HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-8-10, Page 5THE SIGNAL GODERICH ONTARIO
TauueoAv, At:eveT 10. nil •
Knit Chunk Chow Outing. - I Butler $wets.
Tb. their el Koos ease* had their Ooos ds,sMs loom kiss
grampuming at the PMkt ram os 1 bees ex aced daring last week
algwoege. a I ib peals goad buttes, tis ater-
u the prey cheat' of the towia being unable, to
alp= forty. and a mmowstt 4 prawn eneust of the ankle to tres-
tles wan sesta .raid the ply timer prstosaers, The blame fur
eipeoundinge of the Point. • the eear'eity is attacked to the busy
' harvest so. erread to the tact that
/Iridewt to Dr. F1.1d.
pastures ars not as green as they
De J. M. !'bid returned out Mends y negbt be. The price of good butter
t► today is Mc per Ib.
1bNsto, where be had base viol
theme week.. While there he
a asking. heve
41, boaet ids arm st the
fiestered arekiog ►u
sae. The crank •'kicked back.'
Please Notify Us.
p1•luefr>m subscribers to The Signal
who state that they do not receive
tbdr prows regularly at the poet-
, (floe. WW any Meows who in tut -
,re fail to receive their paper eaeb
week kindly let us know st this
Pit sSche n Term.
Tb. statutory dates for the opening
and amiss of schools for the fall term
d 1911 me: All public shoots and ur-
ban seperate echoole open on Septem-
ber int aged close on Depeober 22od.
Rural separate schooS open on Au-
gust 21st and close December Shed.
Hint schools open September 51b sod
doss Deeremb.r 22nd
Moa. Adam Back Coming.
it is enoonooed that Hon. Adam
Beek will be is Goderich on the 17th
int. and will address a public meet -
i= is the court base on the *uhjeet
al bydro-eleotrie power. The Brodie
bylaw is to he voted on on the 19th,
=slit is w1Bss.tood that Mr. Beck's
visit is besogbt about at this ties •o
as to give the electors some informa-
tion on the power question from tbe
standpoint at tbe Hydro -electric Copn-
Match Starts Fire.
When John Brophey, sr.; lighted It
match to see the time at 2 o'clock
Fall Fair Oates Changed.
At a 'need_ ng of the directors •,f the
Goderich Industrial Ezbtbitiu.e on
8atutday *venlig it wee decided.
owing to lbs holding of the Dom11lo0
elections on September flats to cba.gs
the dates of the fair to Mooday, Toes-
dey sod Wedis dry, September 18th.
19th and 20th. It was also decided to
put on, in addition to other feature., a
tug-of-war for two good purees to be
competed for by teams of ten id.c
e ach from Colborne, Gederioh town-
ship and the town of Goderich. The
details ars being worked out by a
committee The track committee re -
Pureed pews. in getting tb. track in
The Late S. F. McKinnon.
The late Mr. 8. F. McKinnon was
one of the beet -known private citizens
of Toronto and was deservedly pops -
lar. His business career was not ail
Male sailing but be turned to steel-
iest use the sailing,
of adversity with
the courage sod alertness of his race
and for many years past be enjoyed
continuous and well -merited pros-
perity. Mr. McKinnoo never sought
any public position, but be was an
actio. and useful member of the To-
ronto Board of Trade. His death
creates a blank in a wide eircle of per-
ersonal Meads and business associate..
-Tnronto Globe.
the deceased was s brother of the
late D. B. McKinnon, of Blyth, and
of Mts. Jas. Mullin, poetmbitre.s at
A Saskatchewan Weading.
The following from Tne Macklin
last night he set on Are the fringe of limes, published at Macklin. Seek.,
the mhth can which be was lying. will be reed with interest by many
y g. readers rR The Signal, as the parents
The blase, =noticed, quickly spread and relatives of the pri.ripals men-
to the window -curtains and made tioned reride near Goderieb
gtAte a oosdsjritioo, wbicb was foe-
tuteassly etiihigubbed with the
Premed Selietetsee of neighbors before
the (teen arrived. fir. Brophey
had ate bend painfully burned. but
lefleflerealfier a potties, of thus easily.
Abell If worth ofa ssgetla was dime
by tbrlIthhs.
North airiest Choir Picnic.
