HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-6-15, Page 7THE BIG AL : GODERIOH ONTA THUthmDAT, Jt7xte lb, 1911 7 41.**** ****4 ***191f °Q° + st. The News of the District _ _ ._:.s ss.s.LaletedG.tcma..f.mmm sms.�..w............' ' ' ' ' _ _ • T. AUGUSTINE. TuasDay. Jong IBt�b. 141 Nitwit Norge. -Mrs. R. Jonse, of Allis � y 4 44444+++++++++41+34*+* 444+45445444 444 LEEBURN. TvaeDAY. June 13th. Lammas( Locate. --Mr. and Mrs 0. Carey *petit Sunday with Mr. and Mr... McGraw Mime Kate Renter is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Harris. Dungannon Miss Jou elution spent the week -end et home Alen. McNevim, of Saltfonf, spent Sunday with his relatives here John D. Farrisb was in Ash8e'd last week Mr. and Mrs. D. Il•.rton, God«rich, were in the burgSunday. Rev. Geo. E. Ross, of Ooderlc6, occupied the pulpit here last Sunday, in the absence of R.V. J. Hamil- ton, who was in Ottawa attendings the Getseral Assembly A light hail storm passed over these parts last Sunday afternoon. damaging some of the gardens. IT GROWS HAIR t3ENMILLER. Tu$et)aY, June L* . 8+um'e•--Mr, said Mn. E. T. Pfrine spent • few days at Fullerton.,,, � Stokes, of Goderich. spout Sun- day with Ms ereadp•reots, Mr. and Hrs, Heddle ...... Mrs. John nuMcLean and daughter were mes of dewy Fisher over Suoday Mrs. Gledhill and Mrs. Newell spent a few days to town this west. HOLYROUO, TotteDaT, June 13th. Ngw . OF efts WEEK. -MIM Sara Nyn,; is spending a week visiting bar tartar, Mrs. Dr•hras.PU, of Hsytleld :bs Holyrood `Sabbath .chool intend holding "dtanl�ono lathin Mr. w1Ge4esatd ,1d ki Friday, ell kinds of amusements are looked foe, and lunch will themselvestd. We h all will enjoy J.aines, of Dunwannoo, spent Sun- day suith his is on the .ick Het. We hops ts here. His mother to Frear of her me.- recovery, CARLOW. KO *DAT. June 12th. &-H,$)t REPORT. -Following is the repot of U. S. S. No. 3. Colborne. for the month of May : V. - -Lilian Wet. .on. Sr. IV. -Violet Taylnr, Olive Young. rale Rotertson, David McMil- Ias, Elwin Rutledge. Jr. IV. -Miry Medd, Ada Shields. Sr. 111, -Watt Hamilton and Beatty Levy equal, Violet Hamilton. Lily Merhes, Evelyn Yungblut Harry Wat.on. Row MrPhet. Willie 1 Dung. ' Jr. 111. -Edna loner, Narie Wsuon. Verna Hassn. La Rutledge. Elsie lLeessT. Sr. 11. - Wilmer Howatt. Hilda Hardy. Frank tahieids, Frank •esiame.ur, tiirvin Young. Tomhiy Hamilton, Ralph McPbee, Gordon Taylor. Celia Hamiltnn. Jr. 11.-Jss- ,a live. Isabel Young. Kathleen Hastilt.•n. Joe Young. Annie Jones. M. R. J .o"Ins)'. Teacher. LUCKNOW. MONDAY, Igoe 12th. torn IN THE W .r.-Tht. death s aasounced at Lethbridge,Alta., no ratarday, May •27th. of Ronald Me- Kieocu brother of Charles McKin- roe, of Lurknow, and fourth child of :he late Mr. and Mrs- Murdoch Mc- Kinson. The deceased was in bis chitty-.ec..od year and his untimely Reath is mourned by bis young wife, and a sister and three brothers. They are Mita Emma and Charlet., of Luca - now : Laughlin. of Lethbridge. and Angus. of Sault Rte. Marie. A sad f. -store in connection with the event that the dead men's brother Chat lee left hist s eek for Lethbridge, unaware of his brother's demise. Duni OF Mite. Houses. -The late Mn. W. fl Holmes, whom. death took daeeonSaturday. June 3rd. in Vic- toria hospital. Londoo, was. horn in loodon township sizty=tll'e years ago. She was a daughter of William Tay- lor.