HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-6-8, Page 2THE SIGNAL : GODERICH, 4 V.NTARIO tiOLYKrt li .. r YT.t lU(s. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY ■t TIM SIGNAL PRINTING CO.. Undo/ TMghene Call Ns as. ranee et avassnMMn : Lto pe' =awOs r enamel las eeddemsss. t.pm, wkas.� .wp.w • year etb4sds la dssiesei S ehesribers �wttQ. talw1 ll - b b Tan ee:o s.ea elf the n�ad as Y early a date a. ad V• isa hew miss be p � bus ofd £10J -g tastes : Legal and esker Amalie edversassme.K pet Use to est imertisa awl de per iine br wound mein twelve aY0 b • realness cords et eh Vass and wader. et per year. Advertisements e1 Loa, Feud. Strayed, elf. ..tapes vetteaslewe Waisted. Hooses for S ale or to Rest. heirs for Rale ce to TOLL •rticls to tate. rota.. not exceeding silt Reek ide ..oh iaeertiee .S1 to tenet msetk, wee ter ea&J subsequent mouth. Leger advertise. meats in comertlpn. A..oaeoementa in ordinary reading type tee cents per Una. No notice len this doe special tains, the.Rhet of welch 1s the eseonMeek eek of any individual sr amed- _.tMa, to be os.ddered •n advertisement u.d be cl.ra.d aoomdinaiy. Rate ter display and contract advertise- ments dverUwmeats will be given m apptmtMa Addram W eomrpeniowws to THIS SIGN♦ L PRINTING ('O.. Limited. Godeirb Out G'D .1CH. THURau&T. JUNE 6 Mil ELECTION PROSPECTS. Sir Alan Ayleswortb spoke very frankly of for political situation to his constituents of North York the other day. He declared that the newspaper talk of an early election AA. mere guets- work—onb.dy knew when the elec- tion was to be. The decision would rest largely with Mr. Borden, it be could control the Opposi . The Government did not intend to bringos an election without a redistribution based un the figures of the census now being taken, and it would be Ilecemher before the rediatribertjoo bill amid be passed. If the Opposition wished. however, t s forte an election it could do so by tbe o' -[ruction of supply, and in that care tae Opposition would have to tnke the responsibility for its action The Government was reedy to meet the Opposition before the people it any time on the question of reciprocity, but there was no need tot an election at the present time. and to bare an election withthnt a rrdutribu. tion would be an injustice to the West, whose representation should be lenge- Iv iocreared. Mir Alan .poke emphetitilly in favor of amending the rules of the House of Commons to prevent ob►trurti..n and to put a check upon the now of alk which consuutes so much of the time of Parliamsst. He Mid: ''W e are coming to a crisis, and for this simple reason : Under the exist- ing rules of the House of Oommoos thy_body of men—a half-doter—coo bold up public 'imminent if they choose to agree to-do it. Things bave corse two a pow which threatens tbe destruc- tion of representative institutions. f make that statement with tbe full sen.e of responsibility upon me for what 1 utter. with the full sense teat, I speak as it ,[.ember of Parliament and a Minister of the Crown. Under our exiting rile. of procedure there is no limit upon talk. 11'ben the House is in Committee of t.be whole each member may speak ae often as he pleases. and any half-dozen men can obstruct tbe business. id the House and prevent the other two h'tndtwt and ten doing any huuine.e. 1 think this is • perilous state of things. Every other representative House of Perlia- meut in tbe Briti.h Empire. every other Parliament in any English- speaking country of this globe has put as end to fiat condition of thing,. The Canedien House of Commons sands alone today amoe:g the repre- sentative iodies of the world where such a thing as 1 have described is possible. &.me of for members think this to the credit of Canada ;and the Canadian Homer of ('ommoos. For myself 1 do not share that view. 1 must say that tris what 1 have wit- nessed of what gore on session after motion I am prepared to vote closure and to say there to put closure tbmmgh no matter bow long that may take." Sir Alan had intended te retire from Parliament at the end of the pi meta term, owing to his continued deaf- ness. He intimated, however. that if • premature election were forced ep- ee the country by the obstructive