HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-6-8, Page 11
Printed in up•tindase
tyle by The Signal
J..b Department.
Sampler sent totia y
•ddreas upon" re -
al1TY-THIRD Theft -ties. last
Zell aVour
of the epeeist trial off'r
of The Signal for the hal
tone of tbe year, to new
subscribers. for
TRIC .10N AL PRINI'NO GO.. Ila., PellUalrata
Mil ON
Oapital, Rest and Undivided
Profit. [7,500,11110
Tessa 4.w over $40,0O0.000
MAN • I".
With the majority of our
OF CANADA 21X1 or more branches serving
rural communities, we tate
aturally paid special •tteo-
tioa to the banking requirements of Farmer*. Ranchers,
Stockmen, Lunm
►beren and Merchants. Oar facilities tot
bundling your business .,r private hacking are complete.
Savings Book Department at every Branch.
ROTA BUSH lD lffa;
Goderich Branch
W. L. HQRTO.N, Manager
l leave far amkt ask nsadscYsd
batgole homer lot a. Nenww gess
ergs. 1110.10wa.t0 wader the retake
price. Fur particulars out
Beal lit•...
The anouel meeting of the .%s.
o oeiation and the convention for
the selection of a raodid• to for
the Legiel.t art e for Centre Huron
will be held at Reaforth on slat-
nrday. June 24th, at 1 o'clock
pm. Hao. A. O. MacKay- will
be present and will address the
meeting. A full attendance y
J. L. KILU►RA.. Secretary.
Livery, Cab and 'Bus
I have received in.troeuow from Mrs. J.
Deakin. wbo i. reeding In Toronto. to .e11 by
petite auction et the premises oo
Ili h,
et 7o idea
k in the creels* : Lot Ill corner of
are read and Oxford street. nod lot 110
owner of t'amtwie= and Oxfwd street... There
L a comfortable frame cottage and frame
MOM on the premise.. ad bidder.1 will positively be
sold to the highest
TERMS : Tea per cent. of purchase tnooey
te be mid at Uwe ,f Me. balance in JaMyr.
Proprietress.A uct4onet r.
Mr. John W. Pbarfs. who Me sold his ran -
Amos os Elgin avenue. (hiders*. will sell by
public *wilco u the remise. on
9Ar at 1: Oche* J c. E I rH
nom Mu 1.:31 J.bars. H the ooe-
tent. el the . 000$.ling of me handsome
fire. piece parlor set that eort $LZS. parlor
tablet. odd chair.. eta : dining -room furniture,
sideboard. table. casino ; abina, crockery. car-
pets. curtain.. Minds ' tares bedroom -et-. etc..
'Deluding one set twat as -t 1;.; kitchen fwr-
sHhing.. tnotyimg ams large Hwpy Tboa rbt
ramie. a- •• ; alp garden tool. and
sus w• be mkt. as Mr.
Pliarriw" lb ring w at ws a for Cataa.4a
Jaw W.Wriote, THO8. GINDkY,
ILj "Mr. Beck assured us that be was
. anxious to aid any and every (-mint)'
in the Province., which had • water- j
Basi wheat. Per .1816 la a•. u s u r -- -- power wort hi, of dev eh pule'''. In
wb.st, per bleb"!N to
Bet Per bash a a' to u Mi M Y D R 0 -ELECTRIC COMMISSION
t+tbhalling Hydro -Electric 1.eIric poet r ID
tear Cissa a 44 to a e
Tnensav, Jeas8tb.
Oar, w baa • El to r st REPORT NOT READY. 1
Peat, taw ktaab1 71 u 0 75
Midi Barley. per th a s^ to *MI
Nesseiomw ver tea 1. 10 to LD 11.1
Friar, family, per cwt 1 73 to 2 73 I
P1oar. patent. p.rewt3 n0 to a au Investigating as to the Standing of the
4!•m, par tee 104110 SO() Maitland R,ver Power Company -
BB:baerrtts. per tea..., 1 s0 to is a1
Hay. per toe te • to 1110I Clinton Public School Board
Wood. per load 5 w w s asst , Wants to Be Reptaced in East
Batter, per Ib a IS to oI8' Huron Inspectorate.
