HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-8-17, Page 6• Trtutomev. Amnon 17. 1111 BmfFOR THING CANADA. MANAGER OF MILLING OOMPANY FAVORS RECIPROCITY U. B. Wood, of Hamilton, Sys It wilt Greatly Benefit the Farmers and that Every; Teem and City in the Country Will Share in the In. c,rad Prosperity 11 n, Aug. i 1. —"1 certainly aril i or of reciprocity and will do wh 1 vas to secure it. 1 before it wi greatly beereat the farmers of Canada, sod as farming is at the bot - torn of Osaada's ty and growth 1 hope to see tt r ." The weaker was D. B. Wood, soarer qi (be Wood Milling Company of Ilton and a digester of the De- outman o-outman Flour Miliri Company. Kr. Wood ie particularly well qualified to Weak of the probable effect of recipro- yity oo We farming industry. For !essay years he was eogaged in the sin and milliog buena* in Brant I ouoty, and duziog the last couple of y)ear* be baa been head of the Wood Milburn Company in this city. During all Mese years be baa coon into direct oonlact with Heals-groweee end farm - ire, and is not only familiar with farmiog 000ditioos but with taadecon- dition.. regarding grain find farm produce as well. Qualify of Camdien Wheat. The farmers of Brant and Went- worth counties are engaged in pro- ducing all kinds of grain, trait, vege- t.hkl and live stock." • aid Mr. Wood, in beginning to give bis reasons for favoring. reciprocity, "and 1 tbibk I au, competent to epesk of conditions regarding borne of these things at least. In the matter of grain one is safe id *aypag that wheat of the qual- ity that is grown by our tenet• is usually sevetal cents a buabel :.igb- er. and, in fact, is bow higher, in the neigbboting markets of. Buffalo trod lk-t.roit lhao it is in Hamilton and Toronto. Me name thing applies, by oomparisou of prime, to hard wheat between the Winnipeg prices and those in Mianeapolis and Dulutb. How Oats Would Benefit "The present price of 'este gives a ul.Uikrug example of bow reciprocity would benefit tbe grower of OW/. The Obicego prices at present are about 444e for December oats, which price is los 32 pounds, while the price in Wtooipeg for oats is 3ric for 31 pounds. Thi., it will be observed. is w difference of about Sc or ll, a bushel. Wadi Help Bar4ey. Too. "Speaking of barley, I remember the conditions for years before the iteKinity bill was Introduced. This M11 tailed the duty on barley from 10e to 30c a Weibel. The termer. of Wentworth and Brett counties pre- vious to the passing of this bill rais- ed asred very large quantities of a superior qualil y of barley. It was very ninth desired and appreciated by breriere not only in Canada but in the United Steles, and hundreds of thousands of bushel,' were profitably grown and shipped to United (hatter markets. it is needless to say that the duty of 30c aliiuontcornpletely prohibited our rale - tog it 10 advantage for shipment W United *ate, market.. 1 firmly be- lieve that the soil and climate, coupled with Ike intelligence of the farmers, in these eounl e. would very quickly §-reel( in the production of a large amount of erre-cies barley for the United »tate. markets. And our taimess leans, that it they can raise barley and get gran 00c to 111 for 48 pounds, and buy American corn, as they were able to buy it for months dung the past year, at • Dent a pound, it is elderly good baleen for them( Sato Hay Market. "Hay is soother stem, and as a hand- ler of it 1 bave repeatedly sees market • conditions such that the bay dealer would sell bis a,rpply to buyers in Buffalo. New York. Boston, P¢Uad.i- pbta and other American markets, ani pay 14 a too duty on it, seeding it into their mai Lets, in preference to it to one sod pecanssimilarly .it ed in the Canadian suatkels. $omeoee if paying tbis enormous dmi+l. W bee Unclem proposes to let it in free so grower of hay i* nseb aznor�m wus as not Ursa swho gets. 1tl'c newest therefrom. Five Remelted Good Reasons. "1 at with • Cosaervative farmer recently, not knowing at fine what his politics were, and we disuuseed re- ciprocity. He said he would ifke to see it tried. I questioned him as to whatyarticular item in his business bssi t would soave. He meld there were *averal, but /hat his a� crop would benefit most. Lamt -611 he rained 1.090 barrels of amiss pag wee observant ~ugh a ditiMt to knew that the buyss seat thew