HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-6-8, Page 5nee est THE SIGATAL: (UDERUCH, LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. LOCAL_TOPICS 1 ll;t«�en,v kratrip yet 1�.a< rummer suit, the beat bad 'Tailor. Intal toads to extant a assort lar Talion. Coo and , os kb . sn.i vs &snort meat sacred Conrad. Bandmaster Mutter announces that *leered concert will be given on the square next Sunday evening. et 8:30 ,;dock, by the baud of the 33rd Regi- ment. Getting Read for the Camp. The local arrangements for the mil- ,t•ry camp, which open. on Monday, June 100, are proceeding apace. A yerirs of entertainments of various' &rt . including a bswquet, is being Arranged for the teen of for camp, bpd it is suggested that the citizens sternally do what they can to make the town especially untinorin inviting, o the .use of flags and way that may suggest themselves. Kerr- McLellan, A quiet weddlrg took place at „tretford on Wednesday, May Silt, wben Mies Katharine McLellan, ,oungeet daughter of the late Peter lcLellan, was married to James E. Kerr, of Toronto. Rev, W. L. H. Row. Andperforming the ceremony. The bride was formerly for some years a teacher in the Goderich Collegiate lo- stitute and has Many friends bele who will join in wishing her much bappi- ses.• in her wedded life. Residential Properties Sold. The winding -tip sale of the estate of the late George Acheson, held lest seWrday, was very secexwful, all *the properties being wild at good figures. e lot on least street. near the Amer- ican Road Machine t)o. foundry, no which is a large frame house. was purchased by. Jas. Reynolds. of the Herron Howe, for $085. The property on Nelson street. occupied by Mr. Wilson. was sold to Samuel Bisset. of Nsltford. for 1i2,(1l(l) and the oche(• prop - pity on the same street. occupied by Registrar Coats. Was bought by John Acheson for $2 lJU. To Niagara-on-theelaki- Lest Mpsdey mordng Section C of the ]3rh Field Anil/Wanes Corps. eigh- teen strong. left for Nbgara-on.the- Lake for the annual training camp. Isnot. Dr. W. li. Turnbull was in com- mand. The names of those moms pew i•'R the section are G. McNrvin. Fred. Roberto*. H. Mitchell. Eric Haw- kins. I.. Carey. A. Ivere, L. Smiley, R. Medd, •H. H..1..C. Smiley, C. Fowler, (leo. Patton. Reg, Platt, L Meeirrat-. roe. L. Dunkeld. ' Hoggarth and K. Rickle. Public School Board. At the regular meeting of the puh- lir.thrs>I hoard on Monday evening. the resignation of Min Dunlop, an. towhee in the Central school. was .ciwpted with regret. Secreted appli- miions for the position were received but it waw decided to advertise the vacancy, all applications to he in by Monday, June 19th. The contract for reel was awarded to H. J. A. Mae: - Ewan at $0 75 per ton. The secretary sae imtructed Iso write Mr. Barclay Apel ask him to forwent a blue -print of Victoria school end grounds .in order to put into effect Petit. Hutt's ,ebene to beautify the grounds. A Young Man's Death. Leto Waturrday the spirit of tlaenuel Copp Wok it, flight at his home oo Market street, fotluwiog an innate of over a year. Deceased was a sun of Mr. and Mn. Chas. Copp, of Goderich, noel the greater part of his life had been sprat in town. The fituersl took place on Monday afternoon Rev. Dr. Medd roodueting an appropriate ser- vice. The interment was made in Maitland eeweter and the pallbearers were W. Steams D. `3teepe, J. Steeps. Geo. Sterile. J. Farquhar and Percy East. The bet'euved have tbe sym- pathy of the community In their lents. Farewell Presentation. On Friday evening last a farewell presentation was made to A. M. Todd, formerly one of the proprietors of The Star, who is (raving to go into hued naves at Toronto. An illuminated ad - drew, signed by Mayor Cameron on behalf of the town council, 1)r. A. H. Macklin as president of the Board of Trade, and F. J. Pridham on behalf of the merchants of the town, was pre- sented to Mr. Todd, accompanied by • handsome gold -headed cane. The it. luminated address is a work (tart, the product of J. Ades Fowler. and will be a very handsome memento ot the re- eipient's association with the