HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-6-15, Page 1the 'I<w ar -P. .. t L•+ia ' • .;wet °, :,, ., _,:' t"I+'''+I Wedding Stationery Printed in up•tn-date style by Tbe Signal Job Department. Samples rent to any sddvsss upon aro- quest. TKLEPHON F: 35 Job Printing First-el•sr work turned out ptsemptly ny The. Signal Joh Department. Floe commercial work r specialty& Call telephone N. 3A If you want any Printing .IITY-THIRD TEai -N. 1165 GODERI(H, ONTARIO. CANADA : JUNE 15, 1:+11 THE SIGNAL FEIN - 'NG CO.. Ltd.. Post.00r. FINANCIAL. 1 II011 OF CANADA BOTABL18HxD 1885 Capital, Rest and U odi+ id.d Profits t7,500,IlJO Total Assets over $49,000,000 RURAL BANKING With the majority of our 'l.`,0 or more branches serving rural communities, we have -` naturally paid special atten- ti0s to the honking requirements of ' Fartuere. Rancher,,, Stockmen. Lumbermen and Merchants. (tor facilities tot handling your business or private banking are complete. Savings (lank Department at every Branch. Goderich Branch' W. L. HORTON, Manager t/ Y. - -..----,--r- ----+"-1 A BARGAIN FOR A QUICK BUYER • I hem fee • omek sae at a derided 1j bargain corner 10t • Darrow prop arty. $1W.1* under the market 11 ii price. I or particulars see .1 W. CR-%IGIE, Real rotate Broker. --^-._ - -sfieJ 1 CENTRE HURON LIBERAL ASSOCIATION The annual tueetiog of the As- sociation and the convention for the selection of a candidate for Um Legislature for Centre Huron will be held at Seafor th on Sat- urday, June 24tb, at 1 o'clock p.m. Hen. A. ti. MacKay will be present and will aaddre.m the tweeting. A full attendance is desired.. J. I.. KILulRAN. Secretary. L - GUNDRY'S tLivery, Cab and '13 1 All our Rigs ate New. 'Buses meet all Trains and Streamers. Particular attrmtion given calls from private residence.. 'Phone No. 50. 4.... -Jas-#.--- .,-T..-s. AO(TICN SALES. CLEARING AUCTION SALE HOUSEHOLD FURNI8H1NOS. PIANO, ETC. Mr. Jsmie.ou Reid w111 .ell by public auction at hie re.ldenoe. Pietas street. O.derich, or. F(.tTURI'AY. JUNE'LITH. OOmmenclnar at IJ' p. m.: All the houeehuld furniture. rwndeing of parlor. Maine -roma. bedroom sod kitchen furniture. bedding. car- pets. rugs. curtain.. glasawere. delft were. mockery stardea to,ml.. to The piano id of feted at private sale ungll day of auction, ant If am .o.d will then be pat up et auction .ub- Jost to a reserve bid. Everything about the e mk must be sold. a. Mr. Reid hers .old his k•eae and a, leaving town. Tara.: Cords. JAMIE SON REID, THOS. OU"DRY, Proprietor. Auctioneer. GODERICM MARKETS THURSDAY. June 13th. Fall wheat. per bueb lilt Ire to 0 000' 8prtnl[ wheat. per bush•, tl0 toso I 10 per bush 001' to 0 10 Butiwheat. per bash 045 to V id , Oats. par bush, 033 to 0 sl Peso, per hush 0 73 to 0 73 Barleyper bush 0 NI to V e'1 screenings, per ton 10 00 to 10 00 Flour, family. per owt 1 76 to 2 73 i!iron,ron, ppeat per cwt 133 0000 ttoo 13 W Short.. per ton ..., M W to 1 00 Hay, per ton 10 10 to 10 011 Strew...... 400 to 5W Wood. per load 3'm to 3 So Butter. per lb - 0 LI to 0 is Cheese, per Ib 0 13 to 0 hi F g.Berk. per dos 4 1a to Ufd 13otaroeruer bushel....., . 0 51 to New Potatoes, per bushel... Y 10 to Cattle. worn y to good, per cwtA I10 to Cattle, export, per ewe 3 JO to Hog e. ... ..... 6 tel to Spring Lamb. 4 01 to 8 eep . per owt 4 a to Tallow. per Ib 415 to.. Hider, per owt 7 Ire 1.0 7 de 81leep.kine 30 to 10J Lab Skins, and Pelts .... . . .. 4 15 to 0 Al CLEARING AUCTION SALE HOUSE FURNISHINGS M. Jobs W. Phar.. who had mold his reel delle on Finn avenue. (oderich. will .ell by public &notion *Attie prembe. on SATURDAYJUNE 17TR oommencyog at 131 o'clock sharp, all the coo - tent. of the house. oondt.ting of nue handsome eve piece parlor .et that cost 3125. parlor tables. odd chain etc.: 41ntog room furniture. sideboard. table, °bale.: china, crockery, e meanie rtanie blind.: three beew room •ate, etc.. Including ono est that stoat 375; kitoben fur- Matters. urMatters. Including one Mage Heppe newest range, M good .i Dew: also garden tool. and utensils. YM win .31.1. r wbe sold. at Mr. Pterin ls ipviag et once for California a4P0►H e le o e1 Y4.1) 5 00 3 73 6W 430 4 AO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. -June 15th Page Alma Ladie. College. 