The Signal, 1911-8-3, Page 7THE SIGNAL : GODER[CH1 ONTARIO 40 "•i' i "e'. ********. 'iii`vi 'if * ****`**** ` * • *9i * -- 171" siliTs- \ The News of the istriet ativra=r-----;444.4.4 LOTHIAN. TnisDDAY, Aug let No U.-M3m. Rod. Campbell spent a gw week visiting fritods in lossallne Mr. tole Nicholson, of Algoma la at present visiting at Alex. McLeaes,.,....Miss Irene Woodi, of 8katobewao, a former teecber of this place. visited friends here on Monday... ..Misses Margaret and Marie FtnlsysoU. of Lorne, were the guests of their cousin, Miss Oretta Campbell, for a few days,-,. ..Mir Sadie Smith, of Paramount, was the guest of Miss Bessie Hamby one day last week._ ST.UA G IU T$Td NE- Tt7ESUAT, Aug. 1st. I'be Misses Young, of Loyal, spent -,/nd•y with friers here. Mrs. Vanstone and daughter, of Toronto, visited friend* in this vicin- ity last week. W. J. Pomo had a very successful baro -raising last Wednesday. Joe Flynn did tbe frame work. 11 the floe weather continues the farmers in this vicinity will soon be through harvtsting. Some have their peas cut and others are busy cutting °ata. Quite a number from this vicinity atteoded H. Knox's auction sale of harness and harness supplies in Au- burn last Seturdey evening. While engaged in working on Mr. Foren's barn teat week, O. Pollard had tbe misfortune to fall shout ten feet. injuring both his ankles. We bope to see bin' around again in a abort time. THE RtFt.zltms.-There we. a good attendance at the rifle range last Sat• urd•y. It was the last *boot for the prize. David Tindale woe the winner. The prize. veined at $4. was for the member making the five beet scores in the months of May. June and July. Shooting ham been postponed till after ban est. INJUPED IN RCt5AR AT. -4' raids Martie seri ed home stw waning the e t Inst week. ng now he et with au accident which will coolie" him to the borne for a while. He wan getting • ride with Mr. Alton and when a abort distance out et Laeknow they met en auto. The hor,.es took fright end ran n way :and both Mr. Alton end Mr. Martin were thrown out of tbe wagon. Mr. Alton received mowe bed wounds &bout the hired. while the wagon ran over Mr. Martin's _leg and injured it. He is wow with bar daughter, Mrs. Trish Thompson. LUCICNOW. MONDAY, July 31st. HARSHLY BURNED. -P. J. Mo iherlee bakery, a Large frame building east of eW1711An House OD Mein street., was destPeyed by fire et midnight on Weduedayy July 19th. Mr. and Mrs. McObat'tes and little daughter, wbo live over. the store, bad • narrow eecrape. Alter working for an hour the firemen thought that the blaze was completely eztieguisbedd and re- turned to their homes. The last w•tcbwan bad just gone when the in- terior of tbe rosin building suddenly burst into • mass of flame and was goon in ruins- The fire had evidently mpe been smouldering inside of a r tion, which et last fell over, throwing the flames into the room. The calm - nese of the night and the dampness :after tbe recent rains saved tuck- now's largest hotel end the other frame buiiiings neer by. NUPTIAL. -The home of D. S. Mac- h,nnld was the scene a1 a pretty wedding on Tburday morning, the 20th inst.. when his eldest daughter Alexandria, was united to Dr. James Freeborn McKee, of Heatnonte. On- tario. Rev. F. A. Maclennan, of youth Kinloss, conducted the °ere- mony in the presence of the immedi- ate relatives and friends- The bride looked charming in a sown of cream satin and chiffon with bridal veil and grange blottsoms. She carried a shower bouquet of bridal roses and lily of the valley. Her maid, Miss Marie MacDonald, wore pale blue silk and carried pink rneea, The groom was supported by Thomae MecDon- ald, of Detroit, brother of the bride. Miss Elisabeth MacDon&Id played the wedding match. After breakfast Dr. and Mrs. McKee left for a short trip before