HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-7-6, Page 8t1 Ttignaaat. Jame b 1 1 o�fE 51f ESS COLLEGE VI wwet.tar bummer torsi Ne ul 6ungguue��qrt,t��erm tn�.�m�Jmurr,ly TWO..,d Omressd , r•reato THE BEST SCHOOL CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. Our graduates are le demand. IleMseee men awe teat they are eh• $taloses from tike cam looms were r.es.W SC, Set OW and tae per moat . A s* tion. e epledgedmem*.arartrace was pledged at per aaaets. All graduate, was poo w The dammed M pad year six Woes the member grad.Nlaa. We ==handu - t,umaseada . hand and Te4.ar.N7• let ov fret o.Wowee. U. A. Wel.acHLAN, 1'rinand. L SALE OF BRIAR ROOT PIPES Spec in! , de of Kaddish Stier Hoot Pipet, res- ole, 75c : sole pried les. Splendid assortment of ord.nary 2»c and :'hoc And Sate price 1100 Feil stock nt the t•elebrwled G.B.D. Pip Special redaction during sale - one - fourth (tI. Prices of tie tette, reline • in price from 111.00 air to $2.50 ibeColonial Book Store (1E(i PORTER. Prop. Phone lest. Goderich. PERSONAL MEN TION teastlaal Prow larva Mr. ase Nr.,les eaam nre have lets/mil tram their sr eddlaa trip.Kra Taodu will n ot receive untilI,L Clan. weals tows ever pee ►is deter Jessie lava.' dm* M C 1 Naos Cost,. el Nae. Nies Jlarmen and Mb. !lees. Comma returned to h ens en Haterdar• ager havlaa . peat an eidopuble hWiWy in town Miss dao had .e va.ltla.r her mother, M XarhMee Uweiler. Napier w rote. has returned to tort Hares. Nen. Is. C. WUtdy sad daMhiar Neroa left tis Tem dor ter a doter risk with !leads .t Prestos, Owsm0. bled, and other pass Mrs. A- G. Campbell mad aa.or. ed Yarm. Cas sed Mrs I. C. Beatty and of Atari seAla. are raw at Oso l Misses Amide. May .ad Roby MAMAS lave oe Troy e■ a sled to Ras. W. W. Srodaart .t fl•sbe•ter. N. Y. N iN' itp lop few dam Tenetw • awn and .' lop . • r Nr.frellesen is neat W amp of OM Hew. es the Queen City. Laden Wartime, lira mi. IeetMwa "t p� ,.d 1st Mn J. D. Iwo, rift Rie►meas wrest past ones. �r sad Mrs /new..' sad daegbtor am. d hent Ake, gear a few dye is wm rata week vis/ed Yn, Varna/es mother, An til t Rhyme A. M. Roberta. win .ped . row d•.• ad Wen wen t to Ti.wle Bead pap r. at tis Napadm.t 1 ( Mw Pekes (•cher.. eft em W isataiaa tar .. .atwdM art to ■ems other (,sad aims. >•a ass sonempwoled Mr wt Nr seam. ! wmhye.a Mir tr.A.nas. 1 Tewaaa. aft* sant Mai .s.. tial1ei � 71a M warn se be. sea tiro Wert* r.. =II Wit ra M._. aaM and Y. J. brae bare Arai lest entree !. T a■esu rat mw Mom WS s �tealt an mom os Meths• W. 1 idaar. at Mr said ire e IL Nue end d Weamoe, eleaaane, mew amts nig naillailk was re wee►wa,r. • tisk the Owelan. a lmummea t e s two t Ms tiro I.an bi tw vivo mNs ���ew� taa4~e Mot,!wrap a pand er NW L es �.txwma sikt Tsar o ae a sod alar beak, Mee 1 the yaws test, b rasa sweat woo whits dier a Maim la Wdmfrd Or. Tiemesess r s Mees •Misr shovels wa the Were weal. ' ilia wasee he tem beam vie ort t TsabmlL "islet. Yat't. MOM p.sfes . J. L aewv.'. Y LL is aseadmyt ammo time at the .anew p4... .04 wh• wUe dos mann toe its home in ire Waders dry. Mr. .rd Mra J J. Merer ad �pdr'4•, of Zara*. OMMr. .ad Mr.. Mr. a04 d Kuno. peat Tundra d Worm Ups ■orf. Nr.. L Otehae Mn Meow mod lira 1.indeateld are demister. of ohms Mim. sweetlysweetlyh�p Mrs Witham Mr. Merwsr Y the sweetly Corers& Lire cadldate for the HdCaeine ufneses.is w ,th Huron. r NEW ARRIVALS Visit our st-•re every day it you will. and on each c;sit you will dud something new to inteiowt the roman in ntatth t f the 10e,4 novel is and beet values in Women's IReady•to•wesr Garments Our China and Glass- ware Department ie the be.,ement includes a Nide v..iety of choice girls. John Stead Hamilton St. Hamilton St. r DON'T NEGLECT YOUR WATCH AWATCH is a Ifelicats pi... of machinery. It calls for lds attention than swell tanchine ry, but must be 'cleaned and oiled occasionally t'+ kelp Retied time. - WINalm i .