8t. Thomas . . . ... 2 Residential Property for Hak -P. J. Ryan.... 1 A Mo -t Select Stock U. Millar & Hon ... . 3 Reader. tt:. R, Wigle . 5 Announcement- W. P. 8/sderdoe. Loner.... The Hsrtt Shoe -la -alter Hero .7 Foulard Drewk.-W. Alinerm0• & 8....2 Silverware that Wenn-Howell Hardware Co. 1m Make Three Dollar.- Walter C. Pridba4 Excur.fon to New notatin -i. F. Lawrence 6 Reader- O. T. R Cut Ola.. ad • wadding Uih--J. r. Nave3 Jane W'eddtbg.- W. J. Muir & (o. ... 4 Second woes of June BaeH -Hodge-•. lienst} Strawbeds fur `gale CI(e.. JI CPM., Cao - low .... ...... .... l o.. Girl Wa.t.d-M,U. L Robinson 1m A Bargain in brtad.Wnem-Huwel Hardware Servant Warted -Mr.. J. A. Rubell. 1 Htor.Jlewe-J. H. Colborne 4 Brooch Lee- Signal Oel.e. ... ..,.• 1 Lidice' Ready to- w'e.r-John Bleed , Wllein's Fly Pada 20 .m Auooncemt P. T. oda f Notice-C'ha-. C. Lee 6 Growth and Servlc.-darling Hama of Cana de 1 Teacher Wanted -Se S. Na 3, tlodSrbk Tow Doh I .... . .. . 1 w Meotuog Park Clpened-D. F. Harnlink-3e w Auction Haof Household Vie Jamieson Reid . 1 Raeder Sterling Hawk Announcement- ounceent- N. a'. Downs-. ... .. .. ,. Pta.g-pond Photo. 1 • THE CAMP NEXTWEEK ADVANCE PARTY OF ORDNANCE COMPS ALREADY HERE. Preparations Being Completed for Pro- gram of Entertainments During the Two Weeks of the Camp - Banquet Will Be Given on June 27. Serpi.-Major Heesiau with a party of ordnance corps teen arrived from London on Tuesday as the first ad- vance party of the military camp'to be held at Attrill's June 19th to 30th. (Aber advance parties will arrive on Friday and Saturday.. and on Monday next the main bodies of the various regiments of the distri't will be on hand. Several meetings of the joint com- mittee of the Board of Trade and the town council in connection with the military camp have been held during the past week, and arrangements are being completed for the entertain- ment of the visitors during their stay at Goderich. These arrangements. combined with the special events which will ire held under the auspices of the soldiers themselves, will make the period of the camp an eventful fortnight. On Coronation Day (June 22nd) it is likely itbat the troops will celebrate the crowning of King George in some manner, but this will not be settled archonuntil the troops archon next week. Cbl. Hodgins, D. O. C., has promised that the people 01 the town and vicin- ity will have an opportunity.of seeing the troops parade, and tbie event ma: PERSONAL MENTION. Mims Cluf, of Clinton. wag the guest of MiesPio. Sallow. over Sunday. )jr.. 01111es. of Stratford, Is the guest of her leather, lire- That Lawson. Mrd. Hinck., of California, 1e in town vlelUog ber mother. Mr.. Jam. Porter. Mnnee . E. Shannon. of Teaeee, arrived in town on Saturday to spend the summer. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Reed left on Tuesday for Longhorn. Sask. Mr. (teed took out a carload Of horsed. The Maas Florence and Nina Graham. 01 New York. are spending holidays at their oldst home. eastreet_. Mn. Major will .!rive from Toledo with the Detroit excursioot is aid will be the guest of JOHN W. AHI THOS. CU\U 8. Rl, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Polley. PmprtNa►. Auctioneer. The vulgar heart of a a it lin- Thea. TUI, of Detroit, r In town fora few pr pe y d♦y.. Oar former My01 f1 always hearrJlr FOR SALE VR TO RENT not comprebeod the delis ate sena- welcomed when he stets the old town. fuents of miofort our.-Chaute.utn•iand. Riney Ex res.: Mr. Dan Martyo. wife and family and Mr Dan Moloy dsove to Goderich lOH MALE. -THAT FiNE RESI- I: dentia) property at the natter of ('ae.iroo LOST OR FOUND. Miss Laurie Carey lett 3n Saturday on a visit ■nd an Orate, formerly known as the A. t, her sister. Mrs. F. C. Nei nor, at t'Incase. MOfy. Allan p.opert Id for rale. 1t Oootater also to friends at Winnipeg and othar Western eight town lobs. wi with the obotoert BR°bC'H . LOSI'.