The Signal, 1911-9-14, Page 1perhaps U•apnpISkn wy,u are d (.g h acrd p r Pptl.ey do nit. A .tn•dlrrg adveriisentsn inThe Masai will keep your mum constaotli befbre t b e public dial if THIRD Yitaa-Na s s GODERICAI ON'1'ARI0a CANADA : SEPTEMBiR. 14 1911 ual. 1/4 For the Balance of the year The Signe! will; :he arm. to new subset it - era for only 25c THE SIGNAL PBThVNO 00.. Ltd.. PCe.IWW11/04 GROWTH of this Bank is a signiflcaut indication of the excellent tanking service given to its many customer,. Interest allowed at highest, current rates on tet oils of 51.00 and upward., in our SAVINGS DRPA RTM ENT. GODERICH BRANCH B. WALKER Mgr. GIINDRY'S Livery, Cab and 'Bus Stable THE RED BARN South Street. Godericb All our Riyls are New. 'flumes meet all Trains and Steamers. !'articular attenUon given to calls tram private rest enoee 'Phone No. 50. 0ODERICH MARKETS. rename,. 4epi. lith Fall wheat, pre bora W 71 to 0 n el When. per boss... fe to s0 �. w •este 0 IP per leak 0 20 to 033 •31ta 0 11 •la to eel •36 to •05 Ie le D3 10 00 3 06 to i 75 Flet:p0- •� �•r cwt 2 IS to 3 el , raw 25 1100 w 225 0 15 000 �a sea sew I1 t0 to L* 11u - •w.. ear 1•at s 00 t 00 o ', id 017 to 0.'n 015 to OM swiss 3 so to 0 1 Ger bushel.. 75 to I00 le good, par cert. 100 to . 0.1 Ozer cwt 630 to 3 73 00 to i 00 1 30 to in 4 .10 to 4 3e ' Ourq ai to 05 assess,Met ,roto j silt 25 t Shei and felts ..... .... •. 13 too n Si ' 30 lerPfir bre ami Bartel Ire bulk SITUATIONS VACANT. tifti ANTED. - GENERAL HOUFE- MAID. to go to Toronto Ana tet (iotober Apple etonce toMRs. KNIGHT. at Mn. H. Mertin's, Newgate street, 0odei lob. GO01) GENERAL P U R PO f3 E horse for isle. Apply to JOHNMoSH1N m - NON, Hampton street. , Remember the dates of Huron s Greatest Fair at Godericb. September 1S, 19 tied 20. Get your entries in early a nd be there yourself to see the sights. Lambs WEST HURON LIBERAL MEETINGA Meetings of West Huron electors in the interest of the Liberal candidate for the discussion of RECIPROCITY and ot her W bjecta will be held as follows : ST. HELENS.. ... Friday, September 15 ST. AUGUSTINE ... S.turday, September 16 PORTER'S HiLL Mattrrday, September Id GODERIUH (Opera House , .. ..... Monday, September 112 KINTAIL Tuesday, September 19 All meetings to commence at 8 o'clock. Everybody welcome God Save the King GODERLCH INDUSTRIALEXHIBITION MONDAY - TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY September Pith, 1 Ath and 20th ATTRACTIONS Ernesto Misters. Marionette Circus. Tug -of -War each day. The Aerial Carpenters, Burlesque Animal Show. Art Bonin. Clown Juggler. Troup of Scotch and Irish Dancer. Fast. exciting, honest racing. speed and sport assured by the purees offered and the entries made. Eskimo Yummy. John'.Olass Blowers. Donkey -Riding (Dirndl, Freak Colt, threelegged, Wells Bros. Wild West Show. Bobby Leach, the rooqueror of Niagara Palle. A complete Midway le promiaert Get a prise lief from the a.creterv, F E. Rin Arrange your sffair. to attend this Fair. Ke- dverd ratter no both railways. •I R.. CLARK F. E. BINGHAM. PRESIDENT sat1RR'rARN • WANTED AT ONCE.-' HREETIN- CYITH - good wage„ and-twdy,rrw..rk m to right en. THE ORILLIA HARDWARE CO__•. r,-• • WANTED. -A CAPABLE GIRLI Oat forreoeral housework. Apply to NRS. WM. COATS, Nelson street. DOYS.- A GOOD OPPORTUNITY �J to learn a dr.t-clan trade. Apply at C10 - AL OFFIt'F_ WANTED. -AT ONCE, A LIVE' rtpre.entative for (lode' ich and d'etrict. 1 A permanent position with liberal induce- ment" forum right party. oTONE C W Kir' LiNOTON. Nurse yawn. Toronto. 03.21 UTANTED.