The Signal, 1911-6-8, Page 67- • TintauAY, look to, VIII - THE TOWN iOUNC1L. wA TEN tort OIL AGAIN THE SUB- JECT UF DEBATE. Pieetde..t or the Board of Trade Pres bents the Case for the Use ot Oil Committee Will Reconsider the Question Other Business berore 11.+ Town Father. 1 ;tt•tition - or, •according t o 11W pot of the Hoard of Trade. the expretbion of opinion -which was laid before the aldermen at the regular totaling of the town eouncil last Fri- day evening aroused a heated discus - Mon air to the action of the council at a pr visor meeting in deciding not to use oil Glib r.eeaon W keep down the dust on the streets. Ae 1h. Macklin. president of tbe Hoard of Trade, termed it. when be presented the petition. it Was *cor- net conreet expe'ewion of opinion on the gesatioe whether water or al war the better ter duet -laying Mix- t y-lour Dante* were on the 1t!- titirxl to favor of using oil, while only fourteen signed on the negative side. The objec•tbens to the oar of oil weir deal( arm lay lar. Maektiai. He held , bel tuaay W the objections ntad.• weir piloted hot to be ie.portaa t ones. d'lev tt .l sorrcbaat• .'ppored the propo- btIkm. un the grout.] ,bat it was too expensive sad An. the smell wa. had. hr endangered l.• show that It was b..t eap.sa.ve and that the tad odor was noticed or&y for a .bort Gate. The de..dnaetr.s d robber tires by the oil Wee another Object sat. but it was u.K clew. w ,Jar bogie* w h y the of 1 de - at. oy td trees is thalerieb awl in other putters it did out. The ou used tut yepr was knows to be of an interior goblet, mad he ash swatted sbuymg the yt y,ri oil and petting it on io peeper quautifise. The Maytar eapleased low sin prise; that. dune.R kr ateruce, the council I had decided pmt the oil proposal.' He h.pird to see it given a total an- other year and urged the cous.cil to recumoder its former decision. He tbe.upkt that the use of water would be peeved more costly. Sleeve Reid declared the petition ••e. cul a representative one and ven- • • t gay that If the canvassers bad neighborhood of the Square rid bare bad no difficulty in els sigoatures on the pegs- , -.10k. To secure the necessary equipment and a tank of oil the out- lay, he raid, ba.. been estimated at $1,U7 . Owrhg to the great expense it bad been decided to buy a sprinkler tbi. year. TQir would he used atforltb widened the sweets this year, along a with the watering cart already in use, and it next year it. should be decided to use oil, the cost of the equipment Ppuld thus be spit ad over two years. legal for the tow rt to cut the grans in front of a vacant lot and .brg ae it \against the ivprrty. The matter l$ (o he looked into by the public works committee to ate what lou he done tot.arde having such unsightly epotr cleared up at an early date. SCRATCHED FOR FORTY YEARS. Used D. D. D. Six Months All lachiag Goon. This is the actual experieuce of Anne ('rowan, Santa Koen(�,, l. with the wonderful D. D. D. Pi•ricraption. D. D, 1). is the proves eczema cure, the ruild work ,bat give. instant relief in all tot los of skin trouble. Cleanses the skin of all impuritirm- washes away blotches mod pimples. lecke log the skin as smooth and healthy es that of a child. Write today for it free trial bottle of this wonderful eczema cure to the 1). D. 1). Litsn'atouies, Dept. 0. S., 49 Colborne street, Toronto. lt, will give you instant teller. (For sale by all druggists.) THE LATE COUNCILLOR MICKLEY. • Ashfield Township Council Paye a Trib- ute to His Memory. AIHYIKI.D, May 27th. Al the regular meeting of council today Jaw. tookAlwu and buboa•ribed ILA -tie declaratir.ne of qualificationriu and office as encIllga fur balance of loll. elle tt w. Kickley deceased. The minutes of last abetting were read and unproved. The following cranio, ie n was ua.1 r d by Messrs. w lithrie and Stewart aud unatll- .unn.ly varied : That tibia council de = *wow to place un terotd some expres- sion of the general feeling throughout lbs towtislup ut genulLe regret. and out row fur rue sudden taking away of ww our tricot highly i.ppsecctei tenon -- councillor. the late Wm: Kickley ; Out:. we do saes itis Ix eeeoce with u. today and regret that we must coa- ttail* Lt. II.. lilt Mgr t(mama on mat- ters ut twportaacs to uur townsblpp, hos opinions being always of lbs big'h- eat value owing to his wog residence hero and hos many years of faithful I. et vtrr on the council board : that we silo,. from lung association with him; know well hi. *tellies Wath, do firmly believe and regret that the townsbip of Asblield has lo.t a most truthful servant, one who invariably considered the tuteesyets' Intel este as of primary importance in all abattets municipal, alto with bitch consistency tot t eten those w how he unavoidably offended by bis stubba n adherence to his *esteem public duo) are now the Host to acclaim bis faithfulness to his cath ut office; that we particularly wiab to eouvey oar siucete condolence to the bereaved widow and family of our depatted fellow -worker, and that therefore the clerk fotwu. d a copy of is resolution to Mrs. Kickley and Iso publish atopy in the minutes of today." Be affidavit et Thos. McIn- tyre, claiming $30 for low of two she, p and damages to others from dun the cwners of which be did not kat .v, moved' by Messrs. Hunter and Stewart Abet his claim be laid over to the November meeting and that Thom. McIntyre be notified to be� present at that rneetirgp�. Carried. Mvved ty Me' re, L'uoler and Dalton that John Kilpatrick be appointed to operate the gt ader for ibis stesou at $•t a day for binieelt and one team. Carried. The treasurer's report showing bel- anct• on hand of g1.:114.15 wets ordered filed. Moved by Mesas. Dalton and Hunter, and carried, that the road commissioners be allowed to spend In their respective division- for vrork ou roads not iucludiop, plank and tile no more than the toiluwing tuna with- out the consent of the majority of the boatu, sod that each commissioner re- port the correct amount expended by Dint at the Mepternber meeting. vit. : Division 1., 111260;' division 11., .i$O; divisit h 111., 5(100 ; division IV.. •1325; division V. ,{815. Mo ed by Messrs. Hunter and biewest, that this council grant the inerit:ulWtal societies at Luckuow and Dungannon each 51250 tor 1911. Carried. 7be court of tevi- eios of assessment roll was duly insti- tuted at 2 p. m. There web. nu ap- peals versus the assessor's valuations. The appeal of r'atepayess of 1$. 8. No. 3 veit.ur a.lowing Jas. Griffin, Jas. John Bowler tend i1ichael Courtney to be assessed an separate tchool supporters w..s not allowed, tbe evidence being that these parties all nsslded within rue three-mile limit and that all the parties who bad notified the clerk on or before March 1st that they desired to be assessed as separate school supporters must remain on the toll as separate school supporters. The appeals of Wm. Johnston and John Hussey to he relieved from dog tax, their dols being killed ■bottly after the aasersor'i visit to them, were both allowed and the appeal of Wm. Simpson not being entered before May Lath could not be allowed. A few other changes in names made necessary by change of ownership atter the assessor's visits were ordered and this finished the work of the court for 1911. On resuming business as a council it was moved by Mews. Dalton and Alton that the aeseneoss roll as revised he accepted and the as- aeeecr paid. Cas tied. Several ac- eouhte amounting In all to' *7151.$1 were ordered paid on motion of Messrs. Hunter and Stewart, Lind on motion of Messrs. Dalton and Stewart the council adjourned to J tine 34th at 10 a. w. Tiftla. (i. ALt.gp ,T'lerk. Th, Macklin said he did not think it use net•efteat y to Gy anything at the. pi_eeent time. .he experiment could to cobtiun along the same lints as last year 01..1 at• a 1P•eonable Dspul}- Reeve Munnings stated it as Lis opinion that, the Square roadway being ttitl saturated with oil. it would absorb only about hall what it did last ycat. He thought one cont on the hqusre would be sufficient for the first tbrt a months,' and he considered the better way to do was to oil first the .ti eats leading to the :square and then make the application un the Square. He stated