HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-8-3, Page 44 tWUt$DAY,AUG USr S. IJI
District News.
Mrs. Manors As). Mrs. M. Mini- TUESDAY Aug. lab's
lana ,and hire. �of (dulncie,
Maga, Mrs. Chaplin is still v law. Her
aas ,are elating
ttheir eir f father, Tho.. many tri hope for he recovery.
O'l;lley. Wedding bells ring more clearly in
crisp weather, but even in August
they ring sweetly. More anon,
R. Reid, who bas brew laid aside for
some mouths, is now able to drive
about among the fields sad boys as
boss farmer.
The minister is of the opinion tbet
only a Arm believer in the "persever-
ance of whoa" can oope with tbe bind-
weed. which seems to defy destruction.
Fall wheat le more than en average
crop in this locelit7 Thos. Welsh. sr..
hes harvested, we believe. the best in
the neighborhood. Mr. Webb has his
farm well drained.
A lawn social is to le held in the
near future by the Presbyterians.
when arrangements can be made. A
new feature will be introduced.
Await further notice and then come
and see.
Evidently Rev. J. McFarlane holds •
warm place in the hearts of the people
here. judging from the congregation
that turned out to meet him Zest Sab-
bath. Mr. Rutherford. as appointed
by Presbytery. preached in Kincar-
dine and declared Knox church ea -
cent. Mr. Modem bovine been ap-
pointed by the Generel Assembly as
secretary of home missions.
TUESDAY. Aug. let.
NCrTMI .-Harvest will soon be over
John Olark. of Toronto, is spending s
weak at his home here Miss 1;. b.
Miller spent a week at Lamed., the
guest, cf her friend Mia
Mier Greta Webb and Miss Grant
visited the hospital et (Ainton last
weekafound their friend Miss Rade-
eliff improving nicely. 8be will soon
be able to return to 81. Helens.
The Woman's institute meeting
held at Mrs. W. J. Todd's oo the 27th
was a Wiry successful gathering. A
number of the ladies took part in tbe
talk on "Cool desserts for Bummer."...
Mise Annie Clark visited at Kiotsil
this week Mn,. D. 8. Murray,
Roes and CUR visited at Belmore for
a few days Mrs. D. McDonald
and daughter Marjorie have returned
to Toronto after making a vialt with
friends here The meeting of the
Women. F. M. 8. will be held in the
Prsebyteriaa church us Wednesday,
August 8th. Any person wishing to
contribute to the bale of Indian goods
will kindly send in before that date.
WteengeaY, Aug.2Dd.
Perolc.-A picnic given by the Port
Albert and Dungannon A. Y. P. A.
and St. Paul's and Christ. church Sun-
da *ebonite was beld on Thursday.
Julyl27, at Point Farm. Everyone
present report. • most enjoyable out-
oi g spent .t this pretty Hummer re-
sort. Lunches "eerie 'served on the
grotrndr at 12 and tl o'clock. In the
afternoon races and games were en-
joyed. the guests from the hotel ming-
ling with the spectaters and joining lel
the e.teusements of the evening. it is
expected a meeting of the A. Y. P. A.
will be held in the neer future.
Home FR/H[ THE WtwT.-Janes
Crawford. of Port Albert. returned on
Saturday from • two months' trip to
the West, where he visited relatives at
different pointe. His mother. who
liver at Neepawa. Man., hie son, John
E., at Salisbury. Msn.. and his daugh-
ter. Miss Grace Crawford, who teaches
school at Langdale. ,Alberta. lv re
. among those he sew. Sr. Oragrrd.
reports that crop prospects in. ill;
West sge splendid. The people out
there and strong for reciprocity with
the States and the politicians are get-
ting ready for the election.
TUESDAY, Angina 1st.
NEWS Norte. -Mr. and Mrs. J. J.
O'Brien. of Sexsmkh, visite% in the
bome of W. R. Johnston last week.
.. W. N. McQueen. a student in Tot,'
onto University and son of James
McQueen. of the 3rd concession,
Stanley, supplied the work of Rey. N.
Shaw, Egmondville, during the past
tour weeks ... .The late Ebenezer
Forsythe, who died at t be acro of eight e.
five years, was buried on Sunday, the
221rd wt. Rev. J. Riebardson, pastor
of 8t. Andrew's church, who was
away oo his vacation, came back borne
for the funeral. I. N. Forsythe,
teaches for twenty years in the school
east of this village, is one of bin inns.
.Rev. Mr. Spence, M.A., B.D.• a
clever young minister, is occupying
the pulpit in the Presbyterian church
in the absence of the pastor Rev.