people of Goderich. Seems to Be a Habit. Robert Irwin, the young lad who web before the magistrate last week nn a charge of theft and was sen- tenced to the Mimieo scbool until be should leach the age of twenty-one, took advantage of a few hours of lib- erty and made an attempt to enter the store of J. Stead on Hamilton street last Friday evening. He was caught in the act by the police and on hie ap- pesrance before the magistrate on Saturday immediate arrangements were made for bis removal to Mimico. The delay caused in his rennoviel was owing to the request of the boy's father that he be allowed a day's freedom in order to get ria clothes re- paired Former Resident ot Goderich Dead. Tire death is announced at Windsor of JiichaelTwomey. aIesident of Gode- rich over fnrty years ago. The de- ceaaed visa eighty-seven years (f age and was horn at Kingston. In early life be came Gr Goderich to join the Ooderich branch of the. Bank of Win- ters'. Leaving here he moved to Amberetharg, where he followed a mercantile life for twenty -Ave years and where be became a prominent figure in municipal polities. About a quarter of .century ago he retired and went to Windsor to live- For years be served on the board of education and in ififid was elected mayorof that city. He is survived by bis widow and tour Waif. The Passenger Boat Service. The regular season of paseenger nav- igation will open at Ooderich on Fri- day, Juoe 311th, when the moonier City of St. licorice. of the D. A C. Line, will make its first call oo the northbound trip to Mackinac. It will arrive bete at 63U a. m. Friday of each week and on the return trip the time for arrival is set at R w. ,,a Saturday. The steamer Huron of the Star )'ole Line will make its initial trip of tbe season on Tuesday. July Ith, calling at Goderich at 0 p. w. go- ing north. and returning from Siolt Ste. Marie ou Friday at midnight. This service is tbe same es that given by thee* hosts last yea)•. Advertising Hotel Sublet and the Town For Horne weeks past Chas. C. Lee 'cad !seen giving considerable eaten - tion to the advertising of the Hotel suor.•t its various mediums in the United Slates as well as in Canada. This is an undertaking which costs considerable in time and Homey, as a large extent of territory must be cov- eted by the advertising retch year. One of Mr. Lee's advertisements is placed in the 1011 folder of the Star - ('ole Line (*termer Huron), M1,1M0 copies of which are being circulated in the States of Ohio and Michigan. Brides this advertisement, which gives a view of Hotel Sunset t he folder contains a "write-up" of Gide tieh as' one of the mewl attractive Paints of the steamer Huron's route. Atkin - Knesahew. An early morning wedding was sol- smpized in 8t. t'le nrv. s church on Wednesday of this week, wben Miss Lizzie Kneesbaw, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Knee -sham, Wet - o.104) street, became the bride of Sam- uel Se -cord Atkin, of Niagara Fettle. A few immediate relatives witnessed the ceremony, which was performed at 11 o clock by Rev. M. Turnbull. The hridr wore ber blue travelling suit with bat to snatch. After the nuptial knot was tied the party drove to the bride's horse, where a wedding break - fare esu served. after which the happy couple proceeded to the O. T. R. sta- tion to take the 7:111 train Inc a trip to Toronto, Hamilton and ether points. Mr. and Mrs. Atkin will reside at Niagara Falls and the hride's many tnde in town join to wishing them + Inng, happy alto prosperous life. The Greyhound Next Week. The fourteenth annual excursion of 'rte steamer Greyhound of the White 'War line from Goderich to Detroit and return its antsouseed for Saturday. June 17th. The event grows in pori - luny from year to year and indica- tions are that, with favoesbie weather. lie swots. of the outing will not he '°'passed by that of any of the prev- ntts yeses. The fare M only 91.30 foe Lite round trip, which affords a spl.e- elid cli%nce for an enjoyable. meting ie Ole City of the Straits. The binet 'mese tioderieh at 9.20 e, dr. era Mater - 'lea and will, arrive In Detroit at 5 o dark that evening. The retains Ionrney will be eneimeneed on Moe- 'is7 al 1 p m., arriving In Goderieb the 'ane **seism. After the arrival of be Greyhound on Friday **seeing • moonlight eiset •don minder the •ue- piow Of tit Godssiob Me leas Society. eel rl given On the lake. wad win. en ors. h• patrnrti>ty by the s1wL ges of correct ruldnga 1 TM cn 1. awe too need toe tae pwpb of 6aderlck bad this is wiry WUmer dadtb's Art dtare, Cast argot. 