HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-8-24, Page 3THE SIGNAL « GOD CH. OBIT o
1ewf� tke
9istrkt. 11 fla es my producehatall wtt tha tlta trade
ustagI.0 ani wiin remove. Eves taking
NA/it lore p sed o ar mill Id rhes if of itv�esa �rdill not once t si. at [wait ball of it
ANDAND would. and Wt is •e amount worth
while fur ib. average struggling farm, -
.end or repaired.
All ordss.• peempUy attaadsd to on Marine
i s at Testi 810NeL Godrlck.
V• AUGHAN M. ROlilsKTea, 1:1V1L
and *vermin., foata.st• Uotarle land
t Yelwao Meek Gatwick corner
]issessd sow.[. Televises 1S.
DR. W. F. (JALWW.sad resideam NatesCM..stB.
e• st theme Renters Teepees*�
oam sem
New York Opbth...ic anarid threatd Ay. uJ badioneoss,
Cfiaio.J .1latta.t_, Oar. Nese sad 1 Most nesp.isi
Golden themos. mid Moor.esM ltyes HoseMe.
Lends. b nk1•od. Office, st ei W aterloo bine&
t3testlre, opposite Knox Church. Hen 9
y e s. m.. Y to t w m.. 7 to • D. No Temeheae
▪ AI11. barristers, aotllitem, notaries. puede
�reotr� ID tbs Manwol Court. eta Private
leads to lied at lowest rates of latenon
VIMasst de. square. 0o*0rach. W.
<IOU()UFUOT L C., !t C. HA1d. J. 1.:
TER oolldtor. notary patsae. Whoer-
aaamlllos Mom. oedema, Mint dear tress
WW1/LK 0ngtps, aohntarr, sea. bode
rw:k. Atm, mese r emelt mom
. sariesto.. comm- ''.r. notary Stabilearmum llamU ' .uvea 1.0411100 [lot.
8 U it A N C 1 C 0.-r arm sad sedated
tree pwparq'tasarwd.
tJMasrs.-d. 11. feiw.n. Peas.. liesterth P.0
Jas. tasaoity. Yaw -Pre. n4441601' P. O,.
Themes 14 kWs, sea -Tessa., nentsrtk P. U'
iarwotere-w at. l b1.wl. ctaLrta • Jana
G. Grieve, W introp : W Wars Kinn, Cesiseaace,
Jdes neenswesa taoatom is summa lsvaae.
liescho ed : Jobe M a,i. carioca : YNm
Iseawls trrwoesied.
Meats :4. W. It eo BokmmeUM ; R. &math,
Batteak: Jsa lAwnsi.gs. biassedvWs; n.
Rinehart. aea.s.sa, i'esrc7-a+Wsry eta pry
s esssmerls wen res Uhler corse rsoetpted At
lam s tlswwaia t,nai'Ia, er et it H. Cott
Gresem. Osebss nowt. Gedsrlak.
ill+ 11lN Mea. Apsty to *. G. CAM-
rs1Ia.i rowr0Aer. Hamilton street lioaar/Ob.
rums *OD Loam muse : 1Vt .b. Caoaaisa sod
a ashen.
coraexr, aganse a arm arruovxas' Luau,
rev : The oaten amisat sea Glmaaatee
3se.ma000. Limited, of London. RPM
FrD'aley AND 0°alatrTo biome : 1 be L.B.
nada/ .ad Guarantee company.
theles es red -eros, sot•tb00.t corner ot,Vic
000 at Vivid'. drMta Cheese IA
"mead end ekwoe t taeart wta�anceinndi
nines eMsmss en err mom sad at lowest roma
os seek semi wen nese 0e0 wow.
rUa aa�aess J. %• v�VdLO. Worm oat.
ALA hit h His/AA , J. P..
tatuI0.LLtt:n, UN .1.
11M11) 11 Or MARRIAGE UcZN81ii3.
