HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-6-15, Page 5LOCAL TOPICS The Moonlight Excursion. I{etaesuber the 11 r1 Regiment band „Elution on the *termor Greyhound Friday night. Tickets 315c. minuet Meeting Farmers' Institute. member the annual ersmleeeting of the West Huron to he held at Dungannon on Tuesday, Jape tab. at 3 o'clock p. w. Qodsrich Liberals. For the purpose of choosing dole ttteo to attend the nominating eon. notion Seaford* of n the rals °t 94th rtre inst Httbe Li ie o Ubenwls of the town of Goderich are requested to meet on Thured•y. June rof ode oom north street. (ipderich Camp Ground an Attraction. in tbe regimental orders issued ter the S01h (Wellington) Regiment is the following paragraph : "The O. O. particularly requests that atlases comtnaadinrOorupaoles make an ex- tra effort to have their commend. up to the full eetabliahment. The obaoge of camp around should be an incentive to have a bumper regiment." Hotel &unset Open. The Hotel Sunset is now open for the season. and Manager Chas. C. Lee expecte to entertain a large number of rummer tourists during the next three month' The opening of thelhotel at en earlier date than m al will provide m« from lam Walter Phannoo'a new sailboat was placed in th9 water this week. The steamer 'l.Lrret Grown is ex- pected today (Thursday s with a cargo "f 12iW .0 bushels of wheat Rad oats. (east. Bruce With his motor launch and Capt Uo•uWly with his fleet of ha rowboats did a brisk business at eat urday, the day of the excursion from Lietowel. Exhibition Directors at Wore. m) The hoard of directors of the Oude- rieb Industrial Exhibition islet la Saturday eveniog for the pu. pow of beginning operaUope in preparation for this rear's exhibitlon. Tru wer'e- terry, Andrew Porter, having signified his desire to resign, F. E. Bingla►u was appointed to fill the vacancy. The board is offering prizes fur collect tions of cut flowers grown by school children on the school grounds. The competition is open to the county and there is no entraoos fee. TM Excursion to Guelph. The excursion to Guelph on Friday last, under the auspices of the West Huron Farmers Institute, was not se well patronized as in peat years. In- deed, for several years past there seems to have teen z gradual falling - off of aliment in this excursion, prob- ably owing in a great measure to tbe fact that the novelty of the trip has worn off. This year there was a fur- ther came in the raising of the old rate of $1.25 to 1{1.56 for the round trip. It om iatitrn for • rs may be stated that this Increase was it on the Greyhound excursion and wholly due to the action of the also for some of the social events in connection veldt the military camp. Nave You Seen the Census Man ? 11. J. Mnrris, census ,ommissinner for Weit Huron, reports that the enu- merating of the people of his district is progreei•ing satisfactorily. West Heron is an intelligent community and the enumerators are not experi- encing much diffleuity In securing the information called for by their sched- ules. The wont will in all probability he completed and the schedules for- warded to Ottawa in good time. M. C. C Officers. The Meneeetuog Canoe (7lub held its annual election of office last week, resulting as follows: Provident, C. Sale : vice-president, F. B. Holmes: second vice-president, J. L Killoran ; weretarv, W. Millar: treasurer, G. L. Parsons : oommodnre, V. M. Roberta riee•commedore, F. Sturdy : adds, tinnal members of executive, A. R. Adams, H. O. Sturdy auditor*, J. Doyle. W. S. Turnbull: chaplaid. Rev. Geo. E. Rose. Boomeng Menesetung Park. A party of six Toronto and London men have purchased sixty-six lot. at Menesetung Park and have com- menced work on a project to build cottages and otherwise develop the Purl' as a summer resort. Several cottages are to he erected this 'sum- mer. and the investors intend to launch an energetic campaign to bring the property to the notice of psOPfoM le the large cities who are