-A CAPABLE MAID, for farm of two. apply to Mite. W. Y. HAYDEN. Elfin avenue. REPRESENTATIVE WANTED AT once for work in your locality; [9111 guarantee fate W Etta per day. Opportunity to advance rapidkly.Wdl pa, liberally for PUBLIC NOTICE VOTERS' LIST. 1911. Mt'NICIPALiTT OF THR TOWN?A1P OF COLNtrttNi, HURON C04).TY. Notice M hereby 'hen that 1 have tram - milted Or delivered . the penuona mwlUontd in sections 5 and 0 of the Voters i Lt+t .tut the eopiee required by the -:.id sections tr Ire sur transmitted or delivered of the list [uede pur- Puanl to .aid set or all persons appearing by the la,t tevlwd sass..mtut roll of the sa14 munietpality to be notated to vete in the rail unimelpelityat election., for members of the 1egWatha Assembly and at the muuiclp.1 and that the wid•list was first posed 111 omaatCarlow on the :rad dap tet her, 1811, std rerualns [hero for Itspe- r. are celled upon to examine the Paid lia•.and if any emls,ton- or any oche: erro.s ate iweart timda to take itutooltate proceed - Wham fM raid errors oorreeted according to W. F. W. MCDONA'H. September 5. 181E Township Clerk. TENDE1rra WANTED. Spero Hine. or t cut. Experience ' not required. INTERNA II•.NAL BIBLE 'PRESS. Torouto, Ont. FOR SALE OB TO BENT VOR SALE. -TBE HOUSE, WITH twe 1.1.. on Elgin avenue. near the Huron road. onoopted by the under-:med. Frame story -and -a -half hoose, ten room., lately mod- ernised and titled with electric light. nater service. etc. '1 heir, ill a good cellar. barn on the premfee+. L1.0 a number of good fruit trees. Ceavaalwlt lo. etlon. For term.. etc.. apply to MIR3 ELIZABETH BARRY. Menu avenue. FARMM FUR S.LE.-ON,E HUN - WIRD acres on the 7th coni*wdoa and ratty acres opposite as the 0th concerto n of Col- borne. Will be sold iep•rately or [anther. On the hundred agree is a story -sod -a -Mit brick house. suite brick kitchen attached. a good bank bar... nearly new. our] lane thee. Beth farmo are well Moved and are in *Mi- ele. order. Hundred acres all seeded down except ten acre -e. Well watered by spring creek ; good spring well at barn. Eight miles from Godesiob; three miles from Auburn ; two and ane -half mile from ][thaw C. P. R. eta - [Sen. one of the *newt farm homes ie the township. For terms apply to ANDREW JOHNSTON, Carlow P. O. wti FARM FOR SALE':. -1113* ACRES at good land. u• lot l'.. Maitland cones. ,.on. township of Colborne. all dear except ten acres which is hard wood. There is a Rood-' .toed orchard ; the building. con-i,t of a large Lwe-..tory cottage boles. with bank gni and ontbuddtngs, •l1 In tats state of roam ; con- venient teebureh and school. Tbig property belong- to Rev. A. K. Alibi. of 8a-ketebewan. who will depute of it on easy teems. For Ontarb. Loyal p•etroularsapply to J. P. .INFIELD. RI -w rj OR SALE. -THAT FINE RESi- L Mintier property at the corner of ('ameeoo and Raglan arena, formerly known art the A. McD. Allan property, ls for nate. It matelot, eight town Iota. planted with the choicest fruit's of all au.da. There are two brick house.. each of two 'tortes.. one built only last year. and the other in *r.L-dam. repair Both ase s have modern convenience.. and alto getaer the.. propertyi. one of the able in Ooderich. m Will be x01.1 on terms. Apply to P. J. RYAN, God wsl TWO GOOD FARMS FOR ALE. - Clem to the town of Ooderich. The land I. *ret-cLwt, orchard oo both place-. easy terms. Buy now. Land le going up. a1 -o for eaagood building lot, 42 feet frontage, on t f South Wrest apart of the Wat.en property'. Apply to THOS. UU V DRY. FARM TO RENTOR FOR SALE.