HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-7-6, Page 6Promotion Examinations
Results of Midsummer Tests at Goderich
Public Schools.
Promoted from Jr. IV. 10 8.. V.-
LaterreriCe We, hat, May Hunter 872.
Ada Jobnetein 844, Edna Sailor's BBL
Or Woottou tilio Allan Sinclair 027,
Ma et Mothotood Votda Kodob
583, a Keene am. Laura Salkeld 664,
Eh h Phiereitoot 5111& Helen Grif-
fith 4. Rya Walker 540, Eno Kettiday
517. lime John 4 to n 515, Lotti. Murray
5014, John limey /*Kt, Kato, Weston
478, It to, Hunt 473, Lulu Bates 4410,
Willie filmic 457, Mort Cult 466, E'dort
McLean 451, Peer, Heavier 446, Fred.
&dm 440. Bennie Smith 432, Albert
Baldwin 420.
From Sr. III. to Jr. IV.--Graos Pin -
der and Maitland Pridharn lequal),
Arnim Wendt, Bernie* Davie, Myrtle
Jobnet en, Peet! Hunter, Eva Morr
and Emenor 0 lye (equal), HarOln
Murney, NV.ellewe Duckworth. Laurel
Bates, Victor Kerslake and Ernest
Le, teemed). Olive Mock. Hazel Wil -
too, Katie McDonald, Robert Clark
sod Rosso Clerk (equal), Bruce Noble,
Lila Kitchen, Delphine Holliday, Han-
nah Leonora and Gordon Noble
(equal). Roy Black. Albert Wiggiiis,
Memos Johniton, Howl Belcher. and
loos Cud (equal:, Peerl Praiser and
Emily McArthur and Stella McRae
I, Clarence Robertson, iVillie
foot (recenumeoded).
Prom Jr. III. to Sr. Ill. -Emma
Wallace WI, Homy Howard NIL
Nora Statham bia, Ethel Stoked 532,
Jessie Wilson 514, Stephen Kirkland
lil& Edna Stemert 505. lonsy Th p-
ima% Junes Hunter 500, Mattie
Math 474, coroore Baechlsi 485, Eva
Jones 459, Edith klioney 440, Norman
Work 447, Bertha Doren 430, Grace
Root 436, Robert Bell 421, Lilian Mc-
Lean 420, EVA Schaefer 415, Stanley
Coeldleld 413, Margaret Wilson 409,
George Stewart 11r2. P554—alaclye
McKay. Clone Hoye. Russell Bates,
John Anise!, Charles Rom.
• moistener V.
tie. 11 Reader to Jr. 1111. Roeder.
(maximum 5)J0, polo 250h -Winnie
D• hodbill 423. Edward Pridham OW, Lon-
eita LAW 375. Rely Foster 3113, Arthur
Roberto 31.11i, Emu. Breyer 359, ?finny
Panzer 354, Isobel Foe Ler 352, Gladys
Bedford, Isobel Aurtin 330, Harry
Jokester 318. Eel Porter 3118, Glen Mur-
ray 194, WitheSandersNa.
Middle II. Ite ruler to Jr. Ill. Reader
(maximum 500. pass 260). -Rata Wa-
wa 205, N%'iilie hiscDomod 284, Veeto
Young 2142. /ferny Bunfahvy 274
?dation Fileanigar 236, Hemet. N'ideen
264, Gertrude etocLean 253, John Sen-
ders 262, N%Oltie %% Rheum 261. John
Reid 250.
To hi. 11. Reader.--Charies Nairn
210, Riede Stancombe ald, Pearl Mac.
Lean 200, Lucy Elliott 1118, Llewellyn
Tagging. 13b.
II. Reader to Sr. 0. Reader
dinixinsion 400, pass 100O -Janet Law
an, heeler Hunt 407, ?dos gueerite Stead
288, Alex. Lionley 174, Vera, %Viloon
1111, Sidle Mountain 268, Lautstoce
Nielsoltion 219. Annie Elliott 200,
Robes* Naestrie.