looking r summer homes. The scheme if suc- cessful will make Menseetung Park one of the leading summer resorts of the Province. as with its beautiful sit- uation and other advantages it should be. Memorial Window at St. George's. Lest week a very handsome and appropriate memorial window was in- aalled and unveiled at St. George's church. Goderieb, to the memory of the late William D. Tye who for many years was a valued officer of the ebutob and one of the most eco spected and beloved citizens of Gode- rich. and whose untimely taking off in a railway accident ie bemoaned by all The window, which is • representa- tion epresenWtion of "Omit kmucking at the door." Wu presented by tbe mail clerks of the London division, Mr. Tye having been a mail clerk in that division for many years. The action of the donors in Paying this tribute to the memory of their late fellow -worker will be •p- prrieted by the people of Goderich. Sunday's Storm. e railway company. About 315 took tbe trip en Fridayy sixty-two of tbese being from Goderich. The excursionists re- port having had agtwd time- The C. P. R. and the Guelph Oollege people treated them well, and the day was a most enjoyable one. To Saw the Children. For the morning service in North street Methodist church and the Bap- tist church next Sunday aenagesilents have been- made whereby J. J. Kelso, superintendent of the Children's Aid Society for Ontario, and Rev. Hugh Ferguson. of Stratford, district agent for Perth county, will occupy these pulpits and deliver addresses on the work of the Society.- In the evening the same speakers will address the oongregatioos of Knox church and Victoria street Methodist church. At 8-JI0 on the sante evening a mass meet- ing will be held in North street Meth- odist church for the purpose of organ- izing a local Society. Mr. Kelso will address tbe gathering and will use lantern views to illustrate the work. It is to be hoped that the citizens of Goderich will show by their attend- ance at these meetings that they are interested in this commendable move- ment to save the neglected children. G. C. 1. Board. At the regular monthly meeting of the Collegiate Institute hoard. in deal- ing with the resignation of Mir Mc- Arthur, who bas bad cbarge of the commercial dep•Xtmeet of the school, e resolution was passed to the effect that "this board accepts the Warne at bar urgent request, bet owing to the esteem in which is bolds bee. and the full appreciation it has of her ability and the excellent work she has done in the . oderich Collegiate, does so with much reluctance and sincere re- gret." The (ward further extended to the retiring teacher the wish that every *access might attend bar work at Ottawa, whitber she goes to take a similar position Tbe request. of Kiss McVannell to continue on the staff at a eatery of 11.100 -per annum, until the end of 1911. was granted. J. H. Sex- ton. of Athens, wbo was chosen as the new principal, has notified the !ward that he has decided not to accept the position. and J. P. Hume. at present science master at Ingersoll. has been appointed. A violent rain and hall storm did conaderable damage in this section on Monday afternoon. In the northern Pad of the town gardens were dam- aged. trees were injured, and a few windowpanes broken. The southern , part of the town was not visited .o seyeiely. In Colborne township the Kenn cut a swath from Alex. Glen's no Dunlop's hill, to the northeast, do- ing much daiasge on the way. (Grow- ing chips were Battened down. pota- 'oee and tomatoes were out rigbt off, windowpanes were broken. and trees hmken or uprooted. Among tics who suffered considerable lows were Jas. McManus, Arthur and Chem. Mc- Neil, Thos. Sallow*, Chas. McPhee, leen). Potter, Wm. McIntyre, W. F. ti -nun . At Nile a large window in the Methodist church was broken by the atot-n,. ;y1' ,rs'+t1/191. LOCAL T THE SIGNAL : GODRI IOH ONTARIO IN BRIEF. Thinking ofour raentl.o trip yet 1 One of M Lmobilise le a summer