HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-6-22, Page 5z‘,..;t'',..v
)ff nearly
nese big
will be
.n ,r
nd 26th
in Days
ie history
on a few named
3 -to -date, seasonable
sale -bargains on
now when we say
ke. If you want
1 come here next
n this sale for you.
;h Shoes
! ME
but the up-to-date style
to comfort of that arid
ether, but if you want a
le with the most stylish,
most comfortable and
longest wearing, buy
SHOE. There is
bout it. It's the shoe
:tion. The prices are
xl shoes.
Lacrosse, Tennis and
in stock.
Sc MacVicar
Square, aoderich
ovate std to
t F
n for a wedding , IF -
)nth ? If so, this , x. ' 11 -
come. Nothing _:;;' F
s a nice article of J "` . F
I impress upon
ating housekeep•
the necessity of
irniture from us.
it complete stock,
And an extra dis-
l'HoassuAT, Jerez :S, NII a
Kindergarten °goring lurCiese.
The &teaR.••ut k�
school will be bold on 'Wednesday,
June Vett'.
ensecs sad all interested
03 listees are oeedtafly invited to
►,e reseal et Vietotia .sboom kinder-
garten at 9 o'clock.
Teacher grlpased.
A quid ....tint[ o�f the public
school boat+ wits held as Monday
eoluilt to cs•ier Ik. ap dor
tove[ill the positlooosof teacher at the
Central school. rendered tuaant by
of Mise Dunlop. Ten
were received and it was
ddeecciided to accept the services of Mise
Watson. who to a teacher la the pub-
lic school at Lindsay. The salary will
he Mia Watson holds a first-
classg certificate and received bee brain-
ingat the Faculty of Education, Tor-
onto. She has the temut w. sof being
a ver? sueoessful teacher.
TM Greyheund Trip.
The Greyhound szetnaloo had its
usual good luck in the we. of fine
weather And the event pared
oft most
suooss•fnlly. Ilts steamer arrived
Friday evening frost Detroit with
about 880 p•asemgers, and tbe caste
evening it sole a a on the lake
with 1,900 people on board. About
800 of these tame in from outside
points h nada trains ea the O.T.R.
and C. P. R. Saturday morning the
Greyhound lett for
with 800
passenger*, wbo had tht They trip
to tbe City of the 8tratts
arrived home Monday night, and on
Tuesday morning the Greyhound left
once more for Detroit, taking back
most of those who h•4 corse up o0
A Surprise Party.
Immigrants Jo the number Of
twenty-four arrived in town, unan-
nounced. from Ri •1!Ltrn tTuedhe
evening. and
town officials had • busy time of it on
Wednesday securing employment for
the men and worsen and a plane of
'abetter for the different fawilies. All
the heads of the f•mIU.s were fortun-
ate in securing work in town with the
ezceppttleo of one who west from here
to Brantford. The four remaining
flunks are established in the old St.
Andrew's ward school building. and
any contrfbutioae of bed clothing. etc.,
would Its gratefully received.
Toe Much rimester.
On the arrival of the 20th Middlesex
Regiment via O. T. R. on Monday, the
baneful effects el "Irewater" on the
eoaathuttos oe • number at the red -
men of the regiment were very much
in evidence. Six Indians. battered
and bruised as • emelt of a quarrel
among tbessselves while es the than.
were takes, in theme by the police
and placed is the cells at the town
ball. Several others *bowed the
effects of alcohol in their demeanor.
but tbeir behavior was not so had but
they were allowed to accompany
the regiment to the camp grounds.
The six arrested were allowed their
freeiom an Monday evening, but were
bound over to appear before the
magistrate on Tuesday evening. when
they were a.seseed tut each.
(IR $ CO.
e aselek fee par memo
umumR!!! ove!+1t!!! '**
Huron -Perth Baseball taagus.
A double echedue of games bas
peen arranged for the Huroo-Perth
Baseball Leagu., aa follow.:
r1.er sastaa
June I2 -Clinton at Mitchell
22 -Mitchell at Godericb
20 -Mitchell at Clinton
July 7--Godericb et Mitchell
13 -Clinton at Godme&
" 21--Goderich at Clinton
ascotrn slraat>es r
.luly 3t, --(Tinton at Mitchell
Aug, 4 -Clinton at Ooderiob
14 -Mitchell at Goderieb
•' 17 -Mitchell at Clinton
" 34---Godericb at Clistan
Sept. e--Onderich at Mitohe!
