HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-6-29, Page 4two-
.11 efi
MONDAY, June 28th.
Norse. -Dr. and Mfr. McClinton
and Mrs. Hill, all of Clinton, came up
by automobile and spent 'a couple of
days at the home of Mrs. W. J. Hall.
Mr. and Mrs. Coleman, of Clin-
ton, spent the weekend at the home
of Mrs. Thos. Blake Mrs. E. J.
KUpstrick is rioting her sou. Rev.
Richard TKilpatrick, in Brown City,
Mich The statute labor is duly
performed and we are suffering from
spoiled roads .. a ueoce
Angus McDonald, of St. Helene, and
his cement gang are veoeering Jas.
Saunders' house and the work is pro-
gressing rapidly towards completion.
Some of the boys of the line are
making use a the long evenings by
practising font ball.
TRueaDAY. June 22od.
LOTAL LocALA.-The cutting of alt
alta has commenced in this section.
Although a good crop was expected
the hailstorm of last week damagen it
considerably . .. Many of our citi-
zen are daily enjoying the maooeuv-
ering of our soldier boys now in camp
.t Attrill's ... ..Miss" Augustine is
sendiug up a large class for the en-
trance examination to be held iu
Goderich next week. We wish them
success ... ....John Young student at
Assumption College. Sandwich, is
spending the holidayseason at his
home here....... Will reen. of Sarnia,
is visiting with his parent, Mr. and
Mrs. Andrew Green.......Mrs. Fergu-
son spent several days with friends in
Clinton this week...... ler. and Mrs.
Berliug have purchased the Brindley
property and intend locating here.
They come from Essex ..... Mrs. Mc-
Gregor, of Detroit spent the week-
end with her sister, Mrs. Samuel Pot-
ter.... Mrs. McConkey, of Barrie, is
e guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
WEDN¢sDAY, June ?Sib.
DUNLOP DOINGS. -Thomas Jewell
has raised his barn and is putting a
cement stable underneath it. The
cement work is being done by Will
Brown. the well-known cement mac.
..Mr. and Mee Horace Horton
gave a house-warming party to their
young er lends on 'Nasdaq evening.... .
llfra 'Nasdaq C,ummiog•. of tins place. and
Miss Quaid. of town, took the early
train from Dunlop station oo Wednes-
day- morning, to Kingsbridge, via
Sheppsrdton and Port Albert, to visit
relatives. Mee. Cummings' visit is •
brief one : Miss Quaid will make •
more extended stay Gilbert
Coombe. of London, spent the week-
end visiting his cousin, Mrs. Tobin.
. )ewe barn been received here of
the death of William Young, of
Pontiac. Miele : formerly of Dunlop.
Mn. Michael robin and children
and Miss M. Quaid have returned
home after spending a few days at
8L Columban.
WsoxsaDAT, June 210th.
Ice ORSAM tioceee.-An las cream
social is wnounoed to be bold .t the
home of H. A. Horton next Wednes
day evening. July lith. The Black-
stone orchestra will be present to sup-
ply the ram. An enjoyable time
is expected and a welcome awaits all
those who attend. Everybody Dome.
TDseDA T, June 117tb.
Conte ATION SOCIAL. - The lawn
social given by tbe A. Y. P. A. onOor-
onation Day was a grand emcees. The
proceeds amounted to about 170. The
program, consisting of • bead obocert,
solos by Miss Sturdy, a pretty drill by
awn girt., recitations by Mas. Gibbs.
choruses by four boys and en address
by Rev. Mr. Cox. was much enjoyed
by a11. Rev. T. Hicks acted as chair-
men. The members wish to take this
opportunity of thanking all who so
kindly helped to snake the evening a
success. and to say that anyone inter-
ested will be made welcome at all the
meetings of the A. Y. P. A.
The Bishop of Huron was here
Monday evening and confirmed a num-
ber of candidates in Trinity church.
He is a splendid speaker and there was
a good turnout.
GARDEN PARTY. -The Henderson
Home Mission Society will give a gar-
aen party on Saturday, July 1.t at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
Johnston. Tra served from 5 to 8
o'clock. Admission 2bc ; children 15c.
Everybody welcome.
TUESDAY, June 27th.
bores. -Mn. Moore and two chil-
dren, of Detroit, are visiting at R. Y.
Cox's Mes. James McDonald and
son James took in the excursion to
Detroit last week. Among those
who took in the excursion to London
Oil Thursday last were : Mr. and Mn.
