HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-8-10, Page 7THE SIGNAL : GODERIC%1 ONTARIO) __. t'01901"ilvii***AlitieTet'i# ***sic 4444444 *4'444* * 4 ° 44*****1 THE MARKETS.' i I Liverpool Eechange Closed, Mimes Tie 11 'ewe of the District ' iWh..L Futures SckH'. Llv• tock-QtsetatiettS ”y CHICAGO. Aug , -:'first -h *44 454546454e 45445454646 4s 4s4s 4646464s464e464s sad awes reports MOM War& relloP neroures. tea yeast marks* Oas mew summit a sut minim tamp. Clods. 11022M Miss J. Hiram, of Toruuto. visited were at warty the me ns than r beams witb their parents here this week .. filo 11tm to on Ur:10r R. Ilettbolm, is weekoto, Theisit 'r at his Tb. Uverfea4 markgs was otsedwbS5 home here this week. .. ..The "1'urt to w, hart ietld.g. AaR papers of Saturday aDooanced the sIses. !ad aegamr tiaa tea tUF4M' at death of 9. F. McKinnon. of Toronto. 1eeUe. %.• wbo died in London, England, at the Wlawlgee Wiens. i age of sixty -et bt years. The deceased dos.. Oyes.. Aeth Low. ('Mea was a brother of the late D. B. Mc- wheat- Wee fs��j Klnuon, of Btytb, and au uncle 01 Mn. ::: % Ms t M1L lel. (Dr.) Milne. Her brother, J. S. Mc- :: .. Kinnno, wbo is well known here, 1. a.tr- also one of the firm of S. F. McKinnon 0t II tMlh k Co. Four rinks of the Blyth bowlers went to Oliuton on M y T.ronts GrcM Market • afternoon and played with the Clinton �►�at hu. btrstsl t♦ «a 1.,.. bowlers, but the baste player* were vllteat ■coca .m.i -- • • • e .» .... too strung for the visitors, winning RY. bu.0a1 0 re • N out on all tits rinks.. ...Miss SlowIntim. bushel• M B.11, of Toxooto, 1* visiting here. Buckwheat, bueiet • • M pM,, byI s T5 • M PORTER 8 HILL I LYTh. TU*sDAY, Aug. let. TU DAY, Aug. 8th. Nairn. -Mrs. Sts wart and cbtldren. et Seattle, and Mies Nell McDougall. of Seahurth, are visiting in the neigh- borhood.. ... Mr. McKegsie and two ds s, of Ubilliootte. Missouri, are �iie tins at Henry Young'sWillMr. and Mrs. Roy Preach 'R ei lin spent Sunday in Reatorth. Mr. and Ma. Alb.tt Rutledge. of Galt. are visiting the toemeee par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Rutledge MPe. Hdmonsoo. of Oshawa. is rpeod- iag a tow days at ass. Mr Maggie 'a ..John Cox and ter Maggie were in i la Woods, of ICtolose. is Mw Viola WW pending a few days at James Bbira. Wes May Lindsay returned to Goderich on Monday, having spent two weeks at borne. KIN(BRtUUE. MortDAT, Aug. 7th. Ncvr .-Mrs. J. Fipnn and Mies Ile, of Suit Ste. Mar* are visiting relatives bare Mr. and Mrs. P. Quinlan. of Quincy, Mar., have re- turned home after spending the pact two weeks with the latter's tatter, John O'Reilly..... Miss Marne Joye has arrived oe from Detroit. also Misses Minnie and Annie Connofs.... Mrs. P. Lannon and children, of De- troit, are visiting at the home of her father. P. O'Loughlin Miss Min- nie Sullivan entertained a few of ber friends on Friday evening last Dr. Collin". of London, is the guestof Mts. John P. Sullivan Miss Paul- ine Reilly is visiting her cousin, Miss Kennedyy_in Teeswaf errethi ws eek . is Griffin, of Maeq visiting friends hers. LOCMALSM. MONDAY, Aug. 7th. Tex The telephone line of tbe�ati Rural Telephone Co., width man the bouodary between Leseleshe and was Lucknow, was disorgaalts.d tow • day or two on ac- count of the elsetric storm which oc- curred hist Thuz.day nigbL Some of the poles opposite Gordon's Corners were broken or splintered by the lightning and the wires broken, but the same have been promptly repaired or replaced by the Company. This line has now connection with the Bell telephone ayetem through the central in Lucknow, which will be a great convenience to this vicinity. Tat Ovi: HOLIDAY