HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-8-10, Page 3•of
t �NM'S
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wdemromptly Wendedto Ie
on ar1M
at 810N AL
sae Hydraulic oist. r�
l durveyorllelwan Hook, Os0erich, caro,
Montreal elt•.1 Telephoto IS.
DR. W. F. (TALLOW. M. a
Olke and residing*. warts Street. G•derice,
,.srtb of County tioddeitf rima TalaPhilas 12.
nese and threat war. Haw I�.�alta*+.
•o4 Yost Opd., Ear, New
ata 'troa y itaa'
Asstd., Ear, Noce and 'throat
Oodles equate. and Moorefield Eyee
Lmlass. Midland. Oece, Al `S. Watt
Snaked. opeadtr Kiwi Church. limas e
to 12 a. m.. 2 to 1 p. to. T to 1 a m. TMehaae
J. AN, barra,tera, aolidtorr ee pOWb
=ILin the Maritime dr -Private
lend at lowest rater of interest
Oates. Ifaat side aureate. Goderioh. W.
YiiwUUFu&Yr K. r;., R. C. HAYS, J. L.
• TER, roliattor. notary public. O2809•--
strew., Cadence, Wird door trout
run alt. attorneys. solletter, etc., bode
nob. Money to rad at wwe•t rates.
solicitor, cotswterser. notary publte
trate. Hamilton siren lroderlee tat.
1R iIIRANCE CO.—Yarn, said isolated
tows despot, lasers
ReLean 8e urea, atorth P.O
llrsenr—J. H.
awrya O
Vloe-Yrvodench P. Or
Jaw eys. wa-1 rasa, aeatorth P. O:
N ua Cbcaoey• c•arorth : Jahn
U. winthsoWaVi.iarneum,toostame
hr:en; Jeanne Evans.
B.esb west ; John N su. uarloce ; Malcolm
McEwen, ntssald.
Teo R.
Maisk; J Lu t ;
Hrsbl. Motor W. Poway-hddsee can try
awonwrois .ra wet their cards yaoetptad at
Tess ft !news's. glints•, sr at R. H. Cart's
liroosyynEWetra Wrest. uoseclab.
o (►UU loae.VATE Arany to FUNDS'M.H. AM-
uatvistar. Hamilton street Ooderiob.
Irmo awn Lio. n wine : British. (roL
ada and
A a
tho�er.x.aane� AND sone noun' Luau-
,r�r s s Iler.aaA f Loat. ea. rte• tee
Fnae_irirr .P YTee VA
Mies at re Lunate, sss�s,, ismer et,VIc
awl It Davits sheets. •Pbeas 170
-rase e.n •ler- Maa.W as ilii islets..
-all at sense wort truest and Naar*
W. CLIME. U•seere► oat
Tele eons II
w ALTTIlt b 11UMLt.11, J. P..
Is U121, OV M£ farad LICRN81t;8
• AY= dwarst , dodsrlee. Oat
-Vim wsu-tsswe sol erseMar stied
�a Ins �paatrrres Ws bort Ys m shaving
a•Y •attlaa, ere, ella caths' sa s Grime •
speYectlelpea�soeOanelys 11 4040 ap�pesol•ba�LL B.
BO•iuM1 11. trgsistot.
Twuiauer, A,vootrr 10, 191) i
article a little bit, In tbe tint place, NO APPETITE P
of the 9tstr�et tbe and her
Jones girl is eight yawn of rage
end her brother ten years. Can any
If you baa• no appetite
Tuesday, August l/ib, i• Brussels' ssolar he ; Is
civic holiday.
