The Signal, 1911-6-22, Page 8V - -w
C!i GIass
ifs Jane Weddings
CUT GLASS VA$E$, regular $3.75, during this We.
SUGARS. tegultr $4.50 sad
SOLO, during ib's sale.
$3.00 and 106.00
U WLS.regular$4.5Oand$5-e.t.
tiering ibis sale.
1$3.1111 and $4.00
Out Oise.• Bon Bnos, Spoon
Tiara. Knife Res's, etc.. etc. M
eim.lsr rrductIntts.
Ask oo see (4u: i'k..ced Silver
C&• 1@.. Fern Pots. Wbiteand
Geld Chios, Br.aa Jardiniere',
Art Potter), et .. etc.
The Colonial Book Store
(3lt(l POHTEK. Prop.
'P1.itee 1(t0. - Gc.lericti.
01 all the paints
yea can buy, ei bsr
prepared or eve-
ciallyaade, nes•
MU spread se easy,
mem so each sur-
face sad give each
.• ' gssd satisfaction as • i r
Pure Paints�m bbs wade noes is setwmeokldgtt
Y �'wr mear
lost ruiner pretest set
OW ode slee
lois ks hued• r, pit.
shrlr•awes *elms wows
' eenOr an-afry*�*.s� it
��a-r•*ls�walk ssssamisi�laiYsem�•M Um S&L wdi Osiers 7sf
An Opportunity for Those Going West.
On Tuesday. lime 27th, a through
touri+t Pullman sleeping car will
leave Toronto II p. m. for Winnipeg
and points on Grand Trunk Pacific
Railway between Winnipeg and Ed•
menton. loaf will run via Grand
'hunk Railwa System to Chicago
theoce connecting lines in eonbection
with '•horrwweke•i " excursions.
The rater. to tt•estern Canada are very
la'w : Winnipeg and return. $33, Ed-
monton and tetutn. $41. Tickets
good for silty day.. Proportionate
retch to other points in Manitoba. Sa-
skatchewan and Alberta. Tourist
car will he fully equipped with bed-
ding, etc., sole porter in )harge.
Berths way be secured at s low rate.
)till psrticulnrs and ti:kete from miff
Grand Trunk e.g. tit, or address A. E.
Duff. district passenger agent. Toron-
to, Ont.
Toronto. invites yon 10 write Oar
Its hendemne eatalagas. No va-
canoew. Rummer term from July
mrd. W. R. Seise. Pungent
ease s nd O.naed Rt.. rareinut.
We refer to a •umber of mew
articles le Out Glue pleoes that
arc mnderat> 1a price and for the
fleet time ebnwa. and made in
New patterns in Bowie at 94.1?'
Spoon pay's tat *3.044
Sugar and Oram at *4 440
Fern Diebes at 1117.50
Water Piteher..t Ir 5t'
Salt sed Pepper Shakers *Del
i•t $1110
We carry • no enpiete tine o1
Ot.t Glans. also a complete line of
weddhig gilts.
Water K Harrison
O. P R. Wake i e.peeter
d OetIela.
the Square
A. i[.Fenn, wee In Toronto oe a sheet visit
teat wen.
Mt} C. K. Mabee. of Detroit. Y meaning •
1,. days to town.
Mir Nina Kb..... M boons from Detroit o.
• three weeks' vacation..
D. 8. &eddsrt is visiting his woo. 14.. W W.
Stoddart. at Rochester. N. Y.
Mr. and Mrs. Kennel and Mies Mohair. of
Torsoto. are gamete at Ir. Pions.
Mn. J. J. Maollllatb .ad too Arthut spent •
few days at D.tre:t the part week.
Mir A1t� D(�trwt le is town and t. staying
with bsr tar Mn. W. Proudfoot.
Mr. 0.4 Mrs. D.iteswmq of Detroit. were tis
maid of Capt. and Mrs. Law.oa.
We am pleased to see J. C. L.Tourol out
amain atter en Ulnar of eavenl weeks.
Mr. and Mn. J. T. Newall sod children vl.
Red Meads in Detroit during the week.
Alto Jennie Neill'. Walker.We, le *pend-
ing her vaoatiw with relative@ In town.
Mr. Glynn, ofwr�s a .ort at W
ie A. st Polley y lalast ThuneW •d Fri -
dee. der.
