HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-6-8, Page 7it ' THE SIGN aii lie***910**** ►fl ap►********************Cif the TheNews ofDistricti 45. 4646 46 45.81164e +++136464446454.411414404444"654545414665 454e45 4tot A$HFIELD. yo DAT, Jona Gbh. yriboL Riarowr.--11eport eel 8 8. t.o, 10. Asalleld t Sr. 1 -Roe n SO Tautens W Drennan. Charles � Sr. 111. Mary oerseyBlewParrish. Leaks Drennan.Freddie Johnston, H. Calyd. J.. 111.-WilfredO'Loughlin. Jos Bowler. o er.liens >a James Little. JewScO(,etJr. 1I- SAmanda Soot,.�Reed.Y Johnston. Male Smith. Jr. PtL, 1L-Lson•ed O'Lougb- lin. Oseil Mullla, Francis Reichardt. Sr. Pt. I. --Mess Mullin. Buhl Jobb ton, Mathias wd, H'I° d Fogginess. Kddie Jobus- 1.10, Valet Dremuso. Jr. Pt. 1.- o lbert Alton. BtepMS -Reinhardt.- M. JOHNsTONx. Teacher. LANES. MONDAT, June 31 h. LOW LocAL,.•-The crops in this insults are Mourisblttk. If the weather continues favorable mere b harvest e an abundant hay ..Mr. Clifford rd and its+ Bette Treleaven, of Ripley, visited (Mende at Lows lent week Mr. end sire. W. P. (teed aro et present Stratford ,tending Copferneo� Ilreturned from es. W 'pending few days Detroit after er D'+ t • W. A. and with her heathers, Drs. W. I. Hackett and Joseph (druggi•tl. ,. Point Farm was the Stiptbis ple'place for a Isrge number from vicinity no 4•turda AL report 'su- inging had a very enjoyable day's outing. I'he many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pergust, extend their ,:ctupathy' to them in t .sir wad lose of their intent baby girl. We are glad t.o know that Mrs. Feronsrn is iw- urovine nicely. ITCHING SCALP. Get Rid of is a Few Hears. • There is nothing made that will so quickly rid the scalp of distressing itchiness as Parisian Sete the Blair dresser and besutifiiet. E. R. Wigle guarantee Pasten seer to cure dandruff, sop itching s••1►Ip and fulling hair or money back, and unit it for note 50 outs • large bottle. It puts vitality into the hair and gives it a radiant lustre. It it the favorite hair dressing of re- lined women, because it so quickly re- freshes the mcalp and not being sticky of greasy is delightful to nee. EASE WAWANOSH. Reweave.. J[ay 29tb. 1911. Towsteme Comeau--Tbe conned met today es a court of revision and appeal. rnemb.'re s11 present. Having each severally outer -riled to tbe neers- asry declaration require i by statute the follnwing appeals were brought up for cru-ideration : D..nald Oat tsr•eoe complained that bin property. w. b. lot V, concession 3. too high on land. Mr. Patterson also ape pealed against the avememeot on e. b. lot ''B; couceesion 3, claimiogK this property assessed too low no land in comparison with other farms in that locality. Assessment in both mere confirmed. The North Huron Tele- phone Co. rind the Goderieb Tale phone Co. a5nessmente nrderd re- moved front the roll. Wm. Young- blut woe assessed se owner of s. h. e. h. lot 36. concession 1. In place of Jacob Yonnghlut ; Herb. Shied. owner of w. h. n. h. lot til. concession 12. is Place of Jape 8hiell. lin application the following names were added to the roll : R. H. Bnrrowa, t. w. f., lot 42. rnn.ession 5; Dsvid Dunbar, no f., lot 31, cone 55100 5 : Leonard Cook. t. m. f., lot 36. concession 5 : Gerald Kelly. m. 1.. lot a8, concession 6: Walter Penner. tenant. lot 40, conception 6 : Walter J. Scott. lwngsid Mcott. Milton, to be wsaeserl as°wne re of Int 36, conoeesioe 5 : Belle Scott, owner, lot 3' , conoeasioe 7. and D. Sproat. owner, pt. lot 42, concereion tis. Several parties made application to have dogs owned by tbetn taken off the roll ; action in the matter deferred till next siting. the a tart benne clots,' for the present to be reopened Again nn Wednesday. June 