Mine Annie Clark, of 8saforttt, has
been engaged as teacher tot S fit a R.
pennon who understands p6xsiog-
The Remedy WW Restore 1t
- nomy Dome to any otber con usloo tamale
than that the Jones children ere nor- can't work, can't rest and are annoyed
known, hr never rkacbed mal for tbelr age ? Then for song with too frequent us' inatiou and r I
that the takes each exception two burning, wadding pain In making pee-
WhSTERN FAIR. MeJust LittleBit" was to •Mow•
n g sleepthat either
MoYillop. e toned to it i beautiful tun which dors not come, a
Mrs. Watson, widow of the late a( tbe Great Exhibition made such a hit that everynumbed' otos she or is troubled
Will Be M than Maintained lin sang it she brourbt the house down •
cls a If at nightyou retire, hopio for
the mioda of Ib. buu.Ireds that lie- ig. h g
dams in W troll. of Clinton, died red• r ore y g and fitful, you
denly in troit recently. Year. wit applause. t was certainly real have kidney
Wm. Hall i« removlog tr'o• Bete- All Canada, particularly the. Prov -
vale, having secured • purities as Are- inoa of Ontario, baa a warm place in
man on the O.T.R. at Palrnes'at us. its heart for the Western Fair, partly
Dr. Rollins,, formerly of fleeter, fell
and broke his shoulder -bone while
walking. along the beseb at Mimic°
August Guhr and family,of Exeter,
are moving to Mitchell. r Guth has
,ecur•ed a large dredging contract at
H. ft. Brewer. of Calgary, formerly
of Brussels, was married on Wedere
day of last week to 'Mise McO.nn, of
Cbarles Sackrider, of Haileyblry,
formerly of Belgrave, has joined the
ranks of the beoediets. The lady was
Mini Laura McPhee, of Haileybury.
Lobs Dorrell. a little lad, fell from
the iron bridge in Lower W ingbern on
Sunday night, tb.3)th u14,fncturing
bis skull. He is improving satisfac-
John M. Laird, of Hartford. Conn.,
eon o1 Mn. E. Laird, of Stanley, was
one of three to receive the degree of
Fellow of the Actuariau Society of
America at the recent annual examin-
Joseph Gibson. of Winghani, left
this week for the West, where be has
secured a good position sr engineer
for the season. He purposes taking
up land before returning to W ng -
Mire GertrudeNelson, only daugbter
of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Nelson, formerly
of Brussel,, was manied at
ents' home in Brantford on Wednes-
day, tbe 20th ult.. to W. Joseph Free-
born, of that city.
Mies Olive Mabel Moore, youngest
daughter of Thome. Moore,
1 �r Mt'�ane�• ( we dente
are.asi ewe re the res M eeesa taws
whoa ss 5.7 tea sada. Tires
s'see/ and
ease urea to give yes s0Wh4J0•.
11 MUM
�, g Hto**se► L L,tvdn est
111ee+assA sees=
Me ▪ TA.
of West
Toronto, formerly of Wingbam, was
married in 8t. John's :church, West'
Toronto, on `iaturaay, the 29t6 ult., to
Fled Mayhew. of tbst town.
The death of Mrs. ,Krueger, daugh-
ter of Mr•s. Sipped, of Zurich, •occuned
at her home in Detroit on Tuesday,
the 1st inst. Mrs. Krueger vii.ited ber
mother a few montba ago wben she
seemed to be in perfect health.
Dr. Wm. J. Elliott, of Minto. Man..
son of James Elliott, of the 4th conces-
sion of Turnberry, a recent graduate
of Manitoba University, has taken to
himself a wife, in tbe persop of Mies
Josie Jackson, of Alexander, Mao.
Last week Mrs. W. W. Meredith,
who is leaving 8eafortb w make her
home with her sister in Wallaceburg,
was presented with a purse of gold by
the choir of the Presbyterian church,
of which the has been a valued mem-
William Hanna, formerly of Wing -
hem, died at his home in Clinton on
Tuesday, tbq 1st ioat., aged eighty
years. The tewains were taken to
Wingham for interment from the
home of his sister.in-law. Mn. John
While Mrs. David Bruce, of Staffa,
was driving with her daughter re-
cently. part of the horse's harnees
broke and the Isolate ran away. The
occupants of the rig were thrown out
and Mrs. Bruce broke her collarbone.
