HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-6-15, Page 6aliMaantorte7 Loa,
Discuss.on of the Power Question -
Former Boundaries ot School In-
spectorates Restored Reports of
Committees Sterling Bank to Get
Part of County Business.
T'hc courtly- c.uueil finished the busi-
ness of the June version on Friday
afternoon and adjourned until Lk--
Fallowing is a continuation of last
week's report of the pioceediogs :
In discussiog the communication
from the Hydro -electric 1-ommieeion
regarding Maitland River power,
Reeve Leckie remarked that the Cone
initiator) gave the members of the
deputation that went to Toronto the
impression that the count had. in the
opinion of the Commission, a power
that was well worth developing. Mr.
Leckie added also that before much
further progress could be inside the
outs available site would have to he
secured, and an option on this pr•op-
erty was now held by J. W. Moyes,.
president of the Ontario West Shore
Railway. Just what difficulties might
be encountered were not certain, Mr.
Leckie concluded.
The report was then discussed in
committee. Reeve Sturdy, of Gode-
rich township, made it clear that be
war opposed to the project. "I should
like to know," he demanded, "why
tbie committee should involve this
county in the affair? Who wants the
power? Do the towns and villages
throughout the county of Huron want
it? It they do, why don't they asset
the county and not leave it all to the
county to assume ? Ido not see," be
continued, "why the county council
should mature these responsibilities."
Reeve Leckie pointed out that the
prop>sition could not very well he dis-
mimed until further details were at
band. Whatever it would curt to peo-
dune the power, the consumers would
get it at Dost price.
Reeve Greig, of $eafortb. said he
was more than pleased with the recep-
tion tendered the committee at Tor-
onto.- He believed ,That Mr. Sturdy
was a little premolars with the abate-
ment that no oneswented this power.
Tbe development of. it would be foe
the general welfare of the county.
One reason why be supported it was•
that be felt the development of this
electrioal energy would benefit the
surrounding country as well ae the
towns and villages. Every intelligent
farmer would be able to utili elec-
tricity to advantage. He was quite
satisfied that when the scheme was
submitted it would „appeal to every
member of the council.
Reeve Hill, of kily-tb, was of the
opinion that little could be done until
the report of the Hydro electric Oom-
miseion was received. He added that
it a farmer could be shown that
be could pump his water for 50 cents,
when it now costa him $2.00, it would
be approved of by everyone.
Reeve Taylor. of Exeter, also
pointed out that the proposition could
not he discussed intelligently until the
report was received from the Commis -
A motion pas made by Messrs.
Muooiogs and Taylor that the report
1 the eomn.ittee be received and that
the ewe committee cpntinue to
gather inform.t'on on the subject.
This was carried.
Adjonrdrnent Was then wide until
10 o'clock Wednesday morning.
v W aDNaiDA Y.
The session on Wednesday mot tying
was occupied largely in receiving the
reports of the county officers. which
were referred to the respective COm-
mittees. Mr. Gillespie. of East We
ennosh, asked that a,certain matter
under diepate in reference to a devia-
tion road between East Wwwanosb
and Turnberry be referred to a board
of arbitration. It wee decided that he
and Mr. Powell, of Turuberry, should
explain the facts of the case before the
road and bridge committee.
A motion by Messrs. Lamont and
Gime, that a_grant of $25 be made to
the •Huron Beekeepers' Association,
wee referred to the executive com-
It was moved h • Messrs. McDonald
and Powell that the grants for 1911 to
the Clinton, Goderich and Wingham
hospitals be $2n0. Mr. McDonald
spoke of the work that was being done
at the Win ham hospital and ex -
bis belief that they all were
eeerving of more support. The mo-
tion was sent to the executive com-
Considerable diseuesiort *rose as to
disposition of the case ot the blind
patient, Miss Haynes. who has been
an inmate of Alexandre hospital,
Ooderich, for some time. it was sug-
gested that an effort he made to have
her placed in a home for incurables.
but the discussion ceased when e mo-
tion wee made by Messrs. Reid and
Glen that the greet for the mainten-
ance of Miae }levees he continued
until the, December 'pension of the
council. The motion wail sent to the
executive committee.
