HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-8-31, Page 4(
District News.
Tr gime Y. Awe '..44 b.
SALtt-Geo. Ledbetter will havel
sate of unregistered 'tort, including f
twenty -flue Jerseys, on September ltf,
at his farm on the Huron road.
Nieman Fisher thinlry i e away to
Manitoba to visit his undo sod other
Heeds. He will be away about three
months. We wish bit a pleasant
tie has sold his farm on the 41b con-
cession to Mr. Revel. from .ese=oouD-
ty, a graduate of the O.A,I . The pug
chat. price was $11,000, to about 1de
acres. Mr. Revel obtains possession
the let of February next, H. por-
poise to add fifty acres to the prevent
orchard of ten acres, which D. Ca/ste-
lae of Clinton. tbei "apple king.- says
is now the most heavily laden orchard
in Godeseich township.
Fiume Puttee/owe-T. H. Hatdy's
Zane on (be Base Nene tug been pur-
chased�by Eddie Welsh, of Clinton.
for $4,The farm contents eighty
acres and is in • foe state of cultiva-
tion Peter Macdougall has told
hie eighty -acre tarin on the Outline to
Alex. Cox. The price paid is raid to
be $4.500. Mr. Oto hail four sous and he
now owns enough land to provide
each of them with a farm.. ....
William Wakefield. of the 5th couces-
etoo. bee sold his eighty -acre farm on
tbe Base line for $4,500. He has
owned the plane for tbirty-five yen
and now purposes retiring from active
TresDA \ , Aug. nth.
LOTMA' LOCALS. -Dr. John Mac-
Lean, of Chicago. is visiting at his
home here... . Miss Annie Kelley, of
Detroit. spent votes time bele visiting
her sister. Mrs.''R. K Gilmore
Lesley and Russell Ritchie left for the
to Wedoonday. We wish them
success .... Miss Bridget Hogan, a
Toronto, spent two weeks visiting at
ser home here Mins Grotto
xampbell spent last week with
friends *round Kintail Mrs. Jae.
MacDonald and sister, Mrs. Robertson.
of Ottawa, visited in Kinloss last
week Miss Irene Sheriff, of Lae -k-
e -know, was the guest of ber anat. Mrs.
P. R. MecNay, for a few day- last
week Mrs. Johnston. of l'si low.
and Mrs. Henderson. a Chicago. vis-
ited at McLean's one dsr' this week.
Mia. Pearl H.ndermin. of Luck -
nowwas the guest ether cousin. Miss
Bessie Barnby. fee a few days. ..
Mies Elsie is pending a few
daye wide in Godericb.
TCEiDAY, August 214b.
or lash. ROBINSON.-The
of the late Mrs. Robinson,
woo .lied last Friday evening. took
to the Donnybrook cemetery on
nday moruir.g, and was largely a►
ed by serrow-ing ft lends and rela-
elytive,. Title pallbearer.: were Patrick
O'Connor, John Leidy, Patrick Kear-
eanney. Wm. Campbell. Albert Johnston
and John Craig.
BRIEF'S.- Mr. end Mrs. John Wil-
son, of Auburnvisited in this vicinity
last week Miss Flynn, of Hullett.
is the guest of her friend, Miss B. (Cum -
mine... Mr. end MNP. Alex. Syllihs,
of Sbeppardton. spent Sunday with
the formers brothel. R.Ili:an.
Mr. and Mt*. Thomas Cummins enter-
tained a number of their friends last
"i'hur•eday evening. All present re-
port having bad a good time...
The barmen' i n thie vicinity are
through harvesting and quite a num-
her have tbreehed. The grain is turn-
ing out fair. Among those who
left for the Rest last week were
Mark Armstrong. (nue Kinaban,
Michael Cummins. Cameron Jefferson
and Mrndy Nixon Mrs. Jame,.
Armstrong and eon. Sydney, of Brus-
..el.. visited at 4We". Thompson's East
W EDNtrsDA . Aug.:fOth.
NEN'. 1.111151 THE WEST. -News has
Leen received from some of the young
men lately gone to the West. Heto
vest iee.not vet over'seed wages are
good-Lt75 a day. One young lawn
of Goderich was set to .took wheat in
a field of 4140 scree. hut his r-nurage
failed hint and after two days of it he
returned to his home in old Ohtario.
