HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-8-31, Page 7THE SIG NAL : GODERICH ONTARIO t The News of the District st +45401464046444544146454545 446+4444454645454$464545-464s45+46 LUOk14OW. MONDAY. Aug. 28th. Mies Barber has gooe West to Red Jacket, Alta - W. C. Johuston has returned from his trip W the West Tt,turED Tcrcrts.-A traction en- gine, daowned h a and t4 & other clay deep ditch, where It "turned turtle." The accident occurred at about 10 p. m., wbeo there was little light to guide the engine. The fly -wheel was broken off and the driving mechatikons on that ride i, s Buri ted d tu the soft sal. out 1160.The damage Fortunately no one was iojured when the mishap occurred. AUBURN. THt7RSDAT, Aug. 2ltb. BB1El''6,-Miss Cora Washington, of Goderich, visited at Mrs. Symington's last week .. Geo. Denstedt is in- stalling the furnace in the new bank this week .... Clarence Naylor. of Iwicktlow. spent Sunday at A. A. Nay- lor's Herb. Knox lett yesterday to accept *position at Winnipeg. Nine tickets for the West were sold at the I:ocal C. P. R. station yesterday morning The Epworth League held a social eveoing at the home of Mr. Ferguson on Tueday night. On account of the rain, the smears and contests had to be play:d in the house, but a very eujoyable time was spent Ice cream and cake were served during the evening. Tgeine.-The local ladies' singles tennis championship was won by Mies Sadie Carter. who showed splendid form in the final game played last Thursday, night. 8be defeated Miss (lertie Asquith 6-0. 6-2. In the fleet round of the men's doubles Munro and Rollinson beat Asquith and Meth -min 8-8. 6-2; Ir. Weir and Sturdy beat Knox and Riddell 8.4. 6-2: Naylor and Lawson and Mcllooald and bions were byes. The members of our club have been invited to go to Blyth on the afternoon of Thursday. August 31st. to play another match. BELFAST. SATl'KDAi. Aug. 3114 h. BRLYAtrr Bit are --Alfred Sherwood lett on Wednerday of last week for the West.. -Mira Webster, of St. Helens, is visiting Miro A. F. Rutber- toed Jobo Roy MacCrovtie left for Chicago on Wednrtiday afternoon. Mies Jean Mullin was the guest of Miss 8. Griffin. Winghme. last week W. Roe, of Choreic. spent a few days very pleas/tatty with friends here Mise Rae Cameron. of Cleve- land, is spending a month with her sis- ter, Mrs. N'm. Twambly. DISTRICT NEWS. 'elle rate of taxation to Seaforth for the year 1911 will be twenty -eight mills no the dollar. As the result of improved fire pro- tection insurance rates in Clinton have been reduced considerably. James Cleonan, • former well-known resident of Morris township. died in Detroit on August 8th. It is five years since be left this county. An aged resident of Hullett, in the person of Mrs. Warwick. passed away on Monday of last week. She was eighty-five years of age. Seaforth expects to have Niagara power by Labor Day. September 4th. A monster celebration i, being ar- ranged for the occasion. The tartar ebop in Brussels. .oper- ated by John Elliott. has been pur- chased by Cleve Baker. The new proprietor has installed John Emigh an manager. \\'m. Isbister, who sold his firm on the 'god lige of Morris recently. has pur- chased J. C. Gr'aham's residence in Winghem He will take posession in KINTAIL TcvBuaY. Aug. 29th. NEWS Nares. -Mrs. J. Flynn and daughter id. left oo Tuesday for their home in Sault Ste. Marie.. ...Mies Loretta Austin spent a few days with relatives here Mrs. Lennon, ac- companied by ber daughter Nora, of Mount Cantel, arrived on Friday for a visit with Mrs. Jos. O'Loughlin..._ Misses Mabel and Loretta Young spent en afternoon with Mies Priscilla Dalton last week M. \Witty has been very ill agair. We wish him a speedy recovery .. ...The separate school at Kiogebrklge reopened this seek. Mies Nellie Sullivan hoe charge of the junior room. The voting people bad a jolly good time in Melooald's hall here on Tuesday evening of last week Thomas sandy has every reason to be elated over his success at bridge -building. Huron county is fortunate in securing the services of such a competent titan. The censur'of Kingebrid a will need to be revised. it eeeins. A little daughter arrived at J. O'Neil's and a .on at Wm. Hackett's on Saturday, August 28 . A series of accidents bas been occurring in this vicinity lately. On Sunday little John Kenny had his hand badly crushed by a win.