HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-6-15, Page 3[W. MUIR a Ca I AND IIIMIALMINS oppossiii ) ) ) ) cnc ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE BEWARE OF IMITA- TIONS. ULD ON THE MERITS OF 'INARD'S LINIIEN1 BOOK BINDING MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES ..und or repaired'. GOLD LETTERING on LEATHER GOODS AunM pUJ_ attended to m leorbtq tem at TH MURAL. Ooderteek. A. IL TAYLOR. STR TFORD CIVIL ENGINEERING V kL&NbiOniI . Hr 2.alLgi tarLead danerar. Offica-elTel.liesig Block. Oe4 l oderDosser Montreal MEDICAL DR. W. ',MALLOW, M. a utb 0 and resi0t7 K os. Norsk s. Telephone 0*.vDederick. 212. Donk a[ CvaatJ/ Registry idles. jilt. F. J. R. FORti'TER-EYE. F:AR IJ ono and throat only. Home stuseotr New York Ophthalmic and Aural Institute tllakal t shit. 4r. Newland 1 Mort Hosp.tel- Goldsn Remora. and Moorefield Yyee H0p Leedom, Esehmd. OMoe. St li Waterloo Hurt •traUord. opVs.lte Kao: Church. Hours t to lel a. t -. t to i 0.m.. 7 to 8 R m. T,elopho.e LEGAL YROUDFOOT. HAYS a KILLOR- AN, barriwr...oltaiton. oatarispubilo pcocWn in tb. Maritime Court. etc. Private tutde to lend at lowest num of interest time.. les aids square. Opderloh. W. KIWUi.F000 K. C., R. C. H1Y8. J. 4 PILLORAN. u 0. CAMERON. K. C.. BARRI$- IL TER. solicitor, notary public. Odloee- Mir..t. OodMcb. third door from bquars. CHARLES OARROW, L.L.R., BA R R18TILR. attorn.ys..olioitor. ate., Go de rock. Money to lend at lowest rates. 11 O. JOHNSTON. BARRISTER .ollbtor. .. . comet..touer, notary public Lance. Havtlten surest Uoderbk Ont. INSURANCE. LOANS, ETC. LJciiILLGP MUTUAL FIRE IN ill d UR 41.14 C I C O. -Farm and isolated tow.. iowp.riy insured. udloen-J. B. Mul.san. Pres., deaforth P.O • Js.. Coonolly, V.t.r-Pte.. Uuderh:b is. U. Thema. IL lugs. +Sec.-1reas.. ti.atoith P. 0 Dttecwry-Wni. t.beoo). giesypna John U. Uric v.. Winthrop; N' U1.am Rine. Constance: John beewwela Hrnatultea : Janne Evans. Beachwood - Jobs 14 gds. wck re : Malgobo Lckwen. Mn.eta.ld. Aasm.: J. N. Yeo HolmesvUk: R. Smith. Harloek : Jas. CoamJngs, kju.00dvill.: E. ) tnchhy. tieafortb. Pot.oy-Wld.re Dan pay s.sera.eaut ...0 get their cards reodpted at Tort Mrew.'s, a.:tlatos. or at R. H. Cotte teeters. Ehoeso..4eet. tioderloh. c PRIVATE FUNDti TO 1r0 leas. Ape toY. O. CA74 .i towelster. Reath+ . street Ood.rich. '11 ^ . R. ROBERTSON`. - /I INQURANCZ AUIIiT. Rita alto LMA ■I.e : British. Caaadla11 and Amerfoom t1u.Mr osaa AND Wvt ormse' Lt&BIL- rrr : llheMctt Oman Aaddeot aad Uuaraatee i'ID VAI.OWMMI801Ia. Fag._ B. Fidelity sad O.arantee Compan7. OOos at reel_taos, northeast opener of Vic sad 8t David'. streets'Rouse 17e JOHN W. CRAIGIE, LIFE, FIRE ..a seoMe.t tasur.ncs. Agan+ loading nutria and stsok oosp.ales. ]ns.«aU nes WWooted on bee pl..s and at lowest Wee. ..011 at .acs. owner West Boma and Square er address J. W. GRAMME. Uoderlsh. Oat MARRIAGE LICENSER GODICRICR. ONT. MUIR or MARRIAGE LICENSE& RAVING PAR LOR REDFORD BLOCK BARBER SHO P. .LIF -MR well -knows atrzpalgir stand eters its piton". the in shaving haircutting. et... shwapostas • 7:24S• Only tattled Made ennefersd. tireiremairii Yee be appreciatod. AUCTIOSEEMINO general atationeer. Offices ags Roan o trest win Iv He will De Mood at all tone. K7.7. besid hi rive yen satletention. MUSIC gIODERICH CONSERVATORY OF 1.4 klurtic W▪ m algae aod /Mum harmony. menterpeles. etc • E. coma piano. hannomy. 