HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-8-31, Page 1i Perhaps the people know you are doing btlrinew, and perhaptbey du two. A stoding advertisement in The Signal will keep your name constantly before t h e public. $I&ITY-TSIRD Tata& -No. sen for the Palance of the fear I' he .Signal will; ;,e sent to new subscrib•- e:a for only 1 Su/ascribe now. 25c GODERICH, ONTARIO. CANADA : AUG UST 31, 1911 STCRLIII6 BA THE CONSTANT GROWTH of this Bank it a significant indication of the excellent banking ties -vice given to its many customers. 1 interest allowed at highest current rates on deposits of $1.00 and upwards, in our SAVINGS DE PA RTM ENT. GODERICH BRANCH B. WALKER Mgr. TENDERS WANTED. � EALES D TENDERADDRESSED for W Me awbarea sed. wait manned 'Tender r K %Re ilea to North Pier and Yla_ ! rrAiK Out " win be received vxt et., en Wednesday. Se et 1M1Herrp i. ple weie4mSIstsbreak- l44mak.Sl wttlsrq . 0 444 wed drwdabs at Yt7OD' Pym sae form of contract man mosee%fasw d tebder comma. at Iia and at w onto", of J. 0. &es, Sogiawer. Contedertstisto Life Tereoto. Ort : H. J. Iamb. L.e.- ksk4weer Laden. Ont„ wed so apol masa to paq i`•�oa re u Klbnotified Unit t nde Pewees be IaM.iggMreand uanleem made tender( ear term ..psis*, and signed with their el0eeatlR stating their pi a sad Assts nrWes. Io the sale of Ie, Um amid eothe nature K the atlisepa ties. est thelese most be in Van.noe of sash member of Seek tDeder moat be acceentmaled by an se - meted cbsgns se a chartered'pp1ts�1 at the order of toe Honorable the Minister at Public Werke. equal to ten per met (1.' p. 0.4 of the i,monnt of the tender. which win be tsrf.tt 11 the person tendering decline to enter late a 000rract when called Mae to de ea. at tail te wadq.te t►. week oestteated Mr. If tan Lodes .0a bat accepted the Coque will be retuned. By order. !t t'. I)ESP.00HEKt1. Dspartot of Public Work,, Secretary. Ottawa, August 89. 4011. Ns wtfDot be paid for this dee. trisect if they laser[ a without authority from the Deportment. e*2t -46614.0- SEALED TM/MRS A Dl)RE88ED to the misdisODewall ed. end endorsed leader for Sap ter the Demin,00 Build. imp," will be received et this ..Mme 0041 4.(sr D. m., un Tuesday. **Weber 56, Pell. for Um ta�mptyy elf rami ter the Public building, ' ithe pw.vr'ige-" and torso of tender Pewees see netlanl Mat wu4 he ewA(er.4 mire dude tenders 11d'.4.. aid slimed with their must be aootimpanied by an ac- cepted roque en a chartered bank payable HOw Meets, obs oreba. tne Ylntwer ed .rerb me meal te ten per et tN p. ei t of the of toe tender. whish wilt be for fensm when cws aned *cubic 0 enter ta w week contracted for ' If the tender net aoeepted too meow will he rvt.rm.4. Ity order C.'Dit3ROCHLRt, Department of Pablo Worts. Secretary Ottawa, Angels 11, let t No en& mei be paid ler t85 dver- titl� ..1the .. els+ !slat k without authority LLivery, Cab and 'Bus Stables THE RED BARN South Street, Godericb All our Rigs are New. 'Bases LA. tail Trains and Steamers. Particular attention given to resident's*.sails troprivate resident's*. 'Phone No. 50. GUNDRY'S DETROIT &CLEVEL AN D NAVIGATION CO. aratae[{tit CiTY OF ST. IG?At•E FOR MACKINAC ISLAM) Fridays• 610 a.m. $3.ile eine way 09.00 round trip FOR DETROIT Saturdays, 280 p.m. $&00 one way 116.50 round trip STAR -COLE LINE STRS HURON Leone inederid, 0111 •ATILT ITL 10ARIL 1i1011 via Warta caa.ael.oeseetae S.F. Tawe/ay atsp.a FOIL POUT XVII1014. DE?SoiT TOfrSM a a4 G1.LTM.Alfn PHA', et 111 - s WILLIAM tow Leg. amoms usearsee • A jaw Masan r. Pantie Mee °ODERICH MARKETS. Fail wheat, per bash Twulrbay. Ants. 31st_ g $0 73 to ill 0 78 wheat.bt, per boob... 4' totit Ft per Dec 04'to 000 per bush 0 St topr 055 037 to d10 19 Pear grka we - 073 to 