�e;p.lset r dPall le 1st • dew Air • Pier a aMfms. It we avail Walter It Ilarrison <l C P. R. Watch lo1ta Jewellerans . Jeweller sod Opfi.'1 e n )tis the Senn Merl rA :01.••••.1=1741.1=1; y who A. 0. ' THE WHITE ""H. Its Presence on the Hoc ay Com- pany's Seat Exr .d._ It is or was a rule or the Hudson Bay company that no woman be a1. lowed passage on its boats. One day some years ago as a steamer of the company neared one of the northern- most ports • string of wblte garments was seen stretched across the deck. The watchers were amazed, for be them tbe wash line suggested only the presence of a woman aboard the boat Comment was freely trade of the scandal that would ensue and the shakeup that would follow. Wben the boat docked tbe line of wuhletg had disappeared -still another proof et the scandaL Later one of tbe landsmen mild e the captain: "Why, bow did It happen that you carried a woman passenger this trip?' "Then was never a woman along the whole voyage," was the indignant answer. "What do you meant" "1f there was no woman aboard where did all that whlte wasb come from?' was the triumphant reply. The captain looked puzzled tee a moment, and then be laughed. "Ob," be said. "surd didn't we have Lord Stzsthcona, the governor hfaed>: along with am on this trip/ And every day doesn't be insist on havtatg ala clean wk' a shirt. no meteor how her Berth we are/ That's the waits wash you saw strung along deet And. what's more, doesn't hi. lord be- set upon having his Londoa peps ald beside his plate every morning, ne mutter it it is • year oldr-Peawes * Baby Prins (M.1 Aid. Scelety. Queen Maud at Norway, following the example of Queen Mary of Meg - land. has rimed a best of photographs et herself and het holy. Prince 014 e s a asses et relies anew fur ICJ. She sells the beet for 41.11. 11s gases had received any requests for S cam of hermit and her baby_Tbey. sad it finally occurred to bar that she 'sold satisfy the demand and Make something tet' ehae14 by levteg the pectoris published On picture skews the print sad hes pet dog; aaethet pieta the king et Norway to ha shet sleeves wean through the garde, with tate Niece. Dem M Puny. Dss'tl Yuen it yen can't try to everosen the falling for the sake et your own Meth and pence of mist try M do s for the sake of tn. man yea will sertatnly render wretebed one et then days. It Y saM that no wises W a proper sense of properties'. The Any woman meanly hasn't Ote Mr bathos trifles Isom like bsteedys. flits never reeegsfsae what rosily nlltll♦ term sad *bat a oemptrrtaat 1. a worker the teen we1ua ls rowels. a tallest dee adder gats titres. as month west am slaws others to de alt Ikea Mgh stap*g Mersa she 1. as Mils,. yet masse bet isile geranium >rsvvrllabm feet-_ will age her 1M an bar idea. lets Farerata 'WNW Is year taverns Wagueriew n ear and the resslciam "Limas Nva." said Mr. Omenn, q. posneg he W wits. "Warm are wi - eras that I ewer Mei tat. seed, there? "!a' "VOL I want ctrl gels et deaa- Irad iegtes Seer. ( • MR SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONTARIO if Ieteelerl7 tesasd beef kldasy. ars ■ coarse dab. but wens earrtelly prepared they mann excellent stew ]wive all .agedw tat. trim tiara!) sad eat them hit* chunks. Let them soak n add salt- ed water for about as hear. !slows tam vel tboreugbe7 and 1W set them ever the sirs la frisk sold water. Asea they come almost to the hsl4ar pant ant begin to show awls ea the serrate pear oil te• water nee sdd fresh cold water. A better emy. 11 en hies thee. a e remaeve the Mlles" pet them is a new pet er lay them amides tannest tett' the pet they were cooked IN Me bees thoroughly washed ort Tres pat them back. In osier to get the eMeng Savor out of ,Shia meat It a sae1WMr7 to remove as Math sewn and band hem It as ples- MIa riot IMO mbeat is water a sec - sad One. Thee poor off this second wni sae rant as before. It may be Ins.ssmw te da tt a third and a fourth Sap an.. Whet the nage is reached Oa welsh He water I ,ate clear and Mee deem sewn wit op one or two era -* pend and owe for every kid- ney -ens sr two small carrots and me er ewe potatoes Put them Into the water messed the meat and cook slow- ly der about two hours or until a gtnavy Is termed. Boa cook/ add a Me tomos !nice or part of the yellow peel of • Naos to the new. The Car- se and amass may be Ids out and the bttlespe stewed by themselves, the Navy Mktg flavored only with a Clay gime et wise and lemon juice. Potato Cake. Two capfuls of sugar, two cupfuls oaf deur, one cupful of butter, one tato* cupful of English evaluate, one espial of potatoes, mashed and sea- soned, ready to serve; one and ons half cupfuls or chocolate, grated; one- half cupful of milk, eve Kgs. using all the yolks and whites of three, keeping two whites for boiled f1'ast- tag; two teaspoonfuls of baking pow- der. one each of cloves, cibnauloa, all nonce sad natmg, one each of lemon and ,salla. Bake either is loaf or layer. Cream butter and sugar. Add milk, then yolk.. of eggs, beaten hlgb; thea potatoes, soh spicae, chocolate and baking powder in hoar, and add to eggs and butter. Then add beaten whites and lastly the nut.. Will keep freak for a week or ten day& - - Split Pea up. So Inc split pea soap, so good in thin cold weather, soak a quart of split peas overs(gbt In the morning put them ea the stove to plenty of fresh cold water, about four times as much water as peas. Add • large piece of inn pork.- halt a good eased carrot, a good steed leek, two potatoes of medium nese on root of parsley, one teaspoon- ful of thyme, one large turnip, a bunch of celery tips, a large slice of bread and salt and pepper to taste. Let the soap boil all day, adding fresh water as It beW down. Strata before stirring. 'A Fin. Sane. Apples and cranberries are very good ceok•d together. about half and half. Let a quart et the mixture cook with about a cupful of water or just enough to prevent borates. At the end of twenty minutes add two cup- fuls of granulated sugar and In the mixtue cook for &beet tea ninnies mere. Turn tato maids and nerve erns cold. The apples seen to mal- low the boss. and the sauce will be preferred to one entirety of berries by those who do not like the sharpen; et the atter when coked aloe*. • Tea Wafers. Inc the .hada weton that am Meed with aftueoses tai and other Illaht repast* wort a made of table- apoeatnls of batter tab two meek et flew and tett Is enough ice water to make a Neff pasta Then pat de bosh en to a