* former customs officer in Lon- don. She was married in 1i384 to W. S. Holmes and with him removed to Lurknow. where the remainder of her life wa+•pent. A family of four chil- dren is left to mourn her departure : 11. V. Holmes. of the Bank of Hamil- ton. Gorri.: W. T. Holmes. of Luck- noir: uck- now : Mies tiled's. of Lucknow, and liwlrene, of Victoria hospital, Len - As 't1LD-T1xE MimerREL-"Billy" Mhanooa. minstrel. of Chicago, is spending a few weeks in town end with friends at Dunngg•aioon. His old home was in Goderich. He woof to t'hicago in Mk, went on the stage as A minstrel in 1871 (the year in which the railway came to Bruce county), and has been on the boards ever since. Like all the rest of us be is getting old. and his part now is usually that of "uncle Tom" or "Old Black Joe," but hp Ft ill retains to a remarkable de- gree his youthful vigor and Rood Fpirits. He speaks of putting on • local show with local talent, if he can make the necessary arrangemente,- Lucknow Sentinel. Nc>r1te.-Mise Irene Sheriff. of Gor Ho, wu home last week on • visit... Don- tld ltic('ervie and James Gaunt base reamed from their trip to the West. • • . Gen. Matheson left last Tuesday on a trip through Northern Ontario. R. F. Porter, who has been in the Molsone Bank fof the past Pit months, has been rrao.ferred to the Pee olia brands, Willie Noise has been promoted to his place and a junior .latah is heing sent up from Toronto. •. Principal White, of the Luck - nm high school, underwent an opera- tion for appendicitis last Tuesday. The patient is making favorable emit- r'as• • • . . J. A. Smith. of Raskatonn, is visiting his brother, G. H. Smith, of the Molitor, Rank . . Mita Ethel Johnston, daughter of Oliver John- ston, who returned In poor health from Detroit recently. mnderwent an 'Potation for appendicitis at Wing - ham hospital last Wednesday Peter Ryan, of Grand Forks, B. C. is h"re on a vialt to his sister. Miro- Thomas Wehet.t. Mr. Ryan has term •Ment from Lurknow for went y -one years SIMPLK RRMHDY Rau Backache and Kidasy Trouble. The amplest eon nitwit affective rem - "I) for sick kidneys Is Booth's Kidney ly 1f there ie.* weakness. congest- ""oiefianoinatinn or s orenesa, Booths Ate- Pills quickly relieve it. They Ren t I y stimu- late. tone and st.r.eogthen mirk k •dneys, drive away b•"kache. rh.nmatir pain and dizziness, rlaar up and reg. .lat. the urine and restore a perfect filtering of the Mood. tt'et of Al I. this relief is pwrm•awtt. • 0311 and Ruar•nt.. y �s Hely Pills, fife. s trrz. ,,,"6.7 n' • beak N beey Dail to relieve. .rrt !:rye The R. T. Annth (b.. Ltd.. Ont . for a free trial. Hat Not After the Hair Root Is Dead. B. R. Wigle will tell you that be mills a great many bottles of Parisian Sage because k gives sat isfaction. He euaraotees it to eradicate dand- ruff. stop falling and splitting hair and itehing scalp, or mnney hack. Parisian `Mage will stake hair grow if the hair root is not dead : it puts lite and lustre into dull and faded hair, and is the most delightful hair dress- ing in the world. Only 30 cents a large brittle. Pari.ian Sage is toe hest hair grower and brauufier, dandruff cure and scalp cleaner known. Try it on our mnney hock plan. Sold -and guaranteed in Uuderich by E. R. Wigle. LOTHIAN. TUESDAY. June 13th. Hittite/4 -Mies San MacLean, of Chicago, le visiting at her home here. Jim Ritchie, who had been in Detroit for the past y -gar, left for the Writ today miter spending • few weeks visiting at his old home here. Mr. and Mrs. Red. Campbell and Irby, Mariop, of Kinloss, visited at Jae, McDonald's last Werk Mrs. T. A. McKeith returned last week from Lembetb.. where she bad been attending her father, Thos. Herlihy. who bad been seriously Hl. We are pleased to report he is greatly improved .. John McLean. of Guelph, im vi.?tins: at Alex. McLean's Kenneth Campbell .pent Sunday with friends near Kintail Miss Nellie Oilmore, of Detroit is visiting a1 her home hone. DRUGGIST PRAISES D. D. D. "Your D. D. D. Prescription for eczema is tbe best thing we have ever handled, and is giving food satisfac- tion with our custoiuers. -Spur Stev- enson Drug Co-, Birtle, Man. '1 have bad eczema on and off for about three years, and nuthing I tried has done so much gond as D. D. 1). It will stop that irritation in a few min- utes. 1 can do my washing and if I have D. D. D. on ham' it will ease it at once." wriiiw Mrs, A. J. Squires, Coleman. Ont. These are just samples of letters we are r•rceivtng every day from grateful patients all over the country. "Worth its weight in gold." "All my pimples washed away by 1). D. D." 