Cheese, per Ib e u to o hr
freak per dm i u to n • ;
tna Potato... DM bustuL... • S1 to n el
New Potaroe.. per be.bet10 to 1 40
Catxb, u ger °ana' haw
l. exporiav-
par•a! u le s 775
Hairs. . 11 Ilio 6 10
StnSpirtne Lambe Ole 10 4 330
Sheep per cart 4 r Y 4 Ali
Hider. pe[ cwt' 7 IS 4
. is
Comb skis. wad Ps4( . ...... k I1 a
Mis.4.0. Mclk.sald will aef b1 auction .
her residence, !R. ((avid. gleet. tiederich. are
FRIDAY. J('NE Rh. 1911.
',immerging at ?o'clock and continuing until
Stables ell i.41.posd of : All thecontent- ofthehon.-,
South Street, Goderich
i. All our Rig. sue New. 'Buses I
meet all Train. and Steamers.
Particular attention given to
t. calls trout private residence,.
'Pbons No. 50.
We wish to announce to
our containers of former
years and to the public: in
general that our loebouse+
are stocked with pure lake
nee and we are prepared to
supply all old and new
customers. We are the
only dealers handling
'Phone (Calla
Office 24 Howse 124
con.i.ting of parlor. dininirrorw bedroom and
kitchen furniture. Linen. bedding. carnet.. cur-
tain.. Mind-. ..*in.. gla..seara rockery, et/•.
E. en -thing about the imeo mn.t hrmid. as
Mr.. McDonald is giving up hw.ekeepng.
The lwrn.e ie well furnished and there will be
Do reserve.
Mks .t. G. Mi Dow ii e. Ptoprtetrr... THomee
1;1 •uwv tuctloeee
The June er.nion of the Huron
county council opened In the court
' house o. Tuesday afternoon of this
week. With for exception of Mr.
Switzer, ot Stephen, who arrived on
7 70 Wednesday. all the members were
L 1 Learnt and after each councillor h.d
been identified (which, it might be
mentioned in Weenie, mea a muter of
some difficulty in the tare of the mem-
' t b. r from Bl-lwtelsl the business of the
council was proceeded with.
Announcement- A. J. Cooper- ..... .. SI
Tee Wedding Intttatloh-J. 5. Daisy . ,. ; Warden (taiga,, in of opening re -
Auction Sale* Property -Mr.. J. -Dunlop.. 1 IDarkn, Made fitting refer rote to the
Summer Swinton- Londoo Rosiness Otalis 'e.. 2 much Lamented ,removal by death of
Range for Yate- W. J. May - 1 the late Inepsince
Robb, who had been
Beadery Beck toner called away since the last session of
"' -' .• ' s the council. He referred to hitn as
Announcement -P. T. Dean, 3 one who had enjoyed the reset and
The Popular Tourist Route -F. F. Lwrusee • esteem of •Il who knew him through -
• -G. T. R ... 4 out the county, especially throe in
Monarch Shoe. -Downing MaeVIasr s the east riding. the field of his talion
Auettor +sale of Horaehoid F arnitat!-Jeb• for so many years.
Phwrk. " ' "' "" -"' I I B. Walker. n.auager of the Sterling
Cot Glass -tiro. Porter .... g
Bank at God -rich, w n atom icee-
Value • mem.-nt-A. S. Macho -o.... .....
.... SI tion asking that at le+at one-half of
Value J. H. Cu7Ddcue.. t
The Ideal Sift -Millar. Scotch boa...:--1 the enemy.. rcc•cuk.nt le toersrrsfsane .d
Maid Wanted -y4.SherD.rd ... .., `1'tha Sterling 'Bonk. It wan muffed
Jt oe White rale -Hodgen. Itro+. g l that tbe numerous to w been
a of lIr in-
Will the Crock Stop- wither H ■teat t ttutinn which btrf been ewrablii•h• d
1 throughout the county entitled the
-'"' Bank to some of the county business.
Tea -Lanai' AiddKas=Cbunch •- 5 The letter was referred to the finance
Painting -the. Watson S committee tur conaiderat ion.
Thr Hur•en County Ktfle Leapt'.
asked that the annual grant of 673 to
the League be increased to $100. Tbe
reason given for this request was that
the a had grown to represent
over 1. [neo nod the officers wished
to offer wore encouragement to the
young men to be marksmen. The let -
FOR SALE UR TO RENT ter was hent to the executive commit-
- - _ - tee.