000tauue ac aesortmaot of =air =de Mud. fee a fee gealtnd trate to '0utdd� �e of the lbrsre l ly). duplicated In Ontario 1 'lire Goderich Citizens' Marine Band *will play on the Square on Tuesday evening. Presentation to' Miss Craig. Mine Laura Craig, who for • number of years has been a valued member of The Signal staff, is'meowing a change of occupation by taking a noeition in Thomtan'a mucic store. During her asmaciation with The Signal she won the sincere esteem end hearty goods will of everybody connected with the office, her faithful and capable work, ben thougbUulne se and consideration Inc others and all ber other good yual- it1.H being beyond praise. On Friday evening she was presented, on behalf of the proprietors and staff of The Signal. with a set rat, ebony toilet grinds. as • token of the Rood wisbes of those with wbom sbe had been as- sociated in her work in this flce, where her cheerful presence will long be missed. The Meaforth race inset will be betel on Wednesday and Thursday, June loth and 15th. Re your treat ! Take home some of Burdette's choice ice cream. Those at home will enjoy it. For all occasions use Blackstone's delicious ice cream in bulk or fancy .The Oil is Ordered. Wednesday of this week President Parsons, of the British American Oil Co., of Toronto. was in town and met s committee of the town council to discuss tbe proposition of oiling the streets. The result of the interview was that Mr Parenns was given an order for a 5.100 -gallon tank of oll at floe cents per gallon, f.o.b. Gnderich, to lie delivered immediately. The oil company is to send a qualified man to superintend the laying of tbe oil, which work will likely be commenced nett week. It may be a matter of consola- tion to seine who oppose the oiling of the et' -rets that a guarantee is given to the effect that the nil will not have an injurislus effect on ranker. the grade of nil to he lived Is laid at the rate of 1,500 gallons err mile. This erompans- bas been supplying the principal cities of Ontario with this oil and from all pieces come satisfactory reports re- garding its use. Harbor Notes. The steamer Kaminiet iglI a 11 nlo.ded 131,(1) bushels of nate at the elevator on Monday. The coalboat H. N. Jei was here again this week with another cargo of coal for the Big Mill. On Tuesday 10,010 bushels of flax was unloaded from the freighter Bickerdike, at t be elevator, The Mesmer Meaford, which makes frequent calls at this port. ran aground on Sunday night in the middle ground of Watson's Reef, shove Detour, during a dense fog. A tog and a lighter, after working all night. released her. She was not damaged and she proceeded up the lakes sin Tnewday with her cargo of cod. The latest addition to tbe Goderich fleet of pleasure boats is the handsome enriliary sloop Okabye. She wee pnre►ased last week frogs Port KIgi n pectis. and arrived in port on Munrlw evening. Sb. -aerie* m lenge stretch of mares and is alert equipped ev ith a 4 boree`ow.r Gray gasoline engine. Her robin .Rotrls accommodation for a party of four or more persons. Robert Redfern of town If her new °wiser Another trim and beat - looking host is the 0h lien. owned J A Hs.rhl,r, of the (Inderieh Linn- ber & Milling Co.. whieb WOO brought es Som bee from Mnbee a few days alto is twenty -right feet long. eight -foot hews, sad is driven by a ten horse- power magic a Mr Baechlen will use it in eonrrwetine with his hamirossu and Wen se a pl.aeore boat. our chfrv.late hon -hens ase away. fresh sed toothsome At Rurdsete s P t IWTS" - (kph W atone, p,wainter Montreal street. has returned (rout hie Iefpp 1s' the Wast, and is prepared to Who ambers One beau wart/ Is his (tee. �KsS - fa 1,,•P„ bricks. 