HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-6-29, Page 5NTA RIO
fsM Amities.
Toe dates of the tall elttings of the
liege Court of Justice w
gr. Justice Riddell wUi e
for jury caw at (ioderieh as
ouiage Tuesay, October 17, and taw nos• jury
thiol; will be hold y Mr. 3ustiere
/hotel on Towsday. ember SI.
Timely Subjects for Dismission.
Tye regular meeting of the Gods
dry branch of the Women's Intiiute
will ea held at the home of Mini M. E.
g ald. Baydeid road. on Thursday,
tiler &h
r eat S o'clock. Member* and
nds wishing to go perk. o pQpb°a nd-
Bauh swig meet treet, ot 200 sharp. Subjects
tor discussion are : Sunday dinner*,
trews cookers. and a
path et John 8tothera.
sombre Stotler* was called to
Owes tock this wato the
and msbeeqndeath d hie
fib brother, John /Withers. who aaMd
ins, on Tuesday after • heist tllsam
The deceased wee bas la Huron
amity ei:tis-yylive years gad about
thirtea bete the tar-
ries yuiaaoireat+reisi bouncer at
Wcodet,Mk. for w pert thirteen
Teem be bad beat beMasi retired. He
,survived by kb widow.
Dominion Date Spore.
(i-derich will have the quietest
Dominion Day io away years. Rvery-
bodv being bury with the unitary
camp or celebration
More been
mt de for • esbbeatbn i hat it cease
not toaltogether e it bee the bsye std Sick
herea'It hs of eget at ed to
me Squar n the gM oo *ports
tell at 10 o'clock.
lbs list of games have ben b-
eted, and uo doubt the youngster. will
1a oo hared to take the prime Is ad-
dition to the tease and other pmg
prism are offered for the Yesi dec-
asorated bicycles.
A Note from Gowgend..
J. C. Beaty, formerly ed the staff of
the Batik of CommerceIthre,tsew of
Gowtranda. senile W tembrUiss to
The Signal aqd adds: •rThS fly swat
is at iu wont. and the psospot tors are
meting into tows.. as it is almost lin-
Fusible to work la the bath at peer
enL Keay of them mid thie a good
Un. to take their both but eel -
dos get peat the bil.4much
Hes Ret home. The bete
tet scene same up hem; mar good
ars handicapped for the Lit
transportation, bot that will some I
time. Mr. Beaty oheotlone some
Haroo people who are asp in that see -
tion -Mrs. Riley and ■r.. Carter.
from Blyth : Jas. Barr. who is fire -
ranging. and Mr. Fiogiaod. Presbyter-
ian minister.
Fishing Is Great Sport.
Fishing is • favorite pumice for a
.umber c f antes at the preee.t time
and the deep, lark wgtere of w Mon-
ad are foiled lregatntty to be at ex-
cellent place for t+attinR poepotat.
One day recently Chas. Rills •M Hast
Smith cauget a pike in the deer white
trolling. but, unfortunately. their Nee
broke before the bah wee leaded.
Another lice wag leaned thea by
John Phillips and within Rime min•
Ma they successfully landed the same
Ask together with the tooksa part of
their hoe. it wet a w epssionen.
manning three fest i• begat and
weighing nearly tea pomade.
A Saskatchewan wedding.
The following paragraph, ham a8s-
eketchewan newspaper, refers to a
former Benmiller boy and will be
red with interest by tiie old friends
here : "A very quiet event was sot-
esnised at Saskatoon of Weawdsy
We when Miss Dorothy Brown, of
Elgin. Man., was united in marriage
to Armour Malloy,a prouloest
businessman of ttows. Mise
Evelyn Malloy, sister of the groom.
acted as bridesmaid. while Mr. Leon-
ard Brown, brother of the bride, es-
eiNed the groom. Mr. and Mrs. Mal -
toy, after a short telep., will make
Macklin their future erfidsoee. Both
parties are well and favorably known
in this district, and will be the eecipi-
etts of many congr•tukitiose from
their many friends.
is It a Jail or an Asylum t
Is it the intention of the Provincial
Government to establish evestausUy
an asylum for bathe at Uodeaich P
This is a •uhject upon which • number
of people would like to gain scene in-
forsation. Almost • year ago a
wase+° re-ideot of Goderich was con•
lined in the jail bee toawalt an oeen-
ing in the asylum for insane at Lon-
don. A few moothe later a woen•s
was sent herr, and at Do time clave
hay any information or Iostructtooe
hien received as to whet either of
them i. to be removed. Castle Grif-
fin was not intended ae a permanent
range for such helpless people and the
conditions tinder which they remain
here are not such as will best tend to
Aaast towards their complete restore -
Neil C. Coutts, of Wbngbam, ls the
latest arrival at the jell. He is osrv-
init a sentence of thirty days on a
rbarge of abusing a pdieeman in that
Death of Mn. M. E. shepherd.
