The Signal, 1911-6-22, Page 1Wedding Stationery 1 Job Printing " TILLEPHONE Rit First-claes work tensed out promptly ny Tbe Signal Job Dependent. FIDO commercial work a specialty. Call telephone N 35 if you want any Printing. t31ITY-Y111Bto Ises GODERICH, ONTARIO. CANADA' : JUNE 12, 1911 FINANCIAL MUM BANE OF CANADA . sirrallialclittt &pita', Rein aod Undivided Profits 17,708,000 Total Assets over 11160,000,000 NO MAN REMAINS POOR wbo saves every week. or month, or year, a certain amount, no matter how malt Few ever got "Mb without doing so. The Merinos Department of tbis Bank provides. a safe .pace for your savings to accumulate, and grow with the 'Merest wbich is added half -yearly. 11.00 or upward is enough for tbe first deposit. Money may be withdrawn whenever you Deed it. Goderich Branch W. L. HORTON, Manager NOTICE TO CRE DITORS (WIDE TO ORNDITORS. I.NOrt aRT07113/ TrAIIIIP OP S6 raft INTHV ooustv or a DT - Notice is beerrig1curesant to Me Mat mei is thot - permas having claims sonloot th• iodate of tie said Mary Mks Neb.* who dial ow or Mom ths 4 day 0 Kay, QM am required 10 .0.4 by mot. pm ir. er anivto er the eadenensea solicitors Rev. M. Ile0ormask and Merger Dotes. use enamors ot tie said estate, on or before Ib. lOta day of July, UAL their mosso and ad- dressee with talli:salars ot their and the miturest sessetties. sea, =1.4 taena. in written, by statary declaration. And mks mash thet i*or ttio mid date the executers •011 presses to MOSols Um moan of the said dimmed the memos sealed thereto, haste. 015 on te the claim et which they Moll hairs received .04the easentses est be liable tor Us= assets, or w part Moss( to my penman or persons of Wiese Moho oidise idall net bars bum mosivoi *Mat at the date at emit dis- • tribution. PROUDFOOT, HAY8 KIDLO Dated at Oeslorksh the 171h day Wm adz:: • rich. Solicitors tor tie isseintsm. 103.16 AUCTION SALL). t ILF.ARING AUCTION SALE oir ritoueltitsILD Ft/RNMHINOtt.PIANo. Pc. no Jamiseen Naini ma by Wide meth's " his 1111MIIIMUNtreet. lE MTH, siodsriek, so commencing at La p. m. : All the household furniture. orenetiec a parlor. dining -room. bedroom aad Mahon tursttare. ..bedd, aorr pets, rumrtoinag.W•aw crockery.et, sarpaaoha fend auntday oauctoa. ant if nots= t neat &SCUM Olin - Act to a P055100 1.4. miEverythmit Moot 'the P remises ho aid& as Mr. Riad Ms said his Muse and is town. Ter.: J A If 111:80tat TH08. QUA DRY. . Ametisamr. CENTRE HURON LIBERAL ASSOCIATION Tbe animal meeting of tbe As - societies sad Alm conventicle for the selection bf * tuadidate tor the Lerchisture fort.$,. Huron will be beid at Seetortb on Sat- urday, June Mtb, M 1 o'clock p.m. Roa. A. el. MacKay will be present and will adfirese the meetiag. A, full attendaace is desfreC .1. L. Ert.t.onatr. Secretary. SITUATIONS VACANT. WANTED. - A COOK AND A sonessaaid to me to Vancouver, Et. than September next Para and gond semis paid AnoUt to YR& WILSON HERA.U). %. .1110.1.. street and Britannia, read. geseenaitt er In writing. 360 WANTSD.-TAILOR TO HANDLE jmeyter new wholesale tailoring pattaros. eirbessee Wworkman. . rOm as ler pirotion. Address .111.410 DAWSON. Walter& Tomato. WA2oTED. - A RESPECTABLE geationsan wishes room sod board home Apoly BOX 67. THE SIG t. UOT WANTED.- TO LEARN THE priatiao Inds. One wbo be. passed the riresiecetwinatitro pretorred. Apply at WANTED. - A PR,OFESsIONAI tessiser ter & S. No. it Arlideld ; duties t.sMiisr Milldam Apply callritagirPON. niMealtime Ont. alit LEACHER WANTED.0 TEACH in Mr S. No. • Oeiterica tonniehre 'Porters Mate teseassance the tregini= tha secood terse ot 1111L A Lions, Ishary. will be received up 40 Id. Lith ot July. JOHN TORRANCE. Mc 7. P010510 Rill. 564t FOR RALE OR TO RENT LlOR BALL -THAT FINE REM- Matiol present ar= corner of Cameros ani011= streets. y kaimen as the A gh"lis or sle It cotoienss eit town ealwih the choic trais o .11 .1,4.. t am two brick homes, sack ot Dm amiss. one built only km ye.r. sod the other in limeciam remit. Both $ bs. 104010 05.V,.I.DOOS. ad 5310 - (ltd.? the 51lS1ty is me et the room dear - able in Oederi'lli In mid ow remonable terms. Apply to P. J. RYAN, %deride 100. I .0T FOR 8ALL-0 N SOUTH 1.1 street. bigli mil dry. onsettth ewe. Mar wiL. sewer nrION11111. OM be bad at • tor quick ssla Partionlon at THIS TWO COOD FARMS FOR BALIC.