HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-8-24, Page 7(14.4
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le The News of the District I�
46 +454454546+46 4s4e +++++ 46464645+464545+44t
TresosY. Aug. "_red.
Ballast. Nils. Boren aod Mins
Edith Boren. 4 Chicago. who have
spent tbe past week here. left tor
their home on Tuesday . sera Nat
Harvey and danghtvr Hilda, of Dur-
ham. are visiting Mrs. McConnell.. ,
Little Gordon Pearson, who met with
a serious runaway accident recently,
it doing very nicely. His many
wish him a spssiy recovery.
dal FIs.. A. O. Walkegtoe. et
t� epsst Sunday bore
Iii. IlOs..sU
haves on Wednes-
day on the reverters' sseursioo to
abs West.
TUESDAY, Aug. 22od.
News Notes. -A number of ths
yoato4t moo in this vicinity lett
for the inviting West this week.
With good crops and the best of
weather to beeves them, the farm.re
of tide section are surely 'crateful.
Let us see, Thanksgiving Day hu some
relation to the harvest, has it cot?
.Mrs Chaplin continues to grow
weaker, and requires constant attan-
tioe. "Wearine awe' to the land o
tbe 14+1." They say the minister
must be Irish -or why such potatoes,
We were pleased to see Rev.
Mr. and Mrs. McKerroll at the Cornets
on Mooday Peering. Toronto lite cer-
tainly agrees with them. supple-
mented by a month at Bruce Beach.
We leave featly f tten to re-
port the most importantthingto the
people of the Corners -that garden
social on Thursday. the 3lst, on Mr.
Armstrong's lawn. A splendid pro-
gram is promised. tbe usual good
.tipper, and a treat -the Kincardl..
Kitties. What mon can you ask to
base a good time,
SATCRDAT, Aug. 11th.
Bairns -The past week ,has been
pry- poor harvest weather. owing to
the amount of rain. The harvest will
all be under Dover next week. Boase
,re already through despite the rain.
and the iron hone is alreadyvisiusg
neighboring ghboring tar. n. Sam-
uel Philips and Miss Maryof Mate -
king, returned home atter a week's
visit at her daughter's. Mrs. Thos.
Ferguson's Mrs. D. K. Webster,
of Lucknow. visited frieods at Lanes
on Friday last.... . We are pleased to
know that Mrs. Samuel Sherwood and
infant son arrived safely home from
Their Western trip on Tuesday last.
GONE TO THE Weer. -Mrs. Alex.
McLean, one of the old pioneers. left
for Ethelbert, in the Great V..st. on
Tuesday. accompanied by het two
daughters and their children -
Mrs. McFed.rain. of Ethelbert. and
Kra McDonald, of Fort William.
They were accompanied a* tar as
Owen bound by Charles, wbo occupies
the homestead. Mn. McLean. who
less been an invalid toe moths peau
owing to rheumatism. lives in -bopes
that the Western climate will again
restore her limbs to their former use-
fulness and free her from its ravages.
Although past the threescore and ten
,she has a very remarkable memory.
and is bright and cheery Her many
frieods will miss her bright smile and
joke and sbe will not be forgotten by
bet many friends and neighbors. V e
°De and all hope that the change of
climate will forever drive away her
aches and pains, .. that she may en-
joy the remaining evening hours of
life with her family. who are nearly
all in the Western Provinces.
MONDAY. Aug. 21.1.
Betze'e -Mies Clara Reid, of Oleu-
aaoan. visited her trieod, Miss Floor -
son Galbraith, on Sunday MrY.
Robert Mason, w bo baa been vidtiog
Meode toe the pant week, has re-
turned hove Threehiag is the
crier of the day in this vicinity
A number from bare attended tbe
Borden meeting io Harriston on Set-
urday- evening.
E1.s(-noN PausrncT.,-Arch. Hie -
lop, of Grey township, Liberal stand-
ard-bearer for East Heron, is bevy
oaavwing these days. He feels Eur
sad hal at fatketl.ale ter the coming
battle. Shievak, titbit was a tie at
the last Glendon. will Owe Mr. Hisibp
this these a mayorit et about twenty.
and Turnbsery. which went Comoros,
tire last elsdlos, will swing into the
Worst column. However. E a s t
Huron is good lighting ground for
both parties. with the chances in Mr.
Hislop'- favor.
Tt:irstAY. £ug.2Yod.
