HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-8-31, Page 8• Tut wa*i* B, Antrim 3L IMI Ht:Ai.Q1'ARTFRes FOR School Books We carry a full stock of all the authorized books for Public and eeparatr Schools and Colleg- iate Institutes, which are now *.old at greatly reduced res. lltooke tic each. ■ •raw - log Books 5c melt. Readers 4c, tic. Ye, IM and 16e ; Grammar and Arithmetic 10c each, Com- posdtion 15c, H glens 20. History of Engtaod and Canada ,e c•rh, Geography) 05c; all Collegiate Institute Text Roo►s ti the new reduced prices. Exercise and Scribbling Books User .41 kinds to select from. loft count, tine (,aper .end art iatic c�,sera raoping in price from 1e up. Bs- mere and get one of our W hale Seribbleve. By far the 'seers( •town in Goderich. An immense image of Er•ae- t' Ink., Pens, etc., etc. lead Pencils kora frc per d,•r.-n ul, T be Colonial Sok Store GEO. PORTER. Prop. 1'hnne PC. Geodes u h us. 1 1 Our Main Idea and Object is to Please our Customers µEDO/7 with our prices, with our large as.aortmeot, with our fine qual- ities and beet grades of geode. We offer the beat good+, and the lowest prices to every purchaser. Whet does it meal)? IIONF.ST GOODS HONEST PRICES HONF.8T FACTS A square deal to everyone. Remember the place Walter H. Harrison Jeweller end Optician Sole Agent Columbia Graphaphones (ha the Square Gn(lerie j 1 1 1 m11•1111 THIRTY YEARS Out Seven Colleges have been eetaWlehed during the past 30 years The largest trainers in ('(.nada. Owing to our connec- tion all over Ontario, we do better for our graduates than any other school. You may study all at bourse or partly at dome and finish et the Coffer. Affiliated with The Commercial Educators' Association of Can- ada. It would be well for you to investigate before cbonatng. Exclusive right for Ontario of the world-famous Bliss Book- keeping System, which is un- equalled. h is actual Business front Start to Finish, and the etudexnt keeps came hooks as Chartered Banks sod Wholesale Houser.. Enter spy time. individual instruction. Writs, roll or •i•I•one foo porUrulan CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE 0E0. Sense.., Pr.sr,ewr.t Mab S. W. WARD Pr,..cipa. MONTREAL LEITER. THE SIGNAL : DERICH, ONTARIO said a• be one of the lectors leedingtto AN MIARINE NOT the maraud -of conditions in the nie•i The yacht Black Elkton her res felon Little Current, to �roit w induatt-. Other vision* art aim - effected. tongues are higher today PREPertING AMMUNITION F 0 R lour also have reached a prier they TEMPERANCE CAMPAK DS. trrf tsOl�krd i ilpb than ever Debre. Park Dorninion Alliance W,N Inaugurate Huge Educational Movement Against Liquor in Province of Que- bec This Autumn Novel Cooking School for Men Beer Prices High Lemieux Labor Act Under Fore. From Our Own ('orre.aoodani Montreal, Aug. 214th. -That the temperance convention lust closed at Knowlton represented the first shots in a new educational campaign which the Dominion Alliance has inaugur- ated, and in wbicb they intend to ape. fanatically teach the children and adults of the Province the scientific truth regarding alcohol and the human body, is the declaration ot .1 H. Robert*, secretary of the Domio- in. Alliantee. S 1 lecturer. will be employed, tt Province will ter. .own knee- deep with temperance literature. While efforts willnot be relaxed in t•lber departments of work, such as law enforcement, the emphasis in fut- ure i* to to placed on educational work Rev. T. Albert Moore. D. D.. super- intendent of temperance and morel re- form for the Methodist church in Can)' ads, declared at the meeting at Koowltoa that with every- barroom there was an accompaniment of vi- ciousness. "Only last week," said the Doctoe. "i blood in close proximity to one of Montreal's swell barrooms and lis- teoed to the language that floated through to where I stood. It was punctured. with profanity and atatur- sled with lasciviousness. Yet the men inside were well dressed and ap- eerently well-to-do." Male Culinary Experts. An invasion of won.en'e rights on the part of the male sex is now immi- nent here as a result of the establish- ment of a novel cooking school ex- clusively for men, the first of its kind in thecity, in it they will be initi- ated into all sorts of culinary mys- teries which heretofore bare been thought to be 'mown only to women ` within six weeks it is expected sixteen pupils who have en - •r; to date will be able to make which will far excel the best ( ther ever made and rival the . mother product. Incidentally t will learn to