-ON SUNDAY. i ,minus US fruits of all kirhdd ss 7TThere are two brick 1J June 11th. • gold amethyst brooch sur• • O. W. Duggan. who has been accountant and housed. each of two .tortes. one built only last rounded br pearls. double look. Kindly iaave teller of the Sterling Bank here, has Crone to Stables year, sal the other in find -clam repair. Both at THE S1ONAL tr017CE awl receive reward. 'remote and is succeeded' by C. 4 orbit• who hotter,* hate modern conveniences. and alto- 11, seiner from Toronto. 'THE RED BARN getber the propertyIs one of t h'• most desir- _ _. - __ Miss Nicholson, nun* in training at'84 Ven- able in Uoden• h. )'111 be .old On reasonable rest's hotpit•1, Toledo, irspending her vacation South Street. Goderich term.. Apply to P. J. RYAN, Godench.SS•tf • _ T)ING-PON(i PHOTOS. -TWENTY- with her it set Dr. and Mr* Nlcnolaon. on fueeday. where they will visit friends. possibly come uff on Corooatiuo flay. Saturday, the 'lath. will he •ports day at the camp. when a program of athletic events will be carried out On Tuesday evening, the 27th, a banquet will be tendered the officer. of the camp at Hotel Sunset, and u - rangemeots for this are being made hy the town council and the Board of 'i'rode. 1t is likely also that a ball will lie arranged, under the auspices of the Meoesetung Canoe flub, and ss the undertakings of this Club are always eminently successful this event may be looked forward to 10111110 of the not- able events of the f,.rtnight. Everpbtiely who saw the military tattoo given by the soldiers while iu camp here three years ago will be delighted to koow that there will be • similar event this year. probably on the evening of tbe :lith or the 'J9th. Seven hands are expected to M• in camp, and they will be invited to give concerts on the Square, on different evenings, so that the townspeople may expect an abundance of good military music. Tbe arrangements for tranalor ta- tion between the camp grouelda and the town include, besides livery ser- vice and a footbridge 'acme the Maitland River . below the camp, a special train ser -vice by C. P. R. Dr. Clark. cbairmac of the trans- portation committee, has just received word that two special trains will he run each evening between Meneset end Goderich, The first train will leave Goderich at 6:15, arriving at Menest 6:25, leaving Meneeet at 6:30 and ar- eiviog at Goderich at 6:40. The second train will leave G: derich at 9,43. arrive at Meneset at 9:55, leave Meneset at 10 o'clock aid arrive at Goderich at 10:10. to f -.7 PURE LAKE ICS We wish to announce to our customers of former years and to the public in general that out icehouses are stocked with pure lake ice and we are prepared t.o supply all old and new customers. We are the only dealers handling PURE LAKE ICE CRAIGIE BROS. 'Phone Calls : Office 24 House 124 t LOT FOR SALE. -ON SOUTH »trees, high and def ooeelftn acre. near proposed sewer extension. Con be had at a bargain for quick sale. tornadoes at THE SIGNAL TWO GOOD FARMS FOR BALE.- Case to the town of Goderich. The land 1. ftrrt-claw., orchid on both placed, essy term'. Hwy now. Lana 1s going up. Deo for sale • good building lot. 42 feet frontage. 00 South street 1pa rt of the Watson propenyl. Apply to THei8 UU YDRY. L AHM TO KENT OK FOR SA r Oro hundred acres d Rood land. being mouth half of lot IA concession 4, West Wawa - nosh. nearly ail In a good stat* of cultivation. and nearly all seeded down. Building. In• elude briek houee, later barn. eked. ego. Spring seek r u n a through property. term Ie within half a mile of the thriving vitae* of Dungannon en g ,convenient to churches. ached. and po.tolfloe. On the paaoe w • good gavel ML which of ate years had averaged over MI a year : also mix atter of Hone mood Hardwood bFor further In Crmation• particulars regarding terms. etc. apply to M18r( E. 8. MILLIGAN. Duoga0000. OR SALE. - TEN ACRE* EAST Ode of South 'diet corner Bennett street oderich. It you dash a ernaller trate of one or two scree or a building lot in the south ede write H. A. JORDAN, 173 Wlnd*or avenue, .Vfnueor. Ontario. _ fi10'v PRRTY F'OR SALE.