- Ote hundred acre. of good land. being south half of lot 13. conce.siou 4, West Wawa- aosb, nearly Minn •good .tate of culUva•ion nd nearly all seeded down. Building- in Inde brick house, levee barnshed. etc. FSpring creek r u nit through property. arm is within half • mile of the thriving Ogee'schools and a.ofDungannon anP convenient to Doetoffor. On the place is • good gravel pit. which of late years has averaged over $Ali a year : also six acre. of awed hardwood bush. F o r further in- fermatlao particulars regarding terms. eta apply to MISS E. B. MILLIGAN. Dumbinnee LANDS FOR SALE FOR TAXES. Notice Is hereby given that the list of lands for fele for amens of taxes he been prepared. that it embraces lou in the villages of Blyth, Hannah and St. Joseph that mole- thereof may be had at this dine, that the lint to being ppuub�ll.brd in the Ontario Gazette of August MA, Sept. I,9, and 10. 1911. And that in de- fault of the payment of the taxa. and co -to the land will be sold by public auction at the Court house. in the town of Ooderich, on Tne' day, the fifth day of December. 1911. at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. W M. 110L31 F.H. Treasurer. County Treasurer'. Office, Goderlch, Sept. 41 h. 67-41 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS. 129 THE ESTATE OF CHARLES YOUNG. DECEASED. Notice Is hereby given that all persons has 1n( claims against Charles Young. late of Oeierfeh, Ontario, mired farmer, deceased wbe died on the 31st day et August, 1911, are reptred on or before the lath day of Septem- ber, O11, to send by poet prepaid or deliver to elle nederslgned. wlicltor,. for .aid estate. fall bo Hadar'. in writing of their claims end of {�(y Hams. told by them ; end that mlRrs.s0Y��Y.it�mWill procedate Leed to db,trthutecethe of tM . having among the the el es- thm••w trv/ng rog.rd only w the dwim+ Wry Mall then have bad notice. and User niid execotore will not hot flab:. for the amid amen Or any pert thereof to any eeraM Ili whom Malmo they shall not have gym Woeful notion. iptom DaOmd till d her. A. D. 1911 PROUDFOnT. HAYS a Eii.WRAN. Solicitors for the acid Eget-eters. froderioh. Ont. 117-31 NOTIE TOCREDITORS. 1NTgg5[ATI_BD YN P. LATEUFsHzTO N FoDC INTuCoVNTT OF �U DECL1MID. Y irereygives gm0r�a� t to R S. O. MI wets ee bed others Ole abate of the sold ea about w sirlig C0 M�Mres�i�a,salsa -heweeM ZS11440=Tertosed thattabe e bare thethe sm. lib 1er or why �1 1e rosy }ewe epi ppmsem sf halien VrIMw mMem ember iMg sat Mee bowl rerhee 7OnN weft Yoewwef(re .0010 0; N eegw.t, MI. S. s ` = 4r oke tistygme h AI1- CONTRA(' T. Sealed ten ler. addre+,ed to the Postmaster General win be mini ,..1X1 at tnt..r.a moll noon. ou Friday, the Ugh oft blob -r. rn 1, for the con- veyance of Hf. MOO Qy. emit-. ou a prrpesed 000tra.t for four Tema ale times par week each way. between Andorra, and Guderieh, and round trip. between .'pnberley and Kincardine .Rural Mail Dellve y1 nuw the Po-te-a.ten Gen. eral'., pleasure. t' Printed notices containing further informs Um as to condition+of propowd contract may be seen and blank iorms of tender may be obtained at the Pettostce- of Amber (lode - rich, Kincardine sad route einem and at the oMm of the Poetedle. Inspector at. un. Poatomce Department. 1 31101 Service Broome.. •0. r'. ANDERSON, 229 Ottaw n.th August. C+11. f re perinteodent. tr-t. SEALED TENDERS ADDRESSED W tbe undersigeed and endowed "Tender for Armoury, Sarnia, Out,' will be received et this adios until 4 P in.. on Wednsadap, Sep- tember Si. 1.11. for i be work as ntfebed Plan.. specification and form of osatdact can be seen and forma of tender obtelned ou appli- cation at the aloe of Mr. Tb. a A. Ranting., l'lerk et Works. Postal titaUon F, Yonge O Street, Toronto. nt , rat the Poetoflere:. Sarnia, Ont., aid at this Department. - Petson• tendering are notified that tenders will not be .