[• mill. Tuesday, Clarence •loge re- moved the top of oneof his fingers in a cutting-bcz. Friday. Joe ?tattoo was kicked in the jaw by a horse: and Saturday tbe buggies of J. J. O'Reilly and Duncan McDonald collided on the Lakeshore road. No serious- damage was door, although both rigs were overturned. STRONG RECOMMENDATION. British Columbia Man Tells Why He Speaks so Highly of Dodd's Kidney Pills Gilbett Dick, which sad event oc- curred on Sunday evening August ash. Mr. Dick bad been in for over two montbs and nearly all of that time he bad been confined to hs bed. He was fifty-six years of age and was the eldest -eon of Thomas Dick, one of the pi/sowers of Hay but now of the village of Egmondville. For many ears the deceased engaged extensive- y in the buying rod shipping of farm stock. He leaves a wife and a family of five small children. He also is sur- vived by bis aged parents and several brothers., An Old Readmit of Grey Township. tloe of the old and highly esteemed residents of Grey township, in the per,on of Thomas Johnston, parsed away on Wednesday, 18th inst. The deceased was a native of Ireland bot came to Canada about sixty years ago. For s time he worked for the late Alex. Wilson, of Seaforth. surd after- wards moved to Grey township, where be continued to reside for many years After settling in Grey he was united hi marriage to Miss Jessie Buchanan. wbo died about fourteen years ago. Oa the death of his wife Mr. Johnston went to live with his son, Duncan, and it was there 'he answered the lInal summons He is survived by the fol- lowing family : Her. D. Johnston. of Varna : thirteen. of Walton: Thomas, of Grey: James. in Michigan; Mrs McTaggart, tirey: Mrs. P. Kerr, Mc- Killop: Mrs. Mono. RI1-tb : Mrs. Mc- Vittie. Mullett : Mn. Williamson. of Grey. and Miss Anne, also "f the same township. Fire at Whitechurch. A di,tastrous Hie time place at N'biteehmrh on Monday afternoon of last week. While George Cottle was running his planing mill it ie sup- posed some sparks trom the smoke- stack got into the upper part of the mill. Almost immediately- the roof was all Mr. and Mtn. Jas. Scott, of eeefortb, riblaze and before the consuming ele- lett last week on s tripto tbe West. 'tient could be got under control sev- are actlye firm. fir. Lma •nd for eral thousand dollars' worth of prop- is good. erty was destroyed. Besides the pill 44O•ai"-'ao` adlanwro e rt 'o.„o 4r. tit and it, contents. a stable, driving • taws to 573yc. No. i C.vt'., CRC to 43c. house. honey storehouse, some gum- ele,iy-Manitoba swat, wheat patent,, bee, a quantity of wood. an orchard firsts. 35.40. mouses. 14.5). winter wheat and about fifty hives of bees were all patents. 14.80 to KR, strong bakers'. $.7•- consumed. Mr. Coulee house caught straight rollers, 34 to 114.1 In bags, 11.ri 1'Nl' liel)11, etut; try M. 1011 7 THE MAICET$. Literpoel and Chicap Wheat Fut Clem Nigher -Live Slack - Latest Quotations. CHICAGO. Aug. 211,-Altho reports et damage to that psrtles of the Cana- dian crop not yet ban est.d lent a Denser tone to the wheat market to- day, an advance of 3-$c over Saturday brought out an ample supply. and tel close was only 1-$c and 1-4c to 1-40, and 3 -Sc better than the previous MOW Corn and oats were strong. the fermtf advancing 1-2c t0 3 -lc and the Latta. Sbi-tic and 1-2c to Fbe. Ic. Final figures e. provisions were a Meade lower to le her.. Liverpool market closed to -fish' to lad higher than yesterday so wheal and 1 14 w fed Ivignor on ogre. Berns cloned lac higher on. wheat. Antwerp he higher, and Budapest yc Welber. WInnloes Optiena, CMOS • Close. Open. High. Lew. C wheat- Ws 1016 len ta *Se Oct. May 15118 103% !spy Oats - Oct. » es « sea IJtc•. 