HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-8-17, Page 7New Fall Suits Semi -Ready Style are in stock and a big con- signment of Ready -to - Wear Suits has just ar- rived. We are ready • -ARE:YOU ? McLean Bros. Semi -Ready Tailors THE SIGNAL : GODF.RICH ONTARIO 1. ` News of the District j The 4444446+4444646+46 41 4641 464•4444454544.454646464546464646614e KINOSORIOLM . TtntioiY, Aug. Lith. the few Joseph Quist'. el Toronto. was Mlw11.. I. Whitty for a da It r week. L,AURiER. TvesoAT, Aug. 15th. Oa•toth e- r that liana W are wMbeeaatw ing the Oeteepathle aid Sery in Miami tbe lard bate'[yeeses•id wed as Ombra Lira year .uooe Doctoribis le graduating 1 .a and will teach .aen de In the was college the awls, Wtta$atDAT, /Lug. lith. Batons. -Mrs. Arthur Item and twig bbys, of Cypress River, Mani= oobb i hater arrived here for an extended ,jail to Mrs. Roes' parsons. Mr. and Mrs. IWO, .Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stokes and ftrally. of Oodeicb, spent Th ` the wtavaedI home aMnr eBlaarry lags week with her sots in CNatos .... Some W the village bah a taste for tt'ait, but punas are rather green just yet. LANES. MostDa e. Aug. 14th. LANs Locaux.-The harvesters are taking advantage of - the beautiful e eetber of the past Lew days in rush - inn theTh seder °ever. e bat - vest wfl-be wady all M by the end ot Ws week Miss Florence Caswell, wise was spending a couple of weeks at the home of Jae Lane returned to Toronto last week William Bald- win took in the Detroit excursion tart week W. P. Sanderson made a trip to Bewails on WdneedayT to see his little niece. who is esetoosly ill .... Mn. Samna Sherwood, who west West some weeks ago intends return- ing home this week Melville Reed tett for the West on Saturday last. Ws wish him a pleasant trip. KIPPEN. Tur.DAT, Aug. Iblb. (dolma Wrnr.-Artb.r Logan has returned from eaakate omen, whore be haw tauten a homestead and pre- emption for himself end a homestead for bis ocher. These are located twenty-two miles south of Moose Jaw. This with what his brothers. Jobs rad sense, hold sakes al nasi 1.819 eras in the Weft, besides the spidaid teem sit 160 lathed scoot Wed this fall.Tb.vThe whole v will be mood in Ude + bbsirboM. but their many friends them star tees le their aw hose. Nor... -Albert Harvey has renes the Lepm farm be a term of years at $800 pee Tor. This Is a good tarts and he shalt de well sad as be is a pod tomeshe will leave the place la ggWed, Yrs. Lemon and Miss Jaaat opaot a day with freterriiends in has soul b. . frfrom Winnipeg to sped bee veeatisa with her parents in the old borne bare Henry and Joseph Bayou' after epwdiag the summer with the old railer here on the farm returned to Whitewood. Sask., last Tuesday. James Hayes went with tbsm.Mies Maggie Mollie has bees.agagsd to teach school near '.'ieana. Elgin county. The Lars Mae. HARvIT.-Mn. Jobe Daymaa and daughters were in Errant 1.11 Tuesday attending the fu- neral of hes sister, the late lire. Har- vey, wbo /s0 *host a month ago and broke her tbigbdtene Mrs. Bagman and Mrs. Harris are the osly two sis- ters left sew of a large family of Vaid women who were the wins ire of the leading pioneers of Ueborao. Mn. Harvey leeves to mourn- her loss several sons and daughters, tt oed Charles and Mesdames Tucker sad Blatchford, of Unborn. Thomas and Joseph. millers, and Mrs. Howey. Exeter. and Wesley, Mrs. Robert Down and Miss Harvey, of Harwell. Sask. ET. AUGU$T1NE. TT/1 =AT. August Ibtb. BRtsfs.,-John Merritt, of Kincar- dine, called on friends here lad week. Wet. McIntosh visited Hallett friends this week James Plough- man returned home last Saturday atter baring spent the mummer in British Columbia ... Rev. John Richardson, of Kiwis. is visiting Meads in this vicinity . Mian a