EXCURSION. - L&st Thursday being civic holiday over N19 tickets war• sold fur the Sun- day asbord excursion to ()odetkb. As luck bad jt, in the morning the weather was all right, but shortly after the eecursionisu had heti their lunch it started to talo, m•iiog everything very wet In coosry.,enoe • few returned oa the 3 p. m, train, but most rewarmed until the excursion train, and even after the rain they speak well of else trip, and purpose re- peating it next year oo a Iarger scale. Most of the program was pulled off, the great event being the tennis match between Blyth and /Album. Tbe lata r were victorious, but they are an older club than Blyth, and with more practice our players will be able to play better. POLITICAL PfoseetTe.-There is no doubt thews will be a great many who will not be able to mart their votes at the coming election. for various reasons. In the first ppi1aa , on account of the elections being heli on the 191U lists, those who have tooted out of the riding will be unable to vote. Then at this time of the year so many go to the West and they will not be hack in time to vote unless both parties use their inAueoce on the railways for a free return trip. At the Liberal con- vention held in Brussels on Friday Mat, Blyth was one of the few places that did not have a full delegation, but those who attended are well pleased with the choice of the coovention, Mr. A. HhiMp, and will start to work at once for him, and the prospects ate he will give the Coeeervtitre nominee a harder" fight than at the last election. Th. farmers. unless they are bide - bound Conservatives, cannot support the Conservative nominee and look to their own interests, .s there is no doubt the question on which the elec- tion is to be fought, reciprocity. will do the farmer. the greatest good at first and by their doing well naturally every person else will benefit. Notts. -ire. Washburn and two children, of Detroit, are visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. C. McKenzie Mre. Cawley and daughter. of Calumet. were spending last week at Duncan F inlayson's Angus Finlaveon spent a few days last week with friends in this vicinity. . Mir Annie Brown, of Detroit, is visiting ber grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Rod Cameron... .. Don. Finlay- son has been secured for another term by the trustees of the same itch aol in the Niagara district in which be was teaching the former part of the year. Mr. and Mrs. Allan McKenzie and daughter, of New York, arrived from Goderich last week to visit friends it this locality Tbc show- ers of rain which fell in this vicinity last Thursday afternoon and even- ing were very rehashing. ' as the ground was beginning to be some- what parched Miss Tyre, of Flint. Mich., is at present the guest of Miss Rebecca Campbell Mrs. Jos. Coslow, formerly Miss Mary Rose, who is a resident of the State of Flor- ida. is at present making a week's visit among her friends in this district. Mrs. McNeyin, of Lncknow, ac- companied by her father. Mr. Tenny- son. of Toronto, spent a few days last creek at D. McIntyre's. Ptaeoeee £.WD GenemteL.