- ..t. Cisme to the towu ot Chaiwich. Tim load is Int -clam seckord so both olooseAseeml WM. Bay now. Load le mins up. nir 04. 1(104 insiting let, 0 feet frontage. cm Seidl se Me Watson promotr. &Pitt 170trnOtiVU 0DRY. INABA TO WT ON FUR SALE.- eosin koit tenorries 4. West wawa - r 0... imapiicre. cit "ma 1..d, being ods la • mod am* at cultivation. M4 maemelli en sesis sews Buildings in - brisk Mom Imes barn, Mod. AM. ississk runs tairsisoh is within bait • NM of the= Mama st 40novoldoot to oberthea. ethosie and esesetee. Ou the pious its goad gravid sit, whoa et lam years be. armpit erzorbLitear saes six serve 01 celmhobsigid I • r further in. nic terms. eta se -iv -v. -sr -"-v-",) t apply to Ifferramtk Dungannon. 1 itritit ?AIL - TEN ACittialtuE01,.51 otASIT se two Kerr 'Apt Apws Weisi. .git trilettessipartet ste . , Oaterle. WN PROPIIRTY FOR BALE.-, L..1 Iwo hundred ass tweet -five ash eri street. in the town et Oeseriek, ow- sweenarter et an aora on the north tads preterty there 1. 5100154 • eery eassit trams dhornis sad • Wee- =bliebia ediby the tate Alas - ender the bones .04 111. slim are, at premat, milt loam the bourne at 81.7) • math ass the lam .4 1/7 Par .m04.b. TO. propiong Mil la aolLITire or two parcola Urioltirkar4r._,___._Mrtiolmatir. 0....}=70,1•41.1 .. GUNDRY'S Livery, Cab and 'Bus 'Stables THIt RED BARN All our Ring alp New. 'Busse South Street. Gotten* meet all Trains and Steams's. Particular attentiorniskezett to calls trove private / 'Phone No. 50. SHRUM BAtiK Of .4ANAIIA luillSAFETY1 AND I NCOM Limmil=pri reasons for depositing yew mosey la this Mr A enviter amount here is abeolotely vale it siselves betas* hair yearly, and can he SS d to or drawn st your Pleasure "....11CUitt real pram of mind your money mum be 1. 0.1017. Ivory Miracles gives is farmersbississill GODERICH BRANCH B. WALICallt EV% 5ti GODERICH MARKETS. Tounsimv. June 130.. Mime per busk IN Oltod 510 wham per hi. IS to ftme bash 0 ID te 010 Mat, per Mitt 0 44 to 001 pro busk- claw oft Pssa.pbw.b 0 70 to 07 r per Midi X IS 1 ton . pot eire le ele to ti0 IQ ...76 to Clete 000 per Plan: 'Meat. Ms mob II 00 to 855 e.s.por Ms Per km put tee st el to et m M ee te In 0 10 le to 40 10 Straw i 00 to 2114 Dauer. 0 is weer 0 Li to weal. est 6 00 be 1 45 Cheese, see • is at arstsx.tterso.sicer dee fe II to 0 hi • si New Potatoes. peril:bilk .. . t 01 to 355 Pla .... 0 Q to 0 ID C•1436. arg•taro VA MOW& i 0 LO 30 Canis, expert, pee 3 39 to 5 71 ..• 0 00 to 50 Lambs a Oslo 431 . por cot 6 ull to 430 Mr. Pie a' es to M 7 00 to 7 fie ense.2225...ewt ....... ..... .... • • XI to 10 .. Lam= am Pelts s ts to o to BAPTIST ASEOCIATION. Anneal Meeting Held at Tiverton- Godericb Church Represented. The twenty-fourth annual meeting 'of the Walkerton Aseociation of Bap- tist churches was beld at. Tiverton on Wednesday and Thursday, June 7th aud tit.h. Seventeen churches of the Amoeietion were rep's -wood at tbe meeting. The reporta presented show a slight decrease in numbers from last yeer. This is accounted for by the constant moviog out West. Novel - t helms, the trisaionary Ipiril fs well suetained and both boom and foreign missions received larger contributions than ' in the preceding year. the amount given being nearly W4500. The interest of the meeting was cent- ered around mistrionary enterprise. Rey. C. J. Cameron, of the Baptist Home Mission Board, showed in a mastertul way tbe need of missionariee on the home