HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-8-31, Page 3TIE
Reeipro ity and jtrse.
A. Yeager, of `iimwr, w/t•11 known !city w say tbat two market, are bet-
a. • breeder of and dealer 1 iu borates, I ter than three."
writer to The Glow in reply 10 ,row, The Win Trade.
staMmente made by Charles IJlirns,
`ENDING of Toronto, who sell borne, by nuc- R
1 run very much surprised at Mu.
Burne' letter in The Ulube. It he
BEWARE were a breeder be would be looking
to the future market for horses as well
OF as the present- He, of course, would
IMITA- like to comptl the Ontario farmer o
TIONS. have just the one market so he can
get hie commission, and with what
is paid for board besides he will get
truer twenty to tlfty dollars on each
horse. Of cuuese be doesn't want reci-
procity ; wby should be?
S 0 L U ON of uis alleged facts is that
horses are higher in ('&nada thee. ut
'1'H 1: the litotes. 1sae Torouto and Buffet.,
MERITS OF fur utrtance. He is quoting Canada
horses ; say, blocks that weigh brow
1,Si8. 1'bey brutg from 'S400
w a) ilio per pair in 'foronw. dbip the
��i sauna to Buffalo and they will sell
LI►saiaA4■ thew quicker at $TO1 to deter a pair.
Then take our drivers, our rniatlts,
that you cao bandy get $100 to 6130
or repaired.
All order, promptly attaaded to on leaving
them at THY SIGNAL Oedsr(cb.
A. E. TAYLOR. t3Ta.Tpntin
for, and their boars wall eat them up
before they are sold ; the same will
bring in Itu1Ltlu from IMO to 11150
1 wean delivery, grocery, milk wagon,
Tomato ►ter\ w r.
tleg to doubleeolumu
article. of the danger d tpul
it offered w the Ca
siet xiop
fora few day,, snit,
Deelis with Mr. Buros' sutemeet'treely tweed end tried .o find
that the ('anadan West war • big
and growing market for the (Mario
horse. Mr. Uardbouse said : "it is
true we ship a great many honer to
the Canadian West every year.
The Western farmers like our bosses
because they ate ao well 1,roken code
trained, and all ready to go to work
to till tbe soil. But the horror we
Orli to the Weetrru fel tilers .re nut
all of the highest grad*. At may
rate there is a heavy demand for what
we do sell them.
Canada Can Compete.
-If reciprocity goes into effect it is
likely that a few burse• will be bought
from the Middle and Weittern State.
But these are inferior horses sed
mete other point of •tLeck. '1
reason for so doing ie n o w
out. It seat • man up froui Tor-
onto to interview Parkinson Broth-
ers. the well - known breeders of
Lincoln sheep in Erawosa. The
information that they received could
not have been satisfactory, es (he in-
terview has never t.r+n pu blished in
the pages of The, Woi Id. Leonard
Parkinson, one of the firm, told lite
Guelph Mercer that be was lade
pendent in polities and a subscriber to
The World. He had been watching
in vain for the appearance of the M-
tertilew and be characterized the
doable-coluinn screen's of The World
as the veneer rot.
"I v the reporter, ' said Mr. Parkio-
can never supplant the Ontario horse eon -that (herr, Wel leen no three m-
the high grades in tbe t;aoadias .4 "i
iD tthere t to (allsouathe
\Vest. Mr. Burns says that the bones paw-
ing of the Dingley bill. The year IWfore
of the Middle and Western Mates tae tt went roto eAret w,- ,old our wool for
be sold for d9t less than the'Onterio �tirent+a meted. lu hell wrsuldS,UlU
horse, becau.r they e.tn },+ gr./rest for puuu0a for • ,•ret+ pet pound, 1 aw
TNUNIINAN, AC6t-eV 31, 1911 19
nine month- in the '.rat- end a:r cont eery able to judge the number of
fed. Well. the horses that can be .bream kept toy for number of rano we
grazed tot nine months in the year seed out escb wtumn. ofrore the
light express, and livery hordes cud are c, • n ted err n. t what tee Dinalry hill was passed we used to
tareuers in the Canadian West want, send out sixty-five. Now tee are
limy have the chid, and they wart
cud all the impwtatione ofb[lucky if we eeod out five. Remove the
huitiee from the Lnited States would d ff „he. rad ,hate products end
not hurt the demand for (►pterin
Wider Markets.
our Canadian misfits ; there are (hot.
sands Ioing for them. uty o p • p
Then take our draft horses that
weigh froth 1,t1W to 1.140!1. In what
native ciues *hall we bell them?