'I found instant relief." "D. D. D. s little short of miraculous." These are the words of others in describing the great skin remedy, D. 1). D. Proved by thousands of cures. for ten years. to he absolutely harmless and reliable in every case of skin trouble no matter what it s. Write today for free trial bottle to the D. D. D. I.abotatoriee, Dept. G. S., 41/Colborne street, Toronto. (For sale by all druggistal. KIPPER. MONDAY, June 12th. PRtte0NAt_-Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Dinsdale and Mise Anna went down to Centralia last week to attend tbe wed- ding of Mrs. Diuedale'e cousin, the daughter of the Rev. W. H. Butt. Mins Parsons, of Bayfield, is visiting in the home of her brother, Robert Parsons, here ....William Roes nod William Murdock went to Totonto last week to purchase cattle for their bro.d acres of pasture land. Mies D inedale is spending a week with friends in Centralia R. B. McLean left for the British Isles last week. While there be will attend the coronation Arthur Logan leaves this week for Sukatchewsn to see friends and take up a homestead possibly. Ruccese to him. News Nsrres.=A large acreage of beans bas been sawn in this vicinity this season, one man. Wesley Harvey. having twenty-five acres. Beans have proved a good paying crop for some yearn- Many are buying beat har- vesters . Sender's storm did con- siderable damage in the surrounding country. Buildings were blown down in mime comae and in others were par- tially unroofed. Windmills suffered *180: on five adjoining farms on the 2nd coneasaioo, `Stanley, four wind- mills were either blown down or bad- ly damaged, while many ti..e, mime large and valuable, were blown down nn numerous farms. Orchards suf- fered also. OUTDOOR SPORT AND ZAM BUK Every athlete, every ball -player, every swimmer, every canoeist. every man or woman who lovee outdoor life and .=.rents. should keep a hoe of lam-Buk bandy 7.em-tick is • pur.la herbal prepara- tion. which. as .non as applied to cuts. Aransas. burns. sprain., blisters, etc., sets up highly beew(kial operations. First, it. •nti.eptie properties render the wound free from all danger from blood poisoning. Nest, Its 'nothing properties relieve and PASS the pain. Then its rich, herbal halms penetrate , the Merle. and .et np the wnnd.rfnl of healing. Barbed wire Meer**�tab.s, insert motes .kin diseases. .och as .MAMAS*. Ma' realises ring warn. MN's' heat .ores. ahafed sure feet are all rookie e,,r..l EasalBsik. It akin mem and eine 1w. All drtggitsta and stores. PT". ;art. 1 leap, like' per tablet. GOOERIICH TOWNSHIP. Moapay, Jutta 12th. DEATH or Ggoaug W. W ai y. -This townshiphas lost a good citizen by death, in the person of George W. Wray, who passed away on Saturday. June 3.d, at his home oo the Base line after a brief illness. The deceased vies a man of staunch integrity and of a kindly, unassuming nature, which won for him the esteem of all with whom he came in contact. In religion he was a Methodist, a faithful member and office holder of Ontario street church, Clinton. He was born in Devonshire, England, forty-three years ago, and when be was about twenty years of age he came to this country ani