takinguptheir residence in eleatbcote, te bride travelling in navy blue serge with large bldsk bat. PERSONAL MENTION, -Mise Agnes i,eddes, of 'Hamilton, is speeding her vaoution at the parental home Duncan Boyd, of Chicago, is nt home owing to the serious illness of his mother, Mrs. John Boyd lent. {}rorge Oorm•ok, of Mineepoli i. visiting ber parent., Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Little .... R Barrett has dis- posed of Ma harness stock to Pottery k Temple. of Kincardine. He is go- ng West Mime Btbel Robertson. •,f Toronto. is visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. N. Robertson Miry Ada Gairdner lett on • Saturday for Winnipeg, where she will join her tanrente 1 G. ADdersoo mid tinn- ily are away on • motor trip to Tor- onto. ileton and other places, .. .. Miss Mae Lyons hes returned to Lon - .lot after.needing a month with Mir rorenta, Mr. and Mee. James Lyons. Miss Gertnrie R Jobnstno. of t teen Sound, is the guest of Mr. and Mee. Robert Mullin. Mime Irene G. NbusrIfff ie exiting friends nt Port. stodgy Mime !earth*, 9meltzer is under the parental roof for • few Peke. .are. M Fairbairn, of Teamster. le visiting Mrs. Jobe t•tvet BLYTH. TUESDAY, A.tg. let. BAST DIED. -Mr. and Mrs. A. Tay- lor, who had their infant in the hos- pital in Toronto, received word Friday that it had passed &w'y and or Satan. - dry the body arrived home. The fu- neral took place un Sunday from its grandfather's home, R. Lear., here, to the Union cemetery Tits BLEt-nots.-Air tbe elections have bien declared there will likely be a hot time for the next few weeks, se tbe contest will be short and fast. The Conservatives of Bast Huron ban not tamed the day of their convention yet, but for probabilities are that the ppeemesseennt member will again be the a n- didate or possibly Jas. Bowman, of Morris- Dr. Obisholm has said that he would not be. the candidate again, in tact he moved out of the riding,but be has moved back again and likely be ready for the fray. It will take a very strong Haan to defeat hint. The Liberals are bolding their convention in Brussels next Friday. when it is ex- pected the flight will be between W. H. Kier and k. Hisbp, the latter be- ing the defeated candidate at the last election. A great 'nary are of the opinion that W. H. Kerr should have the chance, but whether he can carry the conveotioo car not is different, but whoever et the candidate has his work cut out for him against the ge- nial doctor. as be is • great campaigner. t�sa Qaaet "wawa. 11se are s.ry Ratters)) System ,ffer* .: t earone to the seaside runk evielelof cit. Lawrence Adore tie dor - tie Oesem is the onset of sod Three b Pullman tastes Toronto foe Plwtisad Bog= S a. to. daily, leaving Toronto 10:1111_p.s Kt d w bast any Y1M PERSONAL AND OTHERWISE. -Mrs. J. Dodds and daughter visited rela- tives in Wingham this week The ezcurtaon to Kincardine last week was well patronized from hare, there being forty-two tickets sold. A few took in the excursion to Detroit on Saturday. Next Tbured ay being civic boli - day and there being a Sunday school ezcureior to Goderich (bat day it is expected the whole town will take in the excursion. There is' oo doubt they will have an enjoyable time. A ,good has been prepared Rev3717Sll maexchanged pulpits with Rev. Mr. Johostone, of Varna, on Sun• da and Mr. Johnstone preached two sndl� sermons . , . The brick work of tbe Trinity church rectory is near- ing eompietior. and when it is fiaiahed it will be • beautiful and commodious reaideeot A. McVittie, of Aye tier, is speeding his b el id a ye here with relatives, . , , .lL Carter, o t}owganda, is oo a visit to his parents here, accompanied by his wife and child. He gives s yield description of the recent fir'ea in Northern Mario. Dr. W. J. Milne received bis new automobile