Mr. and Mn. Jobe ikimauda, of Warn.
Web., are Um Runts et Mr. and Mr.. Geo. lio-
Mrs. Wm. Tilt, with MW Edna and Mad"Fred, were &moan the excur.loniste beta De-
MM. Mabel Dteklnro. of Detroit, wee the
guest w.of her bunt. Nn. W. T. Nursery. this
Mrs. Kept.' McDsIr.W. sod eon Willard
have returned borne after • yeaie abeam, at
the Soo.
MI. and Mir Millis Cox. of Lorin
Inkton. Dame up on the Ureyhorsd to visit
friends here.
Juba ('ox and his nista. Mir Alice Coot,_of
Chrome, were rirltisg at tie home of lira
Geo. (.ox for a few dere
Mi.. Green came up from Detroit on tie
Greyhound excursion &ad M the guest of Km
Redford while in town.
Mrs. St. Mies and MWS. Urlereon, of
I reit, were held&y visitors wIta lir. and Mrs
Thom. Hate. this Beek.
Mrs. J. The&treau and .oa Ralph. of Unroll',
spent the weekend with the tomer'. mother.
Mrr. Healey. Quebec street.
Hien Ano Laweoo spent the week -cod er her
bene in town end returned to Detroit on the
steamer Greyhound ou'1'uesday.
Mw Eine Sutherland, of Deleon, .pent the
week sod at her home in town. rnaning the
trip on the Mesmer 0reybound.
Dr. It. J. and hire. Hamden, of Detroit. and
Dr. J. F. and Mr. Harlon, of Rochester. N.
Y., visited their fattier last week.
Mts.. Mabel Jooee. of Detroit, waa • Grey-
hound excursion visitor to Uudertcb and was
the guest of Mrs. Cornell. Keys street.
Mra Mfnkle and daughter Mir statist, of
Clot eland are the gge�nets of Mrs. Minkis's
.mother. Mr... Ed. Graaam. East deet.
Kr. end Mr.. K C'. Remelt. et it•aikerrille
rams up on the keamer Greyhound sod visited
Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Swenson, /truce street.
Clinton News -Record : Miss Lsura Wilton
left ea Moeday tor tooderich.wbere she 111 en-
ien the millinery sseeon with Hodgen. Bros.
lire. W. Rome and family, of Toronto, ere
visiting the lady . mother. Mrs. A. Bosse. Lee -
baro. end her sister. Mai U. H. Green. town.
Dr. Alfred Holmes, of Detroit, was up on the
(teyhornd excursion to visit hls aunt, etre. R,
W. McKenzie, &ndwther relatives In town and
1 vlialty.
'r, and Mrs J. T. Hamill. of Detroit, muss
on the steamer Ureybound Inst Friday and
t the weekend the .name of Mr. and Mrs.
.. \.Ices
Mrs. 0. e. Eadie and daughter. Kathleen, of
Manchester. Eoglsnd, an the guest& of Mr.
wad Mn. John thereon. Victoria street. The
ladies are sisters.
1 Mrs. J. H. Wood mod baby. of oreact Ari.
zona. arrived In (oderich Tuesday evening to
the summer with her parents.. Nr. and
n. footer. South attest.
D. W. Oreeo. who has been in the oil fields et
Fellow. California. for the part ear or more.
',mired home last week He is a brother of G.
H. Green. Hamilton street
Judge Holt who I one of the prominent lay-
men of the Church of England In this dino.,s,
wended the meeUng of the diooeeaa 8l
had at Stratford last week -
5.1 .. Munn. of R pbyand r Atlanta Mo -
Lean. of Detroit, w. e v ting reload@ la town
this week. MI. t Lean will spend the sum
mer with her parer., at KlntaU-
Mro John It. ('ralgle. Dederick. announces
the engagement of her daughter.
Albert 11. Johnston. of Seeketoon, _Seek. The
marriage *Ulace l take peerie in Jill/.
H. H. Morton. who has been ao0ounlant ta
the Union Bank here the past year, teff this
week to take a similar posiUoo with the Mon-
treal once. Ha I .ueoeeded by L. L. Frost.
who come. from Kingsville.
Mr. and stn Richard Parsona and their sop.
Fred. and daughter. Rhee. were in tows ter a
day or two. Mr. Perrone ee0 his family are
now llviog at 81. Marys. where Mr. Parsons le
managing the Parsons syndicate *tore.
