HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-6-29, Page 7TRE SIGN A
• w -S
t 6
!li.asnatr, Jules 29, 1011 7
yssitglig'w" - *******St** 499 *** ****** * • * *****1THE MARKETS
• Liverpool and Chkage What Fares
Close Higher -Live Steck-
Lat..t Quotations •
The News of the District
:45454545454544 45454545445 45 45 45454545454545454545454545 44545446 46440
May atb.
Tommie mie Oov$Ctl_-•0otlndl met
nt. Members all
✓ !& we
wisest ; Reeve Bailie ion na the
senator of ate_ ieof and
swiloweat roll was pared. °n�ion al
Awe. Wars sod Aitchelien. The
arta of the last regular
sea reed And approved°o motion f
Mom sod The
treemareee . showed
mosa Mod $111.111. Filed
tion of Msesseel Wilson esti Woatson
Theappropriation for roads a $000
uie ordered divided on rob elososs-
to the asessament.
rias moulding ceaseso lestiendYn
01930 oe. amount
ami barmy. Oouwe l !djourned to
see as �y at 1 o aiosk. W. S.
moues, l Whoawetgiivees�•it/o per
es*1 A P ire
ensue. 8*Tu pAY. June lith.
wee -beRifatemple of weeks
t weather for saving
the alfalfa hay and many d the tarm-
ac took advantage of It The Attalla
d sow stored away itMRb sed dry ....
lb. HaldwiO S two daugtteer. Mr.
Boma and Mrs Harman. spent the eof Elan -
oak and a
ea visiting thele father. e• (fit.. faer. They in-
tend leaving oft Moedsy for home....
Jack Gardiner, wile and tyro moss. of
Vaaonaver, British Columbia, and
Il,. and Mrs. J. T. Andrew, of Lock-
e r, visited relatives in .the vicinity
at isms one day last week a Dorms
y has purebred
� Twamif Jacob cGee. Tbs
esimal will stand for taroks on the
Yah 'accession a AahAeld• .L}.8o
Used Deets Pins
Yambsisi. Ont.. JUNG Iii. -(Specht).
-Enthusiastic over Rha letmY flint
tied her back,cbe and tbenamtatlsm,
tree whkb she had suffered for tour-
ism years, Mrs. Mary A. Cook a this
piece is recommending Dodd's Kidney
P1IM to all her osighbors and Mends.
e,"I had rbenmatism e0 bad that
eeeetiuee I would sit up nearly all
night," Mrs. Cook states. "I first
ht 1 would try the doctors, but
leekity I decided to try Dodd's Kid-
n ey Pills Brat. One box of Dodd's
1LiIoey Pills cured tate, and i didn't
seed to try the doctors at a11.
"1 feel that I could
Dodd's Kidney Pills to anyoneage
iag as 1 did."
SLYTH. member that after ills John Voodoo-
Tumm.y, Jus.27tb. ald was defeated, througb the Pacific
scandal, 11e "walnut' n o ion
CoRONAnuN Day -Lest Tharvday, 11Po•it
ttesiaR C••eotaation► D•y, was • hulida during the lite of one Parliament, and
y' a< aIle •sluing mtrsl eeleotios he
but morn -of the entgore. kept open In uite wwted ou alms ;IT ctarping orltieism
ahuumb� tc' to London 1.o that noon. e nor- anal slander' but appealed to the
condos services there and bad a good esti a ppoolicy which be •tall, d
day. The bowling green was alive all "dost Pillicy." Thor• of you•
„sacra- who remember chore da In
day, and In the evening the Presley -y
tartans held a laws so **1 os their old fat., eo sill; now lurk up the
lawn at the church at Which t..ere tthat uwe�wUll see (or thems• elves th• at
pweerwf• large crowd. The "mint was the pneamble of that. act distiootly
Thera was an lect and l bad enjoyable ti laye dose as the principle of that bill :
the 011otoo band tunterest 'ng rni b�add good fi m arid Free trade [• mums'
perm- 'tate for the
eleWlt. fi rulers awl a reasonable srotectim
lex the manufacturer. It was on this
CHt1w n Norse. - Last Sunday ground tbai he claimed the title
morainic Rev. W. T. Hood, who fr National." Any other arromtement
hen on a visit to bis .mother, peached would have made it "sectiooaJ.'