-onsldered ante. • ade no the ig printed forms supplied. and s'msed with their actual .ignatnre.. stating their eecupaUone and places of residence. 1n the ease of firms, the actual.ignat.uee the natures( the Menne- Don and place of enoe of earl member of the firm rout be Erich tender must be aooempanie.t by an ac- cepted cheque on a Mortared bank, payable to rhe order of the Hononratee n he Mini • ter of Public Works. eeteal to ten ter rent. el^ p. 0.1 of the amount of the tender. which will be for- feited if the person teudenng decline to enter Into a oontract when called upon to do no, or tail to complete the work contracted for. 11 the tender be not accepted the cheque will be returned. The l epertment does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender. By ardor H. C DESROCHEk9. Secretory. Departmer.t of Public Work., Ottawa. Ammon 1911. \ewsp•pera will not be pai t nor obi. adver Bennett if they insert It without auth .rlty from the Departinew. 67 21. ``EALED TENi)ERS. ADDRESSED es to the uoder..gn-d. and endow`ed -Tender for Public Roilding. t'beeley Lint..will be re- ceived at We once until I+i1 t. m.. Wednee- dy. September 2a 1911. ter the work men- tioned. Plans.-peclficatton and form of contract can be seen and forms of tender obtained on apptl- cali .n et the office of Mr. The. .A. Hastings. ( 1.rk of Work-. Postal Station F. Yooge Street. Toronto, • int.. at the Po•t Ofllce• ('her- by. Ono, at the once of Foster & ('lark. Deportment. Owen .*,und. Out.. and at tela Depot m ent. Pennine tendering are notified that tenders will not be 000sidered unlearn made on the printed forme supplied. and ..lgoed with their actuvl signatures, stating their oc,upw tion. and place of residence. In the case of firma the actual 'signature. the nature of the 000upa- t.ion. and place of residence of each member of the firm moat be given. Each tender must be aeromp+nied by aa excepted cheque on aebatteeed sunk. payable to the order of the Honourable the Minister et Public Werke, egnal to ten per cent. 110 p. the amount of the tender, which will he MF felted if the person tenderlag decilne te enter into • contract when called 'Irmo to do so, or fail to complete the work contracted for. 1f the tender be not accepted the cheque will be returned. The Department does not bind iteent0 accept the aowee or ray tender. R P. C. DESROCHF.RB. Secretary. Department of Public Work., Ottawa..a ugust 31. 1811. Newspaper" willnot M paid for this adver tIPement If they insert 1 without autbester tram the Defer( ment. 00.00 DOMINI 1N ELECTION, 1911. WEST RIDING OF HURON. NoTter is hereby given pursuant to The Dominion ElectWins Act that Ma1- rolm Graeme Cameron, a candidate at the election now about to be beta. bas appointed a, his official agent Charles Darrow'. of the town of (Iod.rich, bar - t ieter-at-law. Dated this 14th day of September, 1911. JOH N W Y BO, Retro rn I ng Officer. AM•S1As of Weakness and Debility. win, are run down or weak ems Est strong until the vital (Ir - pas gni the nervous system are re- wired to proper activity. Our Mac- Leod • System Renovator is a nerve hood and etimulsnt. it bonds up the nervone ayst.n• nod also prengsebs digestion and the tot motile of healthy bka.d I t heaps alma. fora the first and all ?ski is permailetetu rr• easto the system 11 tsotse11 Mitt We guarantee it. One Alar bottle. Manufactured by MaoLerwl Medlein. Co., Oodsieb, Ont For els by E It. Wigle, druggist. V TE FOR CAMERON AND RECIPROCITY Polling Day- Thursday, September zrac THE GODERICH TOWNSHIP THE NOMINATIONS. DECLARATIONS. 