07s per tori 004 10to O 00 Flour, lam m 00 to 22 73 Flour. patent. Por cwt 22 tis to 2 73 dram, per tPer cwt 90 to 3 0n Shorts, per ton b 00 to L1 00 Hay, par too new 8 00 to 10 O0 &raw. 870 to 40 00 Wood, per load a b to 500 Butter, per lb 007 to 20 Ckr.. „r 1b 0 17 to 0 le "�,� par dos 0 17 to 0 19 17 o 01 40 Ww POtetee4 Per bushel.. .. . - 1 "A to (4p Cattle, et aimr to good, par °wt4 ee in 5 4, Cattle, expert, par cwt 5 30 to 5 75 s 7este.04 450 to 300 Lambe per .wt4 , q to Tallow. per lb ai to cwt ; 10 to 25 to Loot Midas and Pell ... . . , 0 IS to FOR SILK FOR 111►Lik. - SEVEN ACRES Ing -c4.., morn in the Said. Will sail to goaoupp*es. to t�d4 pblehsern Apply at cops te Al DRIw dOE!1:■Tt}�t, Cartbw. est! 4 3e 7 30 0 0o SITUATIONS VACANT. WANTED. - COMPETENT OEN- O_tKR3$L /errant. SRS. CHAR.L CS n WANTED. - GIRL TO LEARN FI(k troeset4ng. Apply at SIGNAL OF- BOY14.-A 0001) OPPORTUNITY to learn a first-class trade. Apply at SIG- NAL OFFICE WANTED. -AT ONCE, A LTVE t'eenwomtaUve tar Goiterioh and district. A peraeaneet position with Liberal iedttce- meente taw the right party. 8TONlt k W kir LINGTUN. Nurwrlmes. r., .,.0 a}3t wANTE D. -MILLINERY A P- PRLSTICLs for to fall.dws, Ap My (010488 DOVt1GH. Bedford meek. s4.31 FOR SALE UR TO R ENT FARM8 FUR SALE. --ONE HUN - MUM acre, os the 7th cosmos.. sad fifty acres opposite es the 8th cooesedea et (741. bor.. W1L be sok!, esprwtely or tfewlhr- ue the bsmdred acres is a steryease-Wf brick boss. wits brie* kltches attached, a geed bank ban. armnear! new. sad largo vies. sista . ars well !.need and ars In grid elms seder. $aadrd acre. all seeded dome eros/' tea .ossa Weu watered b melee creek - god well at bare. Flit melee mike Miss (1Msrfsi •three miles tram Auburn ; two and aar1atf tones Ecom NoOaw G P. 4, era - 04w. Uwe of w Meet farm banes in the Jsait t!hws%!%. roe teems eppty to ANDREW M. Cashew P. 0. HOUSE TO LET. -MRS THOS. Veaasee's bease. Brock pstreetf.n Lea monsemem Wee •a, *May .1 mei *Mar. GNAALL OrvRICg FARM FOR SALE. -118 AURES .i of fps.* cod. o0 tot rS Yattlaed.sees.. Immehp of Colborne, .0 dear =am aerie ebbe is hard weed. There le a deed seshaed ; the bsdl44mgs 00100at of a L.rMtw sett house, with bask Dare =rye fait mate of_repair ; eon- yof[iDet fe Mennb and school Thio property ���wwteev. A. LLi An. of 8eskatritewan. wt. um Rev.d5 a of it en may Lamm. Far =Mr* apply t. J. 4'. LFNFIELD• M4a tet O MI -100 ACRES SIX MULES •40'Ll010 trtea Weosoteek, se seed Quo rind. 00nvvesies. ta Mere► .hied and �reo SOX 0eL WeMiak• OOatd �VisO�Ree �SA1LE-THAT FINE REM- 044.1Wotem ase te0 wl.. iitLag1m.M�ia .... frees et .11 ki . T1w'. iw tt oe Wick hews., seek of tem !teese& ewe built wily Mat pear, mad the e(l►.r h leafless noir. Seth basesm bavises4 alts - wig trinest Moir Serum Ate P, J. Rertirrulf 7 , Y ppy d/ithw flit. TWO �sGmt00D.fFARMS FOR ISALE,- S0s mew. I.aelw le h� wr• ales dSr C• ases iia the taws ofeseswefSeek. TM. 1�pi�70 bV!(Dt1<T• �ss41e, • Prelpergra FARM TO RENT Olt 4FOR avrE.- min. ell le • stabs seetb let 11 meow ea L west rFavm awl an Model mires of 4ads brink hew.., large • r ~Isle Dai 4 . ispd bee ee r slaw Ns. rtatif r awh1M 11th !. Yi1,iFAX. =waft feei�iw11s.*ALL - i'lrJii*rrr WIT� 4►4im.� gee,p ''Ieeewer eeelleit Pot RALE. THE SIGNAL P81241- 80 Co„ Ltd. Persuwgna. �� A United State, that advocates fumble STOVE FOR heater, SALE. at mw.$,kDplaA�aN(T! rV�/tai ppeal to9i?eason �� atiun- Further, many clear- tAtari7adcv desk chap 4.ppty sit TIdt3 li- sighted and snbrt -thinking United ! States politicians admit that it is het - NA LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS TOWN OP GODERICH, •i fake notice [bat themu.icipal council t f the corpraUos of the town uI Oud.Ach Weeds ne ooarttedt ale sanitary sewer ea !steed suet, le the said town. between Cambridge street and Maitland road, and intends to rw.e a Por- tion et the dual oast thereof upon to teal poprrne to be Immediately be.encted there,y. ranting or abutting nom oxford street. afore said. between the .nod Suint,,, end to Irv, final coat aocu,dinir to the frontage theme' by twenty annual ,peels! 