HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-8-3, Page 1It oh' 11 perhaps the people know you are doing Holness, and p.rbaps they du nut. A standing adv.rtl.ewaent in The signal will keep your. name constantly before t h e ptrbtto Vaddidd job messing Fir%to late work currl..i trot promptly ny The Signal Joh Department. Fine comwerawl work a specialty. Call telephone Nn. 36 if you want any Printing. IIZTT-THIRD FRAM -So >M GODERICH, ONTARIO. CANADA : AUGUST 3, 1911 STERLIN& BAMK[AQAOA t jF you wleb to open a BUSINESS or a RAVINGS A(Y)OUST Ulm wish to have your SALE NOTES collected at 1ow±st rates If you wish to get a loan We would be pleated to have you call in at this Office, where we promise you every attention, coesistentiwith sound and conset vette. banking. GODERICH BRANCH B. WALKER Mgr. semeammegyangmeggemmenwele LOST AND FOUND _WANTED' 1 LOBI. -EITHER IN TOWN OR TKNDERB WANTED. Tenders, for W erection of • dwelling house se Bt. vioeeM street will be received up to lath Amnia Pan by J. r, Stowell can he seen LOCAL IIIIPBOYENENTS. w armem=nento the ud ?lo testier a00asted. W11.LIAS4 UOAT5. ENDERS WANTED TENDERS en BayfeM road. ee 51 Chia weak. • oft ad smock. Tinder will rave at R H. CUTT S dam Kla_ada It TOWN OF OODIIRICH. 1/ lake settee that tJM Msniet al Gorst d Iete OuAenstbn et the ownTof Oobrfeb te wastrasi WARM t 00a�arY ..wer w indeetirest the eisal sosssad amen a poetise * qwa d Wen& to ete te teeeehy neatlaie r Bettor i rm& �!c ai11�eon rte - est, it tweet: WW adsasde�itr; and that • datemeat and spew to trdr�i ow ii Sable the raid ware t the sods. owaaa t4eese O1.. wise M the Bade .an 1.M toe lost revised asmemeat is now fled in the ernes a MueMilos MpitaW esd le span. *q OM" of w ieteeted,he d f ,lJRay1 el et A,wile be hey es the Moth der of Aelaer0, lint. at=err el 8 o'ciock in to the thet ro i�1 sameness ole Of a aredaoy of frontage n eS•141edeMa !any .t'3erAadptalnt which the peramo mayaosseI moire and wawaIs by r�eog mashie bytt5 Coen. Dated 4th dm of Augga.t.. int Clerk. 7tiwa- et tiedOrlrlL be TOWN OF GUDERloH. Take notice that the Maaldp•J Ceeeeil of the Corporation of the Town of lloderich hum& toom>stract a pinch ?niter/ sewer 0" Hose.erem. in the mid town. between Suresh stns W W ..terio° soar(, and rotonaa Le limmille W 1001• pinion e M �l co• tlhereaf trips a�i. Mstitt e et weal aprmY a s.W and mei lined mat admenthas fie Ireadiage there- �iaals.MOts{OetM d Air the rrdd wast, aN W�tin sWRde them- amendapeat roe mid otherwiek le now rtainai Wee the _oC. se ilito ea is the Wise -Ifs gas �Q g. W " •Tb.:tl wood ii of ifs will 01. welch SUM te be 0.101 Erik funds of ths� A Deet et ltevlisa will MM en the 11Rb of AUSue, 1011, atp1.gM� f.�ees of E o rbek hi at the f! W Astern her to the •tared et Haring St 1.M Menem or any te Mahe mid tfs `id w c. 4th day of A 0011. L L KNOX. Clerk. DETROIT & CLEVELAND NAVIGATION CO. -i STBAMER CiTY OF ST. I(:NACE FOR MACKINAC ISLAND Fridays, 6.30 a.m. 513.60 one way >16.00 round trip FOR DETROIT Saturdays. 2.30 p.m. $13.00 one way $6.60 round trip 1 STAR -COLE LiNE ST,Rr. HURON Leave Oedarh F>yR SAULT heti. MARiS. MICH.. yr !earth emeses. Sunsets. Bay. TesdMy ate p. ra WR PORT MINOR. D!'fRorT. TOLEDO teal S;LCTIDAND Friday at N .d4a s9 WILLIAM Lir. A.R Lis Local Agent 0edsk's 0onerel Iroessee. Detroit. Mak 1 will bs ved D the andandgned en be - MS K the Oa pb•Ryuryal Telephone Co.. ter 7rmaEaso twain:iheads not pra*srr Ibawesoan Wend Mi•yeMe to W, E Y1tLZY. Mao east. WANTED. - API UNFURNISHED lams near the Square, at about 510 per i 1.b rent Adhere BOX 41, dIO\AL alit • FOB SALE. ('OR BALE. -A CHILD'S ROCK - • MO Mwe• equipped with real saddle and Welke Apply to MRS. HERALD. corner Briwals rued and Wellington tosses*. GODERICH MARKETS. Tmvaon.r. AUL 'Ld. Fall wheat, per hash 00 76 tog 0 W Whitt w►eet. Der 0 er wto 0 sD Aye, "Der bash ... •0 it to 036 k tDYLAW 1418.10OFMI, OFTHE D CNRPORa N Ob' IME TOWN VF DERIC& Bat wheat, per bush bade pees? hush per bush t y, per cwt patent, per cwt per ton per too sass tett toe new w 037 to J a0 0 73 to 0 76 0i3 to 6 5 20 00 to ei 00 473 to it70 9 to b s9 29Uste 2300 26W00 to 2300 830te 800 400 to 300 300to 550 0 J6 to 0 I9 u16In 010 K den 0131. 0i 18 tar tra.l1... . 