A l'oHN ROAeT.-On Wednesday
evening Mr. and Mrs. Clutton had
their annual corn roast on the lake
shore and a utrrrt part v of nearly
fifty goe.t. *.Peintiled to celebrate.
The night woo. cold, but the wind
which had hero blowing all day died
down, so huge bonfires were lighted
and the usual fun commenced. The
amount of corn consumed cannot well
be estimated. but as a gond time was
what all were after. and not a high
tea, we presutue ell were well satisfied
with their nights entertainment.
Noris.. --Mies May Ryan. of 'taltford.
and Miss Ruth Potter. of Loymel. vis-
ited in this village last week..
Mrs. Crawley. of Toronto. who with
ber son Dosald had been nisi irating
for the last two months et the home
of ber mother. Mrs. Cummings. has
returned to her city home this week.
"Hustling Toni" is again in our
midst and doing up the Leehe,rn and
Dunlop threshing in a hurry, allowing
only seventeen minutes for meals ...
The hay men are around offering
eleven and twelve dollar. a ton.
Prices are likely to advance, a.- there
w $'varsity In some parte of ()uteric.
WErni SODA T. Aug. Stith.
BRIEFS. -Mrs. J.er.e Gledhill is still
improelm Jesse Gledhill shipped
a etrload of wool to Hespeler
Victor Newell, who was engaged with
the Fisher Bros. at Carlow. rs home for
a few holidays before he goes back to
(Grimm Pearl'. -The Methodist* a
Bsnmiller circuit under tbe Lead of
their new pastor are doing things.
This Nae evidenced last Thursday
evening when a lawn social was held
at the parsonage. The four appoint-
ment% on the circuit were interested
end helped to make what proved to
be s great success. Por several hours
during tbe stternoon active ptepers-
tione• were to progress. ladies decor-
ated their tables with flowers and set
them in garden party fashion best
and there on the -spacious lawn. The
first table was deeststd with pea'les,
the sscood with yellow goM.s-glow,
the third with sweet peas. the fourth
with red dahlias, the fifth with pink
asters. the sixth with red asters, the
seventh with heliotrope esters. the
eighth with nestullttwme. The follow -
log young ladies with wreaths of the
flowers corre.pondiat to their respec-
tive tables nerved : Mines Jessie OLe,
Mabel Snyder, Lelia Reigate Lizzie Pit -
blade, Kate Fishet, Ethel Straugban.
Elsa Oke. Tae evening was beauti-
fully fiw and by 7 o'clock a large
crowd bad gathered. L. Allen and J.
long did .t good business et the gate
witb their ticket selling. Ever body
mood. seemed in the happy mo. There
war set isfection with all the arrange-
ment. and the splendid spread.
Young and old said it was just tall
right. As darkness gathered the
people adjourned to the church. where
a program. not pretentious or over
lengthy. bet judging from the ap-
plaus.• thoroughly enjoyable, was
given. Mr. Tailor Rang in good voice
some eplendid old songs. Edna
Walters recited well. Arthur and
John Vickers with Willie Hall sang in
sweet soprano vni-es some e pretty
chonases. These boys just fresb from
tbe Old Country were well appreci-
*ted. The united cirruit choir gave a
laughing chorus. J. Long. J. C. Mil-
liso. A. Fibber and H. Mew rendered
a fine quartette selection. Rev. 0. G.
Hallman, of the German Evang••lical
church. addressed the gathering. Rev.
A. W. Brown Peng. recited and Acted
as chairmen. The proceeds amounted
to nearly $80.
MOaIDatt. Aug. 21st.
Awrut_-Two bright young peebs-
guguea of chi111 locality u.l is -oolong
home from leteheow last Thurndas
evenicg called on some friends a Pat •
amount and with the praiseworthy
view. no doubt, of testing the tele
phone lige. meg up same charming
young ledts* on the circuit. After
some very pleaMot dads, they made
the awful discovery teat it was with
the mothers of the said ladies they
were holding each sweet di.eouree. It
is .aid that the temperature lansedt-
ately fell to ttero.
TrESC) AV. Aug.
NEw-t N.rree.-Mia. Annie Clark
has returned to Seskat..on after -pend-
ing her holidoiys here .. Miss Mabel
McDonald. of Wiogbam. is visiting
her grandfather. Thos. Todd . Mr.
and Mrs J. H. Tigert. of Ooderich,
visited friend. here las; week
Donald Clark is spending a week visit-
ing in Durham and Triremes . . .. Mr..