0.4.44410; 404 [bet statement .howtwt the lead. liable to nod prw based to be . i,.' Lain' ar,or ied for the rid work, and the nano,. of the ow Darn thereof, so far .e the same can be 400ertained flora the last re - abed a..e..n,eut roll and ot4erwlre. is now Med in the o2loe of the clerk of the muotcipai. Sty. asd 1. open to lu,pection during °Alar Mem The e.umatod matt of the work is *710. al wblch tRYi3.•w t- to be provided 004 of tar general rueth of the municipality. PecounccilDaga oat entitled�t uertekib' theprvpu.ed wo.k oust do so on or before the 7[h day of Omtpber next. Listed tai. 91.1 day of August. lett. JC L.L.KNOX. Tows s berk TOWN OF GODERICH. ake notice that the monkipal council of the curtaraUou of the town of Woaerich tut. -rids to �0484Z0.54 Y' .aaitary sewer on Albert and Park mete.., dad Indianola road. to the mid town, between sit David's street and Mato Lod read. and intend. to ammo a per. [loo of the Howl oo.t thereof upon the real prop- erty to be immediately beuedtted therehr. fronting or abutting upon part, of Albert and Park street* anti Britannia to,d, atore.ald, be- tween the mud palate, and to lett uch dual mot according to the trentrge thereof• by t wenty anginalnporaal amowdeate: and that a statement allowing the laud.. liable to and pee - posed to be sm.J.uy s. -owed for the .aid work, and the names of the owners thereof, so far as the mum can be a...erwtted from the last reeled an.eser.e04 roll sod otberwiee, G now sled in thecae@ of the .desk et the muni- cipality, wad is open to i..pesuon dui in; office bons., The setimeted cost of the work is (Meeh, of which >)il,40 i, to be provided out of the mooed tumid of the mem icivality. Peewee 0411tise and desiring to pet r _ioa the oom,sii manta ua4ertaitnie the propped work Asst do se on to Selore the ha day ut Oc- tober next. Dated tine 34atdayef August. 1011. 2t LLKNOT, Town Clerk. TOWN OP GODERICH. 'fake settee that tae sneiafpat oOuoctl of the corporative of the tows of tasesesse in- tends to °osetrmt a sanitary Dowler es K5475 street, in the Data town. bet meta �rltass road end Blake street, and Wanda *s ser portion o be imeteof the noel eddiate theme/ bsnM*M iseen tMrsby, frostiest or abutting upon Keape 04501. afore- said, between the mid palate. sr belevy sueb neat oast &moording to the fruitage thereof, by twenty annual special ai,mes444t4 ; sod that a statement showing the Made liable to sadrs pm - Meld to he specially armed for the mid wtar as the ane can the sables be asocthe eswoies rtainedt from the Last revised aeeemmeat role and otherwise, 4 now (cod in the elk* of the alert of the muni *pain!, wad is epee for inspection daring Dice Mata The estimated mot of the work Si *1.- 940 ot which 8047.18 le to be provided oat of to general Mode of t►e mtrnioiprlity. A oourt of revision will be bed on the 7th day of Meptember, 1011. oath. hour of 8 cieleek is the afternoon, at the council chamber iu the town of Godeticb. tar the purp.roe of beanug compisdate against the proposed ammnoent or the accuracy of frontage ad..urem.nte or may other 004041iot which the personi interested may dense to mate and which is by law cog- nizable by the boort Voted tae !AA day of lugpst. 