35 ten ma W. s ea Toronto Grabs Market. Wheat. fall. bushel. MM b .-.. Wbeat. goose. buabd ..,-. 1 • •••• Rye, bushel Oats, bushel • 6041 • .r Oats. new, bushel 6041 d .... Barley. bushel V • N Buckwheat, bushel Peal, bushel• 17 121 5 5 Torosepantorator, D.hvdairy Mibar1ket Butter, store bis Butter, 1 11 1 M • 14 Butter, creamery, 1b. /.4018••1 13 a 11 Butter, creamery, sends.. -115 •••• 1 Honeycombs, dome 2 5 gess. sew -laid i v t 154 Cbe as, new. 10 Montreal Grain and Produce. MONTREAL, Aug.311-Bustams In (Tail for export account ceatlnuas sulci, beg then Is a good local demand, aad this coupled whh the strength cunt*}ad b Wtnnlpeg, gave a mese feeding hares. and prices have an advancing teod1ey. The demand for sense obese new le good, and the market Is fatly asth►Q with • ttrm undertone. The butter market 1s strong, sad higher Prices are anticipated In the near nouns on account or the good demand and this areugth in the country. The envois last week were 11.541 packages. Mimeo is fairly active and firm The sblpmesta last week were 14,06 boxes. Provides 441. OPERATION 11ER ONLY CHANCE Was Cured by Lydia E.Pink ■aa's V egeta bk Compound Lindsay, Out - •- 1 think it is no tseart► than right for me to thank Mrs. Pluk4ia for what her kind advice and Lydia E. Pinklum's Vwtable Com- pound has done for as. When 1 wrote tr her some time ago I was a ver ick wo tering . trots sI ►ad tnfiammation o f the female organs, and coal d sol stand or walk any distance. At last I WW1 confined total bed, and the doctor said 1 would have to go through as operation, but this I retuned to do. A friend advised Lydia E. Plnkbam's Vegetable Compound, aad DOM, after [sing three bottles of it, 1feel likesnewwoman. (most heartily recommend this medidae to all wanes who suffer with female treebka 1 have also taken Lydia E. Ptakham's Liver Pills and think the are fine.'' -Yrs PRANK E11ML&Y, Lindsay, Ontario. We cannot understand why wemea will take chances with an operation a drag met a sickly batf-hearted exist eaee, misdag three-fourths a the je of llvieg, without first trying L dia E. Piakbant's Vegetable Compos. For thirty years it has hien obs standard remedy for female ills, and has cured thousands of women who have been troubled with such aillmsts as displaoementa, ineammati in., Mees• ation, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, indigestion and ner06411 prootrstioa. They purpose goiog as far as the Peace River country and w ill be away for acme months. Miss Liaie Mc\authton, formerly of Bruseela, w'a4 msmed at Wallace, Sask., on Wednesday, August 9th. to Adrian Taylor. of Rhine. Sask. Rev. fire several times and had it not been Mr. Leech, a Yorktor, officiated. " for the heroic efforts of a bucket bri- John Weldo has disposed of hie Bade it also would have fallen a prey farm on the Goshen line, Hav town- to the flames. Besides the intense ship, Dear Zurich. to Oscar itoehter. beat, the bees hung like a clnud over The purchase price was $8,(1NI and the the scene and seriously handicapped new owner gots possession next tht .corkers. The loss is estimated at spring. between a:i.(M4( and $4.000 and there is A quiet wedding took place at Pet- no iusuraoce to .'over the loss. rolia on Wednesday of, last week. Re ceptioa to Grand Master Popplestooe. wbeo Miss Myrtle Aldred, of that In honor of his recent elevation to town, was married to Edward Steep, will reside in Petrone. the position .of Grand Master of the couple w formerly of Clinton. The -- ag Grand ',ochre of Oddfellows of Ontario, S. A. Popplestone. of Blyth, was ac - Richard 'treble. of Exeter. had ana1 corder! ( grand teception in his old row escape troni fatal injury the other home town of Exeter on Thursday Elkinouth. R. ('., Aug. 2&h (Spe- cial.l-Frank Miller, silty -two years Old, and section foremen oo the rail- road here. oar•: '•i ran recommend ►bosh!'