1� j�j� j,J 1r. Lewis trice to slake ireople be- lieve that there ie something wrong about those declarations of Messrs. Elliott and Graham which appeared in The Signal last week. He talks all 'around the auhject, but he dues not produce any d.'clar.tiun from either of the gentlemen stating that, what appeared in the Signal, over their own name's. was in the slightest degree in- corl•ect. '!'hese gentlemen signed the statements themselves, and it does not make the sliebteet difference what they did or did not tell Mr. Dancey. The Signal makes no retraction. The speeding contests at the Gode- rich fair next week will be into resting and exciting events. Be there to cheer your favorite to victory. Magic C°rn Cure, when applied to the corn, dries and forms a medicated protective coating while loosening- the hardeuad tissue be that it can be re- moved easily after a few applications. E. R. Wigle, druggi.t, bells Magic Coro Cure. ASTRAY LTRAYIUD FliOM THE PREMISES, 1.7 Lake chore road. Colborne township a Hereford yearling steer. Any information leading to Its recovery will be thankfully re- ceived by the owner, b:. V. LAWSON. `TRAYED. - A BLACK MARE, AJ two white feet behind, white star on fore- head. Anyone reeding information to John Simpson, dhoppper�rddtoi,, will be rewarded. CHARLES NOHBS. - - WANTED. WANTED. -IN EARLY PART OF October, about three rooms, unfurnished. centrally to a.ed, for light, hoe araphias. or a wn•11 oottage. Apply BOX 70, Signal Odlce. WANTED. -OLD BOOKS, T paper., tuape, pictures or any documents ▪ ng to/,he early history of Canada er the United State... Also old firearm[, s oorda. Io- diad weapon. tools, pottery -almost anything rebating to the early settle/it Let u+ know what you have to sell and the prices. 1-E OLDE CUit1OMI l Y SHOP, Hamilton street. Gode- ric h. Oot. (P. O. Box 71.) AU(•TION SALra. AUCTION SALE Or A (*0(13 FARIS DI THE TO.VN 4HIP OF 001400RN E. Mr. John Pallidity will offer for sale by pub- lle auction at the Colborne hotel, in the town of Ooderich. on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 31)rn. at 12 o'clock noon. his farm of 1424 acres on the 3rd concession of the township of Colborne. F D. On the promisee there IP a good substantial stone hoose in good rr. with a frame kit- chen and woodahed. There I. a good ?innate In the hones. and then ie good spring water at both house and barn fnrntebed by hydraulic fore.. The barn hi 10200 feet. with atone stab- ling. There to ten acmes of fall wheat .own. 1311 acres, of the farm 1e In • first-class @tate of cultivation. Over 1011 young tree just coming in to bear, betide a quantity of small Trott. There in fifteen acre of cedar and hardwood bush. The fence are good. The property U one mile from church and school, three miles from Auburn p04000oe, two nod a -half miles fro.n C. P. H. station, four and a -half tulles ftpmrLoedeeboro', eight mites from ('limon. Teme : Ten per cent of the poi theme money to be paid at Ume of rale, the balance within thirty dam ; or a portion of the purehame money mayremain oo •ge at a rea..on- able rate ointerest Po' ,e ..ion at any time after let of next November. JOHN HALLIDAY, THOS. GUNDRY. Proprietor. Auctioneer. FOR SAIG.E. AUNCH FOR SALE.-TWEIVTY- JJ FOUR feet logit, six-foot beam. throe fest drag Excellent sea best. twine guaranteed is be in fire Clew condition- -sum good as[yew • hall perfectly watertight. Can be plumaged for about one-third original cost If taken be fore ..he U laid up for the winter. I'etrronstrn- ncltny atime. H. TURNER, SIGNAL OF. net. SALE. - ORGAN. PIANO ane. nearly new. will sell cheap. Doable bedstead • tew odd thing.. Apply THE SiGNAL OFFICE. WOOD FOR SALIC.