The =Mgr picnic of the Noe' b street
Metbodid choir was held yesterday,
when tweet -Ave or thirty 'nowhere
and their &Sods drove to Bayfield
and had an enjoyable afternoon in the
ptcgeia grounds there. Four or Ave
bona were spent pleasantly in ',troll-
ing about, disposing cf & bountiful
lunch. waking tor the boss man. en-
joying a motor boat -ride. listening to
tbe impromptu eone.rt of the camp
es., etc. ,rack Small did some flee
speintteg stunts oo Us way out and
Mr. Scbeeter performed a' blab -jump
art on the grounds. Altogether the
outing was moat successful and enjoy-
Proud of Her.
The entire entrance cines of the
Crediton public school was suco.wful
in the trent ezaminetioos. Miss Ella
Goldthorpe. of town, is the principal
of this school, and The Crediton Star
pays $ tribute to her good work in
these words : "Honor ter whom bonor
is due. Examination reports hare re-
joi'ed the hearts of teachers, scholar..
psrenew. and tbe general public,
Everybody taker an interest in our
scbo le. They are public assets sod
wben a school has done well every-
body rejoices. Our entrance class
leaving examination reports reflect
the confidence which was placed In tr (sttcceapfully.
Miss Goldthorpe during the school
term, and we feel sure that her many
friends join with us in heartiest eon-
grstulatons on having most credit-
ably passed her entire cines. And to
the es scholars we e'well done.' "
The of Nis. May A.
Rodgers, the eldest daughter of John
of Goderich, Ont., to Albert
W. urdy, of Salvador, was solenet-
Mised at the home of the bride's
esgesta. Mrs. N. P. Crich, on Wednes-
day, July 28th. At 12 o'clock high
w oe the bridal party entered the
parlor to the strain. a n's
wedding march played by Mr. N. P.
Odl . where the ceremony was per -
brined by Rev. D. C. DeFoe, D. D.
The bride was attended by Mies
Mable G. Goodwin and the groom was
by Mr. Leslie Crich. The
CfLartloekrd charming in a becoming
gown of wbite and carried a bouquet
of white roes. Am
titter the cereosy
✓ ed the congratulations were over the
bridal party were conducted to the
diniogroom, where .11 sat down to a
dainty luneb, and after all had fared
.ursptuou.iy the happy couple loft
mid showers of rice for their newot
bo. near Salvador, where the groom
has a Ass half -section of land.
Y. M. C. A. Boy Scouts Camp.
Tb. Scouts returned on Tuesday
from their outing at Quaid'. Point.
near Port Albert. The week was a
very pleasant one and the boys en-
joyed themselves to the full. As there
DOA • no cowith the troop, the boys
had to take turns at assisting with the
cooking, dish -washing, etc. The
Wolves, Crows and Pemba's ell did
very well as wok's assistants.
On Saturdav evoking all paraded to
the Port and had a
Wcense of despatch -
running. Scout Willie Babb succeed-
ed in eluding the goards and got Into
the postof ice unobserved, secured the
signature of the postmaster and es -
The Excursion from Ssaforth.
One of the large ezcursiona of the
anon WAS tbat from Seaforth on
Monday last. There were about 700
on tbe ;special train. It was the day
of the Caledonian games at Lucknow,
and The Signal heard a story for the
Irutbd whines it does not vouch) to
the effect that the Seaforth people
were offered $109 to divert their train Th
to Lucknow. e excursionists, how-
ever, had tbelr bearts set on a vieit to
the Iskesnd could not he "switched."
it was s notably hot day end old
Huron bad irresistible charfor the
visitors, most of whom spent the day
•t the waterfront inhabit' the take
benne sad dipping tits yes In the
water. The 8eatortb bas band ease
with the szonrsitrs and its excellent
playing was beard with much ples-
M Rile reeMeb.
A DII611101I . - 18. mid lie
number of Scouts carne out on
Saturday evening sad remained till
Monday morning. On Sunday after-
noon the troop is .raded to cburcb in
Port Albert, under the command of
Scoutmaster J. Carrie. Rev. T. Hicks
prescbed a special sermon for Scouts
from the text, "Learn to do well."
Mr. J. Storms agate proved himself
to be a most valuable helper : without
him it would have been almost impos-
sible to carry on the camp.
The expense of the outing was about
flee doilsr. per boy. Of thus the boys
paid three dollars each, the rest being
made up by the Y. M. C. A.
