HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-8-24, Page 44 fnetteuev, ALtace 1 at, 1011 District News. COLBORNE Mo!DAT, Aug. 'het. Jam n.+.. -- Harvesting is pretty wNl thtwtith foe this year flip P(elliet Mil ts.n and Mus May Mho(' have jest retuned from a visit to friends in Tse*weter and other points We expect a good time at the lawn social on Thursday. the %4(b. LOYAL WrOXZ DAY, Aug. •Ei d Loreto. -The farmers in tbis vicin- ity are busy threshing Haughton `omersall has returned home site:- visiting ftervisiting his sister. Mrs. H. Hoh•on Mies Or.ee O'Maboay sad Mimi k lesetor Brock, of 8irrcoe, and Yue Margaret Flood. of London, have re- turoed home after spending • week with Mian Irene Young Mies Car- ole Fraser spent a few days Last week with her friend Misr Josie Green. BENMILLER. WEDNESDAY, Aug.'C3l'd. Nuree.-Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Newell, of Godericb. spent Sunday in the vil- lage Air. and Mrs. Heddle spent Sunday in Goderieb We are Isleasecl to repot t Mrs. Jesse Oledbill's uraltb u.ipnro . , She i.. aide to he up again Tarehour in ibis neigh- borhood is the order of the day Much sympathyis extended to Mew Pitblado, jr., Se haying received the sad news of her father (Mr. Little) haying been murdered in Scotland. LEEBURN. TrgeDAY. Aug. fid. L t AL.Norss.-Miw Flossie Harri- son. of Hayfield. is vesting the Misses Bootie .... Mr. and Mrs. D. Horton Goderich. visited friends here Sunday. Misr Edna Taylor returned to Vancouver on Tuaedae after a.peoding two mouth', at bet- boner here Mr. and Mrs. Frank Humber, of De- troit, are visiting Mra, Pulford Miss .lemic Lieklater left on Tuesday for Calgary, where she has secured s school The W. F. M. 8. will mat tomorrow tWedneeday) at the home of Mrs. E N. $haw. PORT ALBERT. W m:warm t v. Aug. ,•'3rd. CHciscH NOTES. -The regular meet- ing of the A. Y P. A. was held on . August 16, in the basement church. MMtIC•rmeline den delighted these _present with very rute•reeting and instructive paper oo"My Trip to Western Canada." Mise Hayden p'ctured very clearly Use imprer,ioas of Western life. butt the native and foreign element. Her remarks showed keen otaervation and good descriptive powers. Rev Mr. Bice. who wen present also, favored the Guild with an encouraging ai- dr'ess. touching on the work of the church in general. The next meeting will be held in the basement on Tues- das. September 5th. and the evening will he spent in a social way. PORTER'S HILL W*DNgsDAI. Aug. 23rd. Norris. --Mrs. Cooper. of Clinton. and her daughter. Mrs. French. and three children, of Weta.kiwin. visited at Milton Woods last week Messes. Stanley and George smith, who have been visiting at U. W. Pot!., -e left for their home at Currie.- satiarday Mrs. John Blair and daughter Gertie visited at Wingbarn tast week. .. Harvey Patter is spending his holidays at C'urrie's Min Walters and Miss Woods are sisiting et Mrs_ Burke_s.. - BAYFIELD. S'''tntottrinA Y. Aug. Sird. Mrs. Dr Armstrong. of Mitchell. and niece. Miss Lorna. of Tara, are #gn- ine et the home of Arch. Annatrosg. Rev. J. Stuart, of London. who spent the pant week with his sister. Mrs. Stanhury, returned bona on Saturday. A very suerrshrl wale of linking was held Ivy the Ladies' Aho of 8t. Andrew's church on Saturday- afternoon I:a.st, at Mrs. Heath's cottage. Rev. Mr. Argo. of Ivan, plea:bed ,u 8t- Andsew'r. church Sabbath morn- ing. Rev. Mr. Clue. of