-WE HAVE for rale • quantity of geed mood dry hardwood at t•e•sonahle prices In sixteen -inch ober, length. to the oordl and font -foot Snit h•. t ould supply a few load. Out to order to a few days notice. Thole nearly all maple. Ba your wood from . you save the midn121141121141 middlemen'. profit.. We heve fres 'phone con- nection with Ooderieh. For Iwioea write or 'phone WM. Hi LT, t RON, P.enmlller. Phone on 54.2, •ei-4t O O11 --lO' AURF.S SiX MILES 030901/us from Woodetoc0, on gond e rwvel road. con%enlent to churchschool and h.-vs./factory,excellent for dairy or mixed far tnlng. Adress BOX Na, Woo stock. Ont. PUBLIC NOTICE. NOTICE TO CONTRAOPORs. Sealed tendert will be crested by the br.der • q aa_�qq 1 Ste ember ik0. tRse Meorsm on of Vitt sarwwl tefM la a M n 10. 'l�meN tW! lgear0lrrh~•fM urs etewnt In the N tate, plan. end rtMJkt. ealeeyf _ ISa1 he seen et -rvww�u�l1 Wane Leese it *Mr taww.e mot nemearlly e Wit • W. S. TURNBULL M. D.. Ooderlch. TEN rWILLL d BEtLtREC�trEEIVED Mb Ws of Yeses *x lir Ne. oato`v c. the Absotem 'MR '�� a,tSersterrts t woe on miwpssltgteFlw goy reeler not teems sed grantee =sat PIbl7DTOOT. Rays t LILUHlAN Dated Sept. ob. Mlt.Emrrlstera ler . t ha'et'ea CAMERON AND LEWIS OFFICIALLY ENTERED IN ELECTION RACE. The nomination meeting for West Hurn was held in the A 1Wta1 Hall. Duogannon, this (TbursdayI afternoon. J. W. Yeo, returning officer, received the following nomioa- tiona : Valcolm Graeme Cameron, of the town of Goiterieh. barrister at law. Edward Norman Lewis, of the town of Goderich, barrister at law. Chas. Gerrow, of Godericb, was named as Mr. Cameron's financial agent, apd Oliver Johnston, of Clin- ton, acts in *similar capacity for Mr. Wm. Bailie was elected chairman for the meeting which followed the nominations. Jlr. Lewis was the first mpeaker. He said he had contended that the questiou . of reciprocity should have been submitted tq the people in the form of a referendum, instead of its being made the occasion of t► Parlia- mentary election. Some people eoo- sidered that he had not come out strong enough on reciprocity in his election circular. He did not know what he would have done ten years ago, but now he was absolutely op- posed to reciprocity, and was con- firmed oo-firmed in his opinion more strongly every day. Mr. Lewis then read "ob- ject lessons" as Contained in his later election address. including the letter from the Western Canada Flour Mille Co. Referring to the declarati-ins of Messrs. Elliott and Graham. of Gode- rich township, as published in rite Signal last week. Mr. Lew*. bad a. declaration made by Mr. Elliott in Clintradiegliptiniabe bad nut told Mr. Dancey MINIM things. ln(regerd to the other, Mr. Lewis said bs would accept any statement of Yr. Graham. but would not take it from Mr. Dan- ce Mr. Lewis went bast to the recipro- city question. and gave it as his opin- ion that the agreement could n sr he annulled by Canada. hacking this up by, a quotation. from Sir Wilfrid Laurier's address to the delegation of fruit men. He contended that the market for our horses was in Western Canada. He admitted that years ago some of the leading men of Canada had favored a reciproeal agreement with the States. hut Canada bad got along all right without it and did not now need it. Mr. Cameron followed end pluoged at once into the reciprocity question. The production of Lille country waw only in ita infancy, he said, quot- ing the statement of Sir «'i*liaam Whyte that in 1910 