HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-6-22, Page 3i
i ved
;hip -
.00 ;
e to
newei 4f tke Eiistrkt.
1i. W Hogg has bell re-engaged
for the goosing year as pr•tuctpai of
Feirdwioh public school et se in-
OENDINC err,w� Y. •
:and or repaired.
arm at meal) L. (ieda echo o° wavlty
A. E. TAYLOR. Srmeeeone
Warren McGill, of Usboine. sold •
limn 01 horses lbs other day to W. et.
EUlutt, of Cwgalia, fur which he re-
ceived the sum cif $790.
Nearly lbs whole town of Ailsa
Craig tut oed out the. other day to see
9Uy00 young pickerel pleated in the
Saubi. River at that place.
Geo. Clark, who lives southwest of
(•rediton, was kicked in the Nesse by
a colt a few days ago and bad one rib'
broken and another fractured.
The marriage of Miss Ella M.
Badgely, of M.,rris township, to
Joseph (iodwiu took place et Hamil-
toe on Wednesday, 7th inst. The
young couple will reside at Brantford.
B. R. Higgins, of Brucrfleld. bas
sold the western portion cf his farm to
Mr. Little, of Bayfield, for $6,500.
The eastern part of the tarn, contain-
ing seventy acres, will now be er-eu-
pied by Mr. Higgins.
Word was received at Heosali last
week of the death of Janes Wool, at
tla-hwuud, at 4 o'clock, Rev. 0. Thug
onlcattng. The bride w a aaenoed
by MI.. Laura Kraft, sister of the
groom, and Fred. Fleeter, brother of
the itride, was beet men. l'br flower
girls were little Mies Elda Prreter, of
Web word, and little Mis. Millie
Schaefer, of Parkhill. The happy
coulee will reside on the 171,h co°oes-
aioo of Stephen.
Death claimed a resident of Exeter
last week when Mre. Harry Gidloy
peered away on Monday. 12th lost.,
atter an illness et over a year. Mb.
was in her forty-eighth year. Her nn -
timely death is mourned by her father,
a sister and her hushand.
A Nuptial Event at Clinton. .
A large and fashionable gathering
assembled at Wesley eburch, Clinton,
on Wednesday of lust week at I:30
o'clock to witness the tial riage of Mise
Elizabeth Reed, granddaughter of
Mn. TI. Watts, of Clinton, to Edward
J. Jenkin, of Toronto, won of
Thos. Jenkins. of Clinton. The cere-
mony was performed by Rev, J.
Greene, assisted by Rev. J. E. Ford.
Miss Helen Dober•ty played the wed-
ding march. The oneywoon is being
High River, Alta.. as the result of a spent at Manitoulin Island end miner
kick from a bone. The deoeaaed was I point s on the Great Lakes. When
well known in the southern part of they return to Toronto, Mr. and Mrs,
the county. having lived there until a Jenkins will reside at4i0London street.
few yon age.. A Centralia Wedding.
Chas. Hodge, who hes been cutter at k pretty wedding was solemnized et
the Taylor-Andersoo Co. estrbl.h- the Methodist parsonage, Centralia,
tient at Seaforth, and who leaves for on Wednesday. Juno- 7th, when Alis+
liogiend the early part of Jule.was Mahe! Butt, graduete nurse of Vic -
presented with a club hag by lbs em- toric b(*pital. Lyndon, was united jn
ployeea ,1be day he severed his con- marries ge to John A. MaeLartn, man -
'section with the firm. ager of the Canadian Brats CO., Galt.
he ceremony was petfotmed byRev.
don ea Wednesdayevening of last W. H. Butt. assisted by tbe bride's
- week. when Miss NVinnifred Walker brother, Rev. A. T. F. Butt, t,f Park -
was united in marriage to John 1)11.- hill. Gueete to the number of about
dale, of HensalL The cwemoay took forty were present from Detroit.
place a: 7 p. m. and was conducted by Glencoe, London, Galt, Ayr, Kii•pen
Rev. Mr. Kennedy in the presence of and Exeter. The bridal party left the
a number of invited guests. saute afternoon by taxicab for London
E. J. Whittaker. of Seatortb, has where they took the C. P. H. for To-
teceived a good appoiutineot for the route and other points east, including
summer in nunnectien with the Do- Thouraod Islands, Montreal and Qui -
DR. W. F. GALLOW, M. B. minion (leeksicel' Survey. He ac- bee. Mr. and Ire. MacLaren will beat
companies Dr. Raymond, of the Geo- hone to their friends at 7ti Rose
Moe and beth atripc,Qodertch. logical Survey, to New Brunswick via street. Vett, after the first of August
wee et Omni/ Meldrs "am TeMea inn tit New York State and left for his new Death of an Aged Resident of Clinton.