Mr. Lows, of Bayfield. preached ver }}-
acceptably in the Methodist eburcb
hast Sunday . ...John Jones is spend-
ing a pleasant holiday with his son,
Alden, in Port Stanley Mrs. Wic-
bert. of Port Huron, is visiting at the
home of her brotber, A.. McMurtrle.
Mies Morrison is home from Tor-
onto, where she stent a pleasant two
weeks end attended the wedding of
her cousin, Miss Long. daughter cf
Gilbert Long.
TUESDAY, Aug. 1st.
well -attended s o d representative
meeting of the gnarteriy hoard was
held in the Renmiller Methodist
church en Monday eveninr last. Rev.
Alfred Rrown, of Gnderirh. who is the
chairman of the df.teirt. molded.'
Bev. W. Conway, of Nile. who is the
enperintendent. and Rev A. W.
Rrown, who it the new pater. elan
wens present. The devotione•l neelim
inwrie� [wing pe.se(' the meeting
eraslaunched into a breezy PIPS of discus-
sion on the new circuit .reangernent
the, the Cnnferenr. honndariee roro
mittee bed effe:tte•d in the Renmill►r
circuit, Some epirlt egainst this wan
shown by some of the brethrenoanti a
rehletenre t, PIuh►nit to the Conferen
derision in that it had placed the little
Zinn am
ppoint,nt, in Goderieb
township. with a circuit having three
chin -rhea already. Representatives
from each nt the appointments spoke
as tn the onfairneas of the arrange -
meat And this being "wining open
them" by Conference without cnnsnl-
tation with the sppnintmentw in-
vnlved. After . And. e'nneiliatory
•perch from Andrew Millian. the
ehairman rnunselled a hermonions
wnrking at least fnr a veer of all the
four nieces In the beet interests of each
and all under the rare of their new
young pastor. whose spirit and energy
be rnmmenderl to them. The nester
submitting plan of wurvires whereby"
'sorb place wA. to have three eer•vires
a month from him and one from a lay
nreaeher, the same was ednnted me
satishietory. By this plan Bethel and
Renmiller are tn have Sunday morn-
ing and ',menhir services alternately
lie heretofore : Zion is to have tbree
&hereon and nne evening services
nor month. rind Little Zion one 'morn-
ing and three erten-moo service* per
-month. A vaancv in the Benmiller
atewardehip was filled. Amos Fisher
being elected. The nester's salary
was placed at 1900. Mr. Brown said
he could affned to he generous on that,
to retort) 250 in the year toward tbe
upkeep of the parsonage. which was
admitted by several in dissuasion as in
wore nerd of repairs. After the finsn-
cial returns for the quarter were re-
corded Rev. W. Conway "poke some
encouraging words and • meeting
which had been chlirscterised by.fine
feeling, brotberlinees and harmony
within itself was brought to a close by
the benediction at a lar: hour.
Under reciprocity the farmers and horticulturists of Canada will have tree
access to the United States market for many products which are now met
with a euvtorna duty. The following table shows the changes made in the
United States thrift on a large number of natural products :
Articles Present Tariff. Under Reciprocity
Oettle less than one year old $2.t)iFreer head F
Valued at not more than 214 per bead. 113.75 per head Free
Valued at more that 214 per heal . 27i per cent. Free
Hones valued at *160 or less per head $ 41 per head press
Hone valued at over *160 ...96 per cent. Prep
Swine .. $1.5f1 each Free
Lauri -s under one year 76c per head Free
Sheep over one year *1.60head
Poultry. alive •.3c rl . Free
Poultry. dead 6c per Ib. Free
Wheat. per bushel 26e Free
Rye, per bushel . ilk Free
Oats, per bushel 15c Free
Bariey, per bushel ... 30c Free
Buckwheat. per bushel.... .. ...... ...lbc Free
Beans. edible, dried, per bushel..... 46c Free
Pease. dried, per bushel 25c gree
Potatoes, per bushel 26r Free
Coro, per bushel a 16c Free
Turnips 26 per cent. Free
Onions. per bushel .40c Free
Cabbage. each 2c Free
All other vegetables in their naturalstate96 per cent. Free
Apple', fresh. per bushel 26c Free
Pears, fresh, par bushel $c Free
Piero -has, heath. per brsbel ..26c Free
Grapes. fresh . ,..Me per cubic ft. of
Package Free
Blackberries, raspberries. gooseberries and
strawberries ,le per quart Free
Dried apples. peaches. etc 2r per lb. Free
Butter.. .. .. 6c per lh. Free
Chews. lc
lb. Free
Fresh milk - le per per
Fresh cream be oar gal. Free
MIT lie per dos.at .e
Gandsn and field seeds .. lin peer bus_ Free
ns. to Sir per Ib. Free
tram acrd, ineleding timothy sod stover
seed... •• Free Frye
Flaxseed $C t.yh.