cook meats, make pantry, manufacture a pit or prepare any other dish which may be des red. The establishment of this unique school is not, however, an effort to educate bueleeds for suffragettes who can care for the housebold• while tbe• wife is er-gaged in politica or b,usine.s. The idea is merely to undermine the sovereign independence of the cook who at present comes close to being the ruler of many- houuehoids. The founders of the school believe that as soon as • realiratior is achieved of the fact that a threat t. leave on the part of the cook does . ot mean that the fancily will be left in dire strait, a fairer relation will be established all around. Incidentally- a course in the new school will be valuable to the hus- band left desolate in the city during the time his family- is at the seashore or in the mountains- If the idea de- velops as it is hoped it is expected that summer cases of dy.tiepsia will be minimised and the tio-called servant problem solved, at least in part. Beef Is Ruing, The birth price of beef bas again forced mens families to curtail their supplies. They here done this eo often that the practice is becoming monotonous, and if the price goes much higher beef will be one of the greatest luxuries known to modern man. Beef prices today hove reached tbe bighwater mark, surpassiug the prices .et by the beef trust last fall, when the entire country was agitated over the high cost of living. Lending wholesale dealers in the downtown district s..id today- that conditions in their line of business were unprece- dented. The head of one beef and cattle dealer here gays that 1 he price for top fancy beef, that is. the very best qual- ity. was higher than it bad been for fifteen Kra.' and that it was going still higher. This dealer declared that the critics' situation was due to 'be iignifScaotee small run of cattle to the (16icagr markets. The high price of corn is PUBLIC MEETING of rziK�..� d w..i.�. Ontario . Ek ton of Weston, Ontario at Stratford, Friday, Sept,g Stratford, Friday, Septe8 at 1 M in afternoon SirWjlfrjda Tiounaa oar OMMLIM WON. GEORGE P. GRAHAM iitie rl� or IlAet watra aro cactus HON. MACKENZ1B$KiNG > oa N Lama HUGH GUTHRIE or Ilagoato and fiber prominent %par. . SPECIAL �M. "!rta+ 7e�•tt• w a TRAINS .g11dpoint* at oat.. i� m Forest and inteeol,ttrc armor. Monne by regular teselne. Nandi tied I posees(ng ell � M Prgn lar true k far,. obi a t Angle fare All a **Baily halted sand. h R 6:11111!‘ . segs 11, Mi w Pim Yelp nave TRa q lien • base not touched 10 years. Is Lemma Act Legal/ Is the Lemieux (onciliatiuu Act le cb is the question the r`outta will Peobr at the n+goast of the Monti eel 8trert Railway. piny. and it i. understood that the motion of the company, which is now before the Superior Court, useless granted, will go as tar as the Privy Council. The challenge of tic Mtrotaeal Street Railway Company to the Department of Labor came out is the Superior Court in the abape of a motto° for a writ of prohibition against the eons - Of arbitrators, appointed un- der the luditetrial Disputas and lnyes- t,gatioo Act ot 11107, to investigate into the difficulty between the Mont- real Street )teilesy Company and its employee.. By the petition for the writ, it was intended to stop the sit- tings of the conuniseioe and dissolve acrd eommiseion. The reasons Alleged by Thibaudeau Riatret, who appeared tot the M. S. It , were ;-- 1at. That the 1 uduatrial Dispute. Investigation Act of lfkri, under which the commission wa-. appointed, was unconstitutional. 'lad. Should it hr oonstitutional, It could not be applied in the present difficulty because the M. S. ), charter was vented by the Piovincal Legis- lature. 3rd. Should the Act be constitu- tional. and cover the peeaeot litiga- tion, the nommission could not sit be- cauee it had been appointed under fate pretences, the alleged fact. given for its inetitut.io° being mixr•epre- seated, and the difficulty between the company and some of its employees bes iag the result of the dismissal of some Coen found guilty of misconduct, and of bothing else. As in the petition of the M. S. H., the Hon. MacKenzie Kink, Minister of Labor, is a mib-encause, it is under- stood that the Federal Government will be represented when the cane cremes before the Oout 1 for argument. Hear Mr, Blakeley in North-st. Metho- dist Church. Of the plying of this welfknown organist it need only be added that the ro•cital served once u.ore to dem- onstrate that as a concert performer Mr. Blakeley is without a peer in Canada. Hie charming and appropri- ate combination,, the exquisite grace and poetry of his readings, combined with cicerone of articulation in the most brilliant and rapid passages, and feau of pedalling, as in the L.emare bfmpfwnv andel olstenbolm Fantasia, give to bis playing an attractiveness which is most captivating , At the keyboard be is a model of easy poise. There et no aimless bunting for stops to the Accompaniment of drone baea Moreover, marks of expression, sfor- tandi, etc., are at ail times faithfully reproduced. —Toronto Mail and Em- pire, Jew. t1. 