A petition we received from the
merchants of Clinton. requesting that
the pedlar's county license fee be
'awed. It was referred to the execu-
tite coturni1tPe.
The report of the executive commit-
tee es platted wan as follows : it was
recommended that the council ap-
point at least one delegate, ae re
questod by the Ontario Municipal At-
,.ociation for the Betterment of Con-
suwpt.ivee, to interview the Ontario
Government at the time of the I'oron•
10 Exhihitlnn. It also was 'seem -
mended that • grant of $10 bre made
to moist in paying expentre of the As-
encietion. it was rwr.,rnmendert. re-
; sneering the motion to have Miss
Ba} -nes retained In (toderich hospital
ender present ennditions until the Do-
ornail -ler meeting, that the mot km b•
paved and tbat during the interval
the village of Hansell mate an .Kort
to have her plead in • bone for In-
eurabiw, bogies of refuge. or •nm*
other iosUtuelon. providing that eh*
has not phys(ealiy Improvttd by that
time. It was •ve.enn,wnd.d that $10 he
granted to the Newk..pm. A•.rw.ia
Mos. and tba• the num of gm be
arnstad few prig • at h. OuNrsb
Rwlin�tae�r ta►. --NNA • be paws a• a drat
prise and $1O as a second prise for
beef manna's exhibited by amateurs
only from the county of Huron. It
was recommended that the sum of
$75 be granted, as in former years, to
the Huron Rifle League; that Gode-
rich, Clinton and lVingharn hospitals
each receive the ruts of irate; that the
account of Dc. Shaw against the Chil-
dreo'r Aid Society. which was pre-
vented by inters Mitchell, be paid ;
that F. B. Holmes be awarded the
contract of supplying the best Scran-
totecoal at the court house, jail and
registry office at $bile► pet ton.
At the session on Tburedey, Mr.
l.ecaie inquired why a certain agree -
went respecting bridges ou the Lake
shore road. Arhlield, made between
the county and the West Shore Elec-
tric Railway. war not completed by
the railway company. H. J. A. Me -
Ewan, secretary- of the railway cow-
paoy, appeared before the council and
*Laird Gest the agreement would be
completed and returned. A motion
was Made by Mesen.. Leckie and Mun-
oiug. that the county solicitor be in-
structed to have the agreement com-
pleted at Duce. Carrie'.
It was moved by Metiers. Lamont
and McKay that Mr. (bleu be ap-
pointed a delegate to attend the tuber
.uloeie coo ventiuu at Toronto in Sep-
tewber next. Cal Lied.
A. letter signed by the school in -
'Vectors of East and West Huron,
asking for changes in the inepectoral
divisions, was read sad rent to the
education oommittee.
A motion by Messrs. BailieandGides-
pie that the council grant the request
of the Reeves of Wroxeter and Turn -
berry, respecting the erection of anew
bridge, and tbpt it be built the swn-
mer, was referred to the road and
bridge manatee.
There was some discussion as to the
proper way to dispose of the dead
bodies of inmates of the house of
refuge. A motion was wade by
Messrs. Reid and Taylor that all un-
claipted bodies at the house of refuge
he buried in the plot set apart for the
purpose on the grounds, the council
acting as the "bona tide" friend in all
such cases. Carried.
Education Committee.
Tbe report of the education eow-
nittee as parsed was as follows : That
the Accounts of Listowel and Harris -
ton high schools for maintenance of
Huron county pupils he paid ; that
W. B. Weidenhawtner be appointed
an examiner on the high school en-
trance band at (i)odericb ; that the
petition from the "ratepayers ot the
township of Hullett, asking that a
new school section be formed and that
arbitrators tie appointed to bear mad
detetwiue the said appeal. he granted;
respecting the petition Crow - Clinton
in reference to hating the town re-,
placed its East Huron inspectorate, it
wan recommended that the motion
made at the January session to have
Clinton placed in N est Huron inspec-
totete be recinded ; respecting the
public school "inspector request for
other changes in their ir.spectorates,
it was recommended that no action be
taken. East 1VAwanewh, however, is
again placed in West Huron. mbking
the boundaries of the inspectorates
the eater as bef-re the cluing, is- made
at the January session.