LOT FOR SALE. -0 N SOUTH The public Petit of board of ('lintoo
.trees. blgh.oa one-ettii acre, wtr sent w request that a h7bw im paused
bpetMtnd sewer • Can tee bad ar s the loan t plimton • tin in
bet Mtn for gteek .ala. Particular. at THE
Elbe inR g
SIGNAL the inspeetsmete of S, st Boron. The
LOOMS TO RENT. - SUITABLE let ter stated that the change whereby
toe afntti w tivteg rows. Apply to the town was planed in the West
tH4A811AN. 3f.tt Huron inspectorate was made at the
TWO 0001) FARMS FOR SALE.- January aeas►wn • witbni►t the knowt-
Cum to the town of Goderich. The land i ot the Hinton boned and that no
le. dist-da.., orcbari on both place+, cagy • opportunity had been given to the
terror. Huy now. Lana Is going up- Also for hoard to enter • protest. At the town
mle•rood building lot.. 42 feet nsntxge, on had always been connected with East
South .ueet a of the Watson prvpertyl.
Apply to TOO& 00 VLRY. • Huron It was held that the former
onodi;lon at things should not have
FARM TO RENT OK FOR SALE.- been disturbed. Other rea>•oos were
Ote hu••nrt,tl meow. et good land, bring atlbmittid' to show that the forinet ,e-
ro*th half M •r IJ.' dcemlen 4. K'e+t Waver
Da.3. nearly) I i.. a.nol ,tau of cultivation, latiotrbip with Brat Huron should be
and Densly all ceded down. Belittle'. la resumed. and regret was expressed
elude brick house. hoer ben. shed. et.. •• that friction between tbe inspector
le creek r u nit through property. •
Farm io within half a 'Lite or the thrivlog Arid teachers had arisen. The coun-
t -arm or Dungannon and 1. convenient to' muukation was referred to the educa-
cburche•..•hoot. and poPtomee. On the pato.' tion COrnmtltee.
,. a good gnrel par, which d lale year+ be. i The Hood Roads Association went a
averaged ores. Sinai a year : also six acres el
hardwood or further request that o tow. ut'ou submitted
Haw. with waterfront and shelf. ,rood a.
new. Hempen for gelling, moving from Lown.
Apply to W. J. MAY. Albert .txot.
r• =atlas.
ood bash F i. ha 1 be h ted
_ - __ fon.ratlas. `,ankulu* ding terms. rte, to the co,G. the effect that the
apply u MIS'.+ L B. MiNAM' O*.gaersa iw np•il improvement of rods is of the utmost
Tate notice 3 t the •'omit of Revision *the
town or Oode ie8 will bold ata 0,4 attune In
the council chambers. town of Gode,lcb. f.r
the purpose of hearing apped. against the ae-
a.msment rm8 of the town for the year 1911. on
Thareday. the lith day of June, 1911. at 8
oeiuck in tbe eveeing. A11 parties interested
aro requested teamed.
Town Clerk.
Gsdwr4.4, June let, 1911.
ROOM girl Apply u Badu House.
sRAL houeew,rek. aced, to M}SB
t3HEPHARD. Notts rust.
Mather for 8. 8. No. A Aiaeld: Outlet
to oomesess.e .gar ewidswm.tor bo4Wys,
Apply to R. JOHNSTON. Maewkinr. 0.1.
- -- --
maker, interior neither* end painters
wanted at once. Higbee w..9' .read work.
►s.qp17 t•r,LLiNW WOOD r IPBCILD1\O
CON PA N Y. LIMITk:D. t:•ofituweod, 0.'-
l'ABIN 1'
et tbia Bank are proving to be w great con
veeaeooe W many of our customers
Either of two peewee of the boueebold may
deport or draw ,nosey
Interest a pend on all.balware. twice • year
III tie et est of the death el eit bar party, the
.sr'vlvet w', draw the Hannay.