field. and made all feel that their beet efforta were after all too in- dgnificent to meet tbe needs. But for a real live missionary talk the palm must be given to Professor L. A. Therrien, of the Grande Ligne Quebec. Tbe kind, jovial face of this Frencb-Canadian was a treat to all, and his genial disposition won for him a large number of new friends. As Prof. Therrien proceeded witb his address all hearts went out in sym- patby toward tbe Frencb-Ceuadian brethren and in admiration of tbe noble band of workers who are labor- ing eo faithfully for tbeir uplift. Tbe convention was made to feel that this work must rewire more of ite conse- crated money in the future than in tbe past. Dr. E. G. Smith, ot India, gave a vivid picture of life in that vast country and appealed strongly for support to further the work. Tb. value of education was emphas- ized very strongly hy Prof. J. L. Gii more, of McMaster University.Toronto. As an educationist, Prof. Gilmore has few peers in the wbole country. Edu- cation, he said, is the basis of all Christian wort today. It is a plain New Testament precept. The need of Id. boor is men for the ministry, trained, educated and equipped with the lost tbe University has to give. McMaster is doing ber share in train- ing men for the CDillildry. Out of 833 students 101 are ministerial students. He pointed out the fact that, of the scbolattships given by tbe University of Chicago, after that University it- self McMaster gained the largest num- ber, even being *bend of Toronto Uni- versity. In tbe courses of their addresses severai of the speakers mentioned the attitude of tbe Baptist brotherhood to the mooted question of church union. To the sorrow of large numbers at- tending the Association meeting this question was not discusaed. Enough was said, however, to show that tbe Baptist people are alive th the sit us - tion and are asking the question "What effect is the present movemeet for church union baviug upon our cburchesr The work of tbe Bible ethool was Well to the front. Rev. G. V. Conine, of Wingbam, gave an instructive ad- dress, one aporeciated by ell. Rev. A. L. Brown, financial sec - of the B. Y. P. U. of Ontario antnebeci, dealt in an able manner with the young people's work. Dr. T. S. Johnson, of Tiverton, gave tbe &anted sermon. In spite of Isis poor health Dr. Johnson gave a strong, powerful addrees. A resolution strongly condemning Use "ne temere" decree was mood- mously passed, several speakers ex- preseng themselves strongly in this matter. In this Association the Baptista bare some bird work before tlwen, but they are conlident of the iseue. Th. Goderich Baptist church was represented at this meeting by Rev. J. Pollock sad A. R. Glutton. WANTLD* - - • DOSTTION WANTED. -All CLERK A 10 .1.15. bantams Ihie meferret Sox 114. 81010AL. LOST OR FOUND. Loirr-oN SUNDAY EVENING, 1J :me 111. between John Lzwerts•s, Skov ormAximelelc mar.. Iri,C1Z=1,1),10. sem wavtee tt at T0111 i;li-os•-: BROWN ',RATTIER Is O. T. ee Tosolagranoo ff05 mast 0. w. TOS Mali. R MAL & -A NI1MBITR 2.0F feenteeinse le owe. as promo. nosh. g rirtitra:17ba. TrnalinitgaV (A! (4iNir tits,40.041114Crir, fp a man to be lie ille h K.ii.s le ono ream° wby the camp tit IN, 'ONG -TIMM- rair 4. 10 isits11, ever sameasemsvolls. t lie Seth Illiddlowes Li4 ght I us are finely aroma thie otetlalla the* etoseob taws Their MI 'RONAL PR1h i100 00., Lit, Postamma. AT CAMP SIODERICH. THF ARMY OF WESTERN ONTARIO UNUER CANVASti. The Boys in Roe and Green Favored with Fine Weather Sea Far -Camp Smaller dose the One of Three Years Ago( The military camp is now estab- lished across the rivet at Attrill's and until Friday of *est week Goderich will have the appearance of a earn - too town. Tbe regimental solvate* parties reached the Tampon Saturday and the &min bodies on Monday, tbe last to arrive being tbe 27Lh Lembton Regi- ment, which