New* was reeeived this week of the
death of are. H. E. Shepherd. of Tor-
onto. which occurred on liafurday last
after as Wass of come ..oaths. The
assessed was formerly Mrs. A. J.
Moore cad was a lifelong resident of
Goderich prior to bat removal to Tor-
ooto a few ago. Her daughter,
Miss Mar Moore, is uvisg at her
mother's home in Toronto.
To Sop Scorching.
The furious driving on the Square
by automobiles and other veblekm has
been tauten up by the authorities ,mid
on Mooday . web -known titian was
before the magistrate and fined SI
end costa ($11.76 in aD) for reckless
speeding Sieg of his driver on the day pre -
The case against the owner of
an automobile for alleged 'eoorobiog"
will be heard sot Monday. Other
awns dessrviog of attention may ba
dealt with a. & later date.
Callao Bali.
They hairs of the Maple Leaf
stere of the Empire
have eat to to provide funds for
an arebulasce to be used in oonnectioo
with Alexandra hospital. Their tint
effort is . "calico ball," to be held at
Hotel finnsst oe Friday evening. July
7th. Tickets. 111.00 for gentlemen
and ibo for ladles. The object ts as
meet o theyoung
Wiseencouraged in their
Westrn Camila Co. Not in Merger.
dayyccontaiainid a rey port newspaper*of
the West-
ern Oaoada Flour Urns Co. would be
ate an den tion of withe companies to bened to
using flour mills throughout Western
by sot credited
etario. 'The officiate at tube 11TBisg
MIU bore, as
they state it would set be to their ad-
vantage All the wheat handled by
tie Western Canada Onsrpeny is the
Western girls( wheat, and salting
with he by gaoloo.p -
ton.oosoeres r that are not
Noes from the waerfront.
The steamer Gordan was the only
boat which unloaded grain beer this
week. It.noloaded 34000 boatels of
Sax at the °adaeit* elevator.
The eltham r Dundee ie due with 50,-
000 bushels of wheat for the Goderich
Contractor Connolly is erecting the
first of big two meows in the north-
west ooeser of the harbor.
Good program blas been made by
Contractor Bermingham os hie scow to
be used in forming the eoncrete ppoop-
tinns of the breakwater. An overbesd
hopper the been erected for handing
the gravel from the dumpcare to the
The steamer H. N. Jet arrived on
Mooday morsIog from Sandusky
a 700 tomof coal for the Big
Base fishing is u to be good
i• the riverriverend a neither of unusu-
ally large Dees are bring caught.
A Chapter of Accidents.
A *prion', accident occurred and a
!tufted; wars narrowly averted laic
enursdat when R. A. Metier, ars one
t7Noes adan of 1 he CaniNtew.rt Co..
both hones in his right leg broken
Jest above the ankle. He was arriet-
iag in the installing of the
in the neo elevator for the Bi 1(111
subs. the accident A
heavy beam. to... in wed t. was bo•
be pieced in position w it fell •
distanfe of about four feet and e•aght
r,'gg emoting It wItb the
abo►e-mentiomed moult. A heavy
= Prevented the fell weight of the
from miming upon the limb,
which saved it from even more serious
mil Another aeciOemt at the har-
lea, week wail the ixwak log of a led -
der on one of the C. P. R. freight .urs.
whe' Peed. Dymond, • r•liwsy em-
sr*t on is in the fail he sea -
M"1 s broken bone in one ofhidden.
Aatevd tis when paying in the re-
'Milb. ion granretia, 1 Retire, son of
and MnO
. Wm. Reese, log IM
lecke hia, tight arm at to .wrist. The
i'aiMw,t• err •it *•stye. . - nese end
Prof. Otsw s Vick.