Stratford, oc- eupied the pulpit of Trinity clrirch East Sabbath LUCI(NOW. Tt`tt.DAY, Aug. 22nd. Miss Matte. Bowling has returned to Detroit after spending a month); holidays at her borne in town. Mrs. Wm. Atmstroog and daygbter. Mrs. Regitu►ld Garrett. are back to f,ucknow atter a two month. visit to 'eked* at (.ilbert Plains and Dauphin, Manitoba. Miss Sara hlallough has gone on • trip to Kansas City, I)knve; and Col erado Springs. She wax Accompanied by Misses Hill And Cunningham. graduate muses of Bloomington. el- WESTFiELD. TU *ODA Y . Aug. ..}.'Ad. Mai RP-. --Herman W igbtman and sister. Mrs. Alpert McKellar. of Sault Ste. Mane. are bene on & visit to their pwrents, Mr. and Mrs John Wight - man Miss Annie Chamney re- turned last week after spending some weeks with friends in Aah8eld Mrs. Wesley Farrow and little daugh- ter Mary spent a few days Last week visiting Mrs Farrows, parents. Mr. and Iles. Johnston, of Birth Mr. %lilting. of Parkhill. • staudent of Victoria (allege. is taking the wort ne this circuit in the absence of Rev. R. A. Miller. who is taking his boli - days... W. A Han -iso.. a Lurk - Pon. is visiting hie daaghter. Mrs. W. AL O•mpbeU Geo. Duchess's. of HrsmeM4 visited at the home •4 hie elide. Robert Hechasen. over firm • day ... .11018 Mem Armour. of are alrelatives here Vera �DeweN lett art week bsattetd the mflfi.se7 o,Q—a wife. St Mut Yat ere /UM. st tbe home et OakW. M and t t Ma+ Nelbe era. of with weceatn a hes day. %,. st Ng 8 y with Me wo iOedWr Mrs. Aik.se. ret tle cit tsa hares M ST. HELENS. TUESDAY, Aug.:fl'iid. 1 nt'Stn Nuris -Rev. J. Watt. of Bergoyse, occttpisd the pulpit or Cal- vin church os oda, and will also have the eersices next Sabbath The Youn$ People's meeting on Sab- batb evening will take the form of a song seer vice. Woet�s-. INei r'rtrL-The Women's Institute meeting will be held at the home of Ma. W. C. Webb oo the afternoon of August 31, at 2:y0 p. m. The subject to be discussed i• •*Do we get any benefit from Women's loan. tutsmeetings r All ladies aro asked ubjecto come prepared to talk on the sub- ject. t. PERSONAL. -Mims Lillian Clark is visiting at Rioted W r s . H. Thompson has left for ber home at the Moo after speoding about aix weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mr.. T. Todd . . Jas. Neely, of Pigeon. Mich.. is yisitime his siater, Vis. D. Todd. jr....... Miss Elsie McDonald. of Guelph is visiting her nark, Angus McDonald. ....Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Murray visited friends in Hulktt on Sundae Mrs. W. E. McPbeYsoo and Mus Ethel visited Miss Ratcliff at the hospital. t'lintoo. on Monday John Phillips leave* this week for the West Malcolm Weather head and daughter. Marion. of Port Hope, Mich.. are visiting bis mother here. DUNGANNON. Dx. N E �� TON. DENTIST. OF Luck/sew. beg cared vedtbur outride pointo and wiL beao•torth give kis enure attentive to the home aSoe. l oaasw. wane he will be toted every day. All modem meth eds. MC/TICK-THE LOCAL AGENCY sin Hook oa Per The 8lguai i. a t the Poet orders will to resolved btkoticeuery uns,, aid remixing sap Job wort. sad receipt. will bs riven for amounts' olid fes the frame. THURSDAY. Aug. 24th. John Rowers, of Goderich, is visit - g his brother Hobert. Jamey Medd. of Auburn. spent Sun: ay with friends here. Geo. Case left last week fr,r. Exeter visit his grandmother. Mr. and Mrs. Harney Benninger pent 8uoday in