par Fns
A•y, per ton :ID
((2.210 Ib.) Free
Sfiww, per toes ..*LL(2.2101ba Free
'street of bomltoek-beck K a Ib. Prue
Wpb.sew and Mels syrup 4 mato a Ii. . wast a Ib
Ibis t itsg away of duties by the United states, 11 amfplo.s by
the /rapes of Osa.La. se K wady wW Ink will ocean ' i minim ether
=pin mossy yew 4. H s of Maeda. They wll set gala the
wrr*ss wet o f the `wnr • ee.efdar aka hep on in sash
algin, I[ • farmer le mahhig a Ms;t csow wW hi bear without
y� the voice of the water wile Mrs , ' well �tea1� •is..w sad ie
!r IYe pr eArr d an [alias Pia sida11111It Id bd0011 hilt 0
MOND July 31rt.
TeLmelionas Woartni The tele-
phone circuit ot the b Rural
rl'elsphooe Oo. along the 12th ces-
sion of Asb8sld betweeu Luthla and
Lochalsh, with aids cunnecti is
now io working order. the ft .e•
sags being sent along the wires last
Thursday evening. Tele is as vat no
connection with tbe other eremite of
the same [company, as the 'stated.
which is to be in Dungannon, has sot
yet been established. In tbe mean-
time the wires ars kept hot in this
circuit, Mthougb we have not yet
bees able to credit the report that the
subscribers, especially in Hemlock
City. are busy pouring cold water over
Oak 'phone's to keep them cool. Also
✓ ersages are now being sent Moog
the lioe on the boundary between the
Iochalwb postomee and • point east of
Nonss.-Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Mc-
Donald. of Oranbrook, S. C., were
visiting at the end of the week at the
home of tbe former's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John McDonald. 12th con-
cession. They left today for Ottawa
and will afterwards visit at the pa-
rental home of Kra. McDonald at An-
dover, N. B Dr. and Mrs. J. P.
McKenzie and family, of Detroit. se-
oompaaled byMrs. T F. Henderson.
of Hemlock ty, paid a visit at D.
McInt 's this afternoon. They
arrived In the Doctor's auto .s . .. D.
A. McDonald is rapidly recovering
from the severe injuries received e
week ago by a kick from on. of his
horsesand is now able to get around
without the aid o4 crutches Mies
Woods. of Saskatchewan, spent a few
days last week at Mrs. K. McKenzie's.
of Hemlock City The Misses Isa-
bel and Cassie McDiarmid, of Para-
mount, were visiting at Alex. C. Mc-
Kenzie's et the week's end kr.
and 41's. A. R. F inlay do intend re-
siding,;:n the house formerly o.cupied
by M. . Allen McKenzie. of Lochalsb.
Itis no v ivies repaired by Dan Mc-
Innes' •nd Peter Fletcher Our
e pecieJphone correspondent reports
that Portal Jimmie was taking in the
sighteand admiring the beautiful in
Bleminek City last Friday John
R. McKenzie arrived at the parental
borne . last Saturday ' from Southern
Alberta, where he has been residing
for some time Miss Rebecca
Campbell returned home last Satur-
day f om Toronto Mia Bessie
Tennant. of Buffalo, is visiting her
grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. C.
McKeozie . Miss Maggie E. Dick-
son has left for Paris, Oot., where she
has secured aition.,Miss Tena
McLennan, of�Godetieb, spent. last
week at her sister's, Mrs. D. AM Me-
Don•ld's ... Fall wbeat threshing
bes commenced in this district. The
yield ie somewhat poor in many awes.
Edgar Robb returned last week
from London. where he had been tak-
ing a short military course in mus-
ketry . Miss Minnie Sandy and
Elliot Hands- with a party of friends
spent a pleasant time this afternoon
down at the shore of Lake Huron.
R. A. Grant is at present drilling -an
artesian well at Mike Courtney's.
WEDNESDAY. Aug. 2nd.
Howson and Lawson shipped three
cars of bobbin -wood from the station
here this eigek. �'`_
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Seel. of Cadtli
Mich., visited at A. A. Naylor's on
Thursday and Friday.
This is Auburn's civic holiday and
almost all the residents are away on
the annual picnic to Point Farm.