the area of lands sold in Sa.katebewan wee equal only to the road allowance of the Province. isn't it a better thing. he asked, to have three markets instead of two? There would be the home uterket, the British market and the United States market. If a man had an ar- ticle for sale, was it not Netter to have ten bidders rather than one only ? For fifty years attempts had been trade by Canadians of both political parties to 'recur. a renewal of the old reciprocity treaty. During the whole period of his political existence Sir John Mac- donald had made this endeavor. and until the introduction of the agree- ment in the House of Commons by Mr. Fielding it was not a party ques- tion. "Times have changed," but how? 1f the United States market was de- sirable when Canada's production was snail, how much more desirable now when production bad vastly increased. If a Conservative Government bad been in power it would have taken exactly the same stand as the Laurier Gnrot ha. done. Nver. Oanmemeron urged his hearers to use their own judgment ae to whether the agreement was a good thing or not -not to mind what others 'aid about it, The old trick was being tried of dividing the farmers on party lines, while the people who believe'] their interest' were being imperilled would all vote one way and carry the day. Woukl the farmers allow them to do ib ? Of aisnmrse the Western (',(nada Flour Mills ('n. were eppn..d to him - they were in a clam late the pork packers, the class e'f middlemen wbo were robbing both the produeeer and the .Aneun,•r. They were selling flour to the coosuesere is Britain cheaper than to the Canadian con- eomelr., and they were afraid that un - dei reciproeiLy they would not be aisle to keep eselw.ive cootrnl of the mar- ket here and compel the people of this eo.ntry to pay evosesive priers for their bread. Tb.y were now pay- ing dividend+ lit 18 to t2 per cent. noel a bonus besides. "1 am not efraid of such oppoert ioo," declared Mr. (:ernes, The Weeders Canada people wen.. bis ♦sup in within the taw. lest wot� go psus e. then aeinoldwe b ♦res. These awk ward peedie� se � so their wager tee lbs ON e/ the naeh.+ ani {bye mpg t h.ilt1 firing 10... wen's [slid of _ etnff to my . "Ws RIM yon good value for vont pay. ietst we set esti to yon our 000eeiwelp Take ewe mosey. bake your pavilion, willlivelihtaoodke our chanceewhere.". of securing ,t Mr. Cameron showed from the cor- respondence between the representa- tives of the United States and Canads, respectively. that the recipmocity agreement could be cancelled at any time by either country. and urged that it he given a trial at least, Ibis was the only opportunity the Cana- dian people would have of getting what they bad been looking tor; if the offer now made were rejected it would not be repeated for a lifetime. R. 0. Harvey, of Vaughan town- ship, spore in behalf of Mr. Lewis. He said be was a farmer and just wanted a chance to talk to the farmers. He ridiculed the idea that the United States would take our wheat and pointed to Great Britain a9 our true market. The old reciprocity days, be said, were prosperous in Canals be- cause of the Crimean war and the American revolutionary war. Sir Wilfrid Laurier was quoted as thank- ing heaven that the days were over when Canada wanted reciprocity. The agreement would let down the bars to the twelve 'favored nasions" who in the past six,years had *hipped into Canada goods to' the average amount of eve and a half millions s year. Yr. Harvey claimed that the Canes dlan nsarket would be flooded with cold storage eggs from the United States The apple industry, he