RBI . AGN lieaaa, dealeiea. Gat
-The wdt•taews sum popo*r stand
sae A Hassan lee best 1,e1M01 u eaaveze
. re.ttlle. .mle
.e. .. seLamer w...a .
Only 0
Wy�eaua tl.
reedeter. b.
f1 HuMArl tiUNUht, WV1STUV
1 see sewer ►uAnrlser. diner ea MMru
suss was re we watt be 100.0 at se tames
waw .. Wiring test. Tees rw.+eeakl0 W
me mond d 10 sore Fee ,Mma
• ltt.l.
• Qtieset oTms, 1. C.
oligmej c.
Mis T.
btww. mese asks Mama keasn-F, emasasrw.
abs. A. It genig-11111101.kereea . seiner
lehet. ISM
Ma Mem. all• IHMiet-vslem. A.
eear -sank.. geese end deans. For
.a..mmma es to .letw d.. as/d st tae
W. J. MUIR & CO.
Miss Qesskembuals baa beet. mowed Bowenanville clod while in her twee•
by the ti0uIsr school board to SO tae tM she was married to her late luso
vacancy eased by tbt resignation of band, Richard Harvey, who pr's"'
Miss Alexander. ceased her eight years. Shortly atter
their tserrisgs they niuvetd to Us -
borne. from which tame who had ooa-
Unuo0sly resided there. She was the
smother of thirteen children. ten of
whom are living. Sbe is survived by
three sistei • also.
A Vamcamet Wedding.
The marriage of a Farquhar young
lady was esiewaised at Vancouver,
B. C.. ou lioodsy, Almost 7th. 1'be
contracting parties wire Miss Clara J.
Docent., youngest daughter of John
Duncan, of Farquhar. and T. i1. Rill,
of the (bast city. Rev. yL Tbomsoo.
B. D., officiated. The wedding was a
quiet ooe and afterwards the bridal
pair took a boat on an extended tour
to Victoria. Liao Ftaneoiet., Lfle An -
shot 111 ltfl3 but she had spent the Kelm. Pasadena and lbs Southern
groatar part of her lite in Unborn. States, whale n he boury-in,non will be
labor Day at Zurich will be cele-
brated with baseball is the fosesawn.
horse rams in the afternoon mid •
oosoert at night.
Reif the houses in Clinton will be
ooanected with the sew waterworks,
system before the fall. At present 276
homes have the co.neclion.
The Clinton New Era telco of • three-
legged oolt which was born on the
farm of V. M. Diehl, ot Stanley town-
ship. The front right leg is missing.
1be colt is perfectly sound otherwise
and is doing well.
Following • year's suffering. Miss
Carrie W. Earl, of Exeter, pawed 10
her reward on Tuesday, Augnst SU*.
The deceased was born in Hay town -
Win. McKown. of Lus Angeles.
Chlifuroia, was in Clinton lust week
vt.ung hie brother. Alf. McKown,
and other old friends. He left Clinton
ergot years ago and sti11 maintains*
spent. The groom exon .eainr .bomber
of the Urea of Hill & Watson. ewe-
cbants, Vancouver, and a very we•
cessful bUsilil 10 wail. He is a brother
of Mrs. Al/a.vere. u, aetbbridge,
warm spot io his heart for l'atiada torsuerly ut C', einem, while toe bride
and Huron county. is •sugar ',I ills Gea.rge T. Mamie, of
exeter. T. ev will be eit bowie to their
filends at. 277i'2 Triutty evenu.. Van-
couver, after November let.
Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Alexander. of
Clinton, have returned home from a
seven weeks' trap through the West.
They went as far west as Banff and
Bar Wilfrid Laurier opened hie car-
peittn last week with a great meet-
ing at Sheaves.
Following ars some notes from bis
1t would haus been a crime against
civilisation not to have helmeted to
those advanoee from our
not to have accepted the opportunity
of wider reciprocal trade with
Raniproe�•ty has become law in the
Unit states, and we can have it to-
morrow if tI ('anadian people will
approve it. I you have it or not?