-Rev. W. Irwin. wbo is oow stationed in one of the Methodist churches in Michigan:is at present on a visit with relative. here. At one time he was editor of The Standard here, before he studied for the ministry Rev. J. Hamil- ton, of Leeburn, occupied the pulpit of the Presbyterian church on Sunday, Rev. .T. L Small taking his charge at Lepton Messrs. Logan a n d Fraser.bippstla a car a[ brick to Bruce - field on SBaatt y Mrs. A. Bo, who has been visiting with ber daughter, Mr.. J. Elliott, left on Sat- urday for a visit at Peterboro' before returniog to ber home at Tbeeealon. The U. P. R. freight engine which carne here from the east on Friday wbile switching ran off the era k end an engine and crew from Goderich had to be sent for. It took them till after 12 o'clock before they got it on. They then left for Gode- rich. No damage was done Misses Gould, Dyer and Armstrong. of Exeter, visited with Miss Livingstone here the past week. Miss Gould was a former milliner here R Sloan, of Holmeaville, is at present spending some time here under the parental roof. Mr. Grabby. of Morris, has purcbeeed the residence of Mr. Chatnbere and will more into town about September 1st. It is the intention of Mr. Chambers to rent a house for the present Mr. Stew- art received a car of cement on Friday tet use for building purposes. Mn. Irwin and daughters, who have been on a visit here, returned to their home at Mitchell on eaturday Next Sunday Re.. E. A. Fear will occupy the pulpit of St. Andrew's church `n the morning, and in the evening Re.. W. T. Pearcy, of Loodeahorn, will preach. This will finish Rev. J. L. Small's bolidays P. W. Spence. M. A., B. D. of Toronto, was a guest of Rev. J. L. and Mrs. Small the past ween. Mr. Spence graduated from Knox Cdhige in 1910, winning the 5400 travelling scholarship. He leaves oext week for eight monthi post- greduate study in Palestine T Wanless, 01 Milverton, and son Harry. a Toronto, visited at tbeir home here this week Mr. end Mrs. McKellar are visiting in Sarnia this week Quite a number from here are taking in tie. Loodon Old Boys' reunion this week. Also quite a number went to the (7alydooien game* at Lucknow on Monday Mrs. W. Fele and son are visiting in Brantford this week. J Bell visited in London on Saturday... Thornton Fear is spend- ing his holidays with relatives in Exeter Mrs. J. Cumiog spent a few days With friends in Sarnia this week Mr. and Mn. T. McKenzie, of Clinton, visited with the latter's parents here this week Mr. and Mrs. W. Walker. of Clinton. spent Sunday with relatives here..Miss Buchanan and Harry Stowe. of Gode- rich, visited with ides. F. Bainton oa \Vedneeday last Her R r o.. shipped a car of wheat io Seaforth Lot week.... Mr, Obemters received two ears of coal this week for di.tri- bttion.... K. Lybell shipped three cars of scrap metal to Aurora on Satur- day. Mess*. Watson R Sons *hipped two cars of hogs and two cars of rattle to Toronto last week - J. Calming .hipped two cars of fine VViito Montreal last week for the Ctwtetry market L Mill re- dsived a ear of lumbar for hatpins tpiog mills trete Mblidpp1 tbi. wed. S. ♦. Poppl•.tw• left os Monday to attend tie. Grated Lodge of the LO.o.P. When he returns be will b. Grated Master for Ontario. This is a tern bolter. beet be is deserving of It. se there M no mAn an well up M the wort se he te in this part H. will be the Sot Graved Mauler that times county bas bad. We understand Ws brave. ledge. Exeter. island* elle1sg him great a ion sad le ` � • by a return. W. to t firm tin ledge le riellisien elite h Moot 111,SI her s bower p R presumeead_, of this ort. 4 Posit dies S. TaSW withylorof TOMoto, .. , , . , ...... • ' ppssig,, • .peat ber Mylidays ben with Yr • sieth-- Mer le►. TAr4e•.•to-• r* A New Mta'ts OF ENJorM6NT.- The circuit of the Goderich Rural Telepbooe Co., on the 12th conoessioa including tatter two sideroads bas at present no connection with the but- pide world. but the aubecribers belong- ing to the same form one family end are having a happy little time of their own. Rven In regard to listening we who belong to this .:ircuit reject with sublime contempt all codes of honor which a cold and harsh world pre- tends to iwnpose upon us. We may be in the minority in regard to such !