01111.141, N W. NW NM\ Agnmen. laniermation as to mama etc . sOilft (b• THE SIGNAL : GOI)ERICH O jTAR1(_ The Shame of Society. Prom The Toronto Scar. Ain. tit WM baste received for publication the following rein tattle • • verses dealing with young Jardine. who lies in Goderich jail and is to be baoged for murder on the morning of Friday next, June 16. Twelve lines we have omitted. The verses atr the manner of 'The Ballad of Reading Gaol," aod the evident dish e of the Writer is not to condemn Goderich in particular, but to *roues society to a nesse of reeponsibility in connection with persoes like Jardine, who are permitted to &lit to crime and ruin. Godericli town wakes Runner aim es With many 31 gentle cell. A fairer town did ne'er look down A thousand eluding white steedm fret Against her singine wall. tioderich town today is held In the bloneomed mins of June: Her children tun. in the gold et : And her /may lyres atune Make soft. reply to tbe water's cry, Rhythm to rhye, and rune. Her curtsied knee now dtp.. her emelt. alight. wheo wings of white Fan hither their solemn ships. But, guests beware, for her beauty fair Soon kisses a Borgia'm Betwixt (-old Imre Goderich town. Sad sight pervert leers: And though' without the builders shout He neither cares nor feats. An organ wailing tit his lips Is all his spirit beers. Lo. seven churehes in the town. That oite on Huron's hank. And seven goodly minim Pr s. Who, daily, render t batik.. That Buell an tbis 13/1 dine rame not, From out their holy renks. 0. Goderich town, you nursed child Who tugged at a 'wren breast Is it etrange he came with a brain defiled, And wakened your night of rest ? Go look at his face. and twe tht• piece Where might have prerieed. 0, Frankenstein. you made a man : Goderich, you made nne ton And now your bate would lift a pate, Would dip the flag of Christ. to weit On edict of tile Jew. You need not slay Jardine this day, Yon killed him long sign, awl laid His better s. If to reet : What lives hath no more mason than. A babe upon the breasts A whisper in • boy's soft ear. Uttered the long ago, Had kept hie manhood from arrear That brought these hours ef woe - A gentle word, and we bad heard This day no hammer'e blow. Goderice town wakes Huron's slumps With many • 'gentle rag : A fairer town did nel'eu look down Where billows rise and fall. A thousand eluding white 'treed. fret A thousand chairing white steeds f I et Where the reseed rand wounds hen'. But up on her hill. she is planning to Lill The brain of an imbecile. And her *hips will linger a day to leer The tale of a broken seal. The tale of a broken oval, which God. Alone should he called to break : 'Till His te keep the Avenging rod. And the thirst of justice slake. "Tie His to open the waiting sod, Who gave, alone. should take. And tonight her foot will pressit grime 1Fbtt erimeon flesh will east en blush On the shamed cheeks of her sky. DISTRICT NEWS. Dr. Agnew. of Weigh/toe bas gone on a trip to the Canadian WesL Mr. end Mrs. George Peacock. of Himmel°, celebrated their golden wed- ding a few days ago William Baird, a resident of Turn - berry for many years. died on Mon- day. June 5th. He was in his sixty- sixth year. George Littlefair Fells, a native of Huron rfounty, is dead at his home in Dickenson county, Eames, aged fifty- four years. He had been a resident of Kansas sioce 1966. Mies Beatrice L Luker, a forme Exeter young lady, was wedded at 14t. Catharines to X. J. Chriotie, of Eze- ter. The event took place on Wed- nesday, June 7th.