19ta Mr. Blakeley will give a recital on the new urger' tit Korth-st. Methodist church Friday, Septem)ret $the If You Visit Toronto. Visitors to Toronto at Exhibition time ought not to fail to take a trip to Scarbor° Beech Park. the great amusement resort at the east end of the city. Scartbo.ro Beach has had tbe most prosperous seasor, in its history this summer, and visitors howhave seen it before will be struck by the many im- provement s. The Scarboro Inn u gener- ally considered to be one of the very best restautants in the city,and during Exhibition time will specially cater to out-of-town guests. The vaudeville en- tertainment is of the same class as that put on at the Exhibition : the per- manent bourse of amusement surpass anything else in Canada. the park it- self is one of the prettiest on the con- tinent. A visit to Toronto would not be complete w itbont a ride down to the Beach, which is in about the same re- lative position to tbe east of the city as Exhibition Park 1 to the west end, Going from one park to another, you see practically all there is to see of the south part of the Queen City. ser Wilfred Laurier at Stratford. Stratford Liberal, are making pt ep- aration s to greet Sir Wilfred Laurier upon his visit to the city n° Friday of nest week. The Premier will be ac- companied by Hon. George P. Gra- ham. Mioivter of Railways and Ousels : Hon. Mackenzie King. Min - Wer of Labor ; Hugh Guthrie, K. C. of Guelph, and other prominent Lib- erals. A special train will lease(Jode- ricb for Stratford at 10 a. m., and there will be • single -fare rate for the round trip. Return will be by regu- lar trains. ler Dag. bot -water bottles, medi- cine glasses, ait cushions, lints, gauges, bandages, crutches and • *core (dottier sick room requisites always in stock at Wickes drug store, Goc:erich. For all occasions use Blackstooe's (1 licioua ire cream, in bulk or fancy hritks. 'Phone 311. Cures wben others fail. Magic ('orn Cure, sold by K. R. \igk druggist. Aa Sorts of Weakness and Debility. People who are run down .,r weak cannot get etrong until the vital m- antes and the nervous sivtem arere- stored Lsto gt�r actin ity. Our Mar. y Rewt.vator is a serve loud and stimulant. ft builds up the nervous system and WIND promote* digestion and the fog illation of bewftby blood. It tripe almond from the first and all gain is permanent. be. cases. the system is actually Mrilt Op. K • K•iarantev it. one dollar hnttla. (west rtrir+d by MActecd Medicine (rodey-eeh. (Int "or sale by K it. Whin, drugs/ea DUNGANNON. 1►H NEWTON. IKNTs. rased r�ltt�f�T. t ip eir �meatlecture wed wit kbss.sa giro t b(. satire M w! hsprsad trie kenow An modem ~M �j ME --THE LOCAL AGENCY so `.ins lir• _*inset r u to > Z41. w!a .Si sols. .aid gw/isr un tw oiesgrali See ha.'e the sows of tooth !tires fiat are mads in thorouRhl• Nwoas sod are the testa E R tltipgN, i `stilt Geier e& Ont. 1 poet un Friday. • w to • The steamer 'Turret Crown Is ex- pected the latter part of this weak with • cargo of oats for the (io.ierieb elevator. ' The steamer Scottiab Hem arri%edun Monday with a cargo of 1IIi,UU/ bushel~ of wheat and oats for tbe Chaleticb elevator. She cleared on Tuesday tut Lorain. Tae /steamer Doric was here last Friday end unleaded 115,000 bushels of wheat and nab at the tiuderich elevator. Mix cleared on 1rc.ur- day wuruing for r on Witham, ligbt The steamer Acadian arrived last Saturday atternoou and unloaded ),.