Dmath of (ianrlN EMhett.
W was rsesived in toils today
of tb 1dmi►at G.rbiel inliott. Gode-
s. broths of Yrs
Lesetilibra.Intereemet este bs
esus.i sty .gel $Mur -
day afterimage.
TM O. W, S. Railway.
Rails of the Ontario West Rhone
Elertrie Railway ars new lead as far
r Kintall, when a delay is befog
caused by the areal= of two cement
abutments over which the track must
cross. H. J. A. MacEwan, monetary
of the Company, expects shortly to
visit J. W. oyer, the president, atter
which an announo'ment may be
looked for as to when wo.trucUon
operations will be completed.
Came Too Far.
With a letter of introduction to P.
11. Brown, ot$lakors, Louise Lock-
wood, a fourteen -year -ofd Hoose gid
from Toronto, arrived in Goderich on
Ds 7.06 Grand Truuk train tokigbt
(Thursday). She had been o arrr{i edd
past Sebringvillel;.,wher, she wisbed to
leave the train. and war in consider-
able distress until assured that she
would be able to reach ben destination
tonight by means of an outbound
Attempt at Suicide.
John Precious, • young married
.man of town, attempted to commit
sulciele last weak by bftu ug himself.
He was reseed in time aid was after-
wards arrested and tabs inW coact
for the offense against the law of the
foe Ys eosdtlsfsving eget (ge eousf tios
of dm h'R fiat be bad Wtheeto berme
& g..edtspgedf3oge. be was released by
Judge Doyle w4 suspended„ restates.
after a lecture from the judge. Pre-
cious has sines left town.
Entrance to Normal Schools.
The results of the examinations for
entrance to normal schools were an-
nounced lest week. The following are
the successful ones in Huron ont:ety
H. G. Armstrong (honor.), J. 13.
Armetroog (honors), L E. Armatenng
(h000rs O. B. Armstrong, F. I. Ait-
chison non), J. A. Bremner (bon -
on), WWWWWW T. Benign, Mabel E. Brown
(bonorst J.J. $Buchanan (honor's). W.
G. Bieoey. A. Bell, E. D. Berry (hon-
ors), KM. Best (bonors), J. A. Carswell
(honor.), F. INT. Cluff (honors), J. E.
Clutl, H. 8. Copp, B. IL Currie (hon-
ors), E. F. Deadman (booms), C. F.
Dickson (honors), A. Dow (honors),
W. A. Defoe" ors( A.W. Dick (hon-
ors A. (k Dickson (honor.), H. E.
Elliott, L Few.. C. B. Forbes, A.
J. Forrest (honors), A. Grant, L O.
Geiser (honors), M. L. Garvey. A. W.
Gardiner (bottom), W. H. Gauld. R.
Geig r ('honest A. Geddes, C. W.
(honors), A- L Haines (bon -
ors), W. R. Henderson, D. H. Hardie.
N. I. Hsrtry (boron) L Hodgert, B. C.
Hoggatts (bonor), J. C. Jordan (bon -
en J. H. Joon (onors), G. B. Jones.
E. 8. Jordan (honors), W. B. Kerr
(honors), W. I. Knight (honors), G.
Kennedy (booms). C. 8. Leckie (hon-
ors), M. A. Lemont, E. G. Levy, E. M.
Love (boners) L W. Linkleter (hon-
ors), P. Mcrren. H. A. Mutton (b,n-
ors), P. McKay (bonont3'• 8. Melady
(honors), J. F. McNaught, J. B. H.
Medd. A.J. McPherson (honors), I. M.
Maresaad (honors), W. Monteith
(honors). W. L M.Cutcb o, M. D.
Oeeteeieher. I. W. Potter. M. Peck
(honors), F. J. Price (honors), M. P.
Rtcine, L A. Rear, 8. E. Raven. P.
Ross (bows), R. M. D. Simpuo.. L A.
Snell'. (honors) J. H. Sturdy (b000rs)
M. Shackleton, E. M. Somerville, 8. B.
Stirling (booms), W. G. Strong, E.
Stewart, C. H. Turvey, I. H. A. Taylor
(hoaoest M. A. Taylor (honors), E. M.
Turner. W. M. Thomson (honors).