Miss Emily Clarke, of Varna, is vis-
iting her sister, Mrs. 1Rev.) R. A. Mil-
ler, and,otber friends in the village.
Murray Pattersons away on •
three or four days' trip to stew Ou-
tario. His fatber-in-law accompanied
The sacrament of the Lord's Supper
was administered at the close of the
service in the Methodist church Sun-
day evening.
The Methodists and Presbyterians
will hold a union service in Knox
church next Sunday morning, Rev.
H. A. Miller occupying the pulpit.
Jos. Lawson has sold his house and
lot to Mr. Smillie. We understand
the price paid was $750. Joe intends
going West on the first excursion.
Herb. Knoz s sale drew quite a large
crowd Saturday evening and almost
all bis large stock was disposed of et
satisfactory prices. AN. Rollinson
has purchrised the business.
TENNIS. --The first round in the
ladies' singles at the tennis courts re-
sulted a. follows : Miss (lertie As-
quith beat Miss Lizzie Carter 6-8, 6-2
Miss Sadie Carter beat Miss Ruby
Young 6-4, 6-2. Miss Erma Syming-
ton beat Mt.. Bella McDonald 6-4. 7-5.
A Goo', RECORD. At the recent
entrance examination four ppunpil.
from Auburn school were eandidstee,
all of whom with one exception
passed. one taking honors. Out of a
possible 950, Lila Howatt took, 490
marks, Obtaining honors. Jeanie
Stalker took 438 and Rena Barr 408.
Tescber sad pupils are to be congrat-
DUNo*ireo C a CRACK 8=ors. -A
team of Dungannon's crack riflemca
came over lest Wednesday and bad a
friendly match with our boys. Dun-
gannon woo on the aggregate score
by 67 points. but some of Our best
shots were unevnldably absent that
afternoon. The following were the
scores : •
91O yds. S90yds.
30 :tl
29 :t0
20 :rl
Dr. Bice
T. Allem
H. Bellamy
B. Crawford
J. McGee
J. Johnston
C. Elliott
R. Johnston
J. Floe 1
C Asquith
C Beadle
G. Ynrttbise
W. W
• db.
J. Oar Nir
• [.es
Dr Weir
1 Hotwtoe
23 m
2N 2p
2w 26
26 29
24 ;Il
re tramsal �,aLn:...► ani eh.
• • Prow Yw% MN. ars weir
at Sl.ebetea '
Our Summer Sale will end on Monday, August 7th, at 6 p.m.
with two great big bargain days --
Saturday and Monday Aug. 5 and 7
Wreckage from the big sale in the shape of Remnants, Odd Lots, and Tail
Ends of Summer Merchandise have been routed out, ticketed and marked at prices
to chase them out with a rush. This will be a fitting wind-up of our Summer Sale.
Buyers Who Come Here Will Save Money
Just note some of the price drops in the items under.
Two ends, 80 yards in the two, r3c for 10c
Five ands, 'disc for 15c
Twenty-five yards Linen. 32c for 15e
About 200 yards of Dieu. Muslin*, 16c to Sc.
Good colors. All now toe -
A real whirlwind of reductions in laces. One-
quarter off all prices over 3e.
Clunevs, Toechons, Maltese and Gui-
pures. A rare chance to get Laces cheap.
Only a few. but what are left are going at
about maker's prices.
Cre•1 brand. Every piece color fast.
lar 124e. eai. price Ile.
Just one piece 30c. bargain days 2{'c.
In blur, brown, green and gest'. Fifteen
pieces in s14 One-quarter off regttl•r prices
Every piece all wool and good shades. Every
piece one-quarter off,
Children's black seamle . Hoes. 6, 64, L dl.. 7.
74, 3 pairs for 26c. This is lass than maker's
prices and not seconds.
Ladies' black and tan Stockings. 24. 9, 94, 10,
two pairs for 1Mc and not ss000d. either.
Just forty-seven to sell and every one this
year's maks, and just note our reductloos on them.
tl8e for tea 21.00 for tee
51.26for 76c 51.36 for 85c
51.60 for 51.00 21.76 for 51.26
51.26 for *L50 or 21.75 42.75 for 21.76
5800 for 2200 53.96 for 22.26
We expect a few days will see the lest of these.
We have selected out of our stock fifty pairs
fabric Gloves, all 26c a pair. Come and get some
of them for 16c.
FLANNELETTESOver 1000 yards of this ,lot of Flannelettes, which came here foroue summer sale, still
lett. They are going yet at IOc. Most of them value for 12ic and 64 to 39 inches wide. .