123 to 100 areal ! art, per to reed, Der.eawl_ wl 451 w to w> of rest 3 Sol to S 73 7 46 to 7 23 p�owt 4724410°5;10 4(51. 1 ti 'j$jlip��rw, aer Ib °5 10 06 Ywddre� 725 to 7 330 0 IS to 090 team • id Pelts SITUATIONS VACANT. IVAhTED. -BY SEPTEMBER IST, • camel* Eenenl sets aut. Apply to n W. L. E1.101. Yaw street. U. WANTED. -A CAPABLE GIRL with good emend homework. M bee. weerrl forApply to MDB. K. Rat1 Y. corner of Nodose ted Clime\ stroma. Oed.rlcb, 6141. WARTED. -TEACHER FOR 8. S. No. M. Aahasld : dune. to eemmenoe attar sadder Mods& ADA, stating salary isdaq5110 uatrse, to J. 0. YWUUID. Crewe Hit AUCTION SAL.?,. AUCTION SALE OF W E S T ball Let 0➢i, w est street. in the twee 07 liodertcb, amputate the pMtoAoe. To be tinned to sale cm Batarray. August 5, at't o'clock p. d. earn, of throe and a half feet Is to be taken ogler • reedwa7, to be need by beth parties. Indisputable title given Teter cash. F. M. NiCHOLSON. TB(ri.OL'NDRY. Proprietor. Auctioneer. 81 PUBLIC NOTICE. BYLAW NO. 11, OF 1911, OF THE &'URPORAT1VN OF 111a Tu NEN OF OODZRICR. A be LAW To RzrsAi dates No. i3, uv tits. Or THE 100111 0r UODILRUGH FOR BALE. -THE BLACKSMiTHI - shop, with bellows, era •evil drill, blame smith tools, etc,, at sates Huron road and OTINea& = W111 be sold °heap JAM I LAST oB T NiD (WOUND. -A PURSE CON'TAINiNG 1; a .mall ram of money. The owner away have the same by proving propenes ad Plaine toe thte adveru.emagt. Apply at TH1G r3IO- rNAL GFFitY. r rr► GIINDRY'S Ling, Cab and 'Bus Stables ASD ILIUMyi■,/�ralst. firtisrialn 1 res �`f'�liw �.' r erl.'ip E_ '"' aissi 'euw.. THE { FOB SALE OB TO BENT SOUTHERN ALBERTA. inevaton are not bails In the Wert for land T ., &relive elevators at Nanton, and with- in twenty der. north and south there are (Dies mune Bose for • term home in Alberto. Mea Or Melted means own dart &gala here. 1Ralt �� stow arming and deck -raiding. Stir 110079 we have *hipped ant u1. Nanton pf l4e.re rune of hones. STIRLING fi McLEA.tN. Nemec. Alberta. 5)rsilee south of Calgary. Fa feather parUculars apply to D. A.��13, tine 61-11. LiOR SALE. -A FRAME COTTAGE A ea Illeatss3a street, to good repair ; elx roods eel pantry. Lot ouotain.Ogegnarter at ea arts APPLY to MISS BY8 .OP, 00 the premises. .Se -it. 7)ROPERTY FOR SALE. -A FINE X tan -roomed house on lit. Vincent street, and twos quarter -acre Les. with good fruit, Ane awes sad shrubbery. Thee bourn Is fully modern and In good tep•Ir and is situated In W deem rsideatai pan of Uoderich. Apply e 1.M premises or to It C. Hay., Rarteder. 0. F. BrAIR. /INK HUNDRED AURES GOOD rd for rale, la county of Huron' extra �trsd hOilafe ; two runtime streams ; o orsh, eeMOL sura, po.to0lee and blacksmith chop within Sop minutes' walk. For particular write r. our BAR, Nile. 3S.4t. L1OR SALE. -THAT FINE REIN - A: dwtal property at the owner of Cannes nkt Rd R. 1&. streets, tamerly known as the A. Aliso p. 4 err sale. it acetals Mem lobo ed with the chotosd el all are two brick hew" 'soh el ides stertor. one built only L.1 Peen and W fithee in ares dLss repair. Blah h.n.e• Kaye eris esevenienoes, sad alto- .b�r la 1.M r saee the raso5abreset le tome. Amity to P. . RYAN. Bolls Lek. 611 TWO GOOD FARMS FOR BALE. -- Chas to the towered Oede ickbothp.�.�T The and inatillass,easy tsetse . Bay now. M le tieing op. Aro for sera deed banding lees trostogs, on reulh r{raK (part K wets= Dre9sr1yt. Apply te 1HUd OUN 42 Y. VABil TO RENTOR FOR EALE.- (rrs hundred stow et ewe IW beteg am* half of let 1y. eosins s t. Mat Wows - is 5 send saAtefr ja.asset& e.�..j.k Meso. eta meek I r Mlia der,,a7 a. f leie reale Me . the Mee . ran= 10 etc se ft KALE. - AMEN RANT tree nit who teeth die Osaseta Ix eOUTEItRII ALBERTA. rnesnestope r • steeme and pwrbbL ! i.n•'04 doers are res "WO 919.0 a Dewar rtee-Mor-591 Mems Mew Pliniseer bees isbtd fie der mbd beteh r hese WH$ItLAS by bylaw No. 13 of lee of the tow>. et thderic8. 