About a seem of freemen and other.
interested in w eultiv.ties cad care
of fruit was met at the term of G«reps
Laitbwaite, Huron road, God
township, on Monde "rung of this
week to witness a on
Pruning giver by Prof. J. W. Crow,
of the Ontario Agricultural College.
Guelph. The meeting was • MIR
profitable one for frultgrowere, as
each one wasgiveo the opportunityto
prevent hie views as to the hea
methods of pruning, according to the
kind of tree, and in each cape valu-
able instruction and advice were given
by the Professor. The proper can of
all trees at every stye of their
growth sae Inpreseed upon all u ab-
solutely oeoeo.ry to obtain the best
results. The point was Impressed
that one of the principal aims in prun-
ing le to get fruit at an early stage.
By pprt'ooppeerr pruning, Prof. Crow stated,
a Nortbero Spy tree can be brought
into beariog in seven years instead of
eighteen or twenty years. The Prof-
essor took a drive through portions
of Colborne and Goderich township,
and was impressed with tbewaitability
of this section for the growing of fruit.
Not only apple., but peaches =dolman
fruits, could, he believes, be erod:ably
grown here and he was a that
a canning factory had not n estab-
Robed. He promised to return to
Goderich for another demonstration
(f desired, and arrangements may be
made for a second visit this summer.
ae.wntett being reduced aeemainR1y 1
An epaeal rest au income thz wee
not a
The oocesion of the ebbing ezerciase
in the kindesrten department of
Victoria s.hool was marked by the
attendance of 111e pat sote and friends
of the pupUa The exercise*, which
occupied nearly two hour*, were no-
torted to with much batsreat and Miss
Grass Dickson, the efficient teacher,
was the recipient ut esauy congratu-
latory etas. s on the showing glade
The Collegiate Institute le closed for
the lona vacation, and the member. of
the staff who live out of town bare
left. Mise McArthur, who has been in
of the commercial department,
and r. T. Firth, who has been mimeo
master, will not return. Mime Mc-
Arthur bat taken a emblem in the Ot-
tawa Collegiate Institute, and Dooatd
Clark, a well-known nate of the
G. C. L, will take charge of the eon -
menial Hume, botei the
s eeolll. holidays.
new principal and eoletws master, ie in
town this weak making preparation*
to move bb Gamily Imre.
Their Baseball Team Succumbs a the
Local Veterans.
Om of the fastest and most Interest-
ing games of baseball aeon here is
recent years ale played . on Tuesday
evening as a hospital benefit between
the Veterans" of Goderich and a
picked team from tbe various regi-
ments in camp. While the group of
apectatora was not large, yet the
enthusiasm olid the vacant space.
$etcher and Brown. the Goderich
battery, had the better of the argu-
ment, and with the oorkacrew cannon
balls that Belcher bung around some
of the Regimentals' necks it is sato to
fay that more nerve was injected into
the soldiers in five minutes then would
1r gained in a year's military training.
Puruw" Outland at first base played
a star game, although several times
his hair was on sod getberi _in
Brown's hot throws from the Wats.
itwie" Doyle displayed that same
old form that woo the Marta of the
girls in the bleachers thirty years ago.
hocking down the balls with the
nerve of a local insurance west.
Furey" McLaughlin gathered in
everything with • hawk -like gram
and as a base -runner stole so frequent-
ly that he was compelled to sneak
home around the outskirts to avoid
being arrested. "Boo" Shannon, in
left Seld. dispelled Parliamentary
mining to getting hie mit on every-
thing that fell from the air. Frost at
right held his ground like an icicle
ia.pting to a root and displayed hie
own all training
uo neib the knocking
pitcher attempted to pass. Devine
looted it, although the threats be
issued against the ball when be failed
to hit were not In keeping with the
name. Wiggins, not the weather
professor. pat the hoops on the soldiers
who attempted to steal wood.
Brown. bobbed the plata, played an
all -waits game and marshalled the
team like a major tieing the bat
with the dexterity and grams of a local
polnee ao es fair day. The tamp."
VIe Dain, kept the game well in hand.
as firm 1a hie decisions as a Goderict,
J. P.
It would be impossible to specialize
on the visitor% ; they all played well
and under the instruction of General.
lyy Early, but serer too loon, put up a
fw game.
