HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-8-10, Page 1Perhaps the potpie know you ace E butanes., and perhaps they du advertisement in m The tillepial will keep your. name coos tan t1y before t b e public SIITT-THIRD YLlt -Nn. tes1� i GODERICH, ONTARIO. CANADA : AUGUST 10, 1911 For title Balance of the' ,/ear The Signal will be tient til new eubttcrib- ere for only 25c Suh.crit,e now. THS SIGNAL PHINVN0 CO.. Ltd.. Pv.'Jlvas, STCRLI&V BAM( OF CANADA MONEY ORDERS The cheapest and safest way in whish money Iwo be sent to all points in Canada is by Banker's Money Order%L Fur sale at thee Bank at the following rates: $6.00 and under - - 3 canto Over $ 5.00 to $10.,19 6 tante Over 110.00 to $Su.00 10 cents Over $30.00 to 160.00 15 cents For amounts over 160.00 we can sell yuu Bank Drafts to any amount required. These orders are payable at any Chartered Bank to Canada, also at our United States Agencies. without charge (Yukon Territory excepted). GODERICH BRANCH B. WALKER Mgr. WAITED' WANTED. -LADIES FINE walk. LYRA DAWSON. ro m over Mis maa'5 store, earner Emt sagest N1O kAT1ON 18 WANTED OF Apr Hangi ten and Yalu Jane kis wife, et one time resident; of Toronto and to Mk) HvtnR in Oode- Belk Layes* baring knawledrte of these psetito se d anyof rtielr Wally please tom- onsakate with HURSTON & BOW, n Tor- asae stet. Toronto. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS. 1N TSE ESTSsTE OF PETiR EDWARD/. LATE OF Tilt TO44 N OF UV IQt1CH. IN THU ODUNTY (/F HURON, D*CEA8 1. 1� 1>R oreditars re ii«iom tzthers is hereby given_ paressst to R 8.0. _ t....=.40.er. ueh'e her'Iia eerainfrhubood*thE Itt tadwdrrat�es. fag Fertll arm isad the astargretail y bell 57 thio laly i► irwe(�i�rs�r� attar the rale data the of the mid Wap rU the U d -,..1.uirrii�ls ilio stigieib or may past tamed to edy psse er pumas of trbrssirdr 01.,iteb IIset lid data 01 A godem •)�afmbllai t(MsMa}iel . GaOh GGGAwMeEkRlON, A. Goderlcb. . tios Solicitor for the said Ezeouter. LOST OR FOUND. POUND. -A PURSE CONTAINFN0 r • SIMS Wm of mosey. The owner may have the atom by Previa. p.sperty and paving for thie NAlsoP r i4ver rtneot. Apply et TH i S10 -s. NvTICE TO CREDITORS. tN TMi E8TATE OF CHRIBTILNA 'cm 1.A OF Hit roUwN OF OUDERICB. ascou TY us HURon. hereby Oven 3%f Ckesnr Mk ass on creditorstaw4 aalft.Wm havnca Mediae ans4osiitdbs sasses et the saki1.OWe adJelly, Ml. am sesisdto ea err *hast it MW. •ss. 8ver .toe hheid sompaian et the mil vitas. ea se Mews Thalle aro.Years~ with taw partiwor. ei tasneleline iletweMh r. d w�q��tsa,, sM W .assn «ted aero b lass lay raided 4a Wte.sslss sitet w said deb the ima dgeh,4* veto edirmeeuto the �-- g_l gb�s, eeeset whirl ghq afarwtiwb05 ISYS ratoalvwad tfa slda hose or May partNM the s threaastt to pay per - sea erpetosme at whom' Maim artier shah oil ham mobdYw receivved by thea. et the dna s[ D.Doteed at 0edstleh this Md day of Asgenl'. A. M. 0. CAMERON. nonettsr ter w snit DETROIT & CLEVELAND r NAVIGATION CO. - Ernsi IIx CITY OF ST. I(;NAGE BOR MACKINAC ISLAND Fridays, 6.50 a.m. $8.60 one way 10.00 round trip FOR DETROIT Saturdays, 2.30 p.m. 18.00 one wily $&5O round trip 1 OST. -ON SATURDAY NVENINO lI as Square. Kingston or West t Dlr. tel shape. est wW Fisher ptdess leave at Mdlr's Parnham and r.oeirisensed. It FOR SALE OR TO RENT 100 ACRES SIX MILES $5,8g from Weo4took, as rtnod eeouvenleot to ehaeob. ssbo 1 and cheese tamory'exoefeat ter dairy errmlzM tarmfas. Addrae BOX Ma. Woodstock. Ont. FOR SALE. -A FRAME COTTAGE JL' m Yootealm street. In good repair ; dz rooms and pantry. Lot contains one-saarter et an acre. Apply to B1136 HYSLOP. on the promisee. :bot. GODERICH MARKETS. TOuYDar. Aug . tole. wigs; per �t. cat hamh„ p 5 two e 0 t1y0 008to Den par bask Oitito 0 S e 37 1O u m BYLAW NO. lel OF 1911, OF THE 0 73 to 0 to BYLAW OF THE TOWN uF 0 35 to 055 UkHICH. 