HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-8-17, Page 1Perhaps
the people know you
are dela; badness.
and piA•p. they do
net. A etending
advertisement tone.
Signal will keep yew
earn* cortetantly
before t b e public
11 for the Bohner
, of the year
nat. i
ISut•s'-rrbe now.
Ube S:gual will be
tient to new .ubscri b
ere for only
THZ RIONAL Pit IAT•N0 CO., IAL. P8061000
bleb money can
r by Basket'.
this Bank at for
IM▪ . cheapest end safest way to w
be sent 10 all points in Canada
Meloey Orders. Fun sale at
following rates :
116.00 and under - - 3 *rate
ever; 5.O1) to$1U,w 6 oats
Over 610;Q0 to 6OUM 10 omits
Over $3U.00 0 to $60.00 15 cents
For amounts over ;60.UU we can sell you Bank
1)tttalW to any amouot required. -
These orders are payable as any Chartered Bank
in Canada. also at our United States Agencies,
without charge (Yukon Territery excepted!.
TWINS -L K1240 linins AT RSA-
roma ever aorsoso lissom carer Mot eller.
itrempoort.BAl=Isettme Awls N
' tr 293 IMAM W PSTia EDWAI.D6.
IX='Ha VvSI7KA 1al' NUtwN,
Nota Is bum* mom ean..m a L ek
teat cast sit *rescues mil others
ya-Ni the stale et t s load
Moe was M w er Meet pe sesta
is-. erg te the medoaai mese to 4ta poo
deer ad of Cao sat. arta. on or So -
11 . tie IVs d.i ( Mem, Ms.
then mass salt aetimtnss, with 1U i YpastMeYr.
of (tarsaler asd the ast>a.d{fie
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LAT Vp T neVdls U• (stoinagiLii. Now pea
,hLA?BurIM..TvWOf li tf2 i3uutWiC11,
1N Mit WC'NT1 us bUYUH.
la Week. riven peswat be L 8. a
lset la. Oa all seetlMme w clime
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begin .00410 Mess as umi des e[
D. �t - ateNd.a this led day of Aa ter, A.
M. (i. CAMERON.pe �ierf{c�a,,
Orbeli** ler the e.M llaoemaee.
Fridays, 6.60 a.m.
ttl.�.oS way 56,00 rotted trip
Saturdays. 290 p.m.
58.0* one way 56.60 round trip
Lesvos YNrtea
rim SAULT OTL 0AR1R M1C01..
yr Heath Chearel pssesra st y
.10 ► a
rug PM? 151115010. DETROIT,
TOi.15DO hied CLgvitLAND.
nifty M h rldeight.
Kit L1Al[ lit Agent, trderlea.
A. It 1.11111. Loyal
Oe serol Merrier. Detroit, MM.
aria Leap hart -eel, per cwt • •am 5 ea
per cwt. - 1 �i ID 3 73
�.. _ 7 se 7 as
Difti .5OD
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=TON. ihi eerrssowrty. E c W C
PR*NTICes ter the tail season, rip -
WY a 1[114 DONOGB. Bedford Block. 01 -St
1�Sealed Madam. eddr•ered to i ne-ecretary of
the (:e0M *. will be received
lima 1. 1.11. for the ewe
eYlOtisa a dditmo to the Cliotoo
1351115oists limo.. treat Is bya tees. two
*serum �t with bet : span for the iasalla-
o d Arsaesaai doom es same.
!'lean ail acclimatises are being prepared
tad will be rely ter Inspection at the aloe of
Mc Linton. attar August clad.
M. D. MC AItT. ,1.• W. TR.LLI 'OMB.
CCaatrmt. CeO. Inst Board. dewetery.
IJ received by the uedeesfgned_ my to noon
M Moria). Aegaat *b. phut.for the rebuild -
lag ad ezasaioo at the tedarlcb ung
Rink. Phar and ssedilestioee slay b. ,.en
endO. M. Rabwtr. Vr J. Pre. o[ tender p moarsd at the aloe of
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Livery, Cab and 'Bus
IMO Slee.*. oed•rish
V as, Nevi '!twee.
rail FOR BALE. -118 ACRES
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HON. ADAM BECK "a device,► feasible *chem* in i u Niagara power, ' ins ser_ rA �nN
Minister of Power Adoresse• Meeting
at Court Howe-Ma.tland River
Power Declared to He a Possibility
in Conjunction with the Niagara
Power-Goderich Electors Advised
to Vote Against Brodie Bylaw.