The Conservative party have. turned
their coat-. and are r...+ , pi•..tiny
what iory advooatsd f tett.
year!. - _
1f the fermiers at:- to h,• l uetit.-t.1 ;id
section. 111 the couro,uoli\ w111 .,,-
rs-n5t-n, .•eau..• agriculture i. the 1
G.uudsti ut twoada'* pt-uapei a v.
If i wear p ivileeed co eddied, an 1
American ■uthen••e 1 would tell thew :
"We want to trade with 'o.i, hilt it
the price w0 are to pay for it as tbe.ac-
Calgai•y, tbep north to Stratbomoa. _ lifter of our manhood, keep your
000 Edmonton and on their return Manitoba Man certifies That Dodds trade, wen will have °one of it.
'sat they- visited in North Dalutis Yips Cored His Rheumatism. Ply
State. This talk of annexation is situ fit --
Mies Wilverna nuance, of Exeter,St. Georgy, Man., Aug. .th
11m -(spec- heath e contempt and beneath the
left hweek dor Saskatoon. where tOLl-The loliowiotg strong statement 0.LteoGun of serious people.
she has secured a position as clerk. to the public bas been issued by Mr.
Before her departure ner friends pre- relwphore Dupont, a well-known ree-
iment.ed ber with an address and an ldet.t of this place :
ebony hairbrush and a fountain pen se "I certify that Dodd's Kidney Pills
A token of for eatery) in which stir is cured my rheumatism, from which 1
beid bo.tfered 101 ten yearn. Tbirteen hexer
cured me. 1 ani .nxiy rive years old
and I can uo all my own work. now.
1 encourage all pia plc who suffer from
rheumatism or any other form .11
ney disease to use Dodd's Kidney
Thousand. of w ber .4anitohs na have
had just the .nose esprr-teuce .. Mr.
Dupont. They had kidney disease.
They need Good'. Kidney Pills. and
At high noon on Weo.nesday of last now they we health) [nen and
week WemarTuge wits aulenwiled et women again. Dodd's Kidney Pills
the bowie of Mt. and lin. Alex. Mc- always cure kidney disease.
Ewen, Morro township, of their
daughter, Annie, to .Wilfred Fryf o SURE SIGNS
eon of lir. and Mrs. Dan Frytogle,
Wnngbam. Thr marriage ceremony That Yoe Have Kidney Trouble.
was performed Iiv Rev, J. W.
West, ot Bluevale. After a trip to
Detroit the newly --wedded couple
will take up their resideoce in Wing -
While driviog to Clinton ',oe day
last week, Wm. Reid, 01 ntenley, was
thrown out of his buggy and had his
right hand bruised, se t.be result of
tn. nurse's becomirgg frightened at •
traction engine. '!ben &pitnal made •
sudden Jump and broke away front
the rig. It ran sowe distance before
being caught.
The death of Mary Thomas, widow
of the late William Welsh. occurred
at toe home of Wesley J. Hewett.
un Saturday evening, August
1Ytb. The deveased was in ber eigbty-
fourth year, and was a native of :ng -
land. .the came to Canada about
sixty yews ago, first settling at Lon-
don. l''ive years later rue family
moved to Exeter, and deceased had
resided there coounuously ever since.
She leaves to mourn her uewi,e three
sons and five dauabteis.
The home of Yr. end Mrs. Cbnsuan
1 inkbetner, Shhipk-a, was the 'Irene of a
pretty event on Wednwaay. August
kith, when their eldest deugnser, Miss
Clara, was united in marriage to
George Totten, grain merchant, ut
Weyourn. Sank. Mev. Mr. burn, of
Creuiton. performed the ceremony.
The bridal trip includes a visit to Tor-
onto, Niagara Falls, Buffalo and elee-
w•bere. Un their return Mr. and Mrs.