10 00 to t0 0u 975 to i1u 3 n0 to r W IOU a to ago >t3 p1 to 33 00 8 IQ to 8 pu ?it r0b 0S ia New a heOle i,.., o:s.at. H•: wi• siIIie: Iser apo :fit :5 PU11 c NOTICE bosh Webosh Iter tem � cwt w PR WM per tea Pell Nil IOW see ted PROPERTY FOR LE. -A FINK tem-reetmd kos a pa v asset. .tad two port }4_ Rood trsdt, Abe hares '771 is house is TOUT Mien' � end is situatedsituatedloo 6 tMBmeeYat ter to Y C. ays, Barrister. tiOH SALIL -THAT FINE RESI- Jj1 des st w sates et Csoeeeo knows se IMA. lor eats. 1Aeeu -'- h alt feta M two oahsfss k booms,melt « two eteefst mss tab -ens lot 1heellB Bath Tess+ a ether la 8 armessdaassr stm � � gattnsr armlet* b owe of the mast Emir- apielt� ` with halts d all Iambs / owt par Di cwt 7rto Tse 1st a 7O Lam arias and Pelts .... . o IS to 020 able la 111 be sold oa e'esassahle terms. Apply to P. J. RYAN. Godencb. Ott. 1 STAR -COLE LINE STB. HURON leratme u.irrek 35* BAA/LT STL MARDI, MICH_ via IMM Charms, Mend= Hay. TusdeP .4 0 p.s FOR MIT EDISON, DETROIT 1VLam s'ad CLEVELAND Friday e4 If sYalab' WILLIAM Lit. l Aetna ONrirn. A L 1aEi Qwr.i Wer. Drama. Miele. FOR SALE. EOR SALE, -A OENTLEMA.N'S emoting chairIn wtoced oak and r• Cest Wd. Will dem ter half price- Apay to MRP. HERALD. owner Briti.nnla read and Wellington street SITUATIONS VACANT. TWO 0001) FARMS FOR BALE.- Cbm 1'e the town «Oadmin. Tke bad b Swabiaa orob•ri on bolt oils ea�p teen. Buy now. land is gulag up. A1ee! w as • good biddies lot. 41 feet tr estsA . • Beath street tp�•srrtt of the Water pee/mer Appy toTHOS. GUHDRY. FARi1 TO RENT OK FUR SALI- Ora hundred sons « / .4 •slel� raw MEM la l3, e-.tseeies 4. West d'w.wt- stoh, islet all hs a goad stats d esltivatim, and sassy all seeded down. w0Ddlase *- e lude t*rMM boos/, lame be shad, e4L pr moot runs throes priest fe whets half • db « IM_ wheals le rid peetoise. t Oa Me Maas mow whisk d noes oes Imo ptw. lt:sY 'r im 10 aorta eft Foor itetSlrrfie-- nnag vrdin* tore .to. B. MILLIOAN. DutpaOw. WANTED. -A GIRL FOR URN- IItAL tou.ewort. Apply to MMS . SAL& Kingston street. WANTED. -BY SEPTEMBER 1ST, 4'. .penis poen) servant Apply to Mo. W. L. 1 Levi [rat sumo. 11. lea WANTRD.-A CAPABLE GIRL with toed psoammeadatiosa for general work Hts►rt wages paid. Apply to )1 . 8. HAWLiY. corer of Neb nn tend Church streets. Oad rlat WANTED. -TEACHER FOR 8. S. No. It Ashdod; dappt1tUyTee to eommesoe sad qualifications, 10 . G attar slimmer bondAPtacVUCrewe t P. 0. to I1OR BALE. - TEN ACRES SANT j` _lit «e. 5 desire ae s l er "est not. 0o.r+.a. if Tee dodo • .ester Ysaf of sss et two mires era leditlart iA 1• the smith elde write H. A. JORDAN, 173 Wieser svess°, .V Leser, Ontario. &LNPRY'S Livery, Cab and Bus Stables ?KR RIM Re dem* /MFsI, iRlis.b ...tree stoat. 'Plow LOCALIMtROVEYENTS. CARD FO THANES. 1110 THE OFFICERS AND BRETH- REN of Court Oodericb. No. 39. C. 0. F. Ozertariz .-Plear accept m 77 hearty thanks for kiedaeta and .yaapathy +bowo IMO daring basbttd's late illness. thank or the prompt �rlalso wish yineen n.nnnoec laimorder and for sick and fitaual beneftson the death of my he.baad, Ute late W. L Pennington. Wishing your Order every +uoc'.er. I have Ma boom to be, • very grateful' ELIZABETH ANN PENNINGTON. Ooderich. Aug. on. 1911. TOWW OF GODERICH. !Take .oboe trot the Municipal loon l d tee °eraoeuites et the Town of oodr18 bawls do eseelres a thee limos rues. 1a the said tows. earls ekes sal Nesta frost, sett Stewds se ammo • pietist d the teal cost there +Mgt w rod *"PN to bo immediately MRM erebuttingnppoo Bmo,aria. w. the said points. and to levy edit tow frontage %boar a at :rads liable to i wi..M We *1 ewtms asesseal a« et. or for M w �Mrmmm�.O5 lied is Clerk net revised his mega m.t i[ ''work 01 et ft w out et .s1=1.. A�•e. Yfl. st ram as r > r �'°" `4r las ' Ch'm'M�1a`�M PUBLIC NOTICE. ABruw108 Aut*anetrt Poo lila TO THE *AID hl/Jt THE MAalri0 or as Juni Lnoeuilr 1I0otna u or &scratcat FP'oowan hallo', Whereas Jells ld lerodte, of the 0117 of Undo,, ad. ulie. Wood. to orgduiae Mat sleet ~thy to be ksown as ' 114 Power-7Lerelosateet Company. - asd e�ebloh satin moot la w raid steeem etpp m ja .lobules! parses pima to Ani tg io thrs.id Atka LiiOpW Dtodlm boo suet to 7 electrlaal Power 10 Ute mid segM•ll•• eon the terms and oordlteue tboetthe prepmed eg94oment beretnafter fumy set h. Ad wlwrees situ tstrbtis►moot of the rid th0 epestwu of the said plant and Has et �d power noun the said terse rel eeelamene would be advautaleow M lira b -1t of the said town of Oodetich. Illett300 i R KNACTED AND IT 18 mum - sr smarm et 'rest M lNIWAL 000naL 00 THE SA1D'1 Ow/ eV 5, 01510H Aa VOUOW0 1. -It shall be lawful for the Mayor and clerk d the sap rppee.4tuu in the bemeard on be- half el the es ereriuu of the town «Ooderich. set rider j eeerpente seal. to enter law and women sa ���teseamport r. hereinafter est forth eri'jeau Leopold Brody, which is by him, for the ins« wW site �p the .aid JohnLeopold to rpor.ttiOn. Tye. - cut MO 10 be entered into sad eneseW d &ball be la the tol- teTlet orae,-_. BT LAW NO. 11. OF 1911. OF THE CORPORATI1'N OF THY TOWN OF OUD CR. A Brt.aw TO REPEAL BTI.Aw No. 13, OF 1998, or ens Town or Gooertico. WHiRLA8 illy bylaw .o. 13 of 1.e of the tows et 0dertela the sold town gran ted the Marano/ Wm* Power Company. Limited. ger tali p,ivwe�s. and aid 1• the (bmpsny's soder a dem ea w Ricer Malt. Whom easterly from the said eft between the les alae of teen e! MseMM.gt erTr t d'�.a�"' towtew Ma ewerss paw OATH _ �t B TSL' MUNNZC1 L TOWN or 1.1 OLOiOwsp THE L Hylar Noe. U « eh� - rawaesi�t O tie hoods or dawbesneta a Mawlsad.esterPower. Compaq Lebed."be •d aye some b bong repealed. 1 Lillis bylaw Mall take silks on the day ed '17r NPasdog odd Osepandiesi 0188.yf tided the 1w s et ea tale bylaw at w, Netlatoat ,a rem Mgr « tweet IVlt,t hear d 9 o'clock to the forenoon Las Mad 5 o''lloek in the sherneea el b the following Deputy Went - ler oath sem as may be the the dr1 et the Umelkok sad pleat as the bylaw No. Met PM of Me aid two war re- tho glebe odd to repeal of Me said vows stew mu REAM hostels light River te son - city d e ebb day « tan Leopold Monica Ute ud, Es -quire, of the drat Don ut the Town of Bedeck*. ae1 itr called thc,-Corporsuon er the.tueerd Mei. tosetohwrn Iiaeloatekolodder ether B of the tint part proposes said town of OOderlc:h an I. with the oktlootamoOg power for industrial aim to organise a juiut 51005 1� known •s The Uodericb Power �p�pt Company, Limited,' to «cry sat the said oD,lecte. or- sni di said John Leopold Brodie lam same sits and power to the nada Cat Ibe aass��++ •red oosditlow and at the Prop eth forth. which terms hare bap s�ap�eal,� .idea to the approval of Ute raLSpa�me g2l he ralu municipality. "And wbmeee to order to supply power w private Wields*la Or puttee or bogies corpor- sibs lase fatMsaid it wi11 be corpor- ate, a feWerddJohn Leopold Invite to erect line We streets and highways of w said Oerpe . for the purposes oftrane- Olttisg Yid Now Tela AuxaarENT wtT.r 0 of the premises and ails hereiraftor set forth O Leopold Bridle and the said