HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-8-17, Page 5LOCAL TMs New PrisHr►• J. P.*Smith, has erelatheipla n a mews and W qp bis Inthil les 1leitasds shad. tame demo mei et South soccer ea the south ebb of the wewhore be Will be Meseed ea - .sue* any Ia! sir es d lnteading .tis r dests. Colborne Telopbessee Congaed. The oosnatdes baa bees mad. this week i MWe- teas st he fisf ea tab laaefibegegfriggig Clelbeetls lei whip, of iStande. frtehasdb ere d tdRs aural =C.. with to theiseigh ooi- ee tba Mats pdvilei/es ase Hell Mi he,eribas as to eooNsetioa with Odbe me. M Use Usekwow Oases. • la - the Iwai esm4eta at tbs L sknow t taiednsiaa the !ti Inst., 8. t McKaybanns tai u . 100- yard* mos Moth leatil Renee, M. YsDi _Il a �raaeiWain mid emend be the wasibeit is ria pss#e► with L Goodwice of KiOeeedlna, esspnd. In the 2) yards, *es to Hums sad Besse. Goodwin was Sed. McDouRsIl Mr second. and 3. 0. Stetbe.e. let M•teklmg, was third. Boy Snsutsfawn Miteheil. Abosi Shirty Boy t{eout. from Mitebdll MOM a few days in camp tread mathis week. The /eslltmasarter W. fit= and aseivvd bass Saturday evesitelbm TM• broke up soap on Wd amnia* Th. chap was pitehd on the heath below the lighthouse.. a plate whew few 'aorta could be in- dulged beware the brach toot being Ilt for hatbidg. As the boy. balt they might aNty have got s better camp- ing place. Purchased Stock at Lueknow. The Howell Hardware Co. baa pur- ee/seed the .tock of the D. If. Lawr- ence Retote. Lueboow, an nld-.uIab- lished hardware boeiew.. Mr. How- ell was at baekanw this week attend- ing to the transude,. He has sesured the services of J. 0. Stewart, a well - kr own hardware tan, late of Wieg- ham. and willb piso g on ma hia rales both at Ialalinow sad at God. - rich. The stook in a wood or aid was purchased at a Mw rate oe the dolts, en that beadsmen buyer. wYt Dome in fur some bargalna. Died in Detroit A young lady well knows in Huron rusty. in the prion of Mies Edith Greer. •ofthe late George c ire r. of'indiu w. died in Detroit on T1,rye ties let hest.. is her thirty- third oo buried in Nnrth street Methodist } dnine splendid service for the cause to yfee'' ffbe hal bees an P^ess rhurch by skilled workmen from the I which he has devoted his life. health torr seam, time. Thur eta, Karn -Morris fact i were brrorgla1. Sri Laeteow fur aster- racy at Woodstock. - rn.nt, tb fufawm) taking. *sae nen where it wee built. The new instru- POLITICAL POINTERS. Thursday. tbsrd inst. nemesia is but will ooeupy ennsiderably more emrvived by am eleteee and three some than the nld omen. and some West Homo now has a pair of rni- hrotbere. tun of whoa live in Lurk- changes in the choir gallery are being , ours out - but it isn't winter vet by any now. Mrs. J. NdNebL of the Bayfield toad* to provide the orr+se%re "coon- meanie road, is one of tbsdiltee.. edaL4ew. It 1. hoped to haus- the !i. H. Stevens. of Obeshem. president Scouts, AtlentiM I organ ready for one by Sunday. Oa. �.Hof the Canada Flour mills company. a Yltb. but as the task of installing it is strongly supporta reciprocity. in ennneetioo with the Canadian a hig note it may ont be completed by f CnI. tingh Clark. M. P. P. for National Exhibition et Toronto this that date. An mooing memo recital Centre Br -P. -ore ha• ,vv-epted the, Con. year there will be s Haat Swat rally, will be 6e14 shout the 1st of Set.tem- esrvative nnminatinn for rhe 'coo. with • prods and display oe scout- her. *n that the townspeople array ap anooa in North Bruce. Good -hilt; work below the on hese the new imastrua►ent. .1.. tn thea Bngh Tneaday: Annual h. $nut. nne from an anournteat wive petiraMy be all over Onlaela gee invited to attend mane nett week by the erg/otos. Mr. John 1. McLaren. ex -Mayor of Ham - G. H. Krng. ilton and a former Goderich Ivey. will An1er►thusiastic crowd .,f ,.Frl60 he the Liberal candidate in Weer wen denie.a nrmnkte wt isfac tionont i Nee Ilton. Here's to your s'Jceees. hese, rein in'.rrnetrd the heaebalt 1 Ti. returning officers for the three mine h.rween Gndericb and Mitchell , Hum° 'idlr.. are: Wee. Harron. in the fifth inning.. Notwithetend. Jnho W. Yeo. Holmescilte: East leg the moisture. the teams returned `ffsrren. .1. A. Marton. Winghanl : to the diamond 'after a brief sojourn R'ruth Huron. Jacob Kellermann, under cher and played annther in- Dasa wruwi. ninga in a fairly heavy rain. This re- D. B. Wood. the Hamilton miller melted only in ad ting another tally to wham declaration in favor of rweip.n- tile score against the visitors and the eity is published in them issue of The x u v morning was y same wee called off. the "Tore being Skoal. is personally known in Gode- e.t that ham left Goderich for some 7-0 in (3nderieles favor. The teems : rich. He is a brother of Mrs. P. T. GM. - Years. T nnnmaxe 'arra water Hails. formerly of town. Probable- .event Ave men cru pitcher 'torn. bearded the C. P. R.trate let bode- lean catcher Pros n it there ere any little C/anadians {eft rich. and as many more climbed rPnfekshank 1 b arerhou•r who fear that selling ureter produce at *hoard wham the train reached Me- _'atter 3 b2 Morons better ,,else+ to the fitaLe+r [s going to Gan'. The number of paaengers taken tee.ew .e. Madam ' make them Yankees. they should eee- nn at iota east was corer.- Webb 7.t Marlin thinly vete against reciprocity and lm aehmefRr a f. Martin take no risk. nen ndittaie e. makl.g a sir trwio• musts r. t. inastrmen teed ofltarveaters. The O. T. R. &leo Ureter.. olio Reysdls. flodertch. "We are willing to dig deeper the sot an excursion the same day sod channels of trade between the United leek a number of p.aeeegerw from the HAR$iOR AND MARINE NOTES. States end Canada," wrote Genrge P. c i clench station. The ezopreiontste -- 1 Faster in the University Magazine for viewed with more or leer equanimity The yacht June was in port last November. But that was lichee be the prrspwct of losing the opportunity weak no her way from Georgian Bay knew the t-oibd States would offer to month.ten, poll tbeir votes to the election mit tc Cleveland. help dig them deeper. Thesteam yacht Nawabn' .sur im Who asked Inc reeiproeity? Well, nnrt Friday and Saturday ns her way the United Farmer" of Alberta. and from Georgian Bay to Detroit. the Grain Growers of Saskracbewan, The wall" and roof of the salt Works and the Grain Grower, of Ilaniroba, THE SIGNAL : GODERICH 0 TO PIC S The staslde t• ,thea tltd in lace ad in grotto receipts .Il d the £soya sago of hardly l.iabu Ess been on a beds,. he Immo* foe the Goderich Lumber A Ylltltyt W Tomato •d other potato. theeMr Y le ...0 snow (A. a"d • The stomas Canadian Wtbtead Of Alen. ant Yews$, of Naomi. 