came in Iron" Simi& by Ib. steamer Serowe late Monday evening. These are five regiments in camp - the 28tb Middlesex, 27th Lembo -in, 30th Wellington, 32od Bruce and 38rd Huron. In addition there are K Cow- pony, R. C. R.., detachments of the Army Service Corps sod tbe Canadian Ordnence Corps, and the F'ourteentb Field Ambulance Unit A. M. C. The chief staff officers are: Col. W. E. Hodgins, camp commandant ; orderly officer, Vent. A. 0. T. Beard- CLOI e, 10:h H. (3.; generel staff officer aud A. A. G., filar .1„ H. Ilsodonell, D. S. u.; D. A. and Q. M. G., Major L. W. Simmons ; comp engineer. Lieut. J. A. Keefer, R. C. 1.; S. A. S. C. officer. Capt. E. C. O'Brien. No. 1 Co. C. A. S. C. ; ord- nance officer ; Acting) Condi.. E. V. Resew), C. 0. C. ; paymaster, Major E. R. Tooloy, C. A. P. 0.; musketry instructor', Major W. A. McCrimmon, 71h Regiment, Major P. W. On', 95th Regiment: signalling officer, Lieut. J. T. Hennesoy, C. S. C. : sanitary officer. Lieut. J. A. Ashbaugh, 1410 Field Ambulance Unit. A. M. C. There are two Infantry brigades. The chief brigade officers are: Fleet Brigade -Brigadier, Lo -Col. R. Mc - Ewan; brigade major, LL-OoL R. Mackenzie. Seamed llrigade--Briga- dier, LL -Col. A. Weir: bade major, Lt. -Col. A. J. Oliver. Tbe regiments pre all considerably under strength. abd there are prob- ably not. many more than 1,200 men in camp. On all bands is told tbe story of the difficulty of -securing recruits in tbe present ratmapf pay. It is the setae at doe other ramps, and there Is a general feeling [bat some radical cbaoge will have 10 be made if the regiments are to be brougbt up to any- thing like fdll strength at future canspe. 1 here will be a considerable addi- tion to the camp at the beginning of Dell week, wben the Chatham and Windsor city regiments will an ive. They are expected to come up by boat. Each of the five regiments in camp has a band, and in addition the 271h Lacobtons hove a bugle band. Tbe camp is arranged more com- pactly ,than tbe camp of 1908 it At - trill's. The main camp is in Use shape of an oblong, tbe 3010 Wellingtons nearest the lake bank. then Ilse 2ad, 33rd. 27th and 28th in order to the east. The water supply and shower beths are conveniently arranged along the lines, and at night the camp is well lighted by electric lights. The staff officers are stationed over in the Attrill residence overlooking Id. river, wbicb for them two weeks is the military headquarters of tbe district. Tbe Y. M. C. A. tent 18away over to tbe north, at quire* detance from the camp. However, a good &may of the bora find 144,i t he evenings, and the fluorin obansa, Stank, Brent., of the Stratford Y. M. C. A., le doing good work. A postal service has been estab- lished, and a number of letter boxes are scattered througK the camp. This le great convenisace, but it would be better .1411 11 the hours for ,sollect- ing the ruails were fired somewhat differently. The bourn now are 720 a. m. And 820 p. in., just in time to miss tbe trains le,iving Goderich. Tbe officers a the ft'd Huron Regi- ment are LO-Ool. A.x. Wilson, 8.. - forth; Major T. R. Rance. Cllotots Capt. W. W. MacVieer. Sarnia, ad- jutant; Major J. W. Shaw. Clinton, medieal otiose; Majbr Id. D. MeTast- foga, Clinton. quartermaster • Major J. W. IlodgIne, Stratford. ceplein. Tbe routine of camp life was inter- rupted today by tbe obese/ranee of Ciwonetion Day, a review of all the troops in camp taking place before Col. Hodgins, camp commandant. A large number of civilians were preeent 10 witaess tbe proceedingsThe pro- gram 'was delay.ol swim...that. by a 'Debt strident o Moll befell Major ebannon, whose horse bolted, and threw him. Alto being put through a series of exer,isee the regiments were fornied for the march pent the reviewing &fiery. the reanosen be. Ing executed in gond 'Kyle. Sere Metes. The floe weather has helped the