• splendid sermon In the Presbyatortau Those gnat speakers Menai. Cowan,
church. He bas been Ilving at Magi- of (lalt, and gawkins,'of Brantford,
new. Mich., but is now going to South who devoted eo much time and energy
Dakota in the interests of Sunday during the following campaign, never
so oil work being superintendent {est sight of the twofold advantage to
v. J L- S►nall be given. W the farmer on the one
ot+eaehcd a oorooatioo sermon in the hand and to the wanufaotnrcr on the
!'recbytertan church In the evening. other. Sir John, who had been prom -
all the music being national anthems. (Hent in Government during Ole tate
Daises or JOHN W IGIO*D,-An- the reciprocity treaty was in torte.
other of the old resident. passed away well knew its gnat value to the farm -
last Wedn.edny in thepsr of John err. and determined 1I possible to get
Wilford. Mr. Wilford h•dsbeen on again a simile, arrangement with the
the sick list for • long time, but his United States. The country accepted
sed came rather suddenly. When be the offer of Sir John and be was re -
had his health, be always book an •c- turned. Shortly atter forming his
Live interest in everything for the wet- Governsbest be sent [lir Leonard
tars of the town, bevino been • costa~ Tilley, his Finance Minister. to Wasb-
citloe and Reeve. Re was an active iigton. He, however, failed in his
member of the Methodist church and mw,ion, a, the United States was just
he also took a great interest in the them getting into the hands of the high
Oreok. Order. The funeral took piece tariff party who have since carried
on Flldsy and .was largely attended. their policy to such ridiculous *e-
ther. being mo fewer than five 'units- tremee that even their own party ore
tan in attendance : Rev. Mr. Phillip. showing signs of disgust. However,
who p,e•ahed here thirty-two year" Sir John carried that part of his
RR v. Mr. Cooper, of Milverton, icy through which affected the menu-
and the three lgoal ministers There facturer and they have enjoyed its ad-
wee s short service at the boume, then vantages ever sines.
the funeral proceeded to the church. At every election since that time
which was filled to the doors,
and afterwards the remains were con
veyed to the Uoloe o.metery for the
last resting place. Mr. Wilford's well-
known figure will be greatly missed in
town, also at Orange gatherings.
These lett to mouth aktim are his wife
sad twosome lama medical missionary
in China wbo have the sympathy of
the whole oomauaity in their bad
Porous. AND GRxssaL--Mr. and
Mr,. Jac. Sims and family took in the
sports at Clinton on Saturday
R. McDonald and J. McDonald, mem-
bers of the 27th Regiment band who
are 'tattooed at Goderich, visited
friends here over . J. Bell
and V. Bell, who are attending Sand-
wich. iegRa0., are 1111=1,11t. ant spending
their holidays at their home here.
"Red Dart," the local racehorse.
was in She racer at Bt. Marys last
week sad captured second money and
it is thought be would have done beet -
ace if be had had a little longer time
on the track. W. Mason was at the
Mount Forest races with his horse but
feet with an accident, the hone run-
sjpg away and throwing bins off the
wlty We are glad toes , however,
that he L getting strouod pH right and
is now able to attend to bushes
amain.. Mr. and Mrs. J. Heftton
spent Coronation Day at St. Marys.
.J. Habbick visited at his home
In Lueknow over Sunday.... .Mrs.
D. Somers, who bad been visiting here
for a few days. returned to Wingbam
on Saturday Mies Taman left last
work for Detrdt, where ha+
good position -.Mr. Willow.she, whoa
was appointed to take the census on
the north of the town. has been un-
able to attend to it on account of be -
met ks
taken very 111, eo W. Jacoe.
dine had the south part, is doing the
north also. Mr. Willows is seriously
i11 W. Johnston, who it relieving
agent on the C. IP. R. in the Wert, is
at , pretest visttiog here and at
Uoderwood......D. Walker visited
f4ieods in London the past week......
R. Mason, who has been visiting his
parents, here -for the past week, re-
named to his position as teller in the
Bent of Hamilton at Winnipeg on
Thursday Lot Mrs. E. Robinson
is visiting in Kirkton this week, also
attending the wedding of her sister
there ..Mrs. D. Critteoden visited
in London this week L. Hill re-
ceived • �ear of cost iast week, also a
ng mil. Sties from Vancouver
wart o° o i� a
cot of cement this week......Mis. J.