1911. It L L. tutu\. Clerk TOWN OF GUDEMICH: - 'iake.oboe that tJnaawf0(0aI Oouocil of the ~perukes of t be tewe of Oederieh intend. to eOmatrbM a sanitary sewer on Hayfield road 1t. the said town, between Britannia road .e4 Reese street. and intends to asses,.. Dae- t3.a «Ube noel coat thereof upo0 to row prop. gem to be immediately 0.4edtted there es bostilem or abutting epee Hertel* road, said, between the and poe.W. and to Ivry such deal cart acoording to the frontage thereof, by twsste aasu.l ..,,o.l aseesemente ; and that a atonement abrwiag the lards cable to and pew - posed to be 14.04451 a.aemeed for the said wort and the ammo of the embers thereof, so far as the same oar he aso.rty*ed frogs tbe tom[ revised areadeat r111 and sow aid la the idles of Me Week .°ttennie elpWte. and 4. opo floe 4aepeetion daring 0i. do. boars. TO. estimated steta the wet* le i7M of which 0271 is to touLeozkted oat of tae general fuss.' of the as A meet of reki.* will M So the 7th Iabee .*tee et 80904400, at Wu. ewwis/4 st __ smer ra W towthesa oftiiederML fir the mime .f Wring etberae past w01 stir Immix 44mismarex in .►mala• ssay Melte moat* eael Mika le by bier cog. enable Ist Ms eseet. Datta Me Mb Jet et Aegiestylit. It L KNOX. TOWN OF'GODERiCH. Take news that tea _. ea'Der.tlse of the town of e.sstrmet a sanitary sewer - 44 Me saw few.. betwese wellIngter Clerk et me Seel rimees4aafwe trestle herr i!IatMf seek etwesmibal' e�estwe� nits amen .es iteALeta Boer el amp 141[ ae te'f [to to ; e ef, by twenty anneal emend ee=stioniell that a statement ehmwt.4 the se and pregeeed to ke s4.etatly s.••wes43 the the said work. and the names of to owner. therm 0t.s0 far as the syn sae M s. *staid* rem the sea revised aea.rmsut sou affil athrebi. Is mew Sled in w eines s N. 01st 0[ es sea��ses�tsh�lsppaspnY�a�ty. and ie ems te tettisidlse!!�e MR .f ,tYnh 90 le be "It t wWp.a�.eg�a.4 tenni et w 1 lot 'f ew4as egstlew k(111 ham whom the MetM m w or befee the e t b ay October Sated thio OW 4.y et Aaetaw, gay 10 L. 1, 40 WN OF OODSR am 4404„„, that the sraMelesi semen et use eessrwsraadea •x00 lowest 4ttt.wd. to � rf. said essbetween ,am Well Wellesley mom • sertiw llaV a entd sow wise r M itarkeb"ster etial nst reWw orIwtlal i.i'�aW tot a aid � e mum eirelmenitc, ma d mom elm =i�*4s .��.r�. calms . f W letw- tae a" r' I eetw x* r.. wu1 k h'`w� the ta:toe el= Iwfi thY tush day of Asspet L .aper w d► ED/TOB il4044L -There etre no no few and slight tbat'manu/arturer. ter for tbe United States that Canada doubt among your readers many in- bows no valid eause should remain as she is, for as long w f the Can td ause or complaint. felligent Conservatives, and peribly 4. When the United States Govern- l'she continues British Empire the 10 Co* pert u some timid Liberal.. whom reason, !went proposed during the negotiation, e i'ed State. experience, and the tracking of tbeir to ezteod the *cope of the agreement in the rveut of a thrr:c'er,00e.d Ja1,0nrse leaden in the hast would naturally wows to includemanufactureSgenerally, invasion of this emollient count on the incline to favor the rwci rocit ' sensible of nese»in. Besides, -hr more wrrtt as like! W promote ] � our representatives distinctly roused' sensible men of both parties ir, y P material and our Government bas since ex- united states fee) that .with Ha prospe*i'v of the t4omiuion and to pr. -.sly plelged itself that n has no in- Porto Rion. ,ind the Philippine lel slseugtben hattuuniour relations with tenrioo to make any further tariff abroad and the mess„ and [trots q the Government and people .4 the changes. United States but who have been • Hen i may be allowed to ask wh tions at home they have diMcu alarmed by persistent misrepresents-' if the u y enough already tc deal with. pponants of the ,tgreerneot simple truth i. that the great m tions as G• its nature and probable re- ( have as strung a caw against it as ity of the people in the United S sults, and leu to believe that 114 adop- !they claim, they resort to nuc) miefwp- except along the border take littl Goo by our Parliament would be dam- resemtatiunm. They cannot .welt plead no interest in 0131' affairs. The gerous alike to Canadian nationality ignorance of such easily ascertained York EveningPo. and Imperial unity. To all such 1 sl.