The June 12th game et Mitchell was
Postponed on account of rain to June
19th. when Clinton woo by the score
of 6-,4.
Harbor Notes.
The steamer Wexford was here last
1•1-iday with a cargo of 96,000 bushels
of wheat for the Big MW.
The steamer Turret Brown arrived
last Saturday with 184.000 bushels of
wheat and oats for the Elevator Com -
The coal boat H. N. lex cleared on
Wednesday afternoon after unload-
ing a cargo of nnal from 8anduaky, for
the Big MN.
A c r of oouatruotloe machinery.
which was used in the erection of the
new elevates. toe the Big MW, was
shipped this weak by the Canadian
Stewart Co. to Joequiere. Quebee.
where that One has a large nootraet.
All the eotcrete work oa the job here
is completed and the millwrights are
busy instaliinLtbe maobinery.
For a Gift to the Queen.
Her Meimedy Quote Mary hes been
grsciomty pie•sed to accept from the
(anadies Headicrafte Guild a °naps -
(n gift repeesrntative d the handi-
O•nadien erafeworkrn in
westing, hasketry, leather work.
metal work, pnttery, book -binding,
earvinrr. Iaee-making and other crafts.
To a Oodericb young lady, Miss
Margaret Strang. wbo has taken an
active interest in the work of for
Guild, feu the honor of receiving a
commission to supply a mailmen
the for m eftn thettheMho Rtia to fintabed the basket, wbleb
is a beautiful piece of wet. several
weeks a sad It bee bees forwarded,
skilled workers in differs[ parts of
ranada. tor presentation to Her
NThe Oneadlen Handlorsfta Guild,
the headquarters of whleh is at Mu-
tual. was founded with the object of
es'wrvtng some of the Canadian arts
which teemed to be is danger of ez-
theetion. le 1006, atter several ream
of seacental week In holding exhibi-
tions. and in other ways stimulating
interest In bre aims of IM l4niid, a
starter wee obtained. and sister tinct
time the tnnvernent hes bevvioped
M46SinewIllne almost ore bun-
bitlene leave gest Out hots
Go(iri, to Rnglssd, beiand. Au -
Walla, the 1'ntted Stales and many
Parts of (lase ie.. As i result of the
1Mnmest neer staid saes emetng b
' t and n - mea are bet revived,
and a t+•-6' 't• ,r, naris,[
A Demonstration of Pruning.
Prof. Crow, of the ()meds Agricul-
tural College, Guelph, will give a dem-
onstration of pruning at the farm of
G corpre Lithwa:ts, Huron road. on
Monday, June 9Atb. It is desired that
tis many as possible of the fruit -grow-
ers of the district will be present.
Tog Day for the Hospital.
nbeetiog of the ladies of the town
will be held Monday evening next,
June 280, at 8 o'clock, in the court
house, under the auspices of the
Daughter. of the Eau re, to disease
the advisability of bold a '•.ag day.
on July 12th in aid of he hospital.
AU ladies interested are asked to at-
Another Presentation.
Ou the eye of her departure for the
Old Country. Mrs. M. Turnbull was
the recipient ort a pressed from the
Girls' Auxiliary of St. George's
church, in the fors of a beautiful silk
umbrella, silver mounted. with her
initial engraved thereon. Mese. Turn-
bull wishes, througb Use Signal, to ex-
press her hearty sad sincere thanks
to the donor for their handsome gift.
She left es Tuesday, accompanied
Mise Griffiths. for Montreal, where
they take the steamer Lake Manitoba
for Liverpool. Tbeir many friends
join In wishingthem a pleasant jour-
ney and an eoyable stay in the Old
Dominion Day In Dederick.
Dominion Day iso near at band, but
with the popular interest, centred in
the atlitaty camp it has en far bees
neglected. A celebration may yet be
arranged however, under the aus-
pices of the "Old-timers" baseball club.
The Essex FuuWmr* it is expected,
will be here our Dnainion Day, and
it is proposed to have an afternoon of
military tactics and baseball on the
Agricultural Park, with music by the
bands of the Emelt and Huron regi-
ments. The project has not taken
definite shape, but a ftutber an-
nouncement may be expected In a few
Cut Off in Early Life.