milker that it was about time the council "got ,town to burgess end put it on as a local improvement." ltie Mayor's reply to this was that it wee s little late ut obi reason to con - surer such a piopusittoo. Councillor Kelly, in expressing his sentiments, said ,bat it the oil was put on it should be put on right. If 1t were the feeling that the oil -laying should be *tone on with be would go back un his lreeourntrndation to drop the tee of oil. He admitted that much of the opposition to the oil had been it "rubber -tired feeling." This ended the "expression of opin- ion" irons the councillors and the mo- tion then was made by Uouncillort• Elliott and Nairn that tbe matter be r'efer'red back to the public works committee tor reconsideration. This being carried, immediate ad - kat' onleht warmade,aod in committee it was decided to have the clerk write the British American Oil (Jo. and re- quest that a representative be gent up here at Dace. In dispoeing of the regular business of the evening the application of W. J. 'Ramsay for the poeitiou of krtspec- tor ot the 'ewers about to be con- structed was referred to the public works committee. A motion was passed autborising the Mayor to sign a memorial to be' pre cotel to A. M. Todd on the eve of hie departure iron) (:odericb. Officers of the (doderich Manch of the Women's Institute asked that tables be placed in tbe pavilion at Harbur Park and other improvements made for the convenience of 'acur- Munists. The letter was referred to the parks comwittee,swith power to met. J. Root Jordan cont In a request that the council remove two dt.ew trees in front of bis property on tooth street and Piston street. TM parks com- mittee will attend to the matter and •l.tn see that other dyad tree■ in differ- ent parte of the town are removed. Three appli.-eiiona tot the position of special conalshie during th.• 11ry camp week were sent to the spedel committer. Leiters interring to matter* in hand le reenertion welts the Kensington Rus rime Co. were sent to the bn:.ntr con,nilslee. A Ienatby letter tion. Joseph ('. taiAln was tired. explaining his pis,, tion In reference to the placing "1 esrtb on (dk,utvsler'lerrace. an action Wheat bad caused some Diction hr twewn bini ono .1 e public works cun.- 10iµee. Tut I.ttea 44esflied. The finance ti nimiltee in its repot "emsioneeded Ler e•aymen t of • num- ber o: 5..rwtt... 7 b report was adopted (bwaesfbr w ,lam asked V it west. MESSAGE FOR WOMEN, Mrs. BGeo. Butler says for Pain in dm ktTHack Take Dodd's Kidney Pills. I'e,luettillr. N. If„ Junes.-Ifipecial) in .. n.twagr ut .beer 10 the 0u w.,nnen u1 Canada. Mre. (ins., Nutlet, w•u.' of a well-known ,amass 11vma heat• bele. says : -1 was reeling very bad w hen 1 booted to use ikatO'. Kidney Pills. and I can (okay may 1 tour*$ I n tet K utter. I era ami feeders, Ri te Ile, Mire ala '.1 was always tQwd and nervous, mer• 3! s ro aka. "live.ss te my bead ached, and 1 bad dark circles I S' a Reeseses eetanated M see, gar- ut.tler niy ryes. /cur t years 1 bad hat e. higk.r, Rent. stall to I<s; pans% 1 bufteterl front pain in the hack. 1< tor.M 'navy, Meal to slot; ��e�� t s good t eMUs, heavy, 1 • I . r p.r pence I rocnw, rneed �s a s pop, its to Ili MR st aims i) .Id'. Kinney Pills to all buffeters! Mea. iatr Its 10,111 pain ill the bark.' (1 .ofd'. Kndnet P.Ib mans tFe ltld p wn.3e well and deems That magusM 411,0 reto Sas; i .ew f' d circulation and tlife ail over I 'mss'" eraser b faJek tie hod THE SIGNAL, G THE MARKETS. Liverpool Exchange Closed, Chicago Wheat Higher -Live Stock - Latest Quotations. CHICAGO. June 5.