HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-8-10, Page 8e 1 a ibaresoav,AUcerwr 10, Hilt i Summer `heading Copyright. hooks, original) puhlisbed at $1.16 and $1.50, now 50c and 86c. "Wbit.pering Smith," "Wings of the Adorning," "Blazed Trail," "The Crowing and many others, special 50c each. Ralph Connor's Books ''The Doctor," "Mau from (iletigerry," •fiky Pilot," "Black Itock," and "The Prospector," donde! 50e each. "Peter," 'The Music Master," "Inner Shrine," "The Rlruttle," etc.. etc., 8;.c each. A splendid assortment of Rog- lish copyright paper -bound hooks, all by popular authors, 15e each. About fifty titles to *.elect from. The Colonial ink Store (ilio. PORTER, Prop. '!'hone 100. (loderich neenneertesessesetteemeitateoesesserWW WILL WANT THAT NKW SUMMER SUIT made in the very latest style and from the beet quality of goode You are assured of the heat of setiefactien at HUGH DUNLOP'S WEST STREET The up-to-date 'Tailor THIRTY YEARS Our :'leper Colleges have been eetabli.hed duriog the past 30 )ears. The larger. trainers in (Canada. Owing to our connec- tion all over Ontario, we do better for our graduates than any other school. You may study all at home or part) at borne and finish at the Cole Affiliated with The Commercial Educators' Association of Can- ada. It would be well for you to investigate before choosing. Exclusive right for Ontario of the world-famous Bliss Book- keeping System, which is un- (qualled. It is actual Business frim ettart to Finish, and the student keeps Fame books as (chartered Banks and Wholesale Houses. Enter any time. individual instruction. 1Crile. call or 'phone fob pvt.lcular,i CLINTON BIUSINESS COLLEGE GEO 8POTTOa. President MISS r, F, WARD. Principal T is a great satisfaction to carry a watch that always gives correct time. That is why there are over seventeen million 'Waltham Watches in uee. The owner of a Waltham ma always rely upon his watch to get Ida there on time. "ifs lint you fumed Waltham" We tarry • caseplete seed; se WHINE a Walter IL Hdrrl sol, C. P R. Watch inspector Jeweller and Optician Ott the /Square Ooderirh err e.e Wal...0ay aA.r seems eeelagJeff ..e Atria* This Segnml to sew sarsselber s for the basses el the yew ler sus 'le -- o w .. tar xZr .� a HARBOR AND MARINE NOTES. The ►t.awrrr Huron and lit. !goaoe made their regular calks this week. Huth bad large passenger lists. The gasoline yacht Jabberwocky was in port on Sunday en route from Georgian Bay to Detroit. Six of the electric laoupe ou the south pier aro out of busioese. It should he somebody's duty to attend to them. The Ooderich lumber & Milling Co.'s gas aline launch Oh Yes brought several ocowloads of lumber from Bay- field last week. For the conventenoe of launches entering the river, buoys bare been placed to mark the channel at the mouth of the Maitland. The ateatuer Donnacona arrived in port on Snw:ay and lightened 80,000 hurhels of when at the elevator be- fore proceeding to Montre.l. Among the pleasure boats calling here last week was the yacht Spas - jacks, of Cleveland, cruising along the eastern shore of lake Huron. A familiar figure fs missed from along the watertroutln the person of "Batt" McDonald, who has been on the rick list for the part two weeks. (Captain Alex. Donley has mold his Uacht Shamrock to Herr Smith. nder the able command of Skipper Joe Doele she is showing her heels to everything on the waterfront. Three carloads of machinery for the new dredge arrived last week from Welland. A number of mechanics from Welland are expected this week to Install tbe maicbinery in tbe dredge. Captain Alez. Dooley has estab- lished a ferry from the boathouse steps to Attrill's Point, and men; parties are taking advantage of the service to picnic at this favorite resort. Captain Alex. Lawson is away with bis sailing yacht on afishing escureion to Johnston's Haffihr and other port. along Lhe Biuce Peninsula. He ir ac- companied by Walter Shannon and Chas. Ellis. The schooner Azov arrived on Tues- day morning from Bayfield with 11.10.