Totten will spend a few days with the
bride's wrote, alter which they will
go to their new home in the
At a recent meeting of the Clinton
town council • bylaw for $3,500 was.
passed to defray the curt of an addi-
tion to the Clinton Colleg Insti-
tute, debentures to be imted e0 that
payments of t 'I[.07 annually will wipe
out both principal arta interest in
twenty years. '1 his expendi&ure
will increase the efficiency of the Col-
legiate Institute so that the Govern-
ment grans will bulk more and the ex•
penditure for permanent improve-
ments will not be felt so much ..
might be supposed. '. building corn -
=tom bas been appointed W p.epar'
the plans, make other preparatory ar-
rangements. and supervise the erec-
tion of the two-story 'wick addition to
the Uollegiote.
Bee mss Editor of British Columbia Paper.
Chas. A. Barber, eon of Cbae. Bar-
arber, of W ingbam, bas purchaad The
New hes at ('bnlltwack, B. C. Mr.
Barber hati had several years' news.
paper experience which will quality
11101 for has new position es editor of
the British Columt•ta 'simnel.
Look Before You Leap!
If your hack is rou.uintly aching
and if you experience dull shooting
pains, if your urine is thick and
cloudy 'or your passages frequent,
scanty and painful, your kidneys and
a bladder are out
of order. Neg-
lect quickly
brings on rheu-
matism. d i a -
betes lumbago,
sciatica, etc.
Booth's Kid-
ney Pills are
guaranteed to
r•lie-v.- or your
money back.
They are the
world's greatest Specific for kidney
and bladder trouble. All druggists,
50c. box. or postpaid from the pro-
prietors, The R.T. Borth O... Limited,
Fort Erie, Ont. Free trial on implica-
tion. Sold and guaranteed in task rich
by E. It. Wigle:
How the Wind Slows.
Vennot.tb, N. S.. Aug. 16, -Yea
mouth today gave the lead to the Lib-
erals of Carrera. when it recorded a
smaabing Liberal victory in the local
bye -election. Hoo. E. H. Armdrong,
whose acceptance of the portfolio of
Works and Mines in the Murray Gov-
ernment neoes.itated an election, waa
returned by a majority of 7513 over
James Dentremont. Conservative. in-
-reasing bio vote apt over his vote at
the general .le 1 ion in June. As reci-
procity Wes the prime issue of the cam-
paign, the overwhelming verdict is
indicative'of the sentiment of Nova
Nearly Aayooe May Secure a Splendid
Growth of Hair.
We bsve a remedy that bas a record
of growing hair and curing beldam*
in 93 out of every 100 cases where
used according to directions for a
reasonable length of time. That rosy
seem like t strong-0ltement--it is.
and we mean it to be. and no one
should doubt it until they have put
our claims to an actual test.
We are so certain Metall •93' Hair
Tonic will cure dandruff. prevent
baldness, stimulate the scalp and Bair
roots, stop falling hair and grow new
hair. that we personally give our posi-
A painful accident befell Gordon, five guaeaot.e to refund Beery penny
son ot Jobn Cornish, of Crediton, on Paid us for tt to every instance where
it does not give entire satisfaction W
Monday evening of last week. The
young tad was in the mow in the tarn
and jumped to the floor. alighting 00
an on can. The spout of the can went
through the soles of his ahoy and pene-
trated bis foot, oomio4 out at the top.
The wound is doing solely.
Barth Barged.
The bat n belonging to Richard
Webh, 1100 miles seat of Grand Bend,
woo struck by lightning and bunted
during a recent [Metric storm. The
sbasun s crop. which bad been stored
in the tarn. was eoneumed.
Toe bar u on the 3rd areceasios of
Usborne cow0ehip owned by Ws. C.
Heston and leased by Wm. Robinson
was struck by lightning on Teesetsy
of last week. Thr Mnkling was eon-
pk'tely destroyed together with the
01101 its. A large quantity cd psora
strew had been pecked in the barn the
previous day. There was no Meer-
As Whom Phew Deomssd.
Ale di and womb Asa.sosd readopt
of Usbsemsis ulna Is the
pw ed aneMmmaisis. worse ef
tens bee elshood Barwsy asr death.
