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District News.
TUESDAY, June&h.
LAMOUR/I LoeALs.-Mr. and Mrs. A.
Horton were et Auburn on Sunday.
James Chisholm is making his
wounds taking the census.... .Service
io the Presbyterian church will ne
held at 2 o'clock next Sunday, when
Rev. Geo. ERoss, of Oodericb, will
preach A Ng crowd attended tee,
picnic at Point Farm on Saturday.
The weather was Ilse and all weot
hone voting Point AVM an ideal
spot for a picnic.
MONDAY, June 5th.
News Norse. -Mr. and Mrs. Long.
of Oalifornia, spent Sunday at Mrs.
Chas. Durnin's Mrs. Copeland, of
Toronto. is visiting her daughter,
lira. Moyer, at. the manse ..Quite
a number of tbe member* of the Rifle
Club went to Point Farm on Satur-
day. They d %d not carry borne many
pares. but all report a good time....
Mr. and Mts. Wilkiw,n, of Milton. vis-
ited at lire. T. Todd's this week
Mali sod Will Rutherford spent Sat-
u rday at Mildwsy A public
meeting under the auspices of the
Women's Institute seas bold in the
hall on Monday night, wheu Miss
Hotaot, of Parkhill, gave en address
on "Citizenship."
TUEr4DAY, June Oth.
While in the field last Saturday.
Annie Newell was kicked by a horse,
sustaining slight injuries. She was,
removed from the imminent danger of
being trampled under the horse's feet
by Thos. Good, who picked her up and
carried her home, au act which has re-
ceived the hearty thank of the par-
\oras. -Mrs. Frank Wilson, of Tor-
onto, as visiting with her sister, Mrs.
Jas. Jewell ...Weare pleased to report
MrsPeter Fisher's health improving.
Wnt. Vanatone is reported Lo
be quite well again after suffering a
alight stroke a couple of weeks ago.
Miss Louisa McMath, of Gude-
'ch. is visiting Mrs. Newell this week.
Mrs. M. Pfrimmtr had the mis-
fortune to lose twelve Hire goslings
out of her flock of fourteen. The
weasel is responsible for the liaise
TrisfDAY, J nue &h.
BRitezes.-- Mrs. l 1lt.) Stewart. of
Clinton, is a guest at the home of Dr.
Stan bury G• urge Chesney, of
Seaforth. spent Sunday at the home
of Dr. Atkinson Miss Charlotte
Browner t, of (.oderich. and Miss
Annie Richards are the guests of the
fol'uter'a brother. Thos Bro,wnett. of
the Front toad . Rev. !dr Macfar-
lane sit -tit s few days of thin week the
guest of Sterling McPhail in the Beth-
any congregation The itu•rament
of the Lord's Supper will he dispensed
in St. Andrew's church on Sabbath
next at the morning service. Prepar-
atory service will he ht id Friday even -
nag at 8 o'clock.... Mr. Laws tieing
in Stratford attending Conference
over last Sabbath, services in the
Methodist church were taken by
James Wallis Miss Nott, of Clin-
ton. is visiting friends in the village.
...Miss l', Monteith, who ban spent
the tout few months with friends in
Stratford. retutned on Monday even-
ing Rev. T. Davidson, of Mount
Forest, who has been doing some
building in bis grove (Westminster),
returned home for a few days this
NEws of Tile. W xgit.-Mia Emma
froy. of Toronto, is visiting her aunt,
Mies Annie Flynn ... Mrs. Moir. of
Culross, visited her mother. Mrs. E.
Brophy, last week Miss Kate
Brophy- vieited Goderich friends haat
week Isaac Cranston is cutting
wood for Boyle Bros. with his sawing
machine this week Andrew Glas-
gow had the misfortune to lose it valu-
able horse lately ..... Mr. Gillespie, of
Wbitecburrh, has moved his sawmill
to A. Johnston's and expecte to be
sawing lumber in a few days....There
was a good attendance at the Women's
institute meeting which was held in
the church hall last Friday afternoon.
Miss Hotton, of Parkhill. gave an ed
dress. The next meeting is to he held
st the home of Mise Rebecca Thomp-
son on July 4th There was no rifle
practice here last Saturday. as nearly
all the marksmen had gone to Point
Farm. Although the team did not
win the cup they were successful In
securing some of the individual prizes
and the captain won one of the [special
TUESDAY. June 6th.