ass. watts,-
1pR SALE. - TEN ACRES EAST - importance and *het this feeling
` _
aide d [bath street. oorser Bennett siest. ' should be she • eta by all climes : that R
uossetsk 11 you dish. a .mailer user ass ow ! be resolved that the Ontario Govern-
er twee arse. or a bundler lot In the .oath side meet he memorialized to
wilt, R. A. JORDAN, 11 Windacr averse, adopt a eys-
.V4.dssr.Ontario. tem for tbe improvement of highways
Tows PROPERTY FOR SALE.- on a Provincial plan. The no 1 and
1 iet two boodred and twenty -0,. Obi en
bridge c0utmittee will report un the
Kin rur newt M the town of Ooderkh. r ares- -natter.
ta1ntrg erwosarter of as sera On the north b I Tb. secretary of the Winter Fair,
batt d thy property there is erected • •torr' which is beld at Guelph in Dnceroh.r,
and .-beltfr•amedwelling house and • blank• asked in a letter that .he council offer
a special prize as an inducement to
Huron county farmers to exhibit their
stock at this fair. The le' ter was bent
to the executive committer.
A letter was read from Inc county
council of Bruce asking that an en-
closed memorial be signed in fayor of
the Goternrneet ownership of tr1e-
phone trunk lines and municipal
NOTiCE TO CREOITORB. ownership rf all other telephone lines.
IN THE it4tATE 01 JAN Rt\OHAN. it wee sent to the special committee.
LATE OF THi TOWN OF' OODERUCH. A request for a doneticn of $10 Dal
smith .hep, m.oe occupied by the rte Alex
ender Kirkbride. Both the Muse .•d the
.hop are. at preesnt. under lame. the Neese at
• S • moot h and the -bop at 07 per month.
The els
a. the timers may be derreApply to M.
CAMERON. Barrister. eta, Hamilton street
Ooderies Ontario
Sates M hereby elven pursuant to R. S. 0-
4.f t,'baorw net that ell nr.dita+ and when
Liv .Lib . main . 1 he a tate of the said
ban., who died on or whom the is h
day of asl NIL, tee weir d to er.•d by
vb• prosaid
received frntn the secretary of tbe On-
tario Municipal Association for the
He, 1 erns nt .,1 C..nrumps erre. 11 was
sent to the executive finnmitteh.
Jam W B W id b,•
that ..r tee Ida. ed on t he rxacutntng
hoard for hig,t acrinol it,' 1*nee was le
faired 1 the w siati•uterno'oiitee.
Jas. Mi theft, president of the Gode-
rich oea•t•h of the Child en's Aid Soci-
ety. reeked that Dr. Shaw ho given
some r*e.ouner*i ion for .rofeeetonal
rt vires ret.dared a rhild who watt
curt d of a melody Nome Ume ago and
later placed in a foster brine. The
letter was inferred to. the executive
Lettern were read from the truwee
boards of Hwrriotun and L.iwtowei high
seboola •bowing the amount of the
county'' liability for pupils in et tend- i
ghee trent Heron at throe schools.
The letters were sent G, the education
A petition from ratepayers in the
township of Hallett. eking that a
new eebcw,l -netion he formed in that
township, 's se referred to the educe -
1100 cowtmil're.
Report of Poe comatose. sae.
The following is the report ct the
committee appointed to interview
Hon Adapt Ark concerning the
development of Maitland power:
'lion, renominate .red at last
meeting of the awn =Tiered
Hon. Adam H.'k as t.e what pnsit.ion
the Govererrent world assume on the
emotion ot.ion o f . power. 11)ght and bear
scheme, p.,'dn.etf from the `isitlaod
River 4m this '>a..ty, met Hon Adam
Beek it Tweeds a April nth last. and
had a meet . ng very •ata faetery to
everyone pr.esewt. InrtcsdlMot a onrmewer
of inten.wa.l parties from Uaierie1
and ager Orem i. the 'nasty, aim
w Ward= eters and Mestlrrer tit
ale onyt-
the moue wt cu.t, and further stated
•Th't the Gov.rnment would ad-
vance the money for wueb development
Substantial Increase in Population and Assess.
attouE per trot•, payable in thirty r
years, tdd i nq one and i b res- tenths per
cent. aa* sinking fund to weer the Tia- I t r
hilily at maturity, allowing the bane mens Shown by Assessor s Roll.