, toonnoo vi.
Promoted from So. 11. W 111.
'Reeder (maximum matke 600). -Lily
Scowl Mt, George (Limn 340, N1'ill
Johneton 338, Douglas Thorn on 317,
Benson Weston 316, May Johnston
31)1. t...0 rasa Netlike Wet 298, Gordon
Doe re 205, Pc cy Luujb 21I, Mary
Pinder 274, Irene Thompson 251, Hazel
Binde 261, John Donalt 250, Ftod.
Artoold MO, Neelen Smith 250, Violet
Bur!ey 260, Susie Bates 4l, Clayton
Welters 250.
Promoted front .Ir. 11. to Sr. II.
Reeder (maximum marks 4016.-Johe
Pinder :326. Verna McVittie WO, Kent
net's Cruickshanke ask Harriet Por-
ter 996, lia DeLong 2146, Lily Limit -
brook 204, Ruth Murray 276, lierbert
Wark 294, Frazer Newell 234, Louise
MacDonald 268. Cecil Corey 22o, Earl
Roes 08, Dorothy build' 216, Helen
Howard s..o.
invoitore vit.
Senior Class (total 376). -Doris Hud -
gene 1141, Shaly Paoser 304, Morgarot
Murray 298, Martin Price 290, Herold
Nsegele 274. Hugh Robberts 268, Betels
Megaw 261, 'Albeit Loonsad 199.
Junior Class (total 376). -Mary Sun-
ders 1114. Johu Austin 281, Gladys
Fowler 277, Elva Young 264, Julia
&severs 214. Emma Copp 213 Ines
Porte, ISO Willie Roo. 1314, John
Fourth Clam (total 270. -Cotherine
McKenzie 212, Alice Iliockfield 307,
Gladys Mutray 190, Clifford Johnston
195, Erie Stews. 1799, ,Alexeroder Mc-
Lean 163, Olit e Orsigie 150*. Lorne
Drinkwatee 14l, Art hug Curt y 124,
Shinty Rohlserta le&
on moos tort.
Sr I. (a) (enexinitain market 350i. -
Melbourne McVittie 275, Reggie Pin -
der 273, Margaret Bell 200. Arville
Robinson 261, Stanley IlicLeon 240,
Eddie Morrow 234, Clyde Carter 313.
Pawl. y Murray 212. • limo! Mont St
lb) Maroaret Paltridge 310, Fern
Humber 308, Lilian King 316, Doris
Andrews 2erd. Smoot McCreath 281,
Elaine Proudfoot $43.
Jr. 1, -Ford Weston 265, Clarence
Jobnotnn 250, Jack I. -torten 24/1, Prank
Thompson 2134, Harry Leach IMO,
hoirepeon 16,s.
Those marked thus • were &trent,
from one or more examinations.
' invotion 11.
fir, 44!.( total Wm. -Kline Donna/Igo
677. Leonard Maeklan 642, Jean Bogle
827. Graham Ross fIll& Gerald Newton
eria. Eve, "MEM 5116. Gertrude Porter
MK Plectra Knight 575. Jamie Roe
ani. Renrion 8.11 4* Thednis Rome 111,
Donald McDonold Wilfrod Rids
472 ?dargarget ROOS MR Ohr• itark
460, Rare y Buchanan 440
Jr. 111 ootal AKA. Cods o 14, 41.11
dui. Root Marvell 614 Gladys Minks
inaa Rustidait 144, •Ilsen Moir WI,
rzaorieJones WO. limit HarrisonM
nierto MO. Harry Sorwiereos
441, Beef riee Wed" 441. Woodbine
Babb 440, leas Harriette 4^ 14..1.-9ie
MeNevIn 417.
