The Signal, 1911-9-14, Page 7W. 1•'. GALI.OW'.�Y. I s err' pu't's i11MfYss e. F.J. it VOWS -HES. lei R 1�irt Urbtbdde W Asml came'• tsu.t.. ru W.4M rte sad aea,��atg gtssst twain* Cam Clime. I[ean t a. a. L t, tea.. 7 to a a Teniedi.n• LAI. OUDFUOT, HAYS i HILLOR- AN. ►srru.tem ,encu asteria la the thrift* Oear4e et•. ajr,slea T L. OdstrMh w. et nu,T 1L C. H !1 J. 1. O. CAMgILON, B. �ye0...A.RI AaR- • �vel.. fatll tress aARROW. L.L.B.. BAR a/Lgttsaberaers, esliatser, .to.. Gees lleasy to lass •t is w.m lama 0. JOHNSTON. BARBISTE R cantor, elm dada sr, sow PebM° Mac utee sees* Benet ok vat. sisuiwitn, faA1J1s. Ere• WANTS THREE OR FOUR CA OF HORSES FOR UNITE) STATES. L.ucknow Horse -buyer States that the Nearer Mar- ket Is the Better One --Reciprocity of Utmost Benefit to Canadian Farmer. cULLGP KUTLf.LL FIRE IN S UM. aNCi CO.-1orss awlisslatel Plifort li sen .rJ Vi.s- t: ta Prs'aaad P. 0• t olir.sore. Mess- -it et. tAieweler. W eaves a.Osoaiaa••. tlrennwereb, brodbsRM Ammo ; wood ; Job. Asks, Ranlo ; s & t )(Mosta nrresaeld. Anat. : J. W. Yee SMmssvnl• : 11, est n Jseitenh.a.t canoeing, rtue 7L L VAP es Lamm er . • rt Luckoow, Ont., Sept. I1th, 1911. To the ,dant of The signal. Mout Sts, -Kindly enclose the following in your next issue: In the issue of September 1st of The Goderich tit sr, the Carlow cortespon• dent writes :-"Mr. Wm. McKenzie, of Lucknow, who boys horses down here for the Patterson Lumber Co. of Vancouver, came down to talk matters over with his friend Me. Alex. Johnston, who is In the employ ot that Arm, and it is not amiss to say here that both Hasse men, and they know what they are talking about, say that so far as their husineieee are concerned, reciprocity would not bs • good thing." Allow tne to .ay that the Carlow corrrsp ondent is very wii h "mines" in writing the above. I have never bought a horse for the .aid company. Ile gives us credit for "knowing what we are talking shout." In my coeversa• tion with Mr. Alex. Johnston. he at..te.l that reciprocity would be beneficial to tate limber budne.as to British Oolumhi•, in the, the lumber.nen would he given • fair deal. M for myself, roger ling the It 3r.e question, i have alway s believed that the United State' market, h •ing nearer to the Ontario farmer than the O median Northwest, would bo the better were the duty on horses taken off. I have at the present time orders for three or four cars of horses to be *hipped to United Stats pyiote provi led recip-ooity passes. If any farm- ers En Huron. aol Brice c-untias fear that prices of good sound horses from 1200 Ito up. will decline shoal! the tra I • $ 4Tt •wint. a s:ue into force, 1 will buy their bones atpresent prices ani p ty them these prices at time of de- livery after th oinking into effect of th • re apre:i' y b"11. 1 believe that re- dproelty will be of the utmost br Deft t.o the 0 in bine farm tr. Yours truly, WM. McKgezto, Box 401. Lucknow' THE OLD STONE CHURCH AND ITS PREACHER. 1a The Olevel cod Leader of Septem- ber 0 is the following sketch of Rev. A. B. Meldrum, a Galleries "old boy," written tv Rev. 1C. R. Wright : Rev. Andrew B. Heidrun), D. D., pastor of the Old Stone church on the Public Square, possesses a most strik- ingaod magnetic personality. if he had followed the profession of an actor be would be drawing a weekly Income today nt yearly stipend bead bee se en aabusi- ness man bks private garage would be filled with a half dozen automobiles if be bad been a statesman bis name would be well known ie the balls of Oungrsea. But b. 1. jas Pros d polain everyday preacher, and too. Dr. Meldrum has tatreturned the ed from d his vacation during twins every Sunday and conducted a midweek nervine. He told the reli- gious