HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-8-10, Page 41 4 Tin sepal'. Arou•tn 10 1911 District News. WESTFIELD. TvtrauLY, Aug. lith. JarrrIN°b.-Miss Maggie Robertson, of Goderich, is holidaying at the home of W. li. CampbellMiss Regan and Mw Jose Medd, of the Victoria street parsonage. Goderich, are vivito ing •t she home of J. N. Campbell- . The MiseesJeao and Emma Bamford, of Winnipeg, are home for • month's holidays. Mi,e Jean has been absent t for five years. The manyfriends of t .e Aliases Bamford are pleased to see them home again Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bamford took in the Caledon- ian games st Lucknow on Monday.... A number from here took advantage of the excursion to Oodericb on Thurs- day last and spout tbe day in the county town ..The mane friends of Miss Annie Wigbtman are pleased to know she is able to be around again after many weeks' illnees- BENMILLER. WEDNESDAY, Aug. 9th. Batgas.-Mr. and Mrs. Troyer, of Torouto, spent a few days witfi their moos. Mrs, E. T. Pfrimmer.... ...Mre. Newell and son Victor attended the (,aledooi•n games at Lucknow...... Mr. and Mrs. Heddle spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Fcrdeo, on tbe Mait- land cnnrxssioo ...... Mr. and Mrs. Jack White spent Sunday in the vil- lageMr. and Mn. Wm. Hunt, of o nto, are the guests of Mrs. J. W. Gledhill .Mr. and Mrs. Echlin. of Nile, visited in the village last week. ,Mea. Thos. Vaostone, of At- wood, is visiting friends in the village. Mr. and Mrs. E. B Hale, of At- wood, called on friends in the village last. week...... Miss Jennie Stewart is visiting friends in Michigan.......Mrs. Jesse Gledhill, nil ho is under the doctor's care. is doing very nicely. Her many' friends wish her a sp -edy recovery... .. E. T. ['trimmer is re- pairing the flume at the mill. ST. AUGUSTINE. TUESDAY. August St h. NoTEs.-Mies Sullivan. of Ashfield. ldu the guest of her cousin. Miss at Brophy. -Mrs. H. Hotton, of Gode- rich, is visiting at Mrs. J. Thompson's... The Armstrong Bros., of Br•useels, vis- ited in this vicinity last week . Quite a number lama this vicinity spent Monday is I,ssp�now at the Cal- edonian games • Thomas McMIII*n of Sewtortb, was is this vicinity Ides week buying hones. GODERICH TOWNSHIP. Mt'NDAY. Aug. itb. U. J. Burns baa returned trout • lour months trip through the Western Provinoss. He myrtles crop average from fifteen to twenty bushels to the aero. He thinks the 'prairie country "all right," but rays that "atter all said and done Ontario remains the banner Province." Geo. Laithwaite, of the Huron road. has sold eleven head of Jersey cattle to B. H. Bull k Sols, of Brampton, for shipment to Alberta The Messrs. Bull are the largest breeders of Jerseys in Cauada and they know good stock when they see it. Mr. Laithwaitc maker a specialty 01 Jerseys. TOWNSHIP Cotnrcu..-Council met in council cbamber, all members pres- ent. Minutes of last meetiug rend and approved. the clerk was instructed to write the Blyth Telephone Co. that they are now prepared to pass a by- law allowing them to extend their system to Aadtew Sheppard's. Reeve Kernighan. of Colborne. was present requesting that Goderich township telephone system give the Colborne system eonneetion at Clin- ton. After due consideration a mo- tion was passed giving Colb'rne per- mission to build a trunk line of their own to Clinton. Bylaw No. 3 fixing tax rates was passed. The rates are as follows: Townabip, 1 3-10 mills: county, 2 2-10 mals: general school. 1 9-10 milia. 