suit. the wet ad natty kind made to order by Prldhas the Tailor. Call and **his eat oelve arsortrasat of sores. su*Nnaa The beet is mine tie Rood toe the pile d Goderich. and tkta le why Wilmer Smith's Art &ore, East etrest, ooautse .a sesorttawat of high—war woods taw for (wallt sued twits 1■ ars eouo>uId Ward= duplicated la°ataAo The monthly meeting of Ahem* * Obapter, D. O. E., will be held at the court house next Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Major Beck, writing from Toronto, informs The Signal that everything le looking well for the success of the Huron Old Boys' excursion next month. Owing to the wet weather the Citi- zens' Karim band did not play on the Square Tuesday night. Next week the band will be out probably on Fri- day Dight. The baseball gauze Thursday evening of this week between Clinton and God- erich, played at. the Agricultural Park, was & win for Goderich, the score being 10.8. A new 'ming -prang" photo studio was npened tbis week over W. Shar- man's shoe store. The announcement of the manager may be read on the first page of this issue. An incinient blaze in s rear room of the British Rxehange hotel just at the noon hour on Friday but brought nut the brigade in' quick time. The fire was quickly extinguished. Togo, the little Mark water spaniel belonging to T. T. Leckie, came to grief on Wednesday when it met with another dog which worried it so that it had to he pat out of misery. The triune dwelling house of Mrs. Dunlop and two Iota on the corner of Huron and Oxford streets were sold et auction bot Monday to Win. Blake, CHURCH NOTE . Rev. Dr. D. N. McRae, Mabee Bay, N. S., has am:Opted a call to Koos church, Mitchell. to the pulpit made vacant recently by ttt.,,e ignadoa ot h. t Rev. J. W. Me .tus The members of the Baptist Young People's Union give a cordial invita- tion to the youngof town to attend their meeting.,every Moo - day evening at 8 p. m Next Sunday morning she members of Maitland Lodge, No. 33, A., F. R M-, G. It. C., will attpod divine ..r- elee at Bt. Oeo e a church. Rev. J. W. Hodgins, of Stratford. will con- duct the service. Mr. Hudgins will be in cb•rgt•alao at the evening service. The ma and kttcben shower in the basement of Koox cbureh last Monday evening WAS well patronised and • goodly amount of material was don- ated for the purpose of equipping the kitchen in connection with tie chureb, which was recently remodel- led and enlarged. The service in North street Metho- dist church Sunday evening will be specially addressed to young men and women. Dr. Dougall wishes to use one of his last evening in this way. Subject, "Don't Drift." Special mu by the choir, and sob by Mrs. Sbsidoa Clement, of North Bay. At the evening service in the Bap- tist church nest tiunday ''Tbe Luxury of Life" will be the subject of a dis- course to be given by tie pester. This is the last of a aeries of evening ad- dresses given by Rev. Mr. Pollock en the general theme, " Sunshine and Shadow of Human Life." The young people of North aitreet Methodist church announce a travel - talk next. Tuesda evening by Rev. Dr. Dougall- nub t "Venice, queen of Romance." speaker visited this famous and unique city a few years age), so will talk from his per - of town. The purchase price was sone' `observations. There will be a 1778- plate collection. Onderich'e Amt game in the Alma' Rev. Jos. Elliott will occupy the pul- Perth Berebsll League will he played pit of Koox church next Sabbath here on Thursday next (Coronation morning and will deliver a discourse Day) with Mitchell. Let everybody on "Practical S mpatby." In the go and glee the hoys a good send-off evening Rev, Jae. Hamilton will be in for the season. charge, and it is expected that .1. J. Donald G. McLean was in Toronto Kelso, superintendent of the Chill- iest week in ettendsnce at the eon- dren's Ald Society for Ontario, will de - vocation service at TorontoUniversity, liver an address. at which he received the degree of $. congregation o[ Knox church A. He passed the recent. examinations voted recently for the election of ad - science, Tbe with second -cease honors in politica dhtional elders and at the meeting of Mrs. F. McLennan ban disposed the session last Monday evening the following were declared elected : Som- ber home nn Cambria road and bas mei Bissett, Dr. W. Ir. Oallow, Peter purchased the. residence of Jamieson McEwen and Wm. McCreath. a•. The Reid on Picton street.. Mr. and Mrs. ordination and induction of these new Reid leave the end of this month for elders will take place at the evening Ireland on a visit to Mrs. Reid's old b service of the fleet Sunday in July. The Sunday Evening Band Service. A very large crowd congregated on the Square un Sunday evening, after the close of the regular church ser- vices, to attend the outdoor service held by the band of the 33rd Regi - went. Rev. Geo E. Ross, pastor of Knox church. wan in the bandstand and made it few introdut tory r'emar'ks, after which the hymn, Neater, my tied, to Thee," was played by the bend andl-ung by the concourse. The hand` played several other selections, mainly of sacrad music, and a (Moreno quartette (Mos Thomson. Clark, Tyndall and Melvin Tyndall) sang two sacred gongs. This Sunday evening cnncert was an innovation in Gode- rich. and there has been considerable discoesion c'nicerning it, hut judging from the ruajority of the comments we :have heard opioion seems to be favorable. The hand Ipla ed with ex- cellent expression and the quartette was heard with great appreciation. Bandmaster Hunter has not decided haat what he will do about continuing the services on 'future:Sunday even- ing.. Successful Students. The requite of the University of Tor- onto examinetdone published during the pelt week contain. the names of a goodly number of (Inderi.:h students and ex pupils of Goderieh Collegiate institute. The following lint includes. fasow the name. r as we have observed, of the sure..fel students in whom we ooze has interested : (•rsdusted ie arts—C. R. (Carrie. with honors in philosophy : R. W. Demise aagmtat, with honors in mathematics ; D. G. Mclean, with honor. in political science. Pealed third year—Wen. Elmg1and, with honors In philosophy : R. 11. Tye. Pulsed Met year—Mss. Jean B. Tom. with honors and the Edward Blake seholarwhip ie modern languages 1. Heyns. with honors in natural °ejerole F J. Footer, J., H. Killian. Mian Mary FIoglend. Pared Paeelty of Education exam - methods -H. Iepperd. with honors : Mise Lilian Fraser, W. J. Stevemapo- Named Law Society. Aust leer — Wm. Pretreat.. (Marinated 1n phaarmaey -H A. Hillier, Pawed School of &e'ere eramina- t • - Beg. NUIo(.t, with honor. W. Rsnndare, A. Smith. eissue& 1 mdfbies A H time near Belfast, The Huron -Perth Baseball League I Mrs, (Dr.) Medd entertained the Wo - was organized at Clinton last week, man's Missionary Society and Ladies' with J. McDonald, of Mitcbell, as Ald8oeiety of Vi ctoriestreetMethodiet on Friday as secretary, and Victor Dean, Gode- afternoon last. Over H�y ladies were president ; W. Johnston. of Clinton, church at the parso rich, J. B. Hoover. Clinton, and J. ; present, and a eery enjoyable time Livingston. Mitchell, members of the was spent. Mrs. Med 1 was presented executive. Clinton, Mitchell and i with a bouquet of flowers aa a token (oderich will play in the League and 1 of the love, harmony and goodwill ex- & double schedule of games was drawn iisting between the ladies and their up. pastor's wife. Members of the Huron Fruit Grow- I The members of the (Guild of St. eta' Asrociathon, with their familia., Goner's church met at the rectory Park on Wednesday afternoon. P. J. Turnbull with a handsome elk ca.