Teeswater. Mrs. A. E. Duff is spending a few es with friends in R Ingham. Thr Masses Wbyard spent a few ys of this week in Goderich. T. E. f)urnin left Wednesday of is week for a trip to the West. R. Moore and family. of Belgrase. }tad at the borne of Mrs. Sloan. Miss Buckley spent the week -end re, the guest of Miss Cora Roberts. Cora Alen has returned home after -isit to Miss Annie Rucbanan, of odericb. in d to a da th y is he a li Mini Clara Sproul spent i week in Goderich. the guest of her sister. Mrs. It Wilson. Mrs. Kress and son. of Preston. wont Thursday of last week with Mrs. John Johnston. Res. S. V. R. Pentland occupied the pulpit in the Methodist church last Sunday evening. Mrs. Goldberg left Wednesday ,.fthis week for Toronto• after an extended vi•it to friends here. Miss Elva Johnston returned home W.dnesday of this week. accompanied I,y Miss Mary Clark. Mr. arid Mrs. D. 0. Hinkle. of Gode- rich. visited at B..1. Crawford', Wed- nesday- of this week. B. J. Crawford. Dr. Bice and t'. Ell,ott teturnwl Saturday from the rifle shoot at Long Branch. Mir Nellie McNab returned to bet borne in Seafortb last week after few day, vi.it to her brother here. Mia. Hel.-n Pridham returned to Godericb 1Voinesday of this week after a 1:11.1t witb Miss Ethel Case. Mtn. Nichol -ors, who had been visit- ing ber brother. R. A. McKenzie. left for her borne, Saturday of last wr.•1. y las S. Polley, of Baltimore. has re- tutnnl to h,•r home After her extend- ed visit with her sister. Mrs. Ryan. Mrs. John McLean has r••turnevl after attending the tuner:.) of her brother. Gabriel Elliott, of I'nher'e Hill. Miss Ess Somerville returned Tues- day of this week to Goderich after spending a tew days with Miss Pearl McKenzie Mrs. Beaver And granddaughter, Meas Bellamy. returned. Mooday to their home in ML Marys after a visit here at the borne of L. h. Palmer. E. 8. Mitchell's furniture was ship- ped Wednesday of this week to Port Credit!' where Mr. Mitchell is mana- ging :a branch of the sterling Bank. FALL FAIRS -[Ott. - Toronto (Canadian Noticnsli-Aloe 9044egt. 11 hoodoo (Western Fair), Rept. 8.18 tlralkettou........ $up(. i3, i<lb Stratford - Sept, 14, 15 Exeter........ ,- .... 80p1. 18. IP a.derid..Sept. lift 3, 20 Listowel .,,. ttept ifi 30 Mi Lobel' Sept 19, 30 Kincardine Zurich. • •Atwood>7 Atwood Bim• 21 Luckonw. ....... Sept. . 22 seraforth .pt. 211. Ripley Sept. Ie. alt 27 Harristori SiMjt� M. Iii VCi tri .fie. Sit. 10 In• 310 Ilfifv.rtta.. ............-Sept. it.',ft. Tat priori . ret. 3 Myth ()rt. a 4 Tesewater• • .Ott 4. 6 u Dra►is,. . . Oet. L. 8 D Duggan e.Ds Ort. 3, 8 Barrie ... OCT. & A (Nt. 11 must hese m les to the farmer, throughout the etrlry to reed the 'epert erdniens an *Fee of farm prb- duete l�117 cela of Epl tyes ipmefarmer The �ar sats\fag the Meal 4 ►i• is both 1the (sx diar and M gra mareets kw years, and these wh. ea- dearer to waisteaddies ,Ml Y rets 4 PRE SR r JLL. GODERICH ONTARlo ORDERS CONDITIONAL ON RECIPROCITY Business Wel Beam Whew Part Goer sats BHsret Ottawa, Aug. 18. -An iatereetiog feature of the political situation is the Pews which comes from ie tostrial centres that the manufacturers are be- ing told that their future prosperity d.ppaede on the ratification of the re- ciprocity agreement. It is said by conasse eiel travellers who have been Rest, and are now la the West, that the farmers are tailing the country Chad they will not retake thatr 