- 1 tot two hundred and twenty Ove 1225) on KIng' top atr.et. In the town of Ooderich, con tatnium ooeyuarter of an •ore. On the north half of this property there ls erected • story and a -bat tram* dwelling Houde and a bla.:k- smfth .hop. ones °erupted by the late Alex ander Kirkbride. Both the hones and the shop are. at pre.ent, ender Mow +,,,the cues at. !Al a month and as shop at per month. 'fparty will be void in nee or two parcels .a t)te pnroh•.en may dedrw. Apply to M. O. CAWettish. )dater. eta, Hamilton 1treet DAM STERLIM BAMN of cnnaea \ GRQWTH AND SERVICE The constant growth of this Bink is a giro nifltant indication of the.10.11ent henbane ger. view given to its :many customers. SAVINGS HANK AND BUSINESS ACCOUNTS INVITKI) Seery Attesting) Given to F'armers' Fiuminess ,i OUENICH BRANCH a WAt.gsa SOS 03 3, for 23 neaw or thee. Gam. foe 10c. Taken day and sight. tirade on tee rewire. earner wast ares.. over W. Sharman'. shoe store. SITUATIONS VACANT. Alfred Armstrong. who has lately been working at his trade Le a printer at Whitby. left here on Saturday to tithe a position in the uMee of The Lucknow Sentinel. Rev. A. E. M. Thom oat, of .tmherstbur,, nevem ped by SIN. Thomson and their cbil STERLING,RANK TO SHARE IN COUNTY 13USINESg. At the June session of the county council. held last week. the council gave orders that.Jnatea d 01 having the county's banking business transacted through one Bank only, as has been the case for many years, one-half of the county business should be done through the Sterling Beak of Canada. Undoubtedly the chief reason for this action, outride of'the fact that no one institution has aright to a monopoly of public petronwge, is that the Sterl- ing Bank. baying a large number of branches in this county. is in • peculi- arly favorable position to handle the business of the county corporation. The Sterling Bonk by reason of the special facilities which it has through- out this county is deserving ot spe- cial consideration in awnection with tbe banking bu.ines. of municipalities within the county. and tbe action of the county commie' its msstieg last week will doasbtless ne approved by the ratepayers of the county. THE PENALTY PAID EDWARD JARDINE EXECUTED FRI. DAY MORNING. Goes to Death Bravely. Saying Good- bye to Those About Him --Leaves a Pathetic Statement of His Early Life and His Hopes for the Future' REV. ALFRED BROWN. Pastor Appointed fax North Street Meth- odist Church. FRIDAY, June Nitb. Edward Jardine this morning paid the penalty for the murder ot Eliza- beth Anderson. The execution took place rt the county jail at a minute or two txfore8 o'clock• Kelly this morning Rev. George E. Ross, who had been the condemned man's spiritual adviser throughout( his imprisonment, was with him,, and the young man •bowed a deep coo - cern to, meet his end in r proper spirit, engaging in earnest prayer. For halt an hour be broke down, hut. be recov- ered and walked to the scaffold appar• ently without a tremor. Those present at the execution. besides Ellis, the. hangman from Tor- onto, were Sheriff Reynolds, Gaoler Griffin, Dr. Alex. Taylor, gaol physi- cian; Rev. Mr. Ross, High Constable Whitesides, Chief of Police Pos- tlethwaite. Constables Murphy and MacMath (tbe two loot named con- stituting the death watch), and O. Geiger, Warden of the county. By order of Sheriff Reynolds all repre- sentatives of the press were excluded. Less than sixty seconds elapsed from the time the procession started from the cell until the trap dropped. it was eight minutes and a half atter the drop when the heart stopped beat- ing. but of course death to all intents was instantaneous, Executioner Ellis dctirg his work well. Before the black cap was adjusted Jardine bade good-bye to those about him. but made no further statement. Following the execut' a post- mortem WOAD held, in accordance with the law. Dr. Hunter assisting Dr.'Tay- lor. the gaol surgeon. A coroner's jury composed of J. B. Hawkins. C. H. Humber, F. J. Butlaod, F. J. Peid- ham; G. L Par.oua. W. L McLean mod George Johnston. with Dr. W. 1. R. Holmes as coroner. perform- ed deice duty and returned the verdict . ttilipt/Wary in such cages. ('ounty Crown Attorney Seager was preempt at the inquest. Under au- thority of a Provincial order -in -coun- cil the body was then banded over to the fr•ieods of the deceased for inter- ment in Colborne cemetery. The fun- eral was conducted privately this [morning, Rev. Geo.