Coeii ao Evrrns. -- Arrangements
are being made in S. S. No. 1. Ash-
field, for a taboo' picnic on the lith of
June. Further particulars later
The members of the A. Y. P. A. in-
tend holding a patriotic concert on
Coronation 1).y (June 23kod) for which
agood program is being prepared it
will include numbers by Miss H.
icke, violinist Miss Gibbs, elevatioo-
ist. Miss Sturdy. vocal soloist, also •
pretty drill and chorines by local Mi-
mi- Remember the date.
TUUDAY, June 601.
Scaooe Rgroar.-The following is
the report of 8. B. No. 7 for the month
of May.
V.-John McHeith. ��
-Dooeld& Hogan, Kenneth Hender-
son. Jr. IV. -Kelso McNay, Clarence
Henderson. Olive McKeith. Br. III. -
Evelyn Wellington. Graham McNay,
May Stein. Jeanie Johnston. Elsie
Barge, Earl Swann. Eva Hogan. Jr.
ill. -Rob. Helm, Tbowas Cooks. Jr.
11. -Wellington Henderson. Laura
Stein, Alex. McNay. Pt. II, -Thoma.
Helm. Beatrice Stein, Henry Gilmore.
John Gilmore. Pt. I. Sr.-Baail
Hogan. Pt. 1. Jr. -Louis Barge.
David Cook. Wilfrid Hogan. J. E.
.ou1STON, Teacher.
WEDNESDAY. June 7th.
Miss )wile McDonald visited friends
hi Blyth on Saturday.
Ed. and Mrs. Halwig visited friends
in Lucknow on 8uoday.
Mins Mary Ferguson was in Blyth
for a few days this week.
Meg Jas. Howatt and niece, Miss
Ritchie. went to Wingbain on Satur-
day to visit for a few days.
EPWORTH Lgaoug.-In the alrence
of Miss Kate McOlincbey, tbe presi-
dent, Mies Mabel Ertatt, took the
topic on -Lemons trotn the Life of
Samuel" at the Epworth league meet-
ing on Tuesday evening. Tbete will
he no meeting of the League next-
extTuesday evening owing to the garden
petty on, Wednesday night
GARDEN PARTY. -The event rat the
season as far as garden parties are
concerned is tke annual Methodist
garden party for the Auburn circuit
which will he held on the parsonage
lawn en Wednesday- evening. June
14th. The Goderioh band will supply
the music for the occasion and tea
will be served on the lawn from 6 to 8.
AT POINT PA RM. -Among those whit
spent Saturday at the Point Farm
were Charlie and Miss Gertie Asquith,
Temple ('lark. Mr. and Mrs. ('. Beadle,
eVill McDonald, Mr. Binns, Dr. Weir.
Mr. and Mr's. Geo. Beadle, Geo. Yung-
Llut, Lorne SCI irni(etulr, Edgar Law-
son, and Messrs. Neegle, Logan. and'
Wrtteon. Although Our boys did not
bring home the trophy, they made a
very creditable showing considering
the short practice they bad before go-
ing up.
St'HOOL REPORT. --7 he following is
the report of the Auburn school for
May. based on examinations held dor
ing the month: V.-Fromilda
Pfeffer 85. Entrance elan - Lilw
Howatt 71. Rens Barr 01. Jennie
Stalker 61. Rob. Phillip. 56. iV.
•Eftle Stoll. N3, Lena Plunkett R3,
Elwa Yungblut 81. Reggie Mann 78.
•Fero Symington 711, Ellen Phillips 64.
Willie Carter Si, Arthur .lamp 52.
Sr. III. -Elwin Raithby- 75, Ethel
Stalker 75, Berdie Ferguson 70. •Olive
Taman 51, Jr. 111. -)stets McClinchey
91, *Georgina Beadle M. Victor Yun*-
hlut 79, Leonard Yungblut 64. Lewis
Ruddy 61, Lur•eathe McKnight 59,
Graetne Symington :iii, Harry Beadle
38. Sr. 11. -Ethel Murdoch Net, Mag-
gie Taman 87. Jr. II. -Victor Lemp
n6, Eldon Stoltz 83, Ezra Schultz 714,
Gertrude Ladd 76, Leslie Schultz 75.