tae - tics of the Opp sitioo be might Again be in the Heid. He was again placed its nomination by the convention, with Mr. T. C. Robinette, K. (' , as the alternative candidate in as. of h is withdrawal. MUNICIPAL TAXATION. Th. demand for relief from the pres- ort reort illogical eyeless oaf mutt etpal tear tion show. o•. sign of &bateMet. Ol sedan runtripal J..arnal is •✓its kart hires makes tie '-ommtesat or. the Subject avow the esernea1 adoption of the dread ties. gwsssslly ..axed the eagle lalt, bee beam peretpeerd in (Nstarin 117 irso t�iia�r� largely H raw es ely. W tb.ser n/ the Ste Jelnee Wbellbey Pr esu., We have .sty p• viten out Use s ocenal7 offa lfiwhrtw who bee •e ekrwe.d neem • recline Serra. peopie wn+sM even say 'eiatletirun f M a em "be /ulele w nfrSh{ p ,j ..plop anti r meth hydro. ekectv{e halkleg et Vert permit -tier mesinesJitie as wish it to gradually adopt the land tax. Of course, tos L s land and not the buildings is&radical cites, end to men of oosser'eaUve leanings .rad bringing up it seems too :evolution- ary The obi British worship of the laodlord as one wbo has divine right behind bits, and whore ober, of the burden of taxation must be borne by the builder sed manufacturer and the business Bose geoeeally, lives atilt, even in Cooed.. Aod it is bard to kill old belief. But the rapacity of the landowner and tbe unscrupulous greed of the land speculator are united in making the public wooder why the moo who •p•od nothing in improving the Land should get such enormous profits at the expense of the public. in the West the lard tax is gaining ground rapidly. Vancouver bas adopted It gradually, and ns one ap- pears to bemoan the choose. Edmon- ton has formed • modified plan— wb$ b we believe is so improverneot— aad it has proved most eatisfectory. Even in Ontario a large number et municipalities have petitioned for the right to adopt it if the majority of their cithpos wish it. In face of this expression of opinion in his own Province, it does strange that the Premier Should ave so emphatically disposed of the mat - tet. But, se we said in th. openlog paragraph, it is only postponed. 'lite movement of popular hag is in favor of • more just syutem of tato- tion. And to an increasing number the land tax appeals as hying fairer than the absurd way that prevails at pres- ent. EDITORIAL NOTES. Is it to be a fall election? Sure, it will he a fall for somebody. Life has its compensations. The June bugs have gone and strawber- ries and rream are coming. Welland county is taking up tbe good toads movement and is planning a county system of 134 utilise of im= proved roads. The number of bank branches in Ca- nada o-nada bas nearly trebled in the last ten years. The Province of Ontario has now 1,1E1 branches;, compared .wish 337 in ROI. A member of the British Penile welt has been unseated for lavishly treating voters during his election caatpaign. It Seems that such things are Dot confined to Canada. The reciprocity hill is still in the bands of the United States Senate. The struggle between the advocates and tbe • opponents of tbe measure is becoming bitter and the outcome is doubtful. It is Unfortunate teat the promised report Irons the Hydro -electric Com- mission was not ready for the meeting of the county council this week. The result will probably be the pcetpooe- mcnt of any definite action kr an- other year. The country is safe. The tuicleus of an effective army is readily available in the rine associations such as those that shot over the Point Farm range on Saturday. Canadians are peoct- able, hut it id Ito harm 10 learn to shoot straight. .A Stratfn.d clergyman resigned bis pastorate on : ..count of poor health aid bought a weekly newspaper at Leamington. Six weeks of newspaper work convinced him that he wasn't in the right line of business tora man site. needed a rest, and be ba, sold out the newspaper. The Ontario Historical Society held Rosanna' meeting at Brantford last week. This Society is doing good work in encouraging the preservation of historical records, and we should like to see . branch established for the County of Huron. The early settlers ore fast passing away and soon there will be mane left who knew this county in its primitive state. Thus the task of securing and preserving reliable records of local history will become more and more difficult The Toronto Newn ought to label its jokes. 