Of Hallett, is the geed of her aunt, Miss Mary McIntosh John Boyle is engaged beyingg his brother Joe to take off bb harvest Mn. Wm. Thompson retuned home last Saturday after a two conte visit with friends to Manitoba and Toronto. Among those who went West last Si tachy from around hen are Samuel Thempeos. Mark Armetron e James andLase Fe Women's ThWomen's Institute held a suoceeaful mediae in the church hall here last Wednesday afternoon. Tbetittendanee was not very large. LUCKNOW. MO7eDAT, Aug. 14th. I. O. O. F. Oren -ins IxurrALLED. - Tbe followiog officers of Lucknow Lodge. No. 112, L O. O. tr.. bare been Metalled for tbe current term: Jr. Pam Grand, A.. McOarrol: Noble Orsad, Wm. M. Johnston : V itme Onnd, Wm. Davison ; recording sec- retary. A. H. Boyd ; financial eesre- tory, D. Paterson ; treasurer. A. Roes ; warden. D. McLean ; conductor. Ws MoOrostie ; chaplain. D. Peter- son ; R. S. W. G., F. Mcintosh : L 8. W. G., F. Armstrong B. 8. V. G.. Joo. Parrish; L 8. V. G.. D. C. Tay- lor; O. G.. Joe. Elliott; 1. O.. D. Mal - lough. A Goon BRaooso.-Thirteen out of the fourteen students at Luekoow, who wrote on the normal entrance examinations. were successful in pass- ing. Five of three obtained booms. That lea record to be proud of. and one which reflects great credit on the principal and teachers in Lucknow school. Following is a list of the sue - easeful studeete : A. E. Baruby. Dean Geddes (bosorsi, Mildred Spence, Prance. Apogee (baser'', Clarence Sp.n e. A- M. Gardiner, John A. Lockhart (boson), Jean McIntosh, M. E. Nixon bonen. G. M. Spindler (tenors). L a TVeieaven. Ruse Rad. >Ifagos.-*ie Belle Bobettsoo has return= home from the Wed lilm FONW. 01 pall, is the guest of Mr. sad We. Jasit Watses Rob. Mathews Is berme frim Shalt Ste. Mare os a Molt Mise Annie Lew- goo, of Whist 1.gw o par - rata. Mr. sed Mrs.A. Miss Visa Ilisffins, d, is stak- ing her Xr. sad Mrs. D. Hes- ton MI= IBMs Miley le away se poises Melt to ilawb Mc1T.tothie w 1.. retarase to irresirei 0. Maed visit at het home a. who bas bees G. T. L ago= hewhas . bbow "'^ wl XIX He is sseeredei at Aske chtwebarletar. the cuirass boy who was w and te iwo wed. anhy a ewing Jona& . Ili bid I= with a• attest COLBORNE MONDAT. Atgl. loth. MarrLasro OsticaestoN NOrat.-Mr. and Mrs. J. IdaSeid were guest;, at the home of Win. Stevens on Sunday.. . Mrs. Lobb, of Saginaw, Mich., is visit - Ing wdth ber brother, Wm. Duret.... Miss Sylvia Hallman is spends her vacation with bee !rend, Mies Rosy Durst Among those who left oa the excursion for the Wed on Satur- day were Harry Parrant and Harald Allan Harvesting operations are almost completed in this vicinity end the hum of the thresher can be heard every day. CovxcIL Mggrixo.--Colborne coun- cil held its regular meeting August, Bib, all the members pretend ; Reeve in the chair. Account, paid viz : Thomas Cousins. repairing Wile at B. S tee. 111.26.: Austin Church, gra v lith concession. 1117.10 ; Audis hurcb. scow fence, L. R., to; James Pastan, teem on grader, 88.50 ; James Ftagan. gravel, 50c. • John Levy. repeirinR bridge and plank on 8th concession, $17 ; William liePbe., repairing four culverts. 81.50; Jobn McClure, 42 bads gravel. 84.20; Abner Morris, gravelling. 881.- 40; John Barker. gravelling. 815.80 ; Samuel Potter, gravelling, 1128.116 ; Wm. Renown inspecting, $2; John Barker, cleaning gavel pit, 11.75; John Bartter. repairing culverts. 88.755; John Barker, pork and spikes. $1.15 : Miss B. Milligan, gravel. 78 loads, 87.80 ; Wm. Glazier, inspecting 82.25 ; W. W. Fisher, 46 loads gravel. boy at gate. 16.25; Peter Fisher, inspecting Andrew Halliday, gravel. 