John Miller :announces the marriage
of her daughter Rosa to Ed. Tom..
The wedding will take place early in
September. ..Mise May MrMoreao.
of Lucknow. visited her friend Miss
Mab- I McDonald over Sunday .....
Mr. Toni and Mins Annie Taylor. of
-Westfield. -pent Sunday at Wm.
lVebb't .. Mee. R. K. Miller and
Nies Chrioey Miller are spending the
week in Toronto . ..,Miss ina Welsh
rat Lenten. visited her friend. Mi.' E.
S. !diner. a few days last week ...
Mrs. 1►. B Itutherfnt-d end Mi-- Eliza-
beth Rutherford spent Sunday. at Pine
River . Mrs. Joseph ('vaunt enter-
teiped a n.im)rer of aoung people 1wi
Thnrsdb. night ..! ,Mrs..1. R. Ruttier
ford and Miss W. D. Ruthetfnrd spen
a few drive st Holyrord and Kinlmigh
Jornlwns.-Mia. Christens Fiala' -
son. of Chicago. end the Kisses Mar-
garet and Sadie Finlayson. of Detroit,
arrived lust week at the pinata, Mow
0o a vine Thrng ladlebefore ar-
riving here esed a pleasant trip
dowo the River Bt. Lawrence, visiting
the Thouaasd blends sod other
pieta The Misses Tyre. who
hare been merits of Miss Rebecca
Campbell for a time, have reruroed to
their home at Jackson, Mich
Alex. McLean. of Flint, Mich., is
aper di0g s few da at the home of
his father u. -law. D. R. McKenzie.
!f r-. Reed end family ere re-
turning today to Detroit after a few
wee:. a isit with the former's father.
Duncan Finlayson . Mr. and Mrs.
Alf. Broadbridge. of Rochester, N. T ,
and also Mrs. Wm. Richardson and
daughter, of Fergus, are visiting at
the home of Dan. Rose, of Hemlock
City Jas. Barnby, of Lothian. is
acting as engineer for D. C. McKen-
zie's threshing outfit Mrs. Jennie
Brown. of Detroit. who is accom-
pauied by her daughtee Alice. is visit-
ing at the home of her parents. Mr.
and Mr*Rod. l'*meron.
MoNDAT. Aug. "lith.
Gores Wiser. -The following per-
sons of this locality left for the West
on the C. P. R. harvesters' excursion
on Wednesday morning : Farquhar
Matheson, Jas. McKay. Dunce Mc-
Leod (boundary), Dune. McLeod (side -
road). Alex. Hamilton. Miss Annie
Har•rilton, Mrs. M. Rosman' and fam-
ily. end Hugh McIntosh.
A luetAWLT.-least Sunday while
Me- •tod. Rose. accompanied by two
cbil en and Mrs. Ferguson. was
driving home down the boundary, on
her return 'rota church, the horse
when opposite J. Hohb's in some man-
ner was startled when another horse
and rig attempted to t►ass by. The
borne got partly heyond control and
tore down the hill. through the valley
and across the bridge of the Eighteen
Mile River. *ccomp*nied by w great
cloud of dust and the screaming of
children, with rugs and other articles
flying cut of the rig. and things looked
pretty exciting for a while. Mrs. Row.
however. courageously kept a firm
hold of the reins and regained control
of the frightened animal while going
up the opposite hill... The oreupants
of the rig are to be congratulated on
their narrow escape from serious in-
BRI EPIC -The Mbe.ses Rebecca and
Margaret McKay. of Detroit, are
spending a few days at. the home of
their mother. Mrs. M. J. McKay.
Rev. and Mrs. J. B. Hardie with
their family arrived hone last week
after a month's sojourn at a summer
resort near Olipbact. Ont... ...Mies
Ada McKenzie has returned home
after spending her vacation with
friends in Chicago. !Kiss Rh.da-
McKenzie. who bee sent in her resig-
nation es teacher if the Paramount
public school. has secured a school in
the township of Hullett. near Londe,-
hornugh. Miss McKenzie's duties
there willcommence immediately
after the vacation .. . Tom. who on
the borne stretch. was io hopelessly
lett in the rear. in that race the other
day, telly realized. when picking up
the various article- left by the rig
of the win ser, that when it romes M
rating with a wnmas a man is "not in
it et all . .:.Tom Sandy. the well-
known cemeut contractor cf Hemlock
City. has just completed building some
cement hridgee on the Lake `here
t road between Port Albert end Kin-
- tail. Last Saturday, twee bridge'
t were visited by the county engineer
and successfully pewee' his in.peetiou.
the official fully approving '.f the
work dune by the rontracto,'. Any
rrmtract undertaken by Mr. Sandy is
Always well done and is :a credit to
that PM.? get is young man.
eke only ORIldalus
tilted rases
Osier -
We the hest. Insist epee
Karim Scott's -it's ,the
world's standard Beek ad
be slow.