last week. He pur- obased it when he was at St. Cathar- ines last week and it seems to be s beauty. He has not disposed of his old ooe as yet, so he is well provided. . Three rioks of bowlers went over to Brussels lavt Thursday and had an enjoyable time with the bowlers tbere. They were detested by six shots, two rinks, being down and one up R. Watson shipped two tars of cattle to Toronto ow ti•6 urday Balaton Bros. have made a vast improvement around tbeir taro uery, fixing up an outbuilding w &bat they can pull sheepskins there instead of in the big building. They expect to go into the laminae lager than over this season Mrs Colclougb received word last week of the death of her brother in roman) Mr. Cutt end family, of Grey, visited with his brother ben tbe past week. . Mr. and Mrs. A. Taylor, of Plitt titan - ley, autoed here on Saturday, visiting for a few days with relatives. On his return he toot bis sister. Mrs. T. Gas- man. and her daughter for a visit with him Miss Lottie Bentley. who recently returned here from Cali- fornia, has been engaged as teacher in the Model School et Clinton Mrs. Greaves. of Seaforth. is at present visiting her sister here Mime Louisa Tierney visited with ber grand- mother at Clinton last week. Mrs. Smith, of London, is here oe a visit to her mother... ..Mrs. G. B. McTag- gart and baby are visiting relatives in Clinton end Exeter... _Mrs. Gerry and children, of Fort William, former residents, are hers on a visit to their many friends Mrs. Brydone. of Clinton, is se present on a visit to her brother, J. McMurehie Mime Mc - Manns. of (ioderich, is visiting ber friend, Mims A. Cowan. here Mime L. Brown, woo has been spending her holidays here, returned to berpo.ltion in Hamilton last week Mists G. Stewart went to Clintpn on Saturday to visit bet sister, who had undergone an operation in the hospital there They both have returned home Mrs, F. McCaughey was in London for a few Jaye this week F. Wil- lows. wbo has been on a visit at his home here returned on Saturday to his position at Huston. Texas Mr. end Mr.. J. G. Moser, of Water- loo. are here visiting their daughter. Mrs. F. Carr..,. A. Hasson, who has been residing here tor • short time, hew noted a temperance hotel et Ailsa Craigand intends leaving for that place ortly. .Mist. McGowan. who was visiting with frienda in Dun- gannon for the peat week. hoe returned home again Dr. Annie Rose. who has been lectoriog et the summer 4e*eion of the Macdonald Institute. bas returned home - Miss Sea Stothers is away on a boliday trip to Niagara trans A number of Indians hon arrived to pull flax in this locality. Rev. W. Roes, of Halifax, ei wa- iting .iting during the week with ban parents in Bass W awanosb. On SuMay be is to supply in nne nt Ute (salt cburcbes. He is one of the leading ministers of thea teebyterisn cburch in Canada. Tavasoav, Aut;ear 3, 191t 7 4' _iverpeel Wheat Futures Close High - se, Chicago Lower -Live Steck -Latest Qu tatteens. CHICAGO. July 31.-Mesrl> 1.40,400 ,L Ualss tegnela tncreto-day in the uS. I �s7' � ruble wooly 'll wheat bburdenedurfre thos er nems. to market down. Closing a i�te a •m1 -{e not door=t ottaAo 1-tc eaa pAYFIELD. MONDAY, July 31st, Hiss Citadel", of New York, isepend- ing a few weeks) sir the rectory m'sand, Mies McOorick. of Pelee 'snd, u spending a trw date at the rectory. The eumse rer people new gar. • very successful 000cart in the town hall for the Methodist church on Thursday eveoing, July 27th. Thr harvest u getting on and threshing has commenced in the vicinity of the village. The threehine outtlte bave been making their pen- grination* on our main streets. HE ANIMAL GARDEN PARTY.