Sewed beard sat res into a very then smart- It shook' be 8tes thinker Hae pear -and cut is resale ofd a easter. Dake Is a quick eves ea a bared pen. The esters dada have as renes, hobby surface and be saes cold. They are Made.e with a ceseerre or lana. s newish Paler. Whits rants Meng nude into med- wlches with edema ante sad wine cheese le &Reba Ont the ewes very thin end .deed ser Horth seam cheese ant the ether with the nab. Seth aMald be buttered Sit If they are cat In the shape of cud mite for stew - moon ref seh1wit* at card sires ant parties they are very sightly The card sett cotters are kept by the how fermahere. Seep Meek. Int mitten letk.vees for .sops sever amble* ala sad ree.t. beef .std lamb. ehieten and bed. aseeeaoe a 30.. Mow sr port beam can be added e seep is ter *bar Sensing. 11111111• 1011 and Alogia emir W num PesesW taws tlsesaoed Tema. OWNS Sweet posts and Ant Lase. ,1Ores. Mum Ilsocirowes 4 1SttIitalla L1,. ......Abb dkid.+ _ . ENSLMAMEN 11 HOUSE. Mere Are teem! Prominent ON Land Men In Osmbossns Among the little N rah men in the a.u.e, Ithrre of ?ale-Caribeee stands oat Cly He came la at the last sire• tionse , atlas a ul the most.pltetaea}Lr es eontts ja tate whole Dominion, and he mads hie mark and considerably surprised Sir Wilfrid Laurier, by jumping tens pie tray on Me opening day of the es., Parliament, and eke gaeutly 4u4 the Mack of the Premier aft the campaign methods of the Oppee%lign lis that tnee Bina that me00p.),le day, Martin Burrell has always oemmanded the ear of the House. On the OPpoetOon side he is amenerthe foremost able speak- ers. A a 1 ('&1 trait grower, he is cool camping on the trail of Hon. ey Fisher. Mr. Barrell is still is the prime ul life. being M. He ewe to Canada is Leh and for six years engaged in trait tanning in the Niagara Peninsula, afterwards removing Is British Columbia, where he is at present engaged in that in- dustry on an erlensivs scale. In a Conservative administration, Mr. Bar- rell's claims for predereent would be hard to ignore, and it is doubetul if they would be overlooked. And since the famous- crossing of swords with Bir Wilfrid Laurier on the opening day of this Parliament. ttik Premier has entertained a unfound .sap.se for the little man teem Grassi, Milks. for after an the Liberal cbieftaia dearly loves n tighter. Speaking of Englishmen. it lam surprise many to know that several of theeprym sent members of Partin melt hailed originally, f _ till tittle island. There isst the white-haired phi! hamgi Nanaimo, who deserted pretties of medicine in Nwcaet1e41M-1j e only a few Tears ago to Nab' Cly term- ing life in • Alberta, and who is the only supporter of the liberal party who dares Men.1 up in his place an Parliament and declare that absolute free trade is the inevitable destiny ..f Canada. Arthur Cyril Boyce, the el..- er little lawyer from Sault Ste. Marie who- is ono of Mr. Paisley's "bete noir*" and who first sew the light of day in a Yowkshire vicarage. Richard Stuart Lake, brother of Bit Perry Lake, who lett his Lancashire home to take up land in Saskatchewan, and is one of the stalwarts of the OpposA- tion from the \Vett. Then last, but not least, oom.