• Miss Irene Davie, laughter of Mi. and Mrs. H. Davie, of Wingbam, is teaching school at • point...lily-live miles from Mooselavr, Sask., at a salary of $750 per annum. Mies Minnie Thompeon. a nurse in training in the hospital at Portage la Prairie. Man., died of fever there * few daye ago. She was P. daughter of Mrs. Thompson, of Chnton. Wednesda June 7tb, was the mar- riage of km Almetta Hall to James %lantern T. R. agent at hluevale. James Feireervice, of Mullett. near Lotelleeboro', pmehased the roll - dents and Rfty !scree belonging to the Tuckerminith. for which be paid lo.soo. Carnochan, an old reeiderst Seaforth passed away on Sunday. June kb. aged oeventy-two years. He was a native of Tuckerernith. be- , had t ail his life is that neighbor- hood The home of Mrs. John Marwick, at Sestrwth. was the seem ,4 • very pleasant event no Wedneedey of last week, it being the megrims of the marctoste of her dauOter. ea William Haies, of Thwart Rm A pretty wedding took place at the house of Mr ea Mrs. Jamie R. Troyer, fierifortb, ne Saturday, June fird. when their daughter Mies Ethel to Herold B Atklmon. Tomato The ceremony was performed at 2 o'clock 'by Rev. F. H. Larkin 'tad was wit - nested by about minty -flee invited Edmund elrinieng, a pioneer settler of Willett, died oil ,Wedneadny. June 7th, aged seventy-flve ye's,. and PIN months. He bad breit a 'esteem of the townehip for fiftv-eight years. A widow and a family a two sons and two daughters ate left to mourn his Joseph M. Ennis. a native of Grey township. died tit Winnipeg on Sitter - day. June erti. erred thirty-seven -years- He had been poorly for ths past yenr or more ond was en route to the hot springs at, Bat if when he took SO W01110 that the joureev was never completed. Wedneed ty of Imo week at the home of J. W. Duncan, Witighate, the conttacting par es beina Mr.. Duncan's daughter. Peat I Butte.. and Chtetter elon,l, moil clerk on the I..., H. A: H. Hein. Mire J. Elder Utuhrich. of Ouse A., eeteti as matron of honor and the eddieg march wae played by Miss Lanes here Hey. H. Croly performed Lb. ceremony. May. was milt n 1 i'ltuRail tor. Ju :s *., 1911 i FIELDING TO TUPPER. NATURE WILL CURE YOU Ot Kidney Dimas*, Aided by Father Morriscrs Re. 7. tA.NISTER OF FINANCE ISSUES AN OPEN LE I TER. Kidney trouble is one of the most dis- Shows that Sir Charles Criticized the Fielchng Tariff of 1897, Which Conservatives Now Acclaim -Con- servative tiovernment Was Willing to Geste United States Reciprocity and Fishing Resets In Aodition. Hen. We A. Flpilditte has adds -resod •n 'men letter to Sir Cborles Tupper, in which be Beebe+ at comiderable length to Sir Charles' letter uf April later had at the resent Montreal meet- iroc amide him tbe object 3.1a political atiaA from iv bleb his age •nd retire - meat front public tile should nave pima -eyed him. Hoi.. Mr. Fielding ...tete. enspitatleally that he Ilas not b - nig to street. NW gust further to p. ove that ler sate...erste regarding the forfuer Consereitive Premier mete After deceit ing that it is -maul al and propri" that. public men (1 today should occasionally refer to the utter- ance. of thoiee mew jet -ceded them. the Minister refers to his etatenient at tbe Montreal meeting that the Litt- ler o Governmeut bad not cent. d tbe National Policy et the Coneervs- Gee., because waren the Liheral tariff policy ewe announc..1 it was wernily attacked by Stir Charier . and hie fol- lowers. He quotes Sir Charlet. Tup- pet's famous recital of the pa raise/L- eon ot industries thet was to follow the going Into eprintiue cf the new 'A Wilted Misstatement " Fielding, -wits on my pas t •a willful concerning you in this cennection true If you did use therm then there wAs no misstatement. wiltil or otherwise, on tuy port,' That you did me that words its beyond all doubt:- They- are emu the ofecial report. of your speech in the House of Commons Hefner 1. ' The Ministet• tees. no Sir Chaelee Tupper's claim that the Lieerel tariff was later altered and so beesetie are ceotnbie to the Oppoeit" . The pub- lic records, be esys. seow that Sir Cheers