The little girt escaped with a few
W. J. Cameron, B. A., son a um.
and Mn. Causeion, of Cranbrook, has
gone to New York, to take a position
to the actuarial department of the New
York Life insurance Co. in addition
to his office duties he will take a four-
ouryear course leading to the degree of
Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries
(E l.A.).
Hildladma-Wohn. A. IL
M eeelts. res.,
mole at W
W. J. MUIR & CO.
AND sr1ALN<wa
Mn. Robert Brown, an old and es-
teemed resident of Clinton, died at. the
home of her sop, Fted. in Petrolea,
on Saturday, the:S th ult., at the age
of eighty-six years. She leaves seven
children : John and Mo. Arm. East,
both of Clinton ; Fred. of Pstrolea ;
Robert, of Port Huron ; Thomas, of
Caper. Mich.; Mrs. Cross, of Costar.
Montana, and Joseph, in New On-
A pretty wedding wvsodemnised at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. 8etb Bailey.
of Br insets, on Wednesday, _Abe Ind
inst., when their daughter, With. Im-
mune the bride of J. Arthur Smith,
youngest son Of the late Join 2..
Smith, of Brussels. Rev. Dr. Oaten
performed the ceremony. After their
trip to Toronto and other eaaeses
points Mr. and Mrs. Smith will pem
coed to Edmonton, where the groom
bas a large drug business.
Death of Mrs. Charlet' Sage.
Wold has belie received of the death
at ber home in Calgary of Mrs. Charles
Sage. who kept the Sage house io
Walton for many years. Ciba bad
been ill for three weeks. Mrs. Saga
will long be remembered for heir hospi-
tality and universal ki.daesa sad ber
remarkable musical soot'-pli.bmsots.
Her daughters Annie and Alice are
left to mourn their lose.
Dies Under Optetien•
Edward Nicholson, former) of
Brussel*, son of Mrs.'MedlhI,of Mortis.
who with his young wife went West a
year ago to engage in the bald n[ busi-
ness, died in Castor Alta.. oa 1�esri
day, the 27t1 ult. Deceased belie 1i
arm last May and after It wee net ft
remained etiff at the elbow. 6e west
to Calgary tees massage tteae•e.et IrtttR
as this did sot prove eleelive be Re-
Rsided to bare an opwsMw• The ser
goose in the hospital. are twebb se
amount for his deeih tttntlsr tits semi -
become it is the pioneer big &nous'
esbibitloo of the Do4uinion and bas
set a pad for other "thaws of a dal -
lar character, but waloly for tbe rea-
son that it is always a good frir, that
it lives up to Its advertisiog, and can
be relied Do, no matter what others
are found wanting,
That this year's' We,te,n Fair, to
be held in London September tab to
1016, will surpass in eye' y respect all
others of the past there is every rea-
son to believe. For tbe directors have
beets at work harder than ever before,
and ate spending more money than in
any previous year to stake the fair of
1911 the best yet.
The Western Fair is essentially the
people's fair; it wan originated and
Ism been conducted thro.rgh a long
series of year. for theii edification
sod entertainment, and that they ap-
predate the efforts that have been
made in their behalf is shown by the
vast throngs that each year pass
i through the turnstile, at Queen's
Park. London.
MyMw-.se Denpa areeos.
Consillarehis anxiety le telt over elle
=Ili iLi` . •i-•ee at W . L
Um Cleumerelal
�li U. Alsatamess* t.c
Kr. Psalm Tett the vUlep., Y
was tltklR M H estor hie will
* grtMlfY/ss~ site Ur+, r
Aid, tiove almost tree ease
lesaidto bare pd•ell-
W prey.
ble ewe to the e.sla..iaee hie
true lsbelwg, so that he bees my
Seas thew with sal.
d4t'P 2 =
Brave Wingham Girl Saves Brother and
Sister from Runaway.
Wingham, Aug. 1. -- Yesterday
forenoon about eleven o'clock Edith
Jarvis, second daughter of Mr.and Mrs.
