HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-6-29, Page 6• Tunisiosa June M, 1111 THE SIGNAL GODERTCH ONTARIO / eorge5 ronafton+ JUNE 22,1911. CORONATIO01 CHAR. PROGRAM FOR THE CORONATION. rune 2o ---State banquet at Buckingham palace. June 2t ---Dinner given by the Duke of Connaught at St. James' palace. June 22 ---CORONATION DA \' June 23 ---The royal proces- sion through London. June 24 ---Naval review at Spithead. June 26 --,Return of the king and queen to London. Gala performance at the opera. June 27 ---Garden party at Buckingham palace, Gala performance at His Majesty's theatre. June 28 ---Departure of royal guests. Visit of the king and queen to royal agricultural show at Norwich. June 29 ---Royal progress to the city. Service at St. Paul's and luncheon at the Guild- hall. Return of procession through north London. June 3o ---Ring's coronation fete to a hundred thousand children at the Crystal palace. KINGS SCEPT • E SET WITH COLLINAel OIAMOND The Coronation`s Scene(ofgMore than Medieval Splendor. Those in charge of the arrangementsrfor the coronation of King George V. anJ Queen Mary, his wife, made the event one of more than medieval splendor. The cere- monies in the famous Westminster Abbey} were presided over by the Archbishop of Canterbury, chief prelate of the Church of England, assisted by many archbishops and bishops. Persons of royal rank from many great nations were among the official guest and all the rr'.r•ign governments, as well as the British dominions overseas, were repitraent•it r'fFr:A iy, The naval display at the Solent on Saturday last was the ream idle world bate •' N.. Been. !moo M VIM Sir Charles Rem 1• a Liberal end a Strenuous Campaigner. • Bir iabaslee Rom was a close per- fume erssaaf' triaed of King Edward VII. daring bia lifetime, and sinus the letter's deeds. the Canadian baronet' has been on just e• intimate terms with King George. Bir Charles has loog been • member of the Jackey Olab, and is an erttenaive owner and Meader of race horses. His entries have frequently won honors in the groat national events of the English turf, and hie wins have always been popular, toe he is singularly beloved of the jockeys. the trainers and oth- ers who make their livelihood through the eelmowledged "sport of kings:. Just as the late King was, so is Bir Charles • keen yachtsman. For many years &r Charles wal a partner in the groat London banking bone of Morton. Sone & Co. At present he r• director of a number of financial oor- porstiome including several banks. He is extremely wealthy in his own right, and his wife, who was a daugh- ter of Mr. John Bobin.on McClean. a great mining operator of Cannock Chase. Staffordshire, also inherited • handsome fortune. Three sous of Bir Charles served as omoers in the South African war, and tyro of them gave their lives for the Empire. Bir Charles first attained political prominence in 1900. when, a ter a most sensational and exciting contest he surprised everybody by redeeming his present seat for the Liberal party. He had eontested the seat in 1900, and had been badly defeated by another prom- inent millionaire sportsman, Mr. Me - Oakmont. the election of 1903 was fought with :exceptional vigor, horse owners, trainers, and jockeys joining in the Canvass. Motor cars were in such constant use that the local sup- ply of gasoline temporarily gave out. During the final hours of the contest preceding the voting, Sir Charles, covering 100 miles in his automobile, personally canvassed one- alf of the constituency, while Lady Roee, in her own sumptuous car, made a final tour round the other half. At 'the general election last January, Bir Charles lost his seat by 190 votes, but be has again succeeded in turning the tables upon his opponents by a majority of 3e9. Shten's. Humor. Although Hon A. L. Biffen, Prime Minister of Alberta. usually leaves the impression with many that he is a plain. meteerof-fsot man, ecareely it ever divesting from the serious as- peet et a situation, the following in- cident tn„Mr. Sifton's early political career shows him to possess a keen and rather peculiar sense of humor. In the early nineties Sifton and Dr. 91eit were candidates in the Banff otestituancy, for a seat in the terri- torial Hes" and on amount of the great distance many had to Dome to attend their meetings, theagreed