- fact«, and it seems not unfair, then, to t in a resent i peal for a calm and sensible coosidere- infer that in most cases these gni.- Lion in tweaking of the ie•cip tion of the following facts and argu- etatea4entl are deliberately mads question : The fact is that menu. mi.lexi ani inlioenee the electors. Canedlanroveteett°rstetheimporta In the lint place, then, let it be da,- .13ave we not the right, [ben. to refuse Uses* on the whole mater in g United statuppermost In Cauuda is i, t ioctly understood and borne in mind to accept any statement of theirs in re - that, io spite of repeated and inexcus- geed to the question unless it is sup- subject uPpermost in Lpe mind, table misstatements to the eoettrar practically eye!y growu person in ], ported by feet+ tar reasonable argu- I. The proposed agreement is not a 0441.08? country ; in the United titatas it formal tieaty between two c.)unrl-ies. Now as to the loyal[ c w atee only a ripple un the surface, y ry, hat are then ehitfiy along tee border. but merely a business agreement, w the facts : The opponent: of the be entered into by the Government agreement claire that reciprocity The matter. then, rests anisic and legislatures of ee. h. would lead to annexation and that brat 2. If adopted it will tot be hindiog is why the American Government and the wail, ands Oee- ities The ajar. totes e Or New Astir I Ol'ity most nae the (he cf 4be cs e - sod •itb ourselves, and again I wk. why slot reciprocity, if, as 1 believe it will for any pa, twirler peri.sJ, but may at people are in favor "f. it, a0d some of greatly increases bur prosperity, 1 y time be •, then! have even the mpudence to ;n - b to annexation01, Reason and burn A° t4rrlilated by either party, on vi t sinuate that that is why the Laurier alike teach us that the more pros giving reasonable notice. ole a people are they mbre canton The agreement expressly states : ••1t Government supporta it. In support they are, and the leer desire they ba is distinctly understood that we do of this claim they indulge freely in not attempt to bin.) for the future for wase � to change their government or poli rtion., insinuations, and awrvping cal institutions. Did the former Rec action of the U. S. Congress or the inferentws, bat for anything like real Parliament of Caneda, but that each evidence or a.•gument we look and lis- yea1 Treaty during the twel year.,it was in force, from Pgf4 to 1 foster a desire for annexation tr the contrary, it removed it. We kno 1 that there was on the part of prominent Canadians such a des as.hotlin by the Montreal manifes of 1846, and that that waa one of t strongest arguments need by Lord Elgi in urging the Home Government RECIPROCITY conclede Ibe Creepy, The resolt just Bed his foresight. The country p pered exceedingly under the treat people became more satisfied with e listing conditions anti before the ex piry of the treaty all talk and though of annexation bad died away, neve to be revived. Again, we find that i spite of the harriers of protective tar tiffs on both sides our trade with in United States has grown enormou.) during the last thirty years. Ttave • and communication between the tw countries have greatly increased United state. capitai has , fuel sought investment in tbe Dominion 4 ---- end our bankers and capitalists bar of these authorities shall