. Kidney Pulls to anyone suffer- ing from I nubagn, rheumatism or s.o)- other kidney digester. And when naked the reason why. he is not slow to give it. "For four yearn- Mr. Miller sate. "1 suffered with lumbago. heart dis- ease and rheumatism brought on from a cold. 1 used Dodd's Kidney Pills with the very bent results. that is why I rerommeod them." 1f your disease is of the kidneys or caused by ben kidneys Dodd's Kidney Pills will cure you. 1f you haven't .tried them ask your neighbors. dap when be was knocked down by evening. 17th Inst. Headed b•• the h Citizens Band of London a procession of tbe three -linked brethren represent- ing .Seatorth. Clinton. Hensel! and Exeter lodges marched to the school grounds. followed by the guests of the occasion riding in autos. Seats were provided for about six hundred people. but over two thousand were present to do honor to one tyho had The editor of The Fordwich Record was forced to undergo no operation for a tumor oo the jaw bone, on the Roth ult.. and has been off duty since. No paper was issued. as the necessary help could not be obtained. lig tnieg.. He was entering the office of a livery barn wbeo the accident oc- curred. and when found a few minutes later he was unconscious. His nose was broken and a bone in his left wrist was fractured. The otatriage of Alex. Rintoul. own of Mr. and Mrs, C. A., Rintout, : f \Vinghani. to Miss (awrgina M. Phi pen. daughter of Mr -and Mre. Geo. A. grown up in the town and who is held Phippeti. of Loner Wiughstn, was sol- in the highest esteem by all who have emoizetl at the home of the brides sis- the pleasure of his acgdaintance. In ter. Mrs. A. \f. Bird. at Walkerton. on addition to music by the band a short Tuesday evening. August 15th. The program of speeelies was given. ad - ceremony was performed by Rev. M. dresses beiQg delivered by L. H. Dick - J. \\intern. eon, the chairman. W. H. L.evett, The marriage of Miss Loi. Henry. acting Reeve of Exeter, J. G. 8ten- NATURE STOPS When the Kidneys Give Out. 1)o you feel that you simply can't go any farther -that you must bare neat for that cane and aching hock relief fermi that cenetant dead -tired Peeling freedom from those .tabbing, • darting pains i 1t is nature's warning that the kidneys sr' giving e.t and . -u nodal the help of 13. oth s Kidney Pills rhe guaranteed kidney remedy. in evert not chine there. is one part t bat works the hardest and gives out first. The kidney. work both sight and day and naturally *lite of unwtial active it) doubles the duties of the kidneys and In buts* the strain tolls. Thnt k id - .f moth'' (Pills! a formerly well kl:own Wioghsm Miry and Past Grand Master Bleweett. young lath-, to Garnet Pear -eon. of Ed- K. C.: of Stratford. tnonton.'was solemnized at Brandon, Deem of (avid pomace, Seaforth. nn Saturday afternoon, -august 12th. David Dorrance. one of the early Rev. Mr.. &I,nison tied the nuptial residents of McKillop. died at bis knot. Aftei the dainty luncheon was I home in Seaforth on Monday of last nerved Mr. and Mrs. Pearson left on f week. at the age of eighty-nine years the six oclock train for Calgary- and HAL.l?. and after a short holiday will take up their residence its Edmonton. John B. Holman. .t noted ironmas- ter of the Pacific Coast, is visiting his youngest brother. (jenrge W. Holman. of Egrnoodyille. This is the sixth time the visitor has cnosed the con- tinent. the first time in 18111 by the old Aspinwall route and the last time via C. P. R. (hi the other occasions he made tbe trip by railways of the United States. He thinks