1st said Lown granted the Mettlead River Power Company, limited, er. tato mei/ogee and ale in the Computes aider tsresm.neenstruet a dam on the River Mode load Mott three Ethel easterly trona the said town et Uod.rloS, eetweee the t.owuablp of Colborne Yd the towable of the/rich. mune cipatuure adjacent to the town of Goderich, tor the purport. of developing power and applying the same to all su.h woe a. may be wept Practicable, including the driviug of the ma- chinery of the was ?work. sell electric ltgbt prat of the said town of Ooderfch. AND Wiii.R.Ehe the .std Maitland River Power Company. ..united, nee failed to Nur .truer the .dud dem wild plant 0o the Maitland River as prepared. AND t. Bc;R5AS by bylaw No. 19 of 1007 of the town of lloderlcb. the chid town was re- amed from guaranteeing the bondo of the said Maitland River rower Company. Limited. AND WHEREAS a he erosible to repeal the sad Bylaw No. 13 of 1906 of the said tow, at Ooderlah. T14515ntieuaj BE 11' ENACTED AND IT 18 HERaBY ENAC1ED SY THE MUNICIPAL 0VUNCl/ ler ToE CURPOKA1'IUN OF 'fits; TOWN tie OODEati(M AS FUL1.0 Wei :- 1. Bylaw Na L3.4 IMO Of the oororation of the town of oedema", rolta15d "A Bylaw to guaranteethe � ! d.ho01a501 of 1.b Madiand ldhtalt.s.' sods. rte .tome M the Pelifilla 'This b es the day of said toorenerr a 1.b. llserm fis.aNrh stall A 1.w vette et the of the be Mhos GeV* sad tldoyNull s1.w A, aside tomb W g1. AtVsett MA, i at w Menet II chines In ths'bresMll Continu- ing tio mune by Sthe 'biennials «Returning Subdivide° No. I --At Tbthipona shop, es John B. Edward tremor Omcer. aJohn B. McRaj, d ad reties$1Mtivts3C0 Na 2 -At Mrs.. Grahams Ston, hest meet, by unwise Bates. Depiati RKurwros Udder, and Reg. S8srman, C orYolut. ng 4ubdielalon No. 3 -At Town Sall, p Ed. C. hatcher. Deputy Returning Officer,.sa Wm. Knox. troll Clerk. Polling eabdivncen No. 4 --At &otbw> eired sem, by Huron A. Tedford. Deputy Re. teniae Ueusr and Wm. feathers, Poll Clem Polemic Sobdio Woo No. S -At Mrs, Welton'. 18 p1 y WKeeeters8te5 tarUdes1. 97 . a0m. (. CLe. TBlouackl•. rod uteri. Pontes 4uaL W&teNo.8 At JohnL.CBropn rbysgs �oir, and W. Tait, Poll lark. 0331L55114115100 loaf -At Wank Nevluee Hour. .17 moss ll McYaT, 1.y Returning V 5 Uis"ad H00at Telt, Pott t s. • Vo hidq� tie Ibtb dwl of August, 1911. the the e sale town shall attend at the .;o*acU ta4Elaen el the said Mira at Un •elect in the d at the Tutees polling Impede re wearwearps�arom.M.. Kee et the naal semmlog op of the raj - q. the Clerk, on behalf of the proem in in and promoting or opposing tM tai ur 1110 byaw. rsp►o l 1'9. lurk of tiertivet7. > unsefL of the 0514 Tows erOmail all attend at hie Mem In the Town Hall at top o cleok In the Irren.e4 se MoMay, the twenty -Mt day of Awort. 1911. toned up the number of votes for tied stalest las d d 1be byes. 1J me at rhp Council C8 bars at . Town d Oedeomen.*, e 2day Awed. A. D 1911. Mayor. Clete. Teen Banc. then W above le . prweeed bys whiskWilhas j� aw o....0 5f the its" be risen et the newt et 1.ae Word Menrellekkot see we, tie et the Ifs PUBLIC NOTICE A BY LAW TO ACTHOtIZ& THE MAILING 01 All .AGREEMENT etre JoHN LiegOLD BROMIC roK THE 0C/PLTLI(. or itLECH2R;Al Pewee TO r0E earl) t)0RPOKATION. W bere5. Jahn Istopoid Brodie. of the city of Luodoo, England, LK olio, intends to organize a joist eto09 rrMp•ny to be 'mown as ' 'fhe Goderich .Ppesotr Des plummet Cuml>euy, Lmlted. aa/ 5ekabWh and erect In the rid town of (extricate" electrical power plant to supply power fariustrial and other purppaa•w Aad whores. W raid Juba Leoptild Brodie ha. ofbred to .apply electrical power to the rid ourp0 anon Mon the terms sod conditions In the proposed egreetuent hereinafter fully set forth. Aud whereas the s.t.blishmeut of t9. saki Company, the' erected of the raid plant and the furolrbing of the "aid power upon the said tonne mw cuo4dW. s would be Peptised/um to the toilebitahto of the ',old town of Ooderich. lessagrons on et CNAo1'ZD AND IT le HERC- ar ENACTED rS Tar: ML 111CIPAL COUNCIL or THE *AID l Owe Or t>♦ODEtttOH AS rOLWwa .-- 1.- It shall be lawful for the Mayor and clerk of the raid corpur$uah In the nameand ppu be- half of the corp.rataon of the town of Godench, and mode? ea Corporate seal. to enter into and execute an antooloet as hereinafter set forth with rho odd JNa Leopold Brodie, wblob le also to be executed by him, for tbe supplying of electrical power by the said John Leopold Lrodie to the mid °or W rat lou. 1. -The rid mot .