4 purchases, save such as are ab olutely teary, until atter the elections. Theet,. peo�that if the Liberals are w ►e ratified they will 'plod recipore rocity t bao before.y w beaarisr they will have more [coney to spend, an* they also iotiasate that if reciprocity is not roti - tied the will get along as best they can without things which they would otLnrw-ise purchase- This message is being passed aloag by the storekeep- ers to the commercial travellers, and to the w hoieeilere and they in tare are sending it on to the manufactur- ers. Indeed, it can be asserted without tear of o,otradietioo fast mho y Onterio and Quebec manufacturers and emus is Nora Scotia have .,- retired orders which are •iondithmal upon a Liberal victory. If tbe menu- f•cturers care to take the order. oo this condition for delivery atter cteP- tember 21. they can go ahead with them. otherwise they can do the other thing. It is m sort of endless chain from the Western farmer to tae manufacturer, which may have im- portant effect before polling day. The Western man knows fast his welfare is bound up with that of the East. but be also knows that the East needs his money, and he intends to drive he lesson borne. Aod it rosy be an_ -d that this movement is not coons to the 1% -est. There are score- not hundreds, of farmers in Outer ,od elsewhere who are look- ingto tbe result of the elections be- fore they decide what they will pur.n chase for the winte-r, end the}' do not beritat.- to :ell the country storekeep- ers so. One wee -known et.mmerrial trav- eller for a Montreal house who was here last week stated [bat he had been through Ontario from Sarnia to Brockville. and though be himself was a Conservative he had been compelled to report to his hoose that the farmets of Ontario were never w united in anything as they are in their desire to hare reciprocity, and they COO are usinv this endless chain of so notifying •ne manufacturers. CODER ICH TOWNSHIP. VEDNRADA Y. Aug. Bird. THA. LAT* ('ARRIOL Eu, oar. -By the death of Gabriel Elliott, who passed away at his home oo the Bay- field line oo Thursday. 10th loaf.. this township has loot one of its most highly respected resideots. He was • man of remarkable strength of char- acter and sturdy self-reliance and withal of a kindly disposition, and was highly esteemed by those who knew him best. Mr. Elliott had always en - jos -ed the best of health unto about four veers ago. when his fatal illness s. izevl bin and since that time he had been a severe and shoat constant suf- ferer until death relieved him. He was a native of Enniskillen. Ireland, being born there over seventy -live years alto. His parents came to Can- ada scarcely a year after his birth and located on the lith nonceesion of this township near Porter's Hill. where the family was reared. Wm. Elliott, the youngest son of the original family. still resides upon the old howeetead. When lie grew to manhood the subject of this notice was united in marriage to Mir Elizabeth S1^C'ulloch. They settled on • fast On the Hayfield line. which be cleaned atad improved and occupied until his demise. In pol- itics Mr. Elliott always supported the Conservative party and in his younger date he had taken an active interest in the Orange Order. Besides. hi. widow he is survived by a family of one am and six daughters. They are J. NV. Elliott. of Clinton : Mrs. A. W. Reid and Sirs. Geo. ('lark, Stanley Mr.. John Reid. Bruoeflld : Mre. Wellingtou Fee, Zurich, and Mrs. Ted Carter and Mrs. J.E. Hero well.'Varna. Another son. Thomas, was acrideotally killed by his team running away about six year. ago. The tuoeral of the de- ceased took place to Bayfield cemetery on Saturday. 