the C. P. R. route is the most he titiful. outstrip- ping them all in boldness of engineer- ing skill and beauty of scenery. and two months. The deceased was a native of Belfast. Ireland, and cane to Canada over sixty years ago with the other members of his family. all of whom have predeceased him. On coming to Canada first tbey nettled in Levert county. hut after a .hart veai- deoce there they moved to McKillop township, where they were among the first settlers. The subject of thin no- tice took up a farm just north of Har- purhey end in the early days he was agent for trees and was for many years engaged in the pork -parking in- dustry, at which he was en expert. Being compelled to retire from active The death took place in Exeter on work on account of rheumatism, Mr. August Pith of Jane Brophy. relict of Durance moved to Seaforth, where the late Richard Atkinson. She was be lired until his death. His wife, eighty-three years of age and a native et the county of Galway, Ireland. She came to this country with her parents in 11(66, settling in Montreal. Eleven Gwarn afterwards they moved to Mc- illivray townsbip and twenty-three years ago Mr. and Mr•a. Atkinson took up their residence in Exeter. A month later Mr. Atkinson ;unwed away. Mrs. tr•aordinsi y powet to permanently re - Atkinson i . survived h v three have all forms of eczema. skin erup- hrothers and three sisters. also by time tions. piniples. blotches,. ringworm. sons and three daughters. acne. tetter. -. sly .c.lp, hives. all Seafortb Furniture Factory Busy. form- of itching and irritation caused The Canada Furniture )famine- by insect hitt- its power to v pev. ule.•es, tore- wo•i weird, u t ery pro- nounced. We are a, positive that Rexall Eczema Ointment is unexcelled for oyrrcoming three ailments that We full ea t for some time. Thr sell it with our nervosa! promise that P y it will not rest the tae' anythingca- rotwnr was dreittattd that if iectptc)- lees .-wagiss natidaction. edty married, the factory would berhut Ree exactitin noeery pr.vmyise and in n , way down. The manager flatly contra- obligate the purehaaer. Yon must die& Hsi..tatemeet. admit that we rook] not afford to Tsls,3 t Correct se- • make ateb a broad liberal guarantee, Tuesday of Ise[ week the .con.-rtion 'crept we area certain we c:ruld wb ordered by the Dominion Railway stektl•te cwt claim Bond beset wean the Bell Telephoto, Igo. !recall Eears►a ointment is a gray and the B,utsrtels rural telepbon• .r11- isk-white• pk'aet smelling, wiles. own e►a. wad., •ml nerd' tie. cooling. healing salve that }s have now the long-diet/ince manner 14.1"61:1y gereatddel. It destn•es /M tion. hasp ng mnasagne knee fifteen grime that penetrate the .ken acid menta lidded to the regular Bell rate caner eraema 5041 .ether t..rmentieg and for incoming meemote. the He111 skin ailrnnrt. A rIan dy must do este prevail*. The ereang.•tnent wilt that to be effective. Ger in no other Odd to theRetail e/refvine•* rot both the Bol) Ryy- ran Ouch diseases hie Morrow., a ,tem Moth ez fees*, R.esevrtw (lint i+ Moat for who was Miss Ann Johnston, of Luck - now vicinity, •urylvee him. FOR SKiN IRRITATION We Guarantee Relief Your Money Bank if Not Satisfied. We hare an ointment possessing ex - torero. Sen forth. are preparing to erect a large dry -kiln on tbe property recently purchased in tont town for the purpose The factory is rushed with (orders and will likely he running to 13. Corn -American. No. 3 yellow, 70c Mlllteed-Bran. Ontarlo. 373 to W: Maa- ttoba, 1_1 to 313 m.iddlinas, Ontario, RS to 124, shorts, Manitoba, 124, moWnfe, ii to 121. Eggs --Selected, 44. to 36c, No. 1 stock, 20c to C. Cheese -Westerns, 13%c to 1.1%e; east- erna. 13,4c to 13%c. Sutter-'c-koi e_t, 25%c Io n • second; 1105c to w'oc. CATTLE MARKETS. Union Stock Yards. TORONTO. Aug. 2E. -Receipts of live stock at the Union Stock Yards were 92 carloads, croslsting of 1 cattle, 179 hogs, 553 sheep and calves. Exporters 5. -„'.port steers sold at $6. N. to 14.45, one land sell.ng at the :atter figure, and an- other at 16.75. bulls, for export. sold at *5 to 31 Butchers Prime picked load. and lot. sold at 11.10 to 1413. loads of good. 15 65 to 3.5 medium. 