to the United States markets. and Chet they paid a duty on them of 761 a berrel. He Ogsred that it would mesa .t (east 50r� a barrel, or =600 more to him for Its crop, if be tent then there usder reciprocal rendi- tion/. He seems to hove .t teak 600 geed ream -see ler votieg for reelpro. efty acd the reel of hie trop is still i■ rears Oem•ed lou Turnips. "Our Gm is quite an Patens'?" :Are.dnit teserrelps free.thae lur of tnips. This rota are from ON t. 1,000 earesa. swift to the petted States ..stets, where the duq le now 26 per tett. id valor... There is so doubt that 81. ranoral of she duty w+d add me. to the peke of flit article. r wsrtM! there Is already .soh a de fennel. west and Nest 'Ding r � age of farmers tart that Nemo ems- the= be ememedishwed r+� wee. 1 ttq,ab.7�, Ile t .,I - . Mf THE SIGNAL GODER!CH ONTARIO we are leo noes them that we thaw* oar goods in their iearket. fanciers or ..y-fboutsb hours o ft 4. yi M twelo+.r bouts by h fFs bluest endthisbeet t beet thing over offered to farmerw Ill y bene$ted with out a 4111144111140111/4oibt. All the pro- duce el dieters' will Increa s i. valet, and every btr.imes is every town and city in this nountry wiU reap a be*est became of the inoses prosperity that will re. wit from reciprocity in sataral pro- duce. These are some .-if the rearms why i am in favor of reciprocity," eon eluded Mr. Wood.. TORONTO NURSE TESTI PIES. After Beiag Treated by Three Doct.rs She F.s.da Cue in Dedd's Kidety Piss. Toronto, Ont , Aug. 14th.—(Spseial.) —"I suffered fur five years," says Ifrs. Alberta Gumo, • trained nurse Heise M. 40 Wright avenue, this city, in telling of bee cure of nervousness sod kidney trouble by Dodd's KidneyPills. "My eickneee was caused rom a nervous breakdown and what the doctors called idterrable Beigbt's disease, brought oo by a cold and Wog weeks d nuniog. "I was treated by three doctors asci was a patient id two hospitals, but grew weaker all the time. Seeing what Dodd's Kidney Pills had done toe others led me to try them, and 1 telt a benefit after taking the first boa. After using eight or nine bore, I am perfectly cured and can walk a mile without fatigue." What to Do When Somebody Faints. Dr. Jean Williams, writing "The lyocter s Page," in the September Woman's Home Companion, tells about "Emergencies and How Itt beet Therm." She takes up shock, bemor- etiage, troken hones, sprains, coovul- oons, sod .o om. If somebody feints this is what to do: "It due to the effect of bad air in a clone room or the *bock of bearing bed news, loosen the clothing of the patient, sprinkle cold water on the face and chest, put a cloth, wet in very cold water, at the back of the neck, and lay the patient down with the bead 'slightly lowered. If the Vic- tim happens to be sitting upon a chair, or has fallen beck upon one in an its - enable condition, grasp the back of the chair down neer the seat and Up it tack slowly, until the bead is well lowered and the lower limbo ele✓aced. This treatment, and sufficient fresh air. will, as a rule, restore conscious- ness quickly. It may be wt s to ad- o,inister a stimulant. such as smiatie spirits of • ammonia. if of 'iahle : twenty drops in • tablespok al of water tea dose which shout . be re- peated in ten minutes if necessary." WHY HESITATE? An Offer That Involves No Risk for Those Who Accept It. WP are w positive our remedy will completely relieve constipatiots, no matter bow chronic it rna,r be, that we offer to furnish it free of all cost if it fails. Constipation is caused by weakness of the nerves and muscles of the large intestines or descending coloo. Te ex- pect a cure you must therefore tone up and strengthen those organs and restore them to healthier activity. We want you to try RezallOrder- lie. on our guarantee. They are eaten likecaady, and are part icularlyideal for ehildreo. They act directly on the nerves and muscles of the bowels. They have a neutral action on the other organs or glands. They do not purge or cause any inconveoieoce whatever. They will positively over - cotne chronic oe habitual constipation 'Dad the myriads of associate or de- pendent chronic ailment& Try Rezall Orderiie. at our risk. Two site., 10o. and 26c'. Sold only at our store—The Resell Store. H. C. Dunlop, south side of Square. Runt Mail Delivery. A .tatem ant prtpared by the Poet - office Department, giving Use num ber and general location of free rutal mail delsvery routes up to the end of January, shows that there were 422 route, authorized, 280 in which the autborized rate was accepted and 112 in which it was refused. The total number of hokbolders reported was 9,7(L, the oust of the boxes for four years being{ 1113,72 124, the increased cost of mall service for fourears * 0.