- 000 00- 000 feet of hardwood lumber for the Goderich Lumber & Milling Co. She cleared totter for Thessalon to load for Sarnia. The steamer Huron reached port bound north on Wednesday morning, nearly twelve hours late. Her enaine broke elcwu in Lake St. Clair and she lay at anchor nearly all day Tuesday while repairs were being made. A Tate addit' fleet of pleasu Saunders sail b Saturday from present at Bs owner is spendi vacation. . to the Godericb craft is Frank 't.icb arrived on ,Io. She is at where her portion of his A recent caller at this port was a new tog built by the Doty Engine Worcs for Stanton & Glover, of Port Stanley. R. J. Morrill, of Coilingwood, furnished the hull and she was equip. pee with a 150 b. p. engine and boiler by tbe Doty Engine Works. The tug Edward Blake was in dry- dock on Wednesday. One end of the big pontoon built for use in connec- tion with the new breakwater is really a gateway. This was opened, the tug floated io, the gate closed and the water pumped out by a powerful pump which has been installed on the north pier Chas. Saunders' gasoline launch Naha left on Wednesday of last week for Bayfield. She bad on board a party of six -Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Saunders, Mise Josie Saunders, of town, Frank Saunders, Mies Marjorie Anglin and ,Bert 8Tewplenian, of Toronto. Tbe party are enjoying a two weeks' outing at that popular summer resort. On Wednesday evening, while leav- iog the Canadian lock at. Sault Ste. Marie. the steamer Kaminlstigaie. bound up light, took a sheer and ran into the steamer Ellwood. which was tied up at a pier just above the lock. Both vessels were somewhat damaged but were able to proceed without waiting for repairs. Captain Alex. Cunning, wrecking master in charge of operations on the Anebor line steamer Wissahickon. wrecked on tbe Outer Duck Wands in January, 1010, and looted during the following winter of a large portion of bee $400,000 cargo, has been arrested in coenection with the loos of cargo and will appear before the police magis- trate at Dore Bay on the 11th inst. Perhaps the most handsome Cana- dian yacht which ever called at Gode- rich w.. in port on Saturday last. Sbe Wormed try Chas. R. Haman. of London, at ooe time Minster of Public Worts. As large as a small steamboat and as trim and neat as the proverbal pin, she made a pretty picture as she lay at anchor in the harbor. t*$ain Darn rime, formerly of the steamer King Edward, was in command, and was warmly greeted by many old-time friends. The large wooden scow to he used on tae oonstruotion work of the new breakwater was leuncbed last week. it is understood that this scow le to be l used as the form in which the cement bottoms of the cribs are to be con- structed. When the Dermot work reaches the desired height, the scow will be sunk nod Aerated rear of the re - meat, and used again for tbe foun- dation work of tbe oezt crib. Tbs.* cribs will be one hundred feet bog, six is number and similar to timer used by Cboteaoter Tron,anhanesr. When finally completed they will be towed out into the lake and sunk in position as desired. A oesenbmixing plant with large hoppers. rte.. has been erected on tbe north side a the harbor and a narrow-gauge railway hes been laid from the miters to the lake Blore wbeee the gravel sad sand are obtained. 