News of THE WEEK. -Mas Stella
lirioda, of Detroit, is visiting
her friend Miss A. Connor •
Miss Agnes Pope. a former teacher
bre, is spending a weak with her
friend Miss Ethel Austin Rev. J.
M. O'Rielly is spending some time st
hi- home bore Wm. O'Brien, of
e►Idcastle. is visiting friends in this
vicinity Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gar-
vey entertained the young people of
th, hr:,'i'v on Tuesday evening, ,f Tart
..eek. All report a eery enjoyable
time mama. Fred Hermes°, of Cleveland.
is at present visiting his grandmother.
Mn. Martin Mies K. Whitty
visited in Godericb a few days last
steel .. John P. Sullivan left lad
Saturday for British Columbia. We
can't afitord to have bias long away. ..
Miss H. Young attended the wedding
f her friend. Miss M. C. Benn. at
Lucao .Mn. J. Flynn and daugh-
ter ida, of 1tault Ste. I<iarie. are spend-
,iog a couple of months with frieods
here A number of the farmers of
ICintail and Kingsbridge were present
at the Literal nomination in Goderich
last R'edbendet The road from
Port Albert to kintail has been much
improved this summer by new cement
bridges built by Thoma. Sandy. He
also put in • cement walk for Pat.
Austlu John, the little son of Mr.
end Mrs. MBowler, met with an un-
klituyte accident last week. He was
pI*ylagoe the sofa when a needle en-
tered his thigh. Doctors were unable
to Watts it, but be is feeling so ill
twined a few of Connor her friends , en-
aDecently• Mise Maye Joys is
ripe at boners it is rumored
"WI wedding hew wil soon be baled
i s tslg neighborhood The WPM
of lit. Joseph bare purchased Sheila*
Pity lett vacant by the death r1 Mise
of � attter�- riattmu . .. .
Miss Mabel Lustig spent a few days in
Miss P. Dalton awl bee
Ideal. Mimi Mae Thompson. of Tor -
rat.• visibd relatives is Colborne
eras Miss Oertie Dalton
intendsa course at $trestord
st tfeM�irh. is a visitor in our
Miss Medi. Me -
..... The Oario Wert Aber,
t y ba. bora much patroatsed by
iodise lately. 1[isa
ad Klee Cometeg-
O'nelem • age mojoerninz with
Ss. a
beet= iftMaisy m
is ala a}w solar. w cake
is wtd tale bra.
MONDAY. Aug. 21st.
The wife and little son of Dr. F. L
8mitb, of Detroit. guests of Mrs. R.
McDonald, have returned home.
Mrs. L M. Blair and children, Mae -
ter Hobert and Miss Grill, hays re -
torpid to Detroit after spending the
summer with Mn. Blair'. sister, Mrs.
Robe. McDonald, of this place.
Mrs. Clafin in at hose again with
her daughter, Mrs. Robt. McDonald,
after attending the wadding of her
granddaughter, Edna, wbo is a dersuuggbb
ter of C. W. Mulloy, of Aurora, P.8.I.
of North York.
Sys YDNF8DAT, Aug. 23rd.
Threshing is in full swing. Several
threshing °utfite are in the neighbor-
hood and on the whole the yields are
turning out well. Oats are rather
y A beach party was beld by the
ooung people of the neigbbortaood
n Friday everting in booth of Miss Edna
Taylor and Miss Jessie Iiatlater, who
are leaving this week, the former for
Vancouver and Miss Uoklater for
Calgary, where she will teach school.
A very pleasant time is reported by
those who were present.
Following au a the figures of the
election to the House of Commoor for
%est Homo to 1968, when the candi-
dates were E. N. Lewis (Conservative)
and Hobt. Holme. (Liberal) :
Lib. Con.
No.1. .. 40, 78
No. '1 ... ....... .......... 41 84
No.3 44 Gi
No.4 ... 95 87
No. 5 ... 63 41
No. s 74 18
Majority........ .. 354 - 355
No. 1 v 74 - 00
No. 1 23 42
No. 3 71 70
No. 4 44 34
No. 1 Bl
No. 2 57
No.3 72
No.4 s 84
No. 5. 41
No. 8 78
No. 7. 41
212 :x18
Majority 78
No. 1 ..... 34 68
No. 2
No. 3
No. 4
No. 5 52
No.8 .. mama 31
ar tyu
43 70
218 :498
N7. 1. 1M1
No. 2 77
No. 3 64
No.4 71
Majority 67
No. 1 . 49
No. 2 42
No. 3 29
No. 4 61
Na5......... .... ....
