The Signal, 1911-7-6, Page 44 ruu•tuao. JVLT a .1111 THE SIGNA1. GODEIt[CH ©Nt4.WO District News! ST. HELENA. LEISURN. r•"-7 a MONDAY, idle Std. to LAWN SOCIAL, -A Lawn oriel under I the .races of the Worw'D's Institute will be bald bare on Friday evening. . July lith. A baseball match will be played between Westfield and 8t Heirs. and music will be furnirbsd by 5cknuw bend. Admiesson Me. and lNoTsa.-John Miller, of the Bank of Commerce, Dresden, is holidavine his home here. Mr. and Mfrs. A. Miller and childreo, of McAuley, Man, are visiting Mends here.... . Among our students and teacher,' who are .pending the holidays at their homes here ars Misses Ruher- ther- ford, of Soutbemptoo. B. D. R ford, of Wingbam, Lilian Clark. of Westfield, Elizabeth Miller, of Nils, Oolina Otark, Of Godericb, Annie Rutherford and Gretta Webb, of Wingham. Messrs. Jas. Joynt. of Blyth and John Webb, of Wingbam. Mrs. Nealy and Mrs. Yles eridt and son Schiller, of Pid- geon Mich.. ars visiting D. Todd, jr. LOTHIAN. TvESDAY, July 4th. LOCAL Noris. -Thos. Barnby has returned after spending some time with his son. Rev. R. B. Barnby; of Lambeth ....._Miss San MacLean has returned to Chicago, atter spending a month at her home here Peter Murchison, of California, is visiting at his old home bier.. . Jas. MacDon- ald npelt • few drys last week visit- ing his sister, Mrs. McPhee, of Rip ..Mina May •McGreenr. of now. was the g seat. of Mles gala Mc - Lt.,,, r r a e. r dnv. Mires Vats' and tliereeee fila-Dnnnld risit•d frier .1- -et P.r.meunt las' week. .. .. Wm. 'looter and itelak1 Mclean at- tend. • he biurt.h Hume liberal eon - vent ion held at Winglemi one day 1 1st wept Mies Lena Gotha -1•. of Loeb now. .pent r few days here vi •1t - in. ►ser went. Mrs. P. R. Mar\ay. Mrs. P. Kelly. of Tee. alter. was the guest of Ger daughter, Mrs. R. E. Gilmore, last week. GOOERICH TOWNSHIP. '1't'I SDAY, July 40. CALTON-CoLcr oioa. - A pretty wedding wasteed at' the homed Mr. sod es. J.seph Lek:Lough. , 11th coarrith, on Wednesday-. June Mete wben ibeir eldest daughter, Mho. Lillian A , was i•nited in mntrimnny to Chas. Calton a popular yoltner wan of Stanley towo.hip. Rev. J. H. Col- clough. I#. A., of IJoydt iwu, cousin of the bride, performed the ceremony in the p: remise of a large number of guests. Their man friends will join in wiabiog Mr. and Mrs. Calton s long and happy wedded life. DEATH OF WILLIAM CDLcLOt ult. - The death of William Coiclough on Wednesday, June 21st, removes one of the pioo.rs of the township. The deceased was born on the 11th couoes- sion and bad made his home tbe.y all hip lite. He had not been in good health for several weeks, hot had he.n able to be about until a short time be- fore his death. Hie widow and one arm and six daughters survive. The family are : Robert tar; 'nn the 14th ooncessioo ; Mi. Ella, at home : Mn. W. E. Blackwell. of Woodstock; Mrs. John Tinasy, of Hensen ; Misses Tilde and Bite, of Clinton. and Mi. Louise, of Brandon. Man. All the childten, with the exception of Louise. were precept when the eod came. Tvs.DAT, July 403 Lasagne [rove.. -Mi. Edna Tay- lor is home trout Vasoouver on a visit.. .Mise Ruston. of Stratford. spent Lbs boliday with the Miser Liaklater Miss E. McKee, of Goderioh, is the guest of her trieud Mi. Jean (Button. .Mise WieLie Shaw was home from Toronto for Dominion Day . .Mr's. Wm. Ru.