- 388, ib 8.9. total hareem in cost of mall service for four years,i�e�e� eeeviesofrwdelivery al delivy h.ser♦,31iid31: 20. The largest *parse ttraeol- men are for the eity d dlw1. .len, le: whish the sttrabar of bred routs. b 1441 and 44 t in which the meherimd rate Was accepted, 81. Toronto dtyytas tboribptI a poor seated, with 40 altrd routes. Western Pair. London, sept. Slii to NW The Western Fair as en a ,.latus,( and live Meek ezblbitioe is amend to nem la Chards today. Exhibitors of live Meek revert of prise salami wht. atththe their eahibWelt. dotes meld ea it is by a t= IV= rlrr p e s Lott' ./- era d' o aid 1 kids. hThe mamagUOsmt et the W eltflla basing nMMerd thi., have year year bean addles to the4 We sleek grime 0.t, until, with t4 btcr given this year, the esse•r leset elan of 31lhotlR09 bee been readied, all of wbieh may he won by sshlbMare this year. Another teeter. In eertmsetys with the Mee stook depart est whist/ the a maageneat haw adopted is tit, if the .toes .prises shows �4. y� and air will he wi.t�a r flit. r 'MT* :rims rbon as aleviOy hemmer kliesmegh se tda• feted �ntlt eta eemE esilr...swN s ttasrelB.rjat..r of lssW this. a J Itimdaaw t theOweedlam Mlads wee ar.nt �thl._ y w4.h tan.awrfb 45 ore"' a eeI..t year's let, MONTREAL LETTER. DOES EARLY OLOSING{ INCREASE DRUNKENNESS? Cnief Campeau Maass Report Dealing with Question -Secretary Roberts of Dominion Alliance Explains— a,2OO,OOo teems on Single Grape —Moral, Wash Fruit before You Eat k. herons Oar Own COrrw...denL. Montreal. Aug. 14.—That the num- ber of sato arrested for druokennes. oo Saturday nights since the early elosleg bylaw weot into force bas doshid. is the statement made by Chief Campeau to the Board of Ctm- tref. He pointe out, however, that arrests of all kinds have increased in number, and that many cases wbieh formerly carie up before local magic.. trates in adjoining municipalities are now tried in the Recucder's Court, Io June, 1910, there were 181 arrests, and seventy -tone of them for intoxication. Inst mouth, June, 1911, there were $Bi arrests, and 139 for intoxication. Let year in June tbe arrests be- tween 7 o'clock and midnight on Sat- urdays numbered tw.oty-seven ; this year tbey are fifty-two. ' Between midnight eaturday and Monday morning in June, . 1910, there were forty -none arrests for inebriety, sod tbia,yewr seventy-one. "1 ou will notice," says Cbief Camp, eau, "that there is a noticeable in- crease in the number of .rrestUr for in- toxication from Saturday night to Sunday, but. on the other hand, you will allot observe that the number of arrests for other offences has gone up in about the same proportion." Bottles the Reaaoa. Claiming that the in'-reaae in Satur- day night drunkenness following the inauguration of the early closiog law ie due to the sale of bottled liquor pre- viow, to 7 o'clock, J. H. Roberta secre- tary of the Dominion Alliance, de- clares that the Legialeture will the next session be asked to page an amendment, taking away from hotels and restaurant -keepers the priviiegeof selling any bottled goods whatso- ever. Speaking of (hiet Campeau''. report Mr. Roberta says. "There is one state- ment of the chiefs which amply )usti- lies all the criticism which temperance Meeker' have passed on the assertions which Recorder Dupuis and other lesser lights have made as to the in- crease of drunkenness under early closing. This is it: It is also to be considered that the police now begin to make arrests at 7 p. m. on Setur- ,day., which Wee formerly done only after midnight, when the bars were ,closed. 