On Saturday. 10th inst., the death
of Ella Mary Cousins. wife of Fred
Cousins. took place at the home of her
mother, Mrs. Henry Robinson, corner
of Plcton and Watioreo streets, after
an Hines, exceeding over 'ix mouths.
The deemed who the eldest daughter
of the late Beery Robinson, wbo de-
parted tit' ate last December, and she
was only is her twenty -flat year.
About two years ago she was married
to her now bereft partner and until
tbe beginningd bar illness Az
mostbs ago ty had resided in De-
troit. Since the death of her father
she lead been at her home here, where
her Ole gradually ebbed away, the
ultimate result of a cold contracted
previously to her coming home. She
was a young lady who enjoyed the re-
spect and esteem of a large circle of
friends and her early deatb is deeply
regretted. Her mother and one sister,
Celia. are left to mourn bee loos. The
funeral took place on Monday afpa�
noon, 12th Inst., to Maitland ceme-
tery, Rey. Dr. Dougall conducting the
funeral service. The pallbearers were
Chas. Muir, Harry Hunt. W. Keffer.
Ernest 8warts. i.selie Inkster and
Dan. McDoeatd.
`lnng w tie other Widen made by
8g.a ,sol8sylb ,cds4teaeee
ls. •e *ewe
=I =se.ta
t`' ld an 11m ea et -
t erstags . be ewe t. ..0.
re•� tepee
t►�ssYsofbegoeo�ethe WYe i}ei
or aaw'e wde- s�tser/r eistatt as hew wkaeww w
it imamOlve LOB • eon -eerie die
Mrs. Jas. Breckenridge fell the
morning and broke her left arm. She
will bare the sympathy of bee friends
to See misfortune.
The hardware man of town have
agreed to Dices their stores at 1 o'clock
ea Wednesday anteroom during the
months d July and August.
A change of advertisement for
Geergs Porter is unavoidably left over
nodi next weak. Wates for it. He
isquoting epeeist prior on souvenir
Another game in the Fain trophy
series was pieyed on the bowling
green today, between four rinks from
Ssatorth and four local rinks. Clod*.
rich won, with an aggregate score of
88 08.
A bluebell game will be played at
the Agricultural Park on Tuesday
evening, commencing at 6:80 o'clock,
between picked teams from the araey
candaid d
Proceed. in aiUse d
Tbe pained baseball at the
tura) Park between Mitekell and
Oodesieh on Thursday afternoon re-
sulted in a win for the home team by
the more of 14-7. Major Slaw, of
Clinton, aetrd as umpire.
A large excursion from 0. T. R.
points wN be run to Ooderich no July
6th. One train will leave Cheeky and
one Walkerton. the two meeting at
Palmerston. The affair is under
Evangelical Sunday .cbool auspices.
Tie disappearance of Mrs, Donald -
eon. so aged lady living oSlggiioo
avenue, caused bee friends eonssider-
able asxiety on Monday. She left
early in the afternoon on a walk to
Maitland cemetery, but lo.tog bee
way else wandered about all the after-
noon. Late in the evening she was
located on the Bayfield road and was
brought into town by Isaac Salkeld.
The lady 1. apparently none the worse
of bar adventure.
Mr. R. S. Williams Retires.
A change has taken place this week
in the mane of the local [ranch
of the Canadian Bank of Commerce.
Mr. R. S. Williams, who has been in
charge- of the branch for so many
years, retiring in accordance with tbe
rules of the Beak. Though be has
reached the limit of service witb the
Bank. Mr. Williams is still vigorous
and active -in fact, u in the prime of
life -end is good for many years in
whatever occupation be inay now
engage in. His removal from town
would be the occa.ioo of very general
regret, and we are glad to koow that
for a time et least he will remain in
Godericb. Mr. Williams has been active
is many ways in the advancement of
the town's interests, notably in con-
nection with the Board of Trade. and
be has well earned the goodwill with
wbich ke is regarded by the business
men and einem' of Goderich and toe
surrounding country. He is suc-
ceeded as maaageehere by • namesake,
though Dot a relative - Mr.
Williams. late manager of the Sault
Ste. Marie branch of the Bank of
Commerce. Mr. Williaine arrived in
town a few days ago and is now in
charge of the branch here."
!Saunders --Ballow$.
One of tbe most popular events of
the season was a pretty morning wed-
ding wbicb was solemnized in Knox
church early Wednesday morning.
when Mus 'Florence Irene fellows.
elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. R.