- too and daughter, of Stratford, are visiting Mrs. Ruaton's old house here. Mi. Jewels Linklater, of Pieter - bora' is spending her vacation at home......Miami dbaw and (lluttos are home froso their retractive schools. ....0. J. Cook has rented Mrs. Th.ar'r term foe a term d years. Jams. Liakiater is improving lel. house by giviag it a rat of paint. Our school ecI..ed on Thursday, and Mi. McManus bar returned to bar home in Saltfor'd. CARLOW. TtTsaoLY. July 4th. GARDRN PARTS. -The garden MAY held on Dominion Day under the aur pines of the Henderson Home Mission- ary Society, while not eo largely at- tended aa It would have been had it been better advertised, was in all otber rerpeote • great etaceess. The beautiful grimed* of '(cowrie,•' the home of Mr. and Mrs- Andrew John- ston, were tent for the occasion, and the ladies of the Society provided a bountiful supply fur the cables. After the supper had been thoratgbly en- joyed a progron of music and speeches was opened with a speech by Rev. .1. R. Mann. Another address was by Rev. Geo. E. Roer, pastor of Knox church. doderich. The people of Car - 1 .w le re %cry glad to n.., the ter. rend g •ntleman from Gaal rich. and trust that Ilse arquaintan,.- thus made will L. tregoeuty ren. u,.l. Otber uumLsro o.1 lbs ptu{ram it re quar- tette selective. uy- Meerr.. 1 tu.mson and CIA' k, of Go h-rieh, and t .- Messrs. T. ndal', of Oart..w ; a violin e. 1..ctiom by Mire tt••.nicke, of Godari.le: a vocal duet Ly .tura Lelia1. Walter and Mil Lop Tyndall: • bolo by M. Charles Robertson. and an address by W. B. Roberteon, editor of The Signal. Noris.- Cummunion will be dia- pered is Smith's Hill church next Sabbs,th, July 9th The rnuoic.p.l tel.phone system is to he connected with tbe Bell Telephone Co.', lints M Guderich within tbe nest low day... Theo we email be able to 'ring up' our friends in the county tuwa.. Mrs. (Berri John Young, of Hamilton, is visiting at the home d Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Johnston Farmers are Inlay baying. The crop it rather ligbt, especially on old m. adows. The gain crop-, especially tb-.s- that were sewn ea -Iv, look well. but r rain would do them good. The fruit crop will be light Mr. and Mts. Cooper, of Loodoo, ,apcnt Dominion , Day et the hoose of Thos. Burns. Mr. Burns' hrother David and wife, of Tbor'nhi U. also visited be re over the boli - day ....Toe all oou nommen of the death c,f Mrs. Owen Jones, of Godericb, re- ' rails a former resident of this locality, ' who lived here for maoy years before moving to tbe county town. Mrs. Geo. Glen is a daughter of the de- ceased TL• schools in this neigh- ' bothood hard elor•ed for the terrsn and the teachers are away for the vacation. I .... ,Aim census enumerators are through with their work and have banded in their papers to ba for- warded to Ottawa Mrs. James Glen, who has been ill, is imprcying .lowly Meas. T. 0 Trethewey. of Giroux like, is visiting her parents, Lt. -Col. and Mr. Varooe. PORT ALBERT. TczsnAY, July 4th. PICNIC. -The picnic held by M. 8. No. 1, Aeb[leld, at Port Albeit on June 29th was a decided emcee's. Most of tbe parents and a large number of friends were present_ The afternoon was sprat in races which were enjoyed by al I. Atter the races • football match between Port Albert school end the Fourth school resulted in a tie, the teams being .o evenly matebed that no loom was made. Just before lunch Miss Milligan presented books to the pupils in each class having the highest standing during the last three months. The following were the winoerr: Sr. IV., Maggie &beanbale : Se. III . Ai bent Smile: Jr. Iii., Mary Fielder : Sr. II- Dora Schoenbais : Jr. II. Olive Willis: PL iI., Harold Stnale ; Sr. Pt. I., Minnie Dickson ; Jr. Pt. I. Hazel Green. Immediately after his tbe pupils presented their teacher with a beautiful gift of silver, after which lunch was served. After luoch the men called up sides and a lively game of football ensued. PRESENTATION. -The pupil• of Port Albert school in tbe preserve of a large number of the parents sod friends presented their teacher, Mies Carrie