'The following accounts were passed : Robert McAllister, re- moving and repairing bridge at Sow- erby., $21.50; Ben Lindsay, filling in at Chisholm'. bridge, $1S; Canada In- got ir•ou Culvert 0o., $lel; Wm. Mustard. lumber, 860.10; Jas. Spack- man, cement work, HO ; J. W. Yeo, overseeing cement work. ill. Coun- cil adjourned to meet Grit Moodav in September at 1:30 p.m. h. W. i'etg- WARTHA, Clerk. ST. HELENS. TCESDAY. Aug. 8th. A great many from here attended the Caledonian games in Lucknow on Monday. Misses Mime Rutherford and Eli..a- beth Millerjleave this week for a trip to the t?oo. Miss McManus, of Goderich, spent a few days the guest of her friend Miss Colette Clark. Rev. R Oraw, of Fergus. is visiting friends around St. Helens. Mn. McGowan and Mr. Stackhou.e. of Blyth, visited at Mr. «ebb's o. er Sunday. MIs. Laura Archer, of Lucknow. is visiting byre aunt, Mrs. AV alt• -r Webb. • Miss Minnie Ramage took in the ex- cursion to Sarnia on Saturday. Miss Ramage will remain some time. Rev. 8. H. and Mrs. Moyer have left for their new field of labor at Conn, where Mr, Mover will be in- ducted on August 29tb. Their friends at 81. Helens wish then' every success in their new home. Miss Olive Grant left for her home at Brandon, Man.. on Tuesday. W. S. McCrostie left on Tuesday for Grassy Lake, Alberta. where he will visit his brother John. George Trudgeon. of Oklahoma Cit sod Misses Elixabethand Laura Salk eld, of Goderich, visited at Mrs. Millers over Sunday. Mis.. Laura will t. -- main for some time. Mrs. U. McDonald and daughters. Flora and Verna. of Winghamspent a few day's at T. Todd's. PORTER'ti HILL TUESDAY. Aug. 8th. Norms. - Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Murphy. of London,isited at George Vanderburg'• this week ...., . Ruby Potter Is spending her holidays ainongg friends atn(urrie s . 1Villa :sod Eva ('ox are visiting in Clinton this week Mrs. Edmunson, who has been visiting at Charles Mcl'hail'a. re- turned to her home on Saturday Quite a number attended the guar- terly service at Holmeeville on /Sun- day last.. . Rev. J. Greene. of Clinton. will preach .at Bethel on Sunday evert- tng next. BAYFIELD. Mosoal, Aug. 7th. Rio. Mi. McLachlan. of tot. James' Presbyterian rhumb. Hamilton, occu- pied tbe pulpit of 8t. Andrew's church here on Sabbath last. both morning and evening in the absence of the pas- tor, awtor, Rev. Mr. Macfarlane, who sup- plied at Exeter for the day. Anniversary services will be held in St. Andrew'scbun'h here on Sabbath n.•it. August 13. The preacher for t he .lav will he Rev. J. C. Tnlmie. B. A., of Windsor. widely known as one of the church'. most abb. speakers. The choir assisted by outside talent will render special music AC hath morning and evening services'. THE SIGNAL : Ui ►DERICH, ONTARIO' -' LEEBURN: WgntigtlnAY, Aug. La. -A. H. mutton has bought three heavy homes to add to bit farm equipment. They are good ones E. el. Shaw leaves next Saturday to visit his brother John in Saskatche- wan Harry Williams lean., or thiturday on the bu•vestors' excursion to the West. This eveaiog a farewell party was given in his bolter at the home of John Linklatar, where the young people of the neighborhood as- sembled and gave young Mr. Williauts an affectionate sendoff. LAURIER. TUESDAY, Aug. Sth. Lex'AL NorEs.