-- Greet preparations are being made for the English church annual gardenbedpetty te be beon the rectory grounds on Thursday evening, August100.1o. The annual garden party of the English cbuzeh is one of the leading features in Bayferld during the summer, when the prettiest girls in Bayfield dressed in the prettiest cos- tumes serve the finest baking in thir- teen e0ODties to • and apprecia- tive attendance.Every man and woman n who on find a quarter or child fifteen ostta ere in'-ited to come to Bayfield on Thursday- evening. August 10th, and have with us the happiest• time of their life. EAT WAWANOSM. WIDNESDAY, July 26th. TOWNSHIP Ooutteut,-The council met in Belgrave on the above date es per adjournment. Members an prrs- enLMinute:, of last meeting read and passed, on motion of Councillors Burchill and Stonebou.e. The treas- urer's half -yearly statement to June 30, abowiog a bal•noe on hand at date of $8151,T1, was received and ordered to be tiled. The collector presented his hood, the same being accepted as satin yy.� Directors were again pewentsoliciting aid from the town- ship on behalf of the Blyth fall fair. best the council as formerly- were first in their relabel to give any assistance and the request was accordingly re- fund. The treasurer was instructed to advertise for sale the bridge deben- tures. Terrier* on the an., it is ex- pected, will be opened at next meeting at council. A communication from County Clerk Lane received, stating tout the amount to uirsd from the townebip this year fog county pur- poses was $2.728.15. being $30.95 more than last year. This extra for county rate along with the additional payments made necessary in connec- tion with the building of river bridges shows plainly that the ratepayers of Bast \Vawanosb must expect an in- crease in their taxes for 1911 at all events. The usual rattle to he struck to raise the necessary amounu re- quired laid over till next meeting. Bylaw No. 6. 1911. ratifying the ap- pointment of collector. and bylaw No. 7, 1911, authorizing the collector to charge and collect 3 per Dent. extra on all taxr remaining uupaid after the 15th day of Deesmber next. both read and parsed. On motion of Council- lors Campbell and Scott the following accoutre; were ordered to be paid The Municipal World. collectors' roll and other supplied, 12.98 ; H. B. Rllkatt, part printing contract, *21 ; Wm. Johnston, furni thing material sod building fence at river. conces- sion 9, $5.60 : W. F. Campbell, draw- ing tile. $2; John Rodger, digging drain and placing the culvert. conces- sion 4, $8.50; A. B. Quinn, work on Toll's hill. concession 3. $21 ; R. Bu- tsbanan, drawing tile and repairing culverts, concessions 3 and 4, $8 : R. G. McGowan, putting in culvert, con- cession 3, $2.50 ; John Deer. repairing culvert, a oocemeion 1, $3 : Henry Me - Gee, drawing tile and putting in cul- vert, concession 12. $12.26; for gravel. Wightman 20c.. D. Cbamney $5,70. R. C $L40, Stuart McBurney $9.70, Ed. Haines $2.50, P. King $3.500, W. Wigbtmad $16,60. Geo. C. Naylor $4. Alex. Patterson $5,80. R H. Slott $14,00. J. J. Kerr $10.20, Wm. Mc- Dowell $9.50, John Redmond $8.50, G. Fothergill $7.30, D. Conk $1.20, John Ansley 14.50, J. Cruickshank $3.10. G. Jenkins $2.90. W. Dobie $7.30, J. Pfeffer $8.70, Mrs. W. Bee- croft 53, W. Fitzpatrick $6,50, W. G. Salter $3.90, Wm. Purdon $4, R. J. McGee $9: for shoveling. gravel. Herb Sheill $1.80, Geo. W. Roberttoo $3. R H. Scott V. Robs- Currie $3, John Howard $2.50. Ches. Carter $4.50. The council then adjourned to meet again on Monday. August 21st next, when the engineer's report on the Blyth creek drain affecting cer- tain binds in the township will be read end considered. The court of revision oo the toll drain will also be held in the afternoon of same day. ALEX. PORTEILPIELD, Clerk. A Prompt sorra of Energy Maelo d'. elvetem Renovator is a tonic which romewe the vital fortis. 