1t remarked the other day, apparently in seriousness, that"Lord Lanelowne's reputation as a man of capacity and public spirit has been augmented amazingly since be became the Opposition leader in the House of Lords." Seeing that as • result of i.ord iandowne'. blunder in reject- ing the Lloyd Oror'gr budget the Hour of Lords. as it has existed to this time. ie on for brink of extinc- tion. "amazing" Deems to be the el; `t( word to apply to the leadership of the noble lnrtl. The Globe quotes the following pee sage front "Iwuriet and the Liberal Party." written • few years sire by J. S. Williston. now editor of The Toron- to News "His is essentially • aro• 'trot—Live mind and • serene tempera- ment. He trusts in the future and reve'ren.w the past. He will •heats he slow to lay destructive heeds upon hallowed inesitutkoes and r,lectaat to diat.srtt the anneal lendot•rb• His •dmuotat rat.on has been eesinently constructs,• .id prey , ..rely Ne Lown w,th atssen o'.. had and &Ieo.ndene faith to enift and 'newel• dao the , anrne.. ole .sen u of c b. Ocoee federation. to psnsar a mateiel dsrM- opment and imitable* national iwlF epee dues ♦sit !!p Globe 'N meats "that 1. sot the picture a[ • man likely to give couatesattbo to • movement for the destructk,u of bis mauve land.' Cabinet Munro, foresee president of the Farmers Beak. who was tried be- fore Judge WWinebbestet at Tomato on the a verge of tusking false atatewMa of the Bank • affairs to the Minister of Fit.ance end Receiver General, was found not guilty. The Judge found that Col. Muaro placed oox.fideoce in the genera! manager mod chief ac- , countaot of the Bank, and that to signing the Baaks statements be did to in000enily. not knowiag they were deceptive. The Globe. commenting on the decision. asks foe some change in the law which wiU have the effect of doing away with "amateur" bank presidents like OoL Munro who have n o practical experience in banking 1 and woo can readily be deceived by • the toed who are actually in control of the hanks' funds. The next revision of the Bulking Act will probably re- vive a good dead of popular atteotioo, in view of recent events. An Old Country oewspsper corre- spondent writes -Not tbe least remarkable feature in the attitude of tbe Torted is their prai.e of air. Lloyd Geroge. Two years ago be wee a • plunderer,' • 'robber,' • • thief ' and so fort h. No name was too hard and hr.rsh for him, but today he is 'a groat statesman,' and his .cbeine is 'a great act of state- craft-' It is la welcome change. Some time ago • distinguished for- eigner who understands British poli• tics re /irked that nothing struck biro so mw as the bitterness of the in- telerau • of the British people. neur- ally . +air and just, towards Mr. Lloyd booze. I wonder if their ctoangeil attitude means that they have really at last begun to under- stand and app.eriet.e this rgan as we Liberals wbo have undetatuod him have appreciated hien, even adored him. I du not think that even to Sir Henry Campbell -Bannerman, great and good mac and grand Liberal ss be wee, did Literals give quite the ..me affection as they do to Mr. Lloyd George." The Return. Untrodle, is the gra. before the door. Where green rent- gather t. hi.periog each to escli Of thee and bow thou .1.a1tcome here no more. Nor thy pale b...i- the raining bio..wm- reach. so lite a dgb the breeze now Seem. to bs. Or do-[ thou whb.per .only onto me Where shadow.. falling iwek to closely .ludo .All thing- that wen tall dear to thee and me. Tote echo of my foot.tep. -lowly ode. Like Jon'ibrati om of • meli... sea ; tor le it that tby rept do follow mice AM echoer •*sanding are the beat of thine' ` o saner. +o Blow the -onsmer rain. dere and Upon the flowering ..panee of the ground. Where reem - the lerguid Lenten 1111e. bend' An swayed by one who pewee without loud : The grayer tremble nate the drop. they bear Are they thy teen• Jest fallen lightly there r Po wanly now 1be white root he. .Urring. rite. Their silver wino an Fran a•• were thy hand.. Wbleh at the last are.. -ed my floe. my