A happy event took place at Loa- T
.ad Hydraulic iaginesz, maters lead
aaraitutOffIce-. _
800trealYstreet. Tesephone(137 stun eseosr
tee and throat only. dowse suras..
'et. York Ophthalmic and Aural lwstttwte.
Ciiea.l %sued.. Ear. Nose aad'l Moat Hospital
Gown sttuare. and
M.nstd Kyee HootaitLmere imalaad. sol GM. merlon
&nUota..(.sett. Knox Church. Ha.m .
tell w m . Ito t p. se. 7 toll P m- Telephone
P otation two weeks aunt. On Friday, 9th inst., a well-known
1 The death of James Couch took and much respected citizen of Clinton,,
, place at Alameda, Mask., a few days Elizabeth Barrow, relict of the late
ago. He left Hensel! about the flit Jaynes Southcombe, passed away at
of April with a car of settlers' effects. the age of eighty-fourears. The late
A abort time ago be was taken 11- Mrs. Moutbonmbe was horn in Devon-
ter- with typhoid fever, which illness ter shire. England, in the year 18M, and
mieated fatally. The remains were in 1552. shortly after her marriage,
brought to Hensen for interment. she came to Canada with her late hits -
Isaac Barr hes sold his little farm band and settled at 'Obinguwicusp.
a�. berrietsrq sottdinn. notaries public
proctors in tae YartUms Coots. etc. Private
had. to lend at swell rates of interest
Moe. bast aide Howe, Oederica. W.
RROUI'PVOT 14. 0.. S. C. HAYS, J. L
FILL' di A N.
j[I. T4 selkater, notary pubUc. Qf s.-
netnetno Street. Godetieb, taint deur from
R1$TS8, att.r.eys, salioitoror. eta., tmids
rich. He.., to lead at lowest rates.
Dl sotlator, oommerioaer. autazy pubilo
Ulna. Hamilton Mzeet Unclench mol.
zi CR A N 01 CO. -harm and lactated
tows: prop.rty imare4.
Olken -J. B. Melmaa, Pres.. Reatorlh P.O
Jan l or.nolly, Vice -Pres. Gedertcb P. 0.
Thoma„ L. mare Boo. -Tress., 8eefortb P. 0
Di ectoes - W e. ("homey, e.aforth ; John
U. Grieve, W istbrop W llllam Rine. Constance:
Jeka li.oaewels brodMasa: James Evans,
Beechwood; Jobs Wan. isarsck; Malcolm
lick. en. B'uceaie.
AAagni.: J. W. Yeo. Holmssvtlla ; R. Smith.
klenock , Jas. Cammlrses, kaniondrills ; IL
Rlnchicy. ieatotthi. Policy -hoidens esa pay
a.eesuoieuu .ud got their cards reooiptsd at
& browses, Llluten, or at R. H. Cutts
Grocery. Carnes street. eiod.riah.
LW�h w loan. Aon to Y. O. CAM-
.4 narrator. liaslltea street Godertoh.
Feat AND LW. acre: Britlab. Canadian nal
ocum r omrt en arm immerses' Leen,
ITT . 1s8at s 0e,em Ambien and Cleo este@
tea m paaanls Boof we T'
iOwaewts.Company U.B.
Oak* et rs..Oawsss.. saotrtissest esrasr et Vie
and 8t, Davide streets. 'Phase 1711
and sa idsat tassssemise a A� � a0
wie sowed�lis plass `.oe atiowe t mem
all at odea. W atm' ad 19""ee
51.W. AAOL, uodsrtob, Oat�
W ALTlfilt if KIiLLY J. P..
eonatucs. okT.
v1 . Ani isnetYI-
Men inpafnw�esaa •seewhaytsed popular stead
Wrtvtona, eta. Ma Lies' seshi mp In Wei••
rialtY Only Allied Mode employed.
BGYtn_Jtilr yr,erwilt to apMwdated H. B
"reeariw.ruae+t Debs. es Boa
ores so ° n ere win as u all 0.100
71eg masa. 'anus rsaw.abts sad
►wi idler sola give yea s cksfeetts.