McGowan, who has rooted bet hour
to Mr. Halley, of the electric light
intend' leaving next week for
tbe West, wbere 'be will reside Ew to
relatives ....... R. Skelton,
Manitoba. L at present visiting with
relatives in this n p °d
Barer. of BrBrussels,s, shi,pVc'u fifteen
cars of bay from the r G. R'Mtstation son
to the States last week
Mrs. Yates, of Clinton, visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Glennie fact hwee". few
H. Wettlsur. of Berlin. spent
days with his mother here Rev
and Mrs. Lovegrove. who were re-
(wetlybere. are ending •
fmarried p
days with the latter's par-
ents, 11r. and Mrs. R. Water, before
Mr. Lovegrove takes his charge at Cay-
uga, where be h .ta'.i pontoon
Dodds, who has a MresponeibU eBay wholesale
in the Gorda,.
bow in Toronto, Vat present .pend-
ing his holidays with hismother
Mn A. M.
is vidtinp her slatherher aihere atTpresent.
Mrs. K. D. Dunbar, wbo is matron
in an inat it oto In the Southern Mama is
at present spendinkber hwith
b.r mother hoe. We undnsrtand itis
their intention to visit their relative.
is the West...... Mrs. A. Tierney and
daughter ratted in London lost week.
TowNsuse Cotixeu..-The council
n et in Belgrave oa Jute 111, pursuant
to edJourn ment, as a court of revision.
Ms.bsrs all pee est. Mantel of test
asetiog head and perms& Court of
revision reopened. 31ra. Elisa Taylor,
F. Anderson and J. Mamie" made
application. in the proper maser, to
Ma doge that were amee ed to them.
sad which have been dose away with,
removed from the roll. Granted.
There being no other changes made it
was caved by Mr. Scott. seconded by
Kr. Bsrcbill. that the Aseersment roll
s sow revised be adopted end the
emu dosed for the present year.
Carried. Council resumed and ordin-
ary business proceeded with. Oommnn-
ieation from IL 0. Fuee. Galt. asking
the council tobis resignation
as township user, soder the
D. k W. Act, unison be be paid more
nnnneratioo than be is at pat seat re-
ceiving. Received and ordered to be
Sol A bylaw was *seed sutbcwis-
ieg the Reeve and tress rer to borrow
ram to meet the ordinary expend-
itens.. On motion of Mr. Soott, •ec-
ceded by Mr. Burchill. Geo. T. Robert -
mos was reappointed collector at a
nllry of 370 on condition that he
furnish good and sufficient 'rarity
for the des tulfillment of said office.
The following account. were ordered
to be paid : A. Porterfield. rent of
tad aliowamoe„ emersion 9, 32 '
1 flea► Simmons, making deviation road
It river. concession 1, 417 ; J. Shoe-
he�• reparing culvert at east
hotmda,y, >t2 ; W. J. Parks, the and
week on western boundary,412: L.
Parvo. shovelling gravel, .16 ; F.
Toll, rotund overcharge on statute
later is 1910. 41. The morn thee &d-
i° meet again on Wednesday.
('Isis(h next. ALEX. PORTtiPTIRLD,
Medicine Takes i��� Crest Cert
Rcswaa-It is Cussed Germs.
RtSetma cannot M trveeboms by diary treatment and the old-fasb-
ioaad way of doting the system with
drop•. Rexene is caused by a
tic germ that bores into the skin. It
is generally • contagion@ dram Un-
til the parasite is completely destroyed
wwl roily removed. -third of skin 411555r arcured.
the of «mem..
so y believe that
ltftal1 F(cz, Ointment will over-
tie a we unhesitatingly
lied skin ailment*.
'R ss arcs W return
rn say mousy
taabt7 to the neer.
mars of ice ruts, std• cleansing
rM•sMic or radoidal. aoothni g and
raleleletielnd+asm. hetetl Erma Olmt-
Hs are.toast of "kin 11...ses.very pronounced va'aspeelue fa -
•y *bre the form of ailtseot ilea of
tali throne, aggravating apes. We T• th. malteref Th.