W ore.
dole. Rutherford eDeegan. MHer-
tense Soothes, and
Harold Young. all of Do-
tree, wore visitors with Mrs. Walter Sharman
for tow day The} mute op from the Chis
et the 8ttasl on the Greyhound excursion.
V.Majof Toledo, O.. end her ister-
in-law. Mrs ohns of Detroit. spam
In town with, Mrs. Major's pat e�nls. Mr. &p
1 Mrs. A. M. Polley. Mrs Paltry left ea Tue.
day with her daughter. oo • visit to Toledo.
Amook the ngers of the steamer OF -
bound last Iy were Mr. and Mrs,
ward Emery,Jack Daffy, Mr, and Mrs -
llem Green and daughter, 1Yaheti. who were
guests of ,Mrs. J. Bedford. IAabtiewosetreet.
during Utdrstay ia town.
Gordon E. Wlghtroan, aearn wallos-Hud•
. o0. N. L. M ming • .Met holiday In 0ot4s,
rich. He has besinn engaged to nasal
missionary work at this point far the Ian thuds
• 'ana will work rurn to MM duties in • Mr
pwrenuyagrees with Atm
Mrs D. MacDonald and Mn. A Tbuisvr
end �w4dd�auuggh�ter. of W N
visited at Jp
Maot)op's, Glovessthr Tertwos the weak,
They bet on the steamier Oreybon dorso ...
day for • tnonth'e mention it Pat
Gott and other points.
Rev. F. W. Stephens Mr.. Stephens wad
da%gttt&r, of Detroit. and the ggeo.tts.o.'s
mother, stn. 8tpbeo.. of Yowiervine, arrived
ea the rt s.w Oreyboad on Frdae t& visit oi
the boors of *1 S. Geo. Harris. Elgin ammo.
Mrs P. W. Stephens and baby are rotaaistre
toot a denser von
Mew. That. B. Steelton, of burettes. L C.,
with her danskter With. is v1ttng wits
and Mn. A. toe, David's street- 8be
I a dwrghNr-ledaw and Mrs s.
and was called mat owing to Use death*? Mr
tatter, John May, who died at Toronto two
weeks ego. The deceased was a former ow -
chant at Oshawa - -
*R$ARDON'N.--In Dederick. ee Joe 13th. to
Mt. and Mr.. Wren Showdown, • sea.
EAGLE. -•t, H4 oe. on heal Mr. and
Yrs.rsFM.O Eagle.
0 ,•moss
WH11)DON At li.yeed, oe June 4314.Mary
Role, wife of John Whddon, aged 31I years
MUMKOL-At FayettevW. N. C.. On Mos
day. dome 41118. Charles Merron, formerly
of Dederick.
µ('HW ANIL-In Colborne tgwp-blp.. Theta
day. Joe tend. Henry 11 esawus see Of
Mr &d )Sr' MkMsel Hebwa.aseed fp
v,wea ' month0 and a days
FRgl.;R JI)RDAN, At lido mann. 4.. tai..
on June 44th. b Rev. fir .eR�
=forttow tP Q adwYd J.r
5,84 wap Tieseb M
W L�rIfOdN -8 PIO 111 4.. Atsthe bores of the
J.n� Itch, kata,:h"'L°� Ada nee'
to Remo tieis. or inwdeeY,h ea i) apverL
wrLLt$-CRAW t)RD. At Dungannon. on
'flarsdar. Jana lend. by RevvJ. W. Robin.
eon. of Leaden. Idler Onus
reeoat�. darter R.y et Wr. ase Yea it ane 04 Poen 3.449=
l .
YkLCER- thW.ND>-at .l[ r.Orwrat
n 010
WMwx.1e. Re hA`a
�redp tt G.«s. A- . at fair. t'oaL
I a OM se. .• a lrik r. Jw
lye.. . ta.:° � •oat{cr�:� ' "'7„ aw' ♦r .. ,-7�.
Ai♦ n aie
• a 2
SATURDAY anti -MONDAY, 24th and 25th.