of- ficers quite a bit in getting tits men aerostat:used to the voriotte orders and ootatuanda. SofIa peectioe commetteed Wednee- day morning, when ess company out a each regiment in Gam was fine In- structed in newt ip and then port on the ranges: to "sbnot for their pay." Very few men are shooting be- low emood-year evading. Croat dionatietactien on the part of altroses and meg exists owtts to tbe 14, band has selected “Bonnie:Duadee" as the march past for the teginsent, and the way those brayerr march to it is fine.; rer e •21rieg Capt. Dunlop /la mTr.ei-lit. Jordan have a very good company, although on the small side in point of numbers. The non-commissioned officers are Col.-Sergt. Cullsos, Sergte. Muir, Stream and J. Chisholm, while the oorporair. are Rome, %Vella, Lowe and A. Chisholm. lOodericbi company along with Id. signal action 'older Sergt. 0. Dean and Corp. Jones are quartered In the front line ot the Sara tents. Pte. Crocket Ism establialied a reputa- tion as a mouth -organ player, while Corp. Wells regale' the boys with 12th of July tones on the fife. Ptes. Moore sod Vane's. make • good pair of cooks and hand out gen- erously the ratioas of beef, pork, po- tatoes and beano. The bread so far hes been of &st- elae' quality. It is baked right on the grounds by the Canadian Army Ser- vice Oorpa. A Co., 83rd Regunent, had to fur- nish the main guard from /dooday to Tuesday. Sergi. Strang was in 0003- mand. The 38r4 Regiment band is the best on the grounds. It is out in gond strength and ita playing is superb. Bandmaster Hunter is putting the 1,oys thiungh diligent practice in prep- aration Ow Sunday church parade, when "Goderieb's own" intends to sbow its reel class to all present. Lieut. H. K. Jotdan is up from Brantford to help hose the boys of "A" Company. 83rd Regiment. He couldn't stay away. V. M. Roberts bee been made on honorary member of the divisional mot! mess. His ability and versatility as an engineer, draugbtamen, etc., etc., have reodered "Robe" invaluable, but anyway the name he carries around with him ought to be a. good introduc- tion in a military camp. The MOD in camp MUD to think that Attrill's is a iniebty nice place to spend a couple of weeks. If only the banks of the river could be pulled • little closer together, so thM the town would be nearer! A game of football between picked teams representing the town and the regiments in camp was played on Wednesday evening on Victoria Park. Tbe soldiers played good ball but were outclassed in coostrination, the game resulting in a wiu for the town by the wore 01 3-1. Rev. L. R. Natal, df Elms, rural dean of Wellington county, is in camp allboaorary cbeplain of tbe 3010 Wel- liogton Rine.. •Mr. Nene' ie well known here. being e son of A. Naftel, -Goderieb towoshin. Band Program for Friday Eyeing. By kind permission of Col. 11 Clark, M. P. P., and his officers, the32nd Reg- iment Bond, under the direction of Bandmaster G. J. Wright, will pisY on the Square on Friday evening, commencing at 8 o'clock. The pro- gram Is as tollows : March Ou the Bike Brokonshire Overture.... ..... lospiration. Hayes Waltzer Students. .. Masud Cornet Solo. 'Rellerireet bcrt's Fare we II .. March ..... Xlisigromon Lau reWndcaut Barn Dame .8114.90100 Barn Dance . Barnard Wallow nester* and Mulles liDeud Overture Nornmod ie .... -14010, Seetek March .. The Gatheriag ot the Claris . • • • ... -OM save ibio BY"' J• Wright THE CAMP PROGRAM. Many Events to Come Off Within the Next Week. In connection with the military camp a number of special events baTe been arranged. So far as can be stated at present the program hi ito follows: Satordey, June 21 -Field day of athletic sport. at Agricultural Park, to be held in tbe afternoon. Monday, June 28 -An informal dance will be held under Use auspices a "the bachelors and beoedicts of Goderich" at Hotel Sunset, at o'cloclop. m. Persons