L. M. Weekes, R. B. Warwick.
The results of the junior matricula-
tion examinations are expected at the
end of this week.
Public School Board.
The regular meeting of the public
school board es. held on Mooday
evening There were present True.
teem Hodgen' (chairman', Cute, Cal-
low, Acheson. Saunders and TurohiiLL
The 'ecretarr s report showing pa
menta during July was trod
Swot amounts paid were : J. F.
Tbon soo, $176.50 ; D. Munro, psint.
ing *comet. $30; Joly payroll, 6708.
26: Goderich Planing Mills, $206.
The total mth
pa enta foe e month of
July were $161.73 sod for the year
to date $10,1.88. The resign*Uom of
Mier Rohn= from the teaching staff
wee received and ted. A letter
Wile read from Miss K. Wsteon stating
that res was attending the summer
seed= at Toronto University and bad
pp..m!sre d the examination in physical
tesiktng for public school teachers.
=der the St.ratbcosa trust, and was
aka taking the course in art. Miss
Watson's otmmnniontion was re-
ceived with appreciation and the sec-
t sr yy esu instructed to write ben ex-
plMssing the pleasure with which the
board regarded her efforts in Utilities -
Uses 'laird Acceptances of their
► potent sr test -berg were received
Miss Coulees and Mie. Wears.
Tbe srentery wee ineteneted to ni-
neties for a tenths is Mies Rolston's
The sestiagemt ecmmitten re-
ogr tmMd pnapw in the repsdr of time'
tDemtesl etleoo1 Mr. Blank'. I
for at hie bed been
and C. leper's t.5der fora
drinking $zset.ain, thew the MVOeS of
the tars received. bud beep (.speed.
Ties resort Was adopted. 'sot __J see Moo fatties.!
.. faes.! is
of ye w.br ass in ler Maus ..
A was agrepi thel w nem* Amid
epee on , tier -saber
Ozena *We roll Owe
O'ww Sex by R A ig'e drerniet,
Bost Hoes le t.,wa of 0aderich souvenirs at
Wilmer tt•ltb's Art Store, Fast street. Fancy-
work and art samara Pews twos to art
seedlswork. Simmer visitors see slped*Uy
requested to tel.
nem* sotbtag like keeping yourself on the
Agit sits of paten opisies. The "well
Ezires aiwym is.sa leer 1• W
methrd P Sqsibs s is weheesf- - -- - resort het
risen what are carets' &beet (belt apparel.
The Signal to new subscribers for
the balance of Ufa year for 25c.
Earl Alien i. nursing • broken left
arm, the result of ooming down oat of
a tree a little too fast.
Goderich bowlers had bard luck in
• Faill trophy game at Seaforth yes-
terday, losing by one shot. The total
score was 80 to 79.
Remember the beesbail g a m e.
Mitchell vs. Godericb, at Agricultural
Perk keit Wednesday and give the
boys • lift with the gate receipts,
Captain A. M. Shepherd's property
on St. Vincent street t.aa been sub-
divided into building lots, end houses
are bele g erected thereon for Fred
Shephard and Dr. W. Y. Hayden.
Two convictions for selling liquor to
a man on the Indian list were made in
the Police Court Saturday morning.
The fine in each came was $10 and
costs. The "indian" got the same
McIntyre, of the London profes-
sional team. is Tinting et his home in
Mltebell sod it is rumored that be will
to he the box for the Mitchell team at
the baseball Rams here on Wednpe
day next.
Mime Minnie Campbell. of (iaderich,
bas been engaged by the Exeter school
board -to take charge of the work in
the eotmmercial department in the
school there. She will commence her
diet. ie September.
A bene bend, composed of members
from both Goderich heeds, attired
in original and striking coetnme., went
to Lucknow on Monday and helped in
the Oaledeel►n Day celehrstion.
They mods quite s hit in the nortbern
Asong resent real estate transfers
are the purebme of thew/few reef -
Me es op t on 8t. Vstreet by
Mee. !!•geptiek and the purehas. of
Yrs. 11101 ti
.mese_ Bela. Williams.'my om ]foe of
NR mitosis of
the r ee.mesee.