65.31 to 15,r. common, 35 w k.341:' cows, D. to 11.:5. buns. 14 to 15. Milkers and Springers. A moderate nurrtlxr of milkers and .prtnger„ sold at 340 to 15 each, but only, one at the latter price. Veal Calvsa. The market for veal calves wan firm at 6 to is per cwt., or an attrage of $7.5 per cwt Sheep and Lambs. Sheep. light ewes. .old at 13.3 ter cwt average: culla and heavy ewes, >`.14 to 12.0: lambs. IRA to ILIA or an ay crags et 0.45 to 14.80. Hogs. E. 1. Woodward. 1•uyer for Swift Cana- dian eo., quoted 3 to for bogs. ted and watered 31 COWAN'S PERFECTION. COCI3A Montreal Live Stock, MONTREAL. Augthe Montreal Block Yards west , nd market. the re- ceipts of live stock for tie week endiitg Aug. til were 1140 cstile, 3126 sheep and lambs. 2626 Dogs and AO calves. The sup- ply on tbe market for sale tbia morning consisted of the cattle, 1115 sheep and lambs, 960 hogs and 176 calves. There was 00 important cbange'In the condition of the market for cattle, prices being firm owing to the small run of really good stock, which tended t0 1n - crease the demand for this lower trades,' as butchers and peckers generally were abort of supplies, oo ueatly a fairly active trade was done. There was .1.o some demand from Quebec buyers, and a couple of carloads were bought for shipment to that market. On the whole the trade was satlerse- tory to both buyers and sellers. At thei close everything was cleaned up. Chuloe steers sold at it 15 to 1►16; good at 676 to 6tfairly good, 026 to 54.60, common, 54.50 to 14.;5 per 100 poundsrow. were rather scarce sad in better demand, at 14.50 to 14 75 per 100 potmda. A firm (*Meng prevailed In the market for bogs. on account of e small offer-. ol Ings- and the demand Ter packers' select- ed stock. Prices for selected hue■ ranged at from 10.76 to C 111. misted Tots. *7 tot 37.50, and heavy, 5_I5 is 071 per 1« pounds. welgh.d off wow - The trade in small mrat. was active, there being a good eemaad from local anti outside buyers for supplies. 4 Becelpta of lamb. were fairly large, but prow ruled steady at the decline noted last Wednesday, mire be4. f r at k to Iltsc W p11 ire Sheep g a gM swtalg to the tact that the ettrerisgs 4o sat Merman to any •:teat. sad MIH were& suesat 4e u Mac 1'. round. Good cyva s were scarce and in &sward •r prteee rouging at trap 111 to 116 each. and lea lows, grades brought from 0 to 134. East Sun.11 Carter Market. KANT at'rrALO. deg ri-cacti.- Re- ceipts. 41i. market Minds lower, prune steers, six to 17.5 beteber greets, 3415. to R. rows. 5645 to M.26. Calves-Recelpla 1.41•4 band, t ac- tive and firm, run to deuce, N 11•111. Sheep asks Lamb. Raeslp4s, SW ho5k market helve an4 mels0y. obtain lamb% It to 57 run is pair g►M ss 0.26: hosts. 0.5to6, ., R.5ttelteya4r• Hors-Rweeipu, 15.7melts* wire r 11rt y.re,. • le 5M wells, R to M.. IM7 . raised p 1• gena. 55557. N. IL= KA 1.. 34 14. Chicago Ulm Week. ('H1rAt4.1, AegReeM *g MOM market steed, N krwer tMstd ew4 k.ith•re IS 46 to 1116 good tsavp If: 10 to v. rowel, awry M s. g; 55; Is good for Growing Girls and Boys -and they kke it h nourishes thea little bodies and makes them healthy and strorip Cowan's Cocoa. as you get i Iron your goon, is absolutely pure. 11. delicious Ameris obtained by the use o1 the highest grade of Cocoa beans, skilfully blooded. Notting is added to impair the heakh- btildmp properties of the Cocoa. 