81 ; Albert Naeggl. breaking rods, 84.95. Council djbot►rned to meet again Sep- tember 12t at 2 o'clock p. m. F. W. McBee/eon, Clerk. NO MORE DANDRUFF. IL a Wee. !Kamm 1. MOMS I law to rid year seek et /My Is was gels M wiry Won ti l D -.g it e t lis 721:1. eal- tit s g_51 WF it In tw^g s5 bask.~4 Ao.ett bbNDp • ILaw iWr sea •ad w ii ogee sarsaW-1 Y Be YT N. Tunson.Y, Aug. loth. Tug NisExcites-J. Carter W been instructed by the council to p to lrelb to see to lbs shipping e[ the eirtlllrn which has bees purchased them sur the electric light picot. H. is thew this week. It is expected that when re maim arrives there will be meat Nave, sod it will be more mos - with tad than the present an - Tics BLucnoss.-A. Hieiop the Liberal madiibs tion Bast Huron In tis Deataiaa Weetisns.apaMBleu: risk a few have Ho bels MaIldayhopeful of the outcome sad Uwe is so doubt if lbw farmers look to their own lettersets the can- not bolo hart support the oodidatse who laver reciprocity. as it lea seesa- ws which certainly mud basalt them. Ami those who will be par- ticularly articularty b.nihtted are those in the V eeLiog ►aaineae, as that is one of bi psodoets that wRl be increased in value by the larger market. Pall oarA1. AND Sgxstut_-Mrs. T. 8aoder.00, of Steidlao. Seek., who with bet husband has been on a trip to the OMspent a few day! this week with her cousin, Miss M. =bare The sound of the machine beard to all direc- tines Mw (e a sure sign that before Flag we gall be no longer complain- ing of the bmf W. Raba, who recently purchased a threshing outfit fens the Goodisons, of Sarnia, re- ceived it last week and it is now in use all the time The farmers are nearly through with the harvest in this locality and mine of them are get- ting ready for the fall wheat....Rev. J. L Scull was in Stratford preach- ing in one of the pulpits there last Sunday and in his absence Rev. E. A. Fear preached in the Presbyterian church et the morning service and Rev. Mr. Pearcy. of Londesboro', in the evening. W. H. Kerr. of Brussel., rpceaebed in the Methodist church hero temorning The lawn social logit by the Oetbolics last Wednesday evening on tbeir church lawn was a grandsaooes's. The evening was fine and the entertainment was good. There was a very large attendance, many coming from Clinton, Brussels, Wng- ham and Lucknow, sed the receipts were in the neighborhood of 1800. A great deal of credit is doe to the bard work of Father Dunn C. Bell. who has purchased the chopping -mill property from Alex. McCreight hes moved bis family to town and is now toady to attend to business. He comes well recommended and should do s good business.... Sties E. Gidley, who has been visiting ber aunts in De- troit for the past month, returned home Saturday acoompsnIei by bur cousin. Evelyn Burt. of London F. and 4. Balnton are on a business trip to Toronto, Guelph, Galt and Brantford. purchasing sheepskins for their tannery. They expect to do a larger badness thee ever thio season. Mr. and Mrs. 8. H. Gidley spent Use past week visiting with London and Exeter relatives Rev. T H. Farr was preacdifng to his old charge at Wroxeter end Gorrie on Suoday sod his work here was taken by a stu- dent, Mr. Rogers, of Brussel, Mrs. J. Leech, of Godericb. visited with her brothers here thio week ...,.. S. A: Poopppplestone returned boom Sat- urday with his new honor as Grand Master of the L O. 0. F. for Ontario. There is no doubt he will fill the bifid in a very acceptable manner, as be is a firet-class speaker and knows the work from start to finish _ ... The lawn tennis club are enjoying them- selves on tbe Presbyterian lawns and are getting quite proficient with the racquet There was a t stir at the O. P. R. station Saturday morning when so many lett for the harvest field. of the West. About sixty left from the station, a Dumber of them driving kere from Clinton Mr. and Mrs. J H. Elliott visited with the former's