Hamilton, Toronto, Montreal ? Tbey
bring from 9260 to $.16U. The same
would bring from 11:Ot to *1100 in llut-
row we will take the American
horse that Mr. Burns rays is nut
bringiog more than ours is here.
11AUUHAly H. KUBEKTS, CIVIL They ate out only *tall -fed hones,
aaa Hydrauuc XN1iaeer, tlntario land but they are fattened on corn. By the
time you get. thew muscled up and
11CLeao Ihock, Ooderich., Darew. acclimated it takes from els to nine
Montasalsrast. Telepbons 137. ( months. 1, it any wonder they want
our horses ? He might just as well
-- _ - (compare Oanadien iambs with the etre
"One thing is cereon : that if we
get reciprocity we will set thy. addi-
tional and inveluar,Ie markets of the
United State*. and no sane mon can
say truthfully • h. t three ,markets are
not better than two."
Mr. GJrdhrrlrse then cited tw., or market on the one hand and Inc
three intereeting indent. illustrating (rated States market on the othtr,
Were night be some room for dispute.
But wben it is a question between the
British market alone, and the British
market with the Awericvu market
added. there is ho room for contto-
wat-b the sheep industry expand. 1
au, for reciprocity.
Wiale for Reciprocity.
lew.r Wigle, who has contested
South Essex eight times in the Tory
interest., is strongly ID favor of reci-
procity. He bays:
' • I► it were a question of the Bi itish
how reciprrs i•y w..uld he of unques-
tionable' adca•itaa'e to the Ontario
horse dealer. and the t' amid:an horse
dealer, for that matter
A Sale in the States.
tretern ebecp on for Buffalo market In June, 1.0;'*, he sod. '•Ir. H A Mi, t\'igla ridicule, the attempt to
'There is lust as much difference, and Holmes, of At.erdeen. whom Mr stere Uutario horse breeders by pro-
' Canadian latube are worth nearly (iardhouae •i.ited recently. shipped a pbe•ciewufao invabtonufcbeap, Yankee_
luoubleatBuffalo. Clydesdale hor.e to T.•n•oto. and it bird horns,.
1 have been a breeder all toy life, was sold ander the harem,, by Burns -Taper tell u.," Mr. Wivle went on,
"that under reciprocity the Western
States will Huou our Weatetq Prov-'
MOM with cheap horses. Well, if
England and the breeder was getting : price horses ate ,tat cite,( i, the Dakota,ro
for 1,20U -pound and 1,400 -pound ao it is asserted they ate. they cuulu
[)R. W. F. CULLOM,. M. B.
Visas and saaysaes, North Rat:. Oodafek.
earth at UMW lledsv! MINA 't5MpMes li
Nom ad (Noe Maly. Row ser1eoo
Nen York Upbtbaltate mad Aural Institute.
(heal te-i•d., lay. Nwaadd 7 hroat Ho.piW
(Millen titters. cad Moorefield byes Hospital.
on, knalad. l/les. S] K W ale `lienar
rita*Uore, oppodet Koos Church. o,.rs 9
mar a. m. 1 to 4 p, s.. 7 to s u. m. 'iebpbooe
' and 10 1tAki, 1t� and 11498 1 bought A Sheppard fair tkld,. '1'bib hone was
and shipped over 1,100 hirers w iq,the fall of the same year sold to a
Montreal, which was our only war- party in the Western State- for breed-
ket. Then they were reshipped to , tog purposes for Dearly double the
race paid for it in Tun nu'.
The long haul to the 1-au..:1iara \Vest be relit across the lice on payment of
' blocks sixty to eighty dollar. apiece. is a certain detriment to the Oatarro a duty- of $12.50 per Lead. 1 he sante
iThe rave kind wul bring today 11r -Vo dealer's lousiness Mr. (iardbouse said amount would pay carriage on the
to Wall in for Toronto meek,*. and be shipper 1 two elleloade of borer.. to �e horses cheap in Detroit as well.