- -Mr. and Mr.. Allan MacKenzie and family. of New York, are visiting friends and relatives in tbe vicinity ...,Thos. Owen. of Bruce Mine., arrived herr on • short visit prior to his departure to British Col- umbia, where he intends residing ..... Frank Munro, who met with the seri- ous runaway accident recently, was taken to Kincardine hospital on Fri- day. We hope with every care .std Attention he will soon recover suet& eotly to come back to his, old hone and friends.... .Malcolm MacDonald and wife. of Cranbrook, B. C.. -pent a few day. under the parental roof. Mrs. J. Steeland daughter. of Luck - now, are visiting the former's brother. Thos. Johnston Rev. Hugh Math- eson. of Kincardine. is visiting his uncles here .... Mrs. W. Ktssloe and family, of Cbicago, are spending a few weeks vacation at the boons et her father, Donald MacLean. Wm. Deillin was caused to rejoice oir sat- utdav last when his wife and two children arrived from the ••0id !dad. - England. Peano,AL Mattoon. -Mina. Lowty and Mies Lowry. of Detroit. who have spent the pant few weeks here. lefbfoe their home on Saturday last..Rev. Mr. Argo and family. of Ivan, arrived last weer to spend thsir vacatlor• . . Miss Charlotte Sdrli..gg vent the w'eek-ead with her friend. Miss Steep, of Soder-kb township. Miss Mar- gery R. of London, whnbas spent a few weeks the guest of the Mem Macmillan of Lorre Cottage. left on Friday lest to loin bee permits at Qr.nperfitlr.,. Weiq and Cony tramp - bell Monne MA weak to their home tills soeto. ihey were r r.-ot. nisi by stmt. Miss M. (ternpbell .Rer. J. (3. and Mn- Tamewceompsebd by Ws Jae. learcen took as mile ttlp w KINTAIL TUESDAY. Aug. till: Battu?..-Arcbia MacMurchy. of Detroit, is visiting at his home here. Misses Catherine and Belle Tay- lor arrived home from Chicago ' on Moodav of last week Miss Mar- garet ar garet MacGregor, of Duluth. is the guest of het sister. Miss Alma Mac- (Jregor ....Sadie MacKay, of Gods - rich, is renewing old acquaintances.... The trustees of S. 8. No. 3 have secured the services of Miss M. Murray, Loch- alsh. as teacher for the coming year. Miss Rya Donnan is spending a few weeks under the patents! root. AUBURN. W*DNEBDAY. Aug. 9th. Miss Nicholson, of Bdaalo, is visit- ing her mother at prosect. 11.,. J. L and t' is. `small visited at the lather's old home lyre this week. Mr. and Mrs. John Dow and Master Clifford visited at A. A. Naylor's on Monday. Geo. Beadle and Geo. 1 rangblut took in the O•ledonianeDay sports at Lucknow on Mooday. A. A. Naylor has been re-engaged as teacher here for the coming year at a solar'% of $773, an increase of >l."i over last y e r. Aso .g those wbo intend to leave for t .• West or Saturday mit Joe Lawn.. . Raymond Ferguson and Clarence Symington. Jibe stork visited the hose of Mr. and Mr.. Dave Lockhart on `•taedev and left a tarts hand who is as vet some w hat inexperienced- C oagrwtu- lattiour. DUNGANNON. f►R. NEWTON. DENTIST. OF 11 Lucknow baa cer.sd vWtwg enrols puiota and will beaoeterta gen hi. cath* attention to the home team. Ladino.. where be will be foetid every day All waders math ad.. MOTiCK.-THE LOCAL AGENCY in Lanrasned fere office nook and Si• at the Peet tem where orders will be rereived ter anhweriptteeis. ad verUelag ad Joh wart reeeteta will be rives tor assoeate mad tar the same. WEmmons r. Aug. 9th. Mise Dunkeld. of Goderich, is visit- ing fir iend9 hen- this week. Will Mc('ulloch. of Sparta is visit- ing friend. here. Roy Medd is clerking in J. R. Mc- Nah's butter and egg •tore. Miss Bellamy returned on Tuesday from a . isit to Kincardine. James McMath, of Cliotoo, is visit- ing his sister. Miss Jennie McMatb. this week. Will Begley and family. of Hamil- ton, are spending their holidays with friends here. We are pleased to hear that Lorne Young, who has been on the sick list. is improving again. Misses (Tara and H. 7.. M. �Vbyard spent civic holiday (Monday) witb friends in Ooderich. Mrs. Beaver and granddaughter. Mies Bellamy. of St. Marys. are visit- ing at L. ti. Valmet i. J. E. Mallougb. J. Walkout end Geo. Jackman left for a few dans trip in J. B. Hawkins' auto. MIsa Adelaide Thompson. of Mount Forest, le visiting her pareute. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thompson. Hnwatd Durnin, of Crewe. occupied the- pulpit is the Methodist church morning and eveoing Let Sunday. Mas. M eliough and Mies Della re- turned home Monday from Paisley, accompanied by Mn, J. Glover and son. Mr. John Jobnaton and daughter Mabel returned Wednesday of thin week from their visit to friends in To- rooto. T. 0. Allen left on Monday for Tet- erboro'. to load his lumber. intending to return to Toronto In time for the rifle match at Long Branch. 13. Augustine left os Tuesday of this week for a tri out West. He intends stopping at Port Arthur to visit hi. daughter. Mrs. H. Walker. and to meet another daughter, Mise Augus- tine. who will accompany hint to Alberta. _ - _ - Netive of Goderich Township. est is know, float wi and tither northers DR CHISHOLM RETIRES. James Bowman Will Bs time Ceeeerva- ties Canada's u Bast Harv. Brussels.. it least Huron 1. illi ready for tiejbt, each part having chosen itseast�ait. The / .i• tive sosdaali9tg coove1tien was held here this ap_ ameson, whoa James Bows man, d Made tameable. was meds the unanimels shot of the cosmos ties on tootles of Mayor yor Spoitow. of Wilgias, and M. Lockhart. of Real Wawa.o.A. Pieter Scott, of Bast Wil wanortt, srseid.nt of the Associatba. 14� and speeches were delivered by A. L Mangrove, M. P. P. for North Huron Mr. Bputtoo and the candidate. Derr were shout one hundred and fifty delegates in atteed- ance. Thomas Chisholm. who by been the member for the pant two terms. was NOS prows t, he bet on • trip to Wespes (dada. Mr. Bow- oaan • opponent will be Arch. Htelop. ex -M. P. P for ,East Huron, who de- feated him lila a Feat in the LoRista- ture in the elution of 1906. Both can- didates being tarmacs and living i• adjoiping tswgehips, a close cosiest is looked tor. At -BONN DEFEATS Bi.Tts--A noise number of our townspeople toot t. the Blyth ulnae Monday school ex- cursion to Oteterieh ose Thsreiay last. Though the rain interfered some- what. ome what. a very plea/ant time war apest. Our teams players defeated Blyth ie the Lonesome' we the Gaaterirr coorte. Nearer : Mesa humbler Mc- Donald and Naylor (Auburn) beat Dr. McTaggart aria McKat t Blytbi, 8-3t, s.-4. Midrd doubler -!!lbs G. Asquith and Munro ;Auburn) beat Miss G. Cott and Leith Moo•. K fit. Miss L. Wanks. and Moos tBtvtb, best Miss R Young ad Knox (Aubmral. ti -0.`3 - Mrs. Smell and Deshsiss iBlvth beat Mir L McDonald d' Asquith t Au - betel. 3-7. i-4 61 Mir 8. Carter and 8turdv t Aubu n) beat Miss O. Stewart and Somers ! Blvtbt, 0.4. 64. Total -Auburn OL Blyth 44. Msafn,th. August 4.-A vert- sudden death occurred in the township of Mc• -Killop on Wednesday la the person of William Hudis, of the 19tbcesaeseion. Mr. Hudie was in his need health fan Tbsteley end that morning bad as- sisted in the barren. Daring the afternoon be wee suddenly 'stricken with paralysis and pealed sway shout. three o'clock on Wedn.e.isy morning. Thedeoe.aed. who was obi• y• 1te years Of age. was a 'Dative of Ooderich town- ship. bat Ons r thirty-five yearw moved to Ki&Illop• where he . MMe enill One at hie death Ys is b wife, two tires pastwees Cannot be Cured as t asa..t esreia tae ar haat 4 ysahe.rs ipso ri isa rut« ~'►rods hays tots iasmsa iso and sraMero It �� tssssetL- �b =emit sasamieee.ette esslitudlies the ass be esadtisa lssslsg end be �e,srssrea hewerr: amoral des rams out .I sr.. are as�si le p�,� Whisk le int an r`sssd eMrNthsl , et W. y�s.Baembed Dears he sae be Callabl Idlal ear esti s same Ile ing . (solee Cava Sand