The seating capacity of the court
house was comfortably filled on Thurs-
day evening by -en audienfre bent on
securing first -band information from
Hon. Adam Beck regarding the aim,
object and work of tbe Hydro -Electric
Power Oommiesion for Ontario and as
to what the people of this section may
expect of tbe Connmiesion.
Owen Geiger, of Hensel', Warden of
Huron county, presided, and after a
few opening remarks called on Hon.
Mr. Beck to address the meeting.
The Bet part of his addreee was a
history of the power question in One
tario and the inception of the Hydro -
Electric Commission with himself as
Ah intereetiog portion of his spe.cb
was when be told of his visit to Euro-
pean countries to esquire into the use
of electr.city es a desirable motive
p:wer and t eferred at some length to
the wide use of electricitk by the
'farmers in many parts of t:ermaoy.
-where every farmhouse is a work-
shop and every farmer. a mechanic.-
, After dealing with the progress and
expansion of tbe system since it was
undertaken, the honorable gentleman
tweed' his attention to local condos
Clone. "We want to connect Niagara
power with every water power that
may be called a weter•power,"he said,
and explained that by doing so the
low water in any district might re-
oeive assistance when required from
Niagara, where there was always suf-
ficient power available.
Bslerting to our own county, be
said : "Hur%n is • fine county. You
all know it is one of theenos produc-
tive. YoOr farms and your people are
second to none in the Prociuce of Oe -
t .rio. (ioderich,'' like all the toed,
along the lake front, is fortunately
eitueted. Your prosperity, bowever,
depends largely upon the surrounding
country.- 11 was to the interest of
Goderieh, therefore, that the county
of Huron should be developed and as
an assiranoe to this end the power
project should be taken up as a county
project. "Let this ecbeine be • co-
operative one on the part of the peo-
ple of the county of Huron. I bope to
see this power delivered to thr farms
throughout the county. it will make
home life more attractive on the farm.
as the telephone bas done.' -
Mr. Beck told of the correspondence
which the Commission had had with
J. W. Moyes, of Toronto, .the owner
and controller of the property on the
Maitland River, tbe only available *rte
for a power plant. No satisfactory in-
formation could be obtained from Mr.
Moyes, so the Commission set about se
cur itaown information. Eventually
Mr. Moyes stated that be would take
5100,000 for a ase months' option or
5106,000 for a tut Eve months option
on the property. Under these circum-
stances nothing could be recommended
because of the provisions imposed and
the price asked. Mr. Moyes had been
informed that the county tnigbt con-
sider .eriouely the development of
Maitland power and that if he would
not come to terms the Commission
would probably have to use the power
it had not as yet need --the right to
esproprine the ty.
A. ie power project the speaker
termed the M.guaed River propoei-
lad only wiebiliperus power." There
was not *nougat power in the river, be
said, to supply the county of Huron.
As to the cwt he again referred to a
previous estimate given and stated,
"Miro I .aid Iii, that's .what I
meant. •'
Al the eonchision of bis address,
which lashed Tweeds of as hour and
a-balf, Mr. cave the audience
the pr•ivilegeoelltaskins any questions
Mores. Ceasepo r -eked how long it
would he befe4wMuderich could realize
its hope to oMl•ie power at 1125. Mr.
Beck replied that Niagara power could
be transmitted within eight months.
He could not my when the Maitland
River power w4Yld be available. Tbe
questioner mina further how Gods -
rich was to meats power for $255 wben
Seafurth wasonying 1144 at. the pres-
ent time. lith. lark replier. that when
the whole scheme WAS worked out and
power was bslsi(k supplifd to all tbe
centres in thrt enunty the cost st
(.odesich would.be $25, and in five or
six yearn probably $20. Another
question put by M r. Cameron was :
Would Mr. Beek advise us to take the
chance of payiag tit for power for ten
years, minnow the Brodie bylaw, or
let the chance slip hy of haeiug a
great indwlry re-estuhlisbed in Gode-
rich. Mr. Beck's reply. in effect, was
that if be were a riot *payer of Gods -
rich he would vote against the bylaw.
Dr. Strang pointed out that nothing
was said regarding electric power
when the salt industry was mentioned
finite and naked why it trail soddenly
turned out that electric power was
necessary to, the wit yeas of the scheme.
Mayor Cameros replied that be bad it
from Mr. Brodie that when the mat-
ter was first taken up he understood
that Goderich was supplied with elec-
tric power.