0111 ll took plass os Thursday. civ -
=n*. seem after a conginag
germs iwb ammo ensued ty as essidset i•
Vathe deemed summered • rim.
hip � ls& Hee deamatd ago
saieot bre mod atter s ported at
'.tame soillselog .he pssd Nay
The Yom leis. Marvsy was a Inane at
awe Ormodwhys gas � thus ad
the freer.
Reran ••lea"' Hair Tonic is asnt
to use as clear spring water. tis de-
lightfully perfumed, and don not
grease or guns the lush. Two .izee,
SGJ, and =1.(.1. With our guarantee
back of it. you certainly take no risk.
Bold only at our store-Tbe Rrxa11
Store. H. C. Dunlop. south nide of
New a Fernier Loses by the Tariff.
1 asn in favor of the trade agree-
ment.- stated Ju. Mc0wing. of Wel-
lington 000sty. Ont., reoe0UJy, "for
two reasons 1 will illustrate : During
the twelve months just put 1 sold off
my farm thirty tons of hay. 1t wee
worth to 100 abet 11 wee worth in the
New York muerte*, 1e.0 the praising
ehergpe, the freight "-barges end the
d e end two Manses were
I e tataat Thr. 'rhe third. of N Mr DM
as too before is sneered the
United ea. wee jest Yet mesh
taken from we sod paid into the
Udted Slates t>rwwry. eft Mine war
w0 tart, ea that bay tees. IMO
11e10 that would \see Rose issee wry
lave at the premot time thirty -
chose fusee et outer em my tam 1
avors(here is it�Mmthiey�.b M aloe
Welsh o sols. i Slaw hooboik et gf.r
eat the se as ry�lfs ami a1 -MS
Do.:m.ws its • toil�IUas
wtyfetal if bete by the
We stand upon our manhood. We
will trade with our neighbors and
make a good thing out of It. Ata if
they will not trade witb us w.• yen
get along without thew.
1f the British pt. pie eh..bge their*►
cal policy and give 111..1 pr -termer We
are rea Iv to meet. them. 1 say ..Alec
that for presses • rens it "'meet M eo ie-
terfereuc,-. is no ola:tack agsinet 01,
*std N. .,111 bring ;1 a0
fhe advantages of reciprocity err x11
obvious that they need n.. reiteration.
But the more thoroughly they
are discustsed for clearer they ap-
This agreeinent constitutes a lond
of peace and harmony and of friend-
ship between the two baUune.
Reciprocity will not only be a pow-
erful factor in for material prosperity
of our country, but itis an advance pi -
winds that higher civilia:atie-b which
resent events bice shown to he within
the range of erect i'. 1 politico.
Fruit Crop Report.
The Dominion Department of Agri-
culture has issued 1t-, fruit crop report
for August. For district No. 2 (in-
cluding Limon county)00)apples are re-
ported ens 1.411011,.:
Repot to from this district are not
taogoosJ the, month. and the outlook
Is discouraging. The crop will be
even lighter than was anticipated.
owing to dry weather and wind
storms. La.wbton county will hair
about half an average crop of apples.
of good sit.. 11d free from .cab.
Hut.si county. iu the hest cared for
orchards. will have a light crop of
giaid quality. The trees gebrraally are+
1n good condition. bat hall bas strip-
ped a good diel 01 the trait.
General reports for other fruit are
as f-illows :
Prate. -in Ontario there will be a '
good crop of Kieafers, a medium crop
of Clapp s Favorite and a light crop
of all 1115.1 eerier lee.
Plum.. -The plum clop baa some-
what improved In Ontario during the
pa,t nwutb, and a medium clop is ,
now looked for. The hail storms, al-
ready referred to, worked consider-
able havoc in a few localitie•s., to the
other Provinces the crop will be ligbt
to medium.