Milligan, with a handsome gold - lined berry spoon and meat fork. The following address was read by Victoria Smile. while at the approp- riate time Dots Schoenhala presented the gifts, Dara Mar MILIJSAN -It V with teenage of MOM Mot s olairoSte tOyer4soartaretreat roar rot. ethet..k bat use term tis.r elapW ice l came be oar ameba, It baa here leas for us to Arte a tbleb e.uastiw s[ tsem ort eel, as a wee out se a Crewel. e eon truly .ay that year ssrngt eadeevur W ,..our welter* both It, end SO merger we arum let u de ,p`t iI roe iwaaay sen u le oar bebal sad wi sod, ark yee to sseaeam trim prevent, ler Its •.Lw bet r a ta,esa4 n sem hate • tot mes1, widdi h they and 7 der tunaai .seeewa t e a A.bf1eM en Mtiale et the paptb of b. 1. Ne. 1. .fie IfOka hceiocee•ia. • ulna.. ..Ata Pert Albert. Jam Si 1.11. 111.. Mlnlgws, while taken complete - 1 by srryrter, .rade a mailable reply t� thanked the pupils not only for tba gift but also hor the tinders and will which prompted the giving. Mllligss during het terra here bre woo the raer+e't and regard .1 .11. Asa teacher she has •paved ritber time nor rimy in promoting the wetter* of mer school. and we eon well say that bee work here was a sneerer. She will also he .such sicced ie wrriat stela, in whWi else was a promtneet and ai lieg worker. � 411essr did men to keep i eat Mex meths* length 'the me toter. arid is a trial new is one d the arogl•ahas 1 taker HAIR GROWS THIN. DUNLOP TUssmor, July 44.1i 17 r Har. --The continual drougnt and intense heat o'< the bs.t week are beingiug there to a hand too fact. sad it thio do.. not soon Doose to re- lieve the parched ground the grae are likely to be very light. On IIoaday, the hottest day this summer, the thermometer bees stool et fi4' in the st.rde- DoNLOr Dobe.. -MIs. Olive Ticb- bc,i ne. of town, is visiting bee sister, Mrs. Horace Horton. Miss Winnie Shaw, of Toronto, and Mi. Ruth Shaw, of Ponce.* Hill, are msoding their vacation at boss. Hiss Jean Clutton, ut 8. 8. No 1, Goderich township, ate.. is home for the boiida s .... Mn. George Fut- toed ie able tO be about again efts(' bee tong illness Mies Eva Keene. of Godericb, is visiting friends here et present Mrs. Clutton, accompanied by bee oldest son, Hem- liion, and sister. Mre. McKay of Gude- rich. is spending a few days with rel- atives near Bs'uselleid. Use Parisian Sage in Time and Preveet Baldness. 1f your hair is gtu.ming thinner and thinner and causing you auxirty go to E. R. Wigle tolav and get a large bottle of Parisian Sege for may 50 cents. it is such a delightful and re- freehlog dressing that you will like to use it regularly. Parisian Sage is guarsotead to stop fallinghair and itching scalp, to erad- icate andruff and make the heir lus- trous and radiant, od money beck. There is nothing just as good as Par au - Wien Sage. gee you t the package which contains the g�rl with the au- burn heir. Sold and guaranteed in Godericb by F. R. Wigle. Titles- asnutoa Time. London Truth notes that forty or fifty year. ago Sew people, even in England, had titles.nb lv a few dec- orations entitled their owner. to "Sir." British people exhibited immething like contempt for the swarms a count. and barons of the continental countries. "But," says Troth, °now we can do so no longer, for probably User* is no other country in the world where the traffic is title. is .O open and so indecent as in England. What the number ref oar decorations is i do pot know, and i imagine that few do, Every few- years some new one 1. crested, and an Englishman with • taste that way can sexily man- age to exhibit himself covered with metal dials and bits of ribbon like some ruccemful row at an agricultur- al above. These embellishments may flatter the easily of their