-odes, but, you know, majorities] are not always right. and there is an in- nocent simplicity amongst us in ref- erence to this which must have been in the garden of Eden before the fall lour •'hlgber critic" friends may •mile when we mention thio garden, but we are not going to heed them. et least fur the present). Yes, when we listen at the 'phone it is not oat of mere vulgar curiosity, hut out a a hearty regard for the welfare of others --nod. anyway, '9t is all in the family." So that when the receiver was taken down to see if the line was clear and a female voice was heard to say frankly on being asked bow she was. "Ob, lust listening es usual," no one on our line would harshly criticise her, but all would be in sympathy with her. We are now beginning to dread feet all thee happy simplicity will *non ne destroyed. when we are connected with tbe oentral and when we will have to conform to the severe regula- tions preacrihrd by the just mentioned cold and unfeeling work'. FALL FAIRS -1911 Toronto (Oneladian National) -Aug. i (Western Fair).. p Sept8.16 W i9:.• 14. 3 ...... ....Sept IS. f9 Sept. r90 anit& 111) Sept. 19, fib Sept. 90. ft1 'wept: MM, a fawned .. N e i 111144. 811.4. 118 fart IS. M *IS ! LOYAL TURBO Vr, Aug. !4th. James Sallow*, at Coleridge Alta., arrived Saturday night to spend some weeks at his old home. Miss Halliday, who hae been staying with the Misses Satlowe, has returned to her borne in tlelgrave. Earl McPhee. of Detroit, who is visiting relatives here, spent last week with his uncle, .William McPhee. The missionary ladies of Nile held their monthly meeting at tbe home of Mrs. John Linfield, Wednesday last. A number from here attended ser- vice at Leehur•n Sunday morn. there being no service at Smith's H�. Rev. J. L Small, of Blyth, occupied the pulpit and delighted his many bearers with an aNe discourse. The news of the death of the late Mas. Thomas Sallow* came as a sad and sudden shock. She was a woman of sterling qualities and was loved by all --young and old. The funeral which took place Tuesday afternoon was largely attended by .orrowing and sympathetic friends. Another home has been deeply sad- dened, that of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Johnston, of Carlow, by the acciden- tal drowning on.'Sundav last of their second coo, John. We extend our sincere and heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved family in their sore afflic- tion. oat., bushel Toronto Dalry Market Hunter, •tore tots 0 17 • IS Butter. .seerater, dairy Ib• 15 • 13 Sutter. creamery. lb. re�1•• 13 • 13 Butter, creamery. sonde tw Ho•ey000nba. doses -•-- Mnew - laid 0 emos. new. lb 0 L Montreal Orain and Predues. MONTRRAL. Aug. 7. -Trade 1s dull at uechaneed prime, sa Plows. Oats -Canadian western. No. 2. Mc to 41c, car Iota. ex store' extra No. 1 feet 41c'to No. i C. *.. tow to fie: Ns. 1 local white, Oto: No. local white, tee; No. 4 local white. >he. ebur-M.anebe Orrinm what patents. 13.011. WM all - mods, P.M; winter what patents. sus to •t.%' arena beers. M -Or, straight routers. j1 if I -M: M vast. an to K NMi- ed oats. per barrio MM bag of le lbs., M1e. M[tt1tsd-Sean Ontario, In to 111: Msattoba, IM is eilledings. Ontario. tgi be 101, shorts. motemsee. ai. manlike. 113 b ectad elide; fresh. 171st; Ne. t eateries. 113. to into; amt. WIN. Wee to lilac. Beene--Ae1seet, rine to Mko. LUCKNOW. MONDAY, Aug. 7th. !ansa. -Miss Cassie McDonald has been engaged as teacher of P. S. No. 10, Kinloss Miss Mary- Rabies. of Toronto, is visiting at her home herr. Aaron Bennett has disposed of his interest in the express t urines here to Ab. MUaon. Mr. Bennett will spend • short time in Auburn and will go West eventually Mies Mar- garet E. C.'