HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-9-14, Page 2B 1 etlsrt•AA, i►arrgwaen 14. 1011 ShrailiSigratl GODERICH. ONT A RIO. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY sr THE ',IGNAL PRINTING tv/.. Lamin ed Td.pbaw Call No.a1. Terme •r S . scr,ptcee 1., per Loewe le advance. Biz seethe. Dep • three masted., f3c, To (: olt.d Blade. rubroribeni, 31.10 a rear 'tinily in adv.Moet. babeoribere wbo fall to receive Tea Sweat regularly by mail will toner a favor by ao- uatutine us of Cite tact At Ar early a dare na possible when a change or address to desired. both old the and new address should be alt en. Ad.ertistn. 0at4° Leig d and otiose dialler adverwemeot., n,c Pei eooe Iles bbBret bieertion subsequent i eertieo. and rein per line bfor nonpareil male. twelve tines to an Inch. BIM' MO/ tarda of ds lines and under. 11 pot year. Adveetlasmenta of Lost, Found4(Strayed. Slt- uatlone Vacant. Situations Wanted. Hooses for Dale or to Rent. Feriae for Bale or to Rant. Articles for Sale. eta, not eeneeding eight harmY10 each insertion , Ill for first month. tor each rubrpuoat moaua. Lanier advertise- ments in proportion. Announcements In ordinary reading type ten cent. per line. No notice leer than Sic. Any special notice, the object of which V the pecuniary benefit oany individual or ae.oc1- a•ton• to be ecualdered as advertisement and charged accordingly. Rater for display and contract advertise t- will be liven on application. .l Idrar all oomrnunioOUone to THE SHIN!.L PttINTINU C0.. Limited. fioderich teat UODgRICH. TBUlasuAT. SEPT. 11. 111 RECIPROCITY IS FREEDOMS CAUSE Every Liberal -and there etre many mien of liberal mind who call them- I selves Conaervetiyes-sbould cast his hallo. in the election of nett Thurs- day. Thi/ in not an ordinary party fight. i rHE SUM AL GODERICH ONTARIO SIR JOHN A. MACDONALD a.og'r twit TIM('NAT SIR JOHN uTTtato THESE 'AMOUR WOODS "A BRITISH SUBJECT 1 WAS BORN; A BRITISH SUBJECT 1 WILL DIE" tit ALSO MAOI reit 'OLLOwING STATEMENT: "IT IS THE FACT THAT EVERY MEASUNIE OF RECIPROCAL TRADE WE HAVE GOT FROM OUR NEIGHBORS HAS BEEN GOT BY THE CONSERVATIVES." ANo A rte CARTS LATIN Ht SAID "WE HAVE OFFERED TO THE UNITED STATES TO NEGOTIATE LIKE TWO SENSIBLE NATIONS, DESIROUS OF GETTING MUTUAL TRADE." such as we often beer. A great pada- utactuters. and in always ready co 11s- ciple is at stake. The opportunity is ten carefully to suggestion. for the re- presented of marking a great advance moved I . ,1 in instices in the tar iff. in civilisation on this North Ameri- Th -it. to a good deal „( no1sense in eau continent, by the removal of a Mr. Ran/doers letter with which it portion of the artificial barriers wbkb • is not neceessry to deal. In reference obstruct trade between two neighbor -',to his elur on the Minister of Customs, ing peoples. More than that. we are de- buwever, let us rewind Mr. It tnsford siding in this election whether the that only the other day it was an- eolpleon poop ty= -mass of pro- I trounced that s proryi ient confection - damn andf to bare I say maout*e ifree of Teronto wile *- justice dealt to lbws. or a coterie of posing the Government at thio elec. truetmongers and moeeysbarks are to tion because of the reduction of the be allowed to enntinue to make their duty on confectionery. Mr. Pater• millions out of the needs of the toilers son is, or wits when he was in Inla- id the country. It ie the old battle of iirs., y in anufecturer of confectionery. Justice :erg host Privilege. and every- Does Mr. Ransford see the point? lover of humankind should throw abide any small personal consideration and cast his baUot in the cause of Jus- tice. The opportunity is ours NOW to ' On January r. 1911, the day after, strike a blow for the progress of hu- the announcement of the reciprocity manicy. Ile who neglects this occasion I agreement. The • Toronto News made may be toeing the opportunity of a an editorial comment upon it which litetime. � I reads oddly now, in view of the THE NEWS IN JANUARY. present irreconcilable attitude of this THE SALT INDUSTRY. i paper towards the proposed measure of freer trade