The financial results to the hospital
were sot Immense.
The linieup wee at follows :
Vermouth Muria
H. Beteher p Rance
Brown c Parker
John Wiggins 2nd b Home
le 3rd b Watson
Mc s s Booth
Fred t son 1 1 rl Foote
Devine e
Frost r f
The game was called after the
seventh innings on a000untof darkness,
with the score 6 to 6 in favor of the
local veterans.
9om•sadeelve geode In art°hies are rhowo
.t W pt•er Nrith'.'. rad street. headquarters
ailape pi teenier. and ort suede of
klpdebielion"wr . fawn wW end II, an .t
treat pl.ee.bew»toa.1L
Q Otorsil 1. saw aomt ew4d ueon
w WLroes of w greatest d$h'e aha k..
bees Bmetriog et np,ntort. theae who wear
Pothole • es e.tsar.er clothing know what
g msarr.. Ohre him • call -creta rids of
▪ arta.
July 19th is tag day.
No reasonable offer refused for • tag
on the 12th
The fete/wee City of 8t. Ignace
makes ber first cull of the erica to-
"Uncle Tom's cabin" will be an et -
Wootton Saturday nigbt at Victoria
Opera House.
The Cititeof' Marine Beed will play
on the Square oo Tuesday evening,
weather permitting.
I J. M. Field is the latest
addition to the ranks of those wbo
travel by automobile. He hoe te-
o.ived . frena arms Hupmoblle cwt of
twenty b. p., which will be a Krieg
help to him in his work et viaititgr tbe
eobeok of hie Lespertorate.
rile bigb school entreats. exaalinn-
ttone are being bele this week. Eighty
amanita are writing at. Dods -lob Dr.
Strang and J. E. 'hot bsii*thepv'
ing esargisers. 'iLe i the es
papers are re-
ported to he very fair with on -
tion ret srithmstie, *bleb ie thenf
as eout•irsing some s.ntU
arily dintroit prnblemo.
Al. the sheeting of the court of
revision for the town of fintlerich th•
esgawt-t on the .minx of the
at oe building
iP eer
R. P.
aped a t e ' curate of St. George's.
The usual .review will be held 1n
V bootie street Methodist church nest
Sunda The poster, Rot Dr. Medd,
will pe aeh. The .eats are all fres.
(}cod musk. A cordial welcome
awaits ail who come.
Tho evening service in Baez church
on Sunday nett will ha of special
interest. The emendates recently
elated to the eldership will be
ordained and inducted to ;that office.
In this service Rev. Mr. Roes will be
assisted by 11.v. Dr. MaLeas, Rev.
Jas. Ha (hon and Rev. Joseph
Near, C. A. wagers Farewell.
Rev O. A. r, sub has redgaed
the rectenhl/ of St.Orypeian'. church.
Toronto, to j.k. oharlta of All flalntw'
church et Vernon, B w .presented
on Tuesday night by his Testes to parish-
ioner* with an illuminated address
and • purse containing Deer $200 in
gold. Mrs. Seger wee presented with
a bouquet and a cut gas, berry est.
Rev. Mr.Seger M now is Goderich,
visiting his parent., (frown Attorney
and Mrs. Seeger. and will leave for
British Columbia next week. Hie
sueeesmr .t 8t Cypriotes i. Rev.
R. Seabees, M. A , w lege been rec-
tor of St Mark'.ebureb, WestToronto,
and who, we believe, is • G. C. I. "old
cos at Bt. George's church
y will be ouudeeted by Rev.
Iluward, rector of Chatham.
Raw. Dr. Donal and Fadb Leave ter
Their New Hems at St Thome•.
Rev. Dr. Dougall, Mrs., Dougall and
family, and Mrs. DottgaWu stater, Mian
Taylor, left this morals( tor 81.
Thomas. when Dr. Dougall ••mases
the pastorate of the 'trot Methodist
church. Their beet week l town was
marked by many manifestations of
the esteem in wh they are held by
the people of North obvert Methodist
ohureb and by the people of Dederick
gel Dr. Dougall haw been a
force Is the life of Goderich and hL
removal cannot but be fait throughout
the town.
A joint session ed the Epworth
League and the midweek prayer
meati held on Theday eveolsg.
assumed the form of a farewell saeeb
ci Attar the program
luding an interfaith,/address' ill
I rspector Tom on Dominion Day, by
✓ ing by Mr. Duetting. a solo by
Mrs. King. and other number,, A. M.