No. 1 51 51
No. 2 64 5 i
No. 8 .. 44 27
No. 4 . 78 46
No. 6 • 80 113
No.6 68 36
No.7. _�P 41
354 '
Majority 71
354 389
Ortheses . 212 906
dediride 415 4111
ease. Wit iii
Wed Wawa.ash11119r
Hallett SW IMO
1175 2127
Majority ee<
Nora Ole goys at Tsrento Euh.betien.
The Minos OM Soft Aseosiatbu of
Tore MS se Head haws a tet as
the Tereehr Selbibilaise glands der-
iag the bwo wale ft guest lair.
it 1e lusted r Dow' ee
De.lalee street west
.l .
ai)�Ilfia ural eel !Masham
en belted be
t thole h rt8M• y on the
Tl'ItaDAY, Aug. 22nd.
Tete BowLens.-The rink of bowl-
ers that went from bore to the Wing
bean tournament did not stoned in
capturtsg any of the prises. In the
that place, it was bard to get four
players to go, and when they did get
them some of them couldn't stay un-
til the finish. The first two goon
the played woo handily,but 10
ethird game the Rom rnk from
Brussels pot these out of the trophy
oompetitiou by • soon of 19-94, and
they could cot stay to play in the
other corapetitios.. They played •
game, however, and would like -
have captured some of the prizes if
y had stayed in the game. It is
the intention of a rink to go to Exeter
tournament this week and they may
do better.
choir of Trinity church with a few of
their frieods spent Thursday last at
Menesetong 1 ark and had a most en-
joyable day Dr. Perdue, wbo bad
is livery stable burned last fell, is re-
building it d had the raising last
week. Tan
SS brick walls are good, so
be Is only having the frame work put
to it. M. Mains, of Londesbcro', bas
the contract and will no doubt do a
good job Rev. J. L Small. after
his three weeks' holidays, occupied his
own pulpit on Sunday Albert
Payne, of Morris. sang a beautiful
solo in tbe Methodist church Sunday
evening. He hos a tine clear voice
nod. as he is still veryoung with
good training be should make his
mark Dr. G. Stewart, of Cupar,
Seek.. is on a visit with friends here.
His aunt. who intended to go West,
took ill and was unable to go when
she aspected, so be came -here to see
bar Mr. and Mrs. P. Uouglaws
and .on, of Hamilton. spent a hew
days Isere ibis week with the former's
mother. Mr. "'Douglass bee a splendid
positio. in Hamilton with his father-
in-law. Mr. Dalley .Mr. and Mrs.
McKay, of Walton. spent Sunday the
guests of Mr. Spafford Miss L.
Barr is visiting her cousin. Mrs. ,Love-
grove. of Cayuga Miss E. ' Wan -
lees, of Toronto, is spending her holi-
days at her home hen Miss M.
Llviagstone. who has been spending
her holidays at her home here, went
to Torocto on Saturday to attend the
millinery openings Mrs. Mcrae,
of Sault Ste. Maria visited this week
with her cousin, Mrs. J. H. Elliott.
.sere. R. Dunbar, who has been
on a visit to the West, returned ben
for a few days before leaving for her
position in the South Mr. and
Me.. J. L Kerr. of Clinton, visited
friends here on Friday last. ...R. Mc-
Kay and F. Metcalf were in Lucknow
last week at the sheriffs sale of jew-
elry, but the stock was not sold and is
to be pat up again this week
Wedding bells were ringing this week
at the home of J. H. Cbellew, when
his daughter, Mise Peart, was united
in marriage to Mr. Egan, of Toronto.
The bride has tbe best wishes of her
wanytaieods here, as was shown by
the large crowd that was at the sta-
tion to see them off......At present
there are quite a few Italiens working
on the C. P. R. track here putting it
in repair.... . J. H. Obellew wrote as
article on rural delivery of goods for
the Furniture Journal. for which he
received a prize of $10, and his essay
ain the last issue of the Jour-
na and is very good. It simply gives
hip own experience in this line while
in business here.... - Mr. Chambers is
in Toronto this week at the millinery
openings and while there he will en-
gage a milliner tor the millinery de-
partment of his store here .8. A.
Pepplestone was in Exeter last week
and on Thursday evening the Exeter
Lodge,I. 0. 0. F.. of which he is a
member. tendered biro a grand recep-
tion on account of hie elevation to the
Grand Master's chair for the i. 0. 0.