Ar `r/eft"` bow F. CICILNEY s ao. Tends. a TW t Pits ter na.tts.ts.sL ar a coca, E ysals. All Sorts of Weakness and Mobility. People who are run down or weak cannot get sannis until the vital or - gams and the nervous system are re- stored to proper activity. Our Mac- . Iood'e System Renovator in a nerve' fend and seirnnlant. It builds up the servos. eye{ . and also promotes digertios and tbe formalism of healthy blood. It beim alnaoet from the Ora and all sale is permanent. be- cause the systemis actually built up.' We genniaase is. One dollar bottle. Manatattsseld by MAcLeod Medicine' C (iedeeish. 60t. �18A BARGAINS MONTH OF 1 FOR THE SAVING SHOPPER FOR THE SAVING SHOPPER That g eat clearing -up time, when W summer merchandise goes, regardless of real worth, to make room for FALL DS. To force a quick clearance of all lots of broken lines, remnants and summer goods, we make prices on these lots that must attract buyers. We ask you to note carefully the many opportunities this week's ad. tells of to get needed articles at afrraction of their former prices. SUMMER SUITI 11OS Four pieces. 20c, for leo Six ends, 96c, tor.... 18e Tires endo Linen, 3flc, tor... lir Three Medea colored Voile. 6Oc, f.r.., Tao ends F..ulerde. IBe, for......... .. >pr Teo visors Dass Medina. lbc to, MD yard. Choice for u.ly ..10e GINOHAMS Fou.e.ea pieces, all good ceders and pitmen*, I3c. tae. lite Ten pieces of imported Prints, 124e. Oat %aloe for tae FLANNELETTES A rao•thee new lot ort F1ana.IKtes. 84 to 30 inch.s wf.le, wlHw g .1 only ilio. Stripes. light and dark stades. SILKS - Special valttee in d t d9 -inch Week Taffeta, Palliate and Marvrieette Nike, $1.00. $i.�[ and •1.10. Guaranteed • sada patches. In Silk. peel.ct HOSIERY =mad for >8s, two pale. for 1t, so ssooadti • few fano t0 ..it, 00... and ssoare some o[ They an eztea RIB TAN HOSE A speeitl lot, alt sista 5. i1. �. Ili 7. 71. 8. 81. 9, 94, 1 Two pain for 134c. f�.ltahie for boys. girls and Isdias ; and extra value gt l24e. Nearly everybody that D. k A. Ooessb are the beet valets to be had anywhere foe the primes asked. White and drab from fi0c to *10. J. H. COLBORNE mom. CALKDON 1All DAY AT L U CRS OW . Tkrmmas Witness the Sports on Mon- day -Great Gatberisg of Athletes. Lueknnw, August 7. mix thousand Scotsrenand lovers of things Scottish attended the old-time Caledonian games today. From far and near they gathered. as they or their for- bears gathered a quarter of a century and mom ago to the games that made Lucknow famous, and beheld from the slope of Caledonian Hill the best pro- gram of sports that the Caledonian Soctet has put on since the great Donald Dinnie was here. Pipers piped and dangers danced. Litoteow pipe and braes bands. a bracts band from Goderich. and the 13.11 Klltie Band eoliveoed the day with music. Japanese acrobats performed. brawny athletes competed in racing. jumping, putting the shot, tossing the caber. and throwing the hammer. and the whole concluded in the evening, after an open-air eoocert, with a mag- nificent display of fireworks. Rain threatened once or t wire, but did not materialize to any ex- tent. Not often in a town like Lucknow are such athletes as Geo. Goulding. Jack Tait., Bobby Kerr and some dozen others of Ismer tame brought togetber at one meet. They were here to compete for the valuable gold and silver prizes offered. Gouldingwas in fine form. He and E. P. McDonald walked a two-mile race. which was equal to ten laps of the ring. For nine and one-half laps the two kept practically together, sometimes Goulding. sometimes Mc- Donald o- Donald in the lead. but in the Iasi half lap Oouldiug struck out