1t review* nerve and muscular and supplies now energy is doe= by foreman, appetite, by tanager tetter assimilation ••f food sal by dir- ectly supplying elements that Serve *0 FALL FAIRS -1911. Toronto (Comedian National) -Aug. 25 -Sept 11 London (Western Fair) Se t. 8-18 Sept. i3. 14, 15 Sept. 14. 16 . ...... Sept. 18. 19 . Sept. 20, 21. 22 .. . Sept 19. 90 8epL 19, 20 Sept, 20. 21 Sept. 20. 21 Sept. 21,'22 . Sept. Olept.2 '. 28 Sept 28, 20 9.pt. 214, 29 Sept. 28. 29 Sept. K 39 Oct. 3 (let. 3, 4 Walkertou. Stratford fleeter , , , .. Goderich, .. . IAstowel ..,,r.,, . Mitchell Kincardine Zurich Seaforth Atwood Ripley.. - Harrfston WiD Hayfield. Kilverton Thereon trading left Donna to ter, ser not 1-te W 6-110 Oo 7 -lc. and toot •.tafomr varytae from 13 t -3c to 1Se kwer le • rims er f 1-10. The LJvr'go.l market seam to -day tin cksagsd to u4 mow time en d•ters's, h oa wat and iN to %d lower on sett Berth wheat MOM& Ro timer. Astweats the higher, and Budapest Mho low•r. WInnipaa Options. Goss, Opes- Huish. hew. Ow Birth. Teggwater Brussels DungsnDoo. Kirkton Gerrie Wheat - July tt•lk late x soh Den .,.,. M M yr 33614 Osto- July ..,,, 1154 .... Stet 737% eNk 11lk 374r iM .....,,Det. 6, 6 Tomtit. Grain Market. Wheat, tact. eases .ss f t. 3.... what, soma b*.hel .,.. 1 * -,,. Oats, anew .... .......... • 4t • r bushel s .Barite, k 'h•. bL bashes • • sl 5 i Teem. ba.hM Termite Dairy Market Sutter, stem lab • 11 • en Butter. separates. decry. M. • d • fa Batter. creamery. 15. roll... • S • M Butter. are•merv. monde .- • la .,.. Hee,4owobm. doses 1 M Ma saw, 5e 0 U ti lee Montreal Grain and Produce. .,,,,,...tlrt.b.I Ont. 5. (let. 7 Bares Iturnet Joseph felbo, Wille lives .ne and a gssefer ed Buten bad- him Vim on rengymt.m. 113 then the nervous st eans easels, ay lso Ma more- stwhoa& recotatrttctive tonic is valuable rt alt! y� la bay, awaat elf hnrrra. nine hags. rrndown °Anditi,eut of t sytatem, , six ceivie, mower nod seed drill, •eew agoeially those mortal by , $ chest of tools, etc The and nervosa ay debility. olhr of the dm is lot dsifsftely t'i"'' Rod - l hem sAml♦Mt:�ty . hie ,Rhe, d: ogle*. toy. The loss will be heavy r1Y b3' MONTRaAL. Italy U. -The foreign die - mend for eta ares aging wheat was tar; but, alth• prises Mo Mese 115c in tn. per quarter hawse the& a •sear they we still out of than with v03111111 bare. n" are, aN ae new business was relied* The demand for oats for export .00sMt was geed. net owhat to Hie ecardty et swan resin fres hero ter A.guat esparto's* Could net .- sept any .f them. The kraal market for Carne grains was s. ad steady Meal- A fair Meal trade 1s doss hl .Wring wisest flour, and the market Is soa.rat•tr ao- tive. T. dtnasd ser bran sod shorts le Deed. a which supplies are light and POst.-C.sMIan seaters, TM. 1. 41140 to Mx, cal kids, .z-stors signs No. 1 41font. Mg M 0660; No. 3 C.i '. ells le Etc; Ne. . ! local white. 41c; Ne. 3'Deal welt*, As; No. 4 tonal white, As. Plots-Ms•lteee Wins wheat patist . finite. 11.n; soeaads OLIO; winter whu$4 petwts, sus to Kits; Strang M5.ref 11.M: straight rollers.'" t.11.n. it beg; 31.76 to 31.f. Cera-Aenrlcan. No. 3 yaI.w. $SNF Mc. Esge-8sieetN. alhe; fresh, 17740; Ne. 1 stock. ifenc Cheests- enteron. limn is 1244c; ease. erns. lib to L14.3. Butter -Choicest. Mho to Mikc- m. CATTLt MARKETS. Union Steck Verde. TORONTO, July 31. -The reeeipte of live stock at the Union Stock Yards were 167 can, oonetieting of 2970 .cattle, 1020 bogs, 1472 sheep and lambs, 109 calves and 36 horses. Exporters. a L. Woodward bought for 'Swift & co. la steers for Liverpool. 1341 lbs. each, at f.!'; also Sof steers for IJverpool. 