John Leopold Brodie dent to the Town td Dods « not has two t s- grn est in of 18et material M between odd i°T lepras 1 than THETOWN COUNCi/ • tee.hc aid of the o die. worts uI 10 d - ] H TOWN COUNCIL. Ire, told the coun..l was ansious lu du as mucjr as possible. There was a great need for improvement in many SUMMER VISITORS MAKE RE- QUEST FOR IMPROVEMENTS. Counc,l Takes Steps to Meet Their Desires - Tender for Debentures Accepted -Contract Awarded for Removing Part of River Hill -The Street Oiling Question Again Dis- cussed. THE BRODIE BYLAW. So far The Signal has not editorially places lhiou bout the town. but be discussed the Brodie bylaw. It could wiebed Mr. Henry to aseute the peri- not support the hylaw in its original U01101$ that for matter would form, but now that the promoters hove shown it genuine desite to its. prove the terms of the agreement, and have wade a number of Cha twee there- in to meet the vises of those who pointed out defects in the bylaw an it originally wood, the proposition as- euwes a new aspect. Three main objects shout,' be kept in view by the ratepayers to connec- tion with the whole tnaltel : 1. To ecrute tbe lucatiug at (lode - rich of the large salt plant which Mr. Brodie mopes'', to establish. .1 To make a reasonably good bar- gaW for the supply of power for mun- icipal purpose.. 3. To secure a supply of power for warwfa.rturers and others in the town who may require it. There it ltothiog in the bylaw to • guarantee the establishing of, the Brudie salt plant iu Ooderich, but there is a very good reason for the omission. 'fbe town cannot legally grant saute lance to an industry simi- lar to nue already established in the municipality, and if the power agrese looked into. Mr. Heory advised that whatever work might he undertaken should be done inrmediettly- in order that the petitioners nii0;ht have reason to appreciate the etf.rte made by the municipality for their comfort and convenience during their stay iu (lode- ricb. Ou motion 11 Reeve Reid, seconded by Councillor Vanatter', the emitter was referred to the public works torr - The regular uiteting of the town mtttee asd the water and light coin - council was Feld in the council mtiseion will tee asked to deal with the chasberon Friday evening. In the, waiter of lighting. absence of Mayor Cameron. who ar- A request • that. the work on the rived late, Reeve Reid took the chap. granolitbic walk on Selaon street be DeputyReeve Munniege and Council- proceeded with at once was referred Ions Wallace, Clark, Vanatter and to tbe public work's cow nittee. Kelly were the other members present. R. G. Reyna Ids, president "of the The report of tbe engineer on tbe Ooderich Musical d leiety, sent a lettet- proposed tew.r on Ellice street watt asking that the mast grant of. 1000 be presented. On motion of the Deputy wade w the Socie+y. The letter was Reeve, the report was adopted and it refrired to the finance committee. was de...tided to hold a court of revision A Tette* front Judge Holt. president to be held .on Friday earning, Augpurpose et of the of asked for a grant Alexandra aid of that iwt.itu, 'lith, at 8 o'clock, tor the p rposs hearing`any objections to the construe- tion and that it be at least $000. It tion of the *ewer. was rent t' the finance committee. A petition was received, signed by Dr. lfu!wes, secretaryar assurer. ..f guests at Hotel Sunset and the rest- the Gude"icb Collegiate Institute. dente of summer cottages adjarebt to asked that the town levy $8,11k) fur the hotel, asking that the roadway Collegiate Institute purposes. leading south from the hotel along the Councillor Kelly