Sallow*, sed Charles Kennedy Saund-
ers, second son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex-
ander Saunders. all of Goderich.h►ere
milted in marriage. Rev. Geo. E.
Rtes, pastor of Knox church. tied the
nuptial knot. The bridesmaid was
Mies LUien0.Rawson. and the groom b
was assisted his brothers, Frank
and Walter. or Toronto. Mrs. Walter
E. -Tally was matron of honor, andMr.
J. 8. Benue preeidsd at the organ.
After the ceremony the guests pro-
rreded to the residence of the [ride's
parents. (:horeb street, where a dainty
wedding breakfast wee served. Ere
the ootspaay arose Rev.' Mr. Roes paid
a tribute to the bide and groom. to
which the groom replied. Mr. and
Mrs. Saunders left on the 7:10 G. T R.
train for a trip down the St, Lawrence
River and on ?heir return they will oe-
eupy ibmlr pretty home on Coburg
street. Ae an Indic .tion of the bride's
popularity, sbe was during the last
few weakit the reeipieet of several
1 ' arr-n by her Ra et of
vosn� .ilei. bexP • t►od of
f who joie in extending vert
beet wishes tar a happy tousle
lal.The origteai Royal oOor•onsiK 'pes-
waleet. a Neer Y�orraka bit. are
epeeiak at Blackstone'•
Ned ilusday win complete the
t e
p ,flag of Rev. Dr
North tersest Methodist ^Arra nn
the Thrteadar fnllowtelt he will leave
with hie featly for hi. newosame. n
the city of $t. the nae
as Re'v. Alfrse Bs°own, of t1) st et,t�
win sere • here to saere'ad Thr. ilorsitan•
Rev. Geo. E. Rosa' subject in Will
Morning church next Sunday will be
The Shadow of a Great Rock," and
in the evening he will 'peek on "Coo -
straining Love."
Dr. Dougall preaches his concluding
sermons wet Sunday in North street
Methodist church. In tbe morning
his subject will be 'True Religion.
In the evening there will be a special
service for the soldiers. The music
will be appropriate. Subject of ser-
mon, "Lessons from War."
Rev. Dr. Medd will preach in Vie -
torts street church nett Sunday as
usual. His forenoon theme is "God's
Sanctuary, a Place of Blearing." In
the evening be will preach, a sermon
on the coronation of the Ring. flood
music. Seats are free. All are wel-
At the oonchuion of tbe
school service in St. George's eh
last Sunday, the children and teachers
were each pre eoted 'nth a corona-
tion medal, the gift of R. S. Williams.
Mrs. Turnbull made the presentation
and Rev. J. W. 'lodging, wbo was
present, gave a brief address on "Loy-
alty to the King." - The recipients de-
sire to express their hearty thanks to
the donor for his seasonable and much
appreciated gift.
The men's Bar'aca class of the Bap-
tist church has decided to discontinue
the study of the international Sunday
school lesson and to devote some time
and thought upon the unique position
of the Baptista as a denom action.
The class intends to examine very
carefully the Baptist faith, principles
and doctrines and it gives a westing
invitation to the peppie of Goderi h to
attend the clans lesion. It ie felt
that there is much ignorance and mis-
understanding regarding the Baptist
church and what it deeds for, and it
is intended to give no cause why it
should remain.
Interesting and instructive were the
closing exercises of the Junior Ep-
worth League of North street Metho-
dist thumb on Wednesday evening of
last week. The little folk filled a
large block of the lecture room seats
and the older folk all the red. Dr.
Dougatt, who organized the League
and from the beginning has been
closely allied with it, was in cbsege
of the exercises. The variety; depart-
ments reported. There are about
sixty-five member.. Mia Brownell is
superintendent and Mies R. Snyder
assistant superintendent. Miss ida
Currie is onaident, Miss Marjorie Ait-
ken secretary, and Master Maitland
Pridham treasurer. The report of the
miaelonary vice-president, Mia Lois
Challenger, contained tome unique
features. She displayed a dozen dolls
representing various'kinds of Chinese
pp�mopPl�e These dolls bed given it.
iustratt'oo to a series of missionary
talks. After an exhibit of the other
kinds of Bork taken np-asemory
work in the books of the Bible, hymns
and Seridtnre pasages-the Leaguers
a heautifol little concert. Sweet
ly their voices blended in song. Souse
of the reeitatioee were most taking.