1'd lbs. each. at 31.33. sutolleea Prime picked cattle, KM t„ N. ae•t. OM 30 M.M. medium. SSA to aM. com- mon. 16 to MS, Dora, 31.55 to M Milkers and $pr oapses. A 11m1ted number of Wilier' and springers were slow of sale at 140 to 153 each Veal Calves. Ths market for veal calves was strong. at N to 1175 per cwt. Sheep and Lambe. Large receipts; sowed posse to be easier. Lasko end at 57 to R.75. and • few at 17.1 •w 0. Casdahedp •alt et 14 to 34.3 for ewe. American yearling ,11.59 soil st a to WS& sea we, itIvw. The Swift CseaMan Company .uotSO hogs at U.S, fed and watered at the mae- Montreal Liv Stock. MONTREAL. July A. -At the Montreal Stock Yards wast end market the receipts of live stock for tin week ending .1.y were 37e cattle, 133 "keep and 4.•n•- nig hogs and IMO calves. and on tate ...start this morning for sale were 129 -at•ie 4e sheep and lambs. DM bop and 600 calve& A feature of the tred7i was the prise •rrlvat of Canadian Northwest ranch cat- tle, there being over m0 head w the m*w kat The puallty war better than expect.. e d. after the long run Altho the supply was much larger than It had been for some time past, the Mee of the market was fairly steady, and prices show no Important change, as compared, with • week ago. The gathering of buyedwaa large, and the demand was fairly good. A so.* clearance was made. A few choice steer• sold ■t qac, but the bulk of the trading was done In this clan at 4c, while good stock brought 1%c to frac. fairly good Ie to 51,4e. fair 454c to 4%c, and common 4c to 4'4c per pound. The market for hogs on Sutday war e troug, and prices scored ..n advanre or 16c per 100 pounds, Sa:ea of selected lots were made at Si per 1M pounds. weighed off cars, but a weaker feeling developed In the mar- ket this morning, end prices declined 18e to 50c per 100 pounds. Thr demand was somewhat limited, and this helped to u5 - press prices, and sales of selected Iota were made at MA0 to 07.71 per 11111 pounds weighed off can. The trade tn small menu was fairly active, and, as supplies were not In ex- cess of the requirement:•prices ruled steady. Sheep sold at 114 50 to le. lambs. at $3.70 to 0'. and calves at 13 to M each, as to else and quality. East Buffalo Cattle Market. EAST BUFFALO. July t1 -Cattle- Jt.- celpts. 4375 head; market. choice active, Others slow, prtm. sten. M73 to KM; butcher grade., Fejle to 01.3. Sheep and iambi -Receipt., liken. mar- ket active. S4e higher, cull to fair. 111 to $1.0; yearlings, R.I0 to K;6, sheep, KM to 1s. 1s. Hog. -Receipt.. 11,4160, market active and firm; yorkera. 37.00 to 54.71; stags, 57.5 to 37.3; pigs, rite to 17.75; mixed. 17.41 to 31.7e, heavy, OA to KA, roughs. 15 to 16.41. New York Live Steck. NEW YORK. July :1-Beev►-R• eeipte, Z-"1 head, market Ie- t• 'tic 'ewer; .tern, 54.41 to 11.33; huhu, 32.71 to flan; cows, 11.41 to M. Calve• -Receipts, 411. market steady; vests. 11 to N; tulle, 3400 to 31.10. greas- ers and buttermilks, 13.50 to M.55; ease moo to choice western nal von, !d to 7.7. Sheep and Lamb. --Receipts, 1.,111 head; sheep enchanged Iambs Gr to s•a low- er. ah.ep, Sti0 to M; !Ur 'Is M to 15.76. Hogs ReeentsES hoe' market as Mate ate hogs, 7 r • A.w. Chicago Lb.. 3(0*. ONION 510( 15 TARUP 'hlcag., Just 11.--Hoge-Receipts, aMO narket Slither,mised and butcher,. R 37.e. 1 MM heavy OM to PM: row& Newry 30.1• to M 7i Ileac 1 4 to Sir rigs d.se to 1111.1 '16 Cott ire- *swots .,Asher steely etawves, R tie uhf.ws and hNfers. tf.M to Il.44 *teeters and seeder•, a to sm. Teases. SAM t. OLIO; eaves. M.M le MAO. �g1�aMep *at Lambe-asedp,...055; aer- N.M et`etMt 'tat taarhMem gM� .111 FREE.. ADVICE TO WOMEN Worse angering tel from say uses .f Biases are favi to proslgib Nr! msdktate wttb Mrs. Plakbao at L ye. Masa All buten are received, .paned, read asst answered by women. A wo- man -man cog freely tat of her private ill- ness to • woman ; than has Deed ea- tabiiebed this eon. Moos between Mn- Monism and the w• nen of America widish hs never been bark. Never bas she pub- lished a tesllrenial or used a latter wIOoat the weittss