F. of Ontario.......Mtw. they and
daughter, of Acton. are visiting with
relatives here . E. Schaeffer, who
bad his leg injured at Heneall, is re-
cuperating with friends here
Miss McLaughlan, of Platteville, is
visiting her uncle, Postmaster Sins,
here.... Mrs. J. Blnor and children,
of Mount Forest, are visiting with her
feather here T E. McTaggart
spent Sunday with his parents in Exe-
ter ..The Oonaervatives intend
holding a public meeting In Industry
Hall Friday evenirg, when the candi-
date, Jas. Bowman, and A. 14. Mus-
grove, M. P. P.. will address the meet-
ing. This is the first speaking to be
held here during this campaign and
the meeting will likely be well at-
tended. Mr. Bowman spent part of
Monday and Tuesday interviewing •
numbs- of the electors here Mfa
J. &lb who bas rented her house sad
intends going to live in Chile
having • wale of bee householddiHge/s
on Saturday of title week. Au '
ger Gundry, of Ooderich. is to be Is
diem@ . A. Scott. a former red -
dent of Blyth who now has a geed
position in Seattle. Wash., vi tai
hen this week with his brother. T.
W. Scott.
Extra Wort for Township Officials.
Owing to the Municipal Telephone
An which placed the control of rural
telephone systems in the heads of the
township councils • great dual antra
wort has been imposed on towoshie
clerks and omrtaf. The 000aty of
Peel w.. one a the first counties to
grasp this feet and to increase the=
of these officials bemuse of the addi-
tional work. Other counties in thin
Proving have not been so liberal w
so earstel bet bees retalod their
akimbo at their former salaries, hand
te the tem ghee their week has doubled
the ksblfd. T sleeks sod
seesrowe the that gm be -
*Wee ledges time le raped sag
ask tela the athletics et comas to
Arm 40 the fast. Peel eesaty has
leas. after thie umeteer Dem the
aell bee eft ether eseele•
le es otemple by pregaggisa.
was Oitheirsa-
Sett ad awe"Our Osetft 9stb
gri 11.14:111:4011titietlitirs
Liverpool Wheat Futures Close Lew.
.r, Chicago Higher -Live Stock
-Latest Quotations.
caIC,A00, Aug 3L -Attie Mtase-
apolls sail Winnipeg wheat etarkota
were stenptiosaltl .urs t. -Bas. that
aural ideally advanced °sly 14. be -
coma the gams] able was act 1a
nvide•os Oats salami 1-4. belt mere -
aro8*ad $.I. Prosiness were 4Itt1 sad
In ltrery°°i wheat eased M s
else se gat -relay. Cern Mel
Whw.leee Opthewa
Close. Opea.B►sh. hew. Clef•
Wheat -
Mapb..e- 1/�
Doc tall ills >
Oats-- IIOY LI
Oet. MS MAOti
Dec. en IS Mk
Toronto Grain Marka&
wheat tall, buster M r le e....
Wheat. � bushel
Clem Inaba
Oats. new.
Battey. buskel
Oats • • i e •r
bushel 1 • M •
5• 4 : One
Pen, osbsl ,
filen . Dalry ar�te�
Sutter. store w tit • •
Butter. set'arat°r, 4.87. 18. 51111
s7, selib114
�bem°` a,�desea 1 i iii
rgR new -cud t . u
Chea •1Q 18....,.t
Mentrsal fink -aid
key Jr u .orally 4+m dtasl/a ftneTi taws
oitTeSAlk Ault
sb.i ba epetag wheat fest tM
mere Moines !s r1O•Mi t. all
the bide wen awes et pt tr
tiasig, es e't1* fjgi�id& aa-
°tbs. atheism et Mier •�M �
a A tat ItsaM-
wkeat thew ter
a12.41:11 eoarlt17 IsmseA
l.8 jeteea DEW ter
Dna sad .harts 1. 111 a G'heeas as1
MtMr .es t lab •Neve sad fust
gamey. Presumes a we dtmast
�DeD,� d hoes (abattM.). w le NES per
-Piet., belt Hassel.. 111 M.. to
barrels. fa lb... 811a; Herein. fes 14*.
Ier6-lompowsd-tkrw.a ESboxes, 50 lbs.
tube. le lbs. sot. �r�l•nd. 10M,A
0 bb..
P ic pacts. wend. le Ms. set. the: tis
P�ork�vys CC.a..sshort cat mama'
terra. 11 to es passe. Da: hall-Dnissln.
to ▪ 55 amels paces. abort w0�t�...add. « perk.'p.
barest*, M to it penes, -.M: bean pee%
email pieces. but tat bal1ota. pia. I
Orb-Caa./1.n weasels ?to. 1l sehe
eatrr tete artoree: entre N. 1 toed.