B H I B N W traitteter B. C f W h
A AN, benlatane. solicitor.. notaries public
in the Mariutot Court. etc. Private
le trap at lowest rate. of interest
Neat idea square, C.
GMdricb. W.
it.IWUoFLIOr K. c.. R. HAYS. .1. L.
PII.}.ORA �.
)uJ 0. CAMBIWN, K. C.. BARRifi-
JLL. TYIt, solicitor, netarr Wale- Ut10s►-
ra+uutltoo eareet- Ueda -Ica, this door from
l� itis(LR, attorneys..00ator, ate.. Rods
re. b. Mtwm1 le /son et wweet ruler.
soak:atm. o4mal+tooer. Notary Dubuc
lames Hamilton mews 1.e.aetioh Unt
. considerably more In u a o. ut New es from e• But are horses c' e.p ihr•Detroit ? 1
ship them to Liverpool and clic pence ton last fall. 11a ix/rras chargee on
its 11150, wbieb vete the bleeder diel noticed last spring that, a sale of 250
or the two ars was $1.f1Uu. or $9nt onhorses was to be beid ID that city aud
900 uy the owe he pays his trright each car.
and commission, and We could not .ell Trade with United Sties.
10U horses in one hundred days at that
price. Ip .ether words, that market is "There is no doubt about the per -
gone manency of the demand for Ontario
Now dike our great Northwest. that horses trnm the United Stater once
is relying our best mares and stal- the tariff wall is removed,' said Mr.
lions. With their steam plows and (,ardhouw. New )ark Stat.., which
binders and with the ',umber ut i is contiguous to Ontario. can handle a
horsy they wilt raise in ten years treweudous nnmter of our horses.
sod lee. they will not want our horses.•Thee want first-class horse., and
Will Mr. Barna or any sane wan tell i Ontario raises the test draught horses
t us where we are going to sell our 1 on the trontioeot. Last year there
all eUiteh(:1 CO. -Farm asa Irsistei
tows prepsrt7 toenr+a.
uses -J. b. rciw.+a, Pies. 8mfmt1 FAX
ComOUy. Vies -enc Ooese(Mh P. O.
Monism le hays, bac.•'lraw,. umlerti P. t1'
latreetcts-Nm. (Amway. remitted' ; kale
U. bete•., Winthep ; tt ahem Rios, UMestasoe;
Juba lfeaaeww., attodWaen; Jrrueu Yvan.
Beech sood ; John Neta, oarlock : Maloo8R
leckwen. atmsOeld.
Aaeat.: .1. W. 984/_ Hotwe.VWe. k8mitta
Mattock: Jae. Cummings. earnmecithe; !`
H1nchle7. water h. Youcy-lanina a eau pay
dwar*dy era tet IM..' cards rearePteo at
WTema ormy. sgrwwoe t � M Cets'd
iiLLlt UUII baa. Ap0y to M. 0. CAM-
lbhu.4 berviaat. Marmon• street Ooderich.
AND Len NIOO: 0siU.1. t. isedbn and
$w•srme arra atrrtprsas' Lison.
err : 11a111 (essan ArNHaat sod U•arsete
orpor•tlsst, Limited. or Leedom Nog.
FID••tart AND Vsat&STssBosnia : TM U.8.
Fidelity sad OearsawUompany.
°toe u res_ssee, seruwa owner d.V►o
and 8t. Lavl/'s stream'limos 176
cad ac al at iswras05. Anwi 1 1s•duag
^meal sal stook compssraa ] :mtotal
aM enacted es bar pia sad et lowest rater.
...All 51 Maiim come N eat titres( end rigger*,
g swan J. a. tautha11C wears* est
lab dime ie
W AL'1'hlt 16 1k16LL Y , J. P..
W/Ul'RICM. UN's.
trllfl:es OF MARRIA08 LICKNSYtI.