-A huge wave 11 saeculatite bu)leg to -day to the wheat pit ran agates, heavy realising sales oa tete part of toe loose. In comequence. much 01 a sharp advance was lost, and the market closed easy at prices varytag from Isaturday night • level to %e strive. (bra finished lee down to I4c to 41.e' be; oats with a gain of rel. to ,tic, sad Pro - vistas. more costly by le le 114'0 The Liverpool grain efchaage gad the continental markets were all cloned Yes- terday for the holiday. Liverpool Bed Pans will also be closed today. Winnipeg Options. (lose. Open. Hick. Low. Class, Wheat - July TOY, 100 102%, 11/0 rlO% Oct. 03% 0 fd r0 r0 OJl luy 5701 271.4 Sill 37% 377` Toronto Grain Market. Wheat, fall, bushel S i to I„-. Wheat, fall, cereal Wheat, goose, bushel Rye, bushel a 7O 0000 Oats, bushel .43 0000 Barley, bushel O 60 Buckwheat, bushel O 44 40 Peas, bushel 0 7l o w Toronto Dairy Market. Butter, more lots 010 517. Sutter. separator. dairy, ib0 If O M Butter, creamery, Ib. rolls0 !1 ea Butter. creamery, solids 0 Eggs. new -laid 01s Cheese, new. lb 013 0 lits Cheese. lb. 01445 fill Honeycomb, doses 3 Y Honey, extracted, lbs, • M 0 11 Montreal Grain and Produce. MONTREAL. June 11.. --Owing to the strength in the Winnipeg mallet for oat • stronger feeling prevailed here, and holden of round lots were asking 4171c for No. 2. and 40Nfc for No. 3, Causdlan western, ex, -store, but the demand con- tinues to be very limited from all sources. The foreign demand for spring wheat flour was fair, and sales amounting to 0000 barrels were made at an advance of Sr per barrel. A good local trade to panning, and the undertone to the market la strong.. este-Caaadlan western, No. 2. 4184c to Oc, car Iota, ex -store; extra No. 1 feed, 410 to 41%e; No. 3 C.W., 40y4c to 40%c, No. 2 local white, rent to 40%c, No. 3 local molls, 2041. to 30%c; No. 4 local white, ky%e to Mc. Flour -Manitoba spring wheat patents, first. 16.30, seconds, 44.1111; winter wheat patents. 64.111 to 44.75, strong bakers', 14.00, straight mills,., 44.10 to KS; in bags, III.id to IL Rolled oats -Per barrel, 14.66, bag of r0 lbs. V.15. .. Feed barley -Car *Ole, ez-store, 61c to diet Corn -American Na 3 yellow, 4Oc to 61c. MUlteed-Bran, Ontario, gL+; Manitoba, 321, middlIngs,Ontrlo, ;7.50 to Mr, shorts, Manitoba, 023, moulilie, i*0 to enf. r:gge-l" esh, lilac to 1134c. • Cheese -Westerns, 1014c to Ile. Butter -Choicest, 21c to 21 Vac; .e0ohd; Ilc to 1#c. CATTLE MARKETS. Union Stock Yards. TORONTO, June 5. -Receipts of live stock at the Union Stook Yards were 76 carloads, consisting of 1435 cattle, 401 hogs, 333 sheep, 97 calves and 15 horses. Exporters. Geo. B. Campbell bought for Mortis a Co. Ir export steers, as follows: For Liv- erpool. IA.staers, 1250 lbs. each, at $.07, average price, or a range of I% to 36.10, also 16 London steers, 1310 lbs. each, at SJr'. Butchers. Prime picked cattle sold at 36 to i6.10; loads of good to choice sold at W.70 to Ie. common to medium, of which there were few, sold at from 16.50 to 15.70; bulls, 44.75 to 16.36; cows. $4.50 to 16.s. • Stockers and Feeders. P'ew, 11 any. stockers and feeders were offered. Prices would be unchanged. Short -keeps. $1.40 to 36.75; feeders. 850 to 1000 lbs., I6.% to 36.50; stockers, 31.7.7, to 16.30. Hogg Hogs were blither, at tt70 for selects, ted and watered, and ,4.40 f.o.b, cars at 0o9ntry poli. • Milkers and Springers. A limited• number of medium to good cows were reported at $45 t0 ego each. Veal Calves. Wesley Dunn reported veal calves as o aUlan at st to $5.60, or an average of Ns per cwt. Sheep and Lambs. Prices for sheep were lower, as follows: Sheep, ewes, wee to $4.50; rams, 13 to 00; spring Iambs, 44 to 111 each. No yearling lambs were on sale. Montreal Live Stock. MONTREAL, June g. -At the Montreal Stock Yards west end market, the re- ceipts of Ilve stock for the week ending June 2, were 1e00 cattle. 300 sheep and lambs, 2116 hogs and 175 calves, end the supply on the market this monde, far sale consisted of 760 cattle, 100 sheep and lambs, lel hogs and 260 calves. Altbo cable advice• on cattle were weak and lower to -day, there was no Important change In ,fie eoidltlon of the local mar- ket, pricer being steady. The ■tterdance of buyers was larger than ureal, • fairly active trade being dole. The average qual- ity of the stock offered was gond, sad this, coupled with the cattier weather, tended to Increase the demand from sol dealers, which resulted In a good clear - . ace being made before to noon hour. A few extra choked picked steers SOK as h as Per, bat the bulk of the trad- Ing was done In choke stock at 404',;' at 6%c to lc; rattly