with the United Mr. John Ransford is generally in- teresting. and his letter on the salt business published last week in tbe anti -reciprocity organs of the county is thoroughly of the Ransford flavor. The kernel of Mr. Rensford'e letter is that reciprocity will ruin the salt industry in Huron county. We had almost thongbt that the` Huron salt bovines- had already been ruined by the competition of the large planta at Wif.dsor aad Sarnia: hut we are pleased to learn that there Is still teem* left of this once important in- dustry to make a fuse about. Mr. Ransford lets tie kaeow that the higher pries of coal at Clinton or Godericb, eaoosipared with the price at the faetsoriee en tie United States :aide of River Et. Clair, to a handicap with which under tree teats io salt the industry here could not cope. He virtually asks -that the people of . an- eda who buy salt should pay this ex- tra coat of fuel so that he may remain in business. Now. has Mr. Ransford aoy particu- lar claim upon tte sympathy of the people t f Huron ? They have heard of a salt trust. manipulated by none other than Mr. Ransfotd himself, wbtch paid money to salt manufac- turers US close down their wells. thus throwing their workmen out of em - pert -anent. With competition thus reduced, the price of salt was boosted. and the farmers mai other users of salt were forced to pay for keeping a num- ber of salt wells idle. We do not think Mr. Ransford will find many persons in lfuron who will weep with him over the troubles which have tome upon his industry. Trusts are not overly papular in Canada just now. and when one of them gets Burt some us.yrepetbetic people just say. -Serves them tight." However, we do not wish;to dismiss. Mr. R•nsfords complaint in this way. We believe be hes a grim abce in the retention of the duty on coal. The trouble is not that ere are getting too much reciprocity : it is that we are me&get Ling enough. We should have ewiprt►city in (-oal. tin far as tee manufacture of salt in this country is hampered by the tariff on coal. we be- lieve that a good rage is made out foe relief. and en far as The Signal is coo- eereed it will gladly support • move- ment to have the duty remitted. Further. we believe that tbe Liberals of Huron generally would join is ask .a$ tb. Government to rebate the duty apes coal used in the oeteufaetaro of sett The Ottawa (iovermeaeat hose new eery tear In , to treatvaat afllr - States. On that occasion The News said: "It amounts practically to Ere. Trade in natural products be- tween Canada and the United States. "It means a µe and market for Canadian' farmers. ft means that the price. of Canadian products will be determined by the Ameri- can market. "It means if expectations are realized that Canadian farmers at certain seasons will receive bet - •ter prices for et least • part of what they produce.. -It is not so certain that there will be any such average increase in agricultural prices as has been predicted. but that ecce a to the American market for some of our products will mean higher prises for the producers is a reit. µenable expectation. It is import - /int to face the facto fairly and to admit the full force of the argomente by whish many term- er$ are influenced. "'the West will welcome a free American market for wheat and oats. "Undoubtedly the farmers of Ontario desire the removal of American custoin.s duties on live stock, dairy products, vegetables, ezgs and other articles covered by the agreement. "Quebec will be interested in a free market for hay, vegetables, dairy products. Free nob will be a strong Attraction to the Mari- time Provinces. Unquestionably-, therefore. the arrangement - will command strong support from Oanedian producers. and as has been -ait1 nothing else could have been expected. „Under all the circumstances we The News) recognise that Washington has offered terms which it is difficult for Canada to reject." And n tw the News is screaming itself black in the fare because it is be- ing token se it, own word. The Oraage Judd North-West Farm- stead, a United States journal, declares that the reciprocity agreement