•♦ . Atilt nN 0 . OO4*i . tML
15 _1tun minaawa sod milder said
Were hs W best anevim la .110510•
Wry eta Iadrm' Aampsia• e
gYp pss1 t w1�be ap0•M�m- d
o.Tjs Mattpolsssc.
and reoeea1 aocUww,... ,(anew on Meta
shoe 1 wow rs ,.e IOW be tuunn at all tonne
wheat to e•7LR mho.. Tres nawna1M and
every neer me taw give yea mw•twition.
were exported from Canada $5iattlf7
Be bays Mr. Yeager wants ,admen- worth of Canadian -bred horses. Of
it so ue can to the Staten, but these; $453.108 worth were eNported to
as 1 wanted some horses 1 went over
to see what 1 could do in buying. The
first horse put up was a black, a pad-
locking- worker, but the auctioneer
frankly stated that the animal bad
beaver ; it sold for $12o. The next of-
fering was a speckled grey, eighteen
years old if it was aday, but sound, save
that it. was a little off in the hind legs:
this retched $132.50 An old pacing
mare that 1 thought might „bid up to
960 went for $167.00. A team of good
ones. I,2ei to 1,300 pounds, five or six
yearn old, which. if offered in Canada,
would have brought from 9400 to>j1.'r5,
c y g tbeL httoa,f grates. sold at $525. That satisfied me " con-
hotnes, ship thew ill, fit thew up and
eluded lir. Wigle, "that there are rani
sell them. 1 can bund thew In tree of i taut you see what a splendid ad -
duty anb. d caw ship them Deck in a year `-anlage it would he to for Ontario cheap bursar to he had on the other
frost of duty crow, except a dollar per j borne dealer to have tt.e tariff wall re- sidle a ds1 was
only old heavy Ovate that I was* I I
moved and that great American mar- I y.
head. But we do not want their borrows. ,i pad across to the other side and sell it
,Bowe to Simeon and I can show y=u ' ket open to us. with the short haul ?
more good bigb-claw borers in glorious "11 deals a big thing for 10..' t there Wigle will not be accused of 1'
Norlolk county than you can find in Crit rympatbits ; and he lives near
any three States iu the tenon Reciprocity and Horses. enough the border to be well in -
Would not the Western Stales have William Edward* Tuttle. Niagara formed on the wade conditions on
nice chance coeupeting against the
;Ontario horse in the astern States. I Falls. replying to t.. A. Burn.' state -
each side.
with our horses acclimated and ready
. to go to work ?
1 will ay that if the breeders of
Ontario turn down ieciprority in less
than Ave years they win say : "Where
is our market for our tine 1,715, -
pound and 1,t1Wpouud hones ?
Where is the market for blocks
Wbere are the cities to which we can
sell our misfits ? %Vbete are the uul-
lioneires to purchase our hunters,
carriage and saddle horses ?" W e
have the goes and we need their
i would say in conclusion, tr. the
farmers and breeders at all clabse, of
horses: You ate in the largest in-
dustry in the Province: you art -manu-
facturing an article to be marketed
five years Bence ; this is not a
Grit and Tory affair, it ie a seri,.•
question. W here is the nlanufactuier
whose goods were to be sold 11ye years
in the future who would not
look ahead and try to secure for
that time (he largest poaitle neer-
keta ? Eighty per cent. of the mem-
bers of Parliament who are oppos-
ing reciprocityare manufacturers or
speculators. ut our English borse
market is alre.dy • thing ut the put :
in five years the Northwest will have
its own sources of supply. while with
reciprocal trade arrangements in
forte New York [State alone will buy
more horses in one year night
from the present than we can sell
to the Northwest for the next five
years. A. Yuui.rt.
Simcue, Ont.
J, B. ltcirrus, L. L.. tiagitsdt
aF. T. C.
M. tTsres*M smash* COM shuwa -vim sal-
es s, sagas wadA A.ipWs, iswssss
m s1. sssnh'
'Ic Mit
Ol emWon ss te tortes, wee septy u w
Reriproaty Means a Big Advantage ter
Our Horse -breeders.
Toronto. Aug. Et -J. M. Uardb,ur e,
01 Weston, is well known throughout
the agricultural districts of Ontario M
a moot successful farmer. and better
known se an importer. breeder and
dealer in borers with every part of
Oanada and many of the Stats of des
Union oontigtroue to Canada. He has
travelled srmaxi rely through the
( median West. tit. ItDit•d state .sd
the Called Kingdom, and keine, a tot
about horses.