good at 6410 t0 fair at 4%c to as. and common at 40 to 4%c per pound. Some choke cow• brought 545••, and Use lower grades from that down to 7010, whoa the top ngum paid for bulls was 5%e per pound. The tone 0f the market for hogs arta stranger, notwithstanding the fact that suppUos were larger than a week ago. There was no actual advance In prices. but fere was • itetne1 demand from packers, and is aative trade was doss Ia selected Iota at Ki per 100 pounda.wMgb- ed off can. The trade In wean meat was gent, and the market was without air Important change to note, prime for all liner ,Mag steady Old sheet told at Ia eo 1a; swift Iambs at * to NM, aid ciders at Irma Id to 110 each. East Buffalo Cattle Merltat. KARI ttt: PF'ADO, Jeno t. -Cattle -Rn cellists, WO head; market fairly active attt steady. prime steers, 3t7; In I1u, tad. cher grades, 16.'3 to $6..16. Calver-Recelpts. 0100 hea,I market wF Uwe and firm cull t0 choir., t< to N. nitro and ,.orbs -Receipts, Hlel head; 'market active ala 'Ready .•holes. Iama4. mu to K: auk to fair. 16 to la 64. yeah Inure. 76 to ,676, cheepet to 14X, Horror-Rerelpta, TIM; market setfse firm yorkers. 30.31. stags. Use to PUP. N.1a to Mil; mooed San "to N. ma.!. N.30 to mm; roughs. I1 ei is ak Cheeses Live Sleek. t'llic•A(K). Jens t.--Cattle-Reerfses ttiwmated at I1,OM; market dee, a beeves, s 16 t0 Sal; limas steers, aim is atm s.st.rn et Wei t 1/.M. stork- • •TA, DERICH ONTARIO 104 Monarch Shoes • YOU may talk about the up-to-date style of this shoe, the comfort of that and the long life of the other, but if you want .•tit shoe that vies in style with the most stylish, in comfort with the most nernfottable and in service with the longest wearing, buy the MONARCH SHOE. There is nothing one-sided about it: ' It's the shoe of all-round satisfaction. The prices are lower than most good shoes. Barefoot Sandals, Lacrosse, Tennis and Bowling Shoes now in stock. FOR MEN REPAIRING Downing & MacVicar North Side of Square, (ioderich Partly fill the -dish with straw- berries, cover with sugar and let stand until sugar is dissolved then add Corn Flakes and serve with whipped cream, la ?EtYINGLE URDEROAR 'MAT is the name, and below is the trademark you ere to look for next time you buy underwear. Your size in any garment with that trademark will fit perfectly, will outwear ordinary underwear, will not shrink. Yet you pay nothing extra for this extra value ; and you get our Guarantee of " money back if you can fairly claim it" Made at Paris in Canada, by P E N M A N S Limited. 51 • 7i c,dg /,(ark $1.50 GODERICH TO DETROIT and Return Saturday, June IT STEAMER GREYHOUND Leaves Goderich 830 a.m. ,Canada Time K. H. AVER. Excursion Agent ITINERARY 1• Leave Detroit for Goderich Friday. June 16tb, 8 e. m., Central Time. Artive Goderich 5:30 pp m. Goderich Band Moonlight, 8110) p. m., itriday the 18tb. " It3pmecial Train leaves Onderirh via G. T. Ry. to Stratford and via C. P. Ry. to Blyth, etc.. 1 1:31) p. in. on return from "Moon- light.") !r ;lr• Leave Goderich for Detroit r Saturday. June l7tb, 9:30 a, m.. Canada time, stopping at Poet urns. A special excursion train from Berlin, via O. T. Ry.,,tbe morn- ing of .Tuoe 17th, stopping at way stations to Holthesville. From Wiogbsm, Beltrave. Blyth+ etc., take morning train. June 17th, connects at Clinton 8:40 a. m. with ipecial train for Goderich. Returning to Goderiied l.rave Detroit. Monday, Jure 19tb, 1:00 p. m., Port Huron 6:30 p. it,., Central Titus. Arrive at Ooderich 9:30 p. m. Special train leaves Goderich on arrival of Steamer from De- troit (10:30 p. m.) via Grand Trunk Rv. to Berlin. For Detroit Leave Goderich on last trip for Detroit, Tuesday, Jute 21)th, at 8:31)•. m. (Notre the times 8:30 Canada timed WHITE STAR LINE OB PRIN'T 0 Telephone No. 35 Call up The Signal Job Department when ''ou want some Printing done. .`` Telephone No. 35 _ill_ ®® 111111111111111111118/11111111/0 11111•1111111111111111111111 1 QttaLtA WWholeeotoe Food f tiel1 Nourishes, aid Eteasuical Food Rival Be.sd for Eeoba y At Your Grocery N /il lie ! halm Te' •pls.t e. Zra�.dr•wd F a Tr ear Paver Sodas