eyer. 1{re [hon went forth to .eek for hidden Lando. Ob. art thou here. or where then mare thou be 1 Thou reewe a far and yet .o dole to me. Ns+trice R.dp•' h . f.rarerty MOP Bawls..e Promo.. of Uoderleb.. in TM Camellias Maga- sloe. FROM OUR CONTEMPORARIES. Unanimous. e W Street Journal. Wben, in a speech in London, Mir Wilfrid Laurier scoffed at the ides of annexation. he voicsd the sentiment of this country as well as that of Canada. None More Loyal. Meatiest w Itaree. We are forced G' add that there are no more loyal or attached British sub- jects on any of the seven seas than those of whom Mir Wilfrid Laurier is the leader, and that there are no moire criminal enemies of • United Empire than those who are doing all they can by dander to make enemies of them. Arguments That Do Not Pit. Toronto Star. The story is revived that the United Siates will fora Canada into recipro- city in mariufectur,s by threatening to put an end to the present agree- ment. But if the present agreement gives us nothing. and gives the Ameri- cans everything. As The Mailand Em- pire contends, how ran we her in- fluenced by • threat to put an teed to it? Great Advertisement for Port Hugon. Refloat on Ppeetater. $..m,. time in oeptenibsr. Taft and Laurier are to appear on the same platform at • reciprocity meeting in Port Huron. We don't know wbo Port Hit on's publicity c.'mwisdoner or civic booster is, hut whoever be is. we take off onr hat to him. He has .ucoseded in ).idling for bit town an attracting letter than the hest ever produced by • Barnum Usyd Georg - Gmealy Mr. Lloyd lrsnree ie stUl a growing power in the state. Nor seed there be any surprise at this for in him certain qualities are .Imo.[ Uniquely com- bined. He her tbe genies toe onto[ r se an otter living pdeali•s powrw it. He bas ,m• of the .witwf t and cleanest cutting o1 .ntelleses. He es. ferlid•hQ a Mpno. Iia at ime and deeper. 14, has alio the tsps.•itt of suetaio.d Mho and patient in. esti ration. sod app edatlre. Werth, ees , iderstice 1..r .lees that are not his owl. Hu• his grey[ power life in be ebarnong and darumiag vimpiinty 1t wee 4 ,Halon n ti. Hun..- that bet parties have yielded eossphrtely to this spall There Is n.• more popular man h re. wooer ' o •-tis .;en asset Jir. Loyd Geergs sod dislike bit.. eats atllleel•g seesaw bee left bps esetMty az_bsrwillty Orrin t►Iv tnwltalert His nits pa tly blast the teat ...warn to ika bion, .ue h. le M titre Ilion any other, trot has.wogsr..d the tethecy of edseinlierather a sep.I 4 with PArtia- assets, and helped tap t+..v.ranrnt to a third Yo e ..f ra.$ry.ee But be- yond all . hat. all fitter+l- know bits as e true and g • Haut NNW a•k. a bedstead well proved a susare,•ed •'• i.. est ln- te1hW- Mottle. His ...renen.a ars n ot 1•is enesuirs. `hey actomwldge bis gats and bit ►iwee.•i • . and they know ihat b. could W t•.• pored truss our public lite. A Saipbrral Ite1e.enx. H•mik.a Tin ex • There is an incq.y le . •^ug a cer- tain dart el tr,opi•• t... 1 rify the refer - endue' a the Isst wort n ,meletins government. "It is th .nice of the people," env these atwitter renno- miet', "aa•t is ural rival . w •yr right r Thr New York Si,,. h • seen Aiscoe- sing the tow y weak, -..'...f he ref- erendum en res 11. and ...losing out that it off-• s •1:.. ger 10 veld govern- ment. tapir. teas . rarity. The other Jay it pr need ..n illustration of the opera, ion in pow i e of the ref- erendum. as fo lows: (Met•l•ew, char. xrvii.) '•pth.rr .nth unt ti n.. %Vliet ,hall 1 do then wish Je-n which is ealt/d Christ Y Th. y all • y un'o him. Let Him - cru^rtk•d ••A'ni'h' g..veeno•..i.I, Why, what evil hath He done? B.i' 'hev cried nut the MOM, raying. Let Him he cru^i6h.'d. •'When Pilate ►a w [ he t he could pre- vail nor' -into but teat ethers tuwult was wade. he leek water„anti washed his bawls het re the wultitude, say- ing. 1 ant huv•e• nt of tt•e blond of Ibis just preens : lee ye In I. i' make. no cower star The ang- geestive extract id lett to h • co•aeids'r Lion of the road -r. A Neighborly Comment Lnr-.it Xew -. •-Canada and the United Stat i• pro - pow to casuiste to show the world two nations wit h the longest bouwda• y. extending from cease is can, living in. peace end ural ter -p c.. without a fort•.d•Iiy., a goo nn talker side ..f the hounte ary.”