• Carey. Dominion fruit inspector. gave sock, accompanied by word* of regret an address dealing with the benefits of and good wishes to himself and Mra Saturday's Excursion. Fourteen coaches carrying one thousand people, made np the excur- sion train that arrived by C. P. R. from Listowel and intervening points on Saturday. It was a union school excursion. the chief mover's in the affair being Thos. Hutchtaon. of Si. S. No. 4, Mornington, and Gro. Smith, principal of the Millbankschool. The excursionists, contrary tbeir expert - mem of last. year, were favored with fine weather, and they seemed thor- oughly to enjoy- their visit to the lake- side. in the afternoon a *bort pro- gram was liven at Herber Park, Rev. Joseph Elliott delivering r address of welcome and Mayor pot Winghem. also giving_ - an eloquent ad- dress. Tbe Bbd Regiment bard fur- nished music during the s ler000n. Mr. Hutchison. chairmen of the ex- ewsioe committee. informed T'be nal that a trip like thin was r as blgb1 edaeatinnal. bringing the school children from tba inland points is touch with nature at the lake sod Hag tbam a d.sthead idea of many tri . such ea ships sheestoels the osmics the harbor. Mee wbte tbey doo not nes at hoses Mr 1 seeker ou be mimed Mlle to use the .bon sloe ,e d. se annualnt He on bodeow that of the enjoyed as oetieq at Menesstung 1 test week and presented Rev. spraying, cultivation, etc-, also with the packing and marketing of apples Tbe members brought their baskets sod had a picnic, and the occasion was a combination of pleasure and profit. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Fresh and fizzy, the 'ieidlits pow- ders sold by R. R. Wigle, druggist, R Goderich. Ont. Methodiast thumb, 8t. Thomas, on The original Royal Coronation spec- Monday afternoon of last week, which Lal. direct from London, and cherry was of unusual interest. Goring the walnut, a New York hit, are new meeting the Presidents -AM Mrs W. O. specials at Bbackstoni s Foster to the platform. who In a neat, appropriate speech. on behalf of the Special valise in white wash belts. Ladies' Aid, peeeented Mrs. (Rev.) Alf - embroidery collars, 2 for 25c.: bath red Brown with a beautiful cot -glass towels, 3 for 25c ; and towelling 3j yds for 26c. Good wash ginghama at lOc. per yard. Cash or trade for good butter and fresh eggs. P. T. Dente, drygonds and ladies' wear. Turnbull on the occasion of their leav- ing Goderich. There is a very deep ernes of regret on the part Of all the citizens at the departure of Mr. and Mrs. Turnbull and Tbe Signal joins in wishing them many years of happi- ness and usefulness in the sunny chme to which tbev are going. The At. Thomas Timer reports a meetin o' the Indies' Aid of the Flat >�TR.fwBgRRIli. POR SALE.—L am prepared to fill Orders lfor homegrown strawberries First-class varieties for either table use or preserving- Orders may be sent to Carlow postof ice and will receive prompt and careful atten- tion. Remember the hovnegrowo ber ries are beet. CHAR. McPwzR. Carlow. presaad .rn.mm.xtxtitxe enasetittee for the ws here sad fes tbe aerateprirdel for by the people of one., e — smorts made l"►. • )Me a in (Jedcrieb t+s h Mwssds ea chert and Mese l..glah YAIh honors. ere of the seetsrttiw0Yla Auction Sale of Cameron Stock. The Asst auction sale of the Cam- eron stock will start on Saturday at 1:90 p. m. and again Saturday at 7:90. included in this sale will be thousands of yards of dress goods, millinery, boots, shoes. groceries and clothing. John Purvis, of Hplyrood. will act as auctioneer. Bargain In Grindstones A grindstone tor everybody at 50r. each. We boughtat a hig diaecount the grindstones or. first quality form- erly owned hy the Goderich Engine Wore Co. These stones are beveled to suit mower knives, also flat -faced. Grindstones nsildly cost you $1.26 to s2.00 *sell. We will sell 5(M1 at 60o. each. Here is a snap for you. How- et.L HARDWARE ('A•, Lt Simms). bowl and a dosses sterling silver forks. This came as a surprise and was warmly appreciated. a. Myr Brown's feeling reply eleerly,tie owed. While pleased with the gib find *sentiments conveyed. sincere regret ems expressed at leaving as many kind friends she had learned to love. Tea was served by the officers of the society, and a plant social hour enjoyed. Up- wards of seventy were present. Some eighty member+ of the Cana- dian Order of Foresters paraded last Sunday morning to Victoria street Methodist chureb, where they were addressed by the pastor of the church. Dr. Medd spoke in berms of warm praise of the work done by the C. O. F., which he termed a Christian or- ganisation in which the prin.