1.1 II'fl' -
!r iraHi 1' L, t^ - l[. tstaslaelt. 7 T. C.
We ebwreb--venes mi -
harmony. sseateresitt
1 n saaeui " ,�oa *asp, ►.ralosy, master
etc Mass Awosaws--(aaONIMP �a
%De plane, r� Renaroaa-vie ts. 3. li.
among - waabe sir see dander. hr
`,fir N terse, eto_ .pulp as w
W. J. MUIR & CO.
just north of Clinton to Jas. C. (;an- Eighteen months later they moved to
Deft, of Bluevale, who gets possession the 8th conreesion of Hallett, where
at Dnats
. Mr. Ganett ibterida going they made their home and reared
into the oujilvation of small fruit anti their family. Mr. Southcombe di
poultry on a large scale. Ile. Barr in 11478 and seven years later the tub-,
sed Mrs. Barr and daughter may take s' ere she continued to make ter
purposes moving to Clinton and be lect of tbu notice ,urea to tlinlnn,
b h l ed 1
a trip to the Paciec Coast next month. home 'ani it her death. A family of
Another person succumbed to the four eons and three daughter, ie left
to mourn her demise.
erthas of ,the ••white plague" when Was Well Known at Hemel].B
Bertha F'tnkbeiner. daughter of Mr.
and Mn. Matthew Finkhernsr, of Uretli- The death of Rev. H. S. Magee et
too. passed away atter en illness of Iilmira, N. Y., is the cause of sincere
two year. from couaumption. Besides regretung his friends in the yicin-
her parents, four brothers and eight ity of 'Jensall. Tile deceased had
sisters are left to mourn her early de- been a ering for some time es- the
mixture.result of overwork and financial
trouble and had gone to Gleason
Health Resort at. Eleni N. Y. On
at E
when Miss Gertrude Sheer was united the morning of June 8.h be went iu-
A pretty waddinngg was solemn
zetee on Thunday of last Wert mica,
in wedlock with Gnu H. Hockey, of to a wood` adjoinirg the resort and
Brantford. Rev. Mr. Hobbs per. hftrund dead d glome hours tree..
atere Un-
formed the ceremony, he haNM
ppy doubtedly, his mind had become de-
couple lett the same evening by auto tonged The deceased is survived by
for Brantford, where they will matte his wife and two young children. He
their furore home. was associate secretary of the tempo' -
The barn belonging to Geaorge Mc- ante and moral reform department of
Taggart. on the nth ooncersien of the Methodist church and was very
Grey, was destroyed by lightning oa popular tbrou4hout the country.
Sunday, 11th inst. The horses and About twenty years ago he wag junior
calves in the building were released pastor on tbe Hensel) circuit, and had
before the building fell and the pigs preached in Haeeall about a year ago.
gained their liberty when the flames A Disastrous Storm.
had burned off the door of the pen.
About 135 bushels of fall wheat. bay The electrical storm which passed
and oats were destroyed. Tee over the county on Sunday after
amount of insurance carried was $1,- 00011. 11th hot., was exceptionally
800disastrous for farmers in the vicinity
The death of Retell John SmalL • of Zurich. The Zurich Herald refers
former resident of \Vingbam, occurred
to it in the following paragraph :
at London ore Wednesday, 7th kraut. About 3 o'clock on Monday, afternoon
The "calla" bad bean cling for some a terrible wind storm struck this Vee-
tionmootbs but. had been seriously ill for and in less than ten minutes did
only three weeks. lis, Small was thousands of dollars' worth of damage
barn and raised in Wiagbam aitd had fit farm buildings, orchards and wind.