7101'ar t aeephrad It hese the erdry thele Dues Sept, Daring the "Owe'
1 • wesQinf i pe' where (.bare rbrtiamwet to allow Sir
tesstaet flees, of if •tr1•ilfig erre- mesad rid the otbors to attest the oor-
/•wPt relieving
OMtam .t is perp eke ion i h'°"�Ona. taMvsd. tr�ethe raiders -
e o .
oswton. ge. slbee.ame, taw, to the eometr7• OanesrranTM
iy dhe`gkosatiorms, rinymwewss, stets,
a• lbs rasa. maw, b1-., .,toter., two pvited to filed n> own+):-_ (m a ilb.r.t
cert lta•, mrd fir 1' �R ..1st nisi sego htg To
• it et
*0eM• it is a pi _,eaetM ,-,v (7••s-
he [teen - � a ' F wbae w �i w A� fret }°f
sue of square
w .
ass,ie ,Nora° p •w » a balled to aoeoeep-
CHICAGO, J�4.• ft. --Lamely se tae
strength of a bg$ broad lsarket la este
today. every *aple on the board 1. -
day closed at a net abase.-wkeat
1-2 and 5-5 to 6-s: cora 1 141 am"
1 1-4 to 1 1-4. and provtrtns 2 1-2 sad
f 6-6 to tt. Compared with V Men
previous. latest Age1 s I\owed that
oats Md risen 1 5--4 to 2 1.3 and 13-3 a
beast The chief cause was a pe5dse-
ttoe by a crop expert that the •rv-
e rament report mixt Swath week"
slake a seneatlosally baWb asitia.
The Liverpool market Mod to-dos 1N
to 16d Mater than on /►tnrdas ea wheat.
and tad to lid lower w sera Antwerp
closed 16e lower on wheat, Ruda Pest 11be
Winnipeg Op4m5
Clow Open. MA Lew. Olsen
Wheat -
JW. .... M
Nob les
SK 74
Oct. 17 Irl-. nP
%i bo
Torero Grain Met ket.
wheat, tell bu.aal
Wheat. geese. bushed
57e. bushel ..
Oats. herb•* s v •
B arley, booing o M
113•Ncwb.a•pr . baslS hel I A o N
PeeTenor. Dalry 7Prhst.
teener. stem lots • s m s
Sutter, serrate. dalry D• 0 • g
Mtlr, esrseesery, 1►. rens• n l
Reiter. creamery. seek AI i .,-.
>�ss. save-la4
v'assss� new. Ih.
r ab
Cease. 1!e r•.• Om
Rrssyseena, moss lee
Haws. aureate& 1• Ate Ali
Montreal Drake end Protium.
MONTR,RAL. Joss 5L -Husaren Itm
whilst sad eats ter expert acroubt cant
haute very motet, owlet he ta. "owl •at
gime bid ter both west out of Ilse. 7fe
local trade fa •cares grabs te slao eine
end posse show is cheese. A her bae4
sees was dose la new Ilse Neal eel
cousin, aeooubt. The Ot, Lawrieme 1 25 -
tag Csopany min was trisnia whast-tet-
day ter the tire abs. ]t5lbsd 1l etsedy
Orta -Canadian wantons. Rte. L Wks M
tike. car lets ex eke; antra N. 1 feed.
Mae to 41e: N. 3 C.W., two u • No.
f local wine, w16e to Me• Ne. W
2 N
wltlt. >•yc to 110,46• ate. 4 Neal
white. c for some eighteen years the Conserve- 'Wag whet Patents. llreb,
tires tried to obtain this agreement. ems". 34.56; winter *beat patew.t•, ttsl u
Sir John sent such men as Sir Chaise N tf: strong bakeret, Itss; straftkt rdf
Tupper, Sir Leonard Tilley and the t�, y� oRN
great George Euless Foster to Wash- MN Teed barter, oar Pett es afore, isa
ington aeektug some arrangement to to me. Corn. Amertaa !b t yelkrw,
that end. In 1691 81r John appealed a/6e a Se. 12)6ueed-Hraa o. W;
to the country for the last flare -tel- Haaltoea' Ia' middlings.Oataste' pies
moat, one might say, on his deathbed, to sssO� to Manitoba. W: Moulins.
for he died shortly afterwards -and hecease-western, inew to
6c sc nue.then chimed that he had reason to be-
lieve that at last the United Suiten litto "6 -
would listen to his a fair John ttn-(�xlert. roc to 95c.
Thompson, who was atter of it mode CATTLE MARKETS.
Premier, was a member of Sir John
Macdonald's Government at this his
last election and in Sir John Thome- Union Sleek Yards.
eon's address to his constituents he TORONTO, June 23. -Receipts of
said : "A fair measure of reciprocity lite stock at the Union Mock Tend.
is what we desire, and we have no were 85 carloads, coe.isting of 1131
doubt that that can be obtained with- cattle, 577 sheep and lambs and 44
out undue secri8oe." calves, with 9 horses.