As "iisdisi Neter was toda eom-
feMb me of
es.4i time lm tag
Pb ei .sre~t 111111thee and la the
sager bed by P. It. Itne-
1 r Mb nod wets, IU3 in els. Panes
in be •W I•te wd a Mem& Inpej ll. air 'Ilse,
Ames( the eepeetwoo, ..o.A* chi,
wen by. .he lees y Estee Woehl
to Wht.lpeg and another to New.
melte, r,, l9- They WOO .hipped :Lela
rine segues to liaised for • ug blob
1e being built thefor James y -
Alt the prises for the doubles and
singles at the howths tournasnent last
week were won by Goderich bowlers.
In the doubles 0.. punter aged T.
McDermott won be the finals over
De. Macklin and Bev. los. 1; Ilett., le
to 10. Rube. Maines woo first in the
singles, with Ohre (ilarruw .snood,
tb? .core in the Anal game being lb -10.
Tbe Lucknow Sistine' tla. &gala
changed hands. A. D. MacKenzie,
wbo was the proprietor for a year and
a half. has sold the business to W. J.
Wraith, who has bass ansocigee eat of 1
Mr. MacKenzie In the management of
the paper. Mr. MacKenzie, we under-
stand. is going West. The
wishes the new proprietor every mac-
Deputy Reeve Musings, chairman !
of the public' works committee, sug-
gests that people in front of wins
premises trees have bsa
should take care of them, y
by watering them regularly during
the hot, dry sensor. Every year
essay of the new trews planted die, in
many cases as the remit of not having
suMcieut water.
The Sunday wheel and various
other organisations in connection with
North street Methodist church will
twin in a union pleads to be held next
Wsdnewiay. the lath fust , at Mene-
attung Park
Rev. Roderick Murray, pastor of the _
asleep Joyce Meseeses l church. Cbl-
saello. will preach te North street
Methodist church age Sunday evening.
1[r. Murray
od •ad lure bees spending his ra.
ad. is for YOU. 1f
you own a good watch
you can afford to par it.
cause if you Stead buy-
ing it's important that
you buy right.
You haven't vette
,many utskee to choose
from. There are just a
yew really high-grade
watches made. Among
theta are t boss we are
waiting to *bow you
- waiting to point out
their superiority - wait-
ing to make you their
friend. The cost will be
$7.00 up.
J. S. Davey
Jeweller and Optician
South side of Square, Goderich
cation in retch vicinity. He
will he heartily welcomed to the
North street pulpit, and the friends of
his boyhood sod later years will
gladly avail themselves of the privi-
lege of hearing him.
The people of Kno church bad the
privilege on Sabbath last of beaming
Rev. Dr. Gaudier, principal of Knox
College, Toronto, wio occupied the
pulpit at both services of the day.
Dr. Gaudier is spending a few days
in town in the interest of the build-
ing fund for the new Knox College,
and in bis addresses on Sunday be
placed the claims of education and of
Knox Col'ege in particular before his
hearers in a most forceful way. The
cause of Knox College will no doubt
be greatly advanced among the gawp&.
of Knox church as the result of !int
Principal's visit. _
At a special meeting of the Presby-
tery of Maitland, held at Kincardine
on July 18th, a largo decket of buai-
neea was transacted. A call from
Dungannon in favor of Rev. P.
Walker was sustained and ordered to
be tessmitted to Mr. Walker. He
has since declined the call. 'Rev. Mr.
Duncan, of Lucknow, i+ interim mod-
erator. Rev. S. H. Moyer's resigna-
tion of 8t. Helens was accepted with
regret, and Rev. J. 1l. Hardie, of Loeb-
al.h, was appointed interim mindere,
tor. Rev. Mr. Edmlson war released
from the charge of Knox, Kincardine,
to become secretary fist the home mis-
sion committee. The Presbytery re-
gret* the removal.' of Mr. Edttsison,
who has done eeeeitest work during
the past two years is Kineardine. A
call in favor of Bev. Mr. Tait, aTees-
water, from Port Dalhousie was pre-
sented by the clerk. The call was laid
on the table to he dealt with et the
regular meeting of Preehytery in
September. Rev. J. S. McMillan. of
Delmore, tendered his resignation ow-
ing to his wtie's diner. The resigna-
tion was accosted. and Mr. West. of
Bluevsle. was appointed interim mod-
erator. The resignation takes effect
the third Sabbath of September. Rev.
C. M. Rutherford, of )$rids Corners,
is interim moderator of Kincar-
At Victoria Street Merck.