Robt. Jarvis, twelve years old, was
killed by a team of runaway horses
owned by W. Grey. of this town. It
seems that Mr. Grey was busy loading a
camping outfit for some people who
were going to Kiocardine, when in
some manner the horses became
frightened and ran away. Edith
Jarvis was nut with ber baby sister,
three months old, in a carriage, and
ber little brother, about four years old,
was toddling by her side. They were
directly in the path of the horses,
which were going at a terrific rate,
and it seemed impossible that/ns one
of the trio could ew,ape.
But the little girl did not lose her
head. As the runaways were right
on top of them she pusbed the baby
ge ahead and brushed her
brotber aside. but was too Late to save
herself. The horses knocked her
down. the front and rear wheels pass-
ing over ber body. She was rushed to
Dr. Agnew's office, whereafter aehort
time use regained consciousness.' She
was carried to her home end passed
away at 1-10 Gres.
If Parisian Sage. the hair grower
that E. R. Wigle guarantee•. will not
cause hair to grow where the hair is
thinning out. nothiog on this earth
And we say to everybody. von can
haye your money hick if Parisian
Sage isn't 11re best hair grower, hair
saver, hair beautifier and dandruff
cure on the market today.
it stops itching scalp and falling
hair and makes hair grow thick and
Abundantly, or money back. bra cents
for a large bottle. Parisian Sage
makes the hair soft and brilliant and
promotes growth.
Godericb to Have Vurit from Eminen
In connectionwith the interna-
tional Geological Congress to be held
in Canada in the summer of 1913, a
number of excursions are to be held.
in order to enable -.slim delegates to
examine various geological formations
id different parts of the country. One
of these excursions is planned to takes
in Lakes Erie and Huron, with Gode-
ticb as one of the stopping pieces.
The paragraph in the list of excursions
referring to this trip is as follows:
••Exeurelon Lakes Erie and Huron—
it is proposed to conduct this excur-
sion by means of a chartered steamer.
Toronto to St. Catharines, to proceed
to Port Colborne. Niagara Falls, one
day. Morning at Fells, to Port Col-
inas, fossils near Port Colborne. or
abaroative, afternoon on glacial work,
sae day. Leave Port Colborne to
Enke Pelee island some time the next
msijg�hbt. Pbysr'egraphic features of
'Mho Erie .bore during the day.
llesdese Park. Night on boat at
Pelee liked, one day. Glacial striae
and quarries, Pelee Ielaz.d. Proceed
to Amberetburg, quarries and Living -
stelae cut. Waeopole Island, one day.
banns at Wampole island. Sarnia.
Pat Frank light. Medford, Hamil-
ton feeile and Kettle Point., one day.
Goderleh, salt, one day. Manitowan-
ins. Fossil Hill. Niagara and Clin-
ton townie, owe day. el
Poas near
Matowaniog. Little Current. Tren-
ton fosdle wad palaeozoic contacts.
one day. Little Current to Parry
Sound, via islands, one day. Parry
Sousa. Grenville, one day. Parry
Sound to Colllnpwood, one day.
Utica fondle Colltngwood. one day.
Fourteen days.'
to listen to it.
As tothe protection of these chil-
dren. They are accompanied by their
toolbar, who is paying great atten-
tion to developing their musical tal-
ents as well as Usear educational taco!-
ties, and not forgetting their moral
tendencies White in town these eh
trouble and
pee d Booth's
Kidney P i 11 e,
the guaranteed
remedy for all
kidney and blad-
der trouble. A
dren were invited ar.d were enter- ew dos es of
tained by some of the very best people Booth's Kidney Pills will wake up the
of the town, who assisted in mating sluggish kidorys and regulate the
their stay pleasant for them while urioe. Continued treatment will cure
here. Circumetaoces sometimes force and heal the weakened kidneys and
a bore woman to work for her living. restore the appetite in tie natural
but it is much harder when that way• Sold everywhere 60c. hex, or
woman hes four small children to care peortpaid from The E. T. Booth Co.,
for and educate Should we not asp- tad.. Fort Erie. Ont. Free trial on
precirte and 'mitt in as kind a way as application. Guaranteed and sold in
possible to smooth out the path of Goderich by E. it. Wigle.
those who are doing their very best to • ProbaWr-
earn u, honorable living and to make Now they claim that the human
a success of life? How many men body contains sulphur."
and women have been left atone in dywhat amoupt ?
the world and who are down, and Oh .
when they try to rise how few there "�<•, h to m°u quantities.'
that may account for
for some
are who are bolding t ut willing heeds els 'making better matches than
to assist. I tear vet y few. tutead then." g
they more otteo ►exp aloof or give an-
other kick to send therm further be YOU NEEDN'T DESPAIR.