mill. The storm was very severe in
resided Lbws up b flue year' ago, town, although the hely serious dam -
when be moved to London. Besides
his widow, be u survived by a family age reported u the roof on F. C. Kalb-
ot "6m ebildrea. His age at bis floisch'e engine house stout half cf
death was forty-nine years and one which was torn off. )+'Fre most serious
taopth. low is the new barn of Joseph Bedard,
of the Sauble line. fbis structure
The marriage took place at Exeter waa completely demolished, including
on Wednesday, Jules 1401. of Miss the wall, and the loss will easily reach
Ens Pearl, daughter of Mr. and Min- $1,640, with °o Inoue snce. Among
Taylor, to Myron M. Culbert, of Ind- other sufferers are Thomas Turnbull,
dulpb. The ceremony was performed Saubte line, barn blown down ; Jamc
at 12 o'clock noon by Rev. Mr. Overholt, Sauble line, been blown
Hobbs in the preeeoce of immediate down : John Taylor, Sauble line, barn
relatives of the oontrecting parties- blown down ; Ross Johnston, Town
Mr. and Mrs. Culbert left oa the me- lice, bares unroofed ; Hobert Alla,,
ing train Inc Toronto, Pickering and Town line, barn unroofed; Sam Merner,
the Thousand lslesda on their re- 14th concession, pert of barn roof
turn they will commence housekeep- blown o1 ; Daniel Smith, nrcbard
in` on the groove's fine farm Ia Hid- damaged. woodshed unroofed and
dulpb. windmill blown down ; (Konrad
Seriosly Iajered. mon, Zurich road, straw shed blown
Harry Garside, a O. T. R. k-rakemeo down : John Keys, Town line. part. of
of London, narrowly escaped instant tern roof raft ; Wilson Armstrong.
death while on duty atMensal! one t+osben Zinc, tern down ; Sam Diets,
d.y st es ebush bedl damaged ; (itorge ('lausina,
ebuntedlawhewn oneek. ofCar111eatweererueSbeintheg windmillhlown down. Some of the
untertuoate elan, hrtskin�g several rrufe•Pere will get paid for part of their
ribs, and pies.. of lbs broken horror ions by the weather insurance cone
peoetrstirrtrgg ons lung. He was takes p•.ny. it wan the worst storm that
tm,isrdiatslj to the . He at Loo ever v,sited this section and the attt-
dap, where, et last reports. be lies in a fPten will have the sympathy of thein
critical coidit em. fortunate neighEros..
A Close Car A Puzzling Answer.
Daring the 0ectttcaJ Ktxao 0o true- tinnier Davies was riding on tbeCen-
day, 11th i OIL Richard Kobincos. of trial Branch the other day when e
ibe 14th ooctessios of Grey. bad a very )04m. -tom Indlvidn el sat down
clow call from instant death by light beide him and began homlardiug
Ho went out to the st•Me him with questions. Gomer got very
wwbben a bolt struck the IsotMing "ice tired of his talkative friend but did
ahleorwd oeo of the tieb+w Me• not eoptptaln. Finally the fellow
Robinson sees knocked doom, atriki°7 looked down end noticed that Gooier
his heal • blow nu the gement floor. bed a wooden kg.
Wheel di.onvered be wee asc'oesefos •How did you lose your leg i " be
bat be M gatU g a(o.$ v11 right sow. asked.
barring file or weer is uresM °tme- '•I will tall Mos npon one condition."
west said 0010.1.
A Pepsi. Irma in talism 'What h it r
on the afternoon of Jess 7th tyre d ''Age yes will not oak
9� !� . most pounder famu l ins were 4 '• II right." •
.nitiM. tJss cession beingJaren, ..it we 'tee oQ."
rim* 01 Run y seoo.d "yp tee," mid Ower. „that (bet
iN r- sad (Mosds. /t+d Pewrter. ped ew
Meer has Intal a let d aloe. siege hiss
Kraft gib" see "If i r' what sort el an animal bit
(Net big•
me another
Henry 1. Kestlt. "Itis sss.w°ny '
performed la kiwi. Lethsees
Tavnlrwt, Jvyts IA 1111 •
Now Is the Time to Swat the Fly. , 1
1? you ems a fly walkigg over the effect Kidney Action
turd and dither, or alighting on your C14es �euaItIBin
baby'. fare, remember that he is a '
memorises. of dine issued death, says Rheumatism with its kindred ailments +I
tbe July Woman's Home (4)wpanion d�'tWry Neck, Neuralgia rte 1
g ▪ 1 from lodgments of uric 1
acid in the joints and muscles. '
Now the chief function of tbe kidneys {
Is to properly fiber this poison from the
Only when they tail to do this is
Rheumatism probable.
Kidney weakness starts in various
ways. A sudden chill, alter perspiring
freely, sometimes settks in the kidneys
-or an unusual strain may cause it.
Paisoae which should he filtered out
r( else system are pumped back into the
Mood, sawing Uric Acid. the real cattle
31 Rheumatism, Lumbago, Wry Neck,
Neuralgia, etc.
In the early stages Nyal's Stone Root
Compound will stop it.