>r tam Stout - leat C.W.. toile to
Med. ,►
tt� wheat patents.]
K31' escoadn.*pris.' winter wheat
P atents. elle to M71; ferns bakers'. 14.7e:
t Tonere. M to MP; is Mae. 11.U.
Relied oats, per barrel. Mn: Dat of
tie lbs.. PAL
W ]teed -Been °row.. p1 to 112E,
Manitoba. 36, midinage. Coterie, is to
aborts, Manitoba, : mouttlle. p to
21c to pec: fresh. 17'11
r fes: No. 1 stool, Lyle to 11e.
lwa�to Mac to lfyle: etas.
OutterCN/ee.t. W e to Wee: scones,
Oe to Se
. -
Union Steck Yards.
TORONTO. Aug.21.-Receipt. of.
live stock at the 'Union Stock Yards
were 110 can. consisting of 9163 cat-
tle, 489 hogs. 1018 sheep and lambs.
43 calves and 20 horses.
E. L Woodward boutbt 114 .amort cat -
11.. 1231 lbs each. at 1431 average price.
or 1t to Ms of a range la Woes.
Prime cattle of export weights were
bought for butchers' purpeset at 81.31 to
NIA which was as high as ter etse
en. Choice butchers' w tI mN aa+
ale to ice load. of tsedlem to hoon
a.45 to um. common. 31 to Oise; aroma
s0f.tas W sue. bulls. St to R.
Milkers and Spragsrs.
A limited supply of sf11kers a..d spring -
On told at to to Ole each,.
Veal Carves.
Veal delves were to demand at frog►
U to 11.0 per cwt
*hap and Lambe.
Ewes sold a Wee to41 par cwt.;
Mega, �
Tte sheets fat
sod per cwt
)roe ave
MOA Aug. rim -At Ms Montle
S took Tarim west end Maker the re.-'
sAetgpta d eve stock for the weak D. .ndafo�d
lambs. 1115
ogs . NM NO ealvSS es. ha
offerings .a the market this
were Mei cattle,. 1110 sheep and lambs.
tri tots seed 1100 eaevsa A pmtsre et,
the trade was tee strenser Iapog 1a the
market for cattle sad prase .lean tad
day week .bow an advance of !a to 1161
tor bamdrsd pounds. The s alt,
buyers was targe, neatening rams Ellam
Pushes. and .. the weather alis Is mewl
favorable for keeping (Rook the
WO food not large apfnt the hgt enig
WON of tae Targe p•�lsblg rafe6rr
boson tr• bulk of their seep ase r the
Tweets evertor at the latter sed of
t weak at much better prier thee
cooed have puso&ased bore ealay.
trade threeut was rattly active and sur
at shoats steers were mads at OILS
N S: good et *.31 to M. AOrty gee
Ka to 0.1e: tate. MS to 31: Ole emv
84.31 b K31 per ne pound
vas marts for Rv* hogs aft Hao.
WM. le the .mail mut ptlm that ware
Masu& ter whe.1, use dermas/ was geed.,
tad an active trade was One with sales
et selected lets at VA (n fa per Lo
Ye�sl tea_ ears. There was a
assets. sad t1a taoetet
of 1MM hoose made at gala es One, sad
sheep at Ole to to per peat Colleen
aero ..'res. alai la demand at praise
Arising trots 31 ts Pe each es te else.
[tet suMae Conte leeriest,
Baer BISTYA1. . Aug a.-Catao -a. -
o.rw ss bred. marbet setive ase
steads. pose seers. 81.1s se 31.31: baeetrar
math le to A: sews. SU to 11.31.
f]Nve1-ltteadys EIS Das& Erre* so-
tlshako, e to
v. sed steady; b
'beep sad telae.- Recespb 11. wog
alarket time settWeisWeis die lever
Wield ea lee eek to 11 semis- M11,110
7 YEARS : New
I Was area by Ly4la ni-
bon's Vegetable Compsod
Qaaika. Otla - "1 bad female tree-
less reg ...en years, .. d ie Mhos
F 0*S 1
t 41e eat -
thing. meld rThe doctors
treated ase ter dif-
tsrest things but
did ase b aged I
get so J that I
esed at goo day
M sight Wille Ys
this eotditiss 1 reed
et Lyda E. Phsk-
►sm s Vegetable
Cmmpeesd, and
been w tees ad
ands M Mrs. Plek8ale tee advies
a elbows tins 1 W reloodl my
wet and am sow and.fl.