Robertson on belted of the League
and the congregation of the church
expressed the sews of lose which all
feel in the departure of Dr. Dougall
and his family, 13y a a(eading vote
an expression of appredifioe of Dr.
Dougell'e services as pastor of tic.
thumb was given, and Dr. Dougall
made a '.sling reply.
fest week a very headstone chate-
laine , containing
was left at the ar a lyse for
Dolgall, as a parties" from the
ladies of the congregation. The fol-
lowing address accompanied the gilt :
Dam Yea Dove a u,.,--W eam IJP*.. *1
regard of• the theTidies doese K Nesta street boat
tl•o fee rsenstf ad rs r dear Bass. Teen
,resect treemehlp. ttlad•.iw cc mart ace
=vet of oaeot have ever l.e e a d.•
Faroe &s.eeswttr ..a tor.ty ares h...
voa w w sf >aeer eves
rand )a.Wea1 us is au twtr
Weawa ve alws~ r 1, .ppelsoonsly •rok Ms
neesall'. work and 1l that. durY.t his term
st paot.rate w ehfrcb he. k... k1.0111 M cad
, rwv r t dal:.5* ..wditie~wse'e[
(tar terhed who Me W wad reale gee en
to the present re with rue Bed ear men
d roar new h. w creme MrsS to hie
sac. whlnh res have testa ovy /
Mellen because oat -roves cad Heay.sh -
Sy Abmeek Chapter, D.O.E., for Shoot-
ing Competition in Herm Regiment.
A pleasing incident was the peesee-
tatlon on Moods afternoon of the ail -
ver cup donated by the Ahmeek Chap-
ter of Daugtters ofthethe Empire,
Goderich, eggifor meaL This cupition in
the lepre-
sented for annual competition between
teams selected from the gird Regiment
as follows : One team of officers, N.C.
0.'s or men from each company : one
team from the staff -these teams to be
selected by the regimental musketry
instructor, after the regular class
firing, and to consist of six bona fide
mem Acre of the above units whose score*
aggregate the largest total. The cup
is to tie held in the custody of the
senior officer of the unit winning it
until the Ant day of amp in the fol-
lowing year, when it is to be returned
to the president of the officers' mess.
This year the cup was won by •
team from F company IExeter), con-
eisting of Col. Sgt. R. Horne, Sgtu. E.
Elliott. R. Britnell and J. Kidd. Orpl.
K. Snell and Pte. B. Piper. Their
aggreg score was 904 points out of
on of the cup took
place on Monday afternoon Mrs.
Taylor, regent of Ahmeek Chapter.
making • brief but appropriate
dries. After congratulating the gird
Regiment upon the high state of
efficiency which it had robed. the
regret stater: that it was the bops and
yer of the member. of Ahmesk
uipter that it would never be neons
eery Mr the regiment to dlnplay Ito
bravery and nk01 upne the IH•4t of
batik, but, belipeevinng that the beet
r to >7 meatier*
ace •nd efAeieet
defence force, the Chapter presented
the cupr for %1ff Mdeyy inonfo eneourage
Nill greater eft
Mies Madeline alma. daughter d
Ila Shaw, (juin ted the cup
which woo r.•wiv with wv oW lata
',know lodgments from 14t_ -(L,1. Wil-
son and oali.r Akers of the regiment.
The representatives ret th. A .meek
chapter etas s afterwards entertained
et dinner by Lt. Col. Witness and hie
very Tem Lamrso► Name armee Conroe serame
At the Sunday morning ee vlc. Dr.
Doman thanked the lade.* on behalf
of Mrs. Dosgal.
On Tuesday Dr. Dougall in • similar
quiet manner was made the pleased
recipient of s suitcase umbrella and a
par of engraved gold cuff -links, gifts
from the adult Bible clave which was
organized by Dr. Dougall. This was
acknowledged by the retiring pastor
et the ng on Tuesday evening.
The sincere good wishes of the
people of Goderich follow Dr. Dougall
and hie household to their new sphere
of activity and usefulness.
r fibers.
e seammi ..A .`ate will ekev rmiof the
the ia+msteti!-_ -• 'm- eos A Termite (1r.. war( rsdtreeet Tse Amt b esder4rh b stew. Mahe
the hoe nem it a eucellgh
"tlsr..1 Ino,MAW„ *$1bl A
Morn are being made by the Y. M.