wearers, but they do notincre.. the teapeet that b felt for an Englishman." There M a probwbility that the crave for title., and the consequent wire-pi.11tag to thea, will work out its own cure. At a certain pant till.s may become esebeapeeed that distinction mac he achieved by not wearing therm. are not .parially fitted for tb. Cana- dian diaa..il and dictate. The Canadian p.o9le deal with them is the spirit In ww�sia�s they wise given. While th.y Den be shown to indiosae something la the way of adbrenteni. Liberals and Cnnsereativr, alike rsengni . that a title Mesas something when eoefe red ea samescaes like Air Jobe A Mae- &nnaiid, Ne Charley Topper ne tier Wilfrid .cosier; ow one erea a melt &ttaIn .W cad shilhe se Sir Wil- iam Oder. But what .re they to r nt mom of oa the sebetle for titles is retreat year t aerie It M time twat pp��t�►bendy should kindly fire Eine fssrge a tip that the reaper - or aing hiss thus molten 40 ort �a a Owe &Wadeers AUBURN. W=DNs8DAT. July 6th. Mi. Bertha Manning 1. visiting friends in Michigan. Charlie Robertson, of Walton, is borne for his holidays. Wm. Sturdy, a Vioahaiu, visited at bis old home here over Sunday. Ralph Munro and the Mimeos Blair are visiting friends at Buffalo over the holiday. Geo. Yuoghiut was in Toronto over Sunday. He took a car of cattle down on Saturday. Comtuuaioa service will be held in the Auburn Pre+hyteriau church on Sal.beth oext, July 9th. Norman BMus. of the Sterling Bank, left on Saturday foe a two weeks' va- cation .1 his horse in erten•. - Mu- 'user. -.d (`late•',ce sera Ditto of Gu .11, are visiting at tie it Mee. 'ley cane up ,.n 8sturd.y. Mrs. .ticRrieu. of Detrol-, .belted her net -., Mar. Arth. Jgea-uu, and other friends hrteor,-r Doi.•uioe Day. Gotdou Wi;btuvt, was renewing old aegna"ntsnces hie*. no Thur -day nt ISA Meek. He has been teec unit at Volowafloo-Hudson. N. Y. PIOIIT*ATZD a T,H$ST•-While week - log in Younis mill. on Saturday, Joe Carter became prostrated with the hest and bad to he brought home. Though not feeling gaits as Krcag as usual, be was able to go to work again on Toseday. Motion ro OR&Nrasnact.-The mem- bers of tbe local L. 0. L attended divine service in St. Mark's church on Dodd's �� Kirin r Dr sass di} ease we bee Pills d..Is.ar.Dl�� (Yawither Deild's Pine they are iMr Dodd's lddaey Pills moth* first manor that .Seer cured Dialers. laiud- bon; moo mod piir are a,pyrtissdSo dose, bet the.*elide. that deer Diabetes is Dodd's Kadaey Pula Duddi Mary Mb ars Inv anis a ben at .11 pointed hie waeoessor. Mi. ByR: !L a,satant ta.oh.e, has goes 10 Thee hoer at (salt for the holidays. SHANNON-MiLLioS C.- A very quiet. but pretty 'nothing weeding took place at the Methodist chut ch here o. Tues lay, July tib. wieo Asensth B A.Carolyn.Milligan.yose t daugLos Ater of Mrs. ngeles. was united is marai n", to Harold .1. Shap - non. a amperages Of Ate wood. The ceremony wM wasg performed be Rev. L Banlett. pastor of the Methodist chards. of whirb the betas is s member. Tae Nide worea charm- ; lug empire goers of cream silk rajah with trimmings td silk embroidered lace and emir) toile and large black Imodel bat with willow Plummer. Jessie Hasrtinbirner, Mem of the bride, gown- ' ed In a dainty Lingerie dress, nabs a pretty ensurer -OH. She carried whits carnations end ferns. Immediately atter the manage the happy couple left by C. P. R. teat, Godericb for a Tripp to Toronto, Buff.•lo sod other poima. The baide'r going -away gown was of n svy Nee Bilk reeked in the sew diagonal weave. with a t;ta-an bat trimmed with brush and tailored bow of awry. The bride received man isl aad beautiful Nitta. Mr. acid Mefars. 8sasaros will he at home at Woodlawn Farse.after August 2nd. Sunday rooming. Alter ezteodiog a BRtsFe.