WWtl1 start your kidneys working prop-
erly so that the Uric Acid is reabsorbed
sad eliminated.
Away goes your Rheumatism with it.
Perhaps these early warning twinges
have paged unheeded, and your Rheu-
matism' oil or lime. statism has become deep scaled.
Keep .11 stable manure in vault or Muscles all snarled up in knots as it
pit, screened or epriukled with litre, m'R•
oil or other cheap preparation. tier Clam° you'll need Nyal's Rheumatic
that your sewage system is in good Ask our own dru
order ; that it does not leak, is up -t o- Y ggist about the:
date and not exposed to Hies. Pour remedies.
kerosene into the drains. opinion is worth while.
Cover fond after a meal ; bum t r Sold and truer oteed by :
bury all table refuse. Screen all ford
for sale. .
Screen all windows and doors, core -
really the k•tcben and dining -room.
Buuv plretbntm powder in the
bouse to kill flies.
Don't forget, if you see flier, the•
their breeding -place is in near -by
filth. It may b' behind the dour,
under the table. or In the cuspidor.
If there ie no dint and filth there
• will be no flies,
If there is a nulsteei in the neigh -
bin hood, it would be advisable to
write at on W the hu1l'h 4. tint -
The rule' for dealin with the My
nuisance, published by the Merchants
Association of New York. nod widely
circulated by tbern, are worth reprint-
ing. It is suggested that an excellent
work for any Ilse wow+o. club would
he to reproduce throe rule, on oat dr
and distribute them broadcast.
Keep the hies away from the sink,
especially those ill with contagious
diseases. Kill every fly that strays in-
to the sick room. His bitty is cov-
ered with disease genus.
Do not aloe, decaying material of
an; tort to aecuseub•te on or near
yodr premises. All 'elute which
tends in any way to fenuentetiori,
such as bedding draw, paper waste
and vegetable, matter rbould be di--
poeed of or covered with lime or keat:-
Sersen all food. Keep ail recep-
tacles fur garbage restfully coven d
and the cans cleaned or opt inkIed
One for each everyday ailment
The July Woman's $oma Companies THE ENERGY FOOD
The July Woman's -Home t' moguls-
ion contains the Orel of a 'aeries of
articles describing intimately the girl-
hood of some of our 'boat ransom
women singer.. The Arlt arta•l- is row
Lillian Nordica, Ot1_•r• attests who Then is something in oats which creates
are to he included in the series ate : spirit and energy. No other grain can bring
Maty Garden, Bests Ahot.r, Emmy results tike them. Everyone (mows what
Destinn and techas.wnn-H•ink, else oats do for hones. Tbey have the same
July Companion v.tains a number of , effect on man.
articles which convex information of a + An extract d1 oats is employed as. tonic.
value to houseke.pen lie ills rummer A diet of oats multiplies one's vitality.
lesson. Among thews are articles on Thalis why egergetic men -men of vim
"How to Cook Summer Vegetdthis" and spirit --are said to "feel their oats."
and "Good Salade kir Summer." I 1a Quaker Oats etre 8°estoats-Canadian
These articles, in addition to numer- grown -are subjected to 62 siftings Just
ous contritutiets to the fashion, the rich. plump grains are used. There is
household, borne decoration pad on1Y ten pounds of Quaker Oats in a btaeheL
handicraft depot tutents. make -a great ; These grains have the maximum of rich-
ness and energy. They are also the most
delicious. To eat Quaker Oats once* day
for a month will show to the limit what
toxic effects. what babbling vitality one
can get from oatmeal. One never knows
bow good oat food is. or what it can do, un-
til be tries Quaker Oats.
Made in C -"-d- t1e n
Iy Vint and Vitality One Geta
From Oats
collection of useful and interesting
reading. There are leo stories in the
number which are vri-ied sed enter-
taining. Some of the rootributore of
fiction are : Zona Onfe, Ci•arlee Bat-
ten L• -,orris, Grace fjRichmond. Jen-
nrt•a Ler. C. N. and'A. Al. William-
son and Mary Hastiest,.
.der die Guaranteed Flour
Next Time You Bake Bread
If rightly used Cream of the West Flour
will- make the lightest, flakiest, most nutri-
tious' bread you have ever tasted. If you
haven't tested it order a bag next time you
go, to the grocer's.