souses& .1 the wilier, sad never bas tie Coslsany monad these eenYsntial lstl&•as to gated their pemeadoa, as the sus a'[ tbonsseds or them is Marilee will attest Out et the vast,.3m s.el impeders Walsh Yrs. ?Wham has to draw fRom itis mire than psseibis that she bee seined the very knowledge assist la roar ens. She ar`ks waft to m- ho* except yoar=26.411. nod her w him bee away ▪ woman, roast or poor, shook be ▪ to tab advantage e[ able yaser- epttd eller ll r0 asdatanoe. aA dram lits. Ysislis O�r, r a. Mals.a. rf.kt.s Orrery wseeaa ought to ibsve Lydhs L lirthss'e 00 -page MSS >aedtr. If la set s bast for •..deal aiM ighiatiSsh as M is too -71.. as he lam and only O baaiaalis a sear. _ Naito see 1S tour. COWAN'S PERFECTION COCOA L good for Growing Girls and Bays -and they like t. k nwlrilks their hoe oodles sod makes them heakhy and &cog. Cewsa's Cocoa, . you gut it two your gree.. is absolutely pare Its daicam 3..r is oksesd by the use d tie Nike* grads al Cocoa b..... tkili.Yy blended. Netting ie added to Meek the beahit- behleg ponos rues d the Cassa. Ile Do Yon Use Cowan'. Coosa? Come in and Get Acquainted If you are not already ac- quainted with the merits of STURDY'S • GROCERIES try a *ample order. You can be certain of securing eeaaonahle goods here et ell tunes. Our 'phone number is 91. (live us a trial. The quality of our goods will erne vitae r n- vitsoo you. Sturdy & Co. (; sorer. On The S. 't&re New Fall Suits Semi -Ready Style are in stock and a big con- signment of Ready -to - Wear Suits has just ar- rived. We are ready -ARE:YOU ? McLean Bros. Semi -Ready Tailors erosepeetreesuserereeeraeWseepeeseereeeetroWeteWeeeeiNeWeretereleesee Toilet Articles We aim always to keep on hand the bust, the most reliable preparations for toilet use. We. shall be glad to .have you Call and ask for your favorite preparations. We are here to please our customers. F. J. Rutland, Druggist North Side Square, (ioderich eisieWeiWeereeseserseeltelhea ISUMM ERI 0 GOODS • Hammocks, Coal Oil Stoves, Gasoline Stoves, C $creen Doors and Windows, Refrigerators, Ice 0 Tongs, Lawn Mowers, Ice Cream Freezers, Fishing Tackle, etc. 0 BRASS GOODS We have just received a beautiful line of Florentine Braes Goods. Each piece possesses the aeethetic charm of Natture'e har- den, each decorative, design artistically engraved by hand and finished in black ani dull braes. We have also a tine Zine of Rodgers 1817 goods. Rig assortment of (larving Knives and Forks in cawee. BICYCLES We are agents for the Canada Cycle & Motor Co.'s Bicycle' and carry the Cleveland line in stock. We bave added a bicycle repair department to our'workvhop and carry a full line of bicycle sundries. Is your LAWN MOWER out of repair or.loeis it need sharpen- ing ? We can put it in order for you. FENCING We have about two thousand nein of Fencing lett yet ort of about four thousand. We are going to clean this Fencing out II prices that no person can afford to miss. The lines consist of The Pittetntrgh Perfect Pence, 7 wires. 47 inches higb, No. 9 wire. for 27k a rod. Cyclone Woven Wire Pegg*, No. 7 anti No. Si wire. American Woven Wire Pence, No. 9 wire. Page Woven Wire Fence, No. 9. Coiled Wire at 5240 Pot 100 Rs. h Barbed Wire at 52.0 per 1(s) lbs. Does Your Nouse Need Painting ? 11 at If .o, don't. forget that we hen.11e the t4terwin-1Villiame Paint. the hest paint on the market. ,8t you want to brighten up your (limiter*.None• and "moat 11 work ? If an, don't forget that we handle J A P- A 1. AC, w high -grist. . arnish anand.teir combined. SUMBURN. -CEMENT BLISTER A hi*rload of National Portland Dement has lost 3, . iv.) 1' a NM " ' ie the beet and v/rnngeet moment made ca House Phone No 112 Store Phone No SORE FEF w Let um Sgw on your PturMng 55..ating, g.... n ,q{t,rng 51 rove R.xnang. eft. CHAS. C. LEE t