Dr. Holmes asked if the cost of dis-
tribution under the Brodie scheme
wnuld be the same as under the
hydro -electric scheme. Mr. -Beek said
the coat of distribution would be the
same, but added that the two schemes
could not be compared at all. In the
case of the hydro elecuic power the
more power used the lower the price;
under the Brodie bylaw the price
stuck at ti'34. He also pointed out that
the prices for bydro-electric power
were adjusted ae the end of each
Dr. Holmes move,i.a vote of thanks
to M r. Beck, wbich was seconded by
Dr. Macklin. The.atter defended the
position of the Board of Trade in con-
nection with the tfroaie bylaw, but
declared that, with the information
which had just been given by Mr.
Beck, the bylaw was dead.
The vote of thanks was tendered to
Mr. Berk and in replying the Mibiater
intimated that he was always at the
service of the county.
What Mr. Moves Says.
J. W. Moyes, o' tbe Maitlend River
Power Co.. was ,tt the meeting and
was not altogether pleased with Mr.
Beck's references to bitmself. Speak-
ing to The Sigoal after the meeting,
he said that the only condition he
made in connection with the propoeed
sale of his rights In the Maitland
power scheme was that he should he
able to get power for his electric rail-
way directly from the Commission at
cost. This, he claimed, would be in
the interests of the town of Godericb
and of the other municipalities that
were concerned in the runway pro-
ject. Mr. Moyes pointed out that Mr.
Beck's statements went to justify hie
(Mr. Moyes") contention that there
was power in the Maitland, and be
would he very glad if be could get
power for the railway at $25. At the
same time be claimed that if it had
Dot been for the Hydro -Electric Com-
mission he would have been able to
sell the bonds of the Maitland River
Power Co. and power would have been
available before this.
Thos. McMillan Also Receives Strong
Support -Reciprocity the Battle Cry
-Acnexation Cry Ridiculed -West
Huron to Be in Line' for Laurier
on September 21st.
The Liberal convention for Weed
Huron yesterday chose 1f. 0. Cam-
eron, Mayor of Godericb., as the party
candidate for theappreaching elec-
tion to the House of m
The nooveotion a remarkable
proof of the etrengtb of Liberalism in
West Huron. The Temperance Hall
WSW 611e21 to overflowing with a splen.
did gathering representative of every
portion of the riding, and /anyone sur-
veying the assemblage could not but
think that the nominee of such s con-
vention would commence the cane
paign with every prospect of vic-
There are forty auhdivisione in the
riding. and every one was represented
with a fall list of three delegates.
With ten members of the riding exe-
cutive, there were 130 then entitled to
ballot for the injure. In addition
there were a lar number of alternate
delegates and interested spectators,
packing the ball so tightly that the
temperature was almost unbear-
• The absence of the, venerable treas-
urer of the Wes Huron Association,
Mr. Joseph Bell, owing to illness, was
mach regretted. W. Proudfoot, M.
P. P., also was unable to be pre.ent,
not having returned from his visit to
the Atlantic Coast
H. J. Morris, president of the West
Huron Liberal Association, presided
over the meeting, and as soon as the
list of delegates was completed called
for nominations.
Time. McMillan was proposed by
Geo. Stephenson. of Hullett, seconded
by Donald McLean, of Asbfleld.
M. G. Cameron was proposed by
Chas. Stewart, of Ashfield. seconded
by Wm. Bailie, of Wes Waw•anoeh.
Mr. Stewart backed up his nomination
with a neat speech in which he set
forth the reasous which impelled hies
to support Mr. Cameron. Both of the
posed nominees were capable men.
si being a farmer himself he would
prefer to base s representative from
tbe agricultural class. hut at the pre*
ent juncture the Liberate of West
Huron should cboose the te rongeat
MSG th,y cold get, and Mr. Cameron.
in the ep aker's opinion. was the man
10 rt -deem the riding.
Mr. Cameron then addressed the
convention and expressed his gretifl-
cation et the lame attendanee, show-
ing the keen interest that is being
taken in the great question before the
electorate. Reciprocity, be declared.
would benefit all classes of the com-
munity -the farmer. the townsman,
the producer, the consumer. the man-
ufacturer. Liberals welcomed a fight
on this question : they were on the
aggreefiive and could appeal to every
elector to support the Liberal party
upon this issue. While his own per-
sonal ambitions abould cut no figure
in the contest, he admitted that it
would be a gratiflcatinn to him to rep-
resent thio historic riling of West
Huron which for twenty-five years
was :represented ted by his father. He
believed that with a united party they
could bring back West Huron to the
Literal ranks. No matter which of
the nominees abould be choose by the
coovsntion the other must take off his
coat and assist bim, as he intended .to
do to the best of hie ability if Mr. Mc-
Millan were nominated.
Mr. mono discuosed the reciproc-
ity hinny briefly. He declared that
the objections presented were puerile.