desiring ticket* are requerted to apply to J. B. M. Doyle, secretary of tbe committee, or Joseph Kidd. Tuesday, June 27-Tbe banquet givim by the town of Goderich to the military staff will take place at Hotel Sunset. Wednesday. .June 30-Tbe tattoo. Arrangements practically me corn - *de for tbe grand military tattoo to be given on the flets below Gloucester Terrace' nenrt Wednesday evening. A military display of this notary is •an expeve thing to carry through, and it may be described as a ebmpliment from the officers to the citizens in re- turn for their bospittlity to the men. Everyone is invited to be present to witneas the spectacle, which is to com- mence at 8:15 o'clock. Besides lb* five hands now in clamp there will be present the Windsor aad Methane eity regiinent hands eni In addition to the music of the hands there will he a special drill by "A" Company of the Royal Canorlian Regiamot hogitlarej It is requeeted that those arriviog 10 rigs will leave their home some di& tepee away, al the guns and fireworks ere Hattie to scare the anima's if they &Ft brought near the grounds. In rase of rain the tattoo will be post- poned until the following dventng. Tbaredey. June 111)---Fie4d 10a13- 01PUTTIPS. Tbe mph" meeting ot Inv Ouap. Sop of Rectland. win hew= ass Friday peeing, June Med. ihrouswassuures von us -i ass prepared be MI ordeals tor homegrown e trewheerfes. Fleet -Mese euraidos for either table ate or psvthg. Orbere env be Nat to Oselow poitoSeo eel 48 roo provega 110‘ torstal 'Sew ties berember tie begieerrevro bey, 1055 80* la& Mae, Massa Oid" A NEW INDUSTRY. TO OCCUPY THE DOTY BOILER SHOP BUILDINU. A Strong Company Being Formed - Eighty to One Hundred Hands to Be Employed -Contract Awarded for Sewer Construction. I CENTRE HURON CONVENTION. - The convention ef the Liberals of Centre Huron, for the purpose a obeesing a candidate for tbe next elec- tion to tbe Ontario Legislature, will be held at Seaforth on Saturday nest, June 3410, at 1 o'clock p. m. The Provincial leader, Hon A. G. MacKay, will be present sod will ad- dnses the meeting, and it is desired that as many as possible of the Liber- als of the riding shall (se present, whether chosen as delegates or not. One of Use. most important com- munications read at the meeting of tbe town council last Friday evening was a letter from F. W. Doty, of the Doty Engine Works Compeny, in which • be tested tbat his hod about concluded arrangements with • com- pany, DOW being (011110d. 10 Willie hie boiler sbop building in Godericb for the manufacturing of a patent grain door. The company will he A strung one financielly and will be cOmpooped of men connected prominently -with the railway and milling interesta. They will net ask for any loan from the town and will employ from eighty to one Isuin hod hands. Tbe letter wee concluded with tbe fnilowing para- graph "It is quite probable that I will ask tbe council to releese the mortgage on the boiler 'Mop property upon payment of 1110,000; The com- pany will require the property free from encumbrances. I expect to re- turn Douse io about ten days, when I will have •Il details completed." Tbe communication wad referred to the special committee to report. J. S. Robinson, the local C. P. R. agent, forwarded a blue print showiog the proposed new siding and asked for the privilege of connecting with the tracks on tbe commercial wharf: The matter was referred to the special committee. A letter froze Heaton's Ageocy. Toronto, soliciting business, with sent to the special committee. A. Snasel sent a letter aokiog if his license to sell refreshments froni cart included the privilege of catering to the people in the patks throughout the tows. The parka committee will deal witb the matter. Three letters, having reference to the adjustment of insurance matters between the town and the Kensington Furniture Co, were