The Signal, 1911-6-22, Page 44 THUitoisall, lura 'LY, 1911 Ali District News. HOLYR000. TugsDAY, June 2Mlth. Quite a number of the farmers had their old hay pressed and are busy teaming it to Lucknow. Mies Mara Haines has returned home after spending two weeks visit - NILE. WKUNrtiiDAT, June Hlet. Statute lebor a the order of the day. Rev. J. C. Reid, of Atwood. was • visitor here last week. The local W. M. 8. will entertain ing her sister at Bayfield. the members of the Dungaonoe and Mr. and Mrs. John Haines, of near Carlow societies on Friday meaning. Salem. visited the former's parents, The Sunday school picnic will be Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Haines. held on Thursday, June Nth. et Poiut Rev. Mr. Haylock preached his fare- Farm- A large list of spot to and well sermon on Sunday Iset. He is gams is being prepared. Miss Mabel Bailie arrived borne on Tuesday after a course in nature study and school gardening at Macdboald Institute, Guelph. Henry Kerr is putting a cement fouodation under his barn. James Elliott is doing the cement work and Thos. Shields the carpenter work. A. P. Sbeppherd's two-story Milton pressed brick house is now under way and promises to be a very handsome dwelling. John Glen is doing the brickwork and Geo. Begley the car- penter work. going to live in Teamster. The Sabbath school had a fine day tor their picnic on Friday last ; had • good crowd and a good time. LOTHIAN. Tvs8DAY. June 20th. Jack Hogan took In the excursion to Detroit on Saturday. Mr. and Mre. Joe Swan, of Clinton, visited friends here last week. Will Henderson returned to Detroit today after spending a few days at his old home here. John Finlayson, of Omaha, Neb., spent two weeks visiting his ault, Mrs. Alex. McLean. Miss Charlotte Kelly, of Teeswater, was the guest of her .aster, Mrs. R. E. Gilmore, Inst week. Mre. Angus McDonald and two chil- dren. of Fort William. are visiting her sister. Mrs. Hod. Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Davis, of Detroit, .pent a Lew days here visiting the lat- ter's parents, Mr. and Mre. T. F. Hen- derson. COLBORNE. TUESDAY. June 20th. W. B. Forster has had his sawmill in operation for the past few days. John and Amanda Dunt took in the Detroit excursion on Saturday last. Reeve Kernighan had a barn raising on Tuesday afternoon of this week. Mn. James McLeod spent a few days with friends on the Maitland last week. Mr. and Miss File, of Zurich. were guests at the house of Wm. Duret last week. Min Agnes Flick gave an ice cream party to a number of her friends on Friday evening last. Among the visitors from Detroit last week were Mr. and Mre. Wm. Breckow and Mrs. Fred Breckow and daughter. The annual school picnic of S. S. No. 4 will to held on Breen's fiats onThorn- day afternoon. 8. 8. No. 7 has been invited to attend. A I'RESE sTaTlos.--On Monday even- ing a very pleasant time wan spent at the Methodist parsonage, where the members of Bethel congregation as- sembled and "surprised" Rev. W. and Mn. Baugh. prior to their removal from this cir;uit. Mrs. Baugh has taken quite an active part in the ser- vices at Bethel, having presided at the organ for nearly three years, and the congregation thought it quite an appropriate time to express their ap- preciation. During the evening the following address was rend by Mn. Wm. Stevens, and the presentation of a nice sum of money was made by Mr,. L. D. Allyn on behalf of the con- gregation To Mnr. (Bev.I W. Baugh. itxra MMR.. BAcou.