•, Edward Arthur Lan caster, wee sit, for Lincoln, and was born within the sound of Bow Beils. Wben Mr. Lancaster is not serving the public bony a level crossing point of view, .he is plotting the destruc- tion estrne-tion of the Senate. One of his ances- tors moat have been Guy Fawkes, for Mr. Lancaster has a bomb which he is about to explode, which, if the f nee catebee fire and Sir Wilfrid Lau- rier does extinguish it, will result in the disappearance of the Upper Chamber. Of the various nationelties which make up the Commons, the lit- tle coterie of Englishmen is by' no means ineiptificant, both as regards ability and industry. A Tersest, Practical Juke. This is not so much an anecdote as ii is a warning. Al a result of the trouble between the Toronto Electric Light Oo. and the city, some active young men have planned a practical joke. It has been played upon a number of people, and anyone who has a telephone may be victimised. It is so simple that a person falls early into the trap. On a cold even- ing you will be sitting by the grate fire reading and feeling glad that you do not have to fain the chilly winds, when the telephone rings. You go to the 'phase and the following conversation enwiM1: I* that Mr. 4.tor' "Yea. ' "This is the T.E.L. speaking Yoe know we have been having consider- able trouble Neely. World you, mind Idling us knew if the arc light se th corner of the street is barningt- Deceived by the business -like woieet you escpresa your willingness to be obliging. It b aseessary for you to go to the bottom of the verandah steps or even to the sidewalk in se- cure the desired information, and you rise shivering to the 'phone in *beat five mingles. "YM" Poen Hay, "tee light is burn- ing. ArWeu. fee airy, says they do Dpi need it," says the, voice at the other and at the ling "Will you kindly blow et crit?' Then he rings off, and you say thugs-fiaturLy !tight. Wi her's Pet. That break ia g off as engagement ie M hast a little more serious than the comic papers would have us be- Mee ysNeve is rhe le.son which a Toronto man of some eve years learned two or Hires . ago. The girl. who was at lease a dosen years young- er than Le, Ie$ her position and was well on with the preparations for her marriage wheaten man's mother very strongly nbreelpd to the proposed mar- riage The aen therttapoa broke off the en- gaRemont .l few nigh�s later he was at a dane,e which tl�s attended by many M the friends a[ the disappointed girl, but he didn'teseailse how his action had turned awn against him "Noy i ha the pleasure of the next dance'" a sited orae of them. wont .a is young lady, frigid - 1 "hadn't ybetter k your me- theyouas rf•' A Disrnguished Lat. The Goys s -General of fda, w ith the date at they ae.amed oe.ss have been ha Hon Viscount Monk, R.O. Jaly, 14.17; Right nen ford G C.M.B., Feb 1, Mia; Right the Berl of Dnfaria. )[ P . I O.B. O.C.M.G•, Jane 11171. Right a. the Yarqq�ais 4 lore* E T. O.M.A.. etc.. OM SR 4111; Right . Lord Stanleyof Prestos. O C.`. Jun. 11. Mb; RI S Hoe. the Red M Abetidea. L.'l�., Z O M o.. Sept 1 Iasi ld lass. lbw.earl et W....4 �g*1.... C •. tint ri& I BENMILLI• R MOAT, July 8rd Mre. Morrish, of &hots, is visittug her slater, Mrs. H. Mn. Maslvor and ire McDeirmid and Wllliard MoDairwid °edariab. spent the First ut Julys Bentull- ler. Tar Lars Hines r B, ScnwANz. - On Thursday, Jun Rind. Mean- ie. Mohnen son of air. an 1 pre. Michael Schwan, passed Pmeeolully away at the Age of twenty-nine years and seven months. The t ewased was for years a; patient sedate ban a tumor on the breis. The= took place from his father's on the Maitland conaessiun on Tues- day, Jura 27th. Deceased leaves to mourn his departure his tacker and mother, four brothers -John, of Guderich township; Samuel Md Daniel. of Sasketclrewaa, awd Wet, d British O.olasbia--and one sister, Mts. Hader. trf Hamend. LANES. UTLV MT V PER CH. CASH DI& memento 4.4s nw amen her MI per owl"rpe .oats aandd M e;nape es Judy lith. W.P. 1.....M SalfOIMttt, inly 1st LA c ah Luc all.