C. A. to -arrange • series of bsasb•ll
games amongst teams representing
the young men of the various'
churches in Goderich, for which
A. and Victoria mama r eepsclively,
and all . highly in gayer of the
captious'ealsteooa of such a league
and advocated efforts being made to
have another series of games is the
fall. After a general dieeu•don els to
wbat lines to follow to creme a more
lively interest in football among the
young men of the town. the meeting
was concluded by tbe singing Of the
It*Ilutal Anthem.
Ronda d Terminal Ezamit- --- Ford
Meg Wim Adamsr Scholarship.
The following are the peeeestag ee of
the total obtained by tie pupiue of
Furnas I. and II. and the oemiaeedal
form .f the collegiate I..tilute et
the recmt termisat ezwtaatloes.
Several pupils were absent from the
whole or part of their maseinatiog.
without notice, and will have to sat-
isfy the new principal. Mr. Huse, be-
fore being allowed to peas.
ream 1.
nooses Milliao
Elmer Robertoon
Cockburn Hay.
Harold Currie
Arlie Mathes=
Mamie Dews
Evelyn Pollock
Jew Young
Mas Redeaosd
Elva Kearney
masse McDonald
]Mai RRloege
Olydyy.e ][.Dowell
will 1111sssx..
Mary Davidson
eevlllyy Hallman
Jeaa Cott
Jay Sbaw.
MaryEva Beg•
Lura Bates
Grace ale
Lois Ch lenge .
Mos Matheson
Jessie Marquis
Loretta Austin
Jessie Foster
Mk Slathers
Ford 79
Celina Clark 79
JFloreeoe ames McClinton
Smith 75
less Omni. 74
01Pre MeMerthe 12
Any Wart 71George Case 7
lame Raison se
Allister Mann 07
Hooter *May 00
Jamie Johnston 68
Muriel Johnston SO
May Ran 42
Eleanor BBerloyle 61
Otephm Wilkee 50dO
Henry Hallman 58
Jessie McKenzie 67
y Ayyes 5•l
Olive1%ch ..arse 68
Geo McMwan c be
Glades McLean, 64
Maw Cork 53
Riva Jobaston, "'^' i 03
Cora Allen 52
Poi Drennan 51
D0110611 Matheson 61
Cora Washington 49
Unsworth Jones 40
Ruth Y..ung 49
Hp r.ed Robertson 47
Ylctor Newell 46
Aliens Clark 44
CorO1i8CIAL 4055.
Mary Lacey -86, honore in took -
keeping, scenography and typewriting
Beatrice W4s-a8. honors in book-
keeping, stenography and typewriting.
Hurley - tithing* 88, in book-
keeping Ida Currie- 80,oTit bookksep-
lag stenography and typewriting.
8tdie Wilson -73, honors in sten
npby and typewriting.
Delia Robinson -70.
Grace Wise- St
Kathleen Sutherland --84.
Hanel MacDonald -81:
Iris Warnock -86 (t o complete
The medal awarded in typewriting
by the Remington Co. was won by
Miss Beatrice Wells.
The Adamson Schobnhipe.
Then were no candidates this year
for the mathematical scholarship.
For the geoeral proficiency one, open
to pupils of Form II., then were
saves oandidates, who all did credit-
ably. The 'rimier is Ford King, with
an average percentage of 86. The
others were Florence Smith 80,
• penitent ie being offered by the As George Case 80, Colina Clark 79,_ Amy
emaciation. It is expected that four Werk 77, Jame. McClinton 76, Hector
McKay 08.
teams will compete and the following
provisional schedule has been drawn
Or•th st. v. Knox -July 3rd.
Bt. Peter's v. St. George's -Stay 14th.
North et. v. St. Peter's -Jett IM.h.
Knox v. M. George's -J a l y Mab.
8t. Peter's v. Knox-Aug.i* 4th.
St. George's v. North ate- Mogul 10th.
Um res, F. J. Rutland. Bert. Potts.
Dr. Hueter and O. L. Parsons.