'Phone 240, The Goderich baseball team played Clinton at Clinton this (Thursday) evruing, Clinton winning the game, 5 to 3. The evening train on the C. P. R. now ar•rivee at 8:40, thirty minutes later than heretofore. The new time- table went into effect on Monday. The public now have the privilege of enjoying the use of benches on Taylor's hank. The public works 'iter had them placed during the past week. A huge butterfly, known as the Emperor moth, was lett with The Sig- nal Inst week by little Miss. Hazel Mc- Donald. of Gloucester Terrace. Its wings ineasure nearly six inches from tip to tip. The house on the skating rink pro - petty bas been purchased by Capt. Bah and is being moved this week to a lot in the southwesterly part of the town, where it will be fitted -up for a dwelling house. As only a few of the newspaper men of the county accepted the invitation of the Board of Trade to visit Gode- rioh on Friday last to talk over the power question. the proposed gather- ing was called off. A game in the Fain trophy- seise' was played on the West street green Wednesday after 1)1x)n between Code- r ich and Mitch, It, tour rinks a side. The aggregate score was 87 to 04 in favor of, Goderich. A tea and kitchen shower will be 1 held in the basement of Knox church next Monday evening under the aus- pices of the Ladies' Aid. Tea served teem 0 to 8 o'clock, after which a good program will be rendered. ,Admjs- non 10c. We undetet and that Mr. Cameron of the Departmental Store will com- mence to dispose of the balance of his stock by public auction on or about Saturday, June 17th. He says the sale will be continued until the stock is told out. In the meantime. the store remains openvery day. A game of(b►seball on Wednesday evening bet een the '•Squaw:;, and •'injuns," on the separate school) grounds, resulted in a win for the ••In- juns" by a score of "128. K. Hawkins acted as umpire and W. Babb was the official scorer. Another gameis to he played on Saturday-. The lands in the township of Col- borne. being lots two and three on the, let concession, western division. which were offered for sale (het Sat- urday at the Colborne hotel, were dis- posed of by Auctioneer Gundry to Albert Mugford, of Colborne. The putcbaae price was $820. (bring to rain last Friday evening the game of haseball between the Sr. IV. and Jr. IV. and iII. of Victoria scbool bad to be p oetpoued till Monday evening. The result of the contest WIN a win for the seniors, the score being 12-11. Each of these teams has won two games and lost one. The following from The Detroit Free Press contains the names of sev- eral Goderich people. The bootees, Mrs. Cornwell. is * sister of Mrs. Kept.) Lawson, of town : "Mrs. George Cornwell was siiven • card shower on her birthday. anniversary, May 24, it being arranged by Mrs. S. Chapin. In the evening a number of her friends tendered her • surprise. Progressive pedro was played and prizes were won by Mrs. Frank Hum- ber, Mrs. Glutting and Mr. Buck, after which dancing was enjoyed. Miss Irene Glutting played several piano selections. Mr. Frank Humber gave a recitation and little Marguerite Matheson gave a Chinese recitation which sass heartily enjoyed. Mrs. R. A. Matheson and her niece, Miss Jean Lawson, presided at the refreshment table." An umbrella has been left at the Signal office to be restored to its own- er. It was found yesterday in the Squa e. ANNOUNCEME NTS. The original Rovnl Coronation spec- ial. direct from London. and cherry walnut, a New York hit, eco new specials at Blackaton's a. The highest price paid for 40,011 pound. of wool. Another car of bog teed just received. Also potatoes for sale at .t. .1. ('OOFER's WAREHOUsK. Lot. of seed corn still on hand. This week 1 am offering white dim- ity muelina, colored muslin is navy, light blue and floral designs at. 10c per yard. Reg uar pprice 15c per yard. Silk mind o at : ie. per yard. Oing- hasss worth 124c for 1( c per yard. P. T. DEAR. ladies' wear and dry goods. CHURCH NOTEN. palace" tube twelfth vexes of the 144th Psalm) was taken as she basis of re• marks which were heard with