Witco yesterday that while some ministers Uked to doh or play gulf or tennis or attend Chaut+ugt $ ae- semblles be enioyed preaching and could get rest and ioopiration out of it. "Some people think that Sunday is the minister's hardest day. be said. "But that's not true, for his hardest days are between Sundays. His hard work is in the preparation and Sun- day is tbe time of exhilaration." name There is a charm aboutits more Old Stone church that keeps than 700 members loyal to the ser- vices, even though they live in all parts of the city. livery one of the fifteen elders passes the door, or two or three Presbyterian churches in order to worship in this piece, and the same can be said of all other officers of the congregation. It is because the Institution ie maintained at such great sacrifice that De. Meldrum loves to mioister to lie widely scattered mem- ber lisp, most of whom attend tbe ser- vices regularly teriau or - Mother of many Presby gga•nnisatioos, the Old Stone church has tensed letters to other 000gregatiopa' but it is remarkable how devotion to the old InetttuUon never grows cold. When former members return on spe- cial occasions it is like a home coming to them, and -that is one of the reasons the church will doubtless never be moved from its present site. It has always been true to the preaching of the old Gempel, and today its pastor takes comfort in the thought that he is able to make rte institution a centre of *yorship and io.piratioo. Chereb's Mission inspiration. Q(�(�f3 PRIVATE PONDS TO W V toss. J►seli to iti Q. C_AY' hoarser. a1. eses Owl O.4srtea. R. ROBERTSON. iNSU3ANCM A0ENT. iMMAND LION x000: WNW Oanselaa and AnniriconMINIM is caaxss awn brn0TSNs' Lsut' rte : The ocean Aworisat sat ousea•tes •twssrsuor, United. se leaden. Meg. Noun mint, V aswren 3espSe: Tbs U.e• Millitoes rmilvsand Veegqw., Nsetesast sweet ei Yb meet. DaTM'e seesaw a 170 OHN W. URAiGIE. Luta. FIB.E and reatdeat ta.arunew '(steal and Keck eoralyaele.. 50 roe. ee.K.e on nee- plans sal M Mwe u 1 at Oekr, a,rner Wed ase e11me N dense J. e . ORAIOUIL tdodedea pats he .hone lot fur this panicky feeling, as the church had never been so strongly intrenched In the world as it is now, and ite mea - sage of hope and rimer and s'Ivation given such a sympathetic hearing. He U a thorough -going optimist. the petrp o of the wyentry on the *ab- et PP f reclp should turn out he • failure, 1t,--ti►n be repealed and It will br • bsdy blow to the Literal Government et the same tins,. Now, under these coaditiose. why not give it atrial r' ANOTHER NEWS LIS PUNCTURED. Story from & i...is about Aacticn Sas Incorrect Bruesek Ont., Sept. Ii.- Oo.MderiW amusement was caused in Seat Haran by • despatch. appasriug la The Tor. onto News this week, prolamine to tell about an auction Dale in the town- ship of Grey, when it was alleged •'tbat one floe horse, that is short time ago would have brought SiB0k woo offered end $175 was the highest bid. Another horse, well worth S160, was brought up and 176 was the best offer. Farmers are beginoisg to ask 'why this drop?' and tbe only answer is reciprocity." Of course, the real explanation of any slowness in price, ot boreal at the moment is that Attar harvest the prices of farm bona. which have been working all season, are easier, local farmers usually being the only buyers. under the present restricted condition of the hone market. However, the horses at the sale referred to sold a $ fact at about regular values„ and those not disposed of at auction were sold next day. The figures quoted in The News are incorrect.. Reciprocity had nothing to do with it, end Graf town- ship will give Its answer to the story on September 21st. BUILDING OPERATIONS. A Brisk