-Wee the members of the Bethel oongregatlon. have sa.embled to- night to ezpreee our gratitude to Ton. for the very valuable services you bare so cheerfal)r st rendered us during soura, amongst oa. K e feel that we .ball never be able to Mar you for the benefits, we hare derived from it. but we earnestly pray that our Father in Heaven. Who 1s able to understood our every motive. will say. "Luemuch as ye did it unto these, ye did it unto Me.' We therefore extend to yea our sincere thanks. and mak you to kindly ac- cept this small token, not as pay for your ser vioes but a* memorial of the good times we e•- joyed together. As you have moved In and out &mooed no. your influence for .rood has been brought to bear scion us. Your kind ants and word, of sympathyto the sink and distressed will not Boon be orgotten. and we earnestly tray that as you and Mr. Baugh go to r'oor new field of labor and enter Into the duties sin - nested therewith the Ood Who has been roar helper In times past will 4111 own and blew your work aid labor of love. and make you e great blearing to all with whom you may some 1s contwet. As you go from us we trust that you will feel the influenoeof our united pray- ers for your future success anity. Wishing you all the blessings that a Prov- 1denoe can send. we arealoeer,I) i(onrs in BK-RKLCosoa•.1noN. Mrs. Baugh made a very suitable re- ply, thanking the congregation for the kindness and appreciation shown her, also thanking them for the kindly feeling that hal been always ex- hibited. She had always felt quite at home among them, and assured them that the kindliest memories of the past would he cherished in her heart for them. Rev. Mr. Baugh then spoke, thanking the people for their kind words cf apprecistion for Mrs. Baugh'• seryikes. He also ex- pressed his gratitude for the kindly feeling that existed among tbe people, and between the people and the preacher. He also stated that he had felt perfectly at home with the people of Bethel, and exhorted theta to con- tinue still in that harmonizing spirit, to work for the glory of God and the salvation of maiikhad The party then enjoyed a bountiful lunch, pre- pared by the ladies, atter which the evening weer spent in music and sing- ing and social chat. After singing "God be with you till we meet again the happy gathering dispersed with the best of feeling for all concerned. Cau.ow. June loth. ST. HELENS. To -worm, June 20th. T. Phillips has started to make tile. Percy Whitfield called on friends here on Saturday. The last shoot for special prizes will be held on Friday. Miss Rutherford is visiting her sister. Mrs. Lane, at Kiolough. Miss Elizabeth Anderson is a..isting Miss J. Cameron at the dressmaking. Mr. and Mrs. Homutb, of Wingham, visited at J. B. Rutherford's on Mon- day. Mr. McRoberts, of London town - p, visiting his brother. Thos. Mc- Roberts. Mise Jennet McDonald, of the 9th couce••ion, is visiting this week at Guelph. Mn. Thurlow and Mabel took in the excursion to Detroit. Mrs. Thurlow will remain some time. Mrs. K. Barbour and Mies Bible Bar- bour. of Erin, visited the former's brother, John Webster, over Sunday. Woxelr's INSTITUTE. -The monthly meeting of tbe Women's Institute will be held on the afternoon of Thursday, the 20th, at 2:30 o'clock. at the home of Mn. Ramage. A deemonatsatioe g ' oI "Tart Making' be Ives. All the ladies are requested to be present, as business of importaoce has to be at- tended to. _ • DUNLOP. TCESDAT. June 90th. THE LATE FRANCIS Rrrrox.-The following from a Stratford paper of June Intl refers to a gentleman who was known by sumo readers of The Signal in this neighborhood : "An old and esteemed former resident of Ellice township .pared away last evening at his residence, l6b Queen street, in the person of Francis Rulton, er., in his .eveety-seventh year. Mr. Huston had leen ailing for about a veer, bat had only been seriously ill for about four weeks. Deceased was born In Yorkshire, Eng., In 1834. and fa 1852. at the age of seventeen, came to this country in company with his two sis- ters and one brother who have fiats passed away. They first settled in Albion township, but soon after moved to Enloe. where Mr. Ruston en- gaged in farming. la 1860 he was married t o Margaret Ramsay. of