-Artier R ach, of Gode- heart wetouate 10th. brethren, Re•. rich, is yisittnfriende here -.. Cecil T. H. Farr took M bra text 'Tbsv ' Trslaeveas. of t ori u., made a eying .*neatly contended for the faith," .11.11 to the v®age ou Saturday from which los preached a force[nI Be Allaustine spent a few da sat We1- sermon, ezborting the members of land duel rho .we'k Dr. T. F., the Order to live up to the noble • own awn Ethel Case were at Christian principles of Otwngeism and Exeter for a few davit visiting the to work silently hat earoestly, t'eilard- Doctor's mother the Orangemen tees of. politica or denominattorte, . of this section will celebrate the ss against the ironer of Romas e 'rwetfth at Oderich. Miss Con iD.taneed by the successful appeal to' Roberts sprof a few days is Goderich have the declaration rimiest the ' this week ' Sr. cold Mrs. John Roman Catholic religion removed from Chapman made the trip from their Abe King's Hath, and the attempt to koros is New York State to Dungannon tbruntup..nthe Canadian peoplethe "ce be automobsib and ate -visiting reJa- urn" decree. I t me here, Mr. Chapman is a former SCxooL Roroire-The branding of resilient of Bungalows( .... -Mr. and the pupils in the Auburn public school Mrs. Jas. Wbyard bare returned from at the end of June was as follows:- 1 their visit to Goderi i Mr. and V.-Fromilda Pfeffer. Batr•ace • Mrs. Robt. Wilson were out from class. -lila Howatt, Jennie Stalker. Godericb on Sunday•. ..Miss Pearl Rena Boer, one. Phillips. IV..-ERle Beadford ht. returned to Toronto Stoltz 84, Elms. Yuogblut '79, Fern after spending her holidays at her Symington 70, Lena Pluntett 71l Reg-' lax" 1 ere friends sod dt Trs. Will Stan 74. Ellen Philips!'" Arthur Sproul P 58, • Willie Carter.• 8r. IIL-' over the First .. Mien Fow.er, of Elwin Raitbby 7fl, Berme Ferguson ea Teeswa'er, is the guest of het aunt, 'Olive Taman, *Ethel Stalker, •H Kra W. Sproul A surrey -load of Taman- Jr. iU.-low McClinchey 88. Dug.naoniu r drove to the county Lureatba McKnight ei:. Leonard Yung. town toda_ y tc see the sights The blot 59, Lewis Ruddy 6g. Victor Yung- �, cClure and Ryan families blut 57. Hairy Beadle54. Gramme Syne Picn•cked a' Poet Alh"tt yesterday instep 48. *Georgina Beadle. Sr. IL- Mad had w Hire cool time Mie. Maggie Taman 83. Ethel Muadoeh 79. Mead Wit aid is home from Glik Jr. II. -Leslie Schultz 8 , Victor hemp for Sire bolidsye, accompanied by MIs. 82, Eldon Stoltz 8u, Gretrvde Ladd 7d, bion Bechtel, of Elmira R. atom Baitaby- 60, Harvey Dawson a Reeves wise io Tomato for Dominion Frank Reitbby 811, Audrey Dawson SL,, ay Dr. Cale leaves oezt Tues - Ezra Schultz 28. Part II -Harvey day for ()Meavy ob a visit to his sons. Armstrong, Edna Raithb Berth Beand Roweled .... Dungannon. McClinebey. Part I.-(Millimp, with the rest of the country, has been Arthur Yunghlut, Mary Nihon swell:ming for several days. Coe Clayton Ldd, Luys Murdocb, Mar- thermometer reg stlred IM degrees nn garet Wilson. Tbo.e marked • were Monday; this w..a'lbe highest nem d moment tor nearly all the ezamhootskme. here, so far as we lave heard --and it Sono of the parents are retarding the we." quit. high .n•ngh W. W. proverof Mete children in no small Treleaven. of roseate. was hare over measure by albwiog tbem to mire a the holiday yi"itillgbis parent°. Mr. few days at the beginning of each and Mus. Rohl iTielcoveu. Mrs. teem, and the last few da s at the sod Geo. Jackman was in Toronto for a nt each term. to say nothing of several few day. Me and Moe. R. G. days missed during the term. A. A. Drake, of Belten ills. are the guests of NAYLOR. Teacher. Mr. and Mie. Soriano Treleaven. The DUNGANNON. iSR. NEWTON, DENTIST. OF Ai Lrckaow. has ceased 4-4dt1nr euudde potato wed will bemafwta �g11vs his esti,, attendee te the bane .roe. eranew. where ob willM found every day. All modern met.h- NOTiCE.