gave uotice of lake bank Fe put in proper condition [notion that at the next regular meet - for pedestrians and that au electric light he placed at a point where it would serve to light the whole street. It way p'inted out that the cottdgers and hotel guests wade frequent use of this roadway and any improvements which Wight be undertaken by the council would be appteciated by these summer visitors. - Mr. Henry was present at the coun- cil meeting as the repreeentativeof the I Rigs Co. be given until September 1st petitioner. and he coked permission to to make a payment. The committee address the council regarding the mat- reported that tendere on the deben- ter. On must Mr. sHenry sstated that the con- of 1909 and bylaw No.95 ofls accreting to the tures to be hewed under t 1910 were dit.ion of the street was talked about received as follows ; Geo. A. Stinson considerably by the summer residents. & Co., $2.115 ; Ontario Securities Co.. He said he bad been coming to Bode- $28,794 ; Aewiliu. Jarvis t Co ,1128,104 ; riches a visitor for over forty years W. A. McKenzie & Co., $28,0818; Can - and hail always an eat nest desire to see adian Debentures Corpor atioo,R'28,536: Goderich improve. The street in quos- DouiitionSecuritiesCorporation, $28. - tion wa.one of the only walks available 609.60; H. O'Hara & Co. $28,791. It for tbesumenerguests anthat partofthe was recommended that the tender of .L_ n.-, .,. to tinnn%w t.taa (at BM ar`CPntld. log of the council he would move to have reconsidered bylaw No. 11t -the- mesa were trade couditional upon the Brodie power bylaw. establishing of the salt pias[ it might The finance committer recommended be O0nstl ued as a violation of the state that, as tbe Kensington Furniture ate- Stilt, it is well understood that, Cdopaoy had spent about 16,000 on improvewemte, they he haded over• Mr. Brodie fully intends to proceed the balance of insurance money heldscale and we are assured of his good with the salt project on a large It was recommended that the Wheel by the town, amounting to $2,(181,8'2. hon and • Igws[ ami tosupplvgtb. said Cor- town• Mr. Henry's view of the mat- pgg.�y Uaei nut to ezceed thirty yeah errwoe that for Improvements should ifs haws moor, co a tweorun 1r boar be dune on lbs total improvement bay,toilter �mm war 1. da irmt the Ian and ass property -holder in that time that, power deHvand at p p farther poolf; W the C°ep.eaMrt t las�M Ila s oysleellsytnM� such boor to nos requbOsIs 0. e. fewer op w said J aha said Clempsey w be ur- this etlpah'- 4o. ho- ev er.Castrbs*Mit worstre hehe-upphes • _ essmkiekau be abbot to eta menthe conics to t8. tots Bowie, or tie t'owpaay. end is not to erose* WO hone ewer. sod me said John 1,pp�td Brodie. or tan said t.00p ay, mals sot be obliged w supply the same mall expira- tion of the said pee led «six months, and pro- vided further that ROW additional power re - guyed by the (Ar rs aioresaid exceeds a0 nurse power. and then exl.Uog plant is not JJobsroLeos supply 9aty,letoMgiven w sagruat bcW¢ es0seit 10 .ler 10 - - pYate Isuemb the euisutt d pow: tm� ed. :to ositistab()crpruiy.totN gss<lsa rp call for d saw sf mom= J� powersee.ata hatevertar,be m.4. 8y _IlemsloweI n01. raid ty °CorporaUes agar Y* expiration of letsyear. from tae date« first delivery el WBS horse power. -The acid C'or eseemei arms to accept the said power from fhb mkt John Leopold I4odie for and o mottos the mid to pal for tie sees at the rete b beer power delivered to it.+ s at ite present Pew* boom, and in sly event whether used or .et to pay for at w lege atoresld at least 323 hofls power per sa.is.