Ellioe. He served as councillor for a 'wisher of Tears, and also held the offices of deputy neve and reeve of Ellice. He was also school trustee for the Sehriogville-cbool. Three sons and seven daughters survive. They are William. of Ellice ; Thomas and Frank. of Stratford : Mrs Alfred Legg Water street ; Mary, Minnie, See . Emily and Ilya, all of Stratford, and Mrs. W. Hodson, Minburn, Alta. Mr. Ruston was very well known and highly respected as a freed and kind neighbor.' Bargain in Grindstones. A grindstone for everybody at SOc. each. We bought at a big discount the grindstones or. first quality form- erly owned by the Goderich Engine Works Co. These atones are beveled to suit rawer knives, also flat -faced. Grindstones usually cost you $1.25 to $200 snob. We will sell 500 at 50c. each. Here is a soap for you. How- aLL HARDWARE Co., LIMITED. THE SIGNAL GoDERten ONTARIO leasing next Tuesday for Calgary. Lorne Young let Monday for the camp at Goderieb. where he • position as st.00grap� e - for the o orris Miss Pearl Bradtoed arrived home oo Saturday from Toronto for two weeks' bonds -s Mr. and lira McClure mound to Goderich Tbuts day of last week after visiting their sou Will Miss Daisy Byre. of Stratford Normal School, arrived boom Saturday. NernssT-Catntar.-T a home of Mrs. J. Campbell. lied 0000emioa. Wert Wswaowh was the sosoe of a ver • pretty wedding cm Thu June 1st, when bis 1 oungeet dat�- ter Ada 1., was unite in matrimony to William Mallory, of Belgrave. At fr.Hi: p. m. the bride entered the parlor leaning on the arm of her brother Will, while the wedding march weer played by Miss Estella P. Kirk.. The beide wore a beautiful cream dress and carried cream carnations. The house was prettily decorated witb ferns and evergreens and flowers, the bridal arch being formed ret evergreens and floi.hed beautifully with flowers. Among friends from a distance were the sister of the beide, Mrs. T. Hardy, also Mr. Hardyand little Etta. and Mr. and Mrs. WW Love, of Marnoch. Atter the ceremony had been per- formed byRev. T. Hicks, of St. P•urs church. Dngannon. the guests, num- bering about twenty, mat down to par- take of a bountiful supper, after which the happy young couple left for their home near Belgrave. The bride's go- ing.uway snit was navy chiffon broad- cloth and white silk net waist with white hat. Mr. and Mrs. Nethery hare the best wishes of this neighbor- hood, as the bride wan a favorite with all who knew her. The presents were Rumerous and costly, showing the es- teem in which the bride is held. The groom's gift to the bride was a hand- some gold watch and chain. News Norms. -The rates oo the • _e have been reduced, 75c. being lb. new return rate between here and Ou•derich,while pupils' tickets now are HS aeh way....1ir. and Mrs. Jamas Wbyard let�esterday afternoon, via Mr. Bartlett s auto. for a week's visit with their daughter, Mn. B. Turner. at Godericb School closes on Fri- day. The entrance ezaminationscom- mence on Mooday. It ir4xpected that G. Woods, of Goderich. will preside here. W. J. Moffatt will be presiding ?mariner at Metall....Deeid Sproul is plastering- the outside of Robert Hasty's new cement house (iso. Harris expects to have a hero -raising s000, possibly on Baturda Ar- thur and Park Wgfrre are he... from lletlMlle Robe Davidson is building a kitchen ...... Wm. Mothers returned on licesdav from Woodstock. where be hddl been visiting his brother. John, who is ser- iously ill Dr. Bice is at London attending the C. 0. F. coronation cele- bration.... . Wt. Chas. Brown is vis- iting relative. near Stratford ....Rey. Benson Cox, of New York, is:visitina friend. here Richard Wilson is awayon a trip West Peter Ryan, of ancouver. is visiting"'relatives here The fall fair this year:will be held on Thursday and Friday,bOc- tober lith and 6th Mr. Thoroton, of Toronto, is visiting friends