-THE LOCAL AGENCY Moi [T.- miasma for The heal I. u w feet - seder. ill be a s. dv tiesStaUseery w• .4 ironies./ d Job wart. and teosipt. U4U mid be [Ives Inc emanate paid ter tae Dane. KD1WZaDAT, July 6th. Sr. l'ACL'a GARps't P %AT'T.-nitro was a good attendance at the garden party held on tbe evening of Domin- ion Day at the residence of C. Brown, under the auspices of St. Pani'. church. The Luckoow brass hand gave a good prograrn. and Miss Roes(coldber'g n( Toronto, rendered recitations. Th. ice cream booth did a rushing husi• nese, sod altogether the proceeds d the evening amounted an SM. WITH TEE RL•LsxeN. - 71he six mouths' competition racing the local riflemen ham been completed. and A. Bellamy is the winner of t'6e silver cupp. He wart three pninta ahead of J. Jobns.on. The famous tout from Monet/41e, whoa ere preened Imre on Monday to shoot in a mop.tieloe with the local tearksrsee, farad themselves enable to Dome ,.n account of the bony 1sds.rt ether Thee may some on uakar y !brat 1'o Lott Hos r - Diagnoses warmery to bid farewell imit week to bid farewell to W J Mr who has rename, W position as Mlaelosl d the pnhllr *Moral having he was promoted by thept p4l. wD, an McIver and .suable M tokens of esteem sad gondol! Mr. Ms,I.14 will take o course la mamaI arts at e.1 1*1 � of thtse nac The ►* wrN firs not futon .*.veep yot � two ladies are *stet • Milton Suitor hen, who has been travelling in the West for W. $. Brock t Co., the well-known wbolm.nli drygood• bore I of Toronto. is nose on • visit Miss Rose Goldberg. of Toronto, daugh- • ter of the Tete Rev, M. M. Goldberg, formerly rector of the Anglican cburcb here, is visiting friends here gr.. Fluke and her eon Wei of New Yolk. are visiting at J. M. Roberts'.. Miss Loretta Kiri. who has been tescbieg school at Sardis, is home for the midsummer vacation . Mrs. floe. Pentland bas returned from i !Store News Briefly Put In the following list you will find some inttinsting quotations on needed things. Interesting in two ways --good quality and less than you usually pay. Come here. It Is more than likely we have just what yot are looking for. SWEA i'ER COATS A shipment of Sweaer. Chafe is width grey. Whey, cardinal, foe ladles, girls and boys. This is a sew lot just in, and our prices are low. HOSIERY We are alwaysla tae frost rank with Hose. la all colors. black, white. Ma, opera shades and lace effects, i.e. sizes 4, 4t.11, 6i. 0. si• 7, %i. 8, tie, 9, 9i and 10. Ptioss are from 0o to SOts Our ladies' Hq•e, 2 pairs for films. is w extra value at the prier, fast and no ceases. SOCKS Children's Socks in white, pink and sky. 10o to 115o. ,Just right for the hot days. SPOT M'JSLINS Only ops hundred and fifty yards in this lot and the price is oily Sc. Not much more than half -pi ice. WAISTS, SKIRTS, GOWNS 1.Ws are still .bowing these good* -at redu _ed prices. We want to clear them out while the hot weather lasts. It you comm hew for a Waist, Gown, or Skirt, you will get a POSITIVE BARG AIN. DRESS MUSLIMS Five oleoMc for 1 SL, piers, es, li. for 11110. ss, tails clearing up lot, voile weave. wide widths and Last colors. A teal bsrgala. Other muslin.