- E. Row perform- ing the burial service. Jardine had never been baptized until last night, when, at his earnest solicitation sad after an explanation eyf tbe significance of the rite by Rev. Mr. Ross, the latter performed tbe ceremony in a room at the gaol, in the presence of gaol officials and guards. Mr. Ross remained with him for three hours last night, end during the even- ing he took down ,t statement dictated by the condemned roan, .which Jar- dine requested should be published. Y'he statement is aass, follows : "I attended Sunday school of Knox church wben a little boy six or seven years of age. Stanley Warnock in. vited me and other boys to go and he came for us. I took a notion one day to go to the big Methodist Sunday school and got in with some boys there. I attended there for about two years. I attended church when a little fellow, changing off and going Rev. Alfred Brown, who coulee to Goderich with the opening of the Gm - pa ference year in .duly to aMLti're the _ den, ie here this .week oat a vhaat the par pastorate of 'North stoat Methodist WANTED -A YOUNG GIKL '10 serol home. North street. take Desh announce the m ' Mt% and Jin. B. H. Taylor, of Fast 'k% ewe. care w ayhlldreo. mut eCAPTJ errtdge of their eldest C. L BOl3INSON. W Cee+ -vet• • 1 daughter, Mary -\della. t , J. T. Taylor. The wedding V to take canon on June "-IIIb. WANTED. - A PKOFEZ!'IONALI Henry Tisdale. of Bowesmont North Da - teacher for e. S. No. 9, Mancha:duties ko is vlattln` hi• old home at 8t. Augustine. to commence iter midsummer holidays, 1 Mr. isdale is in the teaching profession and .apply to R JOHNSTON. Mafekitag. tint. Is now taking hie summer vacation. 33-4t1Mr. and Mrd. Sheldon B. Clerneut. of North WANTED• -A 000D GENERAL Hay, were viddng Mr. and Mrs. Clement wvast Mala J. A. RUMBALL. South I Htanley street. over Sunday. Mn. Clement street oppaens the Inmate, will visit in town fora few weeks, Mies Jade Elegy, of Londeaboro'. andnpde 3410 TEACHER WAN l'ED.-• 0TEACH m Ckiipbslin l.of theWestfield. Inhaletdnng in r. S. Na :i. (imence the hipuse 'Puttee., twoMrs. Medd, at the \'iutorla street parsonage. Rini.5.,Ltatas l of 191. A at lthe uegirtSotnU1 of ' the )snood term of 1911. ADVllwuons, dLat4tnR Mire Towle Moh''o.b, trained nurse, dao h Mos. w111 he received up to the 13th of Jwl . tar of MJ. C. Molntarh, West erect,has JOHN TORRANC0. 8sc'y, Porter'. Hill. get =abroad with 'dr, and Mr. Woolworth, of Scranton, Ps. We wish her a pleasant trip, NOTICE TO CREDITORS N(YTiCE TO CREDITORS. IN THE ESTATE OF JANE HINGHAM. LATE OF '1'H14 TOWN OF OODRRICH. IN '1'HM COUNTY OF HURON, DE - .'CASED, Name le hereby given pursoent to g 8. 0 leaf, Chepter 110. that all creditors and others having daises agalndt the estate d the said Jane Hingham. who died on or about the 1Rh day of May. 1211. are revered to mod by poet premild. or deliver to the undersigned, solicitor for Frank Bingham end lav Mole hem, the executor and executrix of the sad estate, on or before Tbunday. 1.4.0 d of Jure, 1911, their names and eddreee+, w.th full par. petters of their clamps In writing. ,and thoo n. tare mention', the cntiUes, if any, held by JJie. duly verified by 'Rotatory docler&ttoo. And take notice that atter the maid ilea the executors will proceed to dhdnbute the meet. of the said dero&.ed among the parties en Clinton New. -Booed : R. E. Manning. the titled thereto. having regard only to the cWm. genus/ and popular local manager of the Royes' of which they .hal) then have received notice, Hunk, aft fhb. morales for Denver, t'o1., and and the exeonton will not be liable for the said will on sVdnedey out be married to Mise wrote or any part then•of to any person or per mon. of whose claim notice shall bot have been received by them at the date of much distribu- tion. Dated at Goderich this ibth day Of May. A. U. Mil. M. D. L. A M ERON. Uderlch. donator for the said Esso.ters. 31I< Dr. L. M. Mabee returned on Saturday from Toronto. where he had beer. undergoing treatment at the