in the village and vicinity ,....The pleats of the Methodist Sunday school was held at Menesetung Park on Thursday. Everyone was well pleased witNthe outing Henry Wilson arrived home from the Soo this week, and ex- perts to remain until after harvest. Coronation Day is betas ob- served as a general holiday in the vil- lage Miss Ells Ryan was home from Wingham over Sunday WM. Anderson, of Sault Ste. Marie, visited relatives here last week Will Baxter bas secured a situation in Goderich Confirmation services will be held in 8t. Paul's church next Tuesday at 10:80 a. m. The Bishop of Huron is expected to be present. WILLts--CRAwe'oaD.-The home of Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Crawford, Dungan - ton, was the scene of a very pop»,ler nuptial event this (Thuredav) morn- ing. when Mi -s Olive Leona Victoria, only dadgbter of the host and hostess, was joined in wedlock with Roy E. Willis, of Prince Albert, Sask., a for- mer Seeforth boy. The ceremony was performed in tbe drawing -room at 16x90 o'clock by Rev. J. W. Robinson. of London, a former pastor of the bride and groom, and an old and dear friend of both. He woe assisted by Rev. L. Bartlett. of Dungannon. The room was prettily decorated in pink for the Occasion. The wedding music was rendered by Miss Ruby Robinson, who wore a rose silk costume. The bride was very charming to an empire gown of cream Duchess satin, with train and bridal veil caught up with a pearl bandeau. She carried a beautiful sneaf of white roues. She was attended by Miss Pearl Bradford• who looked exceed- ingly well in an empire gown of yel- low liberty satin and black picture bat. Her bouquet was of American beauty roses. Little Mies Margaret MeNab, cousin of the bride, made a pretty flower -girl. She was dressed in a French frock with cute Quaker beneet and carried a basket of pink carnations. W. 0. MacEwen, of Goderich. was best mss. Among the guest+ present were the grooms mother, Mrs. Robert Willie, Mr. and Mrs. W G. Willie and Mn. J. S. Willis. all of Seaforth ; Mrs. Geo. An- derson, of Luoknow ; Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Bickle, of Goderich, and Will Craw- ford. brother of the bride, of Toronto. Atter the company'assmbled had par- taken of a dainty wedding luncheon the wedding party drove to Goderich and took the G. '1. R. train for a short bridal trip to points ..at. Among 0s many handsome gift,' received were a pllyer tea service, the gift of the bride's great-unele. Walter Berry. of Ingersoll. and another silver tea service from the grn+m's mother. Mn. Robert Willis. A dainty)- china set was the gift of the brides brother W t 1 1. s e r four or eve cheeks and several pipette of ggoeld were rsosived bee other tripwire The grooms gift to the bride wan a purse of gold. to the brideenrsid • pearl ring. to the seem* jirl and piaand molt a geld hraealsti The ride 1s • most popular young tady and enjoys th• friendship of • large cskek of mood. in bunganooe and vicinity. TM gsr+(�n also is well kerne n hers hay- ni g rsdded la Deng.aneis for over a year, and his jovial dispositirpt having won for bier many friends and ming Mar • morer&I faieries Mr sad Mea Willis have • boat of hosed. wain Irbil mar ty resin of IrVPlwasa l* their sateen home. DUNGANNON. DR. NEWTON, DENTIST. OF Luoknow, has neared rieltd g eaplde Pointe and will henostorta sive et. same attention to the home Dace. Lae w, whew, be will be tonod every day. AL mWern Meth- od.. NOTICE. -THE LOCAL AGENCY Peet office DuRook ° d tSta�tionery�8t�o Mmat w,whire orders will be reneived for eutroAptioa ad verUsing and job work. and receipts will be given for amount& card for the same. THI%SODA Y. June 22nd. CONING Evax'te. -Garden parties seem to be the order of the day. The Presbyterians intend holdlog one on the manse grounds on Monday, June 24 and RL Paul's church will have one on July 1st on the grounds of 0. Brown. The Luoknow band will fur- nish music on both occasions. Wtteort-$PROWL.