-o to be entered into and executed ad aletwrtd .hall tie in the fol- lowtog'tes ms : - ' 'Au agreement miede Chle day of A. D. 1x11, between Joon Leopold Brodie of the city of Loudon. Ltgtand, Sequtre, of the first part, and :be C..rpurat,on of the Town of uoderich, hereinafter o•eed the 'Corporation d1. t he round part. barer the patty of the sire part propoer to establish W W mid town of Uoderioh Yr electrical':a /min /sawith the object among others of furniehlat power for IwlustrW aha .ghee burpuase, and to organize •joint stock company to be waow, as "rho Unclench Power Devekrpmeet t:umpany, Limited," to urry out. the mud object&& end whores. the said John Leopold Brodie has offered to supply power to thawed Corpor- ation upon the wrest add 0wuditiohs and at the price berein•f er eat forth, which terms have baso accepted .object to the approval of the, ratepayer* of the st municipality. end whereby In order to eapply pJwer w private Individuals or parted sit M corpor. ate, other than the said Corpsratie., It wlu be a0os0rt� ler Me adtd John 1'i std Wolfe to It" psis s4esf• sled ee ofWaifs of thesaY ter'the parpoees of trans- mains gala mess e,tew egmmedoggsguaAGREEMENTWITNtCBa- rrm that fa not the premise. and of the neateal ti herelrecter ret forth between the Leopold Brodie and the a Leopold dimple kooky need te area in the Town et Ueda Hob • pewee Seat ler. than Iwo thou., h supply to the said t:or- tidn • t to & eed thirty years aannrda TLS stores pew s' a [weary -lour hour baste, said wen toren fthe wee that ttMM�i powernr deliveredrom at the merit !pard `the Corporation, and such furtherpower +n a.twenty-War hour bass. the Ory broth time to Uma req ulrs, theapDDl1 Wditiuoklpowerbyt .04dJohu LLs.o5pp0011�� spede,or by td♦ant4 Company to beor- tithe snbject te the sUpuutiuu howet er, that the additional .mount ro to be supplier ae,atoreWd shal l be subject to six meths' notice 11.. 1.b. satr Brodie, or tt oepany, and le not .10054 8u0 bon. pheower, mand the sold John 1�opoW Brodie, or the said Company, .hall not be obliged to iapply the same until the expire - Lion of the mid period of aux m0o1h., ane pro- vided further that If the additiou.l power re- quired by the Corporation &e dread exceeds nun home power, and the then rusting pant is D ot able to supply the amount required, the rid John 14opeu Medle, or the shod Com pony. is to be given a period of two year. from the request being made spit the said increased &mount In order to enable him te enlarge hie plata to .unyb the additleea1 amount of power required. In no come W the Cot pon[loo to be entitled u eall for the supply of more than 3000 horse power and no demand for any inereareo swoon" e1 power whatever shall be made by Lweat Fear. from the dae maid Corporation te of the 0e tires expiration tlivery d the Sts mews tows. "L -- Tho saki Corporation &,Trees to accept the said power from the said Joan Leopold Hrodle for and during the said period and to pay for ted mine at the rate of OD per house power it be futl.sted to >1. .ward at Re preee01 MINK house, and in any event whether need or me to my for at the rate aforesaid at least 923 ham power per 5110)110, and any power dr Meted over and above the 8. hone power the said Corporation i- to pay tar et the game rate. "3. -The mid John Leopold Brodie, or the said Company, 0ha11 nit have tM right to sell, de- liver or distribute .0 the said town of tiode- rtch any power In the amount of Ave norm powers &d oder. and 1M said John Leopold Brodie. or the sato Company, oaenu. to the Corporation lorpation disposing of � wlit. surplus power In quantities of ave hone powers and under am it my refit. "4. -The add power Aa to be delivered as .t. re - .•Id .8511 ho 9514 for e Cottons ion at the rate.faewld le the r1b7:141� tdlowing, that 1. tow:-MwtY1) on t=month de y of each a•d 57 7,_ senLh. 1tony time Auring aarseegRt 5 sem of "Porti 1.t r te».s.n of ';ower 511091.50 to �feem.nL then the sM p t ho A•I4 t 'omp.ny 11�rstier Iii3OM11 the r1ght atter giv O.rpEatra Wr1y ass' nonce by ...- Vint to cut eff the odd tO tilen Cleric the $05a1 eo resins' 16 not aM a ON essatlme. "Sho- r 1524 Oerpor*4tm u to nave the right at the ed d tee yeere fr'ed the cwt delivery K the IS hetet pewee. sad aisle et (M ed of tt.`e•�met see netd5te, to aall ler • re- ef the peter heebyarded a he who posts. 