Said Mr. trardb„use to The Ghee:
"With reciprocity, the Ontano dealer
has everything to gain and nothing to
low. It will open up the plea mer`
ket. of the big Otte, in lata amitosis
Stamm We would have thew mar -
tete to which to ship with a skirt
had. it is all barb about the Carol
RUM* Goodie our market with their
Horses. We are sunt afraid of thief
eospetitaes. We rale amok WOW
bores that they Ao now. it Is all
wotserw for the e/pewests of yrs
meat on horses as reported in The
Toronto Wcrkl of August 15, says in • Play the work we do that isn't
letter to The Globe : -N-ill Mr. Buros coin oleo,}.
tell mew by carload after carload ofwell- P
bred Canadian horses with action and Riches may not bring b'ippines . but
spit it ere ahippe•Cto the States by the neither does poverty.
American buyers, who are continually
@cowing Ontario for siegle horse. or
pain ? Because they command a bet-
ter price than United States -bred
horse.. When W. R. Lowe: cf
Brampton was in the hose business
be was busy night and day buying
good Canadian -bred horses all over
Ontario. He paid horns 9150 to 9250
apiece for them. took them to his
stables at Niagara Falls, N. Y.. broke
them to city seeds and sold them from
9400 to 91.900 a horse. He often in-
formed me that 1f be could get rid of
the high duty he could do a I it more
busisaw with larger profit to him-
esN. 1f the duty o0 hones is removed
Mr. Sures or any other man need
have no tear of American borers com-
ing into the Canadian market or
of them underselling the Canadian
Nerd Nuts 10 erste.
Senator (.roans of North Dakota.
wbu fought recipro«ty in the U. 8.
Selate. recently quoted some Spires
which bad beer' given biro by George
McLean. of Etarles. N. 11. showing
prices pard bythe latter for Canadian
wheat laall. He buy. ,Canadian
what in bond. in.rreting it dutyfree
to he ground for export. 11e prime nn
Gm American aide suer► ppaalid at Marles,
three miles trim the bordee, and those
In Canada at isrinus pointo within
ten miles of the bee
The respective parro paid were as
follows :
American Canadian
Wheat Wheat
October 3, 1Alo 9 in 986
October is. 1910 9N 114
October 7, 1910 1.00 85
October II. 1910 kV KS
Oetobsu. lA 1910 Ari Al
OsInhir 19. 1910 86 OD
Oa sisr 17. 1910 W 81
OMahar * 1910.... fel 81
OMaiar 11. NM..... 91 81
Ower 10. 1919.... 92 79
Fle amrcr I. 11.09 89 Tt
NLramiar 2. M9.. 90 7b
M.tfemir 3, IM... 99 77
... IS heceeisber
Nwair is ... 91 79
Nwamber 14. 1119.. 91 79
Newamler K TIM.- 9S 79
11(weehber 11. at.. 911 90
ihreember ft -... 91 90
Dssnamr S. HM.. 91 77
it el ala aims Mesa et tet to
arytte Ms ewe est et the
atwti d '-g-0710041141 farmer
K-10^•7 re Wave Racka, he you bald
daek:c busses. o. If y.s. neglect
pooi.Ihs it will develop into
nese-Ft., L,,t • Ilia-
eat ..y, �. t,...fe ;.
u•t rubh.oa .,,,I .tow
back. tare i,e kednes.gTh
is only one kidney aeekl,,;,1e but
it cures Backache every i,a..�
Kidn ey
Cod Liver Oil Witt
• the Oil Takes Out
A TrwntPi tar Chemical ami
Resm•tical Skill •
017 from the liver of the eorldlth bat
been used es a preventative of dims
and a restorative for ages.
For a long time tt bas been the gemmed
opinion that the medicinal value of Cad
Liver Oil was the peasy oily part ksar
--its only drawbackiii. the •spit
table, fishy taste of tbe
From the first experts have bin try.
it to find means to make k more palm-
airtable. They used to last" k with
whisks --take It in wine -chyme it wkh
lemon jt ' anything to get away gram
that abominable fish taste d smell.
Lots of people still smell. take it in Emul-
sion form, which is nothing more than
"churned" oil -broken up --but still
greasy, oily and a strain on the digestion.
Doctors used to think it was the d
itself that built up the system -they
were slow to find out that the oil was •
distinct drawback to the medicinal prin-
eipks contained in it.