'hThia. It seems tome, is a confession of a two -fold character. First, it re- veals that for years the polier, while saloons were open till midnight, o lected their duty: secondly, that the whole power of the police face, wit: titles- or unwittingly, is now used io each $ way as to procure the inevit- able result of discrediting the early closing law. Let the friends of temp. *ranee remember this and couple with it Chief Campeau's admission that the number of arrests should increase nat- urally because of the recent annexa- tions to the city. My own conviction u that much of the present 4aturday night drunkenness is due to the prac- tice of bartenders thrusting bottles of liquor on their customers at 7 o'clock, of which custom 1 have proof." Germ -Laden Fruit, , Dr. Louis Laberge, the chief r- ecle cal health officer, is working on a by. law to' prohibit showing of food ex - in front of .cores, and to pro- ibit sweeping out groceries without sprsokliag the floors. He points out that dry.sweeping a shop stirs • up clouds of dint, which just teem with microbes. Fruit exposed in a shop for one day will .bow when washed 575,000 germs per tentb of an inch of water, on a second washing 21,000 germs, and on a third 7.000 terms. Misstatement is the remit of actual experiment. A single 'crape swathed in water after being ezpoeed in the dust left iso the water 3,130,000 ,000 microbes per tenth of as loch of water. These provisions form a portion of the mew board of health bylaw which wt11 be submitted to the council this autumn. NRRVOU$ CONDITION Resdb fiem Kidasy Trouble. Sick kideoy. make you feel sick in emellise of ways end It le now known ?het a servos* seoditios often results from kid's*? trouble. Wbee the kid- s nays are sick the whole ner- vous system becomes rsirri- tated, causing beadaeh.a, date of "bluer" '. t ..ursks, gi ee ,mat - tic pains. weak esegtErolby Solld cosetast c4sks Ie.tn toe worry.over e . tick Pwe illsere receipt, the er4ee ma remise to antwoll Band - timer Thep ars piturealleed. All dashes fees The B. Tisch (ALL _Ltd.. tart Ibis. Omsk It pee weal@ e to treat 10.. tree w'site far a Wel hes. Raid teed In (ederfeli by R L Ali Sera. et Weakness sad Ilebalhr. 1.opet wow art ism dews or slosh Mneit est Weft tsnill the vitml or - WW1 and the .armee .re re itleyemper mod iM Use .z Os,It 4. re the e strt ..d alive Wad -It .6 lase M � b. Liw1p4dt- . rt TORONTO pi 4 tr-- 'v6�cnNie� �iN Will (�... ..� Y..�y� �__ t� __. W .. w._ 3irbscriptioa Liar Will Ops. oil Monday, Aum, 14, ?had Witl Chas oil or Reform 3 p. r!. Moatiay, Aug. 21 Cawthra Mulock 6' Co. Own and Offer at 98 1 2 $I, 250,000 of Six Per Cent. First Mortgage Siiti.g Fold Tbirty Year hid kris of 001 Caflada .Breadom any, Limite (Incorporated under the Lawn of Mr Prowlers of Attarioi The same to carry with them a bonus of 25 per cent.: of Common Stock. DATED Aagast 1st, 1911. DUE August 1st, 1941. Principal asci .,tui -annual iotereat February 1st and August tat, pa able at any beano of the Unreel Bank of Canada or Metropolitan Bank. Denominations : $100, $500 and $1,000 Bonds issued in coupon form. with privilege of registration of priocipal TRUSTEE: Guardian Trust Co., Limited, Toronto CAPITAL ISSUED AND FULLY PAID UP 62 FIRST MORTGAGE THIRTY-YEAR SINKING FUND GOLD BONDS.. ..$1,250.000 7% NON.CUMULATIVE PREFERRED STOCK, ISSUED AND FULLY PAID UP, 4,250.0oo COMMON STOCK ISSUED AND FULLY PAiD UP BOARD OF DIRECTORS: CAWTHRA MULOCK, Toronto, President. H. O. TtOMLIN, Toronto. Director Imperial Beek of Canada. Toronto Bakery. • Director Confederation life Aaeociation. MARK BREDIN, Toronto, Vice.Presidentand Oeaesal Manager. President Bredin Bread Co., Limited. GRORGE WF ti, Toronto. Model Bakery. ' President George Weston. Limited. Union Bank of Canada 2,500.000 W. J. BOYD, Winnipeg, Buyd's Bakery. ALP'RRD JOHNSTON, Toronto, of W. R. Johnston k Co., Ltd.. Wholesale Clothing. K H. L RCHINOER, Toronto, Sorretery: formerly Assistant Deputy Postmaster -General of Canada. BANK TRANSFER AOENTS Guardian Trust ERS The Metropolitan Bank AND REGISTRARS Co., Limited AUDITORS Prcie, Waterhouse 8 Co., Montreal and Toronto; Oscar Hudson & Co., Toronto HEAD OFFICE : Toronto. PLANTS AT : Montreal, Toronto. Winnipeg Limited, PURPOSES OF COMPANY Qu ads Bread Doug ceocves t!e plants and braessess Tomate; G. Wagon (The Bakery), of ~H. C. Tomlin (Termite d the a� ate ! of J. Boyd, .1 wienipeft. In tbe use .l Boyd, tae real property is excluded, beta parcel Tilde ' (' � d meat. is subetittrted. The first three leve bees in operation for 'boost tilt bed Wilke et fin[. meek, tout stns m have all gross from smell begieei g. ti/ ere new �pectrtiv7eai�ob he are to at Prseest te, apperonmatdy, boo,m000 