House of Refuge Committee.
The house of refuge committee's re-
port as phrased was as follows : That
quarterly visits have been made to
the house and the management found
satisfactory. At prevent there are
eighty-four inmates. The quatterty
accounts for the months of March,'
April and May were audited and
found correct and payment ordered to
tat [nide tv the amount of $2,253.16.
It was decided to pay the emu of $25.-
66 into court,at Clinton to satisfy a
garnishee issud by Messrs. Seeley &
West. the balance to be paid to Mr.
Agnew. Mr. Plummer appeared be-
fore the committee and stated that at
the request of the late Mrs. Rumball,
who had been an inmate of the house
of refuge, he had attended to her busi-
nesQ collecting rents, etc., and he
asked that he to paid the sum of $!o
for vetviees. The committee recom-
mended no action. Respecting the
motion of Mears. Bailie and Mun-
nings it w recommended that the
Tackaberryj i•o tarty should be placed
in the solicitor. hands to sell. Mr.
Mutch, keeper of the house, appeared
before the committee asking that his
salary- be increased. A reco.nmenda-
tion that he be given a grant of $100
At the end of the year was lett over to
be dealtwith at the December session.
Spacial Committee.
The report of the special committee
as passed was as follows : That the
high constable be paid a salary of $200
per Annum and fees ; that the Warden
and clerk sign the memorial for-
warded by the Bruce county council
respecting telephones.
Finance Committee.
The finance committee recommend-
ed that a number of accounts be paid
and that the report of the auditors be
received and printed in the minutes.
Respecting the request of B. Walker
that part of the banking ac -oust of
the county be transferred to the Sterl-
ing Bank it was recommended that the
request be granted and that the gen-
bridge : it was reoommroded , at the I
engineer attend to the rust of ar-
rengiug ins the erection o1 awn
bridges, out' between McKillop and
Hullett and the other between Mc -1
Killup and Morrie ; is was recoup -
mended that the tender for fllliug at
idle Cllntoo bridge be awarded to oar.
Liodsay, at NM ; that the eowusu
catioo fr the secretary of the G
Ronda Adsociation be tiled ; that uu i
action be taabee regarding the motion
to have sidewalks built at the Wile/.
ham bridge ; that the c000rittee in-
spect the We:meter bridge nod, it it
thinly lest, have it built this year ;
respecting the dividing of work intim
deviation road between Seat Wawa-
noeh and Turnberry, it was recom-
mended that the matter be left with
the whole council.
County Property Cou ntittse.
The county property committee re-
ported that the jail was found well
kept and recommended that several )
necessary articles be purchased and
other improvements wade. At the
registry office it was recommended
that 4a piece of wire fenoe be pur-
chased to protect the flowers in front
of the office, at a coat of $2. Every-
thing was found in good condition at
the court house. It was recow-
uuended that the turnkey at the jail
be allowed bis fuel in addition to his
present salary, and that tate council
consider the advhwbility of building a
suitable place for coal and wood at the
jail, a part of such building to be used
for a laundry. The report was
The council then adjourned ti11. Fri-
day morning.
11 was decided that plans and speci-
flcations for a coal shod at the jail be
prepared and placed before the coun-
cil at the December meeting. Mr.
Reid was added' to the county prop=
erty committee for thieiru.inerw.
Un motion of Messrs. trerg and
Switzer W. Lane was appointed arbi-
trator, representing the county coun-
cil, in the arbitration regarding the
school sections in the township of Hul-
On motion of Messrs. Leckie and
Switzer, the council then adjourned to
go into committee of the whole coun-
cil, for the purpose of settling the
e qualisation for taxation purposes for
the current year.
