade, especi- ally toe the better fgrade buyers was fairly was dose. sad large.egaThe rga inn • good trade th• prices realized were satlatactor7 to all ce.eerned. A tow 544 Memo sold aa high as sYe. bat the bulk et th• wanes was dose to shote• stockt 60. t• 5ggeo good at sae to Feefairly food m la't 4115 to Ake and oo=mon hem PM VS e per pound. Cows bd,u rgh 4%c, and halt trona iitim to 114c per Mead, ea to quality. The market for kegs opened et all ✓ ue advsaiee lee as Is prices, care• early Imi for eileet•d lots,owhat liter Y tea Bear pweakar roved feeling am~ ll~edta sT • as dam •r Anal requtreea•ste. and la e.asequese pewee declht•d fe to »b per 1M pw^d!,at wS3en where t y have lived for over w reduction 'tow 4155* lm -ILO with suer et cam and bate always .occulta good c dela at Ino t• in ea per la ales et Imps in the businessrntaesrsa of • b•a ate rare the ;r1ta1��, IMP OW"' ligritarv:Aprelliar isvessil +smatasv. err tdrr taw....A: f. te Y •►ell as ie a _Mss d rf oA weaer ella ir•vatla to the mar. pie, P n- several deeadss. Mr. het ter lambs, and prices geollsel lac to ey was postmaster Rad *. il- Md, ps► peolme 11440 wee r tea Its" wtol ady Med es were reeds se Sea :owAN's PERFECTION COCOA Cowan's seems to hit the right spot. It is a great food for husky young ath- letes : satisfies the appetite : easy to digest: and delicious 177 ,t DO YOU USE ,- COWAN'S ..�,1 COCOA ? I1 04. FitwellHatst FOR FALL WEAR Our stock of Hats is now complete. We are agents for the famous FIT - WELL HATS -the kind that 6t well and wear well. They come in two styles - Christies and Fedoras. SWEATER COAT8 The time of the year has arrived when a Sweater Coat is a most essential article for wearing when the evenings begin to get cooler. They are a very comfortable garment, made of pure wool, extra heavy knit and in assorted colors. Come in and examine our new stock. wase rw •^-.rfe ha th• 1•0'.e. :t,r Pr's po+n,' The market 1,., ■he•p w'ef11e R tow a en wM.er, and prices w^r• '•C le of : b f ..f lMir ch•,it'e. lower. at Pkr The dem.i,d tot • tar pe* s$ w i'ba� are f, R •pes by else Ipetng ear ry1rN wee tan and miss w re m w wislsas el all Sols pesos amid ;xeusp'eei et Mees renes ewe too daughter* vee M frnialk M One Wee ane. to 'maw. Come in and Get Acquainted 1f you are not already ac- quainted with the merits of STURDY'S GROCERIES try a sample order. You can be certain of securiag seasonable goods here at all times. Our 'phone number is 91. Give us trial. The quality of our goods will con- vince you. Sturdy k Ct. Grocer* On The Square MCLEAN BROS. MEN'S OUTFITTERS Cold in the Ile.:..• can be relieved very quickly by using iNTOLOZONE, the dry air method. Relieves immediately and is a sure cure. Price lac, at F. J. Butland's Drug Store ✓Il..l�k Supplies and Camerae alw+y.lo �i�4 Oone,ur31t asrKodak Supplies Camerae always 10 stuck NATIONAL RANGES Bu?, that new R..nge while you are in Qodericb attending the Exhibition, To tie up-to-date, to insure good satisfectionincooking and under all circdutstances, you must poeeess a NATIONAL RANOk. They speak for themselves. SOUVENIR'and ART GARLAND HEATERS are the hest on the market. Is not NOW the time to be thinking of that new stove for the coming winter's Deep HORSE BLANKETS The season of the year is approaching when these goods will be much in demand. We handle only what is best. MARTIN-SENOUR PAINT We have in stock an excellent supply for the fall trade. FRED HUNT Plumbing, Heating, Havestrougbiogd GummianGummi Hardware. Hal15i oa Street 0ODER/OH THE LEADING Funeral Directors And Embalmers AUCTION SALE OF' TILE Contents of Hotel Sunset Starting at 1 p.m. on SATURDAY, SEPT. 23rd and rontiuuing every afternoon until all is sold : ski Iron Bedsteads 30 Wooden Bedsteads 96 Mattress 1f0 Pillows 85 Bureaus 85 Washstand* 85 Bedroom Seta 85 Roes RG Bedroom Recling Cheirs 85 Bedroom (hair+ 300 yards of Carpet 16 Exteneios Tables 110 Diniwgreom Chain S High ()baire 2 Sideboard. elittiagrs»ns Chad and Table. pore' Table Cutlery Dishes to mat 116 people steam Carving Table '' Jacket Heeter,s 1 two-fireplaee, two -oven Mr - Clary Hotel Range 1 laundry Stove 1 Pastry Oveo Kitchen Tables, etc. Table i.isen Bed Linen, Comforters, et•- (ilas.ware Chinaware KIteheb U.teesile Gerdes Toole Pictures 1 Soda Water Fowrtain, ,.)eo pieta 1 elbow Case Other articles too suesernue to ensatlos TERM": Oasis rex Mes entiebls Paget' `` THOS. GUMMY, Auctioneer enimmetttrmism O. O. 1.11,. Pvnpeietor .. 1 4