much luter•est wad appreciation. It is pro- posed that henceforth a d .course to the students be delivered annuallyy in Knox church ou the first Msbhatb in J one. At the weetiog of the W. H. M. S. of Knox church bald on Wednesday evening, the chief feature of the pro- gram was an account of the or in and growth of the wieskw at Wakaw. Soak. The Anna Turnbull hospital there was nested by the Sunday school of West church, Toronto, its memory of the wife of the pastor, Dr. Turnbull, who was et one time minis- ter in Knox church. During the summer the meetings of the society are to be held ou the Bret Tuesday afternoon of the month, at 4 o'clock. Rev. Alfred Brown. who is com- pleting his fourth year as pastor of the First Methodist oburcb, St. Thomas, will be the new pastor ot North street Methodist eburcb, Gode- rich. Rev. Dr. Dougall, who for three years has been pastor of North street church. goes to Bt. Thomas as Mr. Arown'esuccessor, The board of North street church had invited Rev. Dr. Rutledge, of Wingham, and had secured an acceptance from him, hut as Dr. Rutledge* had been only two years in his present charge the sta- tioning committee of Conference did not see fit to remove hitt. PERSONAL MENTION. Mrs. John Story I. a visitor at Stratford this week. 0eortre McMillen returned from Bay City the e st week. Mn. Doyle is spending a few weeks with friends at Galt. Moi Burgess, of Toronto, L visiting at her old home here. Air. and Mrs. John Somerville. of Kirkton, are visiting friends in town. Mrs. P. Bell and Mn. 0. M. Elliott spent the week -end with relatives in London. Frank Beattie, G. T. R. operatorwas home trout Georgetown over Sunday. V. are glad to see Dr. Herald about town again atter his recent serious Woes-. M. %V. Howell made a trip to,. N'Indaor this week to attend to his business Interests there. ]Ire. Mr.) r'oll(ns, of Edrnontor. Alt... is visiting her parents. Dr. and Mr. J. H Whitely. Miss A. (.aura Reynolds, of New York t'ity, is visiting her +inter, Mrs. J. J. Kelly. West street. W. B. McMillen, of Ann Arbor. Mich . is vies stint hlu parent.. McDonald street. for • few weeks. Rev J F Kellgbt. M. A.. H. It, of Dawn Mill.. took the sera -iota in North street Methodist rharcb last Sunday. in the ahgenee of the pastor. Rev. ier. Dougall. as Conference. Court tiioderieb. Nn. A!, C. 0. F., will attend divine senvier at Victoria street Metbdit church next Sueday morning. Rev. Dr. Medd will preach. Visitors we welcome. The evening serving at 7 o'estrk will he is charge of the pastor. Al) who are interested in the problems of the church are urgent- ly reforested err attend. 'The Rope of the Future" waw the subject of a discourse hill slit inspira- tion and timely advice Inc the mere ' ratios. especially the stridents. who heard Rev nen. K. Rose in Know • buret a! the evening ..rule. Iwwt a(indat 'That •,.R •nor msv 5* M plants grown up m th.au ynut s , fist new As�gb tore -s lir Y eoreetetnese. polblimi ether die elmilltatde of a Miss Theresa Doyle lett tco Saturday on • {it to her ,i -ter, Mr . 1Dr.i Bourn+, Seattle. visit Mrs. J. McMatb and children. ot N'alker- vilb. are spending a month lith relatives In 1 iederich. MieeHelen Froelich. of Belleville. who had been visiting Mina Shephasd, returned home 00 Monday. Mien Lillian Leiner. of Chicago. accompanied Mrs. Breckenridge home and will spend the semmer here. Chariest Whitely. of Goderich tow' ship, is . waren a visit 10 Saskatoon and other points In the West. Mies Tay'or. who hat been visiting Heeds at Toronto forego'. weans, is again at the North street parsonage. Mrs. Blackstone sato be at home to her Mends on Wednesday. June 14th, and not again until tbe fait Mr. and,0. H. King are away on a holiday trip to Graveahnntt. lhmy are accompanied by Chas. H. Humber. Dr. J. 1. Turnbull. of Vao et. is in town today. Be hos-come east t.,pd a few weeks at the parent 4 home at Min strum. *dotty A. Pavey. of 8t.'1 ho we., was in town ovte Me King's birthday holiday. vhdttot his uncle and mint, Mr. and Mr. John Beattie. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight and the latter'e father. Rev. C. Burt, of Detroit. will occupy SL George: rectory during the summer month,. Mrs. (Dr., Turnbull. s000meaded by her daughter Margaret mad Nis Claire Hays, left oo Monday on a pleasure outing to dealt Ste. Marie.. bre. J. C. Martin left on Wednesday after noon for Buffalo, where she will visit for a time. she will aim visit at A-htabula. Oti 0. before her return. John Du+tow, el Nile, leave. next Monday for San Francisco. where he will intend the international Sunday school convention to be held in that city. Mr. and Mrs. Newton Tripp. of Forest, were the goons of [rev. i•r, and Mr-. Medd for a few days Lest week. Mr. Tripp is the manager of the Iambton loan Co., of Forest. Mr. and Mrs. Chop, Blackstmreand daughter. Miss Victoria. arrived home on Tuesday even - Ing, atter an absence of eight qac the v/aittng relatives and friends in the 01' land - Mrs. Alex_ Donaldson and •-bildren arrived In town last weer from Qu'Arpelle, ela,k., and will take up their residence in' :odrrich. They die of their property before coming east. Dr. Margaret C. Calder. of N'inghem. and a party of Isdy� friends pared through town o0 an a-atomobile trip on Friday net. They vi+- 1ted for • few bean with Mr. a ;14 Mrs. Walter H. Harrison. E. R. Wigle Is In Toronto fhb week In at• tendance at tbe semi-annual meeting of the Ontario College of Pharmacy a+ ntative of district No. it Bert Trott'. of Wharton. 1s assisting In Mr. Wigle's drug -tare during W absence. Mbet)ore R. Phelan, who h.... been in train- ing for the past three years in yt Jor.e his pital, Chicago, tradnated es Ve lend Mime Phelan haw many friends in :..lerieh who will offer o..ngr.tulaUone and wed for her en bounded snooper. Friend art Cyril Carrie wilt be pleased to hear Wat he )las pared hie n•,al examlutioc at Toronto Untverdt . taking drat -claw w honor. guinea.In every suinelira Cam,. bin Tnrooto to be present when the degree of B. .1. 1s 00n furred upon her son at Unlver-it" oouvocation on Friday. Mrs. Moerlsh. of Mayville. Iaakota, arrived In town the last week of May• lining gni New Ycrk, where she spent 'same i ince visiting rela- Uree In that nit) After .per, ting some day• with her rider, Mn, Emmnn,.e1 Mitchell, she went to Colborne to visit arc Aber sister, Mex Peter Fisher. Mrs. Morrish will speed the Myon here. From The Kansa, City Star. Msy •Lt . Mr, anti Mrs. H. IreForest white, Jun gunnel avenue. announce the maniacs of their sister. R+wn,ond Wynn Naftel. f"•neerly of Gone - rich. Ont., to Cant. Harry C. II.sg, by the Rev. Cyrus Townsend Brady. stilt. George's Coleco pal church. M•. end Mrs. Hold left Moeda, night fur their hone In tiasramesto, l'al. BORN. HISHOI'. In Ooderieh• os Tnrde\I., Ltrd to Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. B shop. a eon KENNEDY. In GoArrieb, s„ Tuesday. Mar Mth. to Mr. and Mex Ml, (lel Kennedy, a dasghter. PH \LEN b. °menpb, e . Tuesday Ala) Ord. to Mr. bad Ms. Jones 0 Tuesday, Newgate .greet a stag. MARRIED ATKIN KNELSHAw 10 5t tiea,wee estereA. tioderteli. by Re, \C is rsbun. es Wednesday. Jaw th. Mien Utak only taagsta of Mr sad Mss. Albert Kano - -;thaw, toe nowt deemed %Nin of \insant Fahr TARIO REV. If TURNSULL'S FARR ELL Leaves Next Todaykit His 'Future Hone et Mexico. Next Sunday Rev. M. Turnbull will bid farewell to thepeople of St. Oe•orge's church anon Tuesday be will leave for New York, whence be sails un T4ureday by the Ward Line steamer Morro Castle for Vera Cruz. Mexico. Prow Vera Crua be will pis - cited to Mexico City, where he stud Mrs. Turnbull meto make their future home. For the first throe wonthe Mr. Turnoull will carry out an exchange of pulpits with Archdeacon Joo.,w-Date- wan, of Mexico City, the latter coming here to occupy the pulpit of St. (irorg.'s church for the summer. Afterwards Mr. Turnhull will have other work under the charge of tbe Bishop of Mexico. Mr. Turnbull bar been for nearly n ineteeo years the rector if St. George's, and in that time he bas won in huge measure the esteem and love of the people not only of his own coo• gregation hit of the town, and in their departure Mr, and Mrs. Turn- bull will be attended