claimed, should he protected : Canada could not compete with apples frotn the United States. In regard Lo horses, the Western market, for the next fifty years would be the greatest in the world. On the barley question, the Dingley tariff had shown a better way of using our barley, namely, for feeding purposes. As for hogs, they had mem by the thousands In the States ready to swamp the Canadian market. and Canadian farmers would get uoly three or four dollars a hun- dredweight for their bogs. Farm values in tb. New England States were vety low, while farms in York county were selling at $1,0t1l an acre. In dealing with the pulpwood ques- tion, Mr. Harvey got rather mixtr,t in his figures, but finally got himself straightened out and went on with bis argument that pulpwood should be kept for manufacturing in this country. Reciprocity would link the prosperity of Canada with the depres- sion existing in the United States. Thomas McMillan followed In be - hall Cameron, e first time of in MLr.he history of CanadFortha, he said. a great economic question bad begs taken out of the hands of Parlia- ment and submitted to the people for their judgment. He quoted Sir John A. Macdonald as sufleieut authority for the statement that the reciprocity treaty ot 1854-96 was of great ben- efit to Canada, and Sir John had :p •rat the balance or his life in endeavor lug to secdre a renewal of the treaty. Mr. McMillan spoke of the great farm- ers' deputation to Ottawa in Decem- ber last. when the first demon,' on their list was for a reciprocal arrange- ment with the States. After the in- terview with the Government on that occaaion, said Mr. McMillan, "Hon. Geo. E. Foster came up and shook one by the hand and told ins he was in strong sympathy with the demands which the farmers were making." Mr. McMillan told of how the pre- sent opportunity rime about -how the people of the United Staten ha.l revolted against high protection, and bow at almost the same time the farmer,' of this country had engaged in an agitation to secure the Un,ted States market. "Why is it we are engaged in a life and death struggle to secure this boon? Because the party of which Mr. Lewis is a umber chose to reverse the policy of all the great leader' of the part Mr. McMillan then went int() the question of prices, ytooting front en official publication. Hay was neat ly five dollars a ton higher in Buffalo this year than in Toronto, and great quantities were being shipped to the United States in the face of the duty. Barley was 30c it bushel higher in Mit- telo than in Toronto. Ontario could produce the finest barley in the world and In five yeare the production would double if the United States market were open. Barley was not a high- class atock food, but it was • vet v de- sirable feature in rotation of crop=, and it could be sold profitably and r much hotter feeding stuff be obtained for leas money. in the last five and half year, the average price of hogs in Toronto was 5fi tib, in Huffalo 57.Ti. Mr. McMillan spoke at *rime length on the bore. question, with which he is intimate through many years deal's' in ho,.... He pointed out. that Can- ada ships many hor..e to this United missteps in the face of the duty of aai per cent., and it was the regulations rather than the duty which prevented lamer salmi in the t nit ed Mateo mer kat. When the duty 1. abolished Visited State. Mayen will cote moose tali farmers . tf Ontario again as t AA..�� seed to do, and then will he wet some visitor.bow tlb.rwing e.ctpr.-retry , .;MS help both prndsani. anrd eoswtsa .. Mw THtan quoted the follosviag from P0.YailaniRvn l,d Sikh.