&- aer Own tar hes hese wdl risen o at. w asezeity de win. EMS L his vide- hes veep sestree= � y mem* a he mimeode ramanrie _ ani Mabel MLMle. 14 f" lea PlYstrr lert vNwa.------£ mlanmb4. a aeemher bee Ihie flip d the wand(/ the i.bta Sumby stla.{ln��at+iaJ hts� _ hoeing >W ��Oweeigabam. at a▪ len/sH Ilintasbm se sit pe.afae the ✓ eit art Xis Jaw Reed .... Mr. and Ibis 'Ranee Stemmarn. et SfamMy. wet Punier oeeraieg the ,ossa et lb sad Um. Daniel Alma_ Dent foram to ata pl.saaat ahem yes use leiMd. WESTFIELD. Tomei:ay. July 4th. Nieves Nass. -Raymond Redmond Tutted trlat-�Madigan ie Igan diem. the pant week Miss Mantis at Bl ih, le visiting her oo�� Ilaggie Farrow Mies Linea Aa* bbaadde farewell to tar pupils hero 1111 Thursday last, as she does nor ongeoale re us'uja ahtae .assts in. She left this week fee hila home In Dl Helena- 8b will be ess0 missed in the section..., Mr. and MIL Fred McPbervoe, of ♦ fewMsay.Wwheak. `M Vklfre,ode 3od.ericb p week ilrnry,Hornev had the nits - SW Ms* to bee a valuable bone this weer; Mrs. John Wightmen is vagaries vs. y ouch with asthma at preMst. We hope •he may ease have relief....-. H. L }i.mford, pupil of d. et. Gest, Oo+erich, wan tunas eful in pushy( with bOnora in harmony sad eounterpoist and Brat -class J0ota is mi ice! history at the tianahtatbns r.css*�y held in Goderieh is esssi.� rim wlth the Turoutu ('onserVatory art Mule. CURRENT LITERATURE - Tau ChJIA. UAle MAoaalwtt-Tbe Cassius Meeputine for July sea - tains .seersl articles of outfitapd- leg merit alba interest Mir George W . Ren consider. Senate reform, and mews why snort t item.11r the paw ens Oismallau `eueie .k ruld be re- amed by Rho vaeiosd Provinces la anisemenA T. G. Marquis giver a end legerntting aenoOnt orf 1 hs Bat1e • allaldwraT, and W . Arnot enter th▪ e rsecsi aandmmnt mike"W s OsaCopyright opyright Act. M. O. amemumd eerhes • tensely akweb, oma Wiled " Two C,aatadi se Advo - einem" with portrait W Dr. J. A. et" bsand Dr Jame* Brown ll Sne. wet whom are promioewl 1 idowaed t>tPlh two at. bdiect eSes.on= soe44 Taroare senora! R. Came `• Sow •M Pb>s et the kne etes" by Joie �, Tell it abroad 1 Tag day is the 12th rrup mike"mob we Memo 1• " by J. Jos. list aro hoe a note entitledD" Plop Maxima thool the People." There nr. mimed Site abort stories and critics essays. Tan Jut! Ltrrtaccir'r'e.-The coat, elle nova in the Julyby ti's . ghees eh* Oar �."" Ste.... . s.M1.. =Pam a &ad the ( succeed c: and. Max" Lke her crest derbe."hilts the Liar Ridged" has to de with 1:1101.04 t m0154Chjat:C a c• tiyat inn. .the aides the Mln), abundant, the eyiry toeffinstainemi 1L is t4e meet of tale ons swot finish a,. ore reading, for nowhere is -it does these tulle a place where one 1. wil- ling to lay 1t aside. AU the characters are Intensely human, being neithe. holy Mint nor wholly sinner. In shoot, the novelette has all the ear marks da'•beetdiellea." and it le pretty sere to talks rank M each when it 1, but in horst ilterem. A very. feature of the inure is an art tele se tied 'Mimeos and flange," one etaseries ott paby De. Luther Baum umi Gulick diametor is the Russell 8y.Foumdatiee. It there is a boy in roar