��,, sed any power de- Hreted over and above/1 t fes home power the lewd Cerpratiou 14 ea /at ter at the temente. -i-T1s.044 J oh. 1494 Beadle, or 18. said ���,, shall ole ��w tete right 10 d,:U, 4.- liver-ordWibute b Ma amid tows « Dalt glen fee power tD tag pge��w}g/�1�/ ad *oder, 4pM1 lMdjp M w seta OgeNrad n d tel of itva 1leysto es lrwM a t%er8788.ape to ~ iittnn��aattthe lase dellveroll ah thlyt two. ee8 mash to.aT'- aid every month •t say urs the « this sOeeme.s a ws ostlor tE d aid set ..M Ke yip_ • �1�5 �evtd ogttrout traie �nho ts so o wt veli Ijt*fa epe.enUme. Ms nerns a •mount required, the or the said Com- e t two lean from to a dMe w said John of it= ✓ omrats to the 11th snails slower pewees aid ander as /abdlvi ion No. 1 -At spy he John H. Ed Os1.... sed Jahn B. , Babdlvidon No. 2 At Mr. Oes►am's W eek by ( harts Bates. Depute O10ar. and Reg. Bearman. iP00i111 No. 3 -At Town Hell. hr Retuning (limn. orad No. 4 -At 8tetasru' A. Tenet, gGG''firr�ftr. ep « to j �trta bpe�ma""w` ler Ams wnlsadd grin laawefmg me a «ATM. wYsn is lax. curt. fj�OWN OF OOUERICH Tyke mile Net the Mselet94l Oeanon « OstprsUiu. ef w Ten et 0.trM1 ••••04001* • pus► 7 m'r •• n! Mars te section of the fawn he was perfectly willing that tb_ council adopt this plan when making the improvements. Deputy Reeve Munnines, who is gid Cormapsts w to nave lase right at ten raN Ike first, re pow , s mla at t1N lad tl 9*FNl pew from t to sell ter a o - a the pries row agreed to be rid g{ si either of sod et read)u t Y opposer that the ass, mak ft eNs ataeboe.t bbd power de esi etinawfgsrp 05115 °r allt7 aaot Moo entered fern we ter hr kptoepoid�to hs the pewee. -.3 hereby granted permission during the term « yearn coy card by this agreement to erect toles of his own upon the streets and highways of the said m uoicipality, and to string the neces- sary %sire. thereon where it is not feasible tp use the poles of the rid Curpor•t ion, subject however us to the location of the said poles so to be erected and the method of stringing the said wire to theapproval of the committee « public works for the time beteg. •g--Tke said John Leopold Brodie covenants ssd.grees with the Yid Corporation that he sill operations upon the power plant to for the turpoee of producingthe power tot later than the first day of Hay. 1913, and that he, or the Company so to he organised ar aforesaid. will pr0t+ee0 with the erection and completion thereof wi th as great expedition as possible. said date of completion to be not later than May 1■t. 1914. and farther Goa the mid plant 00 to be established es afore- said will be kept and maintained at all times lo a state amply •ufilclent t3 supply at all times such power as aforesaid. to case default b made in commencing and oomplegththe a� tion of the mid plant on and before herein wt forth a- afor°ra1d. the said agreement shall be cancelled. •9. -If during the currencyof this agreement any differences should arise tween the parties hereto in connection therewith, sorb differ. be referred to arbitration under the the Arbttn0on tot. Allies whereof the and Johp Leopold Brodie hereunto set his hand and seat and on um colorant seal and tie loads of its or and (:lark. • wads and execrated in the presence of 3. -TW bylaw shall take effect on the day of the Mal poring thereof. 4;�- ''ms}�!s y�_oto «w electors of the said town Ye�� uMll be taken on this bylaw at the Yam and places, that le to ray : Ou Masteenth day of August. 