The more the question was discussed
the more one was convinced of tbe ab-
solute sounder's of the proposition
and of the benefit. that would flow
from it. Tbe talk of aaneza ion was
an insult, more especially from men
whose political ancestors signed the
aexation manifesto of '50_ burne4
the Parliament buildings rotten -
waged the Governor, in 1878 spoke
flippantly of British coanectioo, and
later bad opposed the British prefer-
ence which had dose so moth ter Can-
ada and the Empire. Mr. Cameron
paid his respect. G. some of the men,
such as Sir Edmund Walker, who
were opposing reciprocity, and ridi-
culed the notion that to .ell castle to
the United States was a dangerous
prooeedlog whets it was all fright, is
�MIm 13dmned's opinion. to lend Cana -
Has m•oey to Costed States eater
Sir Jobs Ysodnuald, who fav-
ored reeiproeity, was not as annexa-
tionist; neither was Sir (harlots Top
per. neither was Geo. K. Poster when
abeeoadvocated r. ciprocit y a few year.
The Liborat part Battered the ewe -
test with a polis, W a twoo-
nllnsnt trees who bad h. -
come aof the ��� M the sirriarr es
the remit
will not W ie s illsMist is ieebt. "
badbeardto. that the tireeterk ro
L 6gWre were be -
be aid. "the
fore meg ewe hbed rye* the lt Hand-
herte to ra theewas .aaatteeMd the essi er
wa�.uwrr. tb. esu.- (
Ihmatia IC: sailOss4weMlN, batt
the Liurr..l randid.te for %Vest Huron.
line. After the abrogation of the old LIBERALS, ATTENTION 1
reciprocity treaty Sir John MacDon-
ald during the remainder of ben life - A rnee leg of the Libo-ale of Glode-
bad endeavored to tiring eMet thee de- i i Oh ter the p trp ree of organization
aired object. In 18011, in the House ref will he held in the B>anl of Trade
Comrwona, when the late John Ci a i -
ton had twitted the Government, • f
the day with insincerity in their pre-
tended desire for reciprocity, Sir John emote
Thompson, then Premier. declared
that every member of bis Cab'net w.s
in favor of reciprocity and Mr. Foe' er
got up atter bim and moved a restate It is taken for granted that the Beck
tion to this effect. But at the tee nty-
tbird hour, and when their UtnueJ merlin; baa •'settled" the bylaw ; but
sttat.es cousina were huWing forth the are eannot`cee that it hie .mtdedan)-
boon of freer trate. the Conaetvat iv.. I thing else.
leaden bad abandoned the cause end
turned against for policy which would When will we get the Maitland River
be for the benefit of the people of ('an- Power? In tufo, three, five or ten
ada. yesre %
Aa to the decision. which the con- 1 Will the county take hold of the pro-
vention Was about Iii make, Mt. Mc- ject even with the trtvorabla o sins
M i l n e h Irlicy sir. W
with tura If I am e:ho+en 1 of Hun. Mr. Belck
will fight tot a last ditch asl willdai( 11 the c•uuoty will not take up the
Mr. Cameron is cboeeu.' scheme (and some of those who
Scrutineers were then appointed, favor it are doubtful nt the attitude
and after the ballots had been counted
the result was announced : Cameron t 1..t n i'1 be taken by the ratepayers
Bi. McMillen 61. Mr. Cameron was in the towa.hifel, where we are ?
thereupon declared the nominee of the 1 These are queetions that are being
convention. askmd salon tbote wlio .trended the
i� . H. Herr, editor of The Brussels • B
Poet, was invited to address the Bath- Beck rneetia tk'itb t1Li powmr ae
Bring and did w briefly. He declared promisWe by M•. Beck this town has a
that be was aatazed Lt the statement very Might pi.w,seet as an industrial
that Canadian• would tell .out their {
nationality because they would get N center -but we bayen't got it yet
a ton more for their hay. The loyalty At any nate, The Signal, which has
of Canadians could not be purfba.ed always believed in t he possibilities of
and be resented the assertion that the Maitland River as a source of power,
advocates of reciprocity were disloyal. i+ gratified a;the
He urged bard work until the elope of R ' promise of the
the polls on election day, and he billies' realization of its faith that is given in
to be able to congratulate the Life's., - t'te statements of air Beck.
of West Heron upon having won a
good fight.
The meeting ended with three
cheery for the King and three more for
the candidate.
obs ��ieMe •riilet/re11 ` + "'.e.'� �I..rw.
*.seams M M. ~ t>� a S remIS l we -
Ri11t1 f>�114 ...s Ile
1, 013 Monday even -
pet. A large at -
est l v req nested.