father in Hawick over Sun- day ... ...Mrs. McOrae, of Sault Ste. Marie. spent s few boars here on Sat- urday on her way to visit friend,' in Belgrsve Rev. W. Irwin and wife, who have been visiting hen for a abort time, returned on Saturday to Mr. Irwin s charge in Michigan Rev. W. McLean and wife, of Wan- buno, are at present visiting with the latter's parents here firs. J. Bell, who was in Minnesota attending ber brother, who died there recently. re- turned home this week The Sun- day school committee who had charge of the excursion to Goderieb are well pleased with the results. Each of the three schools will receive x1& which is very good considering this was their first attempt at anything of this na- ture E Watson shipped a car of cattle to Toronto os Saturday. FIRST CAR OVER CROW'S NEST. Remarkable Rum from Calgary to Gran - brook, B. C. The tremendous progress being made by the manufacturers of auto- mobiles in perfecting the construction of their machines to meet the rough- est and most difficult road conditions has again been forcibly illustrated by the trip from Calgary, Alta.. to Cran- brook, B. C.. made July 10th -11th, 1911, Ib an "Everitt" touring car, the property of R. H. Behcet, of Ward- ner, B. O.. and driven by W. H. !On- set. The route traversed leads througb MacLeod, Pincher Creek. Crow's Ned. Fermin Slko. Weidner and Oran - brook. and comprises 893 mites of as- sorted road, McMinn( mud, rock and corduroy. The consumption of gaso- line was X galloon, or ow gallon to etaey ts thlrss miles ; of d > l. loos, wi1M the Wei =Ming WN Si oine- tss bow Ile the MUM disburse cam- pioss the reead of a most remarkable run. The car in thio case was an allfiena- d1.. Dveeitl4 made In Orilla, Ont., by the T e ihap• Motor Co.. and rated at res„Vereer. The fad that no tire em mperiseoed .bows the of the Oanadian product. wlailelleqra all Tudhope carsare sup of fhb trnir 8. H. y e 1i1ni C7Y d"17ip le the oar that ever wont overlb optose se lea own power bort bed to Two others towed e the ut with tear. With &ae osesieswtio• of tbe fad that Mess ears gee rated as at mete grater heaepowee. the showing mode as ibis esreskie birseindad pas= that wo baro a ger r•= is ani k.., sir ydiefa- et `eilmab mge. lea asaal si sell.essemptise whoa pie. efis a engesolles s&. Ohs supuAer of any oar oo the sseetd' Th. Opal to sew ..b.eeib.r. far the Milo= of the year in We. Osideirserss beer& • eismisline et Ube 11•101 1 u geln att at the l.narei 01110.101111 Cannot be Curse local eppaaulese se unmoosast rare tie h pard..the ler. Z1meo r any ono =owe. dna ase tial la y esralks• ttwel eseM4M w M bear r hates `aural bow: w t -Ls -1 o edlid wf J. CHEN iY a Ott.. labia 0 T is 0nus Ile oeweigstise. THE WATERWAY MARCO. Liverpool Wheat Futuro. Close High. se, Cid ass Lever -Live Stack -LptaI Qwstatione. calCAOO. Aug. u. -orbs grata markete is te.Mr and desmd may utas bot- tom; e.alc wheat. he a le: $ . coca. der turtles, try aesst110 i tress tires feud ter New D. s' C.lard' eaa/ Two - The D. a C. take lines have just tbi• mare. and two-step writ- lt ' Finny IL DMA. composer of tAtiatilpr "Selly fl sdeut, Black ord and other very .Mendell n.Footioos- The eompdt- the * rls0. ak.zpr alIYs kw the D. t O. Lab.. 1 inas.. is Aro d and ssies and so .sesby that 1t lb ben= M be 10. pallor roses@ of this essees. whom Tee a * w le lest, to say arms isr only Oro stance.. AMrds• a Cr. vellarrb Nevetemme Os.. Dept. W.. Detroit, Meed. Inds. ttiim_ _arBst Noma to-da1M baa?bsge ''RrM'M'tian mar ea sal a bol lower ea cots. nsd.ee a Nee . Antwerp batter. Tomato Orabt MaAtet- Whoa& to. _„r.. t» ria '"V••• sS it Terunte emboli•Dairy Marnet lisreastre0. asuois. 