Peter McDougall and daughter Mar-
ion, Mr. and Ere. Thomas Betties and
two soos, Allen and Erland, Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Patton and Miss Maggie
Cox .....-Miss Annie McPhail. of the
London road, ie spending a few days
at home _ .. James Morgan, of De-
troit, visited in the neti'gghborhood
week Mks Blanche Tebbi4t,
Hawesville. spent a few days at
sister's. Mrs. Fred. Pickard's.. , ast
week Ruby Potter spent a few
days at Wm. Loeb's, of the Maitland
concession. last week.......The many
friends of Mies Olive Cox will be
pleased to bear that she is feeling bet-
ter again after her recent illness..... .
James Stirling wears . Mood smile.
A baby girl arrived at his tome on
Monday leaf.
WRDNR.DAY, June:eel.
BRtzes.-Mrs. H. Treat. of Chicago
with her two eons, is vatting at the
home of ber father. Jas. Johnston.
. ells' Isabel MacLennan is home
from the Goderich Collegiate Insti-
tute......A little daughter arrived at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J.
MacKenzie, 12th concession, on the
18th of June The Laurier school
closed today for the summer boliday.
Mee. Thos. Banton, of Detroit,
:5 visiting at the home of Mn. Ken-
neth McRae....... Frank Munroe is
improving nicely after the recent run-
away accident. r
Two of our young :nen. Hector Mc-
Lean and Frank McKenzie, took part
in an interesting debate at Pine River
on Thursday- night last. The subject
was. "Resolved. that the reciprocity
est between the Canadian and
nitenStates. Governments should he
ratified." Messrs. McLean and Mc-
Kenzie tool the affirmative, while the
opposite side wasresented by John
Shields and Ed. Dawson, of Pine
River .ection. The arguments oo both
sides were well presented, but the
judges -F. D. MacLennan, of Loch -
slob : Dao Smitb, of Ripley, and
Mayor Patterson of Kincardine -de-
cided that tbe affirmative bad won.
The debate was held under the aus-
pices of the Pine River Farmers' Club.
Mr. Montgomery, of Pine River, was
MONDAY. June hath.
HTMs"IAL.-The lemoe of Mr. and
Mrs. Jobe MoObaries, 2m411 0000eesioa
of Huron, was the .cede of a happy
event last Wednesday reveuintt,w
their eldest deught. 88.aee, aa�� was
united is the bonds of wedlock to
Thos. McDonald, a this section. The
oaretuony was performed in the open
air on verandah bRev. J. 8.
Hardie, pastor a the Aabseld Presby-
terian church. The wedding mush
was rendered by Miss Auol. oDon-
ald. The bride was attended by her
sister, Miss Mary B. MoCbarles, and
Rod. McDonald, of Colorado, brother
of the groom. was best two After
tbe ceremony the guesle, wbo num-
bered .bout a hundred, tat down W a
sumptuous repast which had been
provided for them on the lawn. Tbe
evening was pleasantly spent in the
customary amusements. On Tbun-
da} morning the wedding party drove
to Ripley and took the early train for
a bridal trip to Leatnington, Ruthveo
and other points. On their return
they wlU take up their residence oa
the groom's farm in Ashfield. The
many friends of Mr. and Mrs. McDon-
ald with them many years of happi-
ness in their new home.
Ne rue. -Communion seniors were
had last Sabbath in the Free Presby-
terian church here and were con-
ducted by Rev. Pfeil McIntyre, of
Stornoway, Scotbod, who recently
came oot to this country ha order to
minister to the congregatrons to Can-
ada belooging to the Free Presbyteri-
an denomination R. A. Grant
who with his outfit has been dnUinngg
for a few weeks on the eatburlaod
farm in Paramount succeeded last
week in reaching a oopious supply of
water et • depth of a little over 200
feet. It was hard drilling and
R. A. thinks that be has takeoff up
samples of nearly all the geological
strata deposited on the Lacs or the
globe. Fortunately the drill stopped
short c I .be regions of molten matter,
to the - real relief of all Tommy's
friends (C. is the energetic assistant),
wbo were haunted by the fear Lest be
might diaappear from this world on
tbe summit of a boiling geyser in con-
sequence ors sudden eruption. le
is observed that Postal Jimmie bas •
very pensive air these days. Is it
some budding Newton about to solve
some deep philosophical problem
which bas hitherto baffled the ages P
Or is le the first.agtoptom. of mono-
gamic fever. to which an estimable
young man tell a victim last Wednes-
aay'r TM words are anxiously
awaking dlevvlapseeets R.