•awford. of Winnipeg is visiting her cousin, Mrs. A. E. Dur- �in Fldon R. Siddall, of Winni- peg, who recently woo a Rhodes scholarship, is at the parental home here \figs Mand Richardson. of Flesberton, late art teacher in Alma College, St. Thomas. is visiting her sister, Mrs. Frank Tate Dr. New- ton and John Mildred left last week on a trip to tier British Isles and the Continent. During the Doctor's ab- sence his son Alfred will have charge of his practice Miss Dolly Hen- derson returned to Detroit last week atter spending ber vacation at home Her mother accompanied her Mrs. Webster and Mrs. Anderson have returned from Mount Clemens, Mich., much improved in health Miss Dahlia Graham. of Toronto. is spending a few weeks with her par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Graham. Rev. W. L Armitage and fam- ily, of Picton, are visiting Mr. Armi- tage's parents Mr. Brannan, an old Lucknow boy. now in the employ of the Merchants' Rubber Co.. of Montreal, is renewing old acquain- tances Miss Margaret Keikls, of Mount Forest, and Robert Phin, of Hespeler, are visiting Rev. J. S. and Mrs. Duncan Misses Lily and Marion Smith have returned to Paris after spending a month at their home here Mrs. Tiffin was at Erin last week attending the funeral of her sis- ter. Mrs. Wilsnm.... .Andrew Mc- Manus. who has been employed with John Keyes at Kincardine, suffered a stroke of paralysis two weeks ago. .Mrs. Will Maynard and chil- dren, who have been visiting A. T. and Will Davidson, have returned to their home in Toronto accompanied by Mee. A. T. Davidson. ANNUAL TRAVEL MAGAZINE. OATTLE MARKETS. Union Streit verde. TORONTO, Aug. 7. The receipts et live stock at the Usion Yards were 132 carloads, coneistiag of 2600 cattle. 434, 496 sheep and lambs, 41 calvee 2 horses. part steers` xpertere $ were mimed. as will be sae sr Oa* many saint Owen bNow, aro P.M M s1.ti, McDonald t Ma111gas mu- ▪ cwe leads at Lha Tetter price. were proud at t• 16.13. Comes,Id • . bought 13 London steers. 1111 ivs. each. at an mirage of tale pee cwt. Trade in butcheems, cattle was about steady wit% last week's quotations. erne* peaked lots of baltM• and steers .Nd at We to M. qni nae prime anality lot of 12 way, este et ass; loads of good. to 0.01 medium, 1.13 to 16.61; men - km to on : mow., 5!.60 to M; bulls. Milkers ars. Springers. Tiede to milkers and !printers wee gall at M1 to MP each. Veal Calves.Poosime or selves _ a . MU** *ass at M to r par moderate. Sheep and Lambe. trade M sheep .al lees was to cum in aid pewee tower: helm, ewes. it light ewes 111.11 to MM. ries. 111 to Hget samba, 4.4. to M,M per cwt. No • gMeole fed and w e4� at the gsarket meld at 57.14, aid $1.4I .o.1e. ears at cone - try petits. Montreal Live Sleds. "Water Way Tales," Published by u. & C. Line, Sent to You Free. The latest contribution to the litera- ture of travel is tbe 250 -page book issued by the 1). t ('. Line. it coo - tains three interesting stories and is beautifully illustrated with fine ifalt- tone. of scenes along the D. & C. (.bast Line to Mackinac. Sent en! - where upon receipt of tea rents to p rep►y tags Address : D. R C. Navigation Co.. • Wayne street. Detroit. • Great Chance for Newsboys -Free Trip t0 the Exhibition. Teo boys in tine town grimace hust- lers have an opportunity to take in the «teat Toronto Exhibition for not bldg -- besides earnlsgeome additional money without tomb trouble. .imply *elltog and securing orders for the special Re- bibit ion number of ' Rxhibition Ulan - tinted" et lir. mer ropy This