11 do e118r of such readju.tmwt R appears that the mold. If this agreement had amteda into, emcee power de ester from other person. or Oneparate at • Woe Nese then the price hereby awned to be paid, end le taut moot the price to paid to tie said Jelin Leopold 0Ms o ee ati►7 (9,34 Mty•te wreet. eft/s�]i be prearo- m troth slogs w tfsteat J•hn cili .ef Dost.+ r semis us deaatneod'totdo So ale • mo M YtttlSa o>50 tee J.he t..rpels Menlo the sai-egthe Mer. sleety day. ended balms the ex et arse ten year period arts Wee*" oak ter • radiemaent of rates. uta refer to rete out the sena Of this the W YtSs be .rte 1e ends «1.M Mie K 18. A1005slius_ s *. Ti TM wild John LaSMM Dream war31 Me 1.) .apply Mwer te .54 Cerpa•tien wltha M 51 W wa a� H Istel to w Itwr't Mei i wee"'` tU4h.kK ser one s ds4 *ng •.15y 100the1 .rest M. 44 tls>etler AegW, as tie .n feet of re MUMf!wM ties WSW se L L Frogee vain& eak seals if fruit -jar rd jes�w�dot. rase The Meantime .f e.eoert .a..illisss i• draws be I. enne meastawb Ind tee asert s95 y a 11. Kim eeprese • Ile- Aa.other ps "".lap... THE BYLAW AMENDED. CHANGES MADE TO MEET POIN-S OF OBJECTION. Another Bylaw Submitted to Repeal the Old Agreement with the Maitland River Power (:ompany-Pull to Be Taker, on Saturday, August lath. Recognizing the weight of opposi- tion to the brodir power bylaw as it was bring presented fur the vote of t Us ratepayers, the promoters decided tact Week 1.0 have it. withdrawn and to sub - wit it later with amendments designed to cover the points at which oojectloo was taken. Accordingly, at a meet- ing of the town .,oun':il on Wednes- day evening of this week. the bylaw was withdraw"' and the amended one subeti toted. First. and second read- ings were given to the new bylaw, and the vote of the electors will be takeu on Saturday. August 19th. At the same time the electors will be be asked to vote on another bylaw repealing bylaw No. 13 of 1906, ,.by which tbe Maitland River Power coal. pony was granted certain privileges and aid on condition of the said Com pa n y's undertaking to construct s dam and to generate power on the River Maitland. This 1.r tb overcome the objection raised to the. Brodie bylaw to the effect that the town alrea>y had an agreement with the Maitland River Company for the supply of power for iia water and light plant, and that if the Brodie bylaw were passed the town would be heading straight for a lawsuit with the Maitland Raver Com- pan om- p y. T e important changes made in the Brodie bylaw may be summarized as olluwe; f Unica the old agreement it was ex- pressly stipulated that Mr. Brodie, or bis Company; had not the right to sell puwer in quantities of lei than five horsepower, but it. was out vends absolutely clear that the town could sell the power In swall quautitree and it looked as If the dealt tiacr dei b1. o at get any powt r as did. This point ie d,.ot with in clause 3 of tete agree- ment. Another point in regard to which objection was taken is deal. with in ciat>Ips 8,' wherein it is stive:Atted that the wer plant must 'lR• courtlet.d nut ter than May lel, 1814.. The first clause of the agreement in- truduees en eutirely nrw condit,iou- hereby granted permlrio n denier 1M sam et yeas euvered by Choi ednwrneIlt te .teat roar• of blas owe epee we eueet.....d Was toy. .d the wild wuole,pallty. and to rtrlsg the 0.0110 - mel wires thereon when rt is net t.aalble te nee the pole. u4 the rad t urporetn 0, repot bows •a ar to W fa.aea.n the wear pole. do to be y�y*ocld aid the Stant t' of strtgnn,t .n. said wit. to the rpprwvt et the cmmittee of publle work* for the Mese etiWt- "8.-TM odd Jobe Leopold Isndie eveswU and agrees with ueeru t:.rpueetwo that b. siY 00nlatau05 uper0Lluus epee 1.35 LAO ettft pleat te be dspower ea for the e. the r p.eswatnr 1.a. .lid apse •°t astir LDau eke aro der at 1914 and that he, or the Comma N le oegeaized •d afufeesld. wall proem NNh tae erection and oomplet.un thereof with 50 great expedition as potable. sod date et eodtr.Rar• to be not taaar than Mar l.1. 1r14, sad teether that Um oil prat eo W >M ewLalae.N ter' arlain se 55195' said wet be tone wad m.lutatued at all talus 111 • state amply suitelent 1.I.apply at W Woes such power ea ature..iu. la tart theasi1 r tmmad. to .wwnneoclog rid uorepl.dsg toe ere& tdu of the said taut on and Were the datem herein set fortb A. dome• 4. the odd amseene.