Demand is Goderich for Houses of the dikter Class. The incres+e in the towo s papula Lion during the past year has created • brisk demand tor houses of the bet- ter class on a rental baric. Practi- cally every available house of modern construction its rented, and in fact there are very few vacant houses of any description. Considering the in- cresmed cost of construction. the re- turn from rentals is not sufficient to guarantee as much clear money as can he obtained from a 8% ineestneot, and, as that rate of interest is easily obtaioed on small mortgages. /hose who have money to Invest prefer placing it on mortgage to investing it in residential property. This makes it comparatively easy for the man who intends building for his own use to obtain money on mortgage to carry on the work. Sines the spring, quite • number of new houses have been commenced, end the Goderich Planing Mills re- ports enough orders now on hand to keep the staff busy until snow flies. Among the houses under construction ere: Story -and -a -half brick veener house near Huron road for Jas. Gar- rick; story -and -a -half, veneer, near uron road, H. Downs : two-story, veneer, Montreal street, for F. E. Bur- dett.; two-story. veneer, near furni- ture fa4ctory. for John Story ; story and -••halt. cement block. Britannia road, for David Thompson ; story -and- s -half, frame, near surnmer hotel. for Jas. Priddle ; two.story, brick. Bay- field road, for John Sproul : cottage. Dear Huron med. for Mark Arnold ; two-story, cement block, Elgin avenue, for Robt. Doak ; two-story. veneer. St. Vincent street, for Fred Shephard and another for Dr. W. Y. Hayden. Blair Mrs. Wm. Beechler. W. and George Hewitt have each added • story and otherwise improved their properties. The local planing mill hes also fur- nished materials for the following houses : Two-story, veneer. for W. J. Black, Dungannon ; one -and -a -half story, cement block, for Wm. Quigley. Kingsbridge : trick veneer. for D. Mc- Phee, near Nile : one -and -a -halt story. for Fred J. Hill. Olinton : two-story solid brick. for A. P. Sheppard, Nile ; two-story, cement block, for C. Fer- guson. Bayfield. POLITICAL POINTERS. "They say reciprocity will hurt our fruit market," said Dr. A. R. Bowman. of Amheretburg. "If i bad the Detroit market open to me, this year. it would have made 5$000 difference to roe. As it is, ie the face of the duty. I am shipping plums to many Detroit customers, who are p•yin ma 50c. a basket. Reciprocity for mine." Stewart Craven, a termer of East Fredericksburg. in Lennox and Add- ington county, has 2,000 bushels of barley in his barn. He refuses to .e11 it until atter the election. waiting for reciprocity to pa's. By holdinghis barley, until that date he Daunts upon making a clear six hundred dollars extra profit, raving thirty coots a bushel duty. Dr. Meldrum bps vet decided views on the mission of tate church and the preacher. He declared yesterday that the church was never intended to I,ewis,Wigle, ex -M. P., and one of solve political, social and industrial the moot ardent Conservative+ in questlone. In fact, that t was nevet . Soufavth oEsserecias taken tlest resitng inn MARRIAGE LICUSEE called to solve any problem A1.TKx K 1y .= "There in re lot of ronsummate, semi- meeting at Tecumseh a few nights Ago KBLIY Jtitrated rot in the talk about the he wee cheered to the echo by 1 twisttwt tt..o{dc.. P., church doing things," he said. 