McKenzie ts of the opinion that that
ramous advice at the celebrated Hor-
ace Grady, "Go west. young man!"
is all right Wedding belie are
ringing at the postotoe.
COXING AND Goin. -Murdoch Mc-
Donald, 12th concession, recently re-
turned from Albert*, when he has
been residing for a few months no his
homestead in that country. It is.his
intention, we learn. to leave here
again next feU. probabiv to company
with his family..., .. Mr.. Lennie, of
Hamilton, is at present visiting at
Mrs. F. MtDenald's and other friends
in the neighborhood.. Rod. Mc-
Donald left today on his return to
Colorado Mise Belle Ross arrived
from Chatham last week on a visit to
the boos of her mother, Mn K. Ross,
2od coneessi.. ..The following
arrived recently, the majority of whom
cisme to attend the communion ser
vices held in the Free Presbyterian
church last Sabbath : Rod. McKee.
zie, Detroit; Mrs. Rod. McLennan,
Ward,ville ; Phineas McDonald, New-
ton : Hugh eloott, East Williams ;
Mrs. Hugh McKenzie, Kincardine ; D.
Clark and Miss Mary Mustard. Bruce -
field ; Mrs. Ross and Miss McLeish.
East Williams.... Frank McKenzie and
Mise Mary H. McKenzie were visiting
friends in Berrie at the end of the
week .. Miss Dora Bugles and T.
Lumbers, of Toronto, are visiting at
the parental home of the former.
TUESDAY, June 27th.
Jorrneos.-Miss Mabel Wilson, of
Detroit, is the guest of her cousin,
Miss Betsy McAllister, at preheat
Mise Maggie Leddy, of Detroit, 1s
spending her holidays with her father,
Toile Ledds- William P. Brophy.
who has been attending college in
Milwaukee, is spending his holidays
under the parental roof........ Robert
McAllister and niece Mies Josephine
McAllister, visited Teeswater friends
last week......... Quite a number from
this vicinity attended the Donny-
brook picnic last Thursday afternoon
and report having had a good time.
The 8L Augustine Young Men's
Dramatic Club eotertaloed their
friends in Mr. Red,noad's house last
Friday evening. A very enjoyable
time was •pent by all present
Those who took in the Greybound ex-
cursion last week from around here
were : Joseph Brophy. Mighael Cum-
mins, Thomas Motabe, Mr. and Mrs.
David ('hamney, Lena end Mahel
Leddy and David and Betsy McAI-
lister...'....MissL nu. of Toronto, and
Miss Scanlan, of Walkerton. are vis-
iting iriends in this vicinity...... W.
P. and M. Kate Brophy nod Miss
Dean were Sunday visitors at Kings-
bridge ... .Mise Mae Redmond is
spending her vacation under the par-
ental roof.......David 11cAllieter and
Wellington Nixon attended the 1. O.
O. F. meeting at Dungannon on Tues-
day evening.
%VEDNr$DAY, June 21st.
BMW -N. -The choir of SL Andrew',
church and a number a their friends
were entertained on Tuesday- evening
of Lbis week at tee hospitable home of
Mr. and Mrs. John Reid, on the Front
road The members of the Home
Missionary Society of the Presby-
terian church held a very successful
sewing hes on Tuesday afternoon in
the hasement of the church The
Laws family will eosin in the program
oo Thursday- evening at the garden
yy on the Groben line Quite a
number Grobenber from this neighborhood took
is the (ars hound excursion to Detroit
on Saturday, amongst them Mrs.
Darrah. Mrs. Robs Blair, Wm. (.-
mond. J. Gairdner and Thos'. West-
lake .. Mr. sod Mrs. Clark. of De-
troit. and children arrived last Wed-
nesday to spend the summer in
Jowett's grove . Mrs. Procter. of
Binhrnok. and lire Beck, of Toronto.
are guests of their brother. Jas. Don-
aldson. this week.
TU Rs DA T, June 27th.