29.090 bushels d wheat at the (ioi*r4h elevator os Maeda T� cl.ariag is the LOCAL TOPIC* 1N BRIEF. afternoon with the balsoee of cargo for Moats's!. R. arsurolnettz sereabseall pietas* .Ati us.e/ra��sleatt user. Wni it se a blac sae. ab. W' +.fir ei.Miti hiesame` to townie im have taken the oakum os Werth sad ystreet next The bSiigseleeiasehaving them fluted up a the Dsea�ebtsea The�the EmEm�pirey �be held in the �. boom. 2Lt. at 4 o'clock. The certificate. of the sucesedol e s odidatee and the marks ot- those who failed at the recent examinestions of the Deoartresnt of Education Way be bad on application to Dr. Strang. lw Drtnkwalter, who was [seared moose atetasths awe In as accident at in the hos- pitaWRheee for some time and atter e was brought �� to Aoderrieb. it now able to be about with a exuteh. The North street Metbodiat church Alter die. -barging 411,001► bushed, d oats at the elevator $1.000 boebel. of Wheat and six car ed shreds at the Big Mill. the steamer Wedged sailed on Saturday evesias Ise Noses to bad coal for Fort William. She bad in tow the gasoline launch JThe steamer tedeiStialtda rasbboherw�ooi. bound 1.r DK,ylk, wWsete5 Slight lei cNae inane was dose to the vessel on the What up trip width necessitated an ezaruina- ties la drydock at Port Arthur. Had k not been for the prompt action of Stephen in backing his vea.l at hillspeedo various amctaent would have occurred in sinking a tug at the approach to the Canal gabs. CHURCH NOTES The Guelph Mercury of Mooday says : 'Bev. Mr. Ron, of Goderich. preached two excellent sermons In Chalmers thumb again yesterday. pbelc. whisk was to be held Tester- r.a0 returned hoose this forenoon." day at Meswet•ng Park, we post- 1 The Walton correspondent of The for a week on amount of tbs , Brussel. Post says : For the nett yy rain. Wednesday. August two Sabbaths Rev. Joeeoh �1lintt, of Med. is the date now fixed. Goderich, will conduct tbe services in A Raise last Friday in the church Dufr• church here. He's a good {casts• aerie. between St. George's Tach Preach"' of the Goderich die cbuteh and Morth street Methodist church was called in the third innings trict Sunday School and lepworth on account of rain. The mere was yl League Association,net at Cliute° last in favor ot the Anglicises. A few week and -mapped out plans for the gaInes have vet to be played is this convention to be bald at Blyth or league. September 26th and 27th. A good The Signal is towers pleased to Program ie being prepared. erosive items fur its new. voles:me Judge Holt. Geo. 'Porter and J. H. but when these are sent through the Tigert. repreeeeting St. Geer'me'a aatl they must be scco .+sled he the church. were at London on Raturday name M the person seeding them. on appointment with Bishop Williams Otb.rwiee we bave no guarantee that to confer w to the filling of the Use mews i. eesuib. Perseus who vacant rectorship here. Some prose aeid is ontes for publication without rebs was ,rade in the matter, but no eigai their mama need not be sur- seleotiou bas yet been made. prised if the notes fail to appear. Rev. Dr. a anwoo. of Detroit who A recent number nt1 the Salinas war /announced to speak in Knox IGliforofat Indez contains a report of , rhumb nett Sunday. wilinot be here. the Monterey county stock parade and the pulpit will .gain be occupied which was held in that city nn Satur. h► Rev. I. A. Monttrrnsery, B. A. of day, Auiu.t 5th. it is stated in the ar- Knox church. Montreal Mr. Moot. Oaks that the stock shown cnrgprieed ' gomery gave the oonrfegation two the hest collections of thoroughbreds exnsilent memos* last Sundae. that bad ever been in nue enclosers. Rev. Roderick Murray. of Chicago. Denny Lynn. a son of Mrs. Loan. of was heard with great please in Ooderich. was among the prize•wis- 1 Northetreet Methodist chnrch oo Run- nette. with some fine specimens of day evening. last Mr. Murray