12th ins[„ and was very largely attended. The services at the bowie and graveside were con- ducted by Her. H. J. Vanden and Rev. Mr. laws of Bayfield. The pallbearers were John Stewart. John Reid. Wel- lington Fee. Geo. Clark, T. Carter and J. E. Barnwell. The Ave last mentioned were sono -in-law of the de• eease.i In Bad Company. Opposition papern rrnice that Boutassa Nn11 his friends are support- ing Mi. Borden sod Mr. Monk. One of Bcurasw'• friends-dndered• his lieuteeaet-is Mr. Armand Lavergne. wbo epssaking at Preeervife on July 34 gave voice to them utterances. as re- ported as Mr. Rourwesi . organ. Le Dsen.r. of July Xi: •1 shall address myself to the Rouges, 1 hop. tr, h r able to con- vert some one. As for those who are Dat willing t' understand, the partt M -my.' of honest men has no use for -Herr someone in tie crowd cried ' H urrab for Laurier !' •'Yes, hurrah for Laurier, my friend ! ! aleo cried. se you do, Hur- rah for tau ierf whin in 1861b 1 heard him predalm at SL Ross in Quebec. that the great principle of tete liberal party was for miamffties. and that wheahs ob wised power be woraY Olajaiiisp to ourhratibers AINISIOM Sone months hoar be we30 .4 die ais- to Os elbraelpe. i.t* laytlm,~telsYah he Laur- -Mtlna ter Laiarar. tray blend! WOO.Yt 111118 fir. is4... *weft Is Sees by the 7 isag w at titer ire �tyearr'ss .ft uMrt la M O mil Leo ~*s end mho \shod for bed mom 11011e its their isaipsera had their Ib `Hix oil the 1ppsitiaw sw nn• sr* weir -mer the aupportneasho titterer of the above sentiments. But isn't the alliance tocomietent with the loud p otessloo„ of loyalty gado by both newspapers and larder' HAIR GROWS THIN .1111 Use Pansies Swots Tuns and Preece' If your hair is growing thinner wad thinner and oaumsg ou anxiety to E. R. Wigle today and get a r bottle of Parisian Sags for only tats. It issucb• delightful and nte- fre.bing drawing that you will like to use it regularly. Parisian Sega le guaranteed to stop taUing hair had Itebing snap, to eradi- cate dandruff awl mete the hair has trona and riadhmt, or money back. There is nothing just as good as Parisian Sage. See j. .0 get the pack- age which nontains the girl with the auburn hair. A CONSERVATIVE FARMER Gives His Vires se tee Poezbcal Situa- tion -His Party Has Deserted Him. The Weekly Bun of Toronto pub- lishes this letter in its issue of last week : After leading Saturday's proceed- ings of the Oommervative gathering in Toronto, I wish to express my opinion as a Conservative. My old political friends have mesmerized themselves into the opinion that the Ontario farmer is the most gullible creature in the world. The miraculous discovery that the Fielding -Paterson trade agreement with the neighboring Stites. with tbeir 90.000.000 of people to provide food for. would cause C'an- adlanv to lose their individuality and our country its identity. If such is car- ried through, is amusing. The great light of revelation which granted this knowledge to my friends must h&ve been greater than that which sur- rounded Paul when on his way to per- secute the Christians. It is time every farmer in Canada asserted his God- given self-respect. it