S e 11. (taw Wit. -Norbert Dougall
0111. Mary Vouroone $14. Beth Beer
343; Willie Sturdy p 314. Vinton
Ts emblay 312. Jean Habkirk and
Hale. Carey 300, Heleu Shaw 307,
Charlie Stokes 279, Willie McMillan
and Lilian McDunold roll, Arnold
Brownlee 267, Gordon Tebbutt 168,
John Pattereon 263.
Jr. II. promoted to Sr. II. (total
350). -Vesta illoyder 304, Kileen Mun-
flings 4, Doris Martin 314, Laura
Watson 300, Jennie B. -k 208, Lola Mc-
Donald1163, Liouel Macklin 247, Roes
Hai rigeon' 346. Hugh Hardy 21U, Bertie
Sanderson 230.
Jr. II. promoted to Br. II. (total 530.
MeNevii. 401, Wary Morrie/1
Mi. Dorothy Inincey 474, Minnie
Brownlee 470 Ruby Sormel 457. Mil-
dred Stokes i53. Kenneth Blair 445,
Myra McNevin 427, Helen Galt 407.
Leonard McDonald 3116. Lawrence
Curren 31410. Janet Snow' 386, Wilfred
Nicholmn 384, Delphena Reynolds 356.
Sr. 1. promoted to Jr. II (total 500.
-Mary Howell 408, Edgar Jonas 486.
Olive Allen 4448, Beatrice 'folioed 414,
Charlie Hidden 370, Barrie Snyder 357.
Jr. Part II. promoted to Sr. Part II.
(total 550).-- Karl Westbrook 356,
Louie Brown 316. Clarence olcOratten
2811. May lfrownlee 273, Willie Brown-
lee 2014.
Part 1. to Part 11. (total 400). --Alan
Roes MO, Theresa Munnings 384, Mi.
Inc I:lorded& 381, Kenneth Nichol 377,
Hilda Walbank 378, Mary Darrow 399,
Irene Steep 308, Jean liunter 362.
Moodie Howell 301, Jim tiarrow 360,
Marion McLeod 357, Harry Kd words 315,
Willie Beck 319, Harry Schaefer 304,
Grabauo Klliot,t 31.10. ()eel l'ooper 296,
Willie Sandemon 273 Donald McLeod
274, Hewitt Vooper 24, Leolla Hern
OM, Willie Grigg tOd.
— -
Jr. IV. 10 8*'. IV. --Joseph Hurley, J.
Kelly, C. Hodd. 14. Baechleo R. Aus-
Jr. III. to Sr. 111. - G. Farr, H. %All-
mon, M. Foley, V. Page.
11. to Jr. I 0.-11.1Spain, H. Kidd.
E. Griffin, H. Webb, J. Farr, M.
Ks/1y, E. McCaughey, V. Dodge, H.
Port 11. to Second Mirth),
Theodore Bullazd, C. Wilson, M. NN ebb,
J. Kidd.
Peril. to Part 11.-M. Jeffrey, 0.
Boechlar, M. Mero, A. Moser, G.
repaid, H. Lynn, J. McGill.
'lo tn. Prot I. -J. Dtan, K. Cler-
mont, 11. McKay, .1. Ryan, L. Ran -
dell, J. Jeffrey.
How Dante Bouchard Found a Cure for
Heart Disease in Dodd's ICidney Pills.
Jonquiere., Chicoutimi Co., Que.,
July o.-(Specuil)-berause her little
girl bad found a cure for her kidney
uisease in Dodds Kidney Pills, Dame
Joe. Bouchard ot this village con-
cluded they might help the backache
and Lean trouble trona which she had
suffered for so long. The result is
given in her own words :
"Yes," Dame Bouchard says, "I ain
happy to tell you Dodds Kidney Palle
nave made me well. They completely I
cured toy little girl ol kidney GISVASe.
SO I mime up my mind to try.thern tor
uy backache and heart trouble. 1
hate taken twelve boxes, and feel sure
they have completely cured me."
!lout trouble and backache are
caused by diseased kidneys, Dodd's
Kidney Pills always cure diseased
"Well," panted the defeated foot -
racer, "you won fairly, but you With
me by only a nose."
"Hugh! gasped the other; " I beat
you Man • pun.
"Yes, that's what I said."
At which poiut the hasty inter-
ference ot the referee became neces-
"Your D. D. D. Preto' iption for
eczetua is the best thing we have ever
brindled, aud le giving good satisfac-
tion with our customers. -Spur Stev-
enson Drug Co., Mole. Man.
"I have hew eczema un and off for
about three years. and nothing I tried
hos done so much good ies D. D. D. It
will stop the irritation in a few min-
utes. i Can do triy wattling and if I
hove D. I). D. on hand it will owe it et
once." writes lira. A. J. Squires, Uole-
limn, Ont.
Tbeee are just tainplee of lettere we
ere receiving eveiy day from grateful
paLiente all over the c oun try.
•' Worth ita weight in gold." "All
m7. pimples wathed away by D. D.
1.),- "I found Instant relief." "0, a I
D. is little short of mirsculone." These
are the words of °there in describing '
the greot skin remedy. D. D. D.
Proven by thousands of cures. for
ten year*, to he •Issolutoly harmless
and roliable in every case of skin
trouble, no muter what it ie.
Write today for free trial bottle to
the I). D. D. Laboratories, Dept. G.
et, 49 Colborne St.. Toronto.
For sale by all druggists.)
PHIL • es.
One of the feablonable Rest Side
churches momently witnessed a fnony
incident at • choir rametnal They
were preparing for the following Sun -
flay morning • beautiful selection, the
firm words of which were "I Am a
Pitimino" lt ao happened that tbe
lemon- divided the woof "Pihp ion" *ad
mad. • pause sfter the ay:balite. The
effect waanielit aratreleg. The ampreno
•Ang es 81gli tee. -I $ P4)-' .34 'he terror eeknowledged
Mat bse Sae • P11 -"' sad when the
bate come t hundering ie with • Rh*
dorlorstrem "I as. a PR--" It WY too
seeseh for the gravity of lie derma
and th.y roared. Ire asoesuot of
doe nem d thorn past the
without an outbaret, end
had to be erste se -line=
If you aro a boor amend your am
ipsaintancse they Can weesoly leaver
you alone; you can give the cold
shoulder to tbe cad in tho Milos or the
works, you can escape the fool in thei
morning train; yOU cas haves • prior
angsgement if your pet riversioo with
you to slipper.
But your boom fowl*, aro under the
inexorable necessity of living with
yea A man sonistbnes gets Into the
habit of thinking that anytbing wIB
de for his home people,. Ho treats
Mom as (litily bread; he does mot ex-
ert himself. be reserves his best foe
Ile says he likes to be homely at
h ome; that is yen well so long as It
does not mean being vulgar. He says
be likes to be at sins in ale homes
very well, too, if it boss not mesa
being thougbilass.
Familiarity breeds costempL It le
n ot easy to he constantly patient and
profitable sad pleasant to those wawa
you meet every morning at loseakfast
Tbe breakfast table is often th• gees*
est disillusloner. More secrets Of chat%
actor are revealed over tber trams wad
eggs than over the dessert.
There is no severer discipline in tbre
world than that of the home, and mom
of us go down under it in this matter
of courtesy.
Don't let us put off OUT mariners
wben we grot on our slim:. lot us
be the more considerste nig only
oar own whom w• bkv• to oessider.
And just because our home life la peg.
Tate arid is screened off from pubes
judgment and is sheltered froth the no
straint of public opinion let an too tbo
more sertipolous that we WAY be veld
et the offense against the heart ot
BMInd many closed doors and drawn
bends there lie grim tragediso and
luny of them may boo traced to seem -
Maly trivial slackness in the mortar
ides of love.
This la the rift that Ma made Ms
music mute. Tako ears of the mart, -
ides and the grand passions will take,
care of themselves.
The Desirable Moot
The person who can talk 'newts's.
Ingly he the best typo of guest at mo-
cha gatherings, for she who ehattses
incessantly is almost more undesirable
than one wbo is too quiet, for the hit -
tar rites oPPortordly ter odor persons
ter express themselves, while with the
former to say even one word is oifen
a straggle.
The balancer between theme extremes
b the art of stimulating a temporary
eorneanion to convert -nation, and at no
place is it more important to above
the correct attitude than at a dinner.
More than one man haa been obliged
to talk so mach wbon sitting beside
a quiet woman that he has not eaten
'cough. Such conduct on the part of
a women Is decidedly inconsiderate
At dimwit and also at formal handl-
eless it is s good idea to watch the
plates of neighbors, and if ono persoa
has teen talking so much as to bay*
fallen behind in the (moss It is tact-
ful to take conversation into one's own
hoods. Wing the other a chance to
bites and at the same 'Imo to eat.
It le not good form to monopolise
the abolition of one neighbor to such
an extent as to prevent Mao or her
tom talking with the perste on the
ether Mb. Orem it b • temptaties
W hen on ma ad" le art attractive per -
sea tad on the ether roe who Is dna,
bat gellleasse mime Metier( the at -
teeth's aiseeseerf.
If use Payee lo Met mooleatly 10
eenvereation by me iselgther at • 411a -
so it imam that he or dr on the oth-
.44. .4(3 much ot the dee wtth ao
ono to talk tot for die ri Met bearer
ea lit certainly Mang seeemdme te the
perms on hie of her ether Ms.
Wedding Remake Were Oweirieneo.
The weddlag amortise Amid gre-
Mlle the marriage eameway. 1114 le
lhe mewed mgreetlea tIMEI tame&
ber.:: dm "at berme that
llage, a reosseen Mat Is 1111dIsr
the seelety dime we&
every respect geastledly te the eld
Mae tuactina Meal be hold on AIM
day Wore the Vies& The pawls
resolve Um guests white the bade to tm
. 34 15. billogroma abet stud My18.
0. 14 mean ninnesouj 01 48.14
ftleedaLfl the waiter pieseate ere
ea view, and everydrkg le the same ea
14 48. "at home" amert that the ern.
e are not weds& The reuse bie
Mb new arresgeemet le that tt eaves
the wash at the Waifs home fate*
Mg the chunk wellies- ft le mato
minfortable ter de made sad tbar
parents to have a quiet hew while
properatiorm fer Me weddlag tour am
Wag made. *4.05 1* arrampemeat Mee
Orme the bride end bridegrooms RR dri.
pertualty te die swag eakili.
ereassiadoel Fame.
Merl Merle mama arbtakee Or the
eire et eel Pt hi menet le
eiry 'T a geed to ille deem" -1..s
gang b lay throne 14 5.4 gmereineriel
011w mar tamers. "Lay meat alma?
-emir aaa ....sas are .10 0110
ersvertty men Uses In ear. ull
WI" Itie rule Ewa the
we deb yea MIL he will eada
where 1.s.4 web get elf the
°Mr la Os Bret pews Meet
hove • Welt et wattles. sad 41drkilli14
the weed remise sive, aniehods45
edilmely 1ereglem deamalle OM
▪ edbmaity 34 1.41 SO
oatneee ettamor asollooa
Cokistreasu Guards to Cross the Ocean
ko Use C. PI. B. This Year.
Ceoldstream (Wards Band and
&tIequaIly famous leader, Lieut. 1). J.
McKenzie Hoosim M. V. 0., Mug. Dt.e..
Hon. K. A. AL. mood uo itoroductioa.
to the Comedian public. Tbro touted
Canada end dm -United Stest/ii in 191.0
and their tessellation still lives. On
that occosiou the, were at run d for A
floleglO011 mot altei noon engagement
at the CautaCtial• National Exhibition,
and so meat op tettractiou did they
pro% e that tiro management deter-
mined to exhaust every puseibility to
recurs them for an engagement for an
entire Exhibition. The time Los at
arrived when this great musics'
treat can her given the patrons of the
Toronto Fair.