is a horseflesh. Goderich '•old boy" who has worked lbw new pipe organ is being in. his way to a position in which be le the Camp holtaIfeadsy to ��-edneeday. August 88�. Tents and meals are provided and free amen. to tlae *rounds. The decal Scoutmasters eo ted like toeso.4 momGrodericb Boy scouts to lhis rally. Friends willing to ,rid financially the rrqueetzd ,.rt In- form Dr. Hayden or A. M. Robertson. ,and any Scout wishing to attend may leave his name with.ficontmaster J. e'arrie. as soma as possible. Many Harvesters for the West The harvesters' excursion of last tit rds i easily thetars. when nn Wednesday afternoon a Pocket Testartm et League. ifarold Wajte. of Torooto, le in town this week le the interest• of the Pocket Testament so undo- Pnmierstioaal atvgaa� which it nom of persons dm ^gree to rend PhaPtdreof tbs Bible daily. The Loortie is eoneeeaed with $cues$ tba Bible into the lime *ad hearts of all elahme" and ages et people. Thou it dome throng% Ste simple pledgee. There are no hose of say kbd is con- nection with the >.oe seeet. sed any Bible or Testament ay be used. The Le gin Is mow at work in many lands. feelnding Great RAI. tain, United States. Au.traibte Mina. Korea. Japan. Philippine Islands sod Meade. Rorie in the present year the movement wee introduced into Oaamds, with head- Qse powerfulcured . sh and it baady support. Canoe to Pittsburg. Row. Jobs Young. who fur slsteen =rhea hese peso, of lt. 3ohn tartan restyled that dais* lba.als.r ibnmeiMi a tell to tb bJbrfas •�i,li'a. At tW eye a �alMeitteob 1►t'1A,rieb . Yosat._ Was weird ad Tajo f11 r Thomas week d Ifr. t 0 s. at .wl.0 temetielthe, as • man earuset in hie elegestrers to lead the tilliesimd to els Sarhlwtr. wbae b. wgt was of r etiedinr in connection with the and the Green" of Ontario. and time Big Mill arc being practically rebuilt. i of 111. " A""°c'ietbn of Ontario. The gasoline vscbt Donald Mown of and the Fruit it intra of Nova fi tura. Detroit reached Port nn Sunday after- They all think it i" the tsrmerw' turn. none sad remained bete for several , NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. -Aug. 17th days. The yacht Nahrna. of Cleveland, was one of the nlesenre eraft which vi•ired Goderich during the past week. After dieeharging 190.400 eusb.le of wheat and nate at the elevator the .teamer Keotti.h Horn sailed on Mon- day for Cleveland to load coal. Baas fishing in the Maitland was ezeellent this week. and several p•r- tina bad little difficulty is getting the maximum nunher. Perch also bit freely. and strings of this thick- .kinspecies were naught. The following statement published be Prank E. Gibb.. pale inepeetor at Part William. and copied from the Aagast nmsber of the Railway and )Yash+$ World. stoles the develop - mat of e elop- awtd our port as a fwatnr in the Reeder -N. C. C emeie s. Cabala Breed (A.. LWOW -CawUur Me. wt It C._ lbseede ................... a Mrllfasrr Aq.r.adsl. Wasted -Wm Desert 1 1 Reerwentourei Wentee-Ute e t WdHe*- w. Tweets .. 1 tRarp.rir'd Meese sed anew -Lase. J. Itrpw ._. I Cent Oleee -J. M. Mono ...... .. .. . .... • Alter +,slaw Rand *sur se- ten Herr .. * Cerieet Chloe-O..a filfiribr . .. e rano titian -J. F. iliM. . .. . 1 revery Dar. Imre WI.* -J. R. 0. 0.rr 1' Readers -R. R. Wish r roma. Wanes -W. 1. H. [tubo1 Mew BreMeg tilts ---D. Mille * gee. 1 NOM, ts. imam mass - Is1atN t Drsoseldnie-atwal Mee .. . i M Ow seat t. ,'.massa. 