-A very pretty wedding took plea at the bonne of Mr. and Mrs. D. !sprout nn Wednes- day, June 14th. when the marriage was solemnised of Miss Ada Florence Towxantr Oo17xcIL.-0 01 b o r n e Sproul to Robert Wilson, of Goderich council met and paid the following ac- Theceremonv woe performed byRev. L. counts, viz - : Robert Wilson, 40 rods Bartlett. Miss Ida Whyard played wire fen.. $9.611: Martin Mugford. the wedding marcb. The (ride, who drawing fence wire, 40c. ; Henry 8. was given away by her father, was Fisher, operating grader err days and drowsed in cream gloria, trimmed with oil, $8.86: Henry 8 FI.ber, opening cream satin. and ferried a bopqu .t of culvert 32; Michael Pfrimwner. team bridal roses. Miss Wirral."' McClure, .o grader. $1 . Charles Walters, tem niece of the bride, was flower 101. and on grader five days, 617.80; t'barlee was dteseed la bine silt and earried Walters, disciog mads, 118.76; James pink carnations and fen. Mr. and Green breaking mads three and a -half Mrs. Wilson will reside in Godericb. days. 38.60; John lamas. 12 load. where Mr Wilson is a misrewful gran -el. $1.31 . Samuel Mitobell, envoi young hnsiness mea. A host of ring, $10.46. Martin Mugford, inspect- friends wish Them the best of good for ing 6(te.: Jo.epb Mclean. tile, culvert, tune. and repairing one. 312110 William PERSONA,. Will Bevins, of Detroit, Rtraughan fencing bridge at Benmil was in the vi#age Moeda The mem,.otrg ler, 314: Otaude'Pitchell. trotting Don- M. Mallh took 1a the teip to miller hill. $64 , American Revd M Detroit last week .. Mea .1. t et t,, erleding gr'sArr AIMit : Wlkom left Tuesdayfor • visit to The fl13ae1, Pristine. /12-215. John friend, det Dest( anSt. Olalr Lev►. roadwork. 111.10. Arnold Har Miss etwertsn left Te,,,edei for 0.- tlrr, reanlagg to etgaravv�ell pit. 31(1 Ad unit. .. Mr.. N. Fkar .WWtk�yl returned • la* 3 1 F, W. r owarai. U s seriond ay= a logit shier. suite+ 1„ with sistae. Woman's \\Teakness A woman's reproductive organs are in the most inn Mese and cestiUeena sym- pathy with her • kidneys. :Tkkosskghtest disordsrbstb kidays brings about a ootrespondiag &seas* is tbi reproductive Dodds Kidney Pitts, ay t► =the kidssys to their cooditios. prevent and surer those fsedUI dhe orders peculiar to wooers. Pale young girls, warsod caber.. ..dries wives and womenp enterieg epee the d y r beat friend in Dodd's Kidney Pies BUY YOUR SALT AT THE NOITH AMERICAN SALT WORKS Near the G. T. It Station FINE AND COARSE ELUILRELS AND SACKS LAND AND CATTLE SALT r ain Da2,� 2'June Ba g A O T F OB R R R G E A N N T S REAL AND IINMISTAKAR�.P. UNMISTAKAB�.1 Big slices chopped off nearly every price: These big Bargain Days will be - SATURDAY and MONDAY, June 24th and 26th These two Bargain Days= :x will be „ the two greatest Bargain Days in the history. of this store. Bear in mind that this sale is not only on a few named articles, but on a BIG STORE full of up-to-date, seasonable Merchandise. It is - a stock -reducing sale -bargains on nearly everything in the store. You know when we, say bargains, bargains it is -and no mistake, If you want anything in our offerings, be sure and come here next Saturday and Monday. There is money in this sale for you. J. H. COLBORNE ID TO BE SOLD. We have just received • r oar of buggies, and nave everything that isnew and u to -date in the line. No better ever came to town. We have them on the I - floor now. Call and inspect them at the MASSEY-HARRIS WAREROOMS on Hamilton Street. We have the &7AAo- ARD Wino Faxen and Gam, the fam- ous FLRLTRY PLowa, CREAM SEPARATOR/ and almost every thing a farmer Reed. on a farm. YOU may talk about the up-to-date style of this shoe, the comfort of that and the long life of the other, but if you want a shoe that vies in style with the