Te the leAlmr of Tbe Signal
DEAR Ste. -Tb' fear that it may
lead to annexation seems to be the
ooly argument lett to those opposed to
the Qt agreement. n answer
to that 1 would point out that, though
nations may raise or lower the bar-
riers to trade. the actual trading can
ooly be done by the iodividuala them-
selves. So that Guar farmers who
are afraid the may lose their loyalty
by sellingtheir cattle to Buffalo
would ony need to enquire of the
buyer where he intended to .ell. The
buyer would say, - AVel. if i ship to
Buffalo I will pea you $8.00, but
if I ship to Toronto for either city or
British conwtnption I can pay .only
$8.90." The Nervous farmer could
take the lower price ,end still have a
string to his loyalty. asd his more en-
terprising neighbor, oboes loyalty
does not depend on his pocketbook,
could take the higher price.
They might even go farthor and put
a big' Y' on the gate to tha• •he buyers
who were paving the higher prices
would not need to call.
Sincerely yours.
TH o ll AB i` OODCOCK .
Westfield. Huron C... Aug. 22.
Deafness Cannot be Cured
ti local application.. as they cannot reach the
i diseased portion of the e..r. There is oaly one
well to cure deafness. red that ie • by con..Utu-
t'anal remedies. I1safoee is mewed be an in •
flamed condition et the mutone rising of the
Kustarbian Teta When chis tube to inflamed
you hese a rumbltng.ound or imperfect hear-
ing. and .ben it in entirely cored. endorse 1.
the result. sed union tIw team:metioe can be
taker out and this tete restored to its normal
mediumrintouiwill arded rhtof ten are sr h Catarrh.
wittier' i. nothing but as inflamed condition of
theWmuoouvwei Owe
e willgi(Ie Hundred Doltare for any
case of lisade+ tosesed br ()terra, that can -
Dot be cursd err 's Catarrh Cure. Send for
circular.. free.
F. .1. 'RTN EV ft CO.. Toledo. t ).
Tike Wife rsta1 N ll. ter eonrttp$Uen.
TV ESDAr. Aug. 31th:
Towsolair (otntctt..-Council met
August 22nd as per adjournment.1
Members all present. Reece Bailie in
the ..hair. Minute' of last meeting
read and passed. net motion of Meters.
Wil•...n :end Murray. Treawrreee
statement showed a Balance no hand
of mar and prssed.on mntinn of
Messrs Watson sad Wilwei. The fol-
lowing chequee were Wetted on motion
..f Me..r.. Wilson rind Watson : Thos
McPhee. repairing Shannon's hill. $'Ib:
J. J. Henderson, tile. 1121$4: Thos.
Inglis, gravelling contract. $11.50: J.
Edwards. stave) errount. $1.60: D.
McAllister. gravel account and shovel-
ling gravel. WAD: D. Fowler. gravel
•urviunt. $.Q.4O: John Taylor. work on
W. B. and repairing culvert. 51i F.
Malcolm. repairing culvert on concea-
•inn 14. $18.12: K Taylor. gravel ac-
rount, IL;: .loss Featian. gravel a�-
enunt. $13.0?.. Frank Themneoo. put
ting in rtilvert on r,.neeeeoion A. 12:
Ise. Martin. gravel sccotunt• $0.40:
John Wilson. putting io culvert and
di ging ditch on concretion 5. $10:
Rd. Hain.'. gravel account. $:t.30: Rd.
Thos, putting in culvert. $1.50: Oeo.
Hamilton. hauling tile and porting in
''olvert on so'tth boundary. $7. Toon
titadjourned to meet oo tie timber
?.Nth at 1 o'clock. W. a. M•{ttnsriP.
(,leek. per W. G. Met'.
gigures for garmers.