engaged in farmiug. His untimely death is mourned by his widow, who was a daughter of Wm. Tiplady. The funeral took place to Clinton cemetery last Monday, Ray. T. W. Comm officiating. The pall- bearers were Ralph. John and Will Tiplady, James and Glen Cornish, and J. Tiplady, of Toronto. NO REASON FOR DOUBT. A Statement of Facts Backed by a Strong Guarantee. We guarantee complete relief to all sufferers from constipation. In every ase where we fail we will supply the medicine tree. Rexall Orderlies are a gentle, eftec- tivt, drpeodable and safe bowel tegu- lator, strengthener and tonic. They re-establish nature's functions in a quiet, easy way. They do not cause any inconvenience, griping or nausea. Them are so pleasant to take and work so easily that they may be taken by anyone at any time. They thorough- ly too* up the whole system to healthy activity. Rexall Orderlies are unsurpassable and ideal for the use of children, old folks and delicate persons. We can- not too highly recommend them to all sufferers from any fours of constipa- tion and its attendant evils. Two sizes, 10c. and 2Zic. Remember you can obtain Rexall Remedies in this community onlv at our store -The Rexall Store. i3, C. Dunlop, south side Square. LANES. A' tiNOUNCEMENT.-BEC.'INNING Thursday. June 15th, we will give • 10 per Dent. Dash discount on all goods, eroeppt groc- eries. Produoe taken ss cash. W. P..SAN- I)YRSON. • SATURDAY, June 10th. LA NEW Loc"At..-When does the dry summer which was predicted start? Field crops of all kinds are flourishing at the present time. The apple crop this year proves a failure in this locality at least Mrs. Samuel Sherwood and baby intend leaving on Tuesday tor the West, where she will visit her three sots, Ernest. James and Wesley, who went West some three years ago. Her many friends join in wishing ber con- tinued health and a safe journey" while visiting among many other relatives also, of the Western plains Rich- ard Reed, who returned from the West a short time ago, spent a few days in this vicinity buying a number of horses. He is looking well. The West must •gree with him. %V. P. Reed, A. Stein and Melville Reed de- liver horses to him in Goderich on Monday to be loaded for (be West nett morning Daniel Alton and W. P. Reed have each purchased valu- able teams lately Jimmie Ritchie and H. J. Johnstone intend leaving for the West with a car during the coming week. We wish them a site trip ' ...We notice in the daily paper of Saturday that Clifford Trel- eaven, of Ripley, palsied his university examinations in Toronto, with honors. ]fay success still accompany him in his future studies. . Prosperity,visited in vic It this week .. Mrs Johnston. or , and • Mrs. Blake, of Ashfield, visited at. A. Johnstone's Iwo week Hiss Lkan, Miss Mcl'artby and Mrs. Stafford were the guest. of Mrs P. Kearney one day last week ......A number from thin vicinity took in the excursion to the Guelph Model Farm last Friday and report baying had a good time Joseph Flynn has erected a sew stable on his lot, making quite an improve- ment to his premises Doing stat- ute labor is the older of the day in this vicinity Robert McAllister was in Woodstock las week attend - Ing the wedding of his niece. Mss Lizzie Richardmom....Samuel Thomp- son attended the Methodist (:oofer- ence in Stratford last week John Boyle stepped on a nail a few day* tsgo. Consequently be moves around slowly, these days .... Patrick Walsh I had the misfortune to lose • valuable mare sod colt last week ... Mrs. Wm. Thompson left this week on an extended visit to friends in Manitoba. There was agood at etdence at .itis practice last turday. Joeeph Flynn Was highest, meting 28 out of possible 35. AUBURN. . WEDNKSDAY, June 