Upon the council's resuming bus's
n ese. the report of the &medhzation
committee was presented and taken
up in rommittee. The report aa
missed was as tollows : "We find that
the equalization of the county is $42,-
5(l1,4t s and the treasurer's e,titneted
expenditure is $72.262.98, and to pro-
vide for this expenditcre it will re-
quire a rate of one and seven-teutbs
mill. on the dollar, to be- leyied on
such equalized value of all the ratable
property within the county. liable as
tazatiun property during the present
year. We recommend tbat the treas-
urer's estimates of receipts and expen-
ditures be printed its the minutes.'
Moved by Messes. Kernighan and
Hill that the request of Mr. Gillespie
be granted and that the amount of
$100 asked for the upkeep of the four
mile, of boundary road between East
Wawaoosh and 'I'urnberry- be appor-
tioned equallyy. Carried.
Moved by Messrs. Smith and Ker.
nighan that Memos. Stotbeee and
Bailie be commissioners to enforce, if
keen necessary, the order of the couu-
cil in regard to the four mile, of
boundary between East Wawanosh
and Turnberry. Carried.
Moved by Messrs. Livingstone and
Munnings that no Action he taken re-
specting the disputed puttion of the
deviation boundary road - between
Turnberry and East Wawanoeh until
a plan of the original survey is ob-
tained by the clerk from the Crown
Lands Department. Carried.
Moved by Messrs. Kernighan and
Bailie that the treasurer be empow-
ered to buy township debentures of
the count of Huron with sinking
funds on band et a rate of intermit
not exceeding four and &-halt per
cent. Carried.
Moved by Messrs. Bailie and Mtoth-
erg that the Warden and clerk he a
committee to draft a letter to the fam-
ily of the lite esteemed inspector,
David Robb, and tbas a copy of the
letter be printed in the minutea. Car-
1'he council then adjourned to meet
in December next at the tall of the
Estimated Receipts and Expenditures.
The following is a statement of thd
estimated receipts and expenditures
for the year 1911 :
Surplus, 1510 $4.316.17
borate. 1eq.00
. 11111M11111111111
Ladies' Ready - to -Wear
We are now showing some exceedingly fine values. All the
newest and smartest details in styles and trimmings are represented
' and an almost unlimited choice in all lines. We are specialists in
Ladies' Wear and can save you mohey. Lines below specially priced.
Black voile Skirts, six new styles in all -wool
voiles .... .. ..... . .......... $5.50 and $225
Black Panama Skirts . $2.a6
Navy and browu Panama Skirts $196
Black and navy cloth Skirts .*1.96
White burn and colored tub Skirts $425
Linen Automobile Coats ..$4.96
Black and colored silk Waiats....$4.&), $3.75, $2.25
Black silk Petticoats, worth =7.50 ...11.90
Black feather silk Petticoa's, $2 73,111'2'13$1.75, *1 50
Black and colored Morreen Petticoats,
$i.50, $21.50, $1.50, $1.00
Black mer,erized Reims ...9Bc
Black wtern Pet tiooata , .............(Ills
Eninieitely embroidered linen, mull and lawn
Waists $2.50, $1.116. $1.50, $1.1i and 9eic
Twenty ,oxen white lawn WVailes and dark
and colored percale lVaista at Ie.e than
half value. all at 50c
Japanese silk trimmed Kimonos .... ....... $1.25
Ten dozen Kimonos, 1111 1111111 and print. to clear. Stir
Print percale Wrappers ....$1.76. $1.50. $1.26, 98c
Embroidery Collars .... 6e
Fifty Collars and Jabots '26e
Belts, newest out file and 26e
Very special, fast black Hose. seamless Iyje
tkompton's and D. A A. Corsets ............ • • 59:
''eTen dozen white Skirts, special purchase, in -
chiding skirts worth $2 Otland fee 50 each.