The fo:lowing have registered at
Hotel Sunset the peat week : Mina F. -
TO THE DELEGATES OF THE WEST Bell Mie„ Balt, Foy A. Nickerson, S.
Framer. ilio Fraser, Mrs. 8. 8. Beckett
G. Beckett, Mi
and daughter, Toronto; E.K. Robinson
Givinammt,-I beg to offer you my kin awn; N. M. Grace, N. Fleming'
sincere thanks for the honor you con- A. H. Smith, Ottawa ; F. M. Taylor,
ferrrd on ns. yesterday by.electing me 111)71.9
J. O. Jnhoston, Aon Arbor
as tbe standard-bearer of the witty for tyle,
C. Mitchell, B. Car -
the ensuing election. tyle, London ; J. A. Ballard, Mise Eog-
larad, H. G. Wikon, J. G. Dickinson,
i now propose, with your aid, to en- Mrr.O. Hard end daughter, 0. C. Allan,
deavor to redeem this riding. My op- is:: A. W ehtner, Mrs. C. A. Bowen,
pooent for the nomination, Mr. N. S. Baer, E. Berger, Geo. fleysoor,
Thomas McMillan, at the convention Oscar ldoeenearger SmU WParker,
J. L I.richoer, )1[ro. Willard Parker,
magnanimously pledged you and me b is Mrs. H. S. Sawyer, Mr. and Mrs. .1. J
most cordial support as I pledged my Robinson, Harold R.cbioson, `.liras
support bed he been chosen. I am sure M. O'Neil, Hiss.. L. and C. Roue : Mr,
Det rose ; W. L Reid. Syracuse : Mr.
we all appreciate Mr. McMillan's die- lad Mea. Bd. Hicks, New York ; Mies
Slhbet, Mrs. Geo. Boyd. Brantford
Maurine Henderson, Mrs. E. G. H nd-
resset, Miss K. Headerson, Windsor
Mr. and Wes. J. W. Bell, Guelph ; Mina
L Moran, Mies A. Moran, Ewes ; Mr.
and Mrs. E. B. Brokawell, Finlay
P. Montgomery, Chelsea : Mr. and
Mrs. D. B. Die, Guelph : Mr. and Mrs.
J. J. Melon, Mina L. I. McLear., St.
Leonia ; Miss Jennie A. Howe, Grace
Adams, Uleveland.
interestedoesa. i may say that he has
sinoe informed we that he is ready for
the fight. All that now remaire
is united artier) and the victory in
Yours faithfully,
C. N. R. re Absorb People's Railway?
(=net h M When in Toronto
• few slays ago Mr. J. W. Lyon met
Mr. Lang. of Berlin. who incidentally
informed bier) that the 0.14.R. bad
agreed to take over the People's Rail-
way. aasoniog the liabilities of the
company, and hosing hoods in plane
of stock for enbecriptions. The egrets-
greesmoot has yet to be drawn up in writ-
ing. That is as far se Mr. Lyon'. in-
to inatlus goes upon the subject. How
the agreement may affect Ottelph •
potion as to the line north sod meth
be do•s not know. The ebsrt•r will
proven moat useful ow* to the 0.74.0.,
soveriMt, as it doe•, -boat fes miles of
rtt railway he Waters Ontario.
sseaMa. the C.M.R. will be
owned ter the out year or two
r eewa'wtisp of their o.wseelk.p
I�p00 toast Setibery to Peet Arose.
They wet nein. no doubt, get ew
their elestrie feeder. Ina iii. of
robin tb• lboronlb
t webftw
s Ae the C.N.R, te stelae be -
0eilwrish with w• el w rnu► rmoy
be that tt pewees• to tIr tM seeeti g
et as *Itemise sd the • ria
Path gree i• a N
er+ One+ ODM 'Ls li.
The Western earners will lose 120,-
000,000 this year if the. reciprocity
agreement tails of enactment. le it
difficult to know how they will erote?
Tete question propounded hy The
Lotsdnr. A.lver•tia.r throws yore light
apnn the anxiety of certain 'inter-
ests- to defeat reciprocity. if the
farmers are to Ione hy the syreeeoent
n ot being beougbt into flea, *center
most be gabber by a Kke au newt. It
130.000, 11 s corr'eei estimate it is
( way to ander.tand how these beweit-
ted eao afford to chip In a pot of half
or one our two editions to d.d.wt
Leerier. la ether womb, the Luineee
are to a etrlbete the fade he their
own wmdoloo.
!'reit jar rirgeeL ' ems
• at w41�e e
ases11 oeresiew. asp IAwitiawe's
Thee SIR to be
or how
AO dome creno* d ; ;*
tweeloted he t=est lob.OWL