to Mid joint meetings, the Liberal can- didate speaking first and Dr. Brett °e- n vying the rest of the time. Toward the close of the campaign a meetipg was held at the small min- tngg town of nthrecite. When Mr. Eifion had flied hie speech the doctor had no* yet arrived., After waiting in vain for halt an hour the audience became restless. An idea Soddenly oncurred to Bitton. tie told the people that as be had been pees - tot and heard Mar. Brett's .speech every night for the peat two weeks, hs be- ifeved he knew it as well as the doctor (IimseM,, and with their permission tiworld deliver it for the absent can - . Shoats of "Go on" eame in response sod so Bitton commenced. He was �bont half way through when the doc- tor arrived Without any explana- tions he quietly took his seat, remark- ing that they had been waiting some lime. Dr. Brett opened his address with his usual Bowery remarks, but Ceders he had proceeded very tar the iudienoe were in a fit o1 laughter, eseh to the enjoyment of Mr. Sifton Sad the vest amazement of the A dumb of Comfort. There has been considerable talk 'haring the past year of introducing Into Ontario some stricter laws regard- Wg automobiles, and $ few persona, moat of whom do not possess can, would like to haws the Government Issue licensee .o• that no one would run a car nn a pabltc highway with- out proper authority. The opponents et the scheme claim that it would be little more than a farce and that aa attempt to make soon a law world be ✓ idiculoes. They contend that just • smog eAse•ottw would run ears with licenses a• may be found now without any. A Toronto club attn, who dose sed. Iik. the suggestion. Maid the lellswisg, story the other day g. dense as er tweet at Mach over les nae Web Mon. He said thrift b. was twrittj. with a friend, and ams aftereoes Qum: amiss • city they e acmesr we'.oeb►,e same in • dioear.• 11 • man could be judged b his dress, the occupant of the car was a' genuine automobilist for he weer ass the proper fixings. "Consulting the instructions hew le fix the machine," Wel asked lune. 710 m he replied. I n t .iup** nvioiaoe by reading tthhria w per." 'Convin ce yourself of what!" "Well, this is cbaugeur's lie sense," he informs fham, 'wbleb sera that I e.n thosaly competent to drive a 'astatine, eo when anything goes wrong, I And it very inspiring to read .the paper over Neo or three • Needed To 8. Meese. A good Ottawa story centres about Glen Campbell, the good-natured giant from Dauphin. Glen came down atter the Christmas holidays, and as be is not handy with the razor the long ride hum Dauphin lett him with quite a beard. He walked into We Russell barber shop. and the dett tonsorial artist began to operate. As the steel passed over his face Glen began to squirm. "Is the razor all right, ctrl ea-; quired the barber, solicitous) t "Guess it is," drawled Oleo. "flf the handle don't break." Sand Tree of Prowls. R'e are accustomed to regard sand as utterly barren, but the plants na- tive to the coast sands of Prussia hers been enumerated by naturalists whose a'timate` vary from 171 to 234 varieties. Of these one of the most available is the Arundo erenaria (war- ren) which thrives only in sand and in the salt air tot the beach. This in time serves to prepare .the soil jot larger plants: Sorry He Spoke. Husband—Do you know • that every time a woman gets angry she adds a new wrinkle to her face? Wife—No, I did not, but if it is ao I prequme it is a wise provision of nature to let the world know what -ort of husband a woman has. Where Diogenes Was Foolish. Potter—You have heard of Diogenes going about with a lantern searching fur an honest man? Mrs. Potter—Bigger fool he! Honest men are not to be found on the street at night. They are at home with their families. Why He Was at Horns. Creditor—Inc your master home? Servant—Yes. Please wplk In. Creditor—Thank heaven, I still see same money at last! Servant—Don't make that mistake. If he had any money he wouldn't be :t home. Ready Sacrifice. "Gerid," said a newly -engaged girl to her fiance. "you will have to choose l., to ern n' and your old pipe." Not an in=taut did Gerard hesitate. "The old pipe goes, dear," he said'. throwing it away. "I was thinking of baring a new one snyhovi." Sit filherientursigr hit 111Y1 Ts Mill Nit UN. Mi. Aylsaard's letter tells the story : Caapbetltan, )1.f., Feb. S, leo9, father Sacristy Mad. Co., During the winter of Igoe, while travelling on the (leapt Coact, I coetrected • severe Cold which settled apoo any leap. After I rettvaed home 1 wrote to Father Morriacy explaining my case. I received a letter from him with a prescription for his medicine, which could nes be filled at the time bere. After nae week's delay I received it, lust in the nick of time to save ,4y life. After one ►south's use I felt like • new man. Years truly, Jno. Aylward. Thereis not much time to lone when a cold settles on the lunge. Pneumonia ki1L within a week. With Father Morriacy's "No. to" at hand, you don't even have to wait for • doctor. No. to" cures all throat and lung troubles. It i. • reals Lung Tonic, and fortifies against future attacks. Trial bottle age. Regular Sze Soo, at your dealer's, or from Father Morriacy Medicine Co. Ltd., Montreal, Quo. as & 1J and guaranteed in Gs d• rich by F. J. Btrrt..►Ku. PILES. Telles rend ZaSt I on* bwils., Alba shpe Wee. mei brims ossa. Fersewrmese, MA boll Rik, noses curs: Why set pmt g t Y Drape and AMwI'—. a m -13 L,,; }1 e Ie jis; _there a Boos' or other woodwork about i ass hoose that would look bb better if up with a little good paint? Test seats de the job yemeelf with 111-1. Perm— is rm - is • war yse'd he peond •i. et a Beet of a Aw Hila. Fat scary ease's worth .f erzeim_allari get a Milers worth ei yes see partirder gelraZdepie Laseli asst. get "M-1. Meer: 1 • S M -L 'aiat ...do. war a.4 e.«t lily. wises wn se dose •re den•, • atm. dose • afetal sdatln. • . — b• t et.9--trash.. re Inc••• euros• be Maw Wes •herrelma hiess r wee -.sees Woe ma ry �r ae.,e.. ode •ser r des loossid : a d tl•or a i�. Terme sow ewes ad mom weseme wlea M•L pin w Grate. is d•sm sear.•. e.nN•. wadable— •••9 chile— •a•v •••...+.r. 111 Recommended and sold by Howell Hardware Oo.,'TJmited Come in and Get F e..t ,. Acquaioted if you are not already ac- quainted with the merits of tw. STU RDY'S GROCERIES try a temple order. You can be certain of securieg seasonable goods here at all tinea Our 'phone number Is 91. Give us • trial. The quality of our goods will on - vines you. Sturdy & Co. On The Square What About That Leaky Roof of Yours Better have it replaeed with a new one. See W. R. Pinder, Hamilton street, for the right kind at the right price. Bole agent for Bran tfordjRootIng Away. &Tull stock of Reoing nn hand, which enables us to give prompt attention to all work in this line. Also we make a specialty of PLUMBING, HEATING ELECTRIC WIRING We R. Pinder Pbo lfi3 HAMILTc RTRSBT .THE TIM= TO OZT That New Spring &it and Overcoat IS NOW The selections of goods which we carry are of first -clans quality and we have all the latest shades at HUGH DUNLOP'S W)<9T ttrRw' The up-to-date Tailor CANADIAN r -AC Great Lakes Service wr, FIVEISAILINGS WHEICLY, TO Soo, Port Arthur Fort William Daily '*Dept Friday and Sunday from Owen Soaod CeesectingiTr•ia Leaves Teapot* at Rio a.m. Ask Agent for Particulars JOB. K I DD, Agent Goderich. GRAND T(UNK" 1 DOMINION DAY SINGLE FARE Pool ,ROUND 'TRIP (witn minimum charge of McIg •twmen all etattons is toad*, also to Niagara Fella and Buffalo. N.Y.. Detract and Port Hump, Michigan. Ticketsck. good u9fhJ► Unlit ng June and l9l�l Return it July 4th. EXCELLENT TRAIN RERVIUS to Nankai. La. or Bay., TIs..- Algros_ to mmeh : Part'. GewE{*n tni`,les�^wi�' lll'ohiewt aider. June 9/tlf. 106 a. m deli Tos,os►te ee td4rw. viibTaat*gae ai eekobHbratw pals.. m, ly.xe�epf, flenaay— PwetanR-Nan4ri11e E prwes> Ex StBailr oaMwt°ka-Haebvine ea'tt ftaleiay. Mab i'ams•etions hems ell ilMvstum W tollif+teras- c44 addregi m Omni 'Pm* ty 4. iAdllrs 111 1m*'s Ansi Tow es P. sun Slew mow nano" � n m▪ ut asap Q dm u !Y• vas o i.• pogo 3l ftth9. sod stat jNN Te mot DIRK Whe the all we to, is sow * 11 :(;pee heir. SII Vasa Br. al of Lai ad T Mee nein Mb co Mese as Mia —ant aired ham men ) Place t mow right, tothadislif mole meed I "1 Dodd' Mag ase Tov sat ii ad Mewl weal Mita P. A mew have adv repo Then was N M meat Geri ary b ieetk the a sa t D. t ramp civil Bed. lag t1 MOW Aare sea eater fermi foes The tors fond (lea at ti bath boon wort Pear ToQ laher Jel' /'ler{ liedi I Re dinar kiss drug i.gp g til ti ead 4e • 1� wA Asti ones that for b fees & •at{I Imo .ay the Mei fop. Cha area sit is Theft .�t woe