Your choice .... $1011
Corset Cover,. embroidery end lace trimmed
•••• ......• 25cand 35e
Cotton Drawees . 23:, 36c, 50c
Night (dawns, nicely trimmed with late em-
broidery and fine tucks ,...... I19c, 9&. $1.25
Ladies' lace Hose, black and tan 25e
lather' embroidery trimmed Hose dye
Long Glover, lace . 35e
Long Gloves, lisle and silk . &k-, 7&-, $1.00
French Kid Glover, regular 11.25 $1.00
Parasols, specially priced 50c. $1.1)0, *1.50 •
Cool Underwear, Vests ....10e, 124c, 1Sc
Wash Belts 15e and 26c
Print and muslin Dreseee
Black lawn, muslin and sateen \Valeta, at
$1.50, $1 25, Mc
Ladies and wisaee' tailored Cloth' Suite reduc-
ed to $0.50 and $12.50
Lace Curtains, special values atper pair,
3S , SOc, f19c, $1.23, $1 50
China Basement -many new lines just opened
in this department. Bargain tables, 15e. 10.•, 5c
Come in and
Ladles' Wear and China JOHN STEAD
Hamilton Street
The old Folks
Lind advanctngyears bring an Increasing tendency
to constipation. The corrective they need is
"NA - DRU -CO" Laxatives
E tkely ailment from corrunon laxatives. Pleasant to take, mild and painless.
A tablet (or less) at bed-thne regulates the bowels perfectly. Incseasieg
dorsa never needed. Compounded, like all the 125 NA -DRU -CO pre-
parations, by expert chemists. Money back if not saltstactary.
25c. a box, If your druggist has sot yet moc*ed than.
send 25c. and we Mn mag mem.
Toronto, menus you to write for
Its handsome catalogue No va-
cation.. Summ.r term front Jett
ted. W. H. Seise. President,
\"owls and Om card eta, NrosW,
"A couple," said Mrs. Simkins, "got
married a few days ago aft -t- s court-
ship which had lasted fifty year. "
"I suppose," replied Mr. Simkins, ••the
poor old man had become too feeble to
hold out any longer."
A new idea for a
fascinating dish I
Ice Cream and
If you are not already ac-
quainted with the merits of
try a sample order. You
can be certain of securing
seasonable goods here at all
times. Our 'phone number
is 91. Give w a trial. The
quality of our goods will con-
vince you.
Sturdy & Co.
Adminlntration of Justine. -..,.1,,00.00
Gaol account 2,4100.0(1
Division t.ourt jury food
School management
M nninlpal government .......... 6 00. u1
Lonelier ,id account 1,000,00
Intereand dl.eooat 9440.00
Mi,oelleneou. 10r.on
Cornu p 1,00 .00
Roads sn 0 ec ledtutrlal Home .....,....... 11,000.4eSterling deibeawter COSI 00
• 100.(0
. 1.000 00
1.2411 no'
Oa The Square
What About That'
Leaky Roof of Yours
Better have it replaced with a
new one. See W. R. Piinderr.
Hamilton street, for the right
kind at the right price Sole
agent for
Brantford Roofing
Always a hill stock of Roofingn hand, which enables us act
give prompt attention to
work in this line.
Also we wake a specialty
W. R. Pinder
'Phone liu
'Phone 155
(.ertw,cy dersenturwa
oral acecount he transferred. The re- wide. d@bentcres.
port of the committee was adopted,
the last clause being amended to read
that the 9tet•ling Bank get half of the
county's business on the heat terms
that ran }s• arranved by the treasurer.
Road and Bridge Committee.
read and bridge committee's re-
port as tanned was :or follows : The
report of the rounty engineer was ar-
eepted and ordeted to,he printer) in the
minutes. The engineer reported) then
be had examined Diekie's bridge on
the boundary of West Wawanoeh and
Kinloss tnwn..bips and fnnnd it in
about the same condition as when re-
paired last season. As it is on the
boundary of Huron And Brtrry
C01.011,1014 it will bat. tot await the ac-
tion of Bruce council. A snowguard
had hewn sak.d for the bridges at
Hohneevilla BenmilIet, Manchester.