is jug- hanlled. "It gives Canada the jag sad leaves Uncle Sam only a small bit of the handle." . CANADA'S NATIONAL INTEGRITY IS SECURE REV. ANDREW MELDRUM, A GODERICH "OLD BOY" OF WHOM WE ARE ALL PROUD, WRITES THE SIGNAL REGARD- ING THE ANNEXATION CRY. In a recent note to Rev. Andrew Meldrum, D. D., of Cleveland. the editor of The Signal mentioned the try of "annexation" which is being used by the opponeota of reciprocity with the United States. The following letter is in reply : THE OLD STONE CHURCH, CLEVELAND, OHIO. September 11th, 1911. To the Editor of The SPiIg�n�al. (ioderiett, fent MY Dana SIR, -Replying to your fnvor of th.. Stb inst. let me say with empba•is that any fear on the part of Canadians that the adop- tion of freer trade between l'auada and the United States may lead to the annexation of Canada by the United States is s fear that, in my judgment. is utterly groundiese I have beena resident of this Re- public for now well nigh thirty years, and hare had ample opportun- ity for learning the eentimente of Americans in All walks and stations of life. and this i unhesitatingly aver -annexation is not even dreamed of se a remote possibility. Never was a statement farther from the truth than that recently made try a Caaadian member of Parliament, now opposing Reciprocity. when be said. "Every intens gent Amorists cherishes the hope that Canada will some day be part of the United States." The very opposite is the truth. No intelli- gent Americas desires or hopes or dreams anything of the kind. if l'anedians thlok that Reciprocity will be to the commercial disadvan- tage of the I)ominion. let them vote against it on that ground. As to the intrinsic merits of the proposed agreement• i here nothing to AA) : hut to oppose the agre"stent from fear of it. leading to annexa- tion i• to betray an absolute mierenc•ption of the attitude of the Repuhlic toward the Doadnion. With eiery passing year a deeper respect is rberishr.i by every intelligent American" for the splendid and rapidly developing Doleioine across the Noreen' Iteeeprorit7 or no It.clprocity. ('aneda'a national integrity is we - ire Fear of ulti- mat• anoeEstioe on the part of t aoerliaas is unintelligent and grnt.ndlr. e T. reels the obscure is terrible i ttaginatioe frame events unknow• In wild fantastic shapes of hideous rata. And what if fears, epont.a." R'itb eelsmindad •R•e•toe for pis tb. boom of ley rasa. I r. -naafi bibecerele a K W :I,DNUM ELECTORS, BE WARNED 1 The electors ars warmed to be es to Mokout for pumas gena( apart the oesetry repr•sMttar themselves as agents, paddlers, product -INTIM, .Sc, who are is reality the hired mat of the trusts which am trying In defeat Red- precity. Thom w base pee stsr- ien of what will happen if ltadprecity car- ries. Electors. ws your owe jedgewast. and do not be persuaded to vote against your own interests. EDITORIAL NOTES. H -E -C -1 -P -R -O -C -1 -T -Y means an ad- dition of 11,000 to the value of every hundred -acre tarot in Huron. Mr. Farmer, -Will getting 30c a bushel more for your barley snake you disloyal ? Reciprocity will add from $200 to $400 to the returns from • hundred - acre farm. The trusts are fighting hard to de- feat reciprocity. Are you going to help them ? Doesn't N. 0. Cameron deserve a vote of thanks from the people of Goderich for his good work toe this t own ? The only way for the el actors to make were of getting reciprocity M to vote for the reciprocity cand'tdates- M. G. Cameros in West Huron, M. Y. McLean in South Huron, Arch. His. lop in Bast Heron. The Ter.tnto News has a despatch from Winghern which says: 'The Literal forma in Huron have re•lei,vei a staggering Now through the defec- tion of John Ran -ford." Possibly the other instances which The News re- lates of "Liberals" leaving their party are just as reliable and accurate MS this one of John Ran+ford. who is about a. rabid a Tory as you could find in the county. it is great ;to see the way the anti. reciprocity press is knocking the pro- tection policy by telling of the hard times and leek of employment in the States. If Mr. Horden were to suc- ceed