read, and it was decided tap have thgclerk confer with tbe soliciteS" goel take immediate ac- tion Lo %live the matter settled et once. Tbe directors of the Goderich In- dustrial Exbibition asked that tbe council take some action to put the grandstand and the main building ou the Agricultural grounds in better condition. Tbe public works com- mittee was instructed th confer with theneo.fficeis of the society and report to the couocil as to what should he do The town solicitor sent a letter ad- vising the COULICII that tbe 0. T. R. had 'applied for and obtained an erten- eon of time for delivering ita reply to the Ontario Railway and Municipal Board regarding the prnpoeed inter - switching arrengements with the C. P. R. at Goderich harbor. Tbe Moeda' committee will inquire for more information in reference to the steps wbich are being taken to secure this much desired facility. The public worka committee in its report stated that 4,863 gallons of Vul- •can road oil had been purees/hoed from the British American Oil Co. at five cents per gallon, on tbe understand- ing that the town would not be asked to pay for the oil if it should destrny rubber tires. The Pateroon Manu- facturing Co., of Toi onto, bad offered . to furnish free of charge five barrele of &Levi& "B" to be used hy tbe town as a trial and the sonsmittee recom- mended that the offer be accepted, tbe oil to be applied under the super- vision of the chairman of tbe coal- mines. Id tbe matter of outface water from Goderich towoship, the Reeve of -the township had proposed that an engineer be engaged to report on the minter, ea* eorporation pay- ing one-half the cost. It was recom- mended diet this proposition be 'opted and that an engineer be jointly engaged. It. was recommended that the (thrower) of the public work"' commit- tee look in to the cost of extemdi ng Eliza- beth street to Minato street and re- port., In tbe matter of engaging an inspector to act under the enguseer during tbe construction of the new towers it Wee recommended that W. J. Ranway be appointed inspector at 82_per day. The report was adopted. The special committee recommended that B. Gray and 3M. Mehl -all he ap- pointed special police to protect tbe Attrill estate durieg the nailitar7 en- campment. The report woe adopted. Tbe 11111111IPIN rommittee recom- attended the payment of a number a amounts and that the offer of tbe Western Canada Floor Mille Co. to give 105 per foot frontage ou harbor bill road be accepted, the width to be agreed noon by the committee. The °Icarriell. nv: ete committee recommended that 113 be paid for takiag the flee -en- gine to Gres, the engine to be taken out only when vsod, and that say extra firemen engaged he paid et tbe rate nonfif2. mats per boor while actually et fires. Adopted. Deputy Munsings made ga oval meet as to wbet the pubilc works committee had dap toward* arrangis= the emotion of a sew bathing . He submitted a pip tor • now ow, the setionalall east of wins& wait $101 Tie made • motion, which we. essoaded by Committer IN Mott, that the building be erected ae- =mtis the plass submitted. ,orWakes -thought it should IS ameba tie the teerVie=asrear raus=iraa eV the opilutra that M siteuld rebet I be ee es to be evelielde ter the people prenerally rather then for the guests of the summer hotel chiefly. If any money were spent he sug that the old bathing house rend en- larged. Councillor Elliott contended that there wee no use for a bathing house where the present one is. If a Nothing bootee were built it should be built below the summer hotel or not erected at ell. The present site was one of Ilse most, public iu town, he de- clared. Tbe matter was finally re- ferred back to the public works com- mittee for immediate conaideration. Tbe council thee adjourned. At a special nseetiog of the town council on Tiseedey evening the tender for the