rate of interest on accuwui.tiog .ink- a
iog fund :
That, if required, the Hydro-Blec- Assessor Campbell has completed his roll for the sear 1911 and from it the
frac Commission world do the whole following figu,es have been compiled. it is a matter of earth stratification to
work of establishing the plant and
trafsmiawion and supply the engineer-
ing staff free of charge :
Goderich Is Growing.
note the increase of 186 in pnpillatioo over last year and also the increase in
rte total aewe.tweut hy $44.5). The table below gives the figures for each
of the polling sub -divisions of the town, and a comparison w,th the total
'That their engineers wool.l exam- figures of the previous year also in given.
ire further end send us a full report
as to tranamiesion and cost per horse-
power to the users. etc.
•'It sow turns out [bat~ for reasons
given in a letter received by the clerk.
Mr. len.. dated Ione 'End, which is
submitted herewith, that a report
containing the desired information
cannot he supplied at this meeting.
Tbe letter will be read in owe couu-
- al and the r, minis for further delay
explained verbally, if oecessary, and
we reeonimend th.t the council con-
tinue the commiuee now appointed ass
appoint another t.. replier.. it, to whom
matters in connection with tbe scheme
mac be submitted es they turn up."
The letter, addressed to Mr. Lane
from the '.'minion...on, under date of
Jure 2nd... a. e. f.diowe :
"With • • f
ren, a to your favor of
June 1st, ii: reitard to report, which
was promised for the meeting of
the eourty council in June, we are
now, rather inclined u, the opinion
that it would area • great mistake to
pt 't any Ngures at the present
stege of negotiations, owing to the
very n..adte .rat* upeb which our
flgur*wwere lysed, Another ieaaon
foe having wherad our opinion is that
the term- o,f pnchase, as proposed by
Mr. Moyes, are bucb that the Com-
mission could not possibly consider
them until mote information has been
obtained with regard to the power
possibilities of the Maitland River.
As you know, we are taking steps to
have thin information available at the
earliest possible date.
"We .re informed by our Mr. Acre*
that, when in Godericb recently, he
•eked year solicitor to prepare a re-
port ,lealiow with the status of the
Maitland River Power Company,
Principally with regard to ueeds.
titles, etc., and also with regard to the
history of the Company from it. io•are : President, H. J. Morris, Gode-
ti i awaiting this inform- rich : first vke-president, Wm. Bailie,
Mr. Glen, of Stanley. inquired (or Ihtnganuon ; second vice-president,
Jos. Dalton. Kingsbridge; third vice -
information relative to the expenses president, John Forel/end, Witmer :
of the cowmi,t.e which interviewed secretary, W. H. Rubertwon, Gode-
the Hydro -eke.: rte Power t:omeiiteei.m riet, ; treaeur.r, Jos. Bell, Carlow ;
mitt. PROP
1 $179.72 )
2 19..180
- 3 ! 3'114,960
4 213,440
5 838,675
6 :5'2,311
7 [$566
1910 1,411.726
Age8im8 T
A011111B'T II1.A-
87,200 22.730
48,575 ,, 4,700
82.048 3 890
3,140 3.060
151.346 16,32E
10,205 15.754
NO 1,350
2 0,680
84,11b f 528
282,713 48,798
EZ,794 50.281
2,246.729 1481i
2,012,200 4689
and Itectotary, and also by Thoma..
Framer, Jaroh Kellerman, Alex. Must-
y J. A. Cowan, Robt. Gardner and
La. others. - - -
Officers Elected with Little Change
from Last Year -No Nomination
Made for Next Election In View of
the Probability of a Redistribution
of the County.
The annual meeting of the Wert
Huron Liberal Aewciet on was held
in the 1'eniperanoe Hall. Goderich, un
Monday afternoon. There was* rep-
resentative. though not • targe, 'at-
tendance. The president, H. J. 'dor-
ria oc:upied the.hair.
Th. chief twffissessewas the election
et ot ew, very ULU. change was
made in 'the executive. The officers
Ce on. r air
a on with interest."
at Toronto a short time ago.Be was
told that a pay.bret bed been made
out and left with the tr•e.surer. The
necessary information was promised
to he forthcoming on Wednesday,
none of the member, of the commit-
tee apparently heing able to make a
statement without reteteece to the
pay sheet.