1911, t W bout+ of reins o'oNek in w [tins until I've o'olook in mei day. by the fol ewteg Olean : Se 1. at Tboo.pson'a Edward, Deputy Re- jens W].ctea. Pell Cleric. No. 2. et Yrs. Graham's swell, be Omega Bates. Depgty flier, sad Rea. 8harmae. Poll No. s- At Jenspreobeg's y, a d y pap3a7, *r wt og maitwse M be•Missed rsseMleT lay yF�s�pp M enaY _ Missed tew�tM IebtwmewrR�Mt a - IDwnts tongibs wtoe theme esti 11rwvWi yeY Ammo, 1911. the lessee a Mese t�tesea etteeA at Ike • yAeost shah eros Sabo miga rota u last The t 11.109W- veee bsh ear tM IlMatll 1. w WA by WWII EPOPInad In Week the le In se num ma lase is MAI es i:wmwinn fo .. 1d Mims;ie 7 ser tree traedeg .1• a s`7,e °vt��srr � su.ell et that Town w s «.�.,.. mt., at W eimwinewl =It at Ira *' Me fr « "k -!Lb raid Jena L ill eIt He treaty-ar t Why si Ant= w Awe power the of the raid Zia. womNr et mem sd aaet�t y M reel prer3aMs base A the m la dl r M A s ew t. l diel�'1Ipe�,�� ___ a�r} nM the lad day «Arsg*ot. A r11• b°�Nla tr. fr It�arO ase p•r/•'b N tort �e.mssrtrkiMet�dwsNes Y OW M that th- e 8 `• imie ftse ..eer.rl s see . chi leGN Jeha dao . • las days' Mi tM on No. 3, at Town BLIT. be ty Returning 0tor. and eterSIENgst Retandor t:=, lord Clark faith in. Tbe ing am for power t,o be used by the municipality -has been the nest freely discussed, but in our opin- ion it is not the nioet imporuurt. In the discussion on this point little has been said of the revenue to tie re- ceived by the town from the sale of &say) horsepower on the average is power to the smell users. 11 only 20) tbert win A number of acceuuts *leo were rec- tieed at the wueicipal power house, ties a consideratele margin to The pu ic works committee re- ported that tenders weris received tor the removing of a part of Saltford hill and improv i t, g the roadway, ail follows : Peter MiatEwan Estate, $464.26; J. J. Joseph Healy, OM; Hardy, Bell & Joseph Buehler, $550. As John Barker's was the lowest it was recom- mended that his tender be accepted and that the work be doue under the supeivision of the public works com- mittee. Adopted. The question of purchaeing a new watering cart seas discussed and led up to the queetion of purchasing; more road oil. Councillor 1, &matter suppi of wer advocated the watet ing of the streets on the local improvement eye tem. a resionable price, for it wohld not be He thought the old wstering cert. gums, vg if. L. autos. ts Rotaitus video No. T. at Demobs NovtIle's lletay. Deputy Returning Tow. Poll Clerk. Ceawbees ef the wad tows at 10 te a.* ems iUrbei uroessee. thi:%st tlie a =31C.44cairees 1114 SAM an= ed and b -Tine Own el We talni,,eil of the e.ett Lows qg *Menet AO the votes Mr mod onosat use Gesell Obseber et ar tows 7111.1,40TICS thet- the above is true a w which he= nod wkleik a ammeter the ewe ObeatrWei diaeffp the Me CICI tint .3 st* wituislag up of Use votes hy the a the wawa Leteree;.• be diposed of, and this will bring in a considerable revenue to the town. The most vital objection to the by- _ law in its original form, as it appeared ,0 us, was thet, while Mr. Brodie was granted & franchise for the supplying of power LO mritufseturer'e he wail placed under no 4 AA 1., supply such power. Under the bylaw as amended Mr. Brodie agrees to erect the town "a power plant of not less than two tbuusand horse- powers." If this means what we pre - smile it means, it places upon Mr. Brodie n obligation which ougbt to assure a would do for the bslance of the season and if more oil were to be put on the Square he would advocat e immediate Councillor Clerk called attention to the apparent value of teralithic as a settler ot dust. He mede mention of the good results obtained from the experiment on Hamiltoo street. He comadered that the taralithic was better if it were within reach go for se the price was concerned. Ile tilln't think it advisable thet any be pur- chased this year. Meyor Cameron arrived at.this junc- On motion of the Deputy Reeve, sec- onded by Councillor Vanatter, it was decided to purchase another car of oil at, once. It was suggested that the scrapes he put on alai to get rid of the large quantity of dust which lay on the road. As Mr. Paneons. the man- ager of the British American Oil Oo , bad Advised that no dust should be re- movell before the oil wee laid, the matter will be referred to him before any action is taken. The placing of another catchhaein on the northeast side of the Squere wee introduced by Councillor Kelly. It was pointed out that another beak' was necessary there, am the water always lay on the street for some time following a rain The public works committee will look into the good businese fcr Mr. Brodie to 'keep his power plant idle. `There are some point. of the agree- ment which are Aid capable of im- provement, and aie would point out - and we believe in this we are giving ea.ders "good law" -that even our ..fts it the bylaw is passed by the people changes may be made in the egree- went at tbe instance of the town council. If the ratepayers have sufficient confidence in the wisdom of the council, they may vote for the bylaw even though it may be defective in some minor points, trusting to the cou ncil to have the agreement properly et ren gt he ned before it is finally e emu t - ed. This pieces • further responsibility upon the town council, whose membere, as Councillor Wallace tzuly renpu-ked at • recent meeting. are expected to do some thinking on their own account and not merely to pees any proposi- tion that comes before them without criticism and scrutiny. The services of the town solieitor also should be availed of to the (MINS extent. The bylaw in it* present shape is much improved. thanks' to the criti- cisms ot the ratepayers wbo publicly expreased their objections to the original draft Perhaps there is still a risk in paesing it ; but there would &leo he a risk in not peoldry it -the risk of losing a great opportunity to advance the indueirial prosperity of the ton Councillor Vanetter brought up tbe metter of having a T Ow of lights pined around the Square outside the trees. He considered that it was something from which the town would get good value. Councillor Kelly. ckairman of the parks commit- tee. explained why nothing bad been done in the matter. An agent for • new system of lighting had been in town and the eommittee had intended to conrider his propoaition but noth- ing more had been 'beard from hini. Aassesor Compile!' stated at this junc- ture that the agrnt bad left his ad - deem with him and he bad informed him that be (tbe agent) would explain his propoeltioint: any time suitabie to the council metter was sent to the parks committee to report, en. Depot y Reeve Mutinies. reported as to the repairs on the main budding in the Agricultural Park. It would tithe st least $100 to fix it sod the grant w and See wee is seed et repairs. Be S eta Alit the dlesetore tbe lien were sedielled wItt the improve- ment*, to be mole. Oa sans of ossaduor Clark It woe deolded to leave the setter et all revolts be the tilrimili:psossi toes. MO4PICEME NTS Read every page of Tbe Signal Makes the old feel yonng-Wigle • Iron Pills In bottles at 96e. a hun makes twenty 'tames el lemonade. Rad by IL R. Wiest. druggist. Clods nisi, Mesa trots owl sherry The original Hotelliessethis spo gradaut. a Now Yet* are new Tintomme worms -Tomas. tot virezwestnim of • &same hens es Ilk Oran 11111 to resolved up to eitigt IMO ego seestit Nab. Ile: Roma