RRszzra --Mina F. M. Banbury. of
the Toronto public school .tag. re-
turned home nn F.tu.day to .pend 'the
simmer •ars tion Mises Luella
Stirling is speeding! • abort vacation
with friends at Milverton )ties
Dorothy Heath. •.f 1400d 0,11 and a
Meted are visit's; at tee horn* of Dr
Atkinson a Rankin family of
Detroit. arrived la.t week end wry
occupying their new rottages on the
river faint .John Beattie. of
Varna. ie conducting the entrance ex-
aminee -int bre* this week. Eight
fume the viilage and neighM,r•-
are writing this year The
Sterling Beak 1t moving its quarte•
aeeee. the etren to the Mudding
eetoed by Dr. Wnnde. which is Wag
rpaired sad Weed op Inc ata new tae-
• r
b Uric Vined is the blood.
VaheaU kidnaps an the
cause of the acid being
there. If the Wimp acted
as they Weald dewy would
strain the Uric Acid od
of the system sad &tuma-
ties wouldn't mor. Rhes-
matinee i. a KM..y Div
sae.. Dodd's Itidsry Pills
have made a guest part of
their repeaters
trail hartid
the pear of those
shooting Palos 'sad
acting jests. Than is
het one naw map -
This Week's Store News
contains a lot of valuable information for critical
buyers. Our summer offerings were never so good in
what goes to make up a stock needful for your
summer wants. You will find our ggo_ods up-to-date in
quality and freshness, and our priE;es are 41 right.
Pills Jiff
Tuesday evening. Everybody wel-
Hetes.-ioaao Currie and Min
Flora bare returned from the Wast
where they bad been making_ a
month's visit with their sister, Mrs.
Hoover .1. Denow, delegate to
the Sunday school oeovention at Baa
Francisco. by reached hie de.tinatioe
safely after an enjoyable trip
Miss Jickliug was the guest a her do-
irtet, Mrs. Conway, on Sunday
Reg. Ryan bet a bore. on Monday
..... David Wilms is suffering teem
a severe attack a tensilltis........ A
number from here intend taking In
the military tattoo at Goderich op
Wednesday evening.
W$DNxrDAT. June 28th.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Johnston and
family. of Dungannon. visited at C.
Beadle's on Coronation Day.
Jack Robinson is wearing tbe smile
that won't come off these days, as a
result of the stork's leaving a son and
heir at bis home last week.
Miss EM. Knox and Alf. Rollinson
attended Miss Wilson's wedding at
Brucefield last Wednesday.
The members of Belgrave Presby-
re.b -
terian cboir and their friends to the
number of about thirty-five picnicked
on the banks of the Maitland here on
the afternoon of Coronation Day.
The sports included a game of base -
bell between the ladies and gentlemen
of the party. the latter being allowed
to use only their left hand. They
spout a very enjoyable time.
Andy Fox and his twn girls, Greta
and Mb.. vlait.ed at E. Phillips on
Coronation Day.
Wm. Patterson raised his large
barn yesterday afternoon.
Lawrence Plaetasr is moving the
vacant house on his farm over to
serve as • kitchen.
Mrs. Ryan and two children. a
Stratford, are visiting at O. E.
Keret t'..
Front Sturdy. of Wingless. will
spend the surnaier with his uncles
Four pupils from our aehonl here
are writing on the eatraaoe at Blyth
this week
Those who aniseed in the Epworth
Leave. concert held here snore time
yin were the "meets of the awn herr. of
the League at a social held fro Mr.
Jacksons apasous leo r on Monday
night Croquet, 'merino/ and Mher
trsmes took up the earlier part of the
evening. then lee memo end cake were
ezcwnrot missionary prescreen eons.
d oftiamehlp eemritt e
AUieter Maas is boar fee lite A. League Preearius
U. L tine his vaeatie .
Our stock M too large and on Friday we wW
rjias sale iweotyyt-$and vs pisses. madat e up of Vs*price. • great chance togetLee cheap.about Youha
will tied a nice edge or laesrtleo trosa....lo to Se
in black mad fancy tummy colors, direct from the
seekers and at prices you wW find low for ibe
quality a the goods offered.
Fin 118c for 1 Bo. Six bloom, 18. for
i Sim This is a okaring up kit, voile weave. wide
widths and fast cobra. A real bargain. Other
muslin better qualities end, Al valuta.
SUI Antos
Just a few pieeei left at the following reduc-
tions. Sac for 1 So ; ffic for 1111111; rbc for 1•0.
There are sixteen pieces in this lot, aU good colors.