'The the large crowd of farmers, many of mission of the church isnot• do wbom ly miles to bear timad e fifteen nnttl that ext eat OF ItARRtA(ii L[C1CNSgJi things 1n the way peopledeclared mean. but to Inspire and cheer and deserted the Tory party," LAW, iSBUSR ON MAS' stimulate men end women to be loyal Mr. Wigle. "It has been the case of W. �t"°_ __ to Christ." the ray deserting me. for 1 still —rezZerefi SHAVING TAILOR It is for this reason that t sermon Maedoneven- stand akltlhe n suplpnrrt.Iy ng gh, roc proo- ir John A. _ genetic note rings out in every i in s of which, when In he Pubes, He believe, the minster sty agreement, so DFORDBLoaerand LgR ,BOP. (Len excel In only one thing, and that force from iflti to 1Sen. i have en sMibpa "��O'rs aaa erase in laimin the principles that many pleasant memories. In those 1412,o -comae.. w u st'av� . underlie all effective rerorms in the 40- yesre 1 conducted a general store Ke. em assns indnstrlal world. in T,esmington and sold everything 'a 'Jsrr +rupee Msa. wartcool,el political And s0� sem b appleelated. Joel A+enOe as pi -ambers attempt t0 from dressed hop to Mrtfernute. gR, rsprlsbee. 111101 isleture, the city eounell, remember one time when I took a run the 1 eR to Detroit and the labor unions or the organizations sleighloAd of Ronde AO1t OIKY, L pltaltato they negro to make fools realized 75 cents s hundredweight of ctheetselvee and bring their high more on dreamed hags and 50 rents J.- ow eu _l .acU er LiVEBTOCH disrepute. lVhmt nein- per bushel more on butternuts than I ow s`°sr.t Will b r. casts' e� Matti «� attend to busiineevand reach t he could have received at any Canadian H+ee w hn rt. ,, Will ti, Mead n an tnaea .twee no .uas sera Twsr sal ;eters 11 ba, Dr. 1fe dram too . onmIbM. 1 cleared exactly 5176 more ,•err error tutN to etve rsa ss�a, Heves they will have a hearing at in that than if It had been sold tt'"• preach to empty pews. in that.Windenr.l Toronto or at any other _ ��� will not p cor'p'se and vent (1Aoadisn market. Aed he ane, D MUSIC Preaching the pts k Mel want to ere the return of those days ties of the Ousipie• ha. been in the min- some of my Cooeervetive friends say 1!ODIiRiCH CONSERVATORY OF drum yO1ng le s+ i am iinpattiMle. in Sir John A. Mac- ll�y over tweet Ave year. and Mdgi t•M7 y' t dai•M's (set speech he was in favor yrathhnl today as aver• He is a visit Al moot inn favor J M Ht "ma, L L itL t t• T. C. preacher and rwocls strictly to uei- atoducts between 0ar,•da and the ✓ 'Tsrwta om r '.+ sed nag He addresses large congregA pr 'an areae W�e�j In wit • i'n'ked States- No orae will ever ar- e a A. x (1"._ etaaw P' Nose, hat never wavers ft•0m S y cues Mir John d beim nn trintic. 1 rs- st.. ritnal menage .se Mer. YM Ri snag's- w th lwOeleek he a Ri people alit to stood for Canadi t Prem Premier end hie s Rsd•sr .M >ss Pwwt,k he �da� well of en in- pollee" in tbnse days and what rea- ,°1ji'reYss ae it tears, tow -• at the L"" r work gagerf reforms s are tb eon beim i now to change my mind ? 11tg soese toe them to hrto them When reciprocity between the two Hbpdute s mode., with the roue �roma i too effect, Raglan a will cot far �O.3SUMISS all we can ship to that country, bat W. J . M U I R a CO. �» �- ram. w. -IiI ha,rs an ea.il tioe.l l I.rbet 01 VNDSRTAKIN. Ovrios to tine gies, amount ot devil- 90,000.000 ;Mande. Is It not worth vot- 1►beaes o Mg Mika Dr. p° mid seg foe ? 1 baps 00 hesitation in any- AND EMBALMERS Ra many ,bare man were Inclined to be i (bat If Hos. R L. Sordee Propos- I thinks (the tel raetprndty therm would not be • CI• M wsad lt1d. •- tlggq.e th-own into Panare' U °10 Me diwleti*15 CoweervsUve vote In the seesaw a. _ c.l" ' .. ae thsv coo Rest tbttis rv.netrv. , � abneM thsrw l., cons r nos no g� use on -• a8 a f.retat tD goiOg nil BABY'S TERRIBLE ECZhMA. Hands Tied to Prevent Scratching-: Five Doctors Failed to Relieve, but Zara -Bak Worked a Care. Mn. Chas. Lsvere, of Prescott, North Channel, Ont.. tells how 7rm- Buk cured her b