heapital for hid arm. He is .011 nerving the In lured member. but hopes to have it in good shape before long. Re,. Jas. Herne, on ha..returned from a trip to Boston and Ottawa, having attended at the better Macre the meeting of the Presbyterian Genera! Assembly Moa Hamilton alto was at Ottawa during the meeting of the Assembly. Mi. and Mn. James Yates returned lag week from their vidit to Chicago They were w- oon led by Mir. Alert Yates. who ha. Just noted from the Cook Connry rind Illinois nine School he Noreen aid who Is spending • well•earned holiday at hmme. A. Steelton has returned from his %gait to Rochester, N. Y.. "here he attended the gr'&do Ming exerolvem or het Rochester Homeopathic Hospital training .obool for narses. Hid daughter. We K1'' heelee Straiton. was one of the graduate+. ha, ng hni.lsed • .uoose.fnl coarse In the *oho.'. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. pp ANNA STK`OHS♦N.ST Ls EQV (`FTHE TOWN Off OOUo.HICH IN THE COUNTY OF nt'Koh. DINCItAeY.D. Neuss i. hereby Wee r,naant to R. R o. 1.. Chapter 110. that all rredttere see ether. having atm. ansCost Lite e.tate of the maid Joanna 8trwagban who died ne or shoot the twenty 0,1h .4&y of March. 1011, an reeatred te mood by pow primal& or deliver he the seder signed retest« for Albert ntnoglan. the ex meter of thesaid estate, ea or safer* Timm d•y. the mad day June. 1.11. their eager end' NM rr.ses, with tell aarueeks r i tie enema. In wrlune and the some of 101.4, severities If any .aN by them dull vsa M .testuton dedianomS. And tate ood*'s that after Me said der W ezeeetor wU1 ens ed to dWtbaa the eueb of the mid 4.0.0 sol among the partied eseitad ammo havishe regard only to the eianse / mesh ..all then t.' • 'sliest Yee eealee, sed the exerutar will ne t bre. tabus ter tie e.Y au any part this end to any omega err he aver M %rh.e .bels entice .say ed bays heft r.es.mit M Me, at the der of mob dlatailru- Veered .t Nedeeat► taw Tota A*1 M May A.D. Nettie W. Fisher of that city. yonodest death ter of the am A. S Fisher, former) of Clinton. On their return Sir. and Mis. Manning will hake Op their reeld .-nee an Victoria .treat BORN. ELLIOTf. On 1 hnnday. June 1dt, et 27 The glum 'don, froto m l.4 . and Mn. W. F. ri NEWCOMHE.-lii Ooderlah. on June 0th. to Mr. and Mrs. John W. Neweombe. a mon. CLARK. len Seter•lay. June 10th, to Mr. a. Mrs. W'. J, m los*, ('ambrldge street danab tar- Isrr.,thy Marian. DIED. 1'UU81NS In t, Aar Mho nn Saturday. June IOUs Elia Mary Cosetna. elded daughter of the late Henry 0ehin0on and mina Fred. 'minim to her let year. MARRIED. ANDRROa1N-HF''DW Aa1N. - At Deaeen- church. is nn able pulpit orator of commanding preseuce and good voice and is possessed of a pleasing person- ality. He has held a number of im- portant pastorates, and for the greater portion of his nainistetiwl career has held positions of importance in the Conference, being for many years cbairnian of his district. He tante to this Contempt,. from tb. Toronto Conference. his last charge in the To- ronto Conference heing Mt Prul's sometimes to Knox and sometimes to church, Toronto. Previous to that be the Methodist. Occasionally f at - was pastor at Owen Monod, being tended the Baptist church. No one elected presidents. the Toronto Goo- except Uwe*" home ever asked me to ference at the cines et his Owen Bound tater. He writes to have the addles; of The Signal "hanged and adds _ "Can't afford to be without your Op to -date and newsy paper." KINTAIL. MONDAY, June 12th. Mr. and Mrs. Hector McGregor, of League City, Texas, and Cohn Mc- Gregor, of Detroit. are visiting at the parental b THE JUNE SESSIONS. Lucknow Druggist's Case Again Post- poned. The General Sessions and June County Court opened at the court house on Tuesday afternoon of this week. Owing to the absence of Judge Doyle, who was called to Sudbury on urgent. business, Judge Holtpresided at the sittings the first day. Judge Finkle, of Woodstock, arrived on Wednesday to deal with the remain- ing cases. This was Judge Finkle's first visit to Huron in his official capacity He seems to have the happy faculty of combining judicial dignity with a pleasing and