We should shwa) - look at these __
matters in a kindly, Christian ligbt,
and if we weigh them properly the ' Here's an Offer that Should Interest Suf-
answer is sure to come out right to us. (eters f• oto Skin Irritation.
I would not have been so lengthy if First of ail we want to explain that
1 did not feel that the citizens as well the remedy we are about to tell you of
as the Jones children were .wrongfully Cowries our i mwiee of gooney back for
accused and 1 have only tried in a the mere asking 1.0 aoyune not tbor
brief way to enlighten those who did U11gbl pleased with its use. What
nut know the facts 1 bops I have not should unquestionably establish the
been too severe io my criticism of that winters faith we have in it.
unfortunate article of Inst week, and Parasites or goons caner ec zemA,
I hope that .on '1va Me Jud a and eczema is probably the most prey -
Little Bit" wijl cobra in for a general slant caner of all skin ailments. To
application. overcome them, the remedy must of
A CITIZEN WHO KNOWS. peoesity destroy or rermsve the para-
site or germ before relief can Ike ob
financially interested in the picture Lapsed.
+bows. Poesessiog remas kettle antiseptic,
THE FISHERMAN'S REAS3N. germicidal. cleansing. soothing and
healing power. the curative value of
Dodd's Kidney Pills Cured His Bright's Rexall Eczema Ointw int is very prat•
Disease and He Praises Them nonnced in tbe treatment a eczema-
and allied skin dimmest, whether of
('lain Point, N. 8 . Aug. 7th.—(Spa- the dry roily surf, the weeping types,
cia1.1—''I was treated by adoctor. but it where then is a flow of ill -smelting ez-
eas six boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills cretion, or the intermediary kind.
that cured me." That is the statement such as pimples, trlotohes, discolors -
of Joshua Nickerson, poetmaster here. tions. ringworm or acne. It is very
Mr. Nickerson is also interested in the useful for treating hives, nettle rash,
fishing industry, and the above re- insect bites and wounds. It is ideal
mark came in answer to a question for the skin ailments peculiar to chil-
frow his brother fisherman as to how drew•
he got rid of Bright's disease which Rexall Eczema Ointrnent is grayish
appeared to have marked him for a white in color, bas a pleasant odor.
victim. and is very cleanly for use. if you
"Due to a bad cold," Mr. Nickerson are a sufferer from skin irritations or
continued, "my kidneys commenced eruptions in any loom whatever, we
to trouble roe, and , the trouble got urge you to try a tato: at our risk. At
worse - till Bright's disease de- the men bins of dissatisfaction your
veloped. But Dodd'; Kidney Pills may have your money back. l'wo
cured me and that 1.. the reason sizes, b0c, and $l. Remember. it is
I think and speak so highly of only` Bold at our store --The Rexall
them Store. H. C. Dunlop, Routh aide of
$ao,000,000 MERGER - - NOW COMPLETED. "Do you think the young man who
is counting Sou will ask you to marry
Plans Completed for Consolidation of him, Mary?" ir•quired a wistrese of
v Large Shipping Corperabons. -. her cook. "1 t6 ink so, mum," replied
Duluth, Minn , July 31.—Plans for Mary. "He's begun to complain
the consolidation of some of the !mg- abcut toy cocain', mum r
To tba sur •f The +.gnat,
seat,—L y to an article of last
week "A Plea for flee Ohil-
We lad7tlesei "Grace Nimro on,"
�wlt1 have scooted tecta
beam ntablegy psbic statements
vel t& ere willeir le the proprietors et
Ike Alum chews as wall as to the
Arose *ekes. eke says these "mere
WNW W bees trained to Imitate
�s 1 would aok, whom
sltwr tires be trained to imitate
M fist lie pwww-tape P Brasly that is
alai es seseieat at ail, as we all ars
Wsi.ed le leak up to star gaieties
=st..d tallow in their footltlaps.
ail mass treks MIsetees isdhfhe tatter.