haves d bread per week. the igteaded, by exteoeieas to 10 is Com` TM '. _ silks e• ataa (elle plains, to forthwith increase the meat elite Camp-- y to ane nether loaves per week, with ma w ether or es c4ies POSITION OF BONDS L ice PttFor full pe General (heal reference may be made to our prospectus, which is accompanied by a letter from Mr. Mark Bredin, the _ Manager of the Company. We draw attention to the following points : 1. Sinking Fundyp'Ihirt (-year Gold Bo000 of 0 nds arer. Lsecured by frost to effected. a• the earnings on these plants will shortly amount to. Deeds to Guardian Trust Company, Limited, Toronto, euostier interest. year, or near(''. two sod one -halt times the bond ting a first mortgage on all the property, real, personal, 'remixed, now owned or hereafter acquired by the Company. as more fully described in said Trust Deems. In the Trust Deeds it u specially stipulated that of the $1.000,000 cash being placed in the treasury the wean of I6011,000,ball be held try the Trustee, to be used only in the redemption of bonds or in investment in additional planta and -reel estate, thus ioereasing the fixed asses under the mort- Bage..44. Sinking Fund of 1 per cent. is operative from August 1st M 2. The meets of the cot:ar cies already taken over stand in excess of all liabilities and without any allowance for good -will, trade marks, etc., 540341.42E170. There has also beeo placed in the treasury $1.004,311.118 of cash. which, besides furnishing fundefor the purchasing or construction of additional plants, will provide ample working capital. S The earning* of the present plants. as per certificate of Mesta. Price, Waterhouse k Co.. a(terallowleg forst acs, amounted from Apri1300, 1910, to April 30th, 1911, to 107,016.14, to which may be added 336,000, being interest at the rate of per oast. on 41,140,000 cash in the treasury pending its employ- ment, ma extension's it is estimated that, with the ocobmiee to 4. With the extensions that it is proposed to effect forth- with, the Company, by the end of its firs, fi.eal year, should be in a position to show esroings of 6800,000 a year, equal to three and ciao -half times the interest requireumints on the bond issue, and with all the additional plant. that will be provided with the cash no w in the treasury, the earnings sboeld steadily gain to over Slia9.000, a year, or more than seven times the boud interest 6. rep of the y with its pleats situated in the larger cities vftees d-Oemeda, will be in an exceptionally favorable psrki.e to ben.dt by the marked economies that will be possible la imentime ned all the Nees , more especially, in distribu- doct emir the avast sank se Ig out a more uniform pro sanitary tions. 8. The Raatieal nae who bave nada the differentoompaniee partecuas cit l� el will be idestiied with the management and dirt nes ioa al the new the asset psespaey. Ys. Mark Bredin. who is eds. *l1 campy of the steesesdl 1 bead manufacturers in Uma Manager, *bile the .ervfe s of the Ord eo4spanies taken over said of en s d - .4 asset the Mb have been assured to the Company, SUBSCRIPTIONS Ssbecriptwaa should be mre per cent an par mime sa ads 0. the tem accempasying dee pro peeta., and are payabh as hams :— per that oe par vales w sYetmset, and is iasealn. 1 Y Mich c..s merest at the rale of d per sant W be data of Mews.* :- 9ti per met tis pp asst. ea se per caw. es � sera uric per eine ea par sir ea tet Sept,pen. 1st tet. w r' mho • 1st Ott . tem !d air wet. • par yip dei tat is.. , rms. • !gi ftw mw 'Upon Anal payment by the subscriber toe all the beads .moue& the Ommsdlfam Trani pen a etb.rwith fully Pae . ofth, r deliver on R y p.W uDD shares of the Common Std ed the paw per beonde,, to- Applcation will be Made to list the beads and mise moi w the jtbrkwte Ata ; d the per valtss of bonds allotted . Oopy of tb. trust mangoes sed legal erbiot et A. Y. Bbeweilift. aid A merinos' Appraisal Co., w sp.a to In um d ioe at the oakIha 0etemlbe es K � QOM k Cuand ()median asci applio.Wso forms may he obtabied tem and eahrlW 1psr a atlld ran mat°. GUARDIAN TRUST COMPANY, LIMITED, TORONTO Aay Braacb of UNION BANK OF CANADA sad THE METROPOLITAN BANK - —OR TO— CAWTHRA MULOCK 8' COMPANY (MENRER$ TORONTO STOCK EZCHARGEI 12 KING STREET EAST BARGAIN OFFER THE SIGNAL from now to January I std, 1912, to new subscribers only t.