A whole store full of specials for this Month-end Sale. A fitting wind-up for a record-breaking
June business. Not one single solitary item advertised here but is worth coming for. Exery price
stands for merchandise of undoubted worth, and every price made low enough to make a clean
sweep of these specials before file doors close Monday evening. .,
Extraordinary Embroidery Offerings
3000 Yards to Sell at - ;
5c, 8c, 12c, 14c and 17c •
There is going to be some great embroidery,
selling here next Saturday and Monday. We have
set out to sell more embroidery in these two days
than in any six.days before. 3000 yardk, part of a
big purchase from a Swiss manufacturer. A decided
saving on every yard. Cambric Embroidery and In-
sertion, good patterns, strong edges. All widths up
to 18 inches. Prices low enough to make it worth
while to lay in a supply for a year or two ahead.
Embroidery at 5c
Twelve or fifteen patterns genuine swiss Embroidery
and Insertion. all good qualitiee. Regular values up tolOr.
('omrmenciog Saturday morning your choice. per yard... JC
Swiss Embroidery, 8;c
Embroidery in this lot worth up to I:x per yard. 600 or
700 yards to choose from. Splendid Qualities and good Q1^
desigOboice commencing Saturday [Horning, only... 02�.
This Lot at 12c
There are Embroideries in this lot you could pay 20c a
yard for and not be paying too much. Heal gond qualities
they are, and patterns suitable for any Pui pose you can
use Cambric Rebroidesy for. 500 yards at least at this
price. and your choice per yard. only .... 12C
This Lot at 14c
Four hundred yards at this price, and they ought to sell,
lots of them, at 25c a yard. There is absolutely nothing the
matter with them whatever. Many of than widths par-
ticularly suited for trimming white underekirta. very
strong edges. Choice of this lot, per yard 14c
Some Extra Wide Ones, 17c,
Three hundred and fifty yards at this price, extra wide.
fine yuaiity, go6d designs. If we had not bought this lot as
we dd they could not have sold for eosb money. Choice
of this lot Saturday morning at. per yard. 1 %C
500 Handkerchiefs, Half-price •
This 13, (beyond a shadow of a doubt, the greatest
Handkerchiei event in our history. The highest -grade fancy
embroidered Linen Handkerchiefs itel t at halt their
regnlar price. Theca are exceptionally wee good.. Most
of them sell in the regular way Mak t.0 $1.Ri. Oomnencing
Saturday moaning you will find a table full of them -
you can take your choice for
Ellsctly Half-price
A Clearance of Plain
and Fancy Lustres 15c
A special purchase of pilin
and fancy dress Lustros,
about 500 yards in the lot.
In navy, black, red. green.
brown sod grey shades.
Regular 25c and 35c qualities.
Choice of the lot for Satur-
day and Monday at the very
low price of per yard 15c
54 -inch Tweeds;•,
Clearing at 23c
• Here is another very un-
usual Drees Goods bargain.
54 -inch Tweed Suiting, suit-
able for drosses, skirts or
children's coats. Worth two
or three times this price.
Clearing Saturday and
Monday at per yard ... 25c
36 -inch
Shantung Silk 55c
Fiftyarils only genuine
imported Shantung silk ip
natural 001or, rough finish.
Good enough to sell for $1.00.
Clearing for Month-end
Sale Days at per yard.
Navy and Black
Serge 77c
Two soda may all - wool
a Berge. navy or black Firm
strong weave. Good for any
parpoee you can use tor. Special Saturday
and Monday. per yard / / c
Mark Venetian 50c
One aid only all -wool black
Venetirs cloth. Rich satiny
finish. Will make up service-
able malts or skirts. Special
Saturday and Mon- 0c
day, per yard �M
Heavy lack Serge 50c
Just one end heavy all
wool lick Nuitiag f!a'ge
Regulate standard quality.
Good lbw suits or skirts.
Saturday and Monday s/�.
special per yard only 5Uc
Plain and fancy Summer
Belt.. Half-dozen distinct
designs. Nearly . all colors
repre.eated. Regular up to
50c. (Lsering Satur-
day and Monday, each
2 Pairs of Hose 25c
Five bandred pairs Cotton
Hoes just from the mill, ab-
solutely fast color. full finish.
standees feet. A decided
special ter Saturday and
Mo.d..t 2 pedes 25c
for yr
Ribbed Tan Hose
2 pairs for 23c One _
hrtsdred path riblrcri
cotton QOM toes/slam feet,
pod fir•Ai weave. Very spec-
ial indeed for Elatur-
ley anleoday, 2 tar 25C
�-- ---
Would You Save on some
High-grade Underwear ?