is now evident that t death sttttoagg�le is on to regain possession of Canada's swelling treas- ury, but the plan of campaign which our friends adopt is beyond the ken of any same man. For Mr. Borden to attempt to practice jugglery on the farmers of Canada by putting up the disloyal cry, the annexation, the commercial union cry. i. a species a Audacity quite in keeping with his sant of discretion as a statesman. Reciprocity, if en- acted, would add 30c. to each bushel of harks-, 830 to each borne. from *3 to 810 to each bullock sold. 84 to each ton of bay, and would remove •Liv.,, per bushel and HOo. per bushel against nur peas and wheat oo going to the United States market. The Canadian Manufacturers' Association and the favored trusts and mergers have skill- fully anchored our old political party to the rear end of their crusade of de- ception and slander. R. C. BRANDON. Uanuington. Deafness Cannot -be Cured 'y local appbesttse., as theL eanoot reach the diseased portico of the ear. There is only one `ray to care c�deatema tad that U b conrtltn- flamed ,00ditbe ((hs. woies. Iteldwees ises hi enet by d ttbe K moochian Tube. whoa Ws tabu Ton hese a nalt..U rid erll ods doesaaw [- Int, and when it is nimbus* seen alatmmm{jarte the result sed unless tb W sae be taken oat Sed this tube Metered bks aatsW condition. bearing will bs densereed threw rice ramie out o1 ten aressuess which is eetkiwt bat an ISHAlsed o be of the mucous marabou. We wiU ere One Heedred Dotl.ra for nor case of Dasb•ss manned lrg Catarrhs thatao- nCatarrh be cured by Halle tarrh Care. Send for Mrealar,. tree. F. J. CH WHEY It CO.. Toledo. n t. sold by ltrueri,t :.:c. Take Hall's Family Pins for ron.tiestton. MISS 'EDITH L. COUZENS TEACHER Pupil or Prot. Mutts and .t.deat of Alma t0 1- pee= Te el Taun, ioPiens. .artd Oscan. Pupil. rea peeeared for 1'nrvetsdt had rowers- ff &tarry examination.; -4117 b 1airto. �o�setest THE P A R S N A G k, B0L]tfrr2V1t.LE. anada's Tmck Line - TOR ONTO ine TORONTO $3.90 RETURN Aug. a6tb to Sept eta $2.85 RETURN Awe. spih and 31st Sept sth and 7th FROM GODERiCH s1 -,',.viy. co NAIL NA1iMAL t3II$ITI�ll Return Limit Shpt tstlt 1911 SPECIAL TRAIN .ERV,CE special train less -es (:oderiCb ti a. m. Aug. :9th. 31st : Sept. god, Eta, 7th. Through pooch for Toronto on all trains for Exhibition. FARM LABORERS' EXCURSIONS ii0.00 Going $ 18.00 Additional Returning August 2*ed Front all stations Toronto. North Bay and West in Ontario. Aultsel 2fit i Onus ell rotations [Tot•onto end !last of Otillia and Scotia let M Caeada. Through Teri* r an Sleepers w wwNwao use ODOONTOse Vle Cheers we/ et sirs August !lrar Sept. 111% — uta s. ee seeetesn rasa RONEsaelc-1' EXCURSIONS t. ~T87tJ�T*wa. t. 1 BY PERSISTENT EFFORT 13 SUCCESS ACHIEVED No Shutting off Between Seasons Here Always on the Job The public is always ready to buy if the prices are right. No month in the round year holds so many Bargain Surprises for you as this very month of AUGUST. Note the many offerings for tbe rest of the month, and prove by investigation that the BARGAINS ARE HERE. COTTON HOSE Clearing up the Cotton Hose at a big sacrifice. Eighty-nine pairs of Tan Cotton Hose, sizes 5, �; 6, 64, 7, 7i, 8, 84, 9, 9e to. Regular price 15c ; now Loc—ribbed, no seams, fast colors. BLACK COTTON HOSE About one hundred pairs left of our great three pairs for 25c and two pairs for 25c. Sizes 5, 5,, 6, 64, 7, 71, three pairs for 25c; and 8, 4, 9, 91, to, two pairs for 25c—no seams, and fast colors. SUMMER SUITINOS I LAWN WAISTS Nine ends of Suitings and Dress Muslins, from 20C to 32C. Your choice for IOc Only a few now left. Come and get price. They are to go, and go quick, too. NEW FALL GOODS ARE COMING FAST.