thy-. She Saye : -"My baby's head and face was one 'om- piete mase of mor e. The itching and irritation were fearful and the little one's plight was leo serious that at one Lime we feared her ears would be eaten off by the disease. We had to keep her hands tied fur days to preve•tt her rtihhing and scratching doe sores. Doctor after doctor treated her In vain, until we bad had five+u doctors. They agreed it was • frlgbtful case of eczema, but none of them did any per- manent good. • Ass last resource we were advised to try Zan -Butt. The first box did so much good that we felt sure we were at last working in the rigbt direction. We persevered with the treatment un- til we had used thirteen boxes, and at the end of tbat time i am pled to ray Zun-Buk had effected a complete cure." For eczema, eruptions, rashes, tetter, itch, ringworm and similar skin diseesee, Zam-But is without equal. It also cures cuts, burns, scalds,ip les, abscesses, chronic sotbk d and stores at etc. All druggists 50 cents a box, or post free t .r price from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto. Rehtse imitations. Lewis Wigle's Speech. oumatism. is lark Acid in tbe blast Unhealthy kidneys are the cause of the acid bei, then. If the kidneys acted as they should they would strain the Uric Acid out of the system and rheuma- tism wouldn't occur. Rhine- matinee barmutism is a Kidney Diss- woe. i►ease. Dodd's Kidney Piga have made a great part of their r pictation curing Rheumatism. So gel at the cause of those fearful shooting pains and stiffs aching joints. There is bat one Sara way- Dodd's Sidney Pills 1 1 D. M I LLA R Ef SON Implement Prima RMtstod. There are already Signe d $ opine - down in the price of agricultural im- plements. as a isop tt of the reelproe- Ity pact. W. H. Hutchinson, was of the John Deere Plow Co.. Winnipeg, slog promise : "I say thisforf tes the a for the compan9 of which I am a member, that we are prepared, in the event of the adoption of the pact. to reduce our primes to the farmers 116 on every harvester. 5S on every mower, 51.50 on every rake. 55 0o every seed- er, 56 on every American wagon. and ether things in about the saaie ratio.' A BAD SACK - Is a Worsting That the KidOeys Are 4 1: AL : GODERIC i t 1 TIE OtIMINtL IND ONLY IENUINE BRWABE OY MITA- TIONS. gULD ON THE ugRITS Oil I1NltP'S LINIIENT °Oh BINDING MAUAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIbRARiES h:.ttod or repaired. LI) LRl'II.RING on LEATHIR GOODS �p pLIL at�s _ �te - Lavin/ $t QNALosassts� Ill A. E. TAYLOR. BTUATJOaD CiVIL exeu FANG AOOHAN M. BOBEi[TS. CIVIL sed Sydreeue ftagemers,�OeStfseleans le Clean Meek. s. arew-. rareas tR. wawa MEDICAL Sidi. A bad back tures every twenty-four hour* into one dell round of pain and m yOu ere lame in the morning naggedall day byadutl throbbing back- ache, can't rest in t h e evening or sleep well at nights. . It hurts to bend over. straighten up, get up from aj chair, or lift even • light weight. A n y sudden twist, turn or awk- ward move- ment sends a tearing twinge of pain through the weak spoL . Booth's,. Kidney P1114 reach the weak spot, the kidney. and quickly restore kidney health and comfort. They are guaranteed. All de tiers and R. l'„ druggist*. Occ..r . .. Foie from The Erie. Ont. R. T Broth Oo.. Ltd Fort Send for free box which will be gladly sent nn application. Sold and guarwntmed in Goderich by E. R. Wigle. FALL FAIRS -1911. Exeter •... Sept. 18, 19 Oodench....... ...; ...«.....SSpk 18, 19, 20 Listowel ...... • • Sept O. 20 40 Mitchell Se Kincardine pt. ]0.41 Zurich Sept. 710, 21 Atwood ... . 8ept. , Sept. 21, 2 SeafLucorthnow Sept. 46, 27 Beater tb Ripley..dept. 27, 48 .. 411, 2i► %InHarrgham 28. 