Peaches. -Peaches generally will he
a fair crop,but Early Crawford- will
he very- right. Smock and Elbert*
show fur a talrly good crop. Yellow*
and Little Peach ■re reported preva-
Grapes--io the Niagara district
grapes are 1.' oking splendidly, and
promise to be s full crop, although in
the seed° t affected by the bailstorms
considerable loos is reported.
Small Fruits. --Owing to the dry
weather, the crop of small flints was
'Mort evel-ywhi-re, and bigh prices pre-
Toiedmatoes, - The early tomatoes
were small oil account of the dry
weather, but the later vat -imam are
doing well end. with favorahle-
tweet condition, a full crop will be
i. Rheumat item of the no ck_
The cause is Cr., Acid
in the blood. If the kid-
ne.did their work them
.e ld be no Uric acid and
no Lomtago NI.ke the
k.dneys do their a,.rk. The
sure, poen.. and only
cure for Lumbago is
How Ther keep Well in Chins.
Dr 11.- , -1e-..,...1 , •.-.lrh officer.
Torout••. err -i, •, 1t „ 1. - .111 les in re-
tard t.. 1 he I. eve....., 11 of disease,
w bich toe -.1d.. was 5-- .• the situ
of w.do.n .nedic•.I . Ve• ••e generally,
told of 1 he 1 1 1 . n, ,'gee in China
of pay log 1 • •- ! ••sly .1,a -tor while the
family is se. 1i ..std cuttnnt off the pay
wben -ick nen., coos.. This sbowed
a shrewd understanding 01 human na-
ture and was an exceroingly good plan
to &ti all the docteis working togethe
to keep down disea..•.
A Good Defence Ags:n:t
- the White Plague
No elle r_n .I. -. •0 !user tl r• orc-
duaq power tr,-„a\, and to have ;ower
you mast have good machinery. .
The human body is the greatest ma -
ghee ever produced--tbe ei.ndrr-
fnl mechanism in the world.
It is sheer economic waste -n.4 to keep
your body in the hest cnnditi- -.
'There is no valid excuse 1,7 a;i, wing
the tissues to become attacl.,i1 by the
white plague. You need your Fc:1!tbb and
Canada needs you.
Insure against it by buildin'- up your
deserve forces and bodily defences.
The best defence you can get is Nyal's
Cod Liver Compound. It builds up the
thaws and prevents disease.
A • tonic and a splendid vital-
iser, is on grind, solid flesh, .-'d Drakes
pen tach fit for any task. s
Per the puny and backward child there
better. Nyals Cod Liver Corn -
mem bring the roses back to
cheek sad give vigor and vitality.
owe Druggist cheerfully guaraa-
else Spots Cad Liver Compound.
Said and guaranteed by :
Tom --"It wt.- a case of love at end
sight with me Jack- 'Then why
didn't you mare. her?` Tom -•'Ob.
saw her again 00 seversl o rea.ioes!-- I
.Tunes -"Whenever I have to hot -
mw won. I try to borrow it from el
peed mist. R. own -"Why 7 .sane,
"A pessimist never expetts t.. g -t of
Doctor -••111 ..,or wife faints sags in
just throw cola water over ber-quite
cold waxer, 7041 onder.tArid --.mid then I
- Caller --- Sod then run for von
life !
W inghase Ti roe.: An airship was
sero Goiania in 'bis district on Wed -1
needay of lest w.sk sod was seen di. -
fierily by a number of people living
on the 18th cr.n•*skrt of Kest Wawa
ti>. i• linen
4w Memo ria.