Following are market 'quotations at Toront r
Thursdaa . Augtut !4
Toronto Pt
Winter wheat . eel. to
Harlot 1 malting) 1£r10
(late IKo 2 white) .:41)r to
Rye 74r to
Kay ttienotbyi .. 11,4 til,
Butter 'dairy) 711^ to
Rutter tefe.mery peintal .. 14e to
. to e laid) Ler to
Cheese dewy) ... I:M to
l'alt-re (prime. h. prise) .... - $7 iS
Nben 1ptrisel IR Mi
�s.hs lehoseef 10.141to St2 .
and Buffalo
ee Buffalo Prires.
44r per knob . elle to 01c
117r pet Irish .11 14 to $1.1%
42 a per b.tselt. 42t to 4hc
Lr pet Mob 9114
$91 per too .els toill
22r per Ib20r to Sr
$c . ZJe to Sr
Sic 1»r doyen .sr
Sift re 7i
Pito IA
1 M',viAy. Aug. tit b.
Tow •.NH t P Uot rcf ` -Council met
in Belgrare on August 21 as per ad-
journment. All toenhers present..
Minute. of former meeting read and
confirmed. The engineers report on
the Blyth creek drain was teed and.
there heieg no ohjectionia it was
mooed by Mr. Mcott. s.r•oonded by Mr.
('ampbell, that the rep..rt ae new read
be provisionally adopted and that the
necessary hi law be prepared in con-
nection with the same. I'srried. The
treasurer reported that in answer to
his advertisement • number of Makers
had forwarded tender. for the pur-
chase of the bridge debeutia e.
amounting to 11118,(109. Moved by Mr.
Scott seconded h lMr. stonebouse.
that •he tender of Wood. (+undy A
Co.. Toro•:tt., et $Ita,005 along with the
averted oaf.' es*. being the highest. he
accepted. the Reeve and treasurer to
arrange for the final 'settlement of the
same. l'arriel. A bylaw was read
.end pissed, %tatinu the different
:amount* required for the present *year
and firing the following rates, viz. :
County rate, 1 SAO mine : township
rate. 1 :t 10 trills :special school rate.
2 2-10 mills: the general echo of rate
over and above these a.rnnuata. Gln
mot inn of Councillors Scott and
Campbell. the followtngacrounte were
ordered to be paid Wm. Patterson.
underbru.hing on western boundary,
$F: lbohert Buchanan. drawing plank
and repairing Pstterson s bridge. row
recession ^-. 12 50: Wm. H. Campbell.
elm timber and delivering same. $5.,;
Richard Irwin. rommutatlon etatute
tat or •ax 1010. Ike: Wm. G. Matter, R
vds. of gravel. t10 cent*: Was. Nixon.
4.1 yd. of I. 114.90: Wm. Wight -
mien. :41 ode. of gravel. SR: Wm. J.
Rodger 44 yds of gravel, $4.40: Rob-
odert Mhiell, 122 yds. of gravel. $1LS:
Mwm•nel Thnmjson. tile sed weak on
western ''run ary. 111 : The Mad std
Empire Printing Co.. edrertishilt
tientures, LID The Globe Printing ('o..
adyertis.ng debenture.. p: A Mill R
t .o pert payment. lath line bridge.
$311. The council theta adjourned to
meet again ,o Monday wpte-mber
1Mth nett. at 10 ^hark t t►.1rews
►i.o (lark
Mr Th.- Cepstral Business
College of Toronto invites
you to write for a copy of
its curriculum if you are in
any way in•ereetad in e
(raining which will lead yon
into good businese appoint -
'Meat et a good -clary. The
Fall Term opens op August
3(th. Address W. H. Shaw'
President. l o n g e an d
Gerrard Sts.. Toronto. and
went ion this paper.
Ladies '•
St Thomas.Ont .
Toronto. Ont.. stands today without
a rape, ier in Canada. Graduates
highly successful. Catalogue free.
Thede in the very 'Meat style and
frost the best quality of goods.
Too are assured rat the hest of
satisfaction at
The ,ap- odate Tailor
Hoeing. -neo -tote that our grnd.atee
are Use be.' w-. bare taree 1eportaaenta
I nMMiIt. IAI.. .RI ,RTI4ltD sad TE1.-
E.GRAPRy. The ;u.tl.n for •ir mention i.
Eat and fo- ase year fin. ler ntlgatlw
will prove •o your entail/MOM tient there to
no better Haeine•.. 011e to in ' &nada tie(
nor free call etoree anw.