We are sh eayyss to the trout rank with
ith wpm* shades o
In all colors. bloat, tea.
lace effects. in sizes 4, 4i, 61.0. 7. 71.8. St!
Ilei and 10. Prices are M, to i�
ladles' Hoes, !pairs forage, ler sutra valise at
the price, fast and no segos.
SOCKSChildren's Socks in pink and sky. 1 Oe
to 1 Bo. Just right for the hot days. •
Only ooe huadred and fifty yards is this lot
and the prioi is Daly Sc. Not mnob mens then
halt -price.
On Friday these Waists, Skbrts and Gowns
wW be oa sale at about makers' prices and every
Doe new this season. The prices at which they are
marked wW clear them oat la a few days. Aimed
seventy-five garments 1n all.
We always take Ant piece with Print* because we buy the beet Bemuse make. 82 inches
wide, every piece fast color and none of them moue than 1 1110. Carer is the best, end it
always pays togs!. the beet. Oome if you want the beet.
ipekaow. ties eased ,dither mei&
plata and wtb beseetart5 Igtvs keii. satire
actuation to the bombe oileewhore
he win be band every day. AU mews met►-
V Dmwana roe th. Blseai le at the Pow
mdse will Le Reek received for su w
veeti.bn and job week sad � bo
wives tor animate esM the ease.
SCHOOL Rsrowr. The follows b
the report of U. S. 8. No. 17, Aeb
and West Wawandub, for the month
a June : Sr. IV. -Fern Wallington,
Norman Kirke. Jr. IV. -Harold
Rivers, Oliver Kirke. Sr. 1 I i. -Marie
Sproul, Gladys Nivel s. Sr. 11.-
Hsasel Walliegtoo, John Sproul, Stan-
ley Rivets*. Jr. IL-Winbifred Wal-
lington, Howard Sproul. 8r.. L -
Edna Riven. Jr. I --Rob Steamer,
Audio Sproul. *Absent most a the
mouth. E. 8. Mitt set. Teacher.
TUESDAY, June 27th.
LaWN ScxaAL,-A lawn social under
the auspices of the Ebenezer Metho-
dist church will be held at the home
of John Mills. concession 2, West Wa-
wanosb, on Thursday evening, July -8th.
The Blackstone orchestra is expected
to be resect Supper will be served
trom'6 to 8 o'clock. Admission 15c.
and 2iic.
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel
Pentland. was the scene a a pretty
wedding on Wednesday, June 21,
when their eldest daughter, Ruby
Alma, was united to George A. Salter,
a prosperous young farmer of Col-
chester. Esse. oounty. The ceremony,
wbich was witnessed by about thirty-
five guest*, was performed at 8 o'clock,
herewith with an arcb erected in the parlor,
which was tastefully dee.orsted with
orange noisome, ferns and marguer-
ites. Rev. W Conway, pastor of Nile
church. was the officiating clergyman.
The bride and groom were unat-
tended. The bride wan becomingly
gowned in a dress a cream voile with
satin and lace trimmings. The
bouquet consisted a Ameeican Beauty
roams and terns. Miss Edna Pentland,
sisterof the bride. played the Lobengrin
NVedding March. Atter congratula-
tions were offered the happy maple, a
bountiful supper was served in ire
tastefully decorated dining -room. The
giits were numerous and beautiful;
Th. guests from a diatanee ware Mr.
and Mee. Chas. Salter. of Harrow
Mitres Evelina and Sg Ivta Salter. sis-
ters a the groom, c[ Windsor, and
Mn. Webster and Miss ('antelon, of
Clinton. The happy couple lett on
the anemone train no Mender, the
bride travelling in a brown suit, with
hat, gloves and oboes to mateb. Be-
fore going to then new home in Col-
chester kir. and M n. Salter 0� 111 spend
a few days en mute with fiends at
Loudon and Exeter A host of friend.
wish rhes. all beppiness.
Cure('* Nnrwe The W M. v "at
home' en Friday last was an un
doubted suecees Tbe auxiliary bene
.rotertained the visiting 'menthe of
Danganeon. Oil low. Crewe and Shop -
yardtnn. Supper was served in the
nt of the church. atter which a
number of the members of Dungan
non and Carlow enei.ties rendered as
Mr. and Mrs Joe Carter spent MOS- Iious a masld and I lttsttry anew
.y in (Ixlprieh .The
a the Ogwortb t V a
wen ineresting p.trintie prowl ., Inc
TasaPAY. Jape 27th.