be absolutely � ten in vain, and, moreover, their ea not hesitated to invest their foods i free to make any change of tariff pal- eertions and intrrens es are often of the States. Has all this fostered icy or of any other matter covered by the most contradictory feeling in favor of annexation, u nature. weakened our loyalty to the Empire Now whether reciprocity would On the contrary. Canadian nations greatly injure or greatly benefit the feeling has grown stronger. • and ou Dom;aion is a fair question fur argu• confidence in our own manhood and went, and with your permission i destiny has increased, and never was shall try to deal with it in nest issue. Meantime I merely insist that it can- stronger, than at present. Why. then not well do both at the same time, end that its opponents are not eutitl,d to argue from both sides at once, TSNDERB FOR BOOTH First, then, let um assume that if 1 received -by tbe unden,gDed adopted it proves adisappobnt.ment to its promoters and is seen to he injuri- ous to the prosperity of the Dominion, Will anyone pretend that such *result would tend to foster a desire for an- nexation ? On the contrary, the worse the results the greater would nater ally be tbe reaction against the bar- gain. Moreover, the agreement could be terminated at the next session of the Dominion Parliament ; we could go back to our present position and the Laurier Government would have to bear the cousequeoc.s. If, on the other hand. reciprocity should prove to be of great benefit in increasing the prosperity of the --country. why should such a r'ewolt 'lead to annexation y,. ewe.•• �y iksdeg muse wt- What inducement should we have to prises rDtaers :114TaNALtinar desire such a change in our political ipouND.--ON Wrelations then more that, now ? it i. Linen* I.. „le �I' STREET, 4)N e*dae, august dtta, a per et gale -Ant clear 1bat if we are eves to be annexed wadsessesdea Appye*4lti}(ALO.-Flt'L to the United States. it mu,te;tber be �O Posit.ons. by conquest or our f The i lsnts'n Business ('!lies,• ie a by free worthy link in a chain of seven hunt Now nu sensible or well-informed man new col�'$e t located in the cities of really believes that tk a (: i,oedoo. Pr r old , ;t esad 47 per - ted ye 1.4- ve 8[18, On we ire, to be n to pros `VEST HURON LIBERAL. MEETINGS Meetings of West Huron electors in the icterest of the Liberal randidate for the discussion of weld other subjects will be held as follows : BENMILLER (Walters' Hall' _ Friday, September 1 CARLOW (Township 'Elan Saturday. September CONSTANCE (Forestry.' Hall .. Monday, September 4 HARLOCK (School House).... Tuesday, September 5 LONUESBORO' (Township Halt, Wednesday, September n AUBURN (Temperance Hall).. Thutrday. September All meetings to commence at 8 o'clock The Opposition Candidate is invited to attend Y. 2- t r • n e y 0 1' e n r r Our GreatOpportunity IVe make no excuse for devoting a large amount of spare in 1'be Signal this week to the advocacy, of reciproc- ity. in our belief the opening of the United States markets to the products .'f Canada's farms, fieherie4, mines and tot -este means too ouch to our country that it is a truly patriotic work to help in bringing it shoat, it is w'methtng which every Govern- ment of Canada, Liberal or Conserve. live, in the Iset forty years has de- sired, and of wbicb the immense ben- efits to the masses of the people ot Ca- nada would he almost unanimously acclaimed were it not for -party poll_ 1.1t'a. Prrhope no portion of the Donii- [lion, of the Prot -ince ' ( Ontario at any rats. will benefit more largely or directly from reeiptocity than this lake border district comprising the counties of Huron and Bruce. For years the agricultural population of Ibis, diaf•let