. abs ease "Use Male yeses
eve blear. hat wails
Wise do
wog 'tarttle
New let slenlst � w�riiter ed fleet
est shipping corporations oo tbe Can-
adian side of tbe Great. Lakes. which
have been in progress for nearly a
year. have been completed. it was an-
nounced here today. Working ar-
rangements have also been entered into
between the merger and the Man-
chester Liners, Limited, of which Lord
Christopher Furness is chairman.
The Canadian companies concerned
are among the largest of the naviga-
tion companies on the Great Lakes,
and include the Northern Navigation
Company, the Richelieu As Ontario,
the International Transportation Co..
the Niagara Navigation Co.. the
Hamiltonteamboat and the People's
Mutual of Toronto. These companies
represent a capital of $1,000,000. The
merger will have a Beet of about fifty
gteawers plying oo Lakes Erie.
Superior, Michigan, Ontario and
Huron, with Montreal as the point of
trans -shipment to ocean ships.
Is Th is True?
"The clinging type of girl is disap-
"Yes; modern woman. with her
numerous hatpins. Is more like a
cactus than a vine." — Washington
Maintaining that the worki grows
better and not worse. Lloyd George
t ootes the answer given to a critic
who said that Punch was not as good
as it used to he: "It never was." It is
said that the oldest maouecript in ex-
istence is a lament over the degener-
acy of tbe age.
Little Surprises.
"Yes. i've been thieking lately that
i ought to take out some life insurance.
I'm glad you hunted me up. young
"Mr. Chiggers, here's the cup o' col
fee maw borrowed from you the other
"Mother. you're tired ; let me do the
"Thank l7ou just the same. s'r. but
the bolas do.eo't Allow us to accept
ti"1 congratulate you on your hews
old chap, they're finer than anythint
i've got.
"•1 don't knew how the story ends,
Fan ; i haven't looked at tww last.
Are Your Kidneys
• Working Properly?,
It Will Pay You Well to Make Sere
There's been a lot of "guessing" about
rheumatism and rheumatic pains gener-
ally, but you can be dead sure that little
pain across your Lack came from de-
creased kidney action.
The kidney's duty is to filter the blood
—take out the irpnuri;ivs collected by
the returning blood streaky—dr, it just
lite absorb -rut cotton i:t a funnel flters
the irnnuriti's from iolitved •. a:,r.
l,h,n the kidneys are nor est rking you
are last, 1 I•.r ole of t,c .courses -1 ta-
bet-r and r3rif,lit's 1'i--ct'c 't Pinaina-
tisn, 0n'1 Fcia r T1'c tr.r-
rner earrs- is usually tatal,'Led thc.latter
alr.ays niinfnl, but tees nerd n't h.ne
either. as Cley is.th c:a be ei ski pre-
vented. 1
T e very beet nr. scril.uor, for all kid-
ney troubles is Nyai's Stone 1-,s t Coln-
poun.i it is nn "festerut" medicine,
fent a scientii^ prescription cont.:w rd
of Stnnrroot, Ruche, luttiper and other
remtrlies of proved value. Mr,re than
that, it has been proved by t`:ousands
who have had glad rel,'f front it• ns'.
Titer's nothing quite an ntistr-able as
the dragging results of sick kidneys.
You are trifling with your own future
when you neglect :o simple a precaution,
as a pleasant home treatment with Nyal's
Stooe Rent Compound when results are
so certain.
• It soothes bladder irritation. gives
you rest and corn:art at night, and m rakes
lite once more enjoyable.