You can if you have no objection to buying
samples. With the Sample Dresses we got about
thirty - five pieces of Sample Underwear, mostly
Gowns, Skirts, Corset Covers. Most of them are
higher -grade garments than we usually keep in
stock. They are the cream of a leading manufact-
urer's stock for spring, the lines he sold out fir. -t
If you want something a little better than the
ordinary, come and see these : they will be selling
Art one-quarter less than regular prlr-
Ding lysrfstrs
Bath Towels. 2 for 23c
Seventy -Ave only heavy
Turkish Bath Towel -07Z
and fawn shades- `Splendid
'qualit . All very special for
ly and Moatday flu
at 2 for .-........
A Better Bath 'rowel
These Towel. ere *tetra 1*rge
size and heavy weigbt. They
are a quality that sellsevery-
where at 35c. Part of a spec
ial purchase direct froom the
English makers. We offer
them Saturday and 25c
Moody at each
Table Linen 63c
This is an exceptionally
Ane quality belt - bleached
pure Innen Table Damask. 1t
is a guiulty that sells regu-
larly at 90c and will were
three times as long as the or-
dinary Table Damaskat51.
It will bleach quickly. Very
special Saturday and C?
!Monday. per yard ... WC
25c Indian Head 20c
One end only extra quality
Indian Head. This is better
than we ever sold before for
the same mosey, in fact a
ffimisfit c qmey, Very special
Saturday and Mon- 20c
English Repp 35c
One end only genuine Eng-
lish white cotton Repp,, full
24 inches wide -note the
width. Splendid for wash
dresses or suits. Just in this
week. Saturday and "I
Monday, per yard ... .
Hundreds of
Handkerchiefs at 5c
Hundreds and hundreds of
Har:dkerchiefn plain or
fancy, ladies' orgentlemen's
•ices. Part of a big cleating
krt we got at very much be-
low value. Saturday and
Monday we offer them 5C
at each
Or • for 25.
A (food Parasol 98c
These Parasols have top of
ggeethioe Auktrian a gloria.
The frame and rod are solid
steel handle polished wood
with born top. F i f t e e n
to sell Saturday and Moo -
day M the very low (1►Q �.
pros of sets
Fancy Parasols $1.95
Fifteen 'army Paranoia,
plain white embroidery or
Camey silk, various designs
and odor& Clement( Satur-
day and Monday $1.95
at each .7J
Yard -wide Carpet SOc
One pattern only heavy
wool Carpet, extra quality,
odors guaranteed. Nice de-
sign in green and red shades.
Special for Saturday n^
and Monday, per yd. 511.
A Union Carpet 29c
This Carpet is full yard
wide. There are two good
pattern., both reversible.
Heavy weight, splendid for
sod Monday per yard 29C
Satin Quilts 51.55
Six only genuine white
Satin Quilt& These area fine
light weight no much in fav-
or at the present time. They
have the appears of a
heavy quilt bat aresmuch
finer and lighter In weight
Regular $2.0Q Special for
Saturday and Moo- �1 •��a
Moo -
day only
More of
That White Cotton
Saturday and Mneday we
will have read another lot
d that ill white Cot-
ton we ars ealling in 5 -yard
ends at. per sed, 41N Q $c
wad Wl.
These are two of the beat
cotton bargains we ever
offered our ouatnssrs and it
will pay yew to lay ha a sup
ply to do you for sora time
to para.
Th. ' tate qualities in 10 -
mo -.i lmsgtbs et Na and
Unprecedented Millinery Bargains
One big feature of our June Month-end Bargain
Days will be the very unusual bargains the Millinery
Department will offer. We have been using every
spare minute'the past two or three weeks getting
them ready, and Saturday and Monday we will offer
you your choice of nearly one hundred Trimmed
Hats -Hats that are trimmed as our milliners know
how to trim them, at half their regular value. We
can do it because we bought the shapes and trim-
mings at half-price.
20 Children's Hats at 51.43
Twenty Rats fr r children all new shapes. trimmed with
sirs good to imroiogs. each Hat gotten up is our best style.