bas been falling off, and in consegne , the towns and villages. have nut been snaking any .ubetantial progress. LVitt- is this % Largely be- cause of the circumstance that, with traffic across the lake clueed off by s prohibitive tariff, we can do business in only one direction, anti we must suffer the fate of the man who, hav- ing goods to sell, must "sell to one bityet or not at all. We can rgise the crops all right, but we cannot fix the price*: we have to pay tribute to Tor- onto'eand the middlemen on almost everything we sell. Reciprocity will change all this. The taking down of the United States tariff wall will give us competitive markets at Buffalo, Detroit. Chicago and other large cities close to the border. There will be a steady de- mand for the products of our farms at pros able prices ; farming will become more attractive; the rural population will increase ; the town* and villages will develop and grow ; the wealth that bas been drained off by the Tor- onto middiemen will remain at home. During all these years, except for the trade in grain that bas developed in the last few years, we might almost a- well have had the Desert of Sahara lying beside tis as our great Lake Huron, from a business standpoioL This, too, will he changed under reci- procity. In addition to tbe trade with the Canadian West, which will grow wore rapidly because of the more rapid developn[ent of tbe prairie country under reciprocity. lines of trade will he established with the late ports ot the United States; and, in- stead of being the visible mark of the tariff barriers between the two coun- tries. Lake Huton will become a great avenue of commerce, and this lake holder district, instead of being out of the line of traffic, will be right on the main highway. Under reciprocity Goderich may become in Gee or ten yPItus one of the most important points in Ontario, the centre of ship ping connections with Detroit, Chi- cago and Saginaw am well as with the cities at the head of the lakes. Our town has the natural advantages for the building up of a great commercial centre, if it were not cut off from 1te opportunities by the policy of non-in- tercouree which hitherto has prevailed between Canada and the States. flier Its reciprocity, and the tawn will grow more in five year•e than in the last fifty years. Reciprocity is the policy for Huron and Bruce. Let us not miss the op- portunity p portunity which lm now open to us. Everybody welcome (sod Save the Hing the present arrangement that may be deemed expedient." 3. The agreement applies slimed exclusively to natural products, and it is generalyadmitted that the changes io regard to manufactured goods are PUBLIC NOTICE Tenders win be bp. to 0 o'clock SATURDAY. SEPTKMts.5t boa for booth and [tips r.t privileges at at Oder4ch Imdu.tr 4l Ktr4 baso on .$epteuj bar spa, ISM wed 20th. F. It. BINGHAM, sets �7Araaeer'ee. g, WANTED. ROGNIRR W ANTED. - GOOD convenient L 1e.u- sees sed fl0aan. heeds at TILE 8838 AL s COOI�ODATION.wfFO�R ONE OR A - Harders : aw AL ovum re��wwsaaataLL Appty at mow. RBlld�7t�iLAtKvIINOO IIONE AT REA- L" at Ski NAL Writ•IS Per 4°k'»' 49417 e+t. LOST OR FOUND. 1 OST. -A RED CLUB Well, CON. ?AIMING papered vats" to nobod7 but in the name of reason, .should a fur- ther increase in trade and prosperity such au we believe would result from reciprocity cause any timid soul to fur annexation ? Reciprocity would give tae substantially all the commer- cial advantages that we could desire from annexation, and as we believe that we have better laws and a better form :of government than are to: be found in the United States, and pride ourselves on being an important part of the British Empire, why should we throw away all these advantage~ and forfeit our own nationality to become a part of the United States ?, Asyyi with oud fore. the rselves. and aif Mrtter reBorden fits twill answer for the loyalty of a party which opposed the preder'ence to Brit. ash goods, and wbicb now. in 114 anxi- ety to beat Laurier. Joins bands with Mr. Bourassa and his aoti-British fol- lowers. Sir Wilfrid can safely guaran test the loyalty ad the party that be has led s0 long and w eucceesfully. Godericb. Aug. o}s, lel 1. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO caaDlTow*. uvernrnro• or v ►ro.n. Wellasd and the IN THS ptTATi RT HY87d)p, people of the United States bare en IOwne of Orangeville, Walkerton, , TI THIS 11911311111N. �CH. thought of trying to annex Canada y b t �m wed k itis. Owing to its IN TIM c'.)C, g y g by i1[b trade work it is affiliated with n force. Nudoubtthere are /nit nymen and tee Vommereial Educators' Apeoria. WCfr� d lama l ereliterat mil 01 • number of popery in the United fitateg t� d tlltHata tt is fre Iv admitted Tatum ants sae mute ettM weld tam believe that such i. our ultimate taint nteg tc' t�e. .enectisiti it. i rs� era= Ws es er shot w sib atelfwq [tet fir eery best positions. er �e't �'�,r wsid by s destiny, but it is 'haply berates their Fall abse�re isg o K. Aaging.is' s and E.. 4lwsewSer of mid wow es r ter rzs;geratm+d estimate of for greratt)egp Hepte'4ober feta ; but at this' school ytr..ffrr W w.rhfyy tial, and the merits of their own country earn etuslort la instructed privately at efthslrls art/t10 and government and heir iernnraoe4 his or her owe desk. and students Aad thew Of the resourr•ea and may eatear rimy day. Manyother* students Aad sa0r- 14 .eydem political and ease all at hasps and otb+srw rdy art se"Litr s ►�(b* other institutions of our Dominion ease and finish a! for curl A4 sf err ssa/ make these think that wanner es' Ineetton cnlirtwr are the Mr gem train- sre�(r. ▪ tr tlr 4t 1 ▪ later we Dball err it to be to our 1St*. re s Canada and Day. thirty y1y tt~ r �Hr�mmws^ rat to wk admiapios into the great Re* Aiwa. It testi. trains f oryou! 4�i*�M�a.�p*spptasw mitotic. 1 confidently ebal .�0,.�''.gee *►g mew �w eels 0M 40ire rwmdv.a w *nils Rpotip} has nmd 4y4N waYe cwt le�m+'.h w1. wtt'�.j"gf"'a�r, �or.e4a of the Isotec ht� name n� � ►gr.4�s titsfi Na.•md th4ea le, r A r ���p� woo vas pu1•Fie talcs of good rePnte p, sde Mber. 0e 0aw veer istrtisr it a.,,.o. tree je..trimel •.f any etanding In the roe se w/ Miters ►r me se ter NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. -Aug. 3tst Corn for Sal. -Andrew Johnston Farm' for Male-- Andrew Jo.O.ton Tender. Wanted ikportment of Public Work.. true Main Idea - Walter H. Harri+on Canadian National BrhibiUo-( . F'. R 4 Chickens and Hen- Wanted_ W. T. Riddell, s School Books -6vo. Porter .... The watch and the Maa-J. S. Davey . Sate of [r.ees (Mods W. Acheson 4 8041 Laurier ' eine et r, rattled -D. a Oriev., s • on•tent ,;rowtb Sterling Boa... 0004 bay sale J H. ro4b ..•• 4 4 Gabor trey Rate. -4;. T. R New Fall Coots - D. Miller t Mme Stove for Sale -The MI/eel 1 Fit well Hats - Mc 4 1w 14x..........,. Servant Wanted- 10m, (aartee arrow I B.nkropt clad Chas Ile Hardware nab - Howell flmdw%,o Cs. ,, Loea1 imprevemewt Neti0. 'thytannt0 mod scow, --L L tees [.ani Imprevsmest Nene* rsrlte4wy pad eewee)-L L Rea t Local 1u4e vement Nana 4dpie • swum "ew(4rrig-�eL L�.itees Loral 1. LReei �0. 4111.11101 rem 1 hoarders Waggled -Army at Menet tits!.. ,, Oarfwte-parcel ■ . ..... ..............1 Cute M IM Hoeg --p. 1. "Was' Now Intl caw nod Nalie-Melliert Mak Ameba dale --Chea C. Ise, Cash Keg Lee -I. P. Pbit ...I Naas Ill/ttNtbss-alt O.' isems. 8 filmes weelg4}hg mit•... w 4M irstiartozoiale MOM WNW >lfiiseasdi..t>_gla� l t