GCneral Bargain Days here mean nearly everything in the store at bargain
prices. The 5th and 7th will be two great selling days at this store.
It's Bargains, Bargains, Bargains all over the store.
Miss Annie McGuire is visiting her
cousin, Miss Nettie Bryne. at Stratford.
TUESDAY. Aug. let.
Mr Carroll cAnd Mies Kate Me'
Intyre were guests of the latters
parents over Sunday.
Leek -sew. Sas ceses4 visiting outside
Points and will bedeefettk Jive 51, entire
attention a the home alien Lucknow. where
be in tried every day. All modern meth-
V for The *Weld la at Use Post
slos Boon and Statie.*ry Store, where
srtse. win be renewed tar wbrrlptlonss,, ad-
varUatnR and 1N work. and rseetpts win be
Nivea tar amesnb said tar tae came.
WEDNEsDDAY, Aug. 'god.
Miss Polley. of Beltitsore, visited at
Mn. Ryan's last week.
Mr. Hawley. of K1.sardioe, visited
friends in the village oo Sunda}-.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Begley. of Luck -
now. visited friends bore on Sunday.
A. Shephard and family. of Benmil-
ler, visited at W. H. Mc0lure's on
Mrs. Boulding. ot Mount Forest, is
vieitlng her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W.
8. Itilpetrick and family and M.
8 ngste. of Chicago. are visiting at
Wm. I[cGratten's.
We regret to report the illness of
little Beatrice Bradford and hope for
her speedy recovery.
Mrs. Robert Weat and d sughter.
Miss May. of Wingham, visited
friends here last week.
Ed. Johnston and Harry Holden, of
Clinton. visited the former' + brother,
J -,ba Johnston. on Sunday.
Mr. N. J. Treleaven returned last
week from Napenee, accompanied by
Mn. Willson and little son Ralph.
Harvesting is well advanced in this.
section. Most •.1 the grain is cut and
we eball engin De Kett log reports from
the threshers.
R. H. Sande and ?Amity left on
Tuesday via McCaw for their new
bome near Wawtbonrnw, Man. -.
wish them success.
R. C. Me(iregnr, of the Sterling
flack. returned un Tuesday, after
spending a couple of weeka at his
bome in Pputbamptoa.
The football match on Monday
ovenie*. between D'ij- M. and
Matekisg r•esltinid M a .vlebsry Inc
Dwngsno•n, Store 1.0.. Marie. Dr. 1
Rev Mr Walker of Toronto. [fess
declined the call of *tektite
began chutrh and another tall w41 s j
nensiwary. Rey. M. H. Mayer. of it. t
Helens, has been rr•eu rIng the owl -
pit the last few 8uedaya,
Nest Monday. Aug** 7th. will St
Deaspo•sa's civic he$dap it is I
owelinty a IPI the
sl l
tIf i rrltn •w, whore the
*ie M dols Ilan da
•. a tee R R" t.
What About That
Leaky Roof of Yours
Better have it replaced with a
new one. See W. R. Pinder,
Hamilton street, for the right
kind at the right price. Sole
agent for
Brantford Rooting
Always • full stock of Roofing
on hand. which enables us to
give prompt attention to all [(
work in this line.
A len we make a specialty of
W. R. Pinder
'Phone 156 ,
have just received w
ear of buggies. and
,.aye .,ye, yt bang that
�n,-•S won to -date
in the Ilne.
No better
ever came is town.
We have them on the
floor DOW. (`all and
inspect them at the
s Hasilto. Serest.
Ws base the 82.111►
AIM Writs lobes
seri lbw -
ow G"tam Pants,
Olttiam Soritaas/.s
and shame sort
Wag hires s
Robert Wilson
We high • les
extra Par dslww /w [.is.
made in the very lath style end
from the beat quality of goods.
You are assured of the beet of
satlefactioo at
The up-to-date Tailor
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
Orders carefully e
u all hears. .Kee or day.
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
Orders carefully Mended b
at hears. night day.
Get Your Stationery Printed at The Signa I
Oe- Motto: "A square deal to everyone "
1 August Reductions F
1 Furniture
4 we want
the month of August
ant to reduce our stock as much
4 as possible and as an extra induce -
1 mentfor cash buying we will give you
9 lOper cent. Discount
41 for cash. Don't think that our prices
have been advanced to cover this
il extra discount. Every article is
4 marked at the regular price and you
amply save 10 per cent. on your
ii money.
W. J. M UIR & CO..
0-.0., "the Jere raise ~Me fele yew nom" "