and hie easocottes rontiniied to condemn the new !al dr evsn titter thew. amendnienta were ill, rodue.d. The Finance Minkitei then'iurns his attention to the second reference he inaie to Sir Charte...tt the meeting in relation to the treaty of letIti. weiicb the United 5 tiles Senate failed to ratify. He states that there is no foiled/item for the complaint theft he spoke in depreciatory terms of Sir tians at Washington. He pointe oin that he merely stated that Sir Charles wee 8) anxious for reciprocity that. he had offered to give the Attire icon.. in addition to the ordinal y exehangte of teeth% free access t ., the fishing privileges of the Dominion, while the present agrrement revere...it that the former l'reinier wanted without in- fr iiging upon an: rights of CinAtlian -Yon say," continues the letter, moduli vivendi could a fish Ise caught in Ca. adian waters hy Americans, as urgent appeel for that privilegt• by the Knocknig Down a Straw Man. Jobe Scarlett Driving Accident. John Scarlett, 3.1 Mekillop, had a the other day. He eras driving, whet. the king -holt of the buggy broke rind the front wheel,. earoe away _from the ather part of the rig. When the front of the huggy dropped Mr. Seer - lett was thrown out alai the wheels passed over him. He waft slightly cut about am head. but escaped without serious injure. Will Hays Married at Breadon ding_wao performed at the residence of R. H. Jobnenn. of Brandon, eientioha. tincle of the beide, Thursday las. when William T. Hays. of Wa, was united in mar- riage with Ma Ruth Honor Johnson. R. Have, of seaforth. and Mies John- son is a daughter of Mrs. D. W. John- , ono. also of teesforth Mr. and Mra. I Hays have many friends in eleeforth. who will aniut with uo in coegratula- tines and beet wishes for their future =ease and penspiority They will in Regina. where We Hem Deforms, is the ulna complicated. the most indirect. sod the most ale - This .taiement tle• Minister of Fin - twee chatecterizes the old device of raising a man of met yr and then pro- ceeding to knock him dots - at tt ihut- not soy and then pro. ceding to de "Uncle Pete, why dou•t you get not to the treaty itself, but to nego i- 1 ye see, salt, ari' if 1 don t ny her shoes an' stocking. .1.0 ontlia get would bah to buy t1.11. Cog., for iny wife, and daf. weld I be te hong de ahoy* an' stockings right oot of me siouldei's to backache and rli uniatism. This is tressing ailments of liankind. and leads because of the imp° :owe of the work done by the kidneye,- work which must proceed normallr to insure good health A very large proportion of civilized people have some form of kidney trouher, sometimes without knowing that their malady is of that nature. Many obscure pains can often be traced to diseased These organs are the filters of the body. Their funcuon is to strain out of the blood and eliminate through the bladder the wore out tissue and other inipurities gathered by the blood in its course. When the kidneys beconw congested 'and sluggish, these inipurities, including the irritating and poisonous uric acid, are not entirely renloved from the biood The result is that the uric acid is deposit- ed in the joints and tissues. causing the apahies of rheumatism and frequently affecting the liver and other organs. . Fathec Morriscy, the famous priest - physician of liartibugue, N 11 , after much research compounded a remedy which worked hand in hand with Nature. His doctrine, justified by thousands of cures, was that the need is not a patcheork relief, but a treatment that will enable the forces of Nature, working through the kidneys, to accomplish their intend- ed work. His famous prescription, No. 7, assists the kidneys to work vigorously and elim- inate the harmful uric acid from the whole system. In the form of tablets, No 7 is easy to take, and will effect cures where other remedies have failed. Do not trifle with kidney diseaee, but take Nu. 7 Tablets, tlic treatment that pas proved so successful with other sufferers. 