in his election we should have a duplication of the same conditions in Canada. The eleston will maintain Sir Wilfrid [eerier in pcwer and pre- serve the prosperity which has always !leen associated with his regime. The Toronto Yelper 13. S. Willison editor in chief) -ay, that the artisan population of Canada takes 90 per cent. of the yield df Canadian farms. The Yelper lies. Carsda exports 25 per cent. of her farm products. Of the re- maining 75 per cent. at least one -ball is consumed on the farms. leaving less than 40 per cent. sold in what is called the home markeL" But The Yelper is too desperate in its tight for the trusts and Mergers to get anywhere near the truth. The Boston News Bureau, a fore- most American financial authority, says : "The number of unemployed lien in the United States at present is estimated at 2.500,000." Do Canadian workingmen want reciprocity on to to News. Reciprocity has nothing to do with the number of unemp'oyed men in the L'nited States ; but if it is defeated and the Bordenitee come into power we may have in Caned, a repetition of the carni. el of high protection which has resulted so disastrously in the United Staten. The Collingwood Bulletin says that stories are being poured into the ears of the fishermen up there that reciprocity u ill permit the United States fisherm,a to flab in Canadian waters. There is. of course. not an atom of truth in these yarns. United States fivherwen are given ab- solutely oo privilege by the recipro- city agreement eecept that of sharing the markets of the continent with Ca- nadian fishermen. As theflsbermen of Ooderich ship largely to Buffalo, even against the duty, the advantage is alt on their side. They get their fish in- to the Buffalo market on the same terms as the Yankee fishermen. A nice "patriotic" game The Toronto News ie playtng. The farm journals of the L'nited States are bitterly op. posed to reciprocity, knowing that it will allow the farmers of Canada to share in the great market which hith- erto has been kept exclusively for their own farmers. It is not strange, there - lore, that these anti -reciprocity Jour- nals is the States. ie order to des - credit reciprocity in ('anada, should try- to couple it with annexation, knowing bow unpopular any sugges- tion of annexation is in this country, and trusting to papers Tike The Ter- mite ormite News, in the employ elf the trusts, to copy their remarks and cir- culate them among Canadian electors. So The New., bent upon doing any- thing that will help to deprive the farm- ers of Canada mf the opportunity now open to them. quotes es follows : The Philadelphia Farm Journal for September earns "aeras made between the two countries wilt eventually fed• lose the .nactleeet of the present measure and that will mean. ultim- ately. pmeeful anaetatloa. There 1. no doubt shout that. Not. of ertnrse, in this ges.ratfns, but it will surely tome dna Tater one.' The New* knowa that the talk of •n- reesatlets is parr buaesob.. but ie Ite dessert is eammaiga ler the Ovate end the aninh nes IS le may to Iota with the missile. of Manila in '- dtt.mpe to &Mew• re ipr •e't y . A ole.. para i die' game. ashes we gay. TO NTU ONT.. 4. rsetarulasd as •'LLa- ada's -Gass Commerotal Reboot" The is abroletaty Acatclars, Write today liar aur catalogue. Rotor new. ST'RATFORD. ONT. Our regbr1awtloe greatly •sosedsthat p.„ pteri•e• years. why Vsr .thee( le the boot of its kind in rte Wait; bees 40 errorslo Oven, beet in Nether. • ppi1tpy�d and bast ioarcenting greateates . peiLions. Our Rasa..