1 be radir.:.aegraph branch of the Naval Service Department sninuocea that it has been deeldsd that the Do minimGovereneerna�t�bwet install ire owe wavelets Gnat Lakee..Tere M alr.ad m cm �a statism at Psi Arthur sad t welters stations will be est.bMwbed first, MM. have bean seemed at the potato at which stations reit bent: Barnlaad Rauhlg� I= Out. Other steams will 6tster `eestahadiell la tel eelter It am. Pert N�Mf W as !smear. Z 4f. 11 Ilio fiMss eletiess are W. awl apittalafa trim aell moa THE SIGNAL GODERTCH ONTARIO vides with duplicate appeiratan The PERSONAL MENTION. spite* when w oupleted, wW tries the western end of • chain d eialMll extent: i from Bells DM Strait.. Dap, !tear, or 61. Jobs, N. B.. se the ammo may tp, to Port #hair. cwt. The chain will hes eoultatwss Oak and le will be possible to Me s lalsseege tercet Arthur for delivery to a ea* legated anywhere between Pmet_ I4tbnr and 500 wiles snot of Mbea sn Belle lode, the menage Sobbed by wireless all the way. Northern Navigation Co. and the 0. P. R. intend to equip their steamboats uo Likes Huron and Aaperioe with wireless ap- paratus, short the neoessary land sta- tions are establisked. Another lake freighter, the Yorktoa, has arrived on the Gnat Lake* from Ragland. It has been brought out by the Matthews Lim of Toronto. The steamer is designed after the same pattern as the vessels heretofore brought out and has all modem equip- ments. It is M7 feet long. beam 42. depth 11,8, and is double bottom, elec- tric lighted. steam heated, and has steam steering gear. The vessel is 100 Al, which permits her carrying cargo for any part o: the world. The York - ton can make 12 miles an bour and le driven by single screw engines, 17.Y8, 48 by $3 stroke. Two boilers natural draft 1411. Tbe vessel left Middle- boro, England. on July 7. and made a fart trip sanies tbe Atlantic. Capt. George C. Holloway, of the Royal Naval Reserve, brought the boat across in fifteen days. Holloway turned the boat over at Montreal to Capt. Kavanagh. who will sail it ou the lakes. INDUSTRIAL NOTES. (food progress is being made on re- building that porton of the Kensing- ton furnitureat ctory destroyed by fire last spring. The new section is en- tirely of brick and includes a building 120x33 feet along the north side of the property, with a section 70x30 feet connecting the rebuilt section w itb the portion raved from the flames. Tt•e new building ie two stories high. while a firewall runs up an additional story ! on the side nett that portion of the old building which is of frame. The new portion will include the fin- ishing room. packing room, storeroom and office. The bricalayere expect to complete their work tonight, and it is expected that aportion of the building will be ready for occupancy by the middle of next week. At present the force is about hall that amity em- ployed, and it is expected that as soon as additional room is obtained the force will be brought up to normal strength. The company have added several naw lines, including quarter - cut oak, quarter -cut gum and solid mabogaoy series, all of which are taking well with the trade. be work of installing the machin- ery for the Paget Patent Grain Door Co. in the Doty boiler shop is proceed- ing smoothly and it is probable that the factory will be in operation before the fleet of September. Under the direction of John Youngson, the sup- erintendent, cement foundations have been placed for a number d the heavier machines. Ptactically all the wood -working machinery is on band, with the exception of multiple -drilling and mitre -saw machines which are being built by the.Loty Engine Works. The machinery now on hand includes a five ton planer and matcher and a O ve -ton moulder. double rip saw• drills, cut-off and mitre sawn, grinder for knives, etc. F. W. Doty is in Toronto this week hurrying along the shipment of the iron-workiog machinery,; while other officials are placing orders for (umber, steel and otber raw material. In the power department a 150 h.p. boiler and 125 b.p. Corns' engine have bean installs under the direction of L C. Beck. wbo will have charge in that department. Orders were re- ceived on Wednesday, asking for de- livery of car doors on the 29th inst..' and every effort is oeing made to get the factory in running order by that date. Wben in running order a form of about thirty-five hands will be em- ployed. Two carloads of lumber will he used each day and one carload of steel each week. The daily output will Ise about two hundred doors each day. The industry