— 4ir tVl-frt4 Iaurirr a the. Landol rune -tenon of 14ritisb c •..sial premiers. The app'.u'ti se ..t tits n .ere struck by the quoitr. bar Wilfrid.. re vraled the significance .•1 Use p awful boundary on which we! e -. .a boutsdary that ha- had iso like in ti -tory. And we wbs, live III 04 it allow well how precious is that dear-• And interw•- tional amity tv-t etiatilss n- to more -shout our iteih' ata le without arse.. We{I-ntrnr'i•'g COWS-etl.•r• tell its tI.at without eat -banging. blows lateral with our neythia.tw we Ieeua,e effem- inate, lent without tiling ..long -.bol acmes the ei t er pf a nen-nine. sad wajlayiuga party with'Myoaetsat night, wi►hour cree.n.eangonroeigA- ho.'. Iw'Irs.m,- {..torr i•s'e.k(a . and .titling his family.* windpipe for after - n ti o n relax -ate -in. we degenerate. This httyudary line with twe vigorous[ rateside by . side warmer( t-jo(eooe vire. tea lie to the whole anny of j.ng•.ea who vele for war. l:ut never .e -w t eg t h'-m*•Ivshu,t. As. a monneeent .A trite this unde- fended frostier is se(t'.•.•ut • rival. Lit ors heps that no v.Med-heed will ever deface it . TOR ED OPERATION The Inds—And is foot father work= ing, my litt a tin? TAN Little. Man —I epees ees so, mum. The' Judge ►aid 'ard labor. • EEEPI1C YOUNG , Oatmeal is Said; to Ward Off Often 21 Years Two noted scientists, by experiments oe animals. have proved that youthfulness de- pends on the thyroid gland. And that some- thing in oats seems to food that gland. It appears that old age can be deterred many years by caring for this gland. The main care is to feed 11, sed the proper food is oats. Oats contain more merge hod• more food for the brain, more food for the nerves, than any other grain that grows. And now it seems that they alsoserveto keep one young. But common oatmeal isn't good enc for such an important diet. The lie plump grains alone are used in the making of Quaker Oats. They are selected by IR siftings, and only ten pounds are obtained from a bushel Quaker Oats means jest the create of the oats made deliclous. 1t oasts but oee- ball cent per dish. blade In Canada. Wet Cured by Lydia E. Pink- bam's V egetabee Co m po u nd Canines, Ont.—"I bad been s great caterer for five years. One doctor told tis it was ulelrs mf the uerruis and another told tumor. i N fibrotic' e knows what I suf- fered. I would always bs worse at certain periods. and never was regular, and t he bearing -down pains were terrible. Iwas very ill in bed, and the doctor told me I would have to have an operation, and that I might die during the operation. I wrote to my sister about it and she advised me to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound_ Through personal expe- rience I have found it the best medi- cine edscine in the world for female troubles. for it has cured me. and I did not have to have the operation after all. The Compound also helped me while pin- ing am.ing through Change of Life."— lire LETITIA. BLAIR. Canifton. Ontario. Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Com- pound, made from roota and herbs, Les proved to be tbe most successful remedy for curing the worst forms of female ills, lnclleding displacements. inflammation, tiffroid tumors, irregn- ladtieR, periodic pains, backache, bear - Ing -down feeling, flatulency, indiges- tion. and nervous prostration. It costs but a txifie to try it, and the result has been worth millions to suffering women. ATTEND THE BENT. ELUOTT iT PAYS. Toronto. Unt.. hes a national repu- tation for superior work- Open all year. Enter now. Catalogue free. STUDY AT HOME ,and vualit• for a good ettuatios la bu..ne-- Lts. 1r will oast little to do the.. Detour plane. Write The -haw rnnrrycoee.os t•a-bnol, alt 1 unite Street, Toronto. W. s(ekeaa* d dog Sale of Dress Silks • About 400 yards of nineteen hashes wide heavy Japan wash Silks, in neat cad stripes, ivory white sed white with nest colored narrow stripes, very handsome and very serviceable. Regular price 40c teak a yard, cleat. Wit est Per yard !M DRESS GOODS Mpecial seines in all dress materials. Many liner at . one-third value and all this season's goods. (assbrew and Hewr1ttes 