3 I: ars ji..Wase.awnis.sroesserr'.a • :: it fi • 0u .liii few.rlr 0lld Montreal Greta awl Proems. ,moirrrezass As • t iwl man tan gowr.tty me teem . F1 • good domes& In au hose. 11.85 Is term at the f. aay.ao., sad w dairy martsto are lltord bo- . 414 to MAI pee so tp-Prato. hal!-bi8r, to 1be. ILO; barrels. Ins lbs.. Salk k taorces. tis ttw InjLeet--Cstnposat, Ws -s rIS lba. del: boom. Ma , t 11d 1.e.. nneett. a •. two agaatag, IRM: ;Mr.. wmma. set. Plea; la paps, et pee -iso tell dart aut barrelagazalLoboe poet bart+ 'MMeM w ,r bopark. an bet tat, barna. litoats- Can.&Iw wailers %ti• M c Ss le Selli: a 1 local:teal; lee. 1 ▪ deaw bO s. SC Ko. 4 . Mswan tints, ILO, stn rotors. N Wit"! . R M %Ilea• eats -!K barrel 54.11: bee of ss lbw. til.. tgtn M to OS▪ arts. Eps--dsleoted. MA ereeb, Ines: Ke. 1 CCbow Weeteras. Mac to 127M. oast - WWI. DVSs Putter-.Cdotcoot. lir* laic. CATTLO MAIIK[Tto$. Union ate* Yards. TOEONTO, Aug. 14. -The receipts of live stock at the Union Yards were 98 carloads, consisting of 199e cattle. 229 hogs IR8'sheep end lambs. 67 calves and 3 horses. S. L. Woodward t fortut •. Co. S7 cauls, w lite tellers : r .woos IN cattle. ire 1M. eteb. at NM. or a Mpp of N to al; also in able ear Liverpool nil tbs. asst. at IL'R, or a range ot (Rete a Choice OWN tots roads of betokens said at O.*a at ILO a t(lrl• eselNrm. NS to s6; .emmoa. to S; sew., Ilse to N; bulls. It to H.S. Milkers and Optingsn. ]future and eprtagefe .014 at NO to 1111. and ons obeeee' s0f1Mr Mougbt i7s. VMI Calves. About h deal calves aril at N to pale per cwt. Snoop and Lambs. Lambs ranged at frac ISM to t;Js; .beep. sem a 54 per cwt. H. P. If canals' quo▪ te▪ d deers for kegs. f.o.b. cars at country pasts. Montreal Live Sbdt. MONTREAL. Ang. 11-1144 occas wea- ther. wther. (osplsd with a uttla better dimmed from the few Wynne p.aa9*. tamed to- day's oatppe sweet to be waive sol hrin prtos!e r stns dwm& treat Y paehars tee the effect K the motor weather rot nada neat telt In the way of allot de- mand trout rustier. as TK ail aa•ea- ouortly that. is very neM boyl.g from these sources. Reeelpta of cattle at the West sat Stock Tatk to -lay wallltatol at 718 head: nortbWMt Keen dein We off, at kW to N; ,tete stew, meaty. 0.is N for cholas: good. 111.0 to l.0; 91.0 to inn; grass bulls tar camDmg, st to p.11. Northwest cows and hotter. were .testy, with beet at N.1` others othat te to 54.15; eaters cows, rapt. were about So stronger. at 111.71 to l for W.7. SIC, to N lira and poet to medium at MTo-day's rosdpts et mon estimated .t IM; pried s(rengoe. with old .howp sNl- lag at Nie per posed. sal lash. at lc to nee pm Dodng ssewrdlag to Mae. Hop receipts est noatel at 1140. with mica .many. Maot. (tang nin). al ILO: hoary fate (sort runt, Inst and sows. N.N. Ebamatel receipts of oatv a, 814; prices tire. at N pp W each. aoese{eq w Maw. Last wssb u reosipte at this mat Sal Cattle Taro : 1155 was, 1/111 shoep, ISO bogs and SI calves. Now York Live Stock, NEW TORO. Aug. 1L-Ssevsw-Re- cetpts. NM; stows. rat cows and sit bulls. strong; mala sal oolong& bulls. weak tan to lower; cid cows. elm 10 lower; stews. 91.0 to /7.91. 11115, 5.11 to wig; cows. /1.M to K. Cat. VW bowl; martin.s natty:: weals to 0.0; cuY.. te to N; grassers sal tannins. Ilse to 5410; cot.soa wooloralLN.E. Shoop and LnttrReOHpta 7111 heal; slump bsrsiy .toady WOOD. cti.a but se tower; lee lower: •hash WM to SS; eons. to a; lambs. Kw to FAD;malls. N u Jp. Hep--Rocdpta, 114. earkmt. higher at V 15 to O. OAlap Live Steck. CHICAGO. Aug. 1L --Oa new. market strong a Se 8«voa N to pew. w..uwa steers. N. ti 51*; .uselowe two re«lont. visa to SS: Bows an4 baItera, tine to SLS. calves. w. -- eO SAO market to tower; vent. r n to 15. enlzal, R M 018hoary. 11.15 to .i; roost, iLS to VAC: soca to cameos begs. t7.5 to 811to8.'1. WI etsalsa. R.$ te gia.