11th. Mr. and Mrs. Smillie left last week to visit their daughter in Toronto. Mn. James Medd is visiting at her father's, Mr. Duffs, near Dungannon. Blas. Medd is serving ice-cream three times a week and seems to be doing a good business. Mr. Taman is busy carrying out his contract of gravelling the road lead- ing to the station. Mrs. (Rev.) Badke returned yester- day from s lengthy visit with her daughter at Brantford. The brickwork of the new Bank building was completed last week and the lath is now being put on. John .1. Gooier, of London, has bought the old homestead and inoved up this week. The farm contains one hundred acres. D. Mole, wife n and family. of Rochester, are at present visiting the former's parents here. They intend living in Toronto in future. Rev. J. R. Mann was in Brantford over Sunday preaching in one of the churches in that city. His work here was taken by Will Taylor, of Knox College. Rev. Mr. Wiley had the pleasure last week of meeting his wife and fancily, who have just come over from Scotland. They will take up their residence in Clinton. After being ill daring the greater part of last winter sed t his spring. John Wagner pawed away at his home here yesterday-. The funeral will take place on Thursday afternoon to Ball's cemetery. Henry Sturdy porting,* getting • gasnline engine to pump the water from the well he bad drilled recently. It will save a greet deal of time and labor and will rum,. •e handy for other purposes ale. Tisa tollowing took in the exenrsion to the Model Fenn last Friday Miss Loafs Jai-kena, Was Roddy, Geo. Yungblut Jas. Medd. Mies Kiva Moo. hem. Mr+. Jos. Wa.hinstm, Dr Weir. Rsvmnnd Ferg.tr.n. Wm Andeeasm. Mr.. Adan*, Ralph Graysston, Noah Meteor, O. g Rrratt, Donald Patter- • Stephen Medd. (1 le um ■ CORONATION PORTRAITS. King George V. sad Queen Mary. The Signal has made arrangements by which our readers eau secure roost beautiful coronation portrait. of Their Majesties King George and Queen Mary. They are by the celebrated "Laogf er," of London, and copy- righted. The Family Herald and Weekly Star, of Montreal, has secured the Canadian rights, and is now of- feriog these portraits free of charge to all who subscribe to that great weekly for the balance of 1911 at fifty cent.. We will include The Signal with the Family Herald and Weekly Star for the same period for only 75 cents, and each subscriber will receive the coron- stioS pictures The two portraits are no the one sheet, size about 18:111 Inches, a most convenient size for framing. They are acknowledged by competent judges to he the beet poi - traits of Their,. Majesties in existence and will become historical, growing in value year after yeas. The small sum of 75 cents will bring you both papers until January 1st, 1912, and the coronation portraits. The latter alone could not be bought for the price. 1 SCOTT'S EMULSION is noel a suausartrim Mlfii as a winter remedy, It has thy same inirigorabnc and strengtb-producing ef- fect in summer ani In wiitter. Try it in a lints oma MA or vrt ML ORUGC81fl WHY OATMEAL VARIES Oey Oso-Ttilyd e1 the Oats Ar. PN To maim • really delicious ostmeal ono use mast ajust the plump. rick grains. Co - mon oatmeal, made of oats as they rna, lacks flavor and rictitous. And it lacks, •boee'all. that wealth of eserp element which makes one feel his oats. Tboos.ads of people eat oatmeal witk&t ever knowing what • vim -producing food it is. They never know how enticing it can be. They buy oats in bulk without even • krsad on them to guarantee the grade they Ed - The choicest oats are sifted 22 times is getting the grains used for Quaker Oats. Only ten pounds in a bushel -the choice.t third of the finest oats -is good enosgb for Quaker. The