—Dress Materials, linKimono Cloths, Wrapperettes, Suitings, Sweaters, Hosiery, Plaids, 36 to 40 inches wide ; Silks, Underwear and Coats, and many other things we can't name here. Come and have a look. No matter if you don't want to buy. It will be a pleasure to show new arrivals. one. Any old J. H. COLBORNE i FALL TEri M FROM AUG. 28t1s CENTRAL •TRATFORD. ONT. Hrd•eae mein stoic that our credtrtas are the beet. We have three departments. ,COMMERCI %L'HORTHS2 D and TEL- EGRAPHY. The tuition for r!r sseatris to $ 5 and for ooe year On lnveeggatt.a will prove to roar eati.Gaoti a that [hers le no better Nosiness ( alters la s'aosdaJOet. Our tree oetaiarroe sow. D. A. McLAcai a -v, PeiaNsal, For The Summer Toilet Na-Dru-Co Royal Rose Talcum Powder 13 Indispensable. i t s delicate rose odor and its impalpable 1tnene_is make it always the choice a all dissaiminalltlg persons. JOS 14.11 .r J. Ruri,1N1). Druggist, Headynarors for Kaiaks. F,in., and Plato- ' cm:M c supplies. strieweiesteitanalitiaseelteteesetWeireeieWartsese 50,000 FARM LABORERS WANTED $10 To Winnipetg S10 .D atsd Wes 001110 DATES • oat. et br1-Veen as seattss11 on alt Uric es and booth a the Grand Tank Nada Ilan Twwts to soma I sataillsas se C. P. Tercet. fe sal Neer* Linos IaNudtea hen gesisla meta amok Amos Ims-11rsomotatiess North of rid Thema Mina saw Tor- sos to Mesta C.P.R. Jet. sot : ahs retried Timms ss se tanee- 0.gweeOw ode Tomes vm es*owesod motbt slur. sass Asadaea/ lDastmuart drat" Jet,ood m e T. N. a,.wstW North `eyr,tg ilmfts Aoloor sad NA tot A^.r's11aaadlIt nom tlwasr�yQDm ve �e ape [last ed ovals. t#MI• Jst aril North lb* re ismer*e, dsod �slHks a mOseuewmnantral siPM. Item " Loss a eget • aMt ras'eer T'HE 0011YTT110011,011 LINE [ JO& [IDD Area, G+.dere-h. sesnesestaiseamewirolowwwwwest areaur. .►. ari..rw,... ,$argaiq Offer The Signal from now to Jannary ISt, 1912, t0 new sUCSCriberS 25e only r 1 NATIONAL 1 RANGES • To be up-to-date, to insure good satisfaction incooking and uuder 011 etrcumstaacA,, you must possess • NATIONAL RANGE. They speak for themselves.. SOUVENIR and ART GARLAND HEATERS ere the best on the market. Is rot NOW the time to b. - thinking of that new stone for the coming winter's use HORSE BLANKETS The season of the year -is approaching when these goods will be much in demand. %Ve handle only what is best. MARTIN-SENOUR PAINT 1Ve have in stock art excellent supply for the' fall trade. FRED HUNT Plumbing. Heatine. Raveatroughiag and Grner•1 Hardware. Hamilton Street 3 3 i 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Ar- 6Uotto : "A sovare deal to everyone • • What Is Your Money Worth ? F 10 PE CENT. REDUCTION DURING! THE MONTH OF AUUUST WE ARE GIVING YOU ON ALL CASH PURCHASES lE IIP Oa all summer goods we are giving an even greater rut : and if you what a Hammy Couch Verandah Chair or Darn Seat, sow is the tile* to Bat ora. rheap, This will mese • considerable saving to hay person requitrisg Furniture. and it will pay you to face advantage of it. AGENCY NORPHttKER PtAVM W. J. M UIR & CO. •.t• ... ft, tar - • .-.e,e 'n. .•••• .., Mquntfogiv.0•0•IRevfortifyi•qwpwrititqww0,4' 3 •