The usual meetings will be held neat
Sunday. Oases meet at 10 o'clock.
Public service at 11 and at 7. Sunday
school convenes at 2. A genial
welcome awaits all who will attend
these services. Visitors in town are
eoraiaily invited. Sesta are all free.
Courteous ushers. flood music. The
pastor, Rev. Dr. Medd, will preach.
He will he glad to mese strangers and
others before or after the church
service. or in the parsonage. fleet door
south of the church.
No Registration in Goderch.
There seems to he an idea siuong
some of the young men shout town
that they will be able to secure votes
for the coming ele••tion by registra-
tion. There used to be before an
election • rvgi.lratioo of manbood
franchise voters. which gave young
men who had reached the voting age,
or men who bad recently removed to
the riding from another riding, the
Privilege of voting. This men hood fran-
chise regi.t ration w" *.established bytbe
old Liberal Government of Ontario,
and as the Provincial lies are used in
1Jominioo elections Use regietratiou
wag held for elections to the House of
Commons as well as for Manion. to
the Provincial Legislature. When
Use Whitney Government. came into
power, however, the registration was
abolished lexaept in skies and • few
large towns) . d now only twee can
vote who gen in the printed voters'
list as issued by the munict clink.
For the election to take place next
month the lista of 1910 will be used,
and therefore only than whams names
are on the limb issued ins( year will he
able to east their , nail on September
214t. .
Typhoed it Walton.
A daepatch see The London Free
Press from Walton says :
Waltoes has three cases of typhoid
fever, and a sample of water from the
well these people 'earl haa been sent
away for aaalpsi.. 1n the ntesotims
t8e which Mimeo to one d the
bnW., bee been withdrawn fr'ls tees.
The to are noes et twee ymang
sod one rte Thursday .gbt3
en a benrorrhagr. They are re.
Lew Wi ilisnenn. lits. Jago. Mabee
and D. Blake. Walton hes no doctor
get preset.
The tRiggeal to new sulwertbers for
the balance of the year for 25r
The Qa6bdret ds (ism Headof the Revd .
owed ng the Mew In fit a two
ween n a tern." .t at !I'll. 4 4. free
74atio.,.. lex ,ulnl ,w
60.000 I
$,o wwr $,o
$10 and Wee( S10
mimes 3K--Viass en stations as all
u owls aL a. Stisrnd sows aaato Oho Grand
c'. C. P. Toronto
Lines imesseinst
WWig llrkin treat Os= South
h of
ed Wawa
d tsons Mats0S TT01
ewe to Sar MNYn
tse tCi.. r R.
-. states Jet. ase Wed ; ahs
Trask 'Mats, Tambo to Callen;
nations is Cot-
erie. a *nLet nillia
• Welke eEast eT.
aloe ameba and Rasters O.tar.
AtgleietooNNorth Boy inclusive od
Angus. 25th-- From all .lotions Toronto
d Quebec.
. be ]twit dam 8settario M ANL mad
Nanta Bar.
Represemtwtiv0 tarsen/ aPwrestee
ll meet
stead eegythe ge sten ono aGoernmenimal at Wienl-
Fes tranmertataan will be furnish-
ed at wthftwase mists ss casein
Padeo, ss*51 Meese Jaw aged Snake -
too.. sal tad • coat • .die west thereon
In Saskeeebswas and Alberta. 8peotal
trains hoes Toronto and Ontario points
tbroit4 to Winnipeg 'reheat drys.
Ask ass C• P. R. Agent for particulars
or write to R. L Thompson, D. P A.,
Agent, - Goderich.
An Example.
It is not oeressary to go outside of
the county of Oxford for examples of
the benefits that will be derived from
reciprocity. Take the case of Mr. it
A. Sides, of Burges+vine, who is a
grain buyer in trust district. Yester-
day Mr. Miples shipped a car of wheat
to New York and another to Boston.
He paid a duty of ten cents a bushel
and was then able to get • better sear-
ket than he could in Canada. The
tariff wall is a barrier between the
Canadian producer and the American
consumer. Vanadium have it In tbeir
own hands to remove that barrier. -
Woodstock Sentinel -Review.