You will notice that during the long Exporters.
period of Sir John's Government he R. L Woodward b•nsht for swift it
never forgot this gmat boon to the C.. 1175 steers all tom, w tenor: P'S
tanners, and though the United States tona•a 152 steers, PUN lbs. oath. at
would not agree still Sir John was 3s to Is.te; tar IJv•rl.ot talo turn
Ile! is.. each. at 3t W Ia.16: tar wfa-
isteot in his efforts to aocomplith nlp.g, Ss steers. iter lbs mob, at
is end. We are told now by noise KW
that he never really meant it. Is it She
possible that his own followers would Chola low et butchery" id at
so slander his at name, (.bat they 6 N t• 35.15; raja of seed,
L6S; medfnm, 16.N to I`.t6; ••s�s�a,
would now olatm him to be a hype 6 to SAN. Cows, 35.15 to p, with
cote and a deceiver? Wonld those tame awe almost as gime as hatters.
who to this day visit his grave at 36.15 to 35.15. Hue, 14 Se le MA*.
Kingston on the anniversary of his 4111.ra and springing..
death imagine that thish t 31 Receipts {
berate, prices steamy at
could for yealige a liferent trauma/1d Veal CaNes-
npoo more than two-thirds of the Teat calves .old at 3e to pea pe
people? i refuse to believe it. I be- wet.. and
extra quality calves are
.ieve he was just as sincere in his Shoop and Lambs •
efforts to benefit the farmers as he shoe/, •woe, ttsibt. sold s. 3s t 34
wan to benefit the manufacturer". We per cwt. ; esu.• 6savy. It N tt 3;.73
are pow told by Mr. Borden at Win- esu. 1s t• 15.11: y�rling "II;
nipeg and Mr. Foster in Ottawa that t• 34.15;.prang lambs, 5e to 1.1-1e
reciprocity died in '91. Not so ; the 12.
Tortes died then, with Sir Jdho, not Hoes
tom• of the ssrs are butta•lP
the best plank in their policy that the prlcea lower, wbuIs •there an ewHat
farmers of Canada bad supported for them enchanted_ Beano drover" state.
eighteen years. It is nothing lees than that may led hoge weld at N, 1.•.L
Tory presumption to say that recipro- • •• and w• heard •a• drover oar than
city - died because their part did. lee had hogs b•uet• .1* at KN. y r.o.b• and w• heard an.t>H3 d»v►
In 1810, upon 8111 Wilfrid Lauriet's eay that 37 waa being plug te 115
aesumtng the reins of Government. he farmers in his dsnrlet, aha that was
too sent over a delegation to Wash. the ninon pries
ington to seek a reciprocity agreement Montreal Live Steck.
if po.*ble: but he, too. failed. Sir R6'l'
oNRZA1. June ma -At lb. Meat-
Wilhid then said there would be pp nal St k arils. West End
arlis4. 11*
more pilgrimage, to Washington for reg Jun• M wor5 sIw ante ell1.601 et.•sp nal
this purpose ; it was beneath the dig- I•mw, y» l,o• aloe 1lM .135!5 1PM
nity of Canada to be constantly tae- supply en the market tele mereme ser
pulsed in this (natter: that after this Lasso Will cattle, XI sheep woeme e
the proposals must ever from Wash- Ther• wear
as tto klmpetetant eines• b the
iugton. Aber some years such a pro- eo n of tbe mart for atll. •bee
posal bee come from 1'f'esident Taft tel. day ave.*,mWins rns areal •wady.
and the Governments of the two Teem ea. so efemene ter report names*
ootSntries are now considering the .tom 1. eel fact than mart ae
same. During last summer Presi- k!2 rho msM n )reir, but as she wap.
dent Taft sent a deputation to pay was not ;as' •bd tie treat a
Ottawa to open negoliatioos and Mr. geed demand Bross local laetebers aria
Fielding, wbo occupies the same poli- packers. • fairy actic•e trade was ease,
tion in the Liberal Goveroment as Sir •rd u the •toes few ser., 1014 ova
Leonard Tills did with the Coos rva- sat"' eK ebeles •tears wan ,sada sa
Tilley s�c sped meat
to nue, fairly gears, N
tivee-that of Finance Minister -is in 61io' to eke, fair •t 6e to t16a sad case -
.;barge of the matter. During the men. at nee to Me per ih. /mime the
early oorrespondenee leaf fail and be- Mreranse there were • number er cows,
tore the matter was presented to Par- of e l"ble
owb the chelos las .nld at 516., sane
th., herd•. from that down t•phr
liament. Mr. Foster, in oboes mastitis- per 1h. A raw 5517 abater
oolbulla let.