The kidneys. liver a"d (.;adder are all
dependent upon one another, and Nyyaal's
Stene Root Compound i iart icularly
designed to help them all
Sold and guaranteed by :
• The Old Folks
—. SeirrMlit Peers blew an Increasing tendency hill,
le etlwMlpwlst The oorrecthe they need b
"NA -DRU -CO" Laxatives
Eide dli.1est Ase oettlet•els IMt 80ii. rnsj- r falls, raid and psalm
A WMA (ok II est ifillibilkey
NI,4r los)Abei1 s re +se the bbrookarss war .esCars,— Visr1s' lkIi
psalms, «M ....le"
08•THOSOAL OMNI ♦Marlfpp.,
fir 41111114111116 6/1111111111., apoommuste..
Old bleach
Zowels, Zowellings
Cable aCinens
and ,Dress aCinens
Almost every lady admires. good Linens. We make a •,pcciat
feature of the famed Old Bleach Linens, which are grass -bleached in
Special 1 ne its "Old Bleach" Towel*, hemstitched or $l
scalloped edge., beautiful art designs. Per pair .....
The pupiilsr Guest Towels, so much admired, Old Bleach, in
neat�rtgn,, with place for monogram, at, 0c to $1.0(k
old Bleach Towelling by the yard, iu neat designs, ,r 50c
inches wide, ser yard
Old Bleat h Gies' Towelling by the yard, in neat art 35c
designs, wish or x.tbout border, 15 inches wide, per yard,
Old Bir.e h thea Linens and Embroidery Linens, 5(0c
snowy whin ,-.:sri tech. s wide, per yard t,)ll
Ladies' and Children's Sweater Coats
We hate just re. rived another shipment of Monarch Sweater
Coats for ladies, misses and children. Out stock is now complete
with almost eve ry wanted color. in all sizes. Our special numbers
which are the most popular garment, are :
Pur,v Coats in white, fiat's, cardinal, gi , black
a very neat seuri-Haling l'...i'. Each
Norfolk Sweater Coats with belt, extol heavy
weave, in all colors, sizes 34 t • 42. Earp . .. .... .
Ladies full length Knitted Coats, Monarch knit,
heavy weave, very stylisb, all r -lorry Each
Misses' and childrensSweeter Coat.s, $1 (1(1 $2 5Q
all colors, at, each 1 • to •
Infants' hind - knitted Jackets, Bilk trimmed, each, 5(0C
Peri in's Gloves Kayser Gloves JVV
McCall's Pattet ns and Publications
Airilar's ScotcliStore lie
Stylish Fo9twr
If you buy • first-class
shoe, don't you want that
shoe made in the latest
style ?
�Yhy should you pay
the price of a high-class
shoe, end, in return. get a
shoe one or two seasons
old :lot:
do you k now.
for oostance, when you ask
for; the:newest footwear
that you're actually get-
ting the newest?
But why takechancea ?
Why not ask for the
shoes that lead the styles
in Canada — INVIC1US
Isn'tthere a great
setisfectilin in knowing
that the shoes you're wear-
ing are not last, year's
styles but the newest theme
is in footwear?
This satisfaction will
be youts when you wear
INVICl'US Shoes. There
are other fashionable shoes
besides INVIOTUS, but
bow are you to know -them ?
Why tun any risks, why not'order the shoes that have made
a reputation throughout Canada for tbeir!styyli.h appearance?
You run no,risks whenlyou order INViCTUS Shoes.,
• Wm. Sharman
The Square
• The fall wheat,
and the spring
crops will soon
be ready to
harvest and
Twine of t h e
best quality,
which will Rive
the hest results,
is what every farmer requires. We sell the
PLYMOUTH TWiNE, and ,handle three different
brands :
(Gold Medal.. ..1 Ot. Silver Sheaf
Green Sheaf.... ---c
The extremely warm weather has dernoneuated to many bow
serviceable Boal dl and gaeoltae stove* air We have the Nur
Porterage Mee Mem Coal Oil Serves and the Mask Viper Gabe
$tense, which, as Sresly believe, are unrivalled Ssdese perched*.
mall and see ours' tested.
Hsseilloa elect