like a race- horse and finished over twenty yards in the lead. Bobby Kerr. Murphy, of Hamilton. and Jack Treeeider, of Toronto. raced for 100 yards. Bobby gave his oppon- ents n handicap of five yards. and easily finished nearly that much in the lewd. His time was ten and one- fifth seconds. He also wca in a 24I1 - yard dash, finishing with • lead ;if ten yards on Trsssider and Kebor. who were his competitors. Jack Tait was first in a one -mile race agwiost Harry Tnwider and George Lister. Three London hos were among the prise -winners. Mel. Brock won w bait -mile race in 2.01: Roy Campbell coming in third in the same race, and Vince Adams winning in the running frond jur.p with a distance of 21 feet 7 inches to bin credit. Eldon R. Midden. a Lucknow hoc, Rhodes scholar of Manitoba 1'uiver- sily this year. made 19 feet 10 inches. Alex. I'water:in champion vaulter of ('anada, in an exhibition. tn.,de a re- cord of 11 feet 3 iarh.s. Principal among the other athletic eontesta ware the tossing of the caber and the putting of the 14 -nand shot. Sea User stseorta. �'rak Rai Iwan Syeteer sender to tb• .sonde She St, Lawrence and Alton - de b•i lies the rest of Main* add Through �sltire Torrietn for and -Boden 0 as �m daily. resin le•vfikR 70Y 109 w tmsM eaid1 Grained. lie. a, n • For nate by E. R. Wigle. druggist. JOHN JOHNSTON DROWNED. Untimely Death of One oaf Colborne'. lemon Yoesat Men. The township of Colborne has been coiled thio week to mourn the loss of one of its favorite sons -John Mo- Kenos Johnston, son of Andrew Johnston, of the 7th concession, whose accidental death by drowning oo Sun- day last was one of the saddest of tragedies. Mr. Jobtsgton with several oompan- . ions went bathing Monday morning in the Maitland River at a place ealled •'Casey's about two miles be. L low the villagir es Anbarn. AS be- ing in the water forever an hour. it leit supposed that he was about to leave and in passing near a deep hole in the i rocks be eitberfell in or was carried I off his feet by the current. He could not swim and as be was seen to be struggling one of his companions. a swimmer, west to his assistance. The mound man, however. was taken with cramps sad bad to let go of Johnston. wbe immedixteiy sank. Efforts were made b7 diving and to i other ways to rescue bio, but without become, and it was not until about 2 o'clock in the afternoon, two hour after the drowsflg, that the body was recovered. Vbson.e Hunter waa sum- moned from Goderich. but under the cnrcuetauoes . so Inquest was deemed i unnecessaryta Mr. Jobnaton was the younger so0 is one of the best-known and most highly -t egarded families of Colborne township. He is survived by his par-, eats, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Johnston. his older brother. Alex. Y. Jotnaton, . of Vancouver, and three sisters : Mer. Chas. Robertson, of Oolborne, and toe ; Mimes Tena and Pearl Johnston. at hoar. The grief-stricken re'atirem have the sympathy of a very wide community. which -shares in the deep sorrow over the untimely taking away of one who could so i11 be spored, for "Jack" was deservedly a favorite with a11. He was in his thirtieth year and with fine qualities of head and heart Rstye promise of a long and useful i life. The funeral took place on Wedsee•- day afternoon and was attended by a very large number gathered from Vol - borne and x11 the neighboring town- ships sod towns In the funeral ser- vice at the hostas Rev. John Young. of Hamilton. uncle of the deceased. was wassearewass 1 For The Summer Toilet Royal Rose Talcum Powder to IN1a is. 11 e ftcoorio NA tt d pates tt sea-- • F .1. Be (*LAND. Drrmapp 