- '(%*i Guthrie al flax at the Goderich ele- vator. :ine cleated the same evening tor Kingston with the balance of bet Cargo. Tbe steamer. Dunelm arrived ��+(uyyur- day evrningaod unloaded 11,11NG bushels of barley and 14,t1110 bushels of oats at the Uoderlch elevator, She cleared on Sunday for Montreal with the bal- ance of her cargo. ' The schooner Azov. Capt John Mc. Donald, and the schooner Marie An- nette, Capt. Murdoch McDonald. a ere outside the harbor in shelter of tbe breakwater on thrunty last. &.Us boats were upward bound. The steamer Wexford arrived last Saturday morning. She unloaded 4u,- 11109 bu ahel, of oats at the Godericti elevator and 7(,01111 fuahela of wheat +ts Inc Big Mil- She cleared on bat- tfrday evening for Fort William. The rteatner 11. N. Jez arrived on Sunday from Sandusky with another cargo of coat The Jez has been kept bpsy so tar this season carrying coal tP tioderich, the cargo delivered this week bringing the tout up to 9,5111) tons. ^be Jex lett on Thursday for Lakes, Erie. The season of passenger navigation for 1911 at Goderich dors un bailor day of this week. The steamer City of bit Ignace calls tomorrow (Friday) morning on her last trip northward bound and will make her final call go- ing south on Saturday at 1;311 p- m. The steamer Huron calls for the last time on Friday at midnight, on her return journey from Sault Ste. Marie to Cleveland. The Goderich Lumber & Milling Company receive this week from For- est two carloads of select white oak timber for use us the new tug, the keel ot which Contractor Bermingham !did Ott the north pier early this week. The tag will be stout the same siu as the Horton and will in MI probability be equipped with the boiler and engine which were in Mr. Beruungbarn a tug, destroyed by- fire last year at Rondeau. Goderich bailor presented a busy appearance on Friday about 6 o'clock. The steamer Dnt is was at the Gods rich elevator, the steamer Wexford at the Big !gill and the barge Three Brothers at the coal dock- In the centre of the harbor the drill scow soli the dredge were hard at work. and the tug Murton towing around a Crow. On the north pier the pneu- ivatnc hammers and dulls maintained it continual t acket, while to the east the engines and mixers were busy :with the cement work on the new crib. Outside the piers and behind the breakwater were the schooner, Azoy and :Annette Marie, at anchor, and between the piers was an Aireri- can yacht, inward bound. The schooners with their sails flapping to the swell ot the waves presented a acerae of exceeding beauty. which was admired by those fortunate enough to be on the bank at the time, The Dominion Government will bold an investigation into the lobs of the tug Martin of Midland, which seat last week in the Georgianebatross while towing the whlcb oleo floundered. Nine live, on the tug were lost, vel: ile the crest of the barge escaped in a swab boat. Captain Dean, who commanded the Alhatroes, said that the Martin had disappeared halt an hour before be and bis party abandoned the barge. He claim, to have seen the lights of the tug go out, and heard streaming and shouting of thole on board as they ii.ap r'ed. but ib view of the sinking coodiitionof hie own boat be was powerless to render any assistance. He tells of his ex:iting experiences transferring the women from the barge t., the yawl boat and the many attempts made be- fore all were removed from the sink- ing vessel. The women and children were in their nignt clothes. having been aroused tram tbeir sleep and hur- ried ueried into A small host'. It is stated by others that on the occasion of the sinking of the two boats the wind was not more than sixteen miles an hour, and that many a smaller vessel weath- ered it easily. Vessel men who were out on the Georgian Bay at the time of the disaster were of the opinion that the weather was not sufficient to Patine the kiss of the Martin, and they con- sider the only possible explanation is that the Alhatrrrss was abandoned when abe began to leak badly and that the barge may haee lurched And the tow line liaising under the tug may have eau.ed ber to roll over. WOMEN READ THIS. Parisian Sege Pets Lustre tote Dell, Faded Hair, Avery w omen reader of The Signal who. desires radiant hair that everyone admin. sb.,utd go to le R. Wighht to- day and qrt s large MIrent bottle of Parisian Rare, It is not only • delightful and re- freshing bait drawing arta baarrtider, but it is sold nnder a rigid Me to banish dandruf, stop falling bait and itching ealp, or money ►Eget Parisian Sage is the knot hair tonic known 1t is the only one tbat will carr dandruff, dramas the seeks and make the hair grow long sal beaus init. Get Your T.ccsts from F. F. tawroweal Rotas for the Toronto Exhibition are ansostravd by 1be (:.7. R. Wools fare ELM/ nn apt days August ilia to her title inclusive umber h and d AAU hetet* rootttoor Urals haves goisrirb at 6. at ow a and d> Thome' eaaabas sa Teeres2. to on the Wirt* tsetse ffe ware to bay yews terero-totro PeewLawyers.. at the ,re tit ifAC$C CA NOCK -- • Poor old Nurs,.y, she