beauti- ful paper is oor of the many attrnrtivs features of this big annual fair. ft i. Stied with the most attractive cad Avid view* that nae possibly he ob- tained of all tae interesting features on etre grounds. it will be Vied with information of great value to the vlti- rig wwm can be got In no other form. )♦SII!! Milne to the Rtbibition will snots art. Everrtnte heterested lo what Y M1. on fin the world Will te gwea� 1M+ead. want Pb• .aM of tide Wilgus sew win Ise very sad Mie sl Iia lsstlfng boy. of this town ateIa5. he lucky 00000111 to serum the egeney. If you are nae of baser wpke at gree to N•+i tt►,,.,.s' '. P4t'nrPsy `fMbt Ont A • spenjlegtolbolidays at m �: S Mmg. Tor me, for hell panfr..w, .OM >k • ..... Maw Facts About Motherhood a1ONTRRAl.. Aug. 7. -At the Montreal v►O0t t�ii wanM shptk. the re - . se tbelc AiaateMRgMW h0 eapp r�taa�. r the market calves. The ale tomato* of 11104 111111 ail Ymbe, 140 4.555 and eafvee. A feature of W trade was the eor De u ed weakness la the market for cat- tle and prices dace tgla day week show a droner of im tot IjQ per pound. on ac - meet of this iseteedidi supplies coming terware and the vary warm weather pre- S'ae ,.therm. of buyers was falrir,, t4artesws. eve the demoted .pas .omewhat ltmItod, as *ren at the above reductler in values noted. Imbibers were not 510- poeed to overate freely and carry harem stooks of beet with no preepeeta of cooler weather in ria near future. consequently, trade was rather Now on the wbollii.. Choice emirs mid at 61ic to 6Xe, ; 400. at to to 61,4o, fairly good at 414c 10 4%m fair. at k to Nat. and Cawoon. e1 2lae to ee per pouted. Altho tate supply vt lags iota much e ntailer that a week aro, yet the te.tlag In the market was weaker and prime ruled fee per cwt. lower than & wast .go. At this reduction the de iaad tree Packers was fairly good and trade was mora active with sales of selected lab at 51 to 57.13 per cwt.. weighed err the cars. but there were a timaber of lots which were contracted ter at the hatter end of last week denvared .t V.OR The market for sheep and lambs was weaker and ptioee declined, owing to the Increased otfertnrs. The demand wail goad at the rednotlon and sales of Iambi( were made at Os and sheep at Vac to se per from Calves• tow M .eek, as tprices ✓ Malso and quality. New York Live Steck. NNW TORR. Aug. 7.-peep..-Rec.lpta 4111; others slow to 10o lower; culls, 1M to 13c lower; cows steady to lower. Mews, NM 10 5T; bulls, M IS 55.13; cows, 5L711 to 54.11. Catvee-Reeetpts 4100 heed. Ve.;s term; scram.grainer, and rmilks Vaasa, 5145 (o steady 5445 growernae buttermilks, M to LOM. few feeders at O. welters. MX to gill Sheep and Mei-Rsrt/ta 14.1* head- lamp steady to ■troth m lab•, 13c to me fissher cheap q q, 54 cults, WLM to 51 m lambs 0.71 cu(b. pa to N.M. Hogs- .a red head; reerk•t strong atVMItoP. The =pertains .i Ilefterhited le a trying one t1e onset warts sad asrlie distinctly an sptsb is their Ina lied sae wanes hse bus- ttarierstamh taw pespesal o feats- . OI y 5n new ly every woW &kW ye b.. medical Una .t treat masea� abs ,ut ib Qvita sitZtallis sit the le eves etsail t.s :` amock frees I4.1s .Yellow lag spa Mtr•tee a UMW "bib! a chi a chili sss . es _ AWS ei >w r to aesreee aai T y. me mei rh� tri as Tiwt same asapVaas wadi 5. They bat for w sae t p.rt; trait-Illrlb•'1bames Win .scare fe gtale�aM milia trig= Ai4W ani straw wsyi alte�■ltll. di setit7n 1� trial Vein re szperten w wale stria will be Another Warship on the Reeks. Halifax. Aug. 8 -The cruiser Corn- wall of the British nary grounded on fiundaf near the scene of the Niche's stranding. She floated a few hours ►it- er having