21st wow. Council resumed, minutes of last regu- lar and special meetings rue end poised. Meows. Brandon and Robert son wailed on the council asking for a grant of mosey In aid of the Wing - ham fall fair. No action takes. the council as formerly declining to give any assistance to the-" agricultural Mows. Bylaw No. 4. lull appointing Joseph Stonehouse inspector of con- crete no-ctete work on river bridges about he built, was read end paared• following accounts were preowned and ordered to be paid : Alva McDow- ell. attendanoe at H. McDowell's re quwrentin., Iµ.26 ; Rich. Chamney, attendance at B. latapleton's re quaran- tine, $20.00 ; Wm. Wigbtntan, salary Ad assessor, $O&OO. Tbe cou0eil then adjourned to meet again nn Wednes- day, June Sl *ext. Aux. PORTee- rIRLD, Clerk. PORTER'b HILL TUs.DAY. Just 6th. Noyes -Mr. and Mrs. Joao Cox. of Holytmd, ore visiting Mr. Cox'swter, Mrs. C. Newton .... Mrs. Fred Mor- gan and daughter, of Port Stanley, spent • few days at her mother's, Mrs. eteriing s, this week Jobn Woods is visiting at Cookstown Miss Prvudfoos, of Baltimore, spent a sew days at Clew. Newton's lest we. k bra, bas. Dawson. of Spring.o•nit. spent a few days this week at the house of her parents, Mr. and Moe. J..b. ()uxJobn Stirling. of Port Stanley, visited at his mother's, Mrs. sterling's, thisweek -„Mr. and Mrs. (' Newton, accompanied by Mr. and Mr,. John Cox. of Holyrood, spent Saturday in Stratford Ben Yeo, .f Detroit, called on friends in the neigb►s.rhood on raeeday Chea. Johnston, of Toronto, visited at R. Y. Cox's Lot week. ST. HELENS. MONDAY. June 5th. fit -Hoot Rgeo T. - V. -Margaret Miller. ('1•teuoe McDonald. Sr. IV.-- Maod McQuillin, Clem Woods, Win- nie Woods, Fannie Anderson, Ernest Gavot. Jr. .1V. --Roy Smith. Cecil Hyde. Wilfred McQuillio, Earl Cran-. atom, Ewan. McPherson, Gordon Mc- Pberstw, Haul Ander on, Beattie Smith, McKenzie Wehb, Stewart Mc- Guire, Roy McQuillin. '1 . IiI.-Della Cranston, ,[bel Ander-erne Glad ye Webb, Mary M.Quillin. Gladys Hyde, John Gaunt, Wilmer McDonald. Jr. ih1.--borne Woods, Wilson Woods, Versa Wood., Alex. Purves, Carlyle MvL)oi,ald, Herbert McQuillIn. Willie Forster. Eddie McQufilin. Madjeaka Gaunt. Jr. 11.-Jtereph Forster, Wil - 1M McQutllto. Pavan McQuillin, George McDonald. Sr. Pt. 11. -Jean MoQuil- lin. S•ankv Todd, Tonance Ander- son, Lizzie Purvey, Emma McQuillin, Madeline Gaunt. Jr. Pt. IL -Bea- trice MtQuillin, Jean Gaunt. Sr. Pt. I. marl tient, Gone \Vehb, Mabel Woods, tarslir Purees. Annie Purves. Cecil Forster. Jr. Pr. I. -Peres- Hyde. timelier Purves, Cameron McDonald. Viola Baker, Thelma Smith, Robert; Lyons, Josephine Gaunt, Robert Lyon., Gordon Baker. Number on roll 61. Average attendance 40. LETITIA E. DCa2rns, Teacher. A BAD BACK "tf 4 e Warning That the Kidneys Are Sick. £ had heck terns every tweets -tour hours into 0111. dull round of pain sod at.,er7 ---you are lame In the morning. DagNed all day by a doll tbrohbine backache. ache, ons' t s rest in the even- ing 0c deep well at night. It hints to bend ser, straighten aRehaaip ir, Up from even a light weight Any madden twist, torn orawkward movement sends a rearing twinge of pain through Lute weak To. RoothIN Keeney Mile reach the "all spot, the kidne and quickl] restore kidn.y hewlth a4 cnmelet. The mire pryt'teeel. 411 dedlro dr -eters anragi*ta t�, or PnstprW from The B. T Booth Merl. X44.. Port Brie, (hit. Mend for bieh ss4i1 1s gladly seat op 41,1"•tiro !cud sect gnaranreed In L : GODERI(' LUCKNOW. • MONDAY. June 5th. Mho. Susie Hobbit, of Ports, is en- joying a short vacation at her how here. Thr Calednn`an games will be held In August t his year. on a date not yet annouuoed. M. and IS.. Ja•. Gardner went SLYTH. rrst°a�'t, West U. Winnipeg Inst Monday, Mr. TUESDAY. JuDV 6th Gardner having necurerd u po.it4.0 I there. Their residence ou Clyde IJHU$CH Sxavtcse.