construction of the new mwerage system was awarded to Peter Nicholson. of Monkton, at $32,- 150.43. The contractealls for the con- struction of emote on the streets mentioned in tbe engineer', report with the exception of the 'metope on Waterloo .end Nelson streets. Only those tenders were entered for the construction of the whole system and two were received for parte of the work. I-IKES "fiNptinfiCH BOYS. To the Editor of The OodsrIch Marna Doan Sia, -Kindly allow me space In your valuable paper to express my sincere atipeeciation of the boys from your town, who eocanaped at Niagara - on -the -Lake with the 15111 A. M. C., of London, Ont. Myself a stranger in tbe tents with the boys a Goderieb, I am delighted to teetify as to their manly conduct, and wish to thank them one and all for the kindness which I so greatly appreciated, and hereafter the word "Goderich" will be significant to me in a way that it never waa before. I again tbank you for your valuable spa*. I remain, A CAMPRZ. St. Thomas, Ont., June 17, 1011. REV. J. W. HOIX/INS - -'"TO THE MASONS. The Spirit of Love Exemplified in the Week a the Order. R.ev. J. W. Hodgins, of Stratford, conducthd the services in St. Georges cburch hist Sunday. In the morning about eizty of the Masonic brethren attended in a body and beard a very able discourse on the theme of love. The peerage 'Thou shalt love the lewd thy God with all thy heart, with all thy mindand with ail thy strength, and thy neighbor as thyself," was des- cribed by the speaker as tbe greatest commandment of tbe law; it was so full of precious instruction. Love, he stated, was tbe great recret of our rigIst behavior towards our fellow- men. It bad a two -fold spbere. It simplified religion aod it WWI tbe grand -theme of all the church tel -vices. It 1.1t24 tbe principle on which society was founded, also all fraternal soci- eties. It was seen in tbe meetings of many religious bodies held during tbe past few weeks when an effort was made by members 0111.. various de- nominations to overcome the preju- dices of their forefathers and to be joined in closer unity. At no time in the history of kiumaritytbe speaker declared, had tbe spirit of fraternity a greater hold on the country than to- day and fraternal societies had been among tbe greatest educator* hs the prect Ice of love. Continuing, be stated that fraternity wee now and ever would be an active factor In the world's welfare. The age of tbe hon- orable inatitution represented in the congregation was difficult to deter- mine, there west no author Wive record to .how its age, but it was (we of the oldest societies in the world. It was iniffIcient to say that it had gained • strong foothold in Itngland in the reign of Henry VI. The world was realizing more every day the moral force of Masonry on: humanity. It had never ueurped the (sphere of the church and bad never allowed itself to be 'affected by attacks ?non without or fgreediffertoced of opinion within. Masonry recognized no race die - Option. All the members met to- gether ou equal terms. Printing in palmtop. iletonddents in the White H 011110, jthe bench, with tbe most bum citisens all met together on the one footing. Figure, were quoted to *ow that thousands' of 4011*4. werribtributed to widows and ors:4am" nI deneseed members and other worthy cauese, and so quietly wee much work carried on that few bees' a it Having impressed the brethren strongly with their duty towards their fellowmen, tlic speaker warned Id... lest they should forget their duty halyards God. It wits a smatter of megrim to bins. be Sated, that at tow whom to• mot erolood tbe *1180 1. the 'afternoon Were seen theta ate akar le We Amok. Osneleating, be deolared thee 10. 1.,. Ilona sied knew Wet the Seatitase the Maeoate Order bed the 1p.. ...J the Goll ai Fresh and Ihey, tie dam mill by II. R. IMPlita,8114111= fledlauleh OaL