Mr. Taylor. of Exeter, cistended
that such accounts should be included
in the lepvrt of'}.r committee. This
brought Mr, i -ekir to bis feet with
the remark that it would be just as
reabom:able to reek f...• • similar mato-
went from all Ute other committees.
Before siting down the Reeve eDt
Brussels refer rid to Oen attempts h.
made, as chairman of the committee.
to set a dale for as interview with Mr.
Beck and els,' to the efforts made to
induce tb.. Power Minister to tome to
Goderich. He believed that an the
members of the committee .+'rr Weil
eat( -tied with the results of the inter-
Mr. Glen was hy no means ready to
let the dist•us.ion drop at. this point.
He read a paragraph f a local
newspaper wbieb tn..de reference to
the number who were present al the
interview. -Were all the ere patties
paid by the county?" Mr. Glen staked.
He was again mewed that only the
members of the merit who were
members of the committer were paid.
The report of the committee ap-
pointed to deal with itehonl grant. was
read, reromrnending th.t the grant. t.. etnGfann.n-h, of our noi•le leader Sit
auditor. W..1. Paisley, Clinton. The
chairmen of the municip.Jities bre:
Contin ne, R. M. Young, Carlow ; Ash-
field. Chas. 8,rwa, t.. Kintail : West
Convention tor North Huron.
The annual meeting of tbe North
Huron Liberal Association and cam-
'v. ntioo for the selection of a candi-
date for for Ontario Legislature will
be beld in the town ball, Wingbam,
ow Fi (day, June 23rd, at I o clock
p.m. Hon. A. G. MacKay and other
prominent liberals will be present_
Department of Justice Will Not latr-
fere web Sentence.
Ottawa, June 6. -The Department
of Justice tonight announced that
there would be no interference in the
death sentence passed on Edward Jar-
dine. the young man sentenced to
hang at Goderich this month for the
murder of Lizzie Anderson.
Commutation was asked for on tbe
ground that ,.the-prisoner• was weak
mentally and not responsible,
The evidence brought forward in
the trial wan carefully got... into and
the decision was reached that, while
Jardine might be a moral pervert, he
was responsible for his acts. tis.
Prepittation. are being trade at the
jail here fur the carrying out of the
sentence. it is reported that a
change baa tome over the unfortunate
young roan who in under the sentenee
of death, his careless demeanor hav-
Wawanosb, J. R. McNah, Dnhgao- ing at last given way to a sense of the
non ; Goderirb iownahip, J. W. Yeo, fate which ia awaiting bite.
Holulesyilk; Huller, Thos. tr til.
tan, Seaforth; Clinton, Dr. J.W. Shaw- :
sodericb own, W. L. Horton.
Two changes were made in, the list
of chairmen of Polling sub -divisions,
Patrick Moran, Mafeking, being ap-
pointed for No. 2, Ashfield, and Wm.
Orewart, Duogsanon, for No. 1, West
The que.tiop of holding a conven-
tion to els e a candidate in the field
kr the next election weer discussed,
but in view of the probability of the
redistribution of the county after the
census it wan decided to take no ac-
tion at p#uaeot towards naming • eon.
didat e.
the following resolutions were
passed :
Moved by Thos. McMillan. seconded
b Chas. Steuart, that we, the Liber -
a6 of West Huron in annum, conven-
tion assembled• warmly endorse the
action of the Lau,ier Government in
effecting wo favorable a reciprocal
trade arrangement with the United
Stet= Government, and we trust
their efforts may be wocceasful in
bringing this egret mens into opers.
tion at the enriie►t poedble moment.
We also desire to ezprees one unwav-
ering confidence in the ability and
collegiate top quips. h.gb schools and ----- - - - - P
schools teachit filth latae 1 h
Mime M lett y• ass.
c . s. t
rm w ,ser* regnant the and d' ti fully
t . or delt..r to the unde..fs rod.
mlicltor fe' Frank Hingham see Nva Nin
ham. the executer awl executrix of the
Mote. on or before Th n n.day. t he f :rd of lone.
1911, their naneer and ..Ids ems,. with fell oar.
of their claim• r• writing. end the w-
hore of the ...curette. If any, held by them
duly rertaed by statutory dedarwt4on.
And take miler that atter the mