HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-7-6, Page 51rs '''' jCAL TOPICS incursions Coxing. Semler to Goin rico va Q TR,'11 be ran on Oaten donest. net 800 and 1,000 visitors are se pec • Tbe excursion hicb was to arrive bete wd*y bait wbesse postponed to ru,eiec next, July 11th. Telephone Connection tar Oolborne. Last week were el&ed env fou municipal ie blewhelm _Cd the rne gall Telephoto Co. at The ,dual commences wilt be made within s week Weis Tye shange for ma e'ang tithe/ 7•y will be sass.. Oied in British CslusnMa. A telegram was received la taws doe week asounck for death at Penticton. 8. C.. of Woeaes mho• formerly • weB-kMwa elide at tet this action. Pet•tiariare to heed ame arse's', but it is -rae.ld �aata re - mond tome imperial reed Ors deceased oldie at mark la • sawmill egfortroabout H. be 1e, Provisos. w nephew of the late Mrs Owen Jones, Mk passed away last Mosley. Seabrook -AI urt. A quiet though pretty wadies was imiemnized at Yiotoeia et[ast person- ▪ ) W,doeda• lla Vlaist Alun, 001June Illth, at 4 °dw�ti, -. of Mrs. meet, ods the became th David', bride of Freieriek J. Seabrook, of Wharton. Rev. Dr. held tied the nuptial knot. The bride was attired in a charming blue travelling suit. Mr. and Mrs. Seeabgook lest on the 4066 G. T. it. true for a abort bossymoos trip. The many fiende et lbs young couple loin in sxtesdie g Mot wishes for a happy future. Reelected by Acclamation. Auoouneement is made this week that of the thirties candidates 0oets- ated for election to the oouadl of the Ontario College .e naeseven were retur acela by aadamati.s. Of this number E. R. Wlglin et Godw1L, representing district No. 12, ate been accorded the biome et a.tasslog the anions of the Cassell a. the rep- tssrotative of nearly emote -Svc dralt- giats in the comities d Heron. Grey ad Bruce. Mr. Wird* is to be son- pawl/tied on his re m:vlsg m ch a fun measure of support. iedisative of the confidence in him dimba by the dreggi•t frstrralty in his Kwon Old Boys' Trip. The Huron Old Boys of Toronto will run their annual excursion to 6oderich and Kia.sciloe n0 Saturday n ext. mooning iron Oodericb on Monday evening and Kincardine os Tesedav evening. Tbs executive of the Old Boyi Association will make a Tor - three days' auto t ae ace d the an- ty accompanied bpRmon- tato. of Tor - tato. formerly of ]I The fol- lowing will to tire Mammy sThe a rain will arrive at Sisttaatb at llal s. m. The party will leave s.aferth at ! p. m.. Btuo.B.Y 2:40. Yarns L16, arriving at Ba at 4 o'clock ; leave Bayfield at b*arrive at Godatick at &3I Leave Oodssieb at 10 a. 0h. Sos- day, Carlow at 1.1.0lanAssueon at 12. leave Dunganoon at L arriving at Lecknow at 3. arrive at Wingham at 191. Leave Wingiam at 10 a. w. Mooda� . arrive at B.Igrsve at 1090. Blyth at 11 o'clock, leave Blyth M 1 p m., arriving at Clinton at 2 p. m.. remaining at Clinton until departure of ening train for Tor'osto. Telephone Case to Court Of Appeal. An order was Melo on the 10th of March last by the Ontario Railway Board in an &peacetime brought by the Brussels, ]idols and Grey tele- phone system to compel commotion between these two sdj•0ont- com- panies. The township of McKLUop being ,iiawti.fssd appealed to the Board for a re -bearing and Use ease was again opened ups , with the result Board was affirmed. WV dissatlstisd. notice of their intention to appeal to the Court of Appeal was served and the matter was taken up before Justices narrow. on Monday. June Witb. at Osgoode Hall. Torooto, when atter hearing counsel for both parties he granted leave to the towaship to have the whole matter brought be- fore the Court at the September sit- tine. ibtinse. when a definite pronouncement will he made by the Court of Appeal as to the validity of the telephone legb- laten of recent yews and the uriadic- tisa and powers 0f the Ontario Rail- way Board will be settled once and for all. w. H. °owns. K. C., appeared for the township of Weaaldp and W. M. Sini lair reprs..stald the arwseb. llcerieb and nrc eels Poet. Oa1�7 -Brae Judgment in Blyth reqs.. Mr. Justice Sutherland bas given inclement in Stotbere v. Ta for, a case from Blyth which was bried.It tine notejury sittings of the High Orient at Gods icb in May last Tho sole os the nee handed oat at hewed. Hall made a, follow, : An action for payment of *1,11111L47. balance of purchase tnoe.yeta. etre as tbenugb tbe urate were to him under the terms d the etgeee- eet in nun and for SIDS as l uid- mas net and •stwtaiaed Jwdg- wast I find that � atowmept between tee parties was seri be p• ment in nub and that den..4wn�y ea a et riet view of this ease the aeries fails. The defendant 10rbte ps��eof, but ear, in effect that if�pMMrtlls it willing to accept the t of the document es as to eontone to the t"1e *'eluent \Meese the generis he is been io �� he est neehe hes Memel tie psre'ella.s'• if To Our Subscribers. The Signal has bora late ispublish- ing for some time. Now that the rush of holidays Is over for a while, we hope to get back to schedule time next ween and to keep up to the time table hereafter. Chitoren s Aid S csety to Organize. A meeting for organization pur- poses of e11 who are interested in the work of LiceChildesees Aid Society in Galerkh isolated for Monday evening nest at 8 o'clock. It will be held in the Y. M. C. A. room. North wrest. A Toronto Weddtag. A quiet but pretty wedding took Inane at the house of Mrs. J. Mair, 14 Speeds avenue, Toronto, on Thurs- day evening. June 20th, wben ber datgbter Lillian was united in mar- riage to Thomas 13. Hutch/Mu, also of Tu onto. Bev. Mr. Oockbers, of Par - nearest, street Methodist shortie was the officiallegenoister. The bride is a formic reddesie of Oodetich. Death ed a Penner ilesident The death le announced at Detroit of Mn. Jaime loathes, formerly a well- known resident d bodmrkh. He' drones followed a brooking up o m w f tbm system was hi progress for several months. The deceased h survived by a famil of foures and two lintel : t,uon mrls. and Harry of Detroit ; John. of (:reed Rapids, Mich. ; William, of Casten, Oifb Mts. Sharpe. of Mooeomie, seek., sod Mux Richardson. cf Manor, Sark. Early Closing for Grocers. The grocers of town have led an agreement to close their_ of business at 1 o'clock on Wednesday afternoons during tire ng of and AuROet, commencing July 19th. They have alsotatsagreement to doge o'coe clock, aandd di melt iedivideal party to the agreement acts up to it etzietly tare is no reason why tbs atraags- went cannot be can -led out, to the benefit of those chicly concerned. The grocer's day is melte long enough wires it closes at 7 o'clock. A Manitoba Wedding. On Thursday, June 8th, at the resi- dence of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Tremb- ley, Shoed Lake, Man.. their youapast daughter. Maii, was salted is mannite to Freon* OMs.Iee McDougall. the ceremony being performed by Rev. J. 8. Dovideon. Tfie beide looked charm- ing in a basdaor.e dress of white em- beoide ed Swiss, lawn. Miss Margaret Westover was bridesmaid and Percy Riebarda. of Delor'aine, best man. The bride Is a sister of W. H. Trimb- le"-, St. Petrick's street. Goderich. and a former resident o[ Goderich. For the last two years .be had been chief opat .tor in the Sboal Lake telepbone Blacksmiths Organizing. Over 5.11.0 blacksmiths doing Wet- ness throughout the Province of On - tat io bare�organfawd and win apply at the next ffon orrice Leginature for incorporation as an association. They will trek power to compel all black- smiths who sboe horses to pass an ex- amination. Efforts have been made since early io the year to form an or- ganisation and the idea has received the approval of all the local trades- men. W Thompson is president of the Goderich organization and W. R. fibeardown is secretary. A new .cbed- nle of chargee has been adopted and was pot into elect ort Mooday. The cash price for a new shoe up to size No. 4 is 96c and shoes Nos. 6 and 6 are 40c. The charge for setting • shoe ranges from laic to 20c A revised price list on various cloves of work bas bees printed and posted in the different .shope in town. Tag Day. Arrangements for tag day on the 12th. inaugurated here by the Daugh- ters of the Empire in aid of the hos- pital. are about complete, and it is safe to predict that success will re- s and the efforts of the promoters. Everyone in town will be asked to buy one or more tats, for which they may name their own price. Nomin- ally the tags are ten Dents eacb. but of .,owes in many cases a much figure will will be freely paid. The in charge of the different wards will be assisted by a bevy of fair maidens, each wearing a badge of office. and carrying a bundle of tags and a money box from which no enema can be given. It will nlrrlf be a hard heart that can resist ouch said appeal. Roe- ettes for the ado'nmest of the horses' *owe will also be offered for sale. the o oeeede to be added to the general to . It ie hoped our citizens will enter heartily into the spirit of "tag day" and that the bigbest anticips- Mon. of ire D. O. E. may be exceeded. tic ntiff410 tic this the Isftiets will be with stet*. "onaeQti b this the agrossemee wi11 he metalled as sograted, sad the p•rye,tn pr aewrd to enesp rte IC 1 •uaLiLint *slice of the dyewnn M the al. The arra of 1191 will Ire bnia .the Sarlslt balsa.. 11111101 Oa to Por 110. •feat deeen4aet will give Mem•ity were a ststeet Mew. Needs Lee- way of ebeatei shorties* b dos : • brother. Ions /AIWA*. eaL 1ftehe • €w i and two nephews CCeasawn Freebie ilei a Mon with neer iiihrettttnr and Charles Needham. es The trate Mrs. Owen Jones. _ After an illness exteedtng over rev- Keret. The, wit Awl thereptct.r'ee, ohs, but whish confined her waive= tom to ram �e m d 1e, Jones, Teat hat w•1I sere a didar sod loot eon paid Nature's debt M the home of her 1,Th x lie swoon bow tet thus wratbw t.. daughter, Mn. T. W. Nlebolson. Nelson hewers a ra soma de w11�+t giand t street. on Monday of last week. Themete •• soto".114 �Weal4. nota deceased was born in «eland eighty- gy trod buy tags. seven yeses ago and while she was Goderich will do itself proud on tag quite a young girl elm came to Cas- day oda to maids with a.. aunt in Picker- Ina township. There she was maerisi The remits of the pablic school about .eery years ago to the late Owes examinations are puMiabed on page 6 Jones, who prsdemand her six years of this week's issue of The Signal. They came to West Wawanoeh after and *atWWinhed • hos. Dr. 3. A. Wbi qly equipment added an .heir Arsenate automobile to lee ui rot and can ger themselves in the unbroken forest now volt his patience 1n feet time. A few years later they removed to ,Tier ear i. • 80-h.p Fre.,. Ashfield towrua bL and all they to Remember the beneball game on the Contents. Entire years ago they came 19«1, Clinton y. fk,derieb in durore to Oodewicb; where they pent the re- Fendi Iwague. Give the intoe the en- sues.of t of , and lave. norMrs. Nichol- �t of your preemie, and son. est town. fill. George Glen. of Nile, ars the surviving members d Weal winner ong the articles r.e+entlT lei at onfamily. The 'rno to ok Colborne this °Mee so be claimed by their on Wednesday suer. IL mesas ars an usMella ands wood 0erorty. Rove Geo. . S. Rose misted formol lee.. [k. M«la, mediated rice sur black toot The latter was ash .Ilse � bsaeen wer► W. one of tM roads leading out d t;iorle•• Warnock. Jae. Rneheaes, Alex Stir- rich. ling. Ain. aloes Thome Sallow. send On Lbs last day of the militant Thome, Gledhill. Tome hem a die. M Hentlsy, of gamin. bets, $ bees h sttaredasrw at the huoev1 .tbnok rinetainisg f80 Mf mese. sem. of mime M on tic. p.eketbo*k. Dela It 1e to be hoped ghat it ti 1B • bead end retuned to the owsma of Willian Acheson. TRE SIGNAL : GODERI After au Miele.s of many weeks. William Acheson passed to his reward on Wednesday, enortly after sow The funeral willtake place trots family residence, Trafalgar street, on Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock. the ser- vice ervice commencing at 9:30 o'clock. Mr. Acheson war one of the oldest midmost prominent merchants of Goderich, sod • further reference to hie life will be made in these columns seat week. Public Tchool Board. At the neuter meeting of the public school board on Monday of this were the secretary reported that Mia Wal eon, of Lindsey, who had emoted an e t as teacher for next year. had to rocall bet acceptance owing to the illness of bet mother. The seare tarywas instructed to to ad- vertise for a teacher. The principal ■ report for June, which was presented, showed the number of pupils on the roll to be 571 and the average attend- ance 514. Harbor Notes. The now dredge eros launched last Saturday. The installation of the machinery will not be commenced for some time. It is not likely that the dredge win do any work tble Season. The steamer Scottish Hero was here on Wednesday with 140,000 bushels of wheat and oats for the Goderich elevator. The steamer Turret Crown will ar- rive rrive on Friday with a cargo of 100,- 100 bushels of wheat for the Big Min. Three pleasure yachts, Lenore 2nd and June, of Cleveland, and the Zeno, of Senile, were in port Tuesday even- ing. They left on Wednerday morn- ing for the Georgian Bey. ONTARIO i•aee of coal was apo. $sol The prloe 1. 91 per ton, f.o.b. tort, at Gale - ria is bond. The coal is to be all de- livered before September 1st• J. 8. C. Elliott, roe of Rev. Joseph d town. and • G.C.L. • 'old buy,' has been etudyieg in the town of euchatel, BwItarrtaad, for ties pas two years, . e.xwtty gave au addems in French there, Wore a large gather- ing of students and peete.ecxs, rte the *abject of emigre dm 10 Canada. It le interesting to bran that the aidrees was clothed in the eboicest Pyeamb, and that the sob war handled with wueh marked "lily a-, 10 create • most favorable inepr..►wu upon his critical audieser. Like other places throughout the Province. Goderich eapenesced for several days this week a brand of weather that beat the records of the oldest Inhabitant It is difficult to *enure reliable thermometer teadiagge, but one it stremeot [het registered 98 in the shade was paobahty sot d6- lag much more 1 ham its duty. Marty people suffered severel • from the es- teems hear, • rather 'minus ease being that of Magistrate Butler, wbo has wince, however, recovered. Passenger Boats Commence Season. The arrival of the steamer City of 01 from Cleveland and De- troit last Friday morning marked the opening of the passenger navigation season at Goderich. The boat was in charge" of Captain Lightbody and made the dock at Goderich on both tripe northbound and southbound - os time. The fat` lenses will ca11 at this poet twice a week during the season, leaving for Mackinac at 6•.30 a. m. Friday and for Detroit et 2:30 m. 8aturd• p.m. steamer Huron made its first trip north Tuesday night. On its re- turn tripa special excursion rate to Dip beint g *LK being offered, the round last Fridayafternoon F. E. Burdett* and his eon Gratton, and Frits trip beinga *LK The boat is due to leave Goderich on Friday at midnight, Schweitser, the last a visitor from Ravenna, O., wbUe trolling at the mootb of arriving in Detroit on Saturday at 10 the Maitland caught the big pike shows is the above picture. it was a beautiful Hsh, 40 inches long and 181 pounds is weight. ~Both boats, on their initialltrip.,, se had a number of passengers finer QQoodd0- rich. A Native of Goderich. Teneetat. Ante' d. 1911 • CORONATION PORTRAITS Kist George V. mad Queen Mary The Signal ha. wade ■rruagerpente by which our readers ran seeure nest beautiful eoronaeM ■ porOaite of Their Maisanss King Gomm sad Quern Mary. They ase by the e-le►bratrd "Ie,ogtler," of L.00loo, and copy- . i The Paahily Herald and Weekly Sur, of Montreal, has seemed the Qaoadiaw rights, and i• sow of- iterieg these purtralta tree of charge to all whosubscribe to thea great weekly tete tae balsams of tell me fifty oasts. We win inaaude The nigral with The Fatally Herald and Weekly Star for the sage period for Daly 76 costa, and each wb.criber will receive the corm - sties piotutee. Tee ewe portrait.' are os the one sheat, ass shout 18a1b imbe., a saws twaeentest sire fur framing. They are acknowledged by competent judges to he the boot por- traits of Their Majesties in exitance •ad will become bistorioal, gnewieg in value year after yea . The small elm of 75 note wiil bring you both papas until /mosey In, 181* and the coronation porn sits. The latter alone could not be bought for the pries. SUMMER SPORTS. Following an illness extending over ! The local howling club will be rep - several weeks,. from typhoid fever, resented se the Seafortb tournament, Charles R. Munro died at Bt.Luke'sbos- commencing next Tuesday. pawl, Fayette►ille. N. C., on Monday, I Clinton will be here next Wsdaee June 19th. The deceased was thirty- day (the 12th) to playa baseball game seven years of age and bis birtbplaoe is the Hurnn-Pen Irwglte .ea ids wasOoderieb. Hewers .on of Mr. and The ga eh wi•l ire ealkd at Agricul- Mts Jas. Munro, of anderich, and s i serer Park at 430 o'. lock. Admission brother of favid Munro, Mrs. John lSc and 25e. The grounds have been Story and MISS Munro, of town. The; improved and the game sbould be & other members of the family are : i good Y one. The local tea' plays at W111, of Watertown. 8. D.; S340)s ' l Rebell Frith), of this Week. Moot/min. Sank.: George ; Edward, of Clinton; and Fred. of To- The Goderich bewierw are making a rosto. Deceased's widow and two good record in the Faill trophy oem- children Men are left to mourn his. petition. Yesterday they won a game untimely departure. Mr. Munro fol- with the Cliuton bowlers at Clinton. lowed the profession of photographer The skips and their scores were a. and was an artist id rare skill and taste. Jost at New Year's he had purchased •photographic business in lbs town In hich he resided. The funeral on the 20th ult. was under the �plces of the Knights of Pythias, of whicb the decamped was a member. Accidents of a Week. A most unfortunate accident occurred Wednesday evening of last week while the large crowd• were viewing the military tattoo on the =land flats. MIAs Grace Smith, ,�bo was among the spectators, t ripped over a wire at the foot of the hill and in falling broke both arms at the wrists. The accident is a most re- grettable one. and as Miss Smith has been rendered practically helpless sbe will bare the sympathy of her many friends in ber misfortune. Weigle assisting in making repairs at the Big Mill salt plant last Frida D. A. MacI.aren fell and had two rifvu broken. The injurywall lay him aside from active duties for a time. A serious accident to the little poo of Nelson Armstrong, Toronto street. occurred on Wednesday evening.He was playing on the street when he ins knocked down by • passing surrey. Both wheels ran over the hoc's body near the diaphragme resulting in pain- ful injuries. There is no change in the boy's condition this . morning and it is hoped that any internal injury will not be of a serious character. LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. Bummer visitors In town should make an earls .11 at Wilmer Smith's Art Store. tact enol mon t see t maw (dad•. and art tt -. 1n oe.t to bed Ger only these weeks. Jose misty Metier, widow e. Owen on follows : (iodselob Atstoo F. parte a .1. ,tevraaen S Dr. Hunter 27 .1. l'pbr 14 J. l, a r.11arleai 13 J. A. itumball 1., .1 ':serener SS RI as Goderich has won three gasses out of four. The lost genie sea, played at Stratford, the score being fib to 84. 1 At the meetlwg of tlh oto fell Nr onion Ae+�u Ur 1fo�t1 0f rend of Tososto aHafts s.114 r 4 mo 1916 w '�n foe , I nM Loh , woo More. ti4 t T y .' ant tient h, i n - •�►,� tl i...., will be takes ern MA Mr++e. tm wwte the waiilmi Amine .hr uld a err dYn lt^"'t ewoetrr� *bit and wale. omits plant with nine Be wits and buy a tag fatly. For all occ okers use Blackstone'e delirious ire cream, in bulk or talky bricks. 'Phone 240. Magic Corn Cine --cures while you sleep. Sold by E. R. Wigle, druggist, • fiodericb, Ont. F. W.'Brophy's photo studio will be ooppee0 on the 12th of July. After that the gallery will be closed avery W ed- nee*y afternoon during July and August. A Prompt Source of Energy. I MacLeod's System Renovator is a tonic which renews rice vital forces. It renews se. ve end muscular ener,;y i and supplies new energy. it does this by increasing appetite, by insuring better aesimiletios of food and by dir- ectly supplying elements that serve to strengthen the nervous asters. This reconstructive tonic is *aluable in all run-down conditions of the system, especially those marked by depression and nervous debility. One dollar per bottle. Manufactured by The Mac- Leod Medicine Co., Gnderieb. For sale by 8. R. Wigle, druggist 41101•1 • Monarch' Shoes FOR MEN YOU may talk about the up-to-date style of this shoe, the comfort of ,that and the long life of the other, but if you want a shoe that vies in style with the most stylish, in comfort with the most comfortable and in service with the longest wearing, buy the MONARCH SHOE. Theft: is nothing one-sided about it. It's the shoe of all-round satisfaction. The prices are lower than most good shoes. Barefoot Sandals, Lacrosse, Tennis and Bowling Shoes now in stock. AIRING Downing & MacVicar North Side of Square, Goderich Opera Hesse grocery Honey I have ► fresh supply of extracted and comb Honey. Chinaware, etc. A good assortment of China. Crockery a n d Glassware, to be sold at cost. June Butter 0101 a Jobe Butter, in tube, specially peeked for winter use. YOUR TRADE SOLIOIT8D A. E. MATHESON 'Plume 164 Kingston St, - Goderich neernieneetenientarniinernenterefernente VISIiTORS TO TOWN SHOULD VISIT us daiwen frs W2013 FOie T Most everyoes wart some little thew as a remembrance. Quit e inexpensive ars conn, and quite attractive, and QUITE THE THING. They comprise Brooches, Bar Pins, BeltPine. Spoons, eta - and the oast would not prevent anyone from owning theuu-215. up. BE A LOOKER J. S. Davey Jeweller and Optician South side of Square. Godertch uo�Eeicn Excursion DETROIT STAR - OOLB ,LINE STEAMER HURON Steamer will leave Goderich Friday, July 7th, at 12i)0 o'clock. night, arraying at Detroit Saturday, 10:10 a.m. Fare for the round trip, 42.60. Tickets good for return lose log Detroit Tuesday, July 11th, or 18th, from wharf foot of Randolpb street at 800 a.m. Ticket. good for Toledo Ohio, if desired. Wn.uaII Led, Agent, Goderich, Oot. A. R. Lan, General Manager, Detroit, Mich. You Can't Leave the Baird Behind So Don't Forget one Gillette The hearty open-air nesters life seems to [sakes the beard grow as it never crows at boas. To the tun without a OILLU'ITM it becomes s doe nrigbt asia.aee. Clesalines', menf rt sad selerespeet demand the mersisg scare. Dot boats, traits, sasseser resorts sad segs provide resat Aetna( f.eibtles. That sever worries the ter with • GILL/'l Safety lease 111 his grip or bis pocket Ia lerekirt eabis er swaying Pelbnas- s the bask perdu or beside • wnedent stump--wbaever [las awaleg fisc lies -its eau enjoy bis rtgtdar 16rresmiente GILLETT* show la *slid nes test, Oft • Maly bMp•tiesee of piece a eiressagesaeo Peek yourgel, web abs rbeiwlY.t. Travel light. Lave era tit ' Arles" et Ws. 85 wee ler yes ds. dost dbeasst rt bola/ by dertipg ase wN ..ut "The (laser et To -day " bled lots SLIM. hist Melees Wee le SU Cords ase Seta fare Weep. At yew dreggises, jeweises er briwmre dwal✓a. DON'T PORGET OUR BIG REDUCTION SALE Now on, and continuing until ;July 15 Money saved is money made. We can save you money. REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Rasa" G.61 Casale. L d SS.. earl Pa.s.up. Mgt. Awe. berg. slowed . tree elm Ye Rb.. Tab. linin- tandea t..* re,a !#nosh✓. elm lnepads. v eassimell Beam, undo W Pada, i67 W. HERN h 'PHONE 226 THE :SQUARE