4 (lode rici.. Rsadissrtse.gor Kodak.., Films and Photo. • gaaehlc Sapattsa IsseidereaseettalbeteeniskinOr What About That Leaky RoofofYours Better have it replaced with a new one. See W. R. Pinder, Hamilton street, for the right kind at the right price. Sole agent for Brantford Roofing Always a full stork of Roofing on hand, which enables us to give prompt attention to all work in this line. Also we snake a specie/1.y of PLUMBING, HEATING and ELECTRIC WIRING W. R. Pinder 'Phone 103 HAMILTON WREST assisted by Rev. Jas. Hamilton. of Oodetich; tire. J. L Small. of Blyth. and Bev. R A. Miller, of Auburn. At the gra%ealde le Colborne ceme- tery tbe burial terrier of the Masonic Order was conducted by Isaac Hetber- ington, W. M. of Morning Star Lodge, Carlow, of'whieb the deceased was al member. Thera was a large ropes- I sensation of both Morningstar Lodge ar:d Maitland Lodge. (iloderieh. 'lis palibearers were Isaac Hetherington, Thos. Ratcliff, Jobo J. Rober•boo, W. T. Ballow'. W. Millar and H. C. Dan -1 lop, the tw-n last awned representing.' Maitland Lodge. Among tbnaapprteetseerit from a diet ante were Mrs. Ilesdevaon. from Chi- r Mrs of Klneaedirs Mi. and Mrs. J. T. Currie and Mi. sod Mr . Peter Unklater. of Wingbam. Farmer Found Dead. Ripley. August 7. Adam Millar. et the Pah concession. was f000d dead in the granary an Friday afternoon between 4 and 3 o'elock. He had been in poor health for tiro or three years ppaaset with heart freebie sad eiont.cb dlsoWers, hat was sot feet .nw.11 op this day They preo.rM-his sup - pee end went t...R bin sad os re- sedvbei tie rremitant to the brn. a w�w�e le wee Mas stag oo the gran- «a�7y •swisp 8. er. isbei died jest a siert dole belt..._ He was fifty torr yeas of sip. TWO conn with a gr.st MeIS `rte most' trial* and e•.la- ith wbo be woe exceedingly _ Mogi.Oors Ula. nae. Is a' ?aeras sway Grad 'hast ' hnsdted. 8e{d by K. R , di ng- ywt. gK Osdevialk 30 Buggies TO BE SOLD. We have just received a car of boggiest and neve event -thing that anew ana ai ate in the r line. No better 'es ever came Io town. We have them en the floor now. Call and inspect them .t the MASSEY-HARRIS WAREROOMS n Hamiltoe Street We have the 87ANn Amp Wilts Finns and GATOP. the tam one FLIVMT PLOWS. ('REAM REYARAT°1M and almost eveerryy thing w farmer ttesds -sin a farm Robert Wilson We aim have a Sew «stvw grwrol striven Inc sale Barge'? Offer T heaSignal from now to Jannary 1st, 1912, t0 new sucscnbers 25 only' C 1 HAVE YOU EVER WORN A; PAIR OF OUR Cushion = Soled SIIOE3S 1f you haven't, you owe it to your feet to invest in a pair the next time you are buying shore. They are the most comfortable in our whole line of comfort- able footwear. People who wear them say that their Leet 43 not get tired after long standing or walking as theydo In ordinary- footwear. We have tem in hoth rose's and women's lines. Everything in Summer Warr -Tennis, Bowling and Running Shoes. A Full Line of TRUNKS and SUIT -CASES W. EIERN 'Phone 226 Repairs Promptly Done �W>��rvfW�rwW>,rW�W�►WW�rwW��rW�r�rw 4 plc. Motto: "A .4stase deal b assentor r " F i E What Is Your Money Worth ? E DURING THE MONTH OF AUGUST WE ARE GIVING VOU ON ALL CASH PURCHASES A i j 3 3 i 3 10 PER CENT. REDUCTION This will mean • considerable easing to prion requiring Ftwnknre, sod it will you to truce advantage of it. On all summer goods we are giving an even greater cut; and if yeses want e Hamm° Ooveh,_ Vswa.dah Chair or Lawn Seat, now is the tune to pet one cheep. 3 any Tel ACENoC\' NORDHEIMkR PIANOS 1 W. J. MUIR & CO. 4 gplimp!1,gw flats!ewwfu!!t/'►+pnMil►+1+ff7!wmpli, Oete d5w f " The bed *aloe : assMr M yore amity