Glenn Raithy 73. •Harvey Dawson M.
Ftank Raithhy 5 7, •Audrey Dawson
51). Pt. IL -Sydney McClinchey, Ed-
na Raithby, Harvey Armstrong. Pt.
I. Sr. -Emil Lemp, Mary Wilson, Ar-
thur , Yungblut• Clayton Ladd. Pt.
1. Jr. --Laura Murdoch. Margaret Wil-
son. Those mailed • mined one ex-
amination. A. A. Naetene. Teacher.
�J Lucknoe. bar ees....d visiting outside
point. and nil' beooefortk rive hii entire
attention to the home olio t% Luttuow. Wnere
he M W be found every tray. A.11 seder° meth-
la in 1./ sena for The Signal Is at Cas Poet'
(Ace Book and Stationery SBttoopos.,, when
orlon. will be renelved for subecripuons, ad
vertletnr and Job work. sod receipts wW be
riven tor amounts paid for the rune.
THURSDAY, June lst
SeHOI.I. REPORT. -The folloWing ie
the report of the standing of the pupils
of C. S. S. No. 17. Ashfield and West
Wawanoeb, for the month of May,
unmet occurring in order of merit :
Sr. IV. -Fern Wellington, Norman
Kirke. Jr. IV. -Oliver Kirke, Harold
Rivers. Sr. ill. - Marie 'Sproul,
Gladys Rivers. 8r. 11. - Stanley
River*, Haul Wallington, John
Sproul. .11. ii. - Wlnnifred Wsl-
lingtoo, Howard Sproul. Sr. I. -
Edna Riven. Jr. 1. -Rob Stothera,
Addie Sprier'. Es S. MILt.gli, Teacher.
TUESDAY, June dtb.
Miss Lily Rogers, of Bestortb, is vis-
iting at J. M. Roberts'.
B. Beninger and wife visited at
Riverdale lest Sunday.
Miss Ella Ryan. of Wiugharn, spent
Saturday at bet borne here.
Miss Edith Roberts returned Friday
from her visit to friends in Goderieb.
Mrs. John Daley, of Seeforth. gent
Wbyard. New Train Service to "Lake of Bays.'
SCHOOL REPORT. -e following is
the repose of S. S. No. 1. Ash8sid. far
April and M . Names in order of
malt: Or. iV.-Maggie Schoenthal.,
Wallace Cunningham, Evelyn Green.
Sadie Armstrong, Melvin ;8ebosob
May Dickson. Tom Dteksoa. Re. 1i1.
-Lina Willis. Albert Smale, Jobo
McBride, Harry Carey. Jr. 1I1.-
Mary raider. Joe Buckingham, Dila
GeniesMer.. Gladys Fielder. Genies Peer-
ess. fate. 11. -Dorn Reboenbds, Annie
Wilms. le. II. -Olive Willis. Willie
Dickson. Pt. 11. -Hamid t(msls.
George McBride. et. 1. -Minnie
Dieksos, Viols Hey. Wesley Fielder,
Harry Willis. Violet Wilson. Loess
Melee. Mildred Rlcbsrd..s. Jr. 1.-
Hasa Orem. wins. Genie". Victor
sus A. KHoy w N. '[ ateesdaess R1 oAR
8under with her daughter, Kherr , Mrs. . F.
Iltrittssik ' 'l`ar' d%k: s E
TUESDAY, June tit`.
Er4H2 Y ACRtat 111 PUTAToRa.-The IOW trate.
Huron Prcduos Conmeny already has
about elgbty acres pleat In p'rtatoea• .
all in this townabip. The seed was
secured to New Brunswick, and the
earlier variety used is the "Irish Uob-
bier." For the later varieties the
-Green Mountain" and "Delaware"
are used extensively. These varieties
are comparatively new in Ontario.
The rompany expect+ to oope with the
potato bug peat by the urs of s big
two -horse sprayer whlb wW oover
over twenty acres in a day.
WttDNttsoAY, May 31st.
Cr acorn CHANGED. -At the Metho-
dist Conference at Stratford this week
the Kippen appointment of the Kip -
pen circuit was united with the Verna
and Goshen appointments to form the
new Varna circuit. Cbiselburst was
joined to Hensel) and Sermith was
closed."- Thia will make Varna and
Hensel! good strong circuit., well able
to support w minister and give him a
good salary.