sustaine l no material dam- sge. The Nobe was taken in tow yester- day morning at three o'clock bythe Cornwall Her arrival here wide pend no her condition, but under any ctrcnrostacces she t• not minded nets before to -morrow. Wn't Visit Mswtresr. Montreal. Aug. 8-lnlrrnuation bga been received at the Canadian racto. nieces that the farms Admiral Togo of Japan. who is in hie way hese from the coronaltcn will travel ems the Comedian Poe ate Rai way tress Toronto to Ike Peelle ami theses M e of the -Son rase' st.agt.re M Yes route has mot COWAN'S PERFECTION COCOA eat. .dsftai wi11 Is rich in food value and easy to -digest. It is just Cocoa, pure Cocoa, ground from the choicest Cocoa beans. Nimes and Docton recommend its me is sickness ox io heakit. 17, De You rico Cowan's cocoa 7 WielietseeeenewertieseteseSetesseWnetielies Come in and Get Acquainted It you are not already ac- quainted with the merit. of STURDY'S GROCERIES try a sample order. YOU can be certain of securing swimmable goods here et all times. Our 'phone number is 91. Give us a trial. The quality of our goods will son .ince you. Sturdy & Co. Grocers On The Square 7'mOYUAT, AtpteoiwT MA 1911 1 few Fall Suits Semi -Ready Style are in stock and a big con- signment of Ready -to - Wear Suits has just ar- rived. We are ready -ARE:YOU ? McLean Bros. Semi -Ready Tailors 1 Toht Articles 1 J. BROPBEY & SON OODIiRIOH f HE LItADiN(+ Funeral Directors and Embalmers Orders careful!y aNmdaa to et s'l hours r.'CM et day We aim always to keep on hand the best, the most reliable preparations for toilet use. We shall beglad to We aim always to keep hand the best, most reliable preparations for toilet We shall be to have you call and ask for your favorite preparations. We are here to please our customers. F. J. But1and, Druggist North Side Square, Ooderich ei., 11= RSUMMERfl ,u GOODS Y P i 1 Hammocks, Coal Oil Stoves, Gasoline -Stoves, C Screen Doors and Windows, Refrigeratorslce.O IlTongs, Lawn Mowers, Ice Cream Freezers, Fishing, Tackle, etc. BRASS GOODS - 11 We bays just received a beautiful line of Florentine Bre. Goods. Each piece posseeees the asetbetic charm of Nature's Gar- den. each decorative design artistically engraved by hand anti finished in black ani dull braes. We have also a fine line of Rodgers 1847 geod.. Big assortment of Carving Knives and Forks in casae. II We are agents for the Canada Cycle R Motor Co.'. Bicycles and carry the Cleveland line in stook. We have added a bicycle repair department to our ' workshop and carry a full line of bicycle sundries. 0 is your LAWN MOWEK nut of repair or does it need aherp•o- ing ? We can put it in order for you. BICYCLES FENCING We have about two thousand rode of Fencing lett yet out of about four thousand. We are going W clean the; Fencing out at Mprices that no person can afford to mise. The limes eoosid of The Pittei*trgh Perfect Pesos, 7 wires, 47 incb, a hlpb, No. 9 wire, for 2!ie a rod. Cyclone Woven Wire Ferree, No. 7 and No. 9 wire. American Woven Wire Fence. No. 9 wire. Page Woven Wire Fence. No. 9. Coiled Wire at $2.40 per 100 Ibi. Barbed Wire at 10.50 per 100 lbs. Does Your douse Need Painting ? if so, don't forget that we handle the Sberwtn-Williams Paint. the best paint on the market, 0 tkr you want to brighten up your furniture, floor, and wood work t Tf so, don't forget !bat we bindle JAP-A-LAC abkrh-gra11 M varnish and stain combined. CEMENT A fresh carload of Natlswal !rare.* QIasN be. last arrived. The National is the beet ail shisingsliMssent leads. • let )re figure on row Plesebing. Hestia& Illgantritlibiolli,11 Metal Roofing. etc. CHAS. C. LEE House Phone No. 112 Store Phone No. 22 =W =