Tommy's Mother -"Why aren't you
re gond boy, like Willie Jones r Tom-
my -"Huh I it's ease enough for him
to be good ; he's sick most of the
swratiLteaxn 11915
Chari Rest nasi Usd/vided
Profits $8.032,I$J0
Total Assets toyer)
May 31st 1911 • $3U,uuu,000
Spend the Balance
Don'ts u ud all you like
and save t s lance -if there
1s any,
Save what you know you should -then spend the rest -
The differenos, in a few year., will be the difference between
poverty and independence.
Open a ravings Account now. in this Bank. It will nuke the
sae log easier.
Goderich Branch
1 $1O toWinnipeg
AUGUST 16th {
AUGUST 23rd (
AUGUST 25th {
From all stations north of. butnot. including Main
Line Mimi., to Sarnia Tunnel, via 'Stratford- to
and inclWleg the line front Toronto to North Bay
and west In Ontario
From Tomato and station, east ie sotario; ales
end d OrUlia and Scotia Jauntiest in Ontario.
From all station, Toronto, North Bar, and west In
From all 'teatime Toronto and east of Orlllia and
Scotts Junction in Canada.
ethers.. ehrae 25a-)
Ttoketa sad full particulars from F. V. 1.4WR$ 4CLL. Testa Anat. G. T. R.
Canada Bread. Company, Limited, with Its Plants in
Larger Cities of Canada, Will Be of Enormous
Benefittto Consumer -Bread Will Be Manufac-
tured in the Most Scientific Manner Under Ideal
Sanitary Conditions.
it was a happy suggestion for the
consumer of bread which was made
to Mark Dentin, . of Toronto, some
time ago, which suggestion, taking
root, baa, with the co-operation and
flnaecial assistance of Mr. Cawthra
Mulock, resulted in the formation
of the Canada Bread Corupany,
It was only to be expected that
sooner or later scientific end sanitary
methods would be adopted in the
manufacture of the most essential sr -
tick in the diet of the nation, namely,
I bread. 'When one considere the enor-
mous improvements which have
been made during the past decade in
nearly every branch of industry, he
is simply astounded that such an im-
portant industry as that of the manu-
facture of bread should eo long have
been neglected. In the iron indnetry
the textile industry, and in scores of
other industries there has been in-
troduced during the past few years
specialization and standardization.
Eoonomies have been effeeted either
through the merging of v&rlou• in-
terests in such a manner as to dis-
tribute operating costs over an enor-
mously larger output then previously,
or by various methods which the
pressure of competition or the stren-
uous methods of modern life have
brought about.
1t would almost seem as though the
only business to be neglected was the
most important and basic industry of
all, namely, that of the manufacture of
Pipit. Wanted -Mint EArma Dawson.. . 1
Notice to Creditor* -M. O. (mens% . 1
Notice to t'redltore-M. O. Cameros.. t
Floe Laundry Wank Washed - ensu
i .wsaa . 1
'la. Chair For Seise Mee. Hwa.. . t
asresed Wasted --Mea Sale ...... ... . 1
Wee Orissa -sterling Rant
Sete fat Pea Loa- W. J. Moir
ranee Property for Rale -Bur MI, Waadejock 1
ratting Deep Howell HardwareCo. .. ..... e
1'arpsts e04 Rug. - W..lehe.o . & floss ...... t
A (Man Swoop- Hedvig* Bros .......... ... t
•'mrd ofTbeoks-Kra..W. L Penehytua. 1
Farm Labelers' itoretsgs O. T. R ......... M
In.mINIti*a W*seed-.Tbnratos t etre
onto i
What t-'..•' , Money Wade $ --W. J. Ur►$
A ego ••t 14 s Menthol faegalss T. ti. Oa -
llone. ,
Tabl. n,•n- -D. NUN, aa........ ..
Reader - •'s nsi lleoad Oa. UsIdlod.... r
R«.ds. F R. wY,ic .........
ANDREWS. -1. (odertgea on ihursday, Ano
est 3rd. r 1 11e •N Yrs 1 r ii.drawa •
LEI. tit - t'bw,am air PayJ tet4.
1, me sed Yes J. c'.1 ur.sda
Srl'1lDY R1101LRIt. At Waekll&,
July t.'b. AltonM
rose.. .5 4 -
ellen sea of / Rte
Ana itrws.
elettwv, al OedorMn
JeeweRine 1.,'MMr.na rnwnd.lp. •s, 1..
day. a ss s..1 . b, ).iia lb1[.