��xAta -Yr. MacKenzie, of
Toronto, spent a few days with bis
friend, J. ,B Din.dale, last week
On Tuesday Mesdames McMurtrie and
Love went West for a two months'
trip to visit friends and relatives.
Their many tiieods wish them a pleas-
ant time... Thi. beet J. Jones, H.
(visor and W. H. Johnston left for
Stratford to spend it few days at the
Methodist Oonference. F. O'Brien, of
Cbiselhur.t, also is there.
Uomimoa Entomologist Tells How It
May Be Combatted.
The following letter is published in
The F rmer's Advocate
1 it a in receipt of your letter in
refers. a to the occurrence of June
tugs . some sections of Middlesex
county in view of the great abund-
ance ot the lana of this insect, tbe
white grubs, in -the region mentioned.
this plague of adult beetles is not sur-
prising. $ucb swarms of June, or
May, bugs are well known in severely -
infested localities, in Europe. Their
great abundance will certainly result
in the laying of enormous numbers of
eggs on grass and other land. and the
necessity of farmers employing' meas-
ures to combat the resulting white
mutts is apparent. On account of its
prolontied life history, which usually
extends over three stetsons, it is a
roost difficult insect to attack, and
any measures that ate employed must
tx repettted for at least two seasons.
The only measures which bare so for
given patisfactory results are met buds
ot cultivation and a system of short
rotation of crops. Deep plowing in
the fall will bring up large numbers of
hibernating grubs. Pigs and poultry
may be turned in, aud will teed on the
exposed gruhs. This should be re-
uepented a second year. Where the in-
festation is severe, cross -plowing is
to be recommended. Clover appearrt to
be more immune than most crops, and
it may be sown OD the land, and then
plowed under in the following fall.
Two fall -plowings, therefore. with an
intermediate crop of clover. will result
in the destruction of a veru large
number of the grubs. Whyte the
adult June beetles occur in large num-
bers. every effort should be made W
destroy thew. In Europe the trees
are. epi eyed with arsenical sprays. and
where orchards have been- thoroughly
sprayed before the emergence of the
beetles, as will be the case if a system
of spraying were in vograt, large num-
bers of beetles would be killed, and
the foliage saved to a very great ex-
tent. This is one tit the most set'
inse••t4 we have to combat. as it is in-
jurious in both stages of its life -his-
tory. .1s a white grub it destroys
pasture crops, Anti as it June tog it dr-
toliatea trees wholesaie.
1 should he gta'eful if those of your
readers in the it.fes;ed sectiuu. who
have suffered from this plagne. would
seed me particulars a, to titres of
emergence. the trees that are i at-
t:tckod, and shy notes as to its previ-
ous occurrence, as all these facts are
of use to us in investigating this in -
C. Goenoa Hewirr,
Dominion Entomologist
Drainage Demonstration.
The Ontario Agricultural College is
emphasizing the value of drainage
again this summer, for which purpose
drw:nage demonstrations are being
held in many parte of the Province.
On Wednesday-, June 14, at the hour
of 2 o'clock, one of these demonstra-
tions will be held on the farm of Mr.
A. M. $Liitb, concession 8, lots 3 and
6, Morris tewnebip. This meeting
should be of special interest, as some
difficult places to drain are invJived.
Besides the discussion of the particu-
lar problems of A. M. Smith's farm,
there will be a demonstration of
methods of finding the fall over a
ditch. determining the grade, digging
true to grade, etc.
Anyone wishing information aeout
the drainage work should write Prof.
W. H. Day, O. A. C., Guelph.
J. M. Roberta left Tuesday of this An important feature that will he
week to attend the funeral of his sit inaugurated during the coming sea-
ter, Mrs. Savage, at BuRalo, N. Y. yon will he a new train service to the
Meters. Cole, Assent, Scott and "Lake of Bays" district. A standard
Beattie, of **forth, meat a couple of Grand Trunk passenger train will
da s Iw.t week it this vicinity trout leave Toronto with through macer.,
fl• peeler Cwt and dining oats at 10:16
J. Wilson left for his hose it Napa- o clock in the morning. dash• except
nee Munday of tbls week attar wood- Sunday. fox Hunt•vills, reaching the
fog a few weeks with hie si.ter. Mrs. latter print at shout 9 o'clock in the
Noroao Treleaven.• afternoon. eonsecting with the steam -
ere for points is the "lake of Bays'
Quite anomers took in the Atonic
held on Tuesday of eels week at Point d n• sad miner paseesgen 'be
Fano under the auspices of Dumfppeerf. optr'rtuof rewchtog their hstina
non Circle of the Order of taanadien 1405 in .,..2,'°"' hR dinner.