leasccy� of North Toronto much a the as hire ss se and the cn.os.e ease
University of Toronto lies and went at styc to me per le
many members of that University re A very u.n••ttled f.Nrng pre- sues to
wrote to the University Maga the market ter twat. sad in ernse.ue sae.
till, pe'k'.. were Irrrgg�ealar at • . wlb
zine. showing what a errs advantage ran•. Thi* eondltl to of the mama r
• r.ciproeity agrees:wet would be to •ttrtbuted re .ane se -tont to the been
Gonda. sod bow materially it woold coerep•latio• os the pert of meow whore
help the people of Torosto. Lea than for .uppltw. both here_ and _rota .etntry
s oonth et�erwarda tb. some mac i. gt y t*3. tut• (hors sill he esu,e rP
found for most he d 1.440* of r.gul.rlty fn tn• sour". of sale••. Tae.
it. His former writings in the Malta -
wag food and an active trade
sine must he takes as his serious eon- wee done with sates et chores a..etld
vietion and opinioe His hater re- sots .t 57.3* to 37 5.,mtre"1 Ira u 21 to
marks in 111. House muss he taken as R s • e' boas hag. at K s a N n MO
ewe.. wytgb,.d oft the ear+
his polities.There inn so further cheap', t• Iles
Daring the earl) part of the .psaslpt market tar small meats. the qNm-
of reciprocity. ■r. Is°rthl 1P• of Halt- maintained were made at from to 0 awl►.
i a man who aspire. to 11 . leader- m,..p war, a.", u KM t• 3t 5an1. aN
ship of the Conservative party ie the meow were fairly away. •d rse
event d anything he 'sg to Mr, et teem sr to M wadi.
Borden, @Trlaineed, "it we tan get [alt Buffets Cattle MwIrN.
that every man in Canada will hold eater Dtoilre .O, Jeb. *-CQ►MI►--me.
up both bonds." Is a few days. how mints. sm t.••d mania efT Ise .sale
la o5Q064Ots to to 1H1v• .tad a••ds. ammo flet. Ilea,;
work.• ' Promises of lame ford• were Vr*n. erten.. KM a/emu, botcher Pradesh
is hart 0.i M 1l
o AV`
tq$M E.Pinkb 'si
°Va stabie Comnpeund
%Pikstet be aim W
i2tis mese•. ssa1
fared Wee • mitirlar
mei tbesglitad dm* , •hare
saw -
sated desbs
w►• e.*ld ,*.
for Nes. 1,
wed He 1snes see -
tan said 1 smog
submit te ark epee -
tea antro
Arise swim Awa
"IMg\kee*sh, N.T. -1 rem •
meta- be • /•airy ier1 /+4
tl a dew Inn wee eased
gibe asp k TIM isetev midi seeded es o e�Ses1
few womb mstlas bat Lydia .t fits-
hem's V.gsl4le Ceespemi did mese
ipbed he me t�b�� tt�ep posed,.
1dH1 � lheWsmis win we Melt=remsmsee ami ,
:ill Ito the Ilmapewal
Waal* le H101, Ste�is 1
werbass bleed ler beallb,
all warms wise s st ole
erbet gad take Ilse seeks. -Mies me, $Jap l3L , r isbeeleis flirty yawed sepirmibied Y.
aster the N Lydia 1L P .
bias's. Ifege ~Amp.ad t• ...