- On account of I street has Ewen rented by Clifford the westing of Conference last week Rive. there was no service in the Methodist InRey. T. E. Sawyer has ao far re( nv otturc b last Sundry morning and in tired from hie resent illness as to to the evening Rev. J. I. Small, of the � able to partially resume his pastoral Pie.bvter.an church. took the service. !duties. He is at present in attend. Hr alar preached rt the Jackson mice at the rueetiugg of the London Conference at Stratford. Chester McLaren was one of the vic- tiuu, in the railway collision at Tone- wanda, N. Y.. • few days ago. He was bruised and internally injured He was on his way to Lucknow at the time, and In now rewiring medical care at his old horns on • Stauffer street. Between 8 and 9 o'clock law, Tues- day morning, the house occupied hy Thomas Agnew was dJecover.•d to he on fire. The firemen turned nut promptly and succeeded in saving the main porton' o: the dwelling. The frame kitchen was badly wrecked he - fore the firemen urived. The cause of the blaze has not been ascertained. appointment to the afternoon. Rev. W. Pearcy, of Londeshoro', took the service in the Presbyterian church here in the evening and Mn. Chown, of Clinton. who was visiting at F. Metcalf., seng a solo in fine wanner. DIED IN THs WENT. -A great Many to town will besorry to hear of the death of Miss Minnie Tbompeon, who was well known here. She bar been in the West for the past two years us trained nurse and it areas rhe had a had attack of typhoid fever and started to work too soon and suffered a is lame, front whicb she never re- coversal, passing away on Sunday. The 'mains were brought honer to Clintoo, where her mother reside.. COLBORNE. Mogo.tv. June 5th. A ieet. LIPS OCT O PP. --The death took place at Brussel, of Catharine Aurilla, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mr,. John Cunningham, former resi- dents of Colborne township. The de- m/teed, who was but 'twenty-three years of age, was torn in thistowosbip and in her young girlhood the Coney moved to '•rte • township. Later they went to live an Brussels. Her butte began to decline last tall when an operation was performed and her con- stitution war unable to rally true. the effects. Tuber.:ulosis beg'►s working tut in.,di,ous course, resulting fatally on Ft kitty. May 26, h. Her demise is sincerely regretted by a large circle of frieods. The remains were interred in Brussels ceuwtery nn Sunday of last week. Rev. i)'. Oaten officiating. Among relatives from a distance in at- tendance at toe funeral were Mr. and Mrs. S. O'ix and sons. Mr. and Mrs. H. Spruug. air. and Mn. H. Wagoner and Mn. Moockrider, all of tfullett: G. Rutledge, of East Wawanosh. and Mr. and Mrs J. Taylor. of Colborne. ikteriek by IAO 'dale. ser ,,r. CAauoW. May 20th. TOWNSHIP COotscIL.-The council met as a rout of revision of the assess- ment roll. All the metpbers were present and signed the neceseary oath of office. There being no appeals au examination of Hueco!! was made and the renewing dogs were &truck off -- owned by John Symington, -John Treble. John Million and George San- ders.n. On motion of Councillors McLuty and Young the roll was ac- Tbe council [ben took up the regular business. the Reeve in the choir. The minutes of lest meeting were read and adopted. The follow- McKay, of Shelburne, spent a few days this week with his son here The cereus enumerators are at their work now and are getting along splendidly C Spofford, C. P. R. agent here, has been away for the put two weeks on his holidays. 'rut bas returned to his work again feeling greatly refreshed after hie rest W. Phillips lo pulling down the back pait of hie shop. as It 1s too large W. McElroy has erected a building near the C. P. R. track for holding cord. it helog his intention to keep a stock on hand all the time W. Forrester, of Halton, visite.' here with his cousin, John Wilford, this week. Mr.. R. Knox visited with rela- tives in I,.ndeehori tide week ... The council bead their drat court of revision on Monday nighlof this week. Three 01 her sister. reside hese : Mrs. A (.'uses sHAa'a-Uu.ean Stewart. J. Tierney, Mc''Mrs. .4.. Tierney and Mr.. an employee of the Royal hotel, had a G. E.t MC'1'rggart, who eel's all at the Darrow escape frog[ death a few 41110D - funeral. They all have the sympathy Inca ago He had driven nut to the of weir utany friends in their joss. I old cheese factory, north of Lucknnw. THuettoe wITH ELae retic Poetry.- and on the return journey. about 8 The electric lights have been g k•iog O'clock in the evening. the ,horse he- uouble of late. Saturday Dight they cause unmauagsable. Tbe driver were nut ; on Sunday they were good. wa• throw 0 four the sett rod the hut when they were getting ready for hone .tarted ..o mad run towards 11looday's run it teas found that the the village, a distance of over s dynamo was out of repair. ihey will quarter of a wile. When the animal need to send it away for repair, whicha• stopped oq Campbell strteh will put the town in darkness for I wmstreet OW' iris found wedeud between the some considerable time. This is very , holt and the (runt wheel of his buggy. unfortunate at this time, seeing that his head acro -s the (root axle ander the new electrician has just taken } hods e.Ppo'tted only by one of the hold cf the plant. It will cost the I bug•gy step Ills [sok was torn and town considerable to get it in running battered by the spokes of the revolk- order• again, and there is no doubt log wheel. lie •wait at .ince rel••wwd therm will be :t good deal of talk. as aD edie•l attention was ps' n•ited the town has just purchased the plant' forint- He sufferer no inl.rnil in - and is putting a bylaw tot the people jun«', end se able to be around again. this month 1.0 ra'.w the money for the Tont LATE JOHN MuleliAT.-Tbe late purchase price. John Murray, wbeae lteath to of place at Vancouver, B. ). a sbs*t time ago. PERSONAL A N D GENERAL. - W. was a native of Luckuow, being horn Watson 554 in Clinton on Saturday here fifty-two years ago. He was bn a business trip McMillan & known throughout tbe Province of Co., produce dealers. are shipping • British C,•Inn.hi•as a lumbering ex large quantities of eggs to Toronto at present The G. L'. H. are putting their line through here in first class cnuditioo and have a gang of men re - .lacing the Old rails with a heavy 8¢ pent of some repute. In bis younger days he had been a men .'f great physical power. In his hovhned h" bad toe -ed the other at county furs in Ontario agoiu,•t such Ode c••t,test ants Ib. rail. They are also putting in the se the peiseenr Sir Don.a'd Malin. He new split .nitches McPber•eon had been in the West "inn. 11'411 )and Bros. teceived alarge handsome "si- had filled a G•.vei nment app .int.nent lent saleentan•' for their hardware ace tot est +auger, the field work of store last week from the McIntyre which eel hon all over. the Province Furniture Co., of TiUsonburg. It. will I and gave him a wonderful knowl.rig.. be a great improvement to their hard- ! of the Inasbering industry. When Watsonware store h' Sons hetrrr • imam, cot M. for rhe timber 'nen, -shipped twice cars of hogs to Toronto I [nen suit h knowledge su_h as be had last week, paying for tame $610 per cwt. .1. Iknhuhu'shipped