1 Pare •i MINS, *idIl.rL..k.111J.7T iestse tics this MIL TARIO I many teastamia arm seiew tike miss ad gannet dosaoati iii km theft is may .ale way a era that �dM seem Tag a tie i w rowia mesa dhi.pr..r. 1t�artiesl cawed, as la well Se pyla t eitr watt ol te riMrimg the Isle odd sibs - Wades foam �y three. the Madder. Wbee tl.Sfldneys p samba dm rile 044 is sestried to t1 sad wham b mums et ht+ sett the satirising pair at raeumatim. - Palitar Morriscy, the learned priest- pleysinien atter moth research dried • cptsereiptien erhich wired an diseetly on hs ilea . and by tomimL them W a simmer ischias. cache them to dear tale gree of *be Crit gapd. This remedy. 6owa as Ke. 7 bee bees used secoem- bilkis tt --- - r eaves. Father Mbrrhey's Liniment will bring relief kiss the atoms of rheumatism, wide his No. T Tablas will get to west as the auee and it due time acre the diocese. ifby atter loose ego painful sad troms- biomes atilietlas. when be rig the eoaaror sense 'methods by Father Harney sand Named ully followed fair years, it ielr to d Nature to restore you to t mud If you are mot rowing rheumatic, you doubtless knew el else one wtw ie,. ad who would be glad to barn d a trsetstrsed which has curb a cansiiatent messed id mesh It n easy to take teed tare to br•e5t and ultLmsey cure rbeamsatita lee. a bon. at dealer sr from =aver a urmoi. co , odd, Sold and guaranteed in Goderich by F. J. BUTLaleD ria G ect= Ont TivsgoAv, ADetltee 17. 11111 f We Have Written many • ad glass aid. But never in esir lives have we Sett that we did the subject jus- tke. Atli try sever expect to get • est ohm •d. that wall mit us. Because we bave no ooamand of words that will describe col plass mak as we selL 111►e DIM ray k's beautiful. eves bieseeib&bly hsau(iful, we can that,* ,shares rays of glingasitOseatoiore. We can yes that km weft u a sur- prise to all who test, it. We can tsR )oo that there is •o higher grade of col gIau In this old world of ours. Aad yet we fee�ll fast we have toot said much out it. To soaks it sealer for ur, will you geode who are interested make a a visit here ? J. Se Davey Jeweller and Optician South old. of Square, Godes icb 1 sooeseeemegioketeremeseemeweetweeleeneW YOU WILL WAWT Ta AT New SUMMER SUIT Made in the very Infest style and from the beat quality: of goods. You are assured of the hest of stupefaction at HUGH DUNLOP'S Was? ITRZZ T The up.to•date Tailor Udo PAWN OF CANADA 15TABW111lmD 1866 Rest Und{videa routs thio f:!t Total Asses love May 3tst. 1011 $0$,t100,000 Speed the Balance Dunt i ..d •l1 you like and save the.. uce if there .5 any. Save what you know you shoul.l-then spend the root. et. ' The difference, in a few years, will he the differs -nee between poverty and Independence. Open a leavings Account now. it' thin Bank. It will mal 'the saving Wier. Goderich Branch W. L. HORTON, • - Manager 05 FARM LABORERS' EXCURSIONS a10=^ toWinnipeg AND CERTAIN POINTE IN WESTERN CANADA treCe mein+ memos aN GRAND TRUSS% PACIFIC nY. VIA OHICA50, DULUTH AND rout FRAISCN MAD AcoaroaAL eaTVRNN O semi stat4abs aero d.�r �but sot Lace lista AUGUST 12th { 5 t trv.Tt«..w to q rth imu; AUGUST 16th ( e�af a�di 1.. i1n `�io.; , - AUGUST 23rd ( Mathes Toronto. North Bay, and wed IA AUGUST 25th {J1=1aTC has d► n° haat °f Urvita sad CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION, TORONTO S/NO , _ FARE oneenneee AUGUSTINCLUSIVE AOanimem charge 25c.) FROM ALL trrAr}ONe Le CANADA weer Or CORNWALL AND OTTAWA SIAL LOW RATES AND MO SEIV112 II cFZTAI1 urns 'notate ail full particulars trine F. F. LAWRENCL Town Anent, 0. T. R. TOASTED CORM FLAKES #V• i mot ,IN a be amid As sidnr 3t ro k g e Aar /fax ..