Cream West Flour
the hard wheat flour guaranteed for bread
r-_ 0_ - 0 Q • 01. Cr • 0 0 0 0- 0.0=0.
i NEE hereby affirm and declare that Cream of the West
Flour is a superior bread flour, sad as such is subject
to our absolute guarantee --moneyback if not satisfactory
alter a fair trial. Any dealer is hereby authorized to
return price paid by customer; on return of unused
portion of bag if near is not as represented.
The Campbell ng c Nt.eild. T.... •
. .
Ar.litrU Ca.ebsa Dswdlase
Iz'ZT=IFI Xt f.T -i-iI . .
Just the thing for the vacation, for the cool summer evenings.
will be one of these emert new Golfers. Tbey come in all the
newest styles.
Norfolk Sweater Coal, with belt, in .black. cardinal, Davy. grey
and white. Special-$B.OU.
Sweater Coat, pony style. made of a beautiful fine yarn in a
neat new stitch ; in all color", .izeo 34 to 48. Special -414o eacb.
Countess Pony Coats, much longer than above style, in all
colors, very fashionable, 1$2.96 each.
Full length Golf Coate, in white and grey, very stylish, at $1.50.
$5.00 and $7.50 eaeb.
Full range of children's Busters,. Sweaters, Knitted Overalls and
infants' Crocheted Jackets.
Splendid Values in Wool Shawls
Special showing of Wool Shawls, in all colors -and splendid
values at 75c, $1.00. $1.50, $8.00 up to $3.o° each.
Knitting Yarns Knitting Yarns
We ore the recognised heedquartera for Hnittiog Yarns, all
our Yarns Leiog imported direct to our special requirement.
Our special Beehive Scotch Fingering. in 2 -ply, 3 -ply and 4 -ply,
in black, white and color.. This is one of the best Yarns spun and
will be found most adap'able for plain and fancy knitting.
Our special teal Eider Yarn for knitting shawls. fascinators and
infant's' wear. in wbite, blue, pink. black, 2 -ply -per head of 12
skeioe, hoc.
Sim; land Floes, for knitting fancy work. in all colon, 7o.skein
$1.00 box of 16 skeins.
Knitting Needle.. Knitting Wirer, Cioobet Hooks in all styles.
The coolest store in town'
j Millar's Scotch Skwe
• 511111 you buy s first -clans
shoe, don't you want tont
shoe nude in the latest
style ?
Why should you pay
the price of a high-class
shoe, land, in return, get a
shoe one or two seaeolw
How do you know,
for instance, when you sok
for the newest footwear
tbat you're actually get-
ting the newest ? i
Belt why tali ecbancet ?
Why not ask for the
shoes that lead the styles
in Canada - INVICIUS
Shoes ?
Isn't there a great
satisfaction in knowing
that the oboes you're wear-
ing are not last year's
styles but the newest there
is in footwear? L lc -
This satisfaction will
he yours when you wear
IN V!C I US Sboee. There
are other testiionable shoes
besides INVICTUS, hut
how are you to know them? " j_-S,�P
Why tun any risks. why not order the shoes t at have made
a teputation throughout Canada for their stylish appearance?
You run no risks when you order INVI(.TUS Shoes.
The Square
Sharma n
en -Angle
Underwear tt•
unshtink 1ble.
value becau',t
it do( s wear
Real comfort,
becaast so
knit that the
shape 'Mays
in it. These
reasons should niakt• you
req :est the hrand and
ok tot the trademark.
.Ave S'ou tried P°nttl.-in::
(+1, 7 F -, •r the ►�r)nrc ii
Lacqueret is a peerlees wocd preset votive and heau-
tiller. it works freely, dries hard quietly, piethic's a
high lustre abd i, vasty durable. Yru can tuP it with
perfect satisfaction anywhere -on floors, ceiling*, wains-
coting, doors, furniture, etc. it is a veritable panacea :
it eores all woodwork ailments.:
•d ;j
Martin • Senour Paint
is sold .object to chemieal analysis. This means that you can
take any can of e`Martin-Senour" Paint oft our shelves, and
have it analysed by any reliable chemist. If you do not find it
absolutely pure end exartly as we claim, we will pay the
eh* rims and;make you a present of $100 for your trouble. We
are)nle agent.. in Ooderieb. MEM Fr' ab,
VMDIwW & Haszsair
•,.r"1P'` vfit v6 .0 "" 1.1. `.t it«ret •R.••••477.-,
.ui MrA.aawsrM erose s
`� t •, may;, tissilton Street