engaging uleMner. There were two criminal cases oa the docket, but the chsrge of criminal negligence preferred against J. Gar- net Armstrong. of Lucknow, wag not heard, owing to the absence sf a ma- terial witness for the Crown. It was again postponed to the sessions in De- cember. aA true bill was brought in by the grand jury against Harvey Beattie on the charge ot indecent assault, but on tbe accused pleading guilty of com- mon assault sentence was suspended, bonds for his future good behavior be- ing supplied by the father of the young man. pastorate. His charges in this Con- to church. Rev. Mr. Anderson ferenee ^ have been Windsor, Askin OM called at our home when i was church (London) and the Firet Metho- a little boy. and i remember be used dist church, St. Thomas. Mr. Brown to tench me short prayers and give me was horn near Toronto, of English an- card» with verse• on them. While air vestry. He has two inerrled daugb- tendin Knox church Sunday school I tors and, besides his wife (a da titer learneei the Lord's Prayer. Whmn 1 of I)r. Cameron, of Owen Sounds he fin s up to be a big boy 1 only went to has a family of three young children, church once In awhile and I stopped two boys and a girl. of ages eight. five going to Monday wheel when i was and three. twelve jears, old. On Sundays i used to go for walks with' .otue of my SUMMER SPORTS. chums. In :old weather I went to church neon. - - -As i now look back i wish I bad kept on going to Sunday school and church regularly and I advise every boy to do w and keep in good coin - trophy series. (Ioalerie b lost by one pony. 'Inv *eked Gail to forgive me point. the total *con being l'"/ in anything I have done wrong and I he - favor of Stratford Neve He has. I believe the Iwarti 41 The civil•ca,es dealt with were as follows : Tait vs. Hamilton. -An action en- tered by Wm. Tait, of Goderich, against Joseph Hamilton, of Colborne, for the detention of a horse. The trial was postponed until the next jury sittings of the Court in Decem- ber. L. E. Dancey for plaintiff ; M. O. Johnston for defendant. The Canadian Bank of Commerce vs. Mowbray et al. -An action en- tered by the plaintiffs against J. W. Mowbray, -and others, on a promissory note. The plaintiff moved to post- pone the trial on the ground of the absence of a material witness. His Honor directed that a postponement be made till the next December sit- tings of the Court with a jury. F. Holnisted, K. C. (Seaforth). f o r plaintiff: J. M. Best (Seaforth) for de- fendant. Lee vs. Carney et al. -An action en- tered by Was. Lee. of Goderich, against Daniel K. Carney and hie wife. of Colborne, for damages on the sale of hay. 'Phis was postponed until the next December sittings of the Court. L. E. Dancey for plaintiff ; Chas. Gar - tow for defendant. 3(cDooald ve. Stratford Wholesale Grocery Co. et al. -An action for W- aling process maliciously. entered' by J. J. McDonald. of Goderich, against the Stratford Wholesale Grocery Ce. The counsel consenting, His Honer directed tbat the jury be dispensed with and a date for An early trial be- fore His Honor Judge Holt be fixed. the costs of the day to be paid by the plaintiff to the defendatlt within two weeks after taxation. If not then paid, the action to stand dismisased with costs. L. E. Dancey for plain- tiff : W. Proudfoot, K. C., for de- fendants. The Court then adjourned until Fri• day, the lard day of June. at 11 o'clock a. w., when other civil vales on the docket will come up for a hear- ing. Four rinks of Goderich lawn bowlers were at Stratford %Vedne.day of ibis week and played a game with trund- lers of the Clasen. City in the Fain Royal City Lawn Bowling Tournament. Arrangement+ for the seeond annual Royal City lawn howling tournament have already been well advane d by the Guelph lawn bowling club, and they anticipate hnvina if possible an even more successful tourney this year than last. Prof. R. Harcourt. of the staff of the Ontario Agricultural ('01 - lege. is secretary of the tournament. Preliminary saviors have hems seat t.. dine. ( erieh. (int„ June 15. 