twenty five cars of hay from the .G. T. R. station here this week. He ships it great deatof premed hay, ha'iag the presser on the go all the time Mr. McKenzie, from Oobourg, who bought a great many apples in this locality two years ago, is again here trying to buy apples. He will have a hard time to get many this year. art the trop is almost a ['allure J Cumingshipped halt a car of hogs to Toronto last Wednesday Moos D. Tierney is in l',inton at present stay- ing with has grandmother Miss E. Leith visited her brother in Strat- ford last week. T W. Scott visited his brother in Cl•ndeboye last we. k F. McCaughey reasived a handsome new yellow -geared bugry from the Greer firm, London, last week .. Mrs. W. Skelton visited with friends at Kincardine • few days this week,. ...Mr. Hamm war in Mitchell this week on it visit to friends. Mi Annie and Esther Bell paid a vi it to Clinton friends last week Mrs. F. McCaughey was in London on a business trip tbis geek. W. Heffron, whet has Seen here for a few weeks looking after his farm, returned to Lucknow last week Miss M. Forsyth is at present visiting with her mister in Howick Mr. ing accounts were ordered to he paid : Jonn B o-ker, discine road, 113 ; John Barker. laying plank, $2; John Bar- ker, culvert. $l : John Barker, clean- ing gravel pit. 417 : Charles Brecknow, breaking roads, $5 ; Win. McWhin- ney, repairing culvert, $6; Samuel Gar.Iner, disctng roads, 111:1.50; Samuel Gardner. repairing culvert, $1.50; intoes McKnight, repairing culvert. $1 ; Horace Horten. repairing culvert. $2: J,s.cppb Mosley. repairing two culverts. $1: Josh Thompson, team on grader 211 days, $8.75; Oliver Cook. tenni on grader µ days, $12.25: Municipal World, statute labor lists. $3.75 : Alden Allan, breaking roads, $8.60: Signal. printing, $15.50: Samuel AIIin. shov- elling snow, .75; Jenkins Bros., break- ing road.. $2; Samuel Rlarett, 50 loads gravel, $S: Rd. Millian, breaking roads, $3.50: Geo. Sanderson, break- ing roads. $5: WHliarn Bogie, repair- ing two culverts, $3. Moved by Couto Milne Young, seoon led by Councillor Mel.trty. that the clerk notify the president of tbe West, $holre'Raflway Company that -they are tremor sing on the public highway in Col- borne township wt Dunlop. Carried. Moved by Councillor Young. seconded by (.amcillor Halliday, that the treas- urer borrow $6(10 for current expenses. Carried. Ad jonrned to meet again sec ood Tuesday in June. F. W. Me. leteeoH. Clean. Beware of Ointments foe Qatarrh that Contain Mercury. As mercer, will away destroy Use tea whelk cad n..gaNaly Nyasa .ben •otartr.g 1t tr lis 01000 no ee ..'raanW nh art •non nes be w OG enrols nn pre...wholes. from reputable OW.. . a- tube dams.. tear will de l• ten to t'IM you can .o.y dertre Som chows.il • ('.tares 1 ure mannfactered by F J. 1"haat 5 (a Taal* 0., noeraln. no .n.r eery and 1. take. Internalb. a ttne directly new the Meed .n4 m.100120 awr'E.e.* of the Ira In 5 l�genuine.ne Hanoi •It l• aken IIewe yen terrnally.. seed �Qodet In Tolw$o (bete M r J. Cheney a e c- Twatlp'en1.l.-h.n., h bottle �nM !r tw'w i4' ir'u' (Tbe ' per Take Ranh amity Maim rerwelpatlen ` He Darling, he mine andnor amaUest wishes siw11 to or Me fulled, fibe f esnldlyl- -i am aMe to do that VOL ..I1. Whet 1 Ant is a Moan who will gratify my ►•igfe••t wi.h.s CURRENT LITERATURE. THE CANADIAN MAOAZINR -From the .tandpoint of all-round interest, tbe June Canadian Magazine is one of the tent n.nnhers issued in many months. The first article is entitled "A Canadian Highway- of Power." by Claxton M. Jones Pt describes the woriderfnl power distribution ay stem which is operated by the Ontario Power ('ommieion, and is well dine. listed. Victor Morin, of Montreal, emits'butes a roost intereseinn article entitled "Our Printed Treasures," dealing with rare old manuscripts sod prints "The Red Chamber" is the title of a reminiscent appreciation of the Cauadian Senate( hy Geordie Clarks Holland, chief reporter for that chimer her. Professor William T. Allison has • compreben*i a review of the works of Jobe Galt. whose name M ?