29 M 1vgham 29, 49 'filiwr•ton. .. • • • ""fit Oct. 9 'rms.-ton •.. .......Oct. lin 4 Blyth Teeswater .• •••• ••••Oct. 4, 6Oct. b 6 Brussels Oct . 6 Dungennoo- ......... Oet 5, 6 ....0 ... •••• Oct. 6 Gorrie . • ..a Bayfield. r ...4/01111- is 'nms11011/ Oct. 10, 11 SHOWING OF ALL THE NEWEST GOODS DURING the next few_days we will be showing all the newest importations for the coming season in everything for Indies', misses and children's smart 'attire. also everything that is up to date in house - furnishing. • The large increase in our business the last few months ha given ua every encouragement to tnakr a igger an better display of all the newest goods in all our departments. Among the Special Lines featured at the Scotch Store are McKinnon Coats for ladies and misses Fashion Craft Coats for misses and children The Beatty Line of Infants' Wear Pugh Brand Underskirts Turnbull's Perfect Fitting and Cee Tee Under- wear for men, women and children Zenith Underwear " Kayser ()loves Stork Pants Peerless Underwear Perrin's (!loves B&CCorsets McCair's Pathan., and Pablicafons r Millar's Scotch Store '57` t THREE COOKS AND THREE REASONS Torr Own ssehe 1.11•. Midriv is obi*, sad - e.tssw. M 411 cow Weed s the prime ••••••111V is cooling is tae wore es w- . so sink. sed .0 weeds rbM ••••• GURNEY -OXFORD RANGE evesFe, ••• MOM b..• seek loMew w w hese sssbis/ M asse seas ideatM inswilease ,sow re. - •rneels pram reesrlset ter ever/ Willow read& w Me reek tN r•. mememai *Md w tib Wes Mab salt This ' o p1eee• tb ween sew may 11...�` sseelds 'Mae •r eierel el hest. area baking leedisW. and e errs aw par Dew• al sir coati ere e • arts/ el Int and soneenisimishiondligiAXIOM Pee dreg time ,. bI.ar es ••sod ie .eche sane se -'M MUM IANOI am time ammo.. ofks.s. nese ewe selene • ow* Tisamemet Ox as* Q sse.MTAS le Aber a vel tt M. war/�es them es Naishini sir es memint diseneelost .asks red sem. Taw Dlvlded nee twit A el . £...bar as Mtt root frost or well I Mi . e le eea Wen thea stft Mmsa•sl a 50* ate isms .rwoe Az. �deK+ry els f'in'er• Ala 410••••id Isb awes n ,ew i .r -bill son .pd Metes.. antes'. Mkas the yme.•,.l rMil dried th. Drees There straw' Tee ore ilea. el taw �rTremain I.r tie sermileM es N awl see east • we. ea drew forerw M vow NNW OHMS. J. HARPER OObtRIOM .r HOW TO HAVE Stylish Footwear ifou buy • first-class shoe. don't you want tbab shoe made in the latest s171eWhy ,abouldou pay the price of • high -cls shoe, and, in return, get a shoe one or two seasons old? g How do you know, for instance, when you ask for tbeCnewest footwear that you're actually get- ting the newest? But why take chances ? Wby not aak for the shoes that lead the styles in Canada - INVICTUS Shoes? Isn't there a great satidaction in knowing Oa the shoes you're wear- ing' are not last year's styles but the newest there is In footwear? This satisfaction will be pens when you wear INVICTUII Shoes. There are other fashionable oboes besides I N V ICTUS, but how are you to know tbmn Why run any risks, why not order the shoes that have made a reputation througbout Canada for their styylish apppearance ? You run no risks when you order INVICTUS Shoes. fit it Wm. Sharman Uoderich The Square T HIVE YOU EVER WORN A; PAIR OF OUR Cushion = Soled SIIOES If Toe haven't, you owe It to your bet to invert in a pair the next time you are buying oboes. '1'bey are the most comfortable in our whole Hoe of comfort- able footwear. People who wear them say that their feet d e not get tired after long standing 0r waiting ars the do in ordinary footwear. We have them in both men's and women's lines. Everything in Summer Wear Teems, R ,sling and Running Rhos+ A Pull Line of TRUNKS and 3SU1 T -CASES W. HERN ihii' Phone 226 Repairs Promptly Dome