50c. a box, at your druggist's or from Father Morriscy Medicine Co Ltd , Montreal. Que. merit that yol, ...4411. on offer to give 1.e Attictira.11, o alai, ion to the ees.your lisit.og I., leges or the 'i he A tn. r cans rejected Rsferroig to Sir Charles Tupper... ment t "t11.4 was the first time any part to the Koirre wool.] enjoy peer - et en t lel tuftat went inn( oreign country to the rest ot th.- Empire." the Fin - *use Minister ooilit• out. Ile he did in his letter to The Loudon Moruing Post, that Lerd Selborne was mei- token and that the agreement makes no precedent in that respect. No Conservative Protest. Speaking of the preference, Mr. Fielding .titee that if the trade ar- rangements with other countries "whittled away the preference," na protests r.to.e from t 1,e Conservative side of Ate Ileiew. 'I • tale .exception was the F.elleti I rent . and upon that the lifted tht Con -erv.., lees supported the Governmeto. "If there has Seen wriy fettling awey of the Firit- "one thing is vet y plain. andFitehhiliitngie [hot if you told your friends had lied their way there ould have been no British p. ef •r -e..••• to whittle away. - closing hi- I ',ter, Mr. Fielding mid steadily opp. soil the preference, holding that before Calinda should do onything • tweet change whole fiscal I•ymle111 mild put aaluty on foreign products. w Skinner- "Gixol morning, ma'am. Did you ever see anything so unsettled es the weather has been lately ?'' Mrs. fleshly -•• Well. there's your hoard bill, Mr. Skinner. - stifles which preesled if. and to an offer made ey you which the on.ri- co ns rejected lion have, by 'the pp+ device to which I have eeferred. app. ared to den, the.. I shrill now move la of your ref ti motile the cor- rectne.• of my otateinent." Mr. Fielding then peore•eds to q frem Sir Charles' addreo. in the Wee.. id' C011111101 • in the of thee in which tbe totieet atter It ader gave an account of the negotintionot at Washington. Accoiding to Hansard, Sir Charlet., atter stating that he went to Warthington to ..ecure "as near All approach to the reciprocity treaty of 1814 as I could obtain. ' snys : ••1 think yon will have no doubt about the comer pursued by nie after 'reading the propoeition thot I made in the Conference on the 3rd of Decemher, For United States Fishermen. •14ir Choir.-- begged leave to submit lion with 111.• tislita ire it i• proposed teat the flah. rtneti beth countries. omen have .11 the privil. gee enjoyed during the exi.tenee of the 11.Meries articles ol he treat of Washington in consideration of fnutual arrange- ments providing frit greater freedom of commercial Intel ocsusiw between the I7nited Motor and Caned* and "Here we have.. points out Mr. ••from yeor 01.11 lip.. the bored to you weet to Wrishington under inotructiorm to obtain as near An apwoach to the eeiptrocity treaty of I/64 as rould ,teitined. and that you in a formal owe proposted to the American netrotiaire • that the Ameri- privileges enjoyed daring the esiet- treaty of Washington." Mr. Fielding then qiioses from article 18 of the Trrety of Washing - toe. lff/1. In wbich it eiltreed time let addition to the Meg -1y secured to this American Sehessoen by the siesta - Lion of 1618 between Urea Britaia sod British Meth America deSeed. the Ameriese fishermen, 'MIA have -lib- art t,t tak• fish ad every kind 'seem m the