& shall betanoelled. 1.1.-1( yuriug Lae turteiaoy et the agreement any dltfe*nums sbould.>r,... between the pries* hereto In ooune'Uon ther.w.rth, .ph IIW.r Comer shall be referral w ar5.ira1300 Wer the orvvlvuarm or toe Al Oitrauoa \et- lu wlwtw.., whereof the rase Jean Legend Brodie has ht meow set his hand sed real ad the seed Ctrporwtwn atw .errporato seal and W handset as Meier aha Orr.. ChKwd. sealed diel examined ate presence of L-Tbis bylaw .hall Mks ea the day et the dos) 04* thie 4.-Thep.votenof 1,0e.5>0uf.,;tors 11 the ..4 tows of Uodertoh .,l,All be taken on ChM blas oath* following awes and prat, that Is to toy : the Saturday, the ointments day of ANION. Mtt conunenoleg at the beers of trine outset >0 tar foreseen diad oontloulng n.Ul Ave o'clout in the &tenrnooe s .eic.tu. r&m210s° • ,y1, b•y t1hT.tedp.ertdlawlag'a0.P9ol�l1WOsi tether. b7 Jobe B. Llano Re - Cormier lr1Acor sod !Ma ai,/1.1100100, LAWN. Wood S Pg�y�g sub4lvismn Nes 11, s1 Mrs. 1 rah.nr tow s. East sweet, by Charism Mates. Bosomy Rasaning Oab.r. diad Fag. ulama•*. Pod ePaWng sab-dlrisioe Na 1 at Tame HAIL b Rotundas ',MoseW}1. Kot., Putt Craw. Pelting ,tb-dtvtdien Ne. a. at Weed Si... by HU. ..i. .1. Tuirawa, L Bela mho. ..rf x...sd .. 01.,.10 JUN Ir.w. 1 1 ed ruµa�a sub -41% Nu. i, sit w 1.w'. and Sten. Trost strew. oy Oes. C. r.11h, y Retuning UIn4r. and J, C. Iwo f 0 Pnlrl.n Anbd4vl; aaei�aN40, sI JW, Brefatere COMM.Renareleg and "tad'1 wWyt s 7, O..al.14•.1131'. sy Dw.livhMotioning soft -8-4. did�Msghet -05 F , athTegara A x44411:11 Mill, the M of 15. mi se9*sSl t theChanbe - of tin ata alp at bit p▪ et tsod b a 5Mrow24 t erltt.. se bullish b�iit of theaegimit ~Penma.teea�ener gae tar la eine � 11�ereo�l.Mertivl�y. Ti tine tart sr of the t -Tb. Clot of the Cnewef et 1h. eel tows p� 0eeert0b Moll std ad. hr Tawe Hall 51 M o'eNat M the Bien_ of Moody/. tee teraireretday of Aeaos MI, M ode op la* .e.Mr d vete. tweed aeWi 1.M b:t•w. I1Msd M the pse5 511 CMsaM die �pw� Of otir1M th.fM deg el tere.1. k �L cli i: nee ` . (YLlaardi•reti.n ▪ w wbyti. rt the wntw this b' a en. tis ‘43 110T1108 that r Rigs TIM MORAL PRINT 7NG CO.. Ltd.. Pueruamom s usmely, that lir. Brodie must erect within the town a . ,....•r plant of not lees than 2.0111) 1 •,r ei..w-re. This Is intended to mer .., ,..,1,.•rions-one, that Mr. Brodie ..... no. a squired to erect his plant w. uric the t awn limit.; the other, that, while he was given a franchise for the ripply of power, ht it as not placed mode, any obligation to supply pow, to ...y p• tson or cor- poration outs.. of >1>, aL3 o.>rsepower to he supplie . G. 1 to tow"'. This clause ado ,cakes it clear that it is 24-hour power fur which the town is contracting. \Vhetber the .w Sided bylaw will meet the app' .it al of the ratepayers remains to be dews ui u -d ; 1st at any rate it is at great Illy. ovrInent upon the original bylaw. Both of the ovIew.. to he voted upon on the 18th in.t ..1.r pot.liebed in this ieeue of The St '.1.J. PERSONAL MEN TION. Mier Marjorie ]: rat{.o.. f foroato. i. dott- ing Ma. Laura Pre... Mrs. Const of T..-• . r. the getout of her deter. lila B. J. Sae., -. (leoege 8taatten. d l./Mashers. id room wing old aeeedieeeere la town. The Meer 'idle •sod. of tor,ensu are visiting lin. •sass.. 1u,w.. Seaton,. . . ]in. Andrew Calder. of Uudertd.. t ....wr..r town. Mn. tern. .... 4 Aa.a.,bltl Of Weybc,.,. L. rimose .ere. .Suva Whitely. Yr. rid Mn. Welter Horn are away u0 a trip to Iyete(t by steamer St Unarm Mir Nellie Ura►am has returned from a vl.dt with her sisters in New fork. ]LW Bella MacVao&r L. at Brantford 00 a 7141 te Me aunt. Mrs. Joan Carlyle. Mew Wade Mol4roy, d Port Huron, is 'Jolt- ing her aunt. Sire, Craig. West Most. J. S. Davey, the jeweller, spent • few daye lam week wishing triosds at Kincardine. Los -Harrow, of Ge0R>h. spent a-inday In Ooderieb with kis brother. edam Barrow. Mum Nellie Bartow. of Guelph, is vieltlug bar beether, .edam lar row, Auglore• attest. Mrs. R E Pletcher rod ]lies Maude Fletcher, et Torero. W at the Sunset hotel. Wtagbade Timor : Mimes YAM! and Allis Beek with are vlsittee wile fneuda in (me- tas'. \t . Proodtoet, M. P. P., and family left ou Modems um their mood ret to the Atlantic emit Yia. Ida Wilkes net Mir Baltic Holloway. of ceder, were 8olld•y deters in thee Net wine. T., d Harris's, od K1 -gets, was le town torMr • day or ewe Meting Me am. Walter H. Freak and Arches Hankin of Rochester. le, Y., rause at Mrs. Cattail'.. Hammon direct, kit week. OaWe Rokl..oa at Wee Toronto, 44 st)0sd1ae two lemma vamp.