originated in Huntsville about two years ago and has grown to suds proportions that larger quarters and equipment are n ecessary. Work on the construction of that portion of the Goderfcb Organ Co.'s factory which was destroyed by fire last year is nearing completion. The new building is about 110:96 fees, two r stories is height. with a basemeat on the street level under all. Two 3i -inch brick Arewelis extend from the oellar floor to eighteen iacbes above the roof. dividing the building into four sections. The floors are of specie/ coa- *tractioo, the jot*. being discarded entirely. The floors are of god sad 2xfkinch scantlings turoed on alga wad covered with mks Ocarina, givias a floor wbteb aboufd resist fire fire tease as loon we the old-style joists, floor and railing construction. The window frames are o1 steel. and the entire character of the coostruction is de- signed to make the building as nearly fireproof as possible. in the bsaesest will be tete sanding, copper, flllhag wad staining rooms ; on the fleet floor, the surfacing. storage and shipping rooms and office ; oa the .eeosod floor, the veneer, robbing and two varnieking rooms. Three vaults are provided - one for the office, one for pakten, and the other for drawings. Renes. orders are on Ole to keep ale Sswoay busy for the next two ,ansae+ std within the nest month thirty or hely heads will to added to the payroll. Mrs. P. Y lex • valese r krlhree ie lga4e. Mies lima Ilia..ro , le Maass at Otsatrs. a Imo M MIAs Mae 1 W Ma Airs►. McLasr. of Sew York u hoar boae. WJ1.t s QWlast coarse visited to Oast week. ALT 1Jm:Saturday to rre,,er is wadies tread• alt „r. w. r retread on aturday d•ww. 0 te 151e of Detroit. r i tented M D. Graham. m'oEden .• " of rhino. le , sung . J.seteamsof tea. City. Ma, was the laws We Misr Meanie, ut l uronto. i - sn..t d w. D. 1. mod Dr. Mabee are away un trip e>ili county. Meed For is ep.el.g bar vertices 1t tram twice. Mr. hots and Detroit, the so., el Dait, a goads ar Met. 11 J . Al urn. . M. tial ilea. Harry WoneU, of I-oeooto ere sIdUat Mats res in town. Rev. M. A. ani Mrs Wright. sf Kiucardiae an.peediet Mt 'lies in tow.. )ler Olalye k ,guards*. of Bru.seia, is visit - ranee wears, Mr-. Jona Lamm. Lr. J. D. Oelltur, of Strohroy, spent a few day. wake tried. at 1Lagsbrtdea Mr...e )sea James Nbalett and sea. Barry rusted la 1l tngebridee on Sunday. M and ]]l(e,a e . M. Johnston. of Neer. spent tart went with relativsin town. William sal Frank Tasolyn were Know of Ret. Dr. aadMre. Meddler week. Mr. and Mot John Roel, Victoria sweet, up- turned tsar !loan • trip out Weer. Mrs W Miss A M. Y t� d Torw,to, ate h,darryutgat Did orchardGluge. Dr. KllysaL of Toronto. sprit a taw days e town with aerother, J. L Yllbrea Mire lest ]told and )few ll�ltt Basan are vwore M Wastneld "4ars lramien\oev r.d wf Ker dtAerPs, Ore.. Weaei Maps. west r_ treat - mod W. T. sty den Lr at Petawawa with the Corp.d /lak N bo are is amp there. Mr. cad dim John Willie, of Detroit are vlr- ln.g mambo in Colonna and visor. Aths1lgaQaerrte, of The Masa sad'. is holi- daying et tis poen t�al home at Co.ahraoa. Mos La eter. •intlae the sane at airs. 0. n. Nom straits Mrs. C. Walmsley, of Wriete& was the Guest this walk ..1 tier mean, L. O. !goals, Miner .Masai and Theresaof Ayr, are visiting than sunt, Mrs. B. O. mama Mine !l w and Mies ate, of Brantford. are v Valuta Wawa. Nelson street. 