1911." all the chill in Wedeln Ontario, and Twenty five re thirty poop a were it is expected that the majority of outside the gaol this morning, hot theme will he rep.sesented .4 Guelph nn could see nothing of the execution. Tuesday. June 27th, which is the date met for the eowmeneetnent of the tour- On the night of !September 20th last nament. The Royal Cap howlers are Elizabeth Anderson, a young girl liv• fortunate in having forty 'reeve' at their ili.poea1 guaranteeing the lea of accommodation for all nos.r. The .)esus Christ has died on the erose for me and that whosoever h.lieveth ern Him has everlasting life. "I hope all my chums will live long and live • good life and teudt in the Mac hie I have learned to know. I wish to he buried in Colborne cemetery beside my father." This was signed in hie own hand. writin :-"Edwwnl Benjamin Jar - eat sols sada,. tune 7th. by Rev. L. main cnmpetitfon will M for the Zug, m11? daughter o Mr. and Rcholfleld trophy woo by ih Andy • a► the fair seconds. where Jardine lire Hander.brn. to Ko8srt R A.- deeba. d Swift Current. Sask. Roertt'e London Ihiatlem risk last end t he girl had town .awn tegwther 00 year, and In addition elegant )wise rho loth Following the towboat Jar - AUCTION $ALib. will he given in this ma well as the dire wow arrested and hi* trial took _ rube! two .'ompetitiona Reduced place at the slaving ionise. on the IsA+stepay. Jo cn Itvh--aeiJed sae d rates have been granted b tM rail charger ad murder On April 14th he yamMaMg t.9NM,n*u on the_pewnis Elgse I way venpaelsa and thaw going to was towed guilty and was senteneed •vs. errmne,ittg u 1' P l herrn the totirsemont will perehase w eine* by Chief hastier. Falecenbrings lar h. a et !'w•/[1 arorwlier TwnusO "'ewe fasr. ticket sod obtain lho usual stand hanged /sn•wna , Jen. Itt# • lesring.ertlioe sale 1 and oo0vention rertlllmaa, A sterswots, Can't De Without It ing at Seltfnrd, was miwing from her booms (h, the morning of September 12th her dead and nude body was toned 'n the re.l''sr of an nnti.eri house ismer min et PLO. ems. t pre enetwer ter li ike saY Reaeeser. bapp tasn. M uekdoebMdl7 le for we►e agues. es the yens Aad= SI 'fns sash 7 .A 'meow Wel Hngland, ret Knox ).flags, any. seetieaser. R * i t y of the Goelliseheil le well lumens W gene to for fibs er- HONORABLY ACQUITTED. Suit Now Entered Against Man Wb. Laid the Charge. Moutreal, June 14. --Maier,. 'Galan, King and Brodie, the these men who had Ween au -rested and tried on Tome day on a charge of having attempted to abduct the infant child of Stewart Jones, while.teying •t the Windsor hotel, were tod.y honoeahly aogttieted by Judge Leet. The le Ise held there had Nam no attempt, whatever to al.. duct the chit 1. His i, r )ship pointe 1 out that. thee. had le -n no attempt. to enter any rearm where the child w.tw, or to rin tall of• Mr. Jon... On the tither hand, he f otnd thst the actions of Mr.. lours, ..o the eve of a divorce suit, well. very a.atutnl, en showing her motherly solicitude for her child. The judge, therefore, found that the charge was in nn wine proven, and honorably discharged the three men. Asa result 01 the deciaion, 11. R. Murphy. K. C.. has been inetructeel to enter suit against Mr. ,tone. for 11125,000 each, on heheIf of Mew:rs. Zaldo, A. J. King and J. i, Brodie. Title clam concerns two of the men who were in Goderich loot week in connection with the project for the establishing of a salt busineen here. Meso. Brodie and King were arrested here and taken to Montreal on the charge mentioned above. which ape penes to have been the re•tilt of some misconception on the part of the ppasr ern who laid the charge. Now drat the unjustly aerueed alien have hews 1 honorably discharged. it is exported that they will return to Goderich shortly to enntinue their enterprises here. In the meantime 0 A Reid r riming 'shoed with the work on his arm 'tract for theer•ertion of we part of the new plant at Rwltford The infamy ans. to whish M.srre Brodie and ' Kies have been .uhjeetad hy eh• Montreal affair 1s touch regretted by those who have been dote* ioldness with these ben awl who have ever nsifidreee he the boom Mee of t ar praised le lamest en with the mak industry tet r 01