° .t Ch1 paroutel hone hers - NHL Joke Yo11sa.W sad MW Beer MoLuu, .M: et Da1ea. are tae game el Mae. Moore A4sdt a tee. Mss. We P. Weytery. araduhe.. .. N. 11.. le bar. w • resit to ear ewer. Mrs. e. Cox. de retarder street. Yr. sod Yrs. Si.. George Prim and daughter ►a:o ret*rsa0 trod Monica. S51Mvrlr. Proton 5rt whet are r,..µ I A. P. Cb&mbsrs and Miss Mazy t'wrtbsr., w runt duneerr v hating st Aire. tnsig'. N eel street - Mrs. H. McQasrrie, of Brussels, was the gait d 1.w daughter, Mrs. 801111 haw.un, for a)sw days re Woes. NHL Nat. Coo and daughter., et Leaming- ton, ore the good.. et MrC uz , temente, Mr. san Yrs. L'. Dowsing. Min Fereooe Maeda. who war home from De. mit ter 5 mouth's bun3ay., ham returned to the t eb .: the dulitt4. Tee Mira. Lilian and Florence ]IcLe.0 re- turned 1.4 seem from Alberta and are visiting at taw hose u KinaiL ]loss. Amis. and Edith 1*chmkll, of Sebring- eur, ere •pe•ding a maple of weeks with Lamr trrnL MLA Ler. L074. U. L. Parsee. Lit es Monday on • helium - tatp to whntp.g. Id. mad, the lop up .he Aare lams w the stoma KamluL.tlgtda. Mr. red Mn. G. e. F.R5 and daughter. L..arw. of Yaoaa.ef t. Zealand. date 0000A e sur. ma Yea John hawses for • few days. Mr. and Yrs. Agan M0Konw and family, of R'u.deufoM -sdon, N. J., are editing Mn. 30534. 0.'. parental. 1dr. and firs. J. L "'rant, w'. 1, kleo;,t, s1 Tho Leaden Free Preis. •rrrwopained M Mn alliett and son, are rpead+5g tart, v.n01ron with uoderiob rel•- Wvim Mise Lily Boyd, Grant and Kenneth Hoyd, of Tomato. bare been sore:er / botelaye at the hems LE their mother. Mea D. Boyd. Main a1onee. It. S. Wehrle. and It. E. `t. Fletcher arrived is 'Aiwa *suirdry veering on the steamer Kambisuqua after • two wow' trip en the lake& Wee Melon and Mabel Dover have returned to their home In Iitrlyaer after • month's den WWl their = street. grando Mn Jaw. Ceahgle, #let Makvm>ml and her granddaughter, Mien Dorothy M•lemmon, of New Wetmin- der. B. C., are vldUng in town, the curate of lint K. U. KeynoMa Hn Arthur Carrie and dot.ghter, of Tomato, an hon for their vacation. Mr. Carrie came up with tem on Saturday but returned to the Mogen Me on Moday• Howard Derain. • former student at the 0.41 09 2ohrtriate Institute, le spending few dare WNW*, le town. He bee been teaching w eed In SaelaUMw&n. Cy.J coolie. at Ntnh Mara, as • represeot&Uee ef to uei7.nilty et the claverdy Modest? Beit ramp. L avoiding kis vaea9Ss at We latae a Mons. Mrs. Joh. .sz r.tarned Mat week from • vitt is bee , Mra IIUv.) Kilpatrick. of NerummiM. war amempanled home be Mir Naanls Mesa, wee Is home from Tor - eau on • .spates MW OseNss. el the Departmental '(tore, tEt_me Felder ea•seen eshpeadt to themotheir old home at Y Mvete from � le week alts eseses0si�i 0fractured liateeaed Weft to the s1. 0o an J. C. Janina, Mrs. Jeetkaa h0l baby, of Lon •ea, see et the tts0�u�e6y �lir. Jordan Wr been taltisear the ar old teore&meut M ski wilof l Ye ort. lie thy, 95 p �. n m� ns. aa and ei b' e� ms as Mania, salesman lee tem ire. �P�hee..pptuueubbse were terse of�a� Ian lof Btown 50 l••seey to 1 lost a� afe` nature ���em��sm.a �h. y tsai/s Jtt�smra Buss Tl�h�i e�fya�aa r • W aM (711....•:;�r i lee�bew a�sisi�sorEargrayibd.. W a saw -,1► degie ewes and board ter obese are* Mists Hem 11,1 10 .r 111 , Won Bee Out. THE FIGHT IS ON. Parliament bas been diseoleed and a new House will be elected September 21st, with uomivatione a week earlier. rue great issue of the campaign will he reciprocity. The Opposition per- sistently obetruoted the Government's effura to give stets to the reciprocity agreement, and in order to secure a direct verdict from the people, so that the fartners and other producers of Canada raay at the earliest possible moment have the advantage of free entry for their products in the great United `+Latae market, the Govern 'Dent decided upon a diseolutien of the House and a new election. Alter a short campaigu