D. A. McLA( MLA N.
1 rincipaL
Ree .rn Rates from Godetlde
$3.90 11 $2.85
DAILY 20ib
and stet
August tsdt bs t h
Sepiemb>er 7th
AI, t.eker* geed ger vete.. cwta eye tam
Aeat .o.1 oreiC•AL emoowamset
Contains list end nompk.te tiewerip -
tion of daily event. at Fair : abs
sps•r•ial rate* and trim w-rrir•e ?rem
All (*tions.
.101. K1DD. Agust. tiodeneb
Good -buy Sale to All Summer Goods
We expect this week will see the end of all that we class as
summer materials. Prices will be made for Saturday and Tues-
day so low that we will do 4 days' business in these 2 days. It
will pay anyone to secure some of these half-price goods, even if the
buyer doesn't want to Ilse them now.
We are going to be in better shape than ever before to show new
Fall Materials. In Dress Goods we will be able to show some of
the newest and most up-to-date materials and designs, and, being
cash buyers, we get the lowest figures a cash market can offer, which
enables us to put our prices to the buyer at rockbottom. Come and
have a look. Quite a showing of Fall Dress Goods here already,
as well as American Kimono Cloths, beautiful colorings and
patterns, and prices run from roc to 25c.
SWEATERS. -New Sweaters for children, girls, boys and
ladies, all at popular prices.
TRIMMINGS. --Allover Silk Laces, cream, black, grey and
navy. Silk Braids, ,14, 2, 20 inches wide. Silk Bandings and
Medallions, Bead Trimmings, black and white. An immense show-
ing of all these Trimmin, lately imported, and just the newest
COATS. -New Fall Coate just in direct from the makers -the
most up-to-date Coats to be found in the market.
Pupil et Prof. Moran and etodent of
Alma College. ie prepared to give
th.vn• in Plane and organ Pupil.
prepared for UeinT ntt and tbnserv.
atmos examination* tuition
M r
What About That
Leaky Roof of Yours
Retler have it replaced with a
new one. See NS . li Pied!.
Hamilton street, for time rig
at the right phos.
agent for
Brantford Roofing t
AIN ay- a full stock of Roofing
on hand. which enables us to
give ptyimpt attention to all
work in tbi. line.
Also we make • specialty .d
W. R. Pinder
'Phone 15o
$3.90 RETURN
•nga6tb to Sept 9th
$2.85 RETURN
Aug 19th and 31st :
Sept Stb and 7tb
Return Load Sept tieb. tett
`special train leave.-. Gnderich
11 a. ie. Aug. 29th. :(1st: Sept.
Zod. 5th. 7th.
Through roach fnr Toronto on
all trains for Exhibition.
Single Fare
minimum charge 7riei
for Labor Day
Beta pen all 'tasiona in Canada.
Mao to Detroit and Port Hume.
Miele. Niagara Fell, and Buffalo,
N. V
GOOD GOiNG SEPT t. a, 3. 4.
R dere Lime Sept 4 19tt.
Th o.gh Team Pullman Shapers
ss wHosres and tM.OMTOM
Ina es.teate w et Pmt
August 22nd Sept 50, and She
.w rM-Kra.M. wIM
Fug ppsarrttirulass
fr..m h 1
Mi1W tfWAtA1A1At /40,1 +NTAn0,1**At*ALN"**w411
3rrgctiij Offer
The Signal from now to Jannary
1st, 1912. to new sucscribers
only - 25c
To he up-to-date, to insure good eatistactioo in cooking and
under all circumstances, you must powers a NATIONAL
RAxOe. They .peak for themselves.
or. the best on the markeL 1• rot NO\V the time to be-
thinking of that new stove for the coming winter's use:'
The'canon of the year is epproacbipg when these goods
will he much in demand. We band a only what is hest.
We have in -tock an excellent .apply for the fall trade.
Plumbing. Heroine, gayest Neighing
and (neral Hardware.
Haaikofa Street 01
1 F
3 ▪ What Is Your Money Worth ? c.
4 F
3 F
4 F
110 PCENT. 1 F
1 64 6
a PF
On all summer goods we are giving an F
✓ retierl w greater rut: and if eawept a F
Nairne. Coach. Verandah (:hair rev Lawn F
Meat. now is the time te get nee rbnay. F
Or : ''d armee deaf fe everyone "
This will mews a considerabie saving to any
person requiring Furniture. and it will pay
you to tate advantage of it..
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