&« are in aa.aaa. isda.M aupm.u� ethat &bey .etame days we Mak w bei to t• tae ves tar hap winch we omit mot .e • bare Woe dapartMs.taat-Olawent.rolal, 8bortliaad end tres cat t toll part 00110.8 ostCooaraaoo. roar oos'sr at ones. 0 A. MaLacarse, Principal or The Central Business College of Toronto invites you to write for a copy of Its curriculum it you are in any way interested in a training which will lead you into a good business appoint- ment ata good salary. The Fall Term opens on August 28th. Address W. 13. Shawl President, Y o n g e and Gerrard Sts., Toronto, and mention this paper. WANTED -- CREAM Farmers or dairymen who brave no good 1uca1 market should write today for quotation card from the SARNIA CREAMERY Co. We pay mouton mica,. We pay HARD CASH. and we remit AFTER SACH SHIPMENT. You ran deliver your cream to YOUR NEAR - ion. railway station. A trial ship- ment will convince you that there is good money lo shipping crease to Sarnia, We furoish beet hank references. Write for quotation card. Sarnia Creamery Co. SARNIA, ONT. Y. ILO. A LONDON. O BUSINESS and SHORTHAND SUBJECT'S. Reglatered last season upward, of 300 steams and placed every graduate. Seven specially nddequalified hundred and fifty Local= firma empisy ear trained help. College in *melee frac hepta 5 to June 30. Enter any time. Catalase year.. Forest CityCdiege J. W. WeanitvELT. JR. J. W. WesTnevELT, Chaffered Aorsointsat Viol Prhulleal If� estasseesiesesoseasesewesesepeweaseseV YOl' WILL WANT THAT NEW SUMMER SUIT made in the very latest style and from tbe hest quality of goods. You are assured of the hest of satisfaction at IHUGII DUNLOP'S WEST grater The up-todete Tailor W Wa/Nbq^ What About That Leaky Roof of Yours Better have it replaced with a new one, See W. R. Pinder, Hamilton street, for the right kind at the right price. Sole afoot for Brantford Roofing Always a full staek of Roofing on band. which enables us to give pt ^tee work is this Use. ntAoe to all Alan we make a 'specialty of PLUMBING, HEATING ELECTRIC WIRING W. R. Pinder Phot. lad HAMILTON teTRRRT emeessesseseeteseeoweseeweiseweemese W. AONSSON di SON Extraordinary Offerings in Table Linens The greatest values we ever offered are contained in this Linen sale. The lot is a consignment sold at 35 per cent. discount owing to business difficulties of an importer. 100 Tablecloths. warranted all pure linen, beautiful pat- terns, slam 2 z Be yards, regular price UK at each . 181.00 50 Tabiecloths, 2 x'L1y7ards, fins heavy damask, purest linen, repulse $21.31. for 1 411/1 80 doses Hack Towel.. pus's linen, hemmed, eisno'sEll inches. regular value eiz for 11.60. Sale at • .15 10 piens, 73 mobsll wide.. double demea.. T1aMe exquisite patterns. regular ELS and *2.9II tit pee �20 New Dress Goods Black Velutina. a velvet, 24incase wide. withallappeaa- enoes of a silk, sold at 18.00 per yard, wear guarais- teed, per yard .1.00 Dress Silks, black butchers pailette. 30 inches wide. per- manent dye and lustrous finish. at per yard 00e and 01.00 Ladies' Coats New effecta, new military and cwt styles, in tweeds and heavers, very swell garments, et 67.20, 510.00, 012.50 and 515.00 Floor Rugs Our stock has been replenished lately from Glasgow -a de- layed shipment -sow at special prices. Wiltoos, 9 x 9 het, usually $16.00 for 1111.00 Witton,, 91 x 18 hat. , y y.00 0for 1Vilkcws, 1()i x 12 feet, sous!! 690.00 for. Linoleum, and Oilcloths, 2, 21. Sand 4 yards wt at per square yard. *Oa. 300, 406. 45e W. ACHESON a SON f klarmentsi trade BY US are the product of careful study and experience . . . .'Phone 180 MARTIN BROS. J Tailors Fall Millinery MI88 CAMERON wishes to announce that the dates of her Fall Millinery Opening have lees set for nett Saturday, and Hominy' of the following week, SEPTEMBER 10TH AND IYTuu. The ladies of Godericb and vicinity ar•eandially invited to visit her showrooms and inspect her dis- play of the latest styles in vogue for the coining season Miss Cameron Hamilton Street - - - - Godsrieh Bargciq Offer The Signal front now to Jannary 1st, 1912, to new subscribers 25c only vnim SCHOOL SHOES THE TiME has rime again to get your boys and girls prepared to start the fall term at whool. They will require to have a good serviceable, solid leather pair of Shoes ; the kind that will stead the twat in any weather we are likely to have at this season. To get that kind. at the lowest possible prises. come aad see what we have to offer. We have been very careful in selecting our stock of School Shoes. and ars prepared to supply roe with the beet that ear be procured from the leading manufacturer*. REPAIRING Downin & McVicar (� North Side of 'tl•leri0h AlieWinewsimasswieZ sismememeaMlimar