Home Ofr•den. Tb.' ttutsdey evening boat renew
The west half ti els. rest half of lot from the Vi Awa Hotel, Britannia,
.umber I1 on the 4th memories of ootbbpee.r Ideal, portage,
Ing i�«s
AebA.id. eentsrn •ividon. was enld by ..Lake of Ba im. wl one
Welkin w Fred. Robh»ns, The price run no se � wbvs I wen to
paid was $1,6011, 101st Jeri Use mossrbedsiis •e her sewaod
DUiroesn OR Amirante Wine. --Once A � of July and
neggat�t, abase will be • )sero •n
more the trophy of the Hems County wail -stealers desiring to return to the
Rifle League tanto. to Duneaanon. efty for beans, no Mondays.
the senior team from here beading the
worm at lbs Point Faro, tottreeeseet Irate Father (who bas Isere u eying
en Saturday. This is the fonrth con. I to satisfy John. cerioelty an every
known subject under the mint 'Now.
Jobnnle, if yon ask sae snot bei ques-
tion ill whip you ea tie spot'
Johnnie ;whom usdybs curiosity
owes% tes ..es the dread of psniele
meww% "Wb-rrh-what sprat papa u"
wenn tartare of rite Strophe
mess to
piessone covet secreta es • �t- 1 team frofront
Donganron was well Cup to
�� O.r t� eift i the trite also Being third in tla. 1th
trio•) ~pone eI afro. We intend ort the
-•retain .stmbre d My
wits de
bNose esets fond of secrets are those fntngannon a No. 1 team The sar,opd
4)4• 1 ,
L Rheumatism tithe back.
TM cause is Uric Acid
in tb. blood If the kid-
neys did their work there
would be ao Uric Acid aad
ao Lumbago. Make the
kidneys do their work• The
surk positive sad only
curs for La sbago is
Good Enoti•h for Him.
The drug aflproacbed the-Celes-
tiel gate. t. Pelee opened the portal
for btm, end hada him enter and join
the heavenly choir.
."Not mo fast," admonished the com-
pounder of pills. "Before I go in
there 1 want to ark a few questions.
Have you any city directories in Para -
"No," replied St. Peter.
"Any remedies for growing hair on
bald heads and door knobs Y"
"Any .ode• fountains '"
' • We don't know w hat they are."
"Do you sell stamps ?"
•• We dnit't use them here."
"And last. but not least. have you
any telepbonesr"
-We have not."
"Then Ill' -go in. f'se I guess this is
Heaven all rigbt, all right." „
The education of the human mind
commences in the eradle : and the hie
pensions received there frequently
exert their influence through the
whole of life.
Glorious Twelfth
TOM' IN (•.tN it.
A Short Prcoeaton.
Attractive Spsc!w1 Oriels.
Ars You Bed,
Good Speaker..
Special Trains and Rate.
See bills and circular. for full part Molars
A Orsst Dia Day at a Small )'rine.
Secretary. Chairman.
awWsettoW .
What About That
Leaky Roof of Yours
better have it replaced with a
neer one. See W. R. Pinder,
Hamilton street. for the right
kind at the right price. Sole
agent for
Brantford Roofing
Always a full stock of Roofing
on hand, which enables us to
give prompt attention to all
work in this line.
Also we makes vpecisity of
W. R. Pinder
'Phone 166
Value -Value Value
Is what we arl all after. We want the most we can get for a DOLLAR;
and it is up to us to see that our dollar's worth is the best that can be
got for that amount in good dependable goods. Come here With your
d.. - . +' a art.. t.• r - ----
We are now carrying *stock of linoleum' In
d and 4 -yard widths. We bays some of the very
beet make', from Sootab aad Canadian beakers.
Prices Just right for our qualities -46e to 60e.
OILCLOTHS In 1, 14. 2 and 24 yard widths ;
and they are the best that aro be got to sell at We
a square yard.