-Yrs. Saws Sweetie, It F. D. No.
3, lei 31, Wasrita, Okla
Aas*ar OreGelel Werth
IMAM Oe. -1 feel as if est tea seers essegk sheet the
Lydia E. Piakltam'. Vegetabis Cow
pound has dies tee lee. I was me
weak and tired rot 1 esleM sot rest
nights. A triad reeomssm:d.d yea
Cemeeaed awl 1 .ase gained bed&
ase strength and weld est wish le
deep better. 1 knew ether women
who bene taken Sher re isles
and they join me is mains it.=
urn. A. Dupe, DI Dams
E. t a Y.gsU8k f*sm-
r.re ein�sd Bary .ease al
ode llib. war oboe -
sobs, /let Maid few
ire gubvities. _fpails, lath -
anew pr..tratiss. aisg, sad
kW for Breakfast."
A day started ea Cewee's
Coosa is a day with a dear
bled Bad a steady nerve-
a dip fell of snap and life.
Coosa ■ erbUe; the body.
It is deb la food value and
any to digest.
00WAP 's
Semi -Ready Style are in
stock and a big con-
signment of Ready -to -
Wear Suits has just ar-
rived. We are ready
McLean tiros.
Semi -Ready Tailors
The Signal from now to
January Ist, 1912, to new
subscribers only
Hammocks, Coal Oil Stoves, Gasoline Stoves, II
C Screen Doors and Windows, Refrigerators, Ice 0
Tongs, Lawn Mowers, Ice Cream Freezers, Fishing
Tackle, etc.
les r Yertc warim $.f
a Epls. O , atone
MM. 50 Ol a: ssesae 311
Ohmage Llar. Mei.
C1riOn !!(OCR YARDS. Q1••'e. Aug.
El.-111=-11kleolgell MSC sisostest Ir se
Oie31. owe be 8411 tr 31 . aews�t�•
sieve, It in b .a: sow. fes w I:.te:
page Kit b 315. t
item- 0sa rns.t/b lee Iew-
4 teak r fir e•w0 nal tel
Teem MA N4 i'31f0
Receipts • are 'war*-. w..,
�t rr., tt7t to hal.« "e ever, ' 41r .
et-' woke, els w 11r •oar re Or .t
Come in and
If you are not already ac-
quainted with the merit. of
try a movie order. You
ran be certain of securing
s,aaoneble goods bore at alt
times. Our 'phone number
is 91. Give us a trial. The
quality of our goods will aoe-
vinoe you.
Funeral DIr+ectora
and Embalmer.
Odes ueeadty atMraded se
at as mars, nigh et an
0 We have just received a beautiful line of Florentine Braes
Goods. Each piece possesses the aesthetic charm of Nature's Gar-
den. mash decorative design artistically engraved by hand and
finished in black and dull brass.
We have alio • floe line of Rodgers 1847 goods.
Big +assortment of cease.
Knives and Forks in cea.
We are agents for the Canada Cycle k Motor Co.'s Bicycles and
carry the Cleveland line in stock.
We have added & bicycle repair department to our workshop
and carry a full line of bicycle sundries.
is your LAWN MOWER out of repair or does it need sharpen-
ing? We can put it in order for you.
We have about two thousand rode of Fencing lett yet out of
about four thousand0. We are going to clean this Fend out at
prices that no person can afford to miss. The Hoes, consist of
The Pittsburgh Perfect Fence, 7 wins, 47 inches
hireh. No. 9 wire, for 271c a rod.
Cyclone Woven Wire Fence, No. 7 and No. 0 wire.
American Woven Wire Fence, No. 9 wire.
Page Woven Wire Fence. No. 9.
Coiled Win at =240 per 100 lbs.
Barbed Wire at i2.50 per 1000 lb..
Does Your house Need Painting?
if on, don't forget that we handle the Sherwin-Willi/use se Paint.
the beat paint on the market,
O (llo you want to brighten up your fareiture, floors and
work ? If so, don't forget that We handle JAP-A-LAC, ahigh-grade
vanish al stair eosbined.
A fresh narked of Maimed perished Osman bas Jed arrived.
The Nation.[ ie the best tlald ehle.tla.e.o.a made.
al E .peersb
es 1t Pleiag, BeatfaR, fays+Rrotaghlow.
Houk Phone N# 112 Stolle 'Phone Na a y