42 Inches wide. finest pure wnnl. In eae- dinsls. oavys, pinks, butes, all best shades. Regular 00e quality. Special sale for early Jung only. pee yard See PRINTS 1600 yards of 3'l inch wide. light and dark terrines, best Ezgthb Prints and warranted fast colors, also 1000 yards Dress Muslin,. regular 1210 quality at, per yard ....10e CARPETS AND RUGS TAPESTRY RUGS, 3x3 yards. regular *1.00. for SR -76 3x4 yards,�'��ttlar 1(100, for 7.76 31x4 yards, Lar 11.00, foe 960 VELVET RUGS. 3x3 yards, regular 18.00, for 16.00 3x34 yards, regular 80 00, foe 17.00 3x4 yard., regular 25.00, lot 11.00 304 yards, regulet30.00, foe 15.00 FLOOR LINOLEUMS AND OILCLOI3IH, two, three and four yards wide, at per yd. 25e, 40c, 50e and AOo Carpets and Linoleumns perfectly laid et no extra charge this month. Vat ; lucre.-;' W. ACHESON a SON r . You Can't Help Feeling THAT YOU ARE CORRECTLY DRESSED IF YOU MAKE US YOUR TAILORS MARTIN BROS — J The Signal to January ist, only soc $T1l ATiOf1 D. ON T. LARGE S('IaOOL A 000D IERATOUL(,,, THE DPW -Thio ...chord him • eoatinee:al reputatoo for h4b-grade week and tar Use ,ucca.. of lis• .tuddent•. We here three do. p•rttaen•.--tnmtnerciai. shorthand. amid Teiegr•ythe. ta.natioa. 30.ms men and women -booted -.s"t at no for ear dare free catalogue. Write for it at once and we what our note heirs. Thin te • good stn"- of the) a .r for you to enter oar eias.e•. -t udemt- '.he entering each week, (:ommeoe. rune cane., at none. U. A. M:Laceoao, 1•rincipaL J. BROPHEY & SON OODERICH THE LEADING Funeral Directors and Embalmers otiredeetelitteetetaletevetetelereseMseeetiPteereereseeeteePeseefteasteelbeeeteeeeseetesrasere Howell Hardware Go. LIMITED Orders carefully attended to at all lusts, night or day. IAFIBOK THIS M.. M. glia rim Meeraleemeel. wee 11, " A heals tare tams eft an erre say babe's tape .d swead m 6 it W tw.11 sawed has amlp. t tens isvitating sad psiafel, sed aimed deo bele me been of saIhriag. We tried ase powders seeWen. bet be ee kewer. He eared fend, gat quer this mad wane and was taleeed to • very ries ra•dielaa, 1 Ode dvied to try Lm -Bak Sad did so 11 wee eseds(ul bee k seemed le sail sail ease lie ellime. Mimeo peiefil stria. law -Bak bee the wry a siseestateea' se.mfld to el right to ehr sp.et, otoe the p.mpbe sad ewes end the levitation erre lea. sal Ism Webie a few weds w bevy's eltwee boiled asemb eN FlM e W Seer ass o boo of node er empties o erreme, ow b.rsmg OWL rat flair se. Ire* !ed n/ the ter. `brdthe amble. ►s Me impish i. Le nib e.•r se r ewes ere ..wisee wee den en. • bret w pea lbw awe law Men Ca Twmir.,, the ilea a. to /e A aw & sew r. r •-v ww.a t.,.e, , me_ and Male' SUMMER SESSION 1 rt( STA.. Nrt: C•.rr, .'•..fay ..at WAX Na CASAty. We are not advertising skates, but hot - weather goods ; things that are needed in every household these hot days. We have bought lines that we can recommend, and you will find the prices right. COAL OIL and IIASOLINE STOVES We have them from 111.00 up: Alter the ovens for the stoves. VARNISH and VARNISH STAIN We can give you the gonir moat suitable for your require. meets. SCREEN DOORS Prices from $1.00 to x2.60. Our $100 Door is • beauty. Ws make a study of what can be done with the right Bonds. HAMMOCKS We bare titre good video at OLIO Seer. d Students may enter soy day. ()pee entire year. Now is a good time to enter. Largest trainers in Canada. Gradnates get hest positions. Thousands studying at home. Exclusive right of the ••F'.nous B110. Book -Keeping Ss so em'' tri Ont erio. "Aetu al Bitterne. from '.art to Finish.' Write. for paetk•ulars. r. LONDON BUSINESS COLLEGE •tialliated with ('Ustnr. R%sriner. °eller, i _O s.o.'voe GARDEN Hose Keep the gross green. Ute our Garden Hose grad Iota of water. REFRIOERA roRs ours will keep the milk from rotes" sour. flee oar *1.00 Ilea LAWN 4. MOWERS Ours are the Bruck'ville make. We get them direct from the factory et the right prices, and we get the beet goods. PAINT PAINT ti PAINT W. bave the best gw•Sty Paint A few guerta left of the 40e per gnaw lisp. We have been kept extremely busy, but we are well prepared for the rush, ac we have the goods, and the clerks, to make shopping easy Howell Hardware Co.. Limited eireeteletesetearsiteseelisesmo