We bare a floe .bow-
ing of all these sus seer
fabrics. This season's
makes, as you eat easily
see from the patten[% and
colorings. and just what is
needed for the warn day&
We will be glad to .bow
you the hunch. We think
you can fled something to
meet your needs among
If you want Pristw the best wearers and
sure colors, tome here. Always abead in Prints -
10e -and none higher than laic. Ask fur CREST
We are still tushing Stocking.. Three pairs -
5 to 7i -for 26e. You can scarcely ask for any-
thing ChM we have not got Crum 3 1•c to We a
pair. We are dead right on Hosiery,
You can't ask for a color In Gloves that we
bare not got. LONG GLOVER, white, black, tan,
26c to $1.00. Gloves are one of our .psoWtee.
Perrin. Kids, $1.00 and $1,91. Nous higher.
Child's Socks in white. pink and sky. 10e to
lee. Just right for warm weather.
Ladies' Collars ip everything new. direct fro
Use m
e makers, Bows and jabots.
t t,
U you want a fancy Para.oL Al value, ootmr
bee's We buy from the maker, hence our low
D. it A. are our guaranteed make. Your
money hack it the Corset you get bete is not right.
Study your D. k A. Cetak,gue. thea come bets.
Toronto. metra you to write for
Mt Madmen Database. No ra-
.atioor. Samt•er ural from July
3rd. W. H. SEAM. President.
Poses and Gerraranta.. Toronto.
to Muskoka hikes, Lake of Bay.,
Tewag:.uti, Algonquin Park, Mag-
enetawan River. French River,
Georgian Hay, Lake ('oucbiching.
Kawerth,, Latea,,etc.
Muskoka Express
Leave,. Toronto 10.15 a. m. drily,
except 8uudrty, making direct con-
nection at Muskoka Wharf for ell
Muskoka. Lake. points,
Inaseekcrs' Excursion
Literature, tickets and full inform-
ation from any Grand Trunk
Agent, or address A. E. DOFF,
District Passenger Agent, Uaicn
Station, Toronto. Ont.
F. 1•'. Lawrence. Town Agent.
Great Lakes
Soo, Port Arthur
Fort William
Daily except Friday and Sunday
from Owen Sound
Coa•ectiogrrain Leaves Toronto
at 3:10 am.
Ask Agent for Pertialsn
Agent, -- Godericb.
Separate Skirts
We show garmdnts that a lady will wear.
Our excellent good values • in Ladies' Skirts are
also perfect in fit, cut, hang and finish. Stylish
smartness distinguishes them. They are garments
that a lady will wear. ' Our stock includes over
one hundred styles.
Black Voile Skirts at $5 On up to BMW
Mark and colored Panama Skirts at 112.60 to *LSO
Mare and mimed ed flocb !piety at *1.96 to $6.00
1,Yhiw aid colored Tub Skirts at 111.00 to Sian
New Linen Coats, Suits, Skirts and Waists
just opened.
Ladies' W ear sad Chula
Hamilton Street
Fine Blue Scge
We are showing a
line of nice fine twill
blue serge Suits, tail-
ored in the very latest
style, with good mohair
linings, good linen can-
vas and haircloth. This
is a suit we would
strongly recommend
for its dressy appear-
ance and for its wear-
ing qualities. We have
them in sizes 35 to 42,
in single -breast- ei
ed style. Price e
Sole Agent for
aoth Century Braid
of Clothing
Tie Hoge. of Real Valve 1
4 Chairs
the Prices
Orr aloft: 'A *gar deal Ae geterjeme r'
Not the
3 In •ag over Our stock of Dieing -room Claire we were
tut aid to Rod we bed sorb a qqunnuty en band sod to reduce
- the stock we are going to Mtn' ilissr+ from now be Jaw 1st at
3 These chain are all sew, bawling risen ps %boiled Ibis upriser
and sold rvgnlsrt at Joe. ane. $1.r10 and a[ & bet le gist rld •i
them will sell et E0e. 70c. Nee std S1.(let E
Cut -Rate Prices
• Now ie your retrace Dao'[ Its it ellp.
• anassammeamazesessa
W. J. M UI R & CO.
err 16n: "'llbe Wm easier reseals fele Jews �s4 " - i
7 ill