by the general and sincere wish of the people or Oode- rich teat their life in their new loca- tion they be full of comfort and happiness. Mrs. Turnbull will not leave for Mexico until the fall, in tbe meantime taking • trip to Europe. Sbe will sail June 22nd from Montreal for Liver- pool by the steamer Lake Manitoba, and will be accompanied on the trip by Mise Griffiths. of town. Nile will retut n to Goderich in September for a short time before proceeding to Mexico to join Mr. TurobulL One of their sons, Pawl Turnnull, has been living in the Oity of Mexico for two or three years. At the annual meeting of the Dean- ery of Huron, beld at Wingh on on Friday last, June 2nd. the fulfowing resolution. proposed by Rev. John Berry, M.A., B,D., and Heconded by Rev. T. H. Farr, B.A., was adopted : Resolved, that we, the members of the Chapter of the Deanery of Huron, having learned that the Rev. Mark 1'urnhul! is about to leave the diocese, desire to record our high appreciation of the good work be has done during the many years he has beeu rector of the important parish of (loderich, and to express our gratitude for the valet- abie help be has always given us in the work of our Deanery meetings. While deeply regretting hit removal from our midst, we wish him and Mrs. Turnbull every happiness in their new Sphere of labor in the Lord's vineyard, and we pray that the divine blessing may ever rest upon them both ,wher- ever they may be. (Signed) W. .1. Doherty, Rural Dean. Edgar H. Croly, Secretary; Why Dogs Hate Cats. • The Korern+ tell an amusing .aoty in explanation of the enmity which prevails between cats and dogs. There was once. they say, an old men in Loren who possessed .magic stone, which bad been given to hire by a passing wayfarer whom he had be- friended. One sad day the "tone dis- appeared, and the old man's cat and dog, who were as Bouch conoerned as their master, setoff on 'heir own ac- cord to find it. After a 'stag 'seal weary aseereh they discovered it, a,.d started to return. As they had to cross a river, the dog told the cat 'to take the gem ire her mouth and tliwb on his back, and he would swim with her. As the two were crossing some children, seeing the s'eange sight, laughed loud and long. Ibie annoyed the dog as he struggled alopg with his burden, bit it greatly amused puss, who. sitting high and dry on his back, began to "'bake with laughter. The result was that the poor dog swal- lowed a lot of water in trying to keep his head up, at which the wicked eat burst into such a guffaw that she dropped the magic stone into the river. The story goee on to tell bow the faithful dog eventually caught a fish, in the inside of which the gena was found, hut ever afterwards he cherished against the cat a bitter ani- mosity. which was handed down to her descendants. Little. Willie-Saay, pa, doesn't it get colder ,when the thermometer fall.? Pa --'-Yes, my eon. Little Willie -Well, nut's has fallen. Pa -How Lar? Little Willie --About flue feet, and when it struma the porch door it hroke. it isn't difficult for a man to get a wont w to agree with him if she isn't hie wife. Aunt "1 wait to de somethingto pirawe you on your hint noisy. Chaie : Met i Ant wantte ant your teacher h,w you h.bave In erten. f." Charlie- -If toe really wisb t., please tee, auntie. don't ask hiss." ••(b, yes, we have c wond.rfnl di- mate." sate the than foam •oithm, Texaa. "Why, (nlv last •ra•on we !shed • pumpkin as', Ia,ge that. After .awing it in two, ms Arita ,n -.•.I tbs. halves as ei'a.11e. In ails, h to ,• ' a the halls.. - '`'.. " replied the man 1.0, N.w Ynrk Mut in my Mate en's a e ssmon tbtng to And t here full-grown p oliee►nen asleep on no. boat 1 Announcement 1 C!!!. GI SS for June Weddings SPECIAL PRICES DURING JUNE CUT.GLASS VASES, regular g .50 and $3.75, during this sale, $2.90 CUT GLASS CREAMS and SUGARS, regular $4.50 and $11.50, during this sale, $3.60 and $6.00 CUT GLASS BERRY BOWLS. regular $4.50 and 95,00. during this sale, $$.28 and $4.00 Cut lilacs Bon -Bons, Spoon Trays. Knife Rests, etc., etas, at similar reductions. Ask to see ou: Pierced Silver Casseroles, Fero