most stylish, in comfort with the most comfortable and in service with the longest wearing, buy the MONARCH SHOE. There is nothing one-sided about it. It's the shoe of all-round satisfaction. The prices are lower than most good shoes. Barefoot Sandals, Lacrosse, Tennis and ', Bowling Shoes now in stock.. REPAIRINL Robert Wilson We also have • few extra good drivers for sale. Downing & MacVicar North Side of Square, aoderkh The Comforts of Life Don't svelter during the hot Ilreather. We have provided the •Comforts of life for you in nice, cool two-piece Suits, a superior line of Luting Shirts, with separate soft Collars ; Wash Ties, Belts, short sleeve Underwear, gauze lisle Socks, Straw land Panama Hats -there's the whole outfit ; what comfort you will have in this toggery Your money is no good unless it brings you comfort -spend it andjhave the comfort. OM Oar 6Yoffo : "A *mars deal to resryorse " - -- Are you in for a wedding present this month ? If so, this is the place to come. Nothing so acceptable as a nice article of IF IF F 'JUNE WEDDINGS WILTtR C. PRIDHAM THE HODU OP REAL VALUHU We would impress upon }' those contemplating housekeep- ing this month the necessity of purchasing Furniture from us. We have a most complete stock, prices right, and an extra dis- count on Targe orders. - AOENCV iIORDNEIMER PIANOS eJ.MUIR&C0 y,aa Qtr seen, "Thi led waive steak far poor Saute M(1 r LOl KiadMgA �s giu-ten aspartame' „ .411be L:"....isetliik.eisda6diudnagnIPIE•01114'Palevia;01:t * e 9 dock A eppolal seem school way evenlnR to conal to yl the ppooetic �O i▪ cr±Dna of dec the wen Waded wba t lb. 130 `t class .s -Hecate era i at f,M Faculty onbu. 81s res the a very eueosesfnl t The Orsyhsund T Tal Grd luck d wusl good took weather end the •' Fuiday .v.o about 830 paaaent evening it sad. with 1,900 psopl 900 of these can points byepeeist t Greyhound eft lc and O. R Set passener gs. who b to the Oily ef arrived home Mor Tuesday morning once Isom for D most of those wb Friday. A Surprise Party. Immigrants do twenty -tout arra• pounced from 1 evening, and Oom town officiate had Wednesday recur the men and woo shelter for the diff the heeds d the fr ate in securing we ezceppttlop 01 mew*: ne v to Brantford. Z families areevtab Andrew's ward s any coatelbutloes woold be grateful Toe Much Firmer 0n ties arrival o Regiment via G. '1 baaetol eMeete o1 .oasthutioo of • men of the regime in evidence. Si and bruised as among themaeivei were taken in t and placed is tJ ball. Several c effects of alcohol hut their behavior they were altos the regiment to The nix arrested freedom on Mond bound over to megistrate oo Tui they were memo Huron -Perth Bast A double eels hero arranged f Baseball League. F1Its7 June 1.2 -Clint' • 2S -Bitch 2t�0MMo els July 7- Ooeiet 12---CIintc 21 -Godes .tuly t4- CIinti meter Ang. 2-Clintc 14 -Mitch " 17 -Mitch " 94 --Godes Rept. 4 --(ander The June 12th postponed on ase o19th, f6-3 when Clint( Harbor Notes. The steamer W inriday with a cal of wheat for the The steamer T last Saturday wit weand tt gayrat cowl host fe Wednesday al inhg a cargo oats of rum the Big Mill. A ear of notes which was need 1 new elevator fo shipped lids we Stewart Co. to where that Arm 1 All he coeerete , is mmnieted aad busy installing tJ For a GM tothe t Her Najesli Q Tacionaly plNu.e Canadian Ranai( tion gift r woe} ret metal worms terrine. lace -mai To a Goderich Margaret Strang setivp Interpet Guild, feu the eotnmirina to taaketry for ft Min Shang renis i. a bsaatotiiful [s 4hwiawitb i. o 14111.4 worltee+ Thas f anade, for r �• Majesty bare rr t+ewl Was fonts Rweervtng none which .seised to Neetioe, 1111,11:1;71 s I ari def sre.wa 1111 wn tic.n. and to rel interest is the chane, wee obs lime the encu. Mildmay ti►f. �n►►•Md errlrIMtin s• The Guild, to "*8. t1►e t parts of >v t e" 11ehsowliseltd t,f. tt C aid a t.+- "1 w'urk b