A chortle by tbe boys. •'H nip the Other
Fellow," had been composted by
friend of Dr. Daiwa. in Toronto and
sent for tais special occasion. With
thanks and applause for the amperin
Module, the announcement of a pin.
nfc and oozes good-hve words by Dr.
Doswell $ very dslightltll evening
ended. • ai/�
they bavefo esSera by tie'
worthpie se to the 4
seer taboo[ to be at 4t. Thomas in
Tough tae weaker bra few days
previous was not vary promising, the
Methodists were favored with a tine
evening tar their Mg circuit gar�dea
party on Wedoesipy algid of Ira[
week. said another mecum was nosed.
The heed Band ort Ooderieh
furnished music during the
eyed , a retreebmaot booth did
& rbrng bunnies. The proceeds
amounted to about $lb
Tbe ordinations' Rev. Mr. Wiley es
pastor d the Hytiat church takes
place next, Tuesday aftersoos and
The Epworth fugue purpose Asia -
ng asocial eieslstg en Monday say
InaMr. and Mrs. Jos. weeldnatss at-
tended the wedding of the latter's
brother at elides oak Wedsseday of
rL Ethel Walmingtoa acted es
Smoot pec The Port Albert
'wheel piosic will be held Thursday
afternoon, June 2Ra. The Writedowns
at the park will Include .port* for
young and old. and lunch and lemon-
ade will be served to all. Come and
irayour fiies& and baskets
Wentreensv. June 410t
Quite a mares number from berg took
in the poymhu- "rnnonligbt" at Oode-
rich tad Friday evening
Mise Sedco and Limit. Carter aro
visiting friends in Hamilton
Bob Stalker is boar* frets Reafort)
Mn. Marles is visiting her brother.
et Rhelburn. and Arthur tor a
couple of weeks.
Messrs. Rye and . Watauo. rot Sault
Rte. Halle. are sisither the former's
elder bee. Mrs AK. A4uit.h.
Mark Araaaen.sg wee in Toreros,
lest week attending the meeting of
the Ciasedien Order d Peaestere OS a
Adorns hone this Court
Ralph Munn+ and Dave McOlie-
Visit our .tors every day
if you will, amid on each visit
you will find something new
to interest, fie Wonsan is
scarab of the latest novelties
and beat teethe, in
Women's Ready4.-war
Our China and Glass-
ware Department
in the basement includes a„,
aide variety of choice gilts.
John Stead
Hamilton Street
That Wedding
You'll be looking for a su st-
able present. You dos 't
want to pay such an awf u1
lot for'it, still you would U k e
it to be dainty and help t o
do honor to the occasion.
Now there is nothing like
getting among a nicely sel-
ected jewellery stock for this
purpose. Such a stock, for
instance. as this store has to
show you.
We leave a splendid array
of imitable poseate,-not only
for a wedding but for any
other occasion.
Look in 011 us some time if
J. S. Davey
Jeweller sad Optician
South side of Square, Godertch
A Prompt Sures N Energy.
MacLeod's System Renovator is a
tonic which resew* the vital forces.
it resew. nerve and muscular eseegy
and mppUes new energy. It dee. tbL
by Increasing appetite, by fosuring
better easiml4tloo of food and by dir-
ectly supplying densest. that serve to
strengthen the nervous systeut. This
reconstructive toolc is valuable in all
run-down conditions of the system.
especially those marked by depradsioa
and ssreous debility. Ose dollar per
bottle. Maautactltred byTheLead Medicine Co.. Goderich.
Mau -
sale by E. It. druggist For
The Trusts and Guarantee UNITED
Estabbabed t8g7.
Notioe is hereby given that a bait yearly Dividend at the rate of
has been declared for the six mouth. ending June 90th. 1911, upon'11ie
paid-up Capital Stock of the Company, and the same will be Payable
at the offices of the Company on and after July 2nd, 1911. The Trans-
ranster Books will be closed from Joust 19th to June 90th, both days
inclusive. •
General Manager. Asst. Goa. Munger. Moscow.
mage Oorn Cure--our.o wailsyou Toronto, June 9th, 1911.