smerasta and Mores. in the bays and baCwies sad week. of of ▪ Poises Edward inigag." "1 have proved mit of year ow* Are Your Kidneys Working Properly?, I• Will. Pay You Well to "lake Sure There's been a lot of "guessing" about recumatis:n and rheumatic pains gener- ally, but you can be dead sure that little oain scow,' your back came trom de- ereaeed kidney action. rs. kidaev's duty is to filter the blood take out tlit impurities collected by the returning blotx1 stream -do it just al,sor'r-nt cotton in a funnel filters is no "patent " witeicine, •^YThe 1.1'..1 of pr ,ved Yalu... More than .eat. it his been prove.1 tiv thousands weer '11V:. ead g'.a r:lief from its use. tiler n -shin:,,, -elite so rli...trable as dragghist results of sick kidneys. a•ou au trilling with your own future a. a n:essast home treatment with Nyaes Stns.. Rent Compound when results are It soothes bladder ation, gives you rest and comfert at r.iyht, and makes iiie ooce more enjoyable The *Inert, liver ar ! %ladder are all Steer Root Compound is part designed to help them all. Reid asd gear steed by : GODERICH Gloves Hosiery Neckwear Belts Ribbons Combs In the fibrive lines you will always flnd a most mere', stock of all that ie new and up-tr.-date, inductee( the levet New York styles elumet an ...on as shown in the cities. GLOVES For absolute satisfaction in Gloves we recommend Perrin's Kid and Fehrie and Keyser Fabric Gloves. Perrin'e Gloves in lisle thread. extro quality, in white. chempagne. tan, gray. navy. black, two dome festopers, pei feet - fitting, per pair, ric. Koyser patent double - tipped Silk (novas, the glove with the guarantee. pee pair. 75c. In elbow length, $1.0111 per HOSIERY asCall Paters Rs. 411117 Heidi ttttt make. in white, sky. pink, Kitty, hies. IS esets Sprees' value in lisle three.' limo, ton, CAI dinal. champagne and black, vet•y rGpealirrUlair. See Mir specie' black lisle Hos*, Radium 11.40, rs tor $1.011„ NEW AND STYLISH NECKWEAR cool and comforta9e for su llllll er wear, at 25e, 35,,, an I e h. Misses' fancy S.tilor Collais in latest styl NEW BELTS . NEW COM Do not forget we nre sole agents for the celebra ed M C Pat - '57 Millar's Scotch Store rve HOW TO HAVE tylish Footwear If you buy a fIrst-class shoe. flop-, you want that stme mode in the latest style NVhy should von nay the price of a high-clare shoe, and, in teturit. get a shoe one or two /orisons How dt. you now, for instant..., w heti you ask for the neweet footwear that yoteie actually get But why tisk e chance' ? Why not ask for he shoes that lead the st yips in Canada - INVIC1US Shoes % „ Isn't there A meat that the shoes you're wear- ing Are not last yenr's styles but the newest there is in footwear? Thin satisfaction will be yours when you wear are other fashionable shear how are yen to knee them? a reputation throughout CanadA for their styli.11 ors -seance? You run no risks when you order INVICTUS Shoes. 1 Wm. Sharman The Square Ooderich • WHAT IS LACQUERET Laequeret is a peerless wood preservative sod beau- tifier. It works freely. dries hard quickly. poothiceo high lustre and is very durable. Yon can 110e it ith perfect satisfaction anywhere -on floors, •.e.liligil. Wm it R- enting. doom furniture. ste. IL Is a v.ritable panacea : it cures all woodwork Ailments. rlartin • Senour Paint loo PER CENT. PURE is sold subject to chemical analysis. This means that you eon take any ean rIllartin-Stirour" Point off our shelves. and hove it analysed by any reliable chemist. If you do not And it absolutely pure end exactly as we MAIM. we will pay the she mem aetrinatteGyoLriu %resent of 111100 for your trouble. We are solo agents in FRED HUNT Mathes Strati L