1 be toldst.e.j te wools oro Britain's
most farrioue basid. They bare just
tluiehod a seasoore's engagement at the
Feetival of Respite. Ltetidou's greatest
tribute to coimust it ii ye ar. They ale
the musicians of the Royal Howohold
and come to the Ceinadien Nationel
Exhibition Ly special pertuission
His ?dajosty Kong George. *oil the
sect etery of the erthislVar Office.
Prof. W. H. Day has recently been
making some dot ulaticnv on the flo-
ancial 'Ode of drantsge. A farmer has
fifty octets that is rather wet, hut al-
though uol divined it gives soy 115
per .ore. The value of the crop for
five yea's in oreceeteion, together with
conspound litotes, would be $4.144 at
the end of thee five yeare. lf, how-
ever, be were to drain ten acres of the
land each year, and if tho drainage M-
ot -weed the value of the crop by $10
per acre (which is at low ostiwater,
then the iodise cot the crop for five
yens, with interest, would be 13,748.
After payiem for the d ainage, with
interest, he would have left $4,124, the
same within VI) as if be bad not
drained. If bo drained the whole Arty
acres at once then 11.- five cr_ovt, with
interest, would be worth 56,868 Tb s1
after poying for the drainage woold'
leave him a balance of $5,121, which ;el
$977 more than if he had not drained..
Duriug the next five-year period'
drainage by the installment plan
o ould riet bins $1.001 more dein 1344
Lo drain 12 111, and the ...complete, drain-
sge would enrich him by $2,764 more
than no dreirage.
'rhe 'price allowed for drainage la
theft -Aleuts( ion was $28 per scree, and
she inci ease in Ile coy V148 ph.. ed a.
$19 per acre. An matter or fact the
increase ie tormally worth much none
tban tbie. too Met the computation is
sornew het unfair to drainage. How-
ever., it tri better to err an the safe Fide.
But the increase in crop ie not the
only return irons di ainage. The value
01 15. land is largely increased. This
is ileustrated In Le case of at certain
farm in Lincoln count y. It was
bought for $6,000 about two years age .
Los .yeer $2,000 vos spent in entice ing
,t, and it bad site- leen sold tor $12,-
The Department of Physics, 0. A.
• roe es hich Prolt's.ur Day hem charge
has • isr.e dad eugaged in making '
drainage surveyor for formers wielainA
o, drain, out they are kept vet y l.usy.!
Those wh., wish surveys tirade this fail
sueenhi apply at once, as there ate
neatly a. many applications au as eon
e to t tided to (hies searein.
The term,' tete which surveys ore
made are e xplained it: Bulletins 174
see d 175, which army be bad free from
the Depaiturent or Agriculture, To.
• -The Steamehip Merger.
110 amalgamation of the three larg-
est navigation commit:sirs on the lakes
flinch his Leen tinder way for Rome
time is now assured. The new com-
pany, w hich takes over the boats of
*10 Rih.4iea & Ontai io Navigation
00., tbe Northern Nervigetion Co., and
he Inland Lines, will have en author-
ised ospital of 810.01*0,000. Thr
steamers to be operated by the meueer
include the Hon oak, Hurook. gar -
conic Ionic. I lone. Mojeetic, 1ie s of
Midiau 1, tierussum and Waubic, of
ihe Northern Nacigation Cons=ar;
the Kingeton. Toronto, Hat
Rapid., Kanto ltapida Q.teen, Montreol,
Quebec. Mi. Ireuee, Tadouroac, Murray
Bay. Belleville. Bprtbie, B aupre.
Corn well. Terrehouno Tin ee Rivera.
Boucherville, loingueu I, of the H. &
0. Naorigetiou Couipasy ; and the Dou-
necouo, Lhintiee, Duration, Duevellaih.