1w rime set MI ems me WO f sad
- mail it ledasslj _._J hissedp.
am inostioi and _
Me e me hams of si`g, teAe whoa
soD▪ ews. powders
seined Me Reseeek�1st he pt
tela rwere.s
weine wen iesd get
a wary
a ye
cries ensditisa 1 w airissi M toy
was mieederiel
bow 5 end mid nam the d►ild's
hendes. paw skin. >an -19k bre. the
'0017 enimeeseseree se med or pe right to
the spot, td the pro ptasd sms..d the
ir^keins gm les read hem, Within s
few wade iny baby's shin w healed
Oe.Fkod,• Me ens sew sot • trace of
rash, w Oat. Net , or
or Mean
mMf�skllszUssbk, 1e ens s/ the a 0
igs�rrsa�telsaasstaa �ad
.mill ahem so thew eel ws4tni yawetere of em
p..� ane l5 Q..
sem bete% ems- red Me
t n. Row t. 4UO1210T AM, ligI $
Opening of
the Schools
We nuke a .Ir vial feature
of everything needed for
smart erboul ur .-.Menge wear,
special values. in \ov-
' crges - - t hr worn
popular material for
children'. . c b o o l
Wear, rite* hard
wearing qualities. at.
per yank as.. 60..
Iso and $1.00
Cg'..wverocoi JMMG
'heoherd ('hicks are aka much in demand for rhil,tr-.n'a west-.
We have slnnret every size of i -beck in stork at. per
yam ' 20o. 25., 50o, 75o and $1.00
Special ealur. in Bl0Oket Cloth for children's warm school coats,
in red. navy. green and grey, :ll inches wide. per yard. $1.25
Complete stock of new foil and winter Underwear for misses,
girls and boy,. Turnhnll's perfect -fitting Underwear is the
hest for growing boys and girl•-.
Our will -known children's Hose fere school weui- are the hest
the' can be hod. Our :MO two .Ind one -rib Cashmere Hose
for girls' weer will give thorough satisfaction. From, per
pair_ $so u, 500
Our kW for boys' wear, black cashmere. double knees, very tough
%ear.0g, from. per pair. .. 40c to 50o
There could be nothing nicer than w nice Sweater Coat for
school wear: they look smart and give the wearer plenty of
comfort. We have them in a greet many different styles.
from., each ... .... son to .4.50
We expect delivery this week otour cbildt- i ,. fall and winter
7: Millar's Scotch Store r
Stylish Fvvear-
It you buy a first -elm -
shoe, don't you want that
shoe made in the latest
avis ?
Why should you pay
the price of a high -clear
oho.. and. in return. get a
shoe one or two seasons
How do you know.
fon Instance. wnen,,you ask
for the; newest l.a,twear
that you're act natty get
ting the newest
But why take chance:.
Why not ask for tSe
shoes that lead the styles
in Canada - iNVICTUH
isn't there it great
satisfaction in knowing
that the shoes you're wear-
ing- are not last year's
styles but the newest tbere
is in footwear?
This .atiataction will
be youts when you wear
1NVi11'1'l.'$ Shoes. There
are otherfaeSionable slices
braider INVI(,TUB, but
bow are you to know them
Why 11110 any riska, why not older the oboes that have made
a tepatation tbrouggbol;t'Canada for tbeir stylish appearance
. You run no:ricks whenlyou order iNVIuTt.'11 s50e..
Wm. Sharman
The Square Ooderich
mares °Ns Hoed s laxaue, -Dot roe mow be too ,
*wow what you give mss. Marna
pmgrmwm toms fir bswsh sod pros is ay hr
sa tr.tdsa As see
doss the wort some
slissemoy aims., *ramose as Womb
sr win amp H..ar.00rt Tlis shows Moe gels ter they uses
lis eager (Dos of the moat p*rw e1 the NA-ORUCO /sepreasea
fie • tem HYMN lead_ boom pot seer/ ems wt. Ma lee w mar Alm Y
11510•5 Wm owl Choornoso • -
NA -0 R
Cushion = Soled
1f you haven L you owe it to your
feet to invent ip a pair the next time you
are buying .hove. They are the moat
comfortable in our whole hoe of comfort-
sbis footwear. People who wear them
say that their feet di sot Net tired after
airy ris
ar "talkies tory do in
aseeter. b We hese them in
both tom's and w...sa's limes.
--1bs.tangastao �Mr
A Full Line of TRUNKS and SUIT -CASES
'Phone 226
W. f1ERN
Repairs Promptly Deese