If marked in the regular way they would .ell at 62.75 $1
to $8.50. Choice Saturday-w.rrning each
40 Ladies' Hats at 51.98
Not one of the forty but would be considered good vales
at $8.50. Most .worth 54.00 to 14.50. The shapes are the
newest, both light and dark eoloring- only good trimmiwp
used. Hardly a shape t bat has been in the .show room
more than a couple of weeks -Nee them in the window. Si
Choice commencing Saturday normo! at
40 Ladies' Hats at $3.38
When you see these Hata you will wonder hob we es
sell them at this price. We simply could not do it if withal'
not made a most fortunate purchase ouroless. The season's ' "
newest and best abapse, white, black and cola.. -
with nets, towers and wings : Hate that are worth MAO to
each • each. Ohotee of the lot Saturday morning, a 3 Q
5 Yards White
Flannelette 48c
One hundred pieces Ane
quality pure white Fiaoorl-
ette, soft finish, in 5 -yard
lengths. Ready for Satur-
day and Monday, per A Q �„
end only yQ�,
Embroidered Jabots
and Dutch Collars
2 for 25c
One hundred new Swine
embroidered Jalnts a n d
Dutch Cellars, a dozen or
more de,ig.s. Regular 80c
and Mc qualities. Clearing
Saturday and Mon- 25c
day. 2 tor
Gingham DrLSses
A lot of children's Ging-
ham Dreesls just in from the
factory. Neat designs and
fast colors, Scotch Ging.
barns, email or large broken
check.. Sista 3 to 14 years. -
1111 acial value at $2(bl��
.Ilio to�jj
Tweed Skirts 52.35
Six only Tweed Skirts,
sada from good quality 1 ht
color tweeds. A splendid
thing far summer wear.
dayda. $2 35
Allover Embroidery,
Good quality Allover Em-
broidery. neat on
strong cambeit. A etrdid
thin'` for children's roves.
Special Saturday and 25c
��M((onday. per yard ....
Waist Embroidery,
Six pattmee new Elwin
amhroid . New designs
ea fine muslin- These Sm-
broideries are very suitable
for making the popular
kimono waist or can be used
for the front of a waist made
in the orddinary style. Spatial
leatordaand 13c
per yard. onlyMonday I
Allover Aprons 98c
A shipment of new All-
over Aprons. These are
made from gond quality
striped gtagbanr cwt full
Rise to cover practically the
entire dress (Ittaranteed
fast colors. Decidedly 9 c
special value at. each. 98c
Fine Net, lac
Three endo only fine dress
Net, cresin and ecru +Andes.
37 inches d tide. Saturday
and Month(►, per yard 1 5 _
Nets and Allover', 47c
A clearing of Faille and
fancy Nets and Aileron, 18 •
to 8t inches wide, cream and
ecru shades... '`` 47c •
Large Flannelette
Blankets, 51.57
Twenty-five pairs Flannel-
ette Blankets, white
Largest size. These ars
seconds, which means
there might be some timet
defect which in most asses
will not interfere with tib
wear. Sold everywhere at
$1.75 to $2.00. There twenty.
Ave pair. special for Saw.
day and Per pair only may, �1 .57
A Very Fine Lawn
1 Two hundred yards One t
quality India Lawn, Suit-
able for waists, dresser or
u▪ r and Non 12iC
Short Ends for Skirts
and Dresses
black and
avy Dir sip
nearly all kinds represented.
Lengths run from two to
four and a half yaed.. Ohae-
ing• .bont gas -thy 1 d isssth e.
Coats and Rata Coats
Black Cleat*, thaws Doane
and Rein Goat. -twelve a
fifteen in all. a cleating lap of
various lines of which we
have cooly one of seek left.
Regular $6.00 to $11.90. Clew -
tog S.turday and $3
Monday at.
Clearing a Lot of Lace
at 8c
on .mile to apt ll morninot�black
and ordered Lace and insst-
tiowa Bone an short
lengths and o t h e r e a r e
pesctieally two . BitingLLeeee a lar
lige to 140. Clearing Satur-
day and Monday at, per Q �,
pant cagy ... • • 5.. Ol.
One-third Off the Price of Children's Dit+esses
We have been fortunate in securing twsrfty-Aye chil-
tdywa'dvangents White Drones. Souse are vafew
expensive. ha none to be railed "dear. may
are. Uy made garment* and good et la.
piers roe boas $1-i to M.0 . Sneak/ea, pit»
dais the sours twenty -Ova u year a for M
One-third Less than Regular Price