Crude oil is quite indigestible, and
will, in time, put the strongest stomach
out of order.
A wayhas now been dicovered to do
away wh the grease and the smell, and
yet retain all the medicinal properties
of the liver. Tui is done by removing
the fresh oil from ti new livers. The
liver pulp is thea seduced to the form
Of an extract like bed extract.
Nyl's Cod Liver Caorpownd is simply
this liver extract combatted with an as -
tract of malt and healing wild cherry.
It also contains the true bypopbospbites.
This combmatioa makes Nyis Cod
Liver Compound • delicious tonic -
builds up the system, and makes you
Take it wben you feel yourself losing
your trip It's • pleasure to take -
even the children like it.
Get a bottle to -day sad ward off
disease. 91.00 for a large bottle. Your
draggist will cheerfully reoommmd 11
hums be knows •R about it
Sold and guaranteed by :
We have much plumy in announCing
our opening display tit will'. nsi i' a and
children s Coate for the eoelitgi Tan
Wr havers .red no edict tit gee ttI1etber
the a -sur.( .not molar ag/rvved atylea, cad
our-hvwtug i,., Isabela a doubt, ski beet
we have ever toad..
Thr I.r-ge sheet c.,Uer ieeteof the many
new fratut-.-. of the new route, and eepme in
self colors env hanel„u,•• 'lvered..
Ladies' nee Fall Coals at 1110.0* W
1126.00 rash
Misses' and Children's
We are this .,.earl again .hoer ing the
-'Fairsex" Gan,. -rat. for misers' aur child-
ren's coats for dr. -..y red school weal.
These goods are made by sprriali.ta in
-hietr'ee's wear. who devote their whole
attention to tb • snaking of misses and girls;
Monarch Sweater Coats
More Monereb Knit Coats I h,nd
k in alI our popular numbers.
.lgency for Kayser Gloves
Agency for Perri o'rUlovete
1 .;rebel, s Under wear, Peerless Undergo,:
SIcCalI's Patterns "
A n d Publications
Millar's Scotch Store
(i/The Envy
of her
Stylish , Footwear
It you buy a first-class
shoe. don't you want that
shoe made in the latest
style ?
Vby ebould you pay
the price of a high-ela..
shoe. and. in return. get a
•hoes one or two season.
How do you know,
for instance, wben you ask
for the newest footwear
that you're actually get-
ting the newest ?
But why takerbancet -
Why not ask for the
shoes that lead the styles
in Canada - INVICfUB
Shoes ?
isn't there a great
satisfaction in knowing
that the shoes you're wear-
ing' are not last year's
styles but the newest there
is in footwear ?
This satisfaction will
be vont s when you wear
iNViC'YL:S Mhoeo. There
are other fashionable slices
besides IN V I C'TUS, hut
' bow are you to know their
Why run any risks, why not older the shoes that have made
a reputation threugbout Canada for their stylish appearance?
You run no risks when you order iNVIC'TCS `hoes.
W m. Sharman
The Square Ooderich
is the "totes,. s bosc kitchen stints with a handsome, roomy range-wbote
tare hearse nail the r.tisf•ctite. •!Forded by • perfect eot'ti' R e.twpastrit.
For every wom•.n wants a food stove. Whether at.e does her own
oiokisg or not, tete eats .the meds that
art prepared on it,1 S"• ' - and kelt' • pride in
..ng the best. =__ -- - G:'::SLY-OXPORD
satisfies that pride; ( d s• Y I T� justifies the'witlt-
hnr's wry. Corset -Oxford Oxford stoves sad
ranges carry every - karma feature of
ro.veeie•ce. coon• Deni -y sad "let"' sth
oh some new points of excellence at ars evclus.e.
First of ell is the lever tbst holds. No denger of the fire goiag out
between ne•Is. The Orford Beosomiser will bold the heat at • low ebb
till yon west it; ties tars the boodle, and your stove ie hot i• • iiify.
Be•id•• t►is s•vint of time and worry it saves is fuel to the attest ...test
of one tam is *is.
THE DIViDIiD FLUE STRiP is the savy of all wossea who hake.
It 4•ides the hest equally elo•g sides, beck and frost of the eves.
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