�Px tat p�1/i 111 woo .... . ».,. Satisfaction or Your Money Back! That's the condition that goes with every bag of Cream of the West Flow. It's a fair. movies. guarantee, and I want you to take it to Issas just what it says. The Signal to January 1st, 1112, 25c --ii WE ARE CUTTING 1 IN DEEP Before the month of August closes we intend to clean out every piece of hot weather goods. To do this we are announcing cuts that will compel you to buy. We have still three months of weather ahead of us when most of these goods will be needed for constant use : or supposing you had decided not to buy till next year, we will rave you over 40 per cost. per annum in many caeca. This is a good deal better than 3 per cent in the Bank. Gasoline and Oil Stoves There have been a big line with UPI this season. We have got wonderful malefaction in placing them. as our customers express themselves as w s 11 pleased. We have only & tow- lines left. One Detroit 3 -burner Gasoline mstrand, sold regular at $ I7.00. DEEP PRICE $13.96. One Detroit 3 -burner Gasoline bot plate, mold regularly at $15.00. CIIT DEEP PRIDE $12011. Four 3 -hole Midget Gasoline, mold regular at SIM t'UT DEEP PRICE $4.16. Two `L -bole Midget Gasoline, Nii regular at $5.00. CUT DEEP PRiCE $3.96. - Two 3 - burner Detroit Coal Oil. hot pietas, sell regularly at. 815.00. CUT DEEP PRiCE 112.65. O. 2 - burner Florence Oil Stove. regular $10.00. Special, 17.35. One 2 -wick rummer Queen Oil. regular $201. Special. 11.45. Two 1 - burner Oil. regular 11.00. Special, 74c. Die Ove., regular 13.00. Special. $3.86. Four Overate Speeial, $1.06. Cream : West t/no Bard Wheat floor gaarawtood for brood O1re Crea* d tee West a fair. square Niel. If you ds*'t lave 111111thisdee la baking bread, you'll get sat- isfaction at asst grousers. Ws guarantee one or the o1 ... 4:d 1!a Watt is a superior bread Aers. hips era issisa-fustie bread by using it. anis C'awl'rkliA..fak�i' �C°" r- ii_aliMd. TOMO* regular 12.50. • Freezers Two only lee Oream Freezers. regular $3.25 and $3 50. Special pekes $7140 and SIM. Cow Ease The Aire are verybed these days,' Cow Ease wil keep them off sews and horses. It is not expensive to use. Put up In Baas at lice. IDs and 11.00 each We are thltpeoph that me11 the famous Screen Doors We have a tow good Doors left. We will sell them off as follows : $250 Door at. .... $l.flb $225 Door aL $1.75 82.00 Door at. $1.60 $1.75 Door at 81.40 $1.50 Door at.. $1.20 $1.35 Door at. $1.00 $1.00 Door at. .96 Complete with binges, screws, pull, hook and eyes. Refrigerators One only good Refrigerator, regular price $28.00. Special price $22.75. Lawn Mowers We have only five. One (crest American 6-wbeel. This is a fine Mower, 17 incber regular price 115.00. !special price $11.75. • One 18 -inch Brockville Bali bearing,regular $7.:0. Sipecial arise 15 46. One i6 -inch Br.e kvllle, re ular $5.75. Special price 1.4.60. One 14 -inch Brockville, regular $6.50. Special cut price $4.26. One 16-incb, 4 -knife. S3pecial value. Regular $4.75. Cut price special $3.65. Regina Vacuum Cleaner This in one of the very "arida.. tory carpet cleaner.. This roe certainly Clause the cart. e, thorou hl � Regar ("l Special $ ut price $10.86. Grindstones We hays mese yet. While thin lot lasts we sell • A Stone Ate for $$e Pandora Range "`''"' You est aye mossy by buyg Cement, Builder', Hardware and dinl your Hardware teequlr•emenee trona tn. t1ow.II Hardware Co', Line NORTH RIDR OF RQUAR* r.ovec. Paw', t.rr••