Quaker process makes these granas into an oat food worth having. Oae who once eats it will never again care fora com- mon oatmeal. e , Oats are the vim -producing food. But tbey wbo get the utmost e*octs ate the eaters of Quaker Oats. Made in Canada. /am A Unique Declination. A young woman prominent in the social .et of an Ohio town tells of a young man Stere who had not fawil- yiarimed himself with the forms of pol- ite correspondence to the fullest ex- ent. When. on one occasion, be found it necessary to decline an invi- tation, he did so in the following terms : Mr. Henry Blank declines with pleasure Mrs. Wood's invitation for the nineteenth, and thanks her ex- tremely for having given him the op- portunity of doing so June Lippio- cott's. SOLE AGENT IN GODERICH WALTER HERN so -REPAIRING RECEIVES OUR SPECIAL ATTENTION The underwear without a fault Ji any season of t"Iim.it fol man, woman or ch'1 at the right prig And it won't shl ii• g I1 "Pitt !r. SUMMER HATS LIGHT headwear is a requisite for real comfort in the warm summer weather. We have hats in all the latest shapes and styles, suitable for all walks of life. A large range to choose from in PANAMAS, SAILORS, CANVAS, CHIPPED STRAW (extra light) We also carry a full line of Children's Sailors and Canvas Hats. McLean Bros. Semi -Ready Tailors, - Men's Outfitters Spring Tonics vwM. iw111. Spring will soon be here and you will be needing a good tonic to prepare you for the bard work of summer. We recommend and guarantee Nadruco Blood Purifier Nadruco Sarsaparilla Nadruco Compound Iron Pill Nadruco Syrup Hypopboephites, Nadruco Tastelese Cod Liver Oil. ff theke remedies do not do am recommended your money will be returned to you. *fent for Goderich. F. J. Butland, Druggist "The store that pleases." ONOsetienetieWee „...seo� flSUMM ERfl � GOODS Hammocks, Coal Oil Stoves, Gasoline Stoves, Screen Doors and 0 Windows, Refrigerators, Ice Tongs, Lawn Mowers, Ice Cream Freezer's„ Fishing Tackle, etc. II We are agents for the Canada Cycle & Motor Co.'s Bicycles and carry the Cleveland line in stock. We have added a bicycle repair department to our workshop and carry a full line of bicycle sundries. Is your LAWN MOWER out of repair or does it need sharpen- ing? We can put it in order for you. JUNE WEDDINGS We have just received a beautiful line of Florentine Braes Goods. Each piedt possesses the aesthetic charm of Nature's Ger- den, each decorative design artistically engraved by hand and finished in black and dull brass. We have also a fine lino 4f Rodgers 1817 good. Big assortment of Carving Knives and Forks in cases. BICYCLES 0 FENCING We have about two thousand rods of Fencing left yet out •.f abort four thousand. We are going to clean (hie Fencing out at prices that no person can afford to mise. The lines consist of The Pittelstrgh Perfect Fence, 7 wire., 47 inches high, No. 9 wire, for 270 • rod. Cyclone Woven Wire Fence, No. 7 and No. 9 wire, American Woveu Wire Fepce, No. 9 wire. Page Woven Wire Fence, No. 9. Coiled Wire at *2.101 per 100 lbs. Barbed Wire at *2.30 per lilt) lbs. Does Your House Need Painting? If so, don't forget that we handle the Sherwin-Williams Paint, the best paint on the market, 110 you want to brighten up your furniture. floor* and wood• work ? If so, don't forget that we handle JAP-A-LAC, ahigh-grade . arnieh and stale combined, FREE To the first nue huoded housewive,, who call a'- rot, store next Monday, May >p*, we will give • sample can of Jap•a•la. CEMENT A fresh rarinad of National Portland cement bum 'cost arrived. The National is the hest ars* strongest comma M lot is figure on your Plumbing. lhEtlaR. Metal Roofing etc, MP CHAS. C. LEE Comte Phone No 112 Stene Phone No. 22 oma 0 u