The games will be played on the
Agricultural Park and the teams are
Lo arrange as to the time the gaaoas
wi11 continence, which will pro=
be 7 o'clock in the evening:
The Aral (game in the .edea of the
town football league was played in
Victoria Park lea Friday evening
the combating teams !wing the Y. le.
C. A. and Viceprisr. The remit wee
a win for the Victoria* by the *Dore of
3-1. This did not alter is any way
the *tending of the differ's' teams in
the l{epaag uoee the G. O. 1. natio proved
themselves on mother ores too to be
the leaders ie the sport and thea
champions rut the barn d Ooisrieh-
About 9 p. m. es the meld
the differoot maim assembled b 1714
Y M. C. A. rooms, wbe nt a debar
Inoehess of strawberries, lee trema,
cake end lemonade waft provided.
Af tree tie bad partaken A. if. •abset
sows provides t of t b. '1!. 111. /l. A..
mane the preseetation of the morph
sewldad by alt. A•.ossattas to the 111(t L tram. whir$ it wig M.«tea.
honor o<rM.rlding awed 1,e -they grasp,
Wawa v►iit that Anther " seR.nitl•-
tios b superior M ytk pi n look •
c s Addams, were flava gN by
Qappllrr Menp10ses, Jesse end the
wo. tom. Peter. of the O. O. L. Y. M. 0.
ea. a motel lasgert je t limo.
DO the mete of w W lrarryrr=Ii.e N•W : oe
w i... .t 2.. lees an*
giaeatir-meriege, or toitme for vendors. ear•
Monarch Shoe
YOU may talk about the u to -date style
of this shoe, the comforrof that and
the long life of the other, but if you want a
shoe that vies in style with the most stylish,
in comfort with the most comfortable and
in service with the longest wearing, buy
the MONARCH SHOE. There is
nothing one-sided about it. It's the shoe
of all-round satisfaction. The prices are
lower than most good shoes.
Barefoot Sandals, Lacrosse, Tennis and
Bowling Shoes now in stock.
Downing & MacVicar
- - North Side of Square, Goderir -
The Signal to January I st,
Magic Corn Cure -cures while you
sleep Sold by B. R. Wigle, druggist,
Goderich, Ont.
Tercet. invitee you to write ter
kw h.ad.em• eat leges. Ne re
oat{ew,r 0 err errs tram Jay
Mrd. W. Reew. Pre wesat
veeee and 51...'r t..
Opera Hose firecery
I have & fresh suppty
of extracted and comb
Chinaware, etc.
A good assortment of
China, crockery a n d
Glassware, to be sold at
June Butter
Choke June Butter,
in tub., specially packed
for winter use.
'Phone 164
.y 5oC
You don't geed to have
the slightest doubt about
any article that belongs to a
jewellery we. Make sura
"SG home .Here mid well
make owe of the net. Our
lines represent the foremost
thought In jewellery manu-
faeture•-they are the output
of the largest factories. Our
goods come to us fully
guaranteed -we pass them
along to year on the some
term. -that's why you never
meed to he in boubt if you
buy herr.
J. S. Davey
Jeweller and Optician
Kingston St, - Goderieb Smith side of Square, Gods/tell
THE BUT 1110H00.
wen. 7004O. OMT.
Oar gret
are la
e ase mato *at sus Ira
tlts.a the aha.. reels wee.
ae,, p^ and of per ..eat h A
some etcor+ee•w we. r••s•de
. t Ala *woe. n grabnarr wrye.
Tt•. amatory 'n pleat . Wi
etp tymre lawn •aaw •lri or+'•.tw•trK tgaWt,
ee. t.:ti .eras •Tut. morr nth taw fpsr
A. McLArwt me,
Excursion DETROIT
Steamer will Imre Goderich Friday, July 7th. at L2:00 o'c'ock,
night, arriving at Detroit 8hturdey, 10'00 a.m.
Fare for the rotild trip. 12.50. Tickets good for return leaving
Detroit Tuesday, July 11th, or 18th, from wharf foot of Randolph
street at 800 a.m
Tickets good foil Toledo, Ohio, if desired.
WILLIAM Lan, Agent, Goderleh, O.t.
A. R. Lan, General Mae ager, Detroit, Alien.
z l
--- ea.r p
Now on, and continuing until July 15
Money saved is money made.
We can save you money.
'Pt10146 ,741 THE SQUARE