Pots, White and (cold China, Brass Jardinieres, Art Pottery, etc., etc. T he Colonial Book Store GEO. PORTER, Prop. Phone 110. Goderich. TttitywaTr JvttraiM, it 30 Buggies TO BE SOLD. We have just received a car of buggies, anti nave everything that is new and up-to-date in the carriage line. No better buggies ever came to tows. We bene them on the floor now. Cali and inspect them at the MASSEY-HARRIS WAREROOMS nn Hamilton Street. We have the STAND- ARD WIRE FENCE and Geroge, the fam- ous FLKURY'PLOwis. CREAM SRPARATORS end almost every- thing a farmer needs on a term. Robert Wilson We also have a few extra good driven for We. id au interesting document to send or to receive --it cause.' .1 gild ripple of excitement every- where it goes. Usually the filet question asked after reaadieg is is: What shall we give? Now that question ehoullo't be an- swered off -hand. 1t is easy to decide upon something, but why not keep calm and give some- thing different lust fora change? If you can't think of anything different, come here. Sugger tion. by the dozen coofroot you at this store ; and you will learn here that it doesn't mean spend- ing a, whole lot of money either. 0a11 and let us sbow you anyway. J. S. Davey Jeweller and Optician Routh side of Square. Ooderich Come in and Get Acquainted If you are not already ac- quainted with the merits of STURDY'S GROCERIES try a -sample order. You can be certain of wecuring seasonable goodie here at ell times. Our 'phone number is 91, Give us a trial. The quality of our goode will con • vince you. eselereseleseseislieetteesseaneesettea i wt,b to announce to the people of (ioderich and vicinity that. having p.1 militated the Opera House Grocery from Mr. J. W. Vanatter. 1 ask the laationege (4 all the old customers of tbe store ani of the public gen- erally. 1 mature you that you will he treated with the protest courtesy and fairnees. 1 ant making arrange- ments with some of the beet batter-makss in the "'entity to supply uta with choice mutter. I have deckled to sell et east and eleer net all ebrnaware and crockery. in order t0 Foote roma for new goods. A. E Matheson ('hone lea h ,eparen vtrv• n Grocers On The Square When Will the Clock Stop? ON l Saturday, gune 10th AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON, - W. H. ROBERTSON, of The Signal, will wind n clock in the window of Htii,RRISON'M JEWELLERY STORE. set it going and seal it up Lia prevent tampering. and from now until the clock stops every purchase to the amount of one dollar or over in this store will entitle the customer to one guess as to what day, hourand minute the clock will stop. The only information which will he given to anyeneregarding the clock is that it is listed in the 'Waterbury Catalogue as a thirty -lay time piece. 11 may stop in leve than thirty days, but it will probably run longer. Four prizes will be given, of the value of $1925, to the (bur nearest guessers, whether tbey guess the right time or not ; but only one prise to one person. As tbe clock, when running down, will varyIn time, the time at which it shall be said to stop shall be the tme registered by itself. A coupon will be handed to each purchaser to the amount of 91.00 or over, on which the guess is to be made. The compotes should be hendeel in at the 'store at as early a date se ..ns+ible, am, in the event of two or more winners guessing the e„• .e time, the first coupon handed in will be given the preference. Be pat Ocular to write your full name .and address and to +tate the time as a. ro. or p. m. FIRST PRIZE Lady's or Gentleman's Watch, Value, $14.00• Waltham, Regina or Elgin movement., in gold - tilled ease. MEOONU PRIZE - Lady's (r (..•ntleeinte's Ring. Value ... !R(]0 THiRD PRIZE - Laity's or Gentleman'. 1)mhredla. Value .......... ............ ... . ft r 110 pit rG RTH PRIZE -lady's or fisntJwman's pair of Cuff Links. Value t�1e During this.ontest. as always. the beat values will be foetid in *11 line. rsrri.d by this atom. WALTER 11. HARRISON ('. P. R. Watch inspector Jeweller end c►pttbieer. (In the Square ,..rearm Aa..r41r4.os., ' (4n4e14eb, O. reelewlwellen-