& 111.1 in connuctios witb the early develop - tout of the Heron Traete end who i• known in literature as the Scottish Defoe "RalIwa I'nnstrueti on Up to Date' is the title of an article by Cy Warman. deacrihing the work don. too far on the Grand Trunk Pwoifie. Mts. K atharine Hale ^nntribntets her an ▪ u*l review of be merle of Vte ecu. t in Cm Theodore Boo&rtil[e Romsey Thomas Stsal.y Moyer UUan Lsveridge, and soon totted their service,' in great de - mead by investors sad be socot•dingly quit the Government service. With- in two year, he bud ntade a quarter of a million dollar,, and it is estimated that et the tiros of bis death he wa• wortb more thou half a million dol• lare in real estate and timber holdings. A Prompt Source of &nerdy. Mae a System Renovermr is a tonic w ich renews the vital force-. It renews n.• ve cud muscular enemy and supplies u.w .U.',pry. It does this hy Inez -melee appetite, hy insuring better aseimilatiou of feed sod by dir- ectly Nrectly supplying elements that *erre to et rngtben the nervous system. This I...in•tructive tonic 14 valuable in all tui. -down oonditinn. of the system, e spy.:ially those tarried hy depredates end nervous debility. One d. Isar per bottle Manufactore.l hr The Mase- L errl Medicine C.•.. O•d.r.cb. For ✓ els by E. R. W iglr. druggist. A Jap on American Styles. Fitst Japan•.• 0w10 bad just come to Aw.rice)-- '1 ob.wrse it how female women of A.nterica ie entirely beast of burden." Second Japanese (who had been in America a longer periods -"Where they carry than beastly burden place ?" Fins Japanese -"I observed it how they carries them burden.. in encnnal and sorsetinws overbear ng quantities on top of their beds. Oft.enly lodes of MIA 11..126 pounds, of a p'e.e troll n eer, 10 s -en tattering t r, ,Ik t.. wale . its aeons ry pl+tforws on their skull,. while ute.he top .i•,rof t1.i+are piled 1..ios, c getables, gla•ewa,e, window curtai full, ir•rn sod wood, ofiyoe snnplies. general g over• es. Hour and Olner provisions." Sec 111 Jap tree-"Whatou cull theta phi' ter. Intl of retro hand's.-?" F.. A. Japanese -o Then, piatL rs is called hate. Tbeta hat.* is frequently mere lighter than tbey looks try ap- pearance. Althou.h tiny are huge enormities around all aver outside with notions debree, yet they arekept light by :act thin thane ain't nothin' inside of thou." 'Beentyisonly skin deep." quoted t w Wee Guy. "1 suppose that se - count • e -counts toe the fact that. pretty woeurm ore so *hallos," added the Simple Mug. CONSUMPTION In the cure of consumption, ooncentrated,eastilydigested nourishmment is necessary. For 35 years Scott's Emulsion has been the standard, world-wide ttlteatment for constml • tion. AS D•esessle Order the Guaranteed Flour Next Time You Bake Bread If rightly used Cream of the West Flour will make the lightest, flakiest, most nutri- tious bread you have ever tasted. If you haven't tested it order a bag next time you go to the grocer's. s CreamWest Flour the hard wheat flour guaranteed for bread Po00CI CI 0 CI000CI 00001 000 ISuaranter Thth E hereby affirm and declare that Cream of e West Flour is a superior bread Doer, sad as sorb is subject to our absolute gerastee-ssoneyback if sol satisfactory after a fair teal. Any dealer is hereby authorized to return price paid by customer: on return of us used portion of bag