News or Tee Wsauc.-ll[ra. Wm.
Burkitt and two children spent Thurs-
day and Friday of last week visiting
friends at St.- Auggutuaattitoe.. Mas.
Geo. Bradford and cblldren, of Dun-
gannon, spent Saturday visiting at
Mrs. Bradford's, of this pine Mr.
and Mn. Gen Haines and Mies Wil-
kie spent Sunday with the latter's
brotber at Kiogarf ..._.Miss McKen-
zie, of Kincardine. spent Thursday at
J. H. Ackert's . ...Mr. and Mrs.
Alex. Nixon, of Blyth, spent Saturday
and Sunday with Wm. Burkitt.
Alma College.
She College closed its thirtieth year
in eitcumetances of greatly iscreaeed
prosperity. Tbe commencement exer-
cises included two junior recitals,
three examination recitals, and one
post -graduate recital. ill in music and
elocution : junior -senior banquet
Class Day : Alrna Daughters' re -union,
banquet and recital by Katherine
Hale," Toronto. Ont, : hacca'aareate
sertndn by Rev. F. W. Hollinrake. B.
A., Windsor : domestic science lun-
cheon : fine art exhibit ; Y. W . C. A.
annual meeting : and prize giving.
diploma' the diplua' and certificates
awarded were the following to stu-
dents from this section : Graduste
certificates -M. E. L, Mabel Elva
McKinley, Blake ; elocution. Amy
Pearl Hiles, Kinrardbte: Junior cb-
tiflcate, Louis. May Lloyd, Winghauu.
Registrar certificates, Ida Fulford
Joynt, Lucknow ; Vera Margaret
Dipper, Walkerton.
Redo from Kidney Trouble.
Sick kidneys snake you feel sick in a
number or ways and it is now known
that a nervous 000dltioo often results
from kidney trouble. When the kid-
• neys are sick
the whole ner-
vous system be-
comes irritated.
causing head-
ache, diszy
spells, fits a
"blues," n e u-
ralgic attacks,
rheu uratic
pain, weak.
eyesight dull,
tired days, and a constant inclination
to worry ever trifles.
Booth's Kidoey Pills strengthen
sick kidneys, cure backache. regulate
the urine and restore to normal condi-
tions. They are guaranteed. AU
dealers sell. 50c. hoz. or postpaid from
the R. T. Booth Co., Ltd., Fort Erle,
Ont. If you would like to test them
free write for a trial box. Sold and
=steed is Goderich by E. R.
W igM.
Near the G. T. It. Station
children often Need a laxative --but you cannot be iso
careful what you give them. Harsh
purgatives Yew**. bowels and p e. dm way for
Ws-1eg troehiss. Tbs sew
evasssat Y
does the work resat
Mlsoevely without Irritating dos bower
or oaadag say dineederl The thanes Mira them for they tause
lire esady. One of the atoll papular of lb. NA -DRU -CO preparations
us. • bon. 11 ret Arvin, V a, pee watd thm mead end se ale ewe thew re
Emileael Deer - (Zambia sf • Uel d, • - tai
Dr. O. Gordon Norr!tte DOUtirtiON SW!
thmologIsto says, referring to the infest& death cal•
from intestinal diseases and diarrhoea spread by tbe hoar
Rye be believes that the so-called harmless Ay is yeseiyt mei
big the death of thousands of isbata, mit IPA as
the germ of typhoid fever.
1 The Comforts
Don't swelter during the hot
weather. We have provided the
comforts of life for you in nice, cool .
two-piece Suits, a superior line of ).
outi ng Shirts, with separate soft
collars ; Wash Ties, Belts, short sleeve
Underwear, gauze lisle Socks, Straw
and Panama Hats -there's the whole
outfit ; what comfort you will have in
Your money is no good unless it
brings you comfort -spend it andihave
the comfort.
* FOR $2.22
Nothing so cool /sod onatortable those be.
stunmer evenings aa sitting out on the lawn or
verandah in a nice comfortable rocker. Deal trail
MK your good clumsy chairs. but pureness one of our
These are strongly made. big and roomy, bet easily
handled, and regularly sell tor 11E75, bet by prerense-
they last they will he troki for
- 4 'TV' OSP elk "Vis best ease purl* OUP pew Nara "
rid Pit Uses otthwalikagliesa Paws sloP4VP$101%.1.11,0P'001001tAgO.Pli-