Einprem of Midiond. Rinprese of Mori
%V i 11 eon. Gleam la, Mid land Ps ince,
Midland King, Midland Queen, Neep-
•we. tineedale, eiloolacons, Strathmor..,
W. been tab, Winona and Emperor. ot
the 'elated Liner.
V/Itels in a Name?
••Wheitt are you roan' to do at this
party. Jane ?"
"Merely indulge in souse immolator,
amusouieut, nia-
"rhat's all right Ai i0l104 AA 300
don't have any of them k Main' gown*
Never Too iariy.
The B .re -One thing I have always
drroded is that 1 may 1, nuried per -
mature ly.
The • Bored -- How could you -
Sydney Bulletin.
Sincerity iv mooting as we think,
believing as we pretend, acting as we
pr. fees, prefortuieg as we wood o,
erd 1.•; top as we appear to be.
is the on/y emulsion imi.
Wad. The reaton is plain—
Ws tha best. Insist upon
liar Scott 's—it's the
vresiXs standard flesh and
strength builder.
Come in and
11 you are not already oc-
- quainted with the merits of
• try a sample order. Too
oan be certain of securing
season/hie goods here at all
times- Our 'phone number
is 91. Give us • trial. Tbe
quality of our goods will
vino. you.
Sturdy & Co.
On The &Inas*
Buggie s
have just reoeived
car of buggies, and
name overt -thing that
isnew and op -to -date
in the carriage line.
No better boggle,
ever came to town.
We have them on the
floor now. Call and
inspect them at Um
Partly fill the
dish with straw-
• berries, cover
C. with sugar and
let stand until
Kiwis dissolved
then add Con
Flakes and germ
with whipped
MOM 1.
on Hamilton Street.
We have the STAND-
ARD Wins Fowls
and Georso, the fam-
and almost even --
thing a farmer needs
on • farm.
Robert Wilson
We also bays a few
oboe good drivers for gale
Here's Your Paint!
Whatever your job of
painting — whether you
do it yourself, or have a
painter do it—be sure of
a GOOD job, soonest
done, best looking, long-
est service, by getting
Al ready for see. Simply dioese the
right ceder from the bray -seven shades in which
11-1. points ere made—tabe off the cower, stir •
Mt mad start to wort. Yoe% fond L Pore Penns
=reseier.asser sere sarfeee, eve a smoother,
thes soy ether paint yea could buy.
Use 111-1. Paint and You Won't
Have to Paint so Often
Mow potato axe la* blister mad Selo off be-
aims ether imehere haseet 1st Spew 554, 05 we
hem bow to ink a veil Illpediest with other
pare isateriale 8.waft as elsollie, dorable peke
ffIst seisdle asOnformi al wow old iseilber. and
Moe ile hare der am dospost Ins
NOS ads, ler ewe*
Sone Vireillmlb Odor
rt•ro,mrneruttri ants ,n14 h) Oo.. 141134
made in the very latest style and
from the beet quality of goods.
You are assured at the beat of
sia,tisfaotion at
The up-to-date Tailor
PLcl r- I C.
Great Lakes
Soo, Port Arthur
Fort William
Dailyjercept, Friday and Sunday
from Owen Sowed
CeasectingiTraia Leaves Tomato
at 113o a.m.
Ad Agent for Partiadere
Agent. Ooder
llimaipei and Edoestos
From Toronto 11 p.m.. July 11 and
16 ; Auppret 6. via Mimeo, lit. Paul
and Mirmeagrelle. Very low ram.
Winnipeg Exhibition
Datai-41117 I223
Sfisekoka. Lakes of Bars, Tern
maga, A igrowpda Park. 0011rrisa
Bay. Lawsetha Wow ilegsait-
&woo River, Freer* River. Me.
Low Rona 'Nip Tsarist Ratan
Coaveatene Trete Brewton
Literature end fon Inferre•
Mies from any grog. Tr _It
11=t Patoeseeper AfitaS,
or (Adams A. A. ilgVzi
Stothori, Toronto cest.