if Seer is sot as represented. The Campbell MM. Ca. umiled, Teresa.. Arddhald Ca.reb.lt, tr..rid.. O - o - 0 =Z•T-IFrKI 0 DQE. ;-i•t• 'oast boa Fur tole by Joule Dr veins, Hlyur. Ben. ov & SNYTHh, t'nuIo,. • Weatherproof Paint You can readily appreciate the ataoot>ly a painting exposed parts otpour house with paint that protects and preserves the wood for the long - est time at the rawest cost. Yon should, therefore, be particular to get ESI PURE PAINTS (i.'rlear, es. +.sr, sae. ,terse nee Irk W...w. ...r a =a..t a Y Pam w P. 1)0 NOT brew . r.aai.i lar. •••••.era►bow. 'wood a.m semis nail •.& .caw ••••••••••••106. r nat.. • paw efts tarty. • e.... •• &sal/ w aa'. abet e..., Mad... teary -ewe. sawn Ger ae ere be 11 eeril Vernatil C.01 r'i . Lasted. Teresa Prise teow wale sad ceiling wtA *3*..seNwry, we.hahle, Jwwsb,essseweisal M -L PLAT WALL COLOR&, 15 *ciao -mss reset r. arsa.els oopeeel &poorest...ilia.. 711 Recommended and :old by Howell Hardware Co., Limited SUMMER HATS LIGHT headwear is a requisite for real comfort in the warm summer weather. We have hats in all the latest shapes and styles, suitable for all walks,of life. A large range to choose from in PANAMAS, SAILORS, CANVAS, CHIPPED STRAW (extra light) We also carry a full line of Children's Sailors and Canvas Hats. Spring Tonics Spring will soon be here and you will be needing a good topic to prepare you for the hard work of enmuer. We rec,.mrnend anti guarantee Nadruco Blood Purifier Nadruco Sarsaparilla Nadruco Compound iron Pill Nadruco Syrup Hypopboephites Nadruco Tasteless Cod Liver Oil. If these remedies do not do as recommended your money will be returned to you. Agent. for Godericb. F. J. Butland, Druggist ' •Tl*r store that pleases.' 9i a =� 1% • ISUM M E RI GOODS II Bamulock., kcal Vii astatineStoves, asI,ne Stove... Screen Doors end Windows, Betrigeratoev. ° Ire Tongs, Lown Mowers, Ice Cream Freezers, Fishing Tackle. ete. 0 JUNE WEDDINGS We have just receive.' a beautiful line of Florentine Brass Goode. Each piece possesses the aesthetic charm of Nature's Gar- den, each decorative design artistically engraved by, hand and finished in black soul dull brass. We have also a fine line of Rodgers j81YRoode. Big assortment. of ('cervine Knives and Parks lo eases. BICYCLES II We are agents for tan Canada Cycle Motor Co.'. Bicycler and carry the Cleveland line in stock. We have aided a bicycle repair department to our workshop and carry a full line of bicycle sundries. 1s your LAWN MOWER out of repair or does it steed sharpen ing ? We can put it in order for you. 0 FENCING We have abnn,r two thousand rude of Fencing lett yet out • t about four thousand. \Vetere going to clean this Fencing out at prices that no person can afford to mise. The line.' commit of The I'ittshnrgh Perfect Fence. 7 wire., 47 inches hiph. No. 9 wire, for 271c a rod. Cycloue Woven Wire Fence. No. 7 and No. 9 wire. American Woven Wire Fence, No. 0 wire. Page Woven Wire Fence, No. t), ('oiled Wire at $2.111 per 100 lbs. Barbed Wise at $2.50 per 100 lbs.• 0 0 n T. the Brat stets htaodeed hotssrwivps who call at our steels fleas Msuday. May SW WO win eve• sa pie sap of Jap -a -pa. A freshcarload of National Portland dement bac jut arrives The National is Sloe boa rad ltrostgest cement made. Yetaf ere: Let no figure on Plumbing. Heating. Ravwetn.ngh4ng ROntlnR. �., C. LEE du .'# CHAS. . , House Phone No 112 Store Phone No. au Does Your House Need Painting? 1f so, don't forget that we hood's the Sherwin-Williams Paint. the best paint on th.• market, Ie you want to brithren op your furniture. floors aid wool work ? if oto, don't forget that. we handle JAP-:t-LAC, w high-grade s arnioh awl stair combined. il FREE p CEMENT