family, and he isn't a malty. owlet, he probehly belongs to a !vane"- if there is me he Cas join 'Elis meed not be a.o nee0 01 worry t„ the boy's parrots, as Dr. Gulick paint- out. He also point's -out many otl►ei interesting thing which have Dome under his observation during an ex prim of many years. It's a lively paper. full a interest even for those who bare only a distant; aeyuairttauce with the -map-child." Other article. "Our Masiwd'burth."by Edwin 1. Sabin; The Aa..rteaa Business ldu, ss a Husband." by Mande iirake Back lured ; "l'be Osntlemate Bluster by Ralph and "Ooanerning the AempIa.., bby B. T. He "Three Reag elowe at sheaf! Ooet." MR satiri- cal riper 'Wilberforce Seekins, The _shiedstories are up to the mi tilthe. high w 1 ffammiamasaansamirail THIS Is the month above all others that it pays to watch the price tickets scat- tered all over this big, roomy, cool store. Every ticket tells of values that are unusual. Each points the way to a saving. Never have we been quite so welt prepared to care for summer shoppers. Never so well equipped to save your money on your summer buy- ing as today. Here are some items to give you an idea what we are doing to make July a busy month. +A Most Unusual Millinery:Offering AnylTrimmed ilatl$2.65 ere is a illinerya5pecia worth considering. Saturday we start our annual summer cleanup of the Millinery llepartment. it is going to be quick and sure, for here no Millinery is carried from one season to another. There are just three weeks left to clear the whole balance of the summer stock. As a starter we offer, the week commencing Saturday, July 8th, your choice of any Trimmed Hat in the show room for only $2.65 This is, undoubtedly, one of our best Millinery bargains, for there is not one Hat in our show room reserved. All go at the one price. Each, $2.65. Cool Summer. those Hundreds of pairs, thin, tool Summer Stockings. Many kinds to choose from. Qualities are all real good. Blank, white. tan, grey and fancy colors. Ladies' Summer Hose 45c, 86c, lOc, 60c and Tic. Boys' Hoes 16c and Zc. Girls' Hose 16c, 16e, and elei. Fine Lawts 12!c Two hundred yards fine quality India Laws -just tbe thing for waists or children'. dresses. Roared, even thread. Very special, per yam, 12k Light Weight Dress Goods ISc At a really remarkable prate we are offering two or Wive liner from our eteek-plain lustros,'Math and white ccheek, eta, sp to d lashes wide. All noise at conese. prime and that 1 sc Bath Towels lac 111,.1 linen Bath To w e 1 ., heavy weight, dose meth. pure linen. mann soler math tic. A /lily epactal, each ........ . . All Sizes in Long Silk Gloves We have all .hies in stook in long Silk Gloves, black, white or tan. Most line. have doable - tipped fingers. Three priests -- 75c, $1.00 aid $12.5 Three White Specials Three Specials from the Whitewear Depart- ment. All three very much above the ordinary for value. White Muslin Aprons 25c [Fifty White Lawn A full length, with or without bib and shoulder .tamps; sono plain, sons nicely criminal with embroidery. Choice 7R�. of the lot, only......... (.�, A Good down 75c Throe Gowns are made hum �*55 4da� d& ems illi the inngirlsbwediadIl4- , lcS, with se kt swfw ��hek triaLempil � cotton bee.MUM (s 1, very dosis!.e . a h . c A White Skirt at $1.19 - hemWhite Skirts are mad_ from emabrie. The9r ate aafter 'sare wow rue& sipt for They this woe d R hate'♦ o 12.1= eater alai Wes .aLlia mal valorSt � 1414 Mesh, only s.79 1 1