-Mfr. of charity, benevolence and concord' were 'exemplified in n practical man- ner. He pointed out how organiza- tion increases the pow et of the indi- vidual, giving him the opportunity to carry into action those principles which alone he could do little to ad- vance. Dr. Medd defended benevo- lent societies from the 'emersion" sometime* east upon them a. "seeret societiesand declared that a man could not ei ytttallise ui his lite the principle. of the Order of Foresters • without esperieneing :rn elevation of character. JUNE WIDOINOS Haut—Waltsrs- At 1k30 o'clock on Wedy morn- ing a quiet wedding took ce al the personage, Victoria street, n Miss Mabel Walters. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Walter', of Colborne town- ship, was united in wedlock to Harrr�yy Hunt, of Goderich. Rev. Dr. Medd performed the ceremony. The h ids was attended by Miss Stell* Alen. and Fred Walters, brother of the bride. was best man. The young couple left on the 7:10 O. T. R. train for • short booeymoon trip and on their return will )reside in (ioderich. Their many friends in town and vicinity extend congrstalations. Tweedie --Leach to Westminster church, Detroit" on Wednesday, June 7tb, at 4 o'clock P.m • the weddiog of Caoapbell C. Tweed'', of Goderich, to Miss Mabel E. Leach, formerly of Ibis town. was solemnised by Rev. John B. Olark. The bride was gowned in ivory satin with pearl trimmings end Irish point Lace end carried a bouquet of bride's roses. She wore a diamond end pearl brooch, the gift of the groom. After the ceremony luncheon was served et the home of the bride e sister, Mrs. J. 11: Mcleod. The bappy couple reached Oedesich on Monday last after the wedding trip, during which they visited '1 okdo end other points. The bride is the snood young - set daughter of Councillor David H. Leach, of Bayfield, and the groom is • son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Tweedie, of town. The friends of the youugcouple tender hearty good wishes. Orr—Mair. At high noon on Wednesday. the marriage ql Miss Lizzie Muir to John Ricbtnond Orr, both ot Godericb, was &Annuiasd at the home of the bride's ,•rent., Mr. and Mrs Robert Muir, Ridoo street. Rae. Jas. Hamilton was the officiating clergyman. The bride were a pretty costume of ivory satin with pearl trimmings and car- ried a shower bouquet of white Rad green. Sbe was attended by Miss Eva Inkster, who was gowned in • dre.s of blue silk witb lace trimmings and carried • shower of white dowers. Charles Muir, brother of the bride NW best mac. The wedding music was rendered by Mise Stella Kirke, of Dodericb. After the nuptial knot was tied, the company toosistiog of Mout seventy-five inviied grtests, Par- took artook of a sumptuous wedding dinner and afterwards the bridal party drove to the G. T. IL station, where ibe happy couple entrained for a honey- moon trip to Buffalo. The bride'. go- ing -away dress was of navy blue broadcloth, with black chip bat with yellow plumes. The greom's gift to the bride was a bandsome sunburst of diamonds end pearls and the bi ides - maid received a pearl crescent. Mr. ani Mrs. Orr have the test wiaba. of their friends for a happy and prosper- ous voyage over the matrimonial sea. On their return to town they will take up their residence on South street.. McCreath—McKinaoo- 1 There was a delight f;il social gath- ering in the lecture neon) of North street Methodist ehur h on Monday evening. it had been intended tee take the form of a genetics party. but the weather precluded this. The )affair wee in honor et Mr. and Mrs. John May. who are hoeing Goderich to make their home in I imdnn. where Mr. May has a goad position in the civil serum►. Mrs. May, eines her coming to (sderich. hiss been to the entire town a *uialeel •••gnisition. )mist her splendid voice erro freely given to the religious work of North street chnrrh has been p.peetAll7 vetoer! A trained soloi.t, with a voice of beami- fud timbre and eseepti,•nal range, she will he much regretted in bar depart- er, M. May also i. w sweet singer. The get of at stud Were of .liver. ware hy the their .