7.stlend and filesfryo. A statement
of the ceders lamed. amounting to
*755.$4• also wait included in the re-
port. Other renommendat baa and
eiauese in the road and bridge eros
mete* report were as follow, (ter
tale changes and repairs at tJse 1'11n
tow midge on tb. heendar•v between
Teckee nith and a4setw were ail
wised ; it was me that, if the
d should be Waltz to the addi-
1' 1:44.14cr. " a:
What Happened,
"Rather it curious thing happened
at our house," said Thomson. "What
was that ?" inquired Brown. "Well,
you know our conservatory? We've
bed a lot of trouble over the insects in
there, and the other day i got an idea.
My wife gave me a hoz of cigars for
my birthday. and i have given up
smoking. Rather funny, eh ?" "Very
peculiar.' -lie. And 1 got a bright
idea. We would give the cigars to
our gardener to smoke ip the green-
house. That would kill off the in-
sects." "And did it r "We *ave
than to the gardener to amok.,
and -" "Did it kill the inserter -1
think so. it kilted the pleats. an) -
way. Ad the doctor says the gar-
dener is now out cif danger."
Then win e
Are there any mark. M whirls the
boyae he identined 1" *eked the
pone* .upsrieteedent. making engines
n otes o/ te. sae.. "Nn," said the
father of the mas ag youth. who had
ran away tress bele to that untie..,
set these NM NI aka i get bad et
Ails stroke
Made in Canada, at London, Ontario
•The Paint That Is Easiest To Apply
is surely the paint you ought to buy when there's anything
you want to paint. M -L Pure Paint spreads so
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Best You Can Buy
also leaves the
smoothest, glossi-
es surface -and takes the least paint to do a good
job. Wears longest, too. Any surface it covers
will not need re -painting for the longest possible
time. That's why ?AUL Pure Paint is by
far the most economical paint you can buy.
Try it. Note the clear, clean colors and the
beautiful loss it gives. Only purest ma-
terials and skilful mixing can
make paint like that t
T1s! eseeptienal darakiaey ed M -L
Pers Paint Is dos M a spacial -
gvodiesr wbieb we atlas haws basted hew
is sin with other pare a•sastats as oohs
• past that is not amity senetari by em -
trams M wear or weather. Yen get the
Wigwam messy'• wee* is ta-L Pee%rtlata.
r fi
Many b y .dyes Oar an nine w h
leesttal Vanda• a Qaa. 0. Lisyel
qua M -L PLAT WALL COLONS is alralt
Omani and wolves tasemet amitosis' safltage.
wsebM - dash* say aswswailaL N �
any applied. rat dlrsaelser tar area
Recommended and sold by Howell Hardware Co., Limited
That New Spring Suit
and Overcoat IS NOW
The selections of goods which "...-
art' of filet-el/Ms quality
and we have all the latest shades
The up-to-date Tailor
PACs rI c
Great Lakes
Soo, Port Arthur
Fort William
Dady except Friday and Sunday
from Owen Sound
Correcting 5Train Leave, Toronto
at $10 a.m.
Ask Agent for Particulars
Agent, Godericb.
Colonization Eicnrsiot
JUNE 22nd
Th. low rate of one cent per mile
each wa; (for ee000d-elsae tickets)
will be in effect from all stations in
Ontario, Kingston, Madwaak* and
West to all mtatioes on T. and N. O.
Railway. Halleybnry and North.
'Cobalt Spider lanae, Toronto
&.30 p. m.
to Muskoka Lakes, Lake of Bey,.
T.sag*ml, Algongwh Park. MVP
anetawan River. Premed, River.
GeorgK•wgian Lot Leake Cbuchkbieg,
Lamm, rte., Ms low rates.
Tkekmte and fell Inform -
a t imt from any Oeed Trunk
Aggiter address A. iL, DENIM
i4atr4ee Pesmageir Agent. Deice
At etk n, Tntr,sto, Out.
F. F i e we sews, Tan Avant.