• Shoe tad Lasbs-R.0s1pt•. N.sre:.ear- at cuing: socio, Mt0 M M swroM•ttsorrts R to N. Iambs. natty*. 54 to 11.11. we.twht. 74.71 to 117.3. Plucks (taller. Toronto, Aug. ib. - With the shreds of his right era which had hese tern away shove the elbow dirge hit sleet and the bloat fee= ser .roll ji rt 54*, Joseph telae e, 96 yearn 01 age. an 1ta1 employed at the Port Credit Brick - sibs. slsppad up to his foreman a remarked that he was have to qn:t work be reshot w ale A. W. Mhos' motor N 1. thweMbt Neat to wall Mentor a • t`:sugh very week from lees ,4 Mood H . ! t hod tern caught in the Melt• egg of sora rehie r:1 d the ',bent SEVEN YEARS OF MISERY Al ldtewsd by Lyda E. lint- imes Ye iiia C, t. u1. 8itasbee4 'For seven pests pe boil demi it roar est; M los at a time awe ad ss Towlesu&w, Aeoeerr 17. 1911 11 ma wee armee ere ages* ss bine sayer wig= ss. The etas xis at es woe eke reedir whoa se 1 Wahlest Isetts te i; re. a Mesa et Erg aboab LTLse4. /t h tAa air' Wwas deb U M tsett tts g inosine aod w e lR des. reml essay ireserta walk;liee imeselaiew aid alike err: Mes1 a I tint visit whit r. t he rr► gid The SIM Mot Yammers tampso•et.1 Itlis sates widely sad used taw tease sesisdtp. easel w'a e el COWAN' PERFECTION COCOA Toilet Articles l We aim always to keep on hand the best, the most reliable preparations for toilet use. We shall be glad to have you call and ask for your favorite preparations. We are here to please our Customers. -44. J. Butland Druggist North Side Square, Ooderich Cowan's seems to hit the right spot. It is a great food for husky young ath- letes : satisfies the appetite easy to digest: and delicious 179 N TOO CttN? f • ▪ O'j eflidevenenentrommeraerierationonseadseMe Come in and Get Acquainted if you are not already ac- quainted with the merits d STURDY'S GROCERIES try a sample order. You MEI be certain of securing seasonable goods bore at all times. Our phone number is 91. Give us a trial. rhe quality of our goods will con vino, you. Sturdy & Co. On The Square arm 1===11/46 SUMME3R" GOODS Hammocks, Coal Oil Stoves, Gasoline Stoves,II Screen Doors and Windows, Refrigeratorsice 0 Tongs, Lawn Mowers, Ice Cream Freezers, Fishing 0 Tackle, etc. d BRASS GOODS We have just receieed a beautiful lute of Florentine Brass Goods. Each pied powea..a tbe aesthetic charm .f Nature's Gar - sten, each decorative design artistically eogrevd by hand &Dd finished in black and dull brass. We have oleo a fine line of Rodgers 1847 goods. Big a0ortment of Carving Knives and Ports in cases. YCLES 11 W. are agents for the Canada Cycle t Motor Co.'s Bicycles and carry the Cleveland line in stock. We have added a d big e repair department to our ' workshop and carry a full line of bl..,de wrodries. 1. your LAWN MOWER out of repair or does it need sharpen- iom P We can put it in order for you. FENCING We have about two thousand rode of Fencing left yet out of stout tour thousand. We are going to teas the Pausing out at prices that no person can afford to miss. The lilies colorist of The Piltelxurgk Perfect Pence, 7 wine, 47 niches hipb. No. 9 wire, for 271. a rod. Cyclone Woven Wire Fame, No. 7 and No. 9 wire. Arseriean Woven Wire Feng, No. 9 wire. Page Woven Wire Fence. No. 9. (:oiled Wire at $240 per 100 the. Barbed Wire at 9850 per 100 I los. Does Your House Need Painting? If so, don't forget that we paean; the 'tberwee-Williams Palet, the beet paint os the market, - a)o you wast to brighten up your forsiture, Soon and ladod- worb t If so. don't forget that we beadle JAP-A-I.AO. •higb.grade .arsish eel stain combined. CEMENT A fresh rraa4oad ef Pleb.. a1 Poetised Cement has jot arrived. The National IN the best sad dressed enema made. (re agate on your Plumbing. Beading. Ilrvotteoagtiiall Metal . W - CHAS. C. LEE House Phone No. 112 Scoot 'Phone Ho. av