still thinks I'm a kw. Every tints a new arias essiR ► 4round lo buy a horse or make a deal for the sluff she tree* to shoo hint Of the EOMs i 1 New Fall Coats and Suits We are all ready with them. Really the finest assortment of stylish man - tailored outer garments for women we have laid before the ladies of Goderich is now displayed in our big Ready-to-wear Department. The best styles of the leading Canadian and German makers have a place on our racks. Garments that have a style and individuality to them that appeals' to critical buyers. Of the best there are no two alike. Already these handsome garments are being picked up by people who like to do their choosing when the stock is at its best_ The) are well worth seeing, even it you have not thought of buying this early, but choosing is done easiest when you have the greatest variety to make your choice from. Come and see these handsome garments. We will be glad to show them any time you find it convenient to call. Ladies' Suits $ 12.50 to $30.00 Ladies' Coats ,,. 5.00 to 30.00 Children's Coats 3.50 do 12.50 We are (living One-third Ott the Prices of all Parasols For this week only we offer this great inducement to ppaarraassool buyers. Our entire stock of black &resole is being offered for tio-tkird Las ttaa Usual hides %V.- have a special object in doing this. and it gives you an opportunity to get a good Parasol or Umbrella, for Fall use at a decided laving. Ladies' Partsols and Umbrella., regular *1...i'- to *6.00. selling now at Meati ird Leas Au lister bice A Big Clearing of Embroidery Remnants We have done an immense Embroidery husinees this summer. Now the season is nearly over, we find there are dozens and dozens of abort length, that run from one to five yards. All qualities and widths are represented in them. We want to get them out of the way quickly, and for Saturday we have had them measured up and marked at greatly reduced prices to clear. They will he placed on a table at e front of the be store, and there will be many and many a bargain found on it. These Are Days of Great Buying Opportunities in White Cotton Underwear Lots of people are buying_their next summer's supply of Underwear DOW. They know that they are wing money buying at prices the lest of the stick is going for these days. You eon do It, ton, if you do not put off coming ton long. See the special display of aesnrted garment& at 33e, hoc, 71k. $1.g1, $1.3B and SEM. You will find many and many a genuine bargain at. each prier. Special Hosiery Values Special Hosiery values for Sep- tember. Extra good lines for the children going back to school. A special price on balances of odd lots of summer stocks we want to clear. School Hose 15c We call your attention again to our opeti•I line of ebnol Hose for boys or girls. Itier are made fn,m extra strong. firmly twined cotton yarn. the dye is absolutely Gist, Hwy are made with seamless feet, and altogether one of the hest school 'cocking," we have ever sold. All sixes- At. per 1 , A Bargain itt Size 9 Only Any pairs ribbed cotton Hose, seamless - fest and fast dye, • really good stocking. IIworth more money. We cleared a lot from a mill that had an oversupply of this au. This is tbe reason we can sell then$ for two pain for. Still Some More of ['hose Seamless Black Hose; 3 pairs for 2Sc Just about enough left for another week's selling. Extra quality, fast black ladies' and children's cotton Hose, seamless and Properly shaped: Special, three pain for AL Lisle Hose 23c A clearing of ladle,' lisle thread Hose. asoomed styles and colors, neaurless Leet, plain or lace •olds, regnlsr 96c to 50c. Clear- ing out at your choice per pair Ready with New Dress Goods Early shipments of new Dress Goods are now on our counters. Correct weaves and colors for the coming season in dress and gaiting material. A stock that is really worth ~nee while to twice and re• We will be glad to show it at any time. READY WITH THE NEW MILLINERY New Fall Millinery is being opened up every day. Miss Reynolds has re- turned from her visit to American and Canadian markets, and we are ready for early business. The date of our formal opening will he announced in a week or two, but in the meantime if you want a Fall Hat we can show you the new styles at any time. DRESSMAKING DEPARTMENT RE -OPENS TUESDAY NEXT Our Dressmaking Department will re -open for the Fall season Tuesday, September 5th. Miss Coutts has returned from her vacation and will be ready to receive customers Tuesday morning. Ohre dsaM• rive gar t This W aa Ons "M. n'