1ptpo-ltor : Mur Mary Lacey. of Uodb .Wang her rode, Mr. Dan Shana- han. Rei W. G. Richardson, B. A-. et Arthur, vadt.ed his dater. Mira Clara K1ohard.ort, leis week. W. MoOeldn ret Jrned to Toronto tees week after a tial titre with Grant &Da Lennetb herd. teethe Harts, of Hamilton. is visiting his cousin. Mas Hobert Wires. and also J. J. /Ache ea. Mr. sad Mn. F. H. keels and two sons. of Haotlios. ate i u -,tang at the bus of W w. Carpb,il. Dr. 80.ag, accompanied by Mies tins* Strang, is at prevent bulrlaytag at Lake Jo•eph, elutinglit asarsta. Morris and ilserbiet. {:rico. antlitha Ms Mr. Meanie raw, Mo. ifn sisrairt Mr.aalOa. Jobe 8. Bedford and ekindren have relemed atter alta weeks' visit to Lr holt palate Ulm. no* of Memag1., patentee at tb• ear deer le M auin0setarsl la tioterot,was 1. town w udnersay. Mrs Cheadle whine, Mrs. Dwyer sad Master Charts inryer, or W mdbw, are 'Mint at w home of MIL h'. F. Clark. W a�d'�1:r' W vier Block ret arned on wows day hetes Tonto. h tt the MisBoars m.161►0. W. slams .et Mir Mrs. P M�i lleutb WSrtSSW. with Mn. Richard eel sue, Bram have re- tuned to W' indium vitt eat the home of Mrs. Misses., g am 77YYiYlrrrraaaaa ifs W. Hew.p, Lc Hanna, of as LaWriaes, has joined Mrs Hauer. who his leen spending the /y mouser.term at the born elk hmouser. Mrs. idlers. Mie Margaret 11t.C.sa. Waned 1a k base at W ood*sek es Tewin► &R*r a Meta sax weeks n town with 1510 i m 0 Ryiemer. w. lsdt..ra se Haab Sta. ]carie, s000mpah ted by Me Mows Om d : visited ?vials res apd Mende to tows foie weak. Mr. and Mr. . Hedge. of !demilune mow oatpy the 'uttercom Mea s Watrim ucoeptsd by itis rers, Mr, .y , Braun Miner rerespoodirt Of The Advocate : Mia iebraton, or iledselah � kyr ttests Mr. sad Max W ea Cas Mr.. ss4 aMx. 0. McEvoy bee, retnreed treat inlet*B, C. where Oar were .1- 1• union at the home cd Mr. Mo M1m Aloe1/aik nurse in training at the U twits et�bad Hospital, 1. ueeedloet hie .110110= how parade. Mr. and Mrs- C.A. n• Ldayt�1BMiaY MiaYro.d kw. MtnR d Peke baring Me I char lora 8was mosso 19rw1e, 511 maw w GREATEST TRIPO, THE GREAT The Large D. R C. Lime Sanmrs Criss Lek. Ibis Dell, The jtrelrt .y between' Detroit and Baddo ea Um bizmlots D.. 0. Ilse u1aatNta 1s the most &WNW fest. water trip is America. 110 erbium et t�Mote ere i+� NMwesams err sea &web Aarms D it 0. Isbiry.tteta toe. II Warm int.. Detaae. Wei, of Detroit, arrived on Fri - visit to his wife and eon. who Mrs. Ro McDonald.t.oa- term Was 1s Termite or Mo.day scanned. The he - he s Crest to w Wpm e M viaitins ear Mr sae We tor anest ant Tort. Ass Mbar et Bowes ,Ills Tins M. Oa kY roctaw arn seem- 1lr tis imam ata wW make bdt with him.' J. A. Melasnhof Tereato • former (ion by ho ble dm a rearagul be.aOma la eke novelle* at Mead m b ,1iI. lkas�t .Deaf a pow dam 1a ea Idskri/y. was reesmaring y, who are ttaasipitig faaisd damn.• a# • D -t . and Mn MN• thelt teaser vtdt:�ill is et. Dr. Maltreats tNhg the i. t!< ANtevrY !'r.iae• tense lsMeaseh, be the apt riayreMM. tke PMra a -- aet tM„= - bs w 1 4 P. Blair, remsvel te scoria last fait Iola tans* for weeks amt no retest moa be moons sr W wile and family. at Illa Nair a...� e pes mow a h w Aro sellas te )bt awl make his eon se to W- hims there: i !assns. el Tistoevnts, le lb rMa L i wee�s1� �osear (10010 gal he is19eass ti id ` Alan* t; iii to w A CLEAN SWEEP OF Summer Stocks II Summer Stocks must be cleared to the last dollar's worth. All this month we will be hard at work pushing them out. We must be absolutely free of summer goods when the season is over. That is a guarantee of fresh, new stocks for you, free from left - overs, next season. Actual values are not counted when we make prices for the last odds, ends and broken lots of Summer Merchandise. All over the store you will find the goods laid out marked at prices that mean money -saving for those who buy. The Midsummer Fur Exhibition Our annual Midsummer 'Exhibition of fine Furs opened this week in our roomy upstairs Showroom. The Furs we have izathered to- gether for this Midsummer showing are some of the choicest we have yet laid before you. By special arrangement some of the leading manufacturing firms have sent us several thousand dollars' worth of high-class Furs for this Midsummer display. Many of them are sample garments of exclusive style, higher - class goods than we carry in stock through the season. Whether you have any thought of Fur buying this season or not, we are sure you will be interested in seeing this beautiful collection.' It is here all ready for your