'Bemidoe of t. in a dlecu.sios Vane, M alae inlet of lambs 13 M win
ender • SS*.
s' is
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
made to the trews* esus* ves, polities en- Calves- Ri (tots• ass med. •elves
etre. and w eta tbmWht by 11 b tains 'Bettye and sees& call es
be Of (meet•e
advantage to (,.nod., K t• M
g.md what every Am elrsteee t toe fortylen••e arse luebm-pleeenset ties beam:
bei mtalgbt to obtain. i• being limb.• rd M to R ss. ars e' fw. KR
t with surprising energy and ex- 51 is „A ns... s t• pan •w,'... M M
• s
�t opt,rt•onto and d benefits ebenefits, Hose, ote, RetetpamA
. s.1N; •.e,
farmers (6opl with your p•rssienion "ft". .e nest: Toils.. • to
fret M 0f0 ,sad as
aWert/aao w
TRONA* WOODMWOODMENour miters xi ll re- Wsett/std. RuRums Comity, Ione 12•id.
rhea•. sed.iamM ape M;
to wale ale fu urs dam
navy. sea se vow; abft•
a., Rw.
Orders carefully attended to
u all hears. night er day.
Modena, may eoter any day.
Opts entire year. Now is a
good time to enter. Largest
trainers in Canada. Graduates
get best positions. Thousands
studying •t home. Exclusive ,
right of the "Famous Blies
Book -Keeping System" for Out- •
arlo. "Actual Buuine w from
Start to Raiab."
Write for particulars.
(amliated with piston
Briar. Collage)
de0. MOTTO'S, - /resident.
3 0.
lave Jost received •
car el buggies. and
awe•e of.
that .
Isoewani to -data
is theline.
ever COMO to tows.
We have these on the
fire now. Coll sad s
inspect them at the
oo Hamilton Street.
We have the "STAND-
ARD Wine now'
and OATEN. the km,
one Purvey PLOWS.'
n*RAIf Sew ARATO0e
,a,al s I most 5
think• farmer mead.
ant • farm.
Robert Wilson
We •M.have •flew
.5tea Rend advent for nab.
, 1•s.
FOB_--�t-*-...,, .
For the nest ten days we will give a discount est TWENTY-
FIVE PSB CENT. on all purchases of Children. (Bailing. We
have wits that will wit in all sires and styles.
We have •till a good assortment of Straw fiats from which
you may make your selection.
McLean Bros.
Semi -Ready Tailors, 21,,,--.11 Men's Outfitters
Toilet Articles
We aim always to keep on hand
the best, the most reliable preparations
for toilet use. We shall be glad to
have you Gall and ask for your favorite
preparations. We are here to please
our customers.
F...J. Butland, Druggist
Wil gtussev Goderie4
r JNW1M/t
UHammocks, Coal Oil Stoves, Gasoline Stoves, Breen Doors and
Windows, Refrigerators, lee Tows, Lawn Mowers, Ito Cream
Freezers, Fishing Tackle, etc.
0 We have about two thousand rods of Fencing left yet out of
about tour thousand. We ase going to clean thin Fencing oat at
prices that no person can afford to mins. The lines resist of
The Pltteltprgb Perfect Bence, 7 wires, 47 inches
herb, No. 9 wire, fob' Pee a rod.
Cyclone Woven Wire Renes, No. 7 and No. 9 wire.
American Woven Wire Fence, No. 9 wire.
Page Woven Wire Ferree, No. 9.
Coiled Wire at •E,40 per 10011*
Barbed Wire at 42.50 per 100 lbs.
We have just received • beautiful lie of Florentine Bras
Ooodc, Barb pled peeress" the aesthetic choral of Nelture's Gar-
gles. each decorative design artietic•lly engraved by hand and
Sobbed in black and dull braes.
We have also a fine line of Rodgers 1847 goods.
Big aesos•tment o(Carvion Knives and Forks in cases.
We are agents for the Canada Cyole A Motor Co.'s Bicycles and
carry the Cleveland line in stock.
We have added a bicycle repair department to our workshop
and carry a toll line of bicy.le sundries.
Is your LAWN MOWER out of repair or does it need sharpen-
ing? We can put it in order for you.
Does Your House Need Painting?
if so, don't forget that we handle the Sherwin-Williams Paint,
the best paint on the market.
a)9 you want to brishten up your furniture. floors and wood-
work ! 1f s, don't forget that we beadle JAP-A-LAC. a high -grad•
varnish anti stair combined.
To the Ant on* hundred boecewives vibe mil at ewe
store art Monday, May Mk We will give a esmplmmaisN.apiolse.
A hash earned of National Portland Camelot been jest Arrived.
Thr 1N-- -al M the beet and .tro.Nlst obsest snide.
MIdik we Orel en your Plusblsg. Heeling, iiveseroeghlnw,
House 'Phone No. 112 Store 'Phone No. a
111l42ms'm7 ==h! =m3t = ff