.. eves. Jeanne.
rerlae.r •w .e •1de.w Jd,a.t,n
Pleats in Different Cities.
That succese would attend the ef-
forts of anyone baying the capital
and the contage to adopt modern
methods in the conduct of the tread
industry was a foregone eoncluelon,
tea for some reason or other, al-
tfirlish the idea had frequently been
diecussed cod several efforts were
made tower* the end referred to,
All of there came to naught until
Clawthrs Mulock. co-operating with
Mark Bredin and) other enterprising
bread manufacturers, devised a plan
to bring together several of the lam-
est and most tip -to -date planta in the
city of Toronto. in order to get the
lull advantage* for the purchasing
department, it was advisable to bring
in also as many of the hosin,isae in
other cities ns were acceptable. the
result Ming that a large Montreal
bakery and a liege Winnipeg bakery
were included
Strong Financial Pennon.
Tbe Canada Bread Company starts
with an enormous advantage over
any other business of a eimiter cher.
actor in the Dominion of ('.nada. At
the nnte.t is its enormous require-
oents and the advantage* whieb will
result in the purchasing department.
in a b.t.ineet which expeets to shortly
consume such enema'st quantities as
i9M1i0110 bags ret flour, 384,000 pounds
each of wosdpsesld yeast and malt ex-
tant, and 574,000 pie& seek of
amnia near, to say nothing
O eegel ter tee), it can y be ap.
ereaseerd what advantages will ae-
ries Ins the entree r.1 .tiwwp.ta amt
....to • t .n atoriAl. It 044.743141 n.,t he
foritntten also. Mat the Mimi ewe*
starts with ample capital to accom-
plish its financing in the most
advantageous manner. After paying
forth. various plants which are being
taken into the co9Qsolid*tion *1,000,000
will remain in the treasury of the
company for the carrying on of the
business and for further extension,
from time to time, to plants, as the
ease may be decided upon.
Great as these dventages may be,
they are not one whit greater this
those wbicb will accrue from he
adoption of scientific method. of sea-
utneture end from the proper system-
atising of deliveries. ,s may readily
be imagined, the cost of fuel is one of
the principal items in the oast of
bread. Few. however, who have not
paid some considerable attention to
the question will be aware of the
enormous saving which can be effect-
ed through the use of the modern
oven -one in which one batch of bread
may follow the other without refiring
the furnace. it is stated on the beet
authority that the employment of
these "eontinuous ovens" reduces the
est of fuel from 15c per barrel of
flour to per barrel. Here we have
a reducticn in the cost of fuel of rutty
45 per cent.
Great Saving in Distribution.
Tbe probabilities are, however, that
the greatest saving of all may he ef-
fected in the (natter of delivery. It
would appear that the wagons of the
average small hake shop deliver an
aversq r.1 1,000, or, say, 2,000loavee
bread per week. I4. ls & certsisty thatof
the Canada Bread Company will de-
liver at (east an average of 4,000
loaves per week. This record. io fact,
it has already r'eeched, and after the
business has been properlysystema-
tized it is folly expected tat it will
he increased 124 per cent, staking s
total of 4.500 leaves of bread per week
for each wagon of the cowpsuy.
These pe ticulare are only ineu
tioned in order to show whet ssea
city there was, from the etaodpoint
of the consumer. for such an organ
inn= es the Caned& Bread Ginn
pany, , and, at the same tins., west
proflte there will be from the stand-
point of the .harr'hnkler. With eucb
economies as referred to above. it is
not difficult to Dee that an eoormowr
future is in store for the Canada
Bread Company. Beeaus• 5:11 the
adoption of the Steel type of
chinery and rn•1et modern system., it
will not only be able to supply a
better quality of bread. bet the coat
of production and delivery will be
enormoutd y reduced. is the expecta-
tion of the director' that. from tins*
to time, plant' will be establishes& 1a
otber centres and that the planta al
ready Skew over in the cities of
rtntn, Montreal rind Winnipeg
be added to at the enlistmoment.
Canada Breed flasgany',. laion f.
by the end of ite firth
will have • weekly outp t of 1,
Inlaysmaking a total yestrl
of *000,081 With time eapiW
is In its treasury it will to
inetots pIP4 b*
m theseage anetla) pereteeth'n