inspection and we cordially invite you to see it whenever conven- ient. Should you be thinking of Fur buying this winter, we are sure we can make it profitable for you to place your order now. Il ADVANCE SHOWING OF FALL COATS With the Furs we are showing some very handsome fall a n d winter Coats. These are advance styles and absolutely correct for the coming season's wear. You can make a selection from them with perfect confidence that you are getting garments correct in every detail. In most cases not more than one garment in any particular style is shown, and once they are sold out we will not re -order. This guar- antees our customers exclusive ga r men t a. Come and let us show you these handsome fall Coats. Weilnesday Morning specials Here is a list of Specials for next Wednesday morning, August 26th. Not one in the lot but is worth coming fon In the window Tuesday and on sale at 8 o'clock Wednesday morning, and not before. 27-1nch Flouncing Embroidery 39c Just about forty yards to sell. Twenty- seven -inch Flouncing embroidery, tine muslin. good designs, worth a lot more money.9c Wednesday morning Special per yard, 39c 45 -inch Flouncing Embroidery 69c Thirty or thirty-five yards of this to sell Three or four patterns, handsome desigos on good quality cloth. some lcalloped, others hemstitches edges: regular el.2o to $1,50, t.:learing Wednesday morning at, per yard, only Corset Cover Embroidery 25c Sixty yards of it for Wednesday morning selling, and it oegbt to go is one Hour. Not the ordinary Zc kind by any means, but one worth ball as much again. Halt - a - dozen patterns. Chaos of them on Wednesday ' 5 morning at per yard.... . (s�/(, Waist Fronts 33c Waist Fronts of handsome Swiss embroid- ery, 27 inches wide. three - qu-re r yard in each piece, very handsome designs.C Wednesday morning Special. choice.. Choice of 10 Gowns and Skirts$2.33 These Gowns and Skirts are emgpies, u they were not, we could aot sill taws for say such money. even on Wednesday moa' .g. No two alike, exceptionally fine sssaNwta, higher grade these we u*aany Darty a smock, bandsemely trimmed with lace and embroid- ery regtttiar values up to $5.00 Wednsday admit* 'epeciat, choice $.35 Japanese Cushions 10c J0s�m�w Outshine Topa, 211i Mabee square. Vatista y «Japanese deeigne-jost the thing for verwaiwb. Special Wednesday morulae. sow►. only.. 10c Lace Hose 25c Here is a barge.U,. Just, forty or fifty pain of t hem. Ladies, lisle thread Hoes with lace rankle, black, white and tan shades, a elesrieg- up of the Hosiery stack. inquiet !lila. e(]dr.`n Wednesday morning Ipecta, per pair. Long Silk Gloves 65c Thirty pairs only loog sat Gloves, elbow length, sizes 6j to7 , white or black; regular $1.60 qualities. Wednesday morning Special. per pair, only .. . . ............ Extra Good Parasols $1.95 Seven may -ladies' Parasols or Umbrellas. Top of high-grade silk end wool Gloria that will not cut or turn rusty ; strong frame, seven distinct handles,.11 good ; regular 13.00 cifl. b, enyawningesdaawningX1.95 100 Ends Flannelette 43c One hundred end. each ' eoataining five loyards heavy striped Flannelata, 89 to 88 bes wide. Extra special for Wednes- w �, day morning, per sad a�71 Silk Itaincoats $9.00 Throe only Silk Ll alnooata, not oeh� shadeas� tlst� f18.t10. i not to y tmweMaR lsl, each. $9.oO Brussels Rug 315.75 One only genuine Brsseek Rug, nioe sales of brawn. size 8 s 4 yards. Deoidsdly sspecial for Wednesday morn- , $1 75 Short Fawn Coats 33.75 Threeonl ladeor s' what Jackets, fawn cloth. Clearing Wednesday mora- C2 Tis trig. each, only... .DJ al Children's Coats 32.85 Thos only children's 611 Costs, medls weight -neat. natty little INA navy. Very spaniel toe Wy Qtr amorning.......spaniel................ $2AoV Dr. !art eoav�e, C. "11""%WM solids se mania vaasemer teat t Nem: 1 ===u MIR BARGAIN OFFER •ai•is•41 pose ala ant►= r. caw aat1assz. nwa ecoids is ewer THE SIGNAL from now 1st, 1912, to new only to January subscribers 25 Cents