Neap. Sow s,. R . Wlgie, dgeweseereasseneeressestessiniesee
rt et,'
Ooderich. Onti
Giat Redictiod tr' Sale
Far Twenty Days, Commencing June 24th, until July 15th,
we will offer seasonable lines at prices that you cannot
afford to miss. It will pay you to look over this list.
Men's Lines
19 pairs men's Tan and Velour
Calf Oxfords, regular $3.5o,
for $2.50
25 pairs men's Hartt Patent
Oxfords, regular $4.5o and
$5.00, for $3.65
3o pairs men's Hartt Gunmetal
Oxfords, regular $4.5o and
$5.00, for
15 pairs men's Gunmetal Button
Boots, regular $5.oO, for. ,.13.75
8 pairs men's Gunmetal Button
Boots, regular $4.00, for...13.00
10 pairs men's Kangaroo Bluchers,
regular $6.00, for 14.50
25 pairs men's Patent Bluchers,
regular $5.00, for$3.75
15 pairs men's Patent Bluchers,
regular $4.00, for...., $3.25
12 pairs men's Vici Kid Bluchers,
regular $4.00, for 13.00
t6 pairs men's Tan Bluchers
(Hartt's), regular $5.0o, for 13.85
to pairs men's Box Calf Bluchers,
$3.75, for 12.85
13 pairs men's White Canvas
Bals, regular $l.00 to $I.75,
Cowan's seems to hit the
right spot. It is a great
food for husky young ath-
letes : satisfies the appetite :
easy to digest: and delicious
. 75c
Boys' Lines
1 2 pairs boys' extra value Box
Calf, regular $2.00, for ....11.50
12 pairs boys' Grey Canvas
Boots, sizes r to 5, regular
$1.25, for 11.00
12 pairs boys' White Canvas
Bals, sizes 1 to 4, regular
$1.75, for $1.00
14 pairs boys' medium weight
Boots, regular $1.25, for... .93C
12 pairs youths' medium weight
Boots, regular $i. to, for ...85c
I2 pairs ,'boys' Pebbled Boots,
regular $2.00, for $1.50
Running Shoes, all sizes, at very
low prices.
to pairs boys' Bronco Shoes it 11.40
Ladies' and
Children's Lines
aopairs women's Dongola Blucher
Oxfords and Strap Pumps,
regular $1.25 and $1.5o, for $1.00
24 pairs women's T a n a n d
Chocolate Oxfords and Strap
Pumps, regular $2.50, $2.7
and $3.00, for 2.00
8 pairs women's Patent Button
Oxfords, regular $4.00, for $3.00
18 pairs women's Patent one and
two - strap Pumps, regular
$3.25, for 1250
20 pairs women's Patent Oxford
Ties, regular $3.50, for. $2.75
12 pairs women's Chocolate
Bluchers, regular $2.25, for 11.75
to pairs women's Patent Button
Shoes, regular $3.50, for.. .12.73
18 pairs women's Patent Button ;
Cloth -top Shoes, r e g u l a r
$4.00, for ..$3.25
22 pairs women's Patent Blucher
Mat and Cloth Tops, reg-
ular $3.0o and $3.25, for 12:45
24 pairs women's Dongola and 1.
Gunmetal, regular $2.5o.
for $1.95
24 pairs misses' Kid Oxfords, t...j
sizes t to 2, $1.25
$t.35, for 11.00
9 pairs child's Dongola Oxfords,
regular $1.25, for 11.00
22 pairs child's and misses' White h
Canvas Oxfords, -r e g u 1 a r
$t.00 and $t. t5, for... ..... 73c
24 pairs misses' Pebble and Box ar
Calf Bals, sizes it to 2, reg-
ular $t.5o and $1.35, for 11.00
rt pairs misses' Chocolate
Bluchers, sizes boa to 2, reg-
ular $i.5o, for $1,13
to pairs misses' Roman Sandals, t;
sizes 11 to 1, regular $2.00,
" for $ 1.50
T t Polishes and Suit
6 dozen Black Combination Polish, regular 25c, for
3 dozen Berry's Black Waterproof Polish, regular 5c ; 4 for.....
2 dozen Berry's Diamond Polishing Outfits, regular 25c, for .. ..
4o Suit Cases, regular $1.25, fir. so and. $i, 75, for 11.00, 51.
Many other linea at greatly reduced prices. Come in and
No goods charged at sale prices.
Cases LLQ..
THE sollARE w n HERN 11.
e... -.15c
1 S and $1I.3n5c
see them