it will be the duty of the electors of Canada t deciue by their votes at the polls whether they will secure the larger markets now offered to them or will consent to be ruled by the monopolis- tic interests that are directing the. fight against reciprocity. Such au issuein a free country should not be in doubt. In Huron County. In this county the announcement of the election Hods the Liberals with- out • sndidate in the Held in any of the three ridings. The convention for West Huron will be held on August 16th. The two men most frequently mentioned in connection with the nomination are M. G. Cameroo, Mayor of Gcderich, and l homers McMillan, formerly Reeve of Hullett. In East Huron the Liberals meet on Friday of this week to name their candidate. Arch. Hislop.ms -j1. P. P. and W. H. Kerr, editor oil Brussels Post, are spoken of as Mk to come before the convention. Au tlouth Huron M. Y. McLean, the member for last term, will likely again receive the nomina- tion at the convention called for August 18th. rhe Conservatives have already two candidates in this county -in West Huron E. N. Lewis, who bee repre- sented the riding for two Parliament- ary term., and in South Huron J. J. bleeper, of Zurich. The convention fur East Hurou has not yet been held, and whether Dr. Uhishollu, who has been representing the riding at Ot'- tswa, will again run 0gpbot definitely be said. -. John W. Yell, of Gadericb township, will be the returning &Boer tar West Huron, West Huron Liberal Convention. As a,.nonnced last week, the con %>e.i Lion of the Direr al+ of West Huron. to chuuse a ceodida .' for the eomiog eke: ion to the douse of Com- mons, will be 13.1J ill the l'enorerance Hall, Goderich, ' un %V ouuesday, August 16t1), at 1 lila ick p. .u. 1'he meeting &f the Liberals of the towel of Goderich to select delegatee for the West Huron convention will be held in the Board of Trade room, North street, on Thursday evening, 10th inst., at 8 o'clock. It is hoped there will be a large attendance of the Liberals of the town. FOR FIRE SUFFERERS. Knox Church Committee 1s Arranging to Forward Supplies to Burned Distract- 1 The session of Knox church has ap- pointed R. H.CutL James Buchanan and D. Stoddart it oommittee to at- tend ,u receiving and forwarding sup- plies for the relief of the destitute at. Cochrane. It is hoped that a carload .1 all kinds of necessary articles will be collected and sent by the earliest possible date. Clothing, bedding, and household effects of every description, especially kitchen and bedroom fur- nishings, cooking utensils and dishes, tables, chairs, etc., will be most ac- leptable. Everyone is asked to shale in the privilege of sending something. Contributor. are requested to hand to Mr. Stoddart at once a list of such ar- ticles as they mai have to send. and the committee will arrange that the goods he called for and shipped as soon es passible. Persona preferring to contribute money for the relief of the fire sufferers may do so by enclosing it in an envelope duly .narked, and plac- ing it in the offering plate at Knox church nettYobboth. THR'BOWLING TOURNEY. -- Annual Event TakingPlace This Week tie the West treet Green. The annual lawn bowling ta>urna- Illent has been in progress this week and is now nearing an end, only the doubles and singles remainin to be completed. The tournament this year has not been mu popular an .vent as in previous years. there being only eight rinks here from outside point& Three of these are from Reatorth, anpi one each from London. Stratford. Wing - ham, Brussel,. and Zurich. Eight rinks from the (ioderich club are play ing making sixteen o. il. 'Che Anal gem* in 191. ttrophyiharousts tition was W011 by Dudley Ho9101S' rink from Wingbam, oyer D t' Ross' tsars frOrnssels, 12 to lf. F. J. Bomutlaod .kipped his local rink to 1Ictory in the association snatch, bin competitor in the final genie being J. M. Bset, of Baaforth. Th. score talli.d was B1 to 1.k T. H. McCurdy, Btratfued, and Dr Huwt.r, (ledniek, west's tM opposlng .kip le the consolation •0k The Westford rink won • damp pose, 16 to 14. The toast of 1.M Gr'a4a.iaa, Mewing mow at ball -pry heeiedi mixed sOompa ptrpywMr• every , +�.ww• dada g,, eleven ValastatesillehekattessitaarnuarriPledmigifF21.