* better qualities and Al valor. VOILES Kummer Voiles, real Fr350. e cb makes. artistic, c 993. ars tbe ecchoicestt and Vdl� to be Lound Mr jinn the tread. anywhere. PARASOLS Tsurely hBath is is lot M is needed the wary hot days. Priem *1.91i be ALN *Mk in all prices up to SKS& Len us show you what we can do in Parasols. LINOLEUM and OILCLOTHS ♦ few soothe ago we pat in & now stook of thee. gds, ooin Scotch and' Oboodias make Liooleeass, 2 to 4 yards wide. Oilcloths, 1 w 2 yards wide.As oar stook M all n w, our patties. ars use latest and you will Aad oar priest right. GLOVES Ask to see our Fabric Gloves in opera shades, 116c. Sflc sad iSe--jest right for this mason. CORSETS • D. t A. Corsets are Al Tahoe at oar pekes. PATTERNS • Come bete for your Patterns. We bouts the STANDARD. J. H. COLBORNE Romney. where she had been visiting her son, Rev. R. 8. V Pentland. for several west . Mr. and Mrs. A. Kirk were wog the gaffs present at the d celebration d I Mr. and Mrs. James IS tandem Kafue king. ad - kiog. last Thursday. Csaacs Norge.-Daagaesoa was honored on Tuesday of hat weakby • visit from the Higbt Rev. , David Williams. Bishop of Horan, who con- firmed a class of sight cendidetea His Lordabip also ddilated a mem• oriel window which has hem pined in St. Paul's church in emasory of the late Geo. Bonin, who Was s pronto - sot supporter of the cherish bars in its earldays Next Sunday morning the Orangemen will attend service at 8t. Paul's chis Leh .......Tea congre- gation of Braking Pr.nbytaeisa will meet next Tuesday even to dive ss the matter of extending s aiI for tbe filling of the thorn pa pit. Re.. P. M. McEaebern, of Dover Centre, who occupied the pulpit fat Sabbath, will preach again on the coming Sabbath, aced the communion service will be held. PORTER'S HILL To sDAY, July 4th. Norse. -Glen McDonald and sister Alda, of Detroit, are speodlsg • few deo under the parental root ..... Mr. and Mn. W. D. Smith and sen Broca, of Currie.. spent a few days at 0. W. Potter's this week Miss Roberts. of Stratford. visited at Clem. Newtoo's this week Howard Cox spent Sunday at Spetogbsok, bis nephew. Benson Dawson, coming home with bus..... .Miss Pearl Potter is spend- ing her holidays at Curries. Excursion to Detroit. The Star -Cole Line announces an ex- cursion to Detroit by steamer Huron on July 7th. The faro for round trip from Ggtlerich 1. 150, wad Mesta' are good to return July lltb or l$th- See ad. in this issue. PeresebeiniesemesemOieseleseneelerieinMee Bus YOUR SALT AT THE NORTH AMERiCAN SALT WORKS Near the G. T. It Station FiNE AND COARSE BARRELS AND SACKS LAND AND CATTLE SALT .House Flies are hatched in manure and revel is filth. Scientists have discovered that they are largely responsible for the spread of Tuberculosis, Typhoid, Diphtheria, Dysentery, Infantile Dia• awes of too Bowels, eta. • px_ot WILSON'S - • FLY PADS we hill muss Cos alga Roo shoats Of sticky paper. EXTRA (i00D VALUES IN riEN'S SUITS I SPEC/AL FOR SATURDAY 460 • Navy glue Suits• Fine twill, English serge, Indigo dye, three- btltton, single-breasted style, vent m back, good mohair linings and good h a i r c 1 o t h and canvas ; carefully tailored by one of the best wholesale tailors in Canada. Sizes 35 to 42, good value. Price $ 16.00 Two=piece Outing Suits $9.75 In light gray homespuns, single-breasted. This cloth is one of the best cloths you could buy for a summer suit -it's nice and cool and will wear several seasons. Regular $ 12.00, for $9.75 About five dozen of men's Work Shirts at five of Work at WALTER C. PRIDHAM THE HOUSE OF REAL VALUES �j��t����W���W�W�llfllflltlllli,i11111111�1f 11, tzar- mktlo : "A sows dui to everyone " 1 SUMMER COMFORT FOR $2.22 Nothing .o cool and comfortable these bot slnnmer eveninv as sitting oat on the lawn or verandah in a Did oomfortaMe rorkre. Don't trail not your gond choosy chairs, but pm -chase one of our SPECIAi, RATTAN ROCKERS TOM• ars drongiy or& bug and roomy, bat amity bandied. and regularly sell for $2.75, Mt by perohM log a quantity we gnu a noels" pries, sod Y Iesg ae they Mat they will be mold for 02.22 - AOINCY NORt)HEiMIR PIANOS W. J. M U I R& CO. the Abu "fir beef eel= Iwsilt /bn *IP ssasy "