170 Do You Use Cowan's Cocoa ? Fitwell Flats FOR FALL w Our stock of Hats is now complete. We are agents for this famous FIT - WELL HATS ---the kind that fit well and wear well. They come in two styles - Christies and Fedoras. SWEATER COATS The time of the year has arrived when a Sweater Coat is a most essential article for wearing when the evenings begin to get cooler. They are a very comfortable garment, made of pure wool, extra heavy knit and in assorted colors. Come in and examine our new stock. MCLEAN BROS. MEN'`! OUTFITTERS Cold in the Head can be relieved very quickly by using INTOLo%ONE, the dry air method. Relieves immediately and is a sure cure. Price 25c, at F. J. Butland's Drug Store GODERI(-11 es Kodak Supplies and Cameras always in stock onneseseneemeneeeuesescbenewasese 0:1=11a==1111% IIS UM M E Ril Goops Hammocks, Coal Oil Stoves, Gasoline Stoves, C Screen Doors and Windows, Refrigerators, ice O Tongs, Latvn Mowers, Ice Cream Freezers, 'Fishing Tackle, etc. a . i ye not and natars wise ' •d kneel art tct nett, 1: I - 55, M R R the trewrm(-ot of .kin itritatio•5 tg • ' y g t5nte whet do not rreeaqson• the ..atstde bit a* 5 Bomb a 1eid..y Pula gsr•tea Tk exttreec tic's with too ler- p*A to rtnlldren, her barber's itch, y • e, , geive,- S tsM to dtslera ibis ll gt gtan, .yin ►te soot with at the on?" Itching feet *etre SL so X151 T. Booth Ce.. t. n,,, se sets•-•• •r• cork 14 to reedriesie •1 -• .n 1, ws teintost ft M •, t T.., , • to ••• Ake r In lent s• g mid w ti few ..- Olen* ,4 and .g. • ou 1" 1•y it at ,`Ley nr-ler• liar ...trim. ...ib le VW. ,..t will p rove the user d env siesta et (`.cheer Dtck Mensal, lust riot T. MVP, ark and $1 1 he s n■tt• •. is n to 070 we.tere, s. 1 .rrwt.teaeant. Wiai-antw)d and odd Mt sop regret ere. 1.1* bOm y tpeople Rowell lil,esrt• H 1' Dunlop south tg '.asnw a ,., K/e western, M *' Itrwterich by it. fit Wigle. of Howell en Learning of the death of .1A• •tf •ainare r, > s. meirweememporeerammarearesereseninessetree Come in and Get Acquainted If you are riot already ac- quainted with the merits of STURDY'S GROCERIES try a sample order. You ruin he certain of-ecuring seasonable good.. here at ell times. Our 'phone number is 91. Give is • trial. The quality of our good. will .:on wince you. Sturdy & Co. racer. On The flaw.-. tl. Bft1PIEY & SON OODERICH rHi: LEA I►INO Funeral Directors and Embalmers a,.i. •.y atter:+4 r a. .10 r,. •11g51 Aa, BRASS GOODS sol We have just received a beautiful line of Florentine Brass Hoods. Each piece posse:tees the aesthetic charm of Nature's liar - ,len. each decorative design artistically engraved by hand and finished in black and dull brass. We have ,also a fine line of Rodger- 1547 goods. Big assortment of Carving Knives and Forks in cases. BICYCLES We are agents for the Canada Cycle & Motor Co.'s Bicycles and carry the Cleveland line in stock. We have added & bicycle repair department to our workshop' and Carry a full line of bicycle sundries. IIIs your LAWN MOWER out of repair or doe*, it need sharpen ing? We can put it in order for you. FENCING ad We bay about two thousand re of Fencing left yet out „f abdit. four thousand. Weare going to clean thio Fencing out et prices that no person can afford to miss. The lines consist of The Piofshnrgh Perfect Pence. 7 wire.', 47 inches high. No. 9 wire, for '27$c a rod. Cyclone Woven Wire Fence. No. 7 and No. 0 wire. American Woven Wire Fence, No. 9 wire. Page Woven Wire Fence. No. 9. ('oiled Wire at $2.441 per 10(1lbs. Barbed Wire at $.50 per I(1) lbs. Does Your House Need Painting? If .o, don't forget that we handle the eherwin-\Vilhame Paint, no hest paint on the .tet. ,w, you want to brighten up your furniture. f/a.n and wens! work ' if so. don't forget that we handle JAP-A-1.4C. a high-grade wraieh and stair rombined. CEMENT .4 fresh -arload of Nat..ulal Portland c ement has tont arrived. The Natiowal i- the bast and stroageet rvytnelit made. Let us figure on your Plumbing. Bratton. Kam.stroughing, \Ictal Ho••ling. et+. CtiAS. C. LEE House Phone No 112 Store Phone No 22 L Q