$) ceased In some A Prompt Source of Energy. Maelood's System Renovator is a tonic which renews the vital forces. It renews nerve and muscular energy and supplies new energy. it does this by ineressine appetite, by insuring better assimilation of fond and by dir- ectly supplying elements that sere to .teengtben the nervous system. This reeonstructive tonic is valuable in ail run-down cooditione of the system. ..pedally those marked by depression and servo ue debility. Otte dollar per bottles. Manufactured by The Mae - Lead Medicine (7r'e Goderich. For "Lie by B. R. Wigle. druggist. Mom Seems E lateen* , Tie Prowlerial erection. et Nova !food•a remelted to the re - ter. the fltwest Oovetwmewt smiled by Premier Mammy. with k `le' e r - qty,-. • -reeve, THunm»Av, Jima 15, 1911 • Monarch Shoes FOR MEN YOU may talk about the up-to-date style of this shoe, the comfort of that and the long life of the other, but if you want a shoe that vies in style with the most stylish, in comfort with the most comfortable and in service with the longest wearing, buy the MONARCH SHOE. There is nothing one-sided about it,. It's the shoe of all-round satisfaction. The prices are lower than most good shoes. Barefoot Sandals, Lacrosse, Tennis and Bowling Shoes now in stock. REPAIRING I' Downing & MacVicar North Side of Square, Goderict The Best Printing At the pretty home of Mr. and Mies. Angus McKim n, Trafalgar street, on Wednesday, June 14th, Miss Margaret May AlcKinnou was united to Bert IL McCreath, of the business staff of The Toronto Star, and youngest son of Mr. and Mr.. W m. McCreath, of Goderieh. The ceremony, which was witnessed by about seventy-five invited guests, was performed at 12 o'clock, beneath an arch erected in the alcove of the drawing -room, which was tastefully decorated with terns, orange blossoms and roses, the contracting parties e ending beneath a floral hell encircled by a horeeaboe of orange hlos.oms. Rev. Geo, E. Ross, B. D., pastor of Knox church. was the omciating clergyman. Miss Annie McKinnon, sister of the bride, dressed in pale pink, was an attractive bridesmaid. She carred a bouquet of sweet pat. Dorothy and Eunice McKinnon. two little sisters of the bride, in white, carrying baskets of sweet peas, were charming flower girls. Ernest Mc- Creath, nephew of the groom, per- formed the duties of ring hearer. The bride was very becomingly gowned in • dress of ivory embroidered silk with bridal veil. Her bouquet consisted of American beauty roses and lilies of the valley. The groom was assisted by E. 0. Wellington Scott, of Toron- to. J. B. Hunter played Mendele- sobn's and the Lohengrin wedding ruarcbes and Miss Edythe MacLeod, of Londcn, sang sweetly, "Beloved. It is Moro." After congratulations were offered the happy couple, a tastefully prepared wedding luncheon was served in a prettily decorated marquee on the lawn. The toast of the bride was pro- posed by W. H. Robertson, editor of The Signal, and was responded to in a few suitable words by the groom. The toasts to the bridesmaid and tie parents of the bride were accompanied by appropriate addresses from the groomsman and Rev. Oeo. E. Ross. Among the numerous and beautiful gifts was one from the choir of Knox church, Goderich, of which the bride was a valued member. Tbe groom was remembered by handsome gilts from his fellow -employes, from the Frank Yeigh Bible class, Toronto, of which he is secretary, the 'Ioronto Amateur Athletic (Nub, and many others. Tbe groom's gift to the bride was a beautiful pearl pendant. Among the guests were : Miss Inez Allain, Misses Helen and Ethel Brown, Menem. A. R. Knight, G. Gardner and R. E. Murray, e11 of Toronto : Min. E. Macleod. London : Mies E. bud Mr. A. heard, Clinton. The happy young eouple left on the 2:40 train, the bride travelling in a tailored suit of heel gray. with ton hat, glovee and shoes. Before going to their new home in Toronto Mr. and Mr.. Mc- Creath will take a boat trip up the Gnat 1wke.. They will he at home to their friends atter (k moor 1st. The Rignal has especial pleasure in extend- ing it. good wisbws on thi' oocauios, keds groom hying a farmer member of the office staff of this paper who has ...v "made .rod" in s bower sphere Hie f...,nrr fe8ow-w.wkere in chi. of- fice wish his. all (rr'd magna their Heeling t..w.' . !dr and Mee May 4 .oche. oro.) Acting thing wee the presentee—coon .1 . MOO - twont y -seven ...ate ..',t of the thlvty- nifirent donhl- handled Rent r.IM is eltbt seem in the Hoots. TM Opp*- Mies It. Brown, a. a redeem -eel of tits alfioe had Ave sesta in the Md Hoots. appr.eisekse 1a which her services ss sod the gutmbor now w btegensd to a seinen and ebo r mamih.r ars held 'hc reriptents mallei feelingly Meseta in Goderich is done at The Signal's Job Department Monesetung Part Opened. Meueeetung Park is open for the seaer,n and •nitable see, mmndati u pr•vadrd at the hotel for supper pieties amu •-.1 her vIdtare Meals served et Stir Th. proprietor. D. F. Haeilink, will be pleased to asm enai- ca9e with any intwedise viettors who seise any 'nether iw/n eeetem. Cut Glass as a Wedding Gift is an Ideal Gift Wedding presents don't have to be something to sit upon, or to eat, or `to cook with ; thouch these a r e all right. But to properly recognize the sentiment of the occasion, the gift should not be too useful—it should con ve7yrranidea of refinement, of delicateDem, of beauty— and we coy you rt this in CUT GLASS as in no other article, except, possibly, in the processes donee. We have many suitable pieces in Cut elms bete, and some of then are small enough to be easily paid for, others more costly. Look for them. J. S. Davey Jeweller and Optician South side ofe'Hquare, Godench 30 Buggies TO BE SOLD. We have just received a car of bug es, and nave ever ing that is new anunto-date in the carriage line. No better buggies ever came to town. We have them on the floor now. `Call and inspect them at the MASSEY-HARRIS WAREROOMS on Hamilton Street. We have the STANo- ARD WIRs room and GATE%, the fam- ous FLISURY Plows. •'EXAM SEPARATOR/1 and 'almost every- thing a farmer needs on a farm. Robert Wilson We also have • few extra good drivers for sale. $1.50 GO:DER ICH TO DETROIT and Return Saturday, June I7 STEAMER ORRYHOUND Leaves (ioderieh 910 a.m., Canada Time E. FL AYER. Rxearstsn Aaeet ITINERARY Leave Detroit for Goderieh Friday, June Idtb, 8 e. m., Central Time. Arrive Goderich 5:30 p. m. Godericb Band Moonlight. M)0 p. m., Friday the 16th. (Special Train leaven Goderich via G. T. Ry. to Westford and via C. P. Ry. to Blyth, etc., 11:30 p. m. on return trout -Moon- light.") Leave Goderieh for Detroit Saturday, Janne 17th, 9:30 a. in., Canada time, .topping at Pert H urns. A special excursion train from Berlin, via G. T. Ry„ the morn- ing of June 17th, stopping at way "tuitions to Holmesville. From Wiogharn, Belgrave, Blyth, etc„ take Horning train, June 17th, connects at Clinton 8:4) a. m. with special train for (isderirb • Returning to Goderieh Leave Detroit, Monday.Jose IAPort Ht. th, 1110 pp m., uao 5:41) p. en., Centre' Tame. rrive at Gnrtarich 9::10 p. m. Special train leaves Goderieh on arrival 01 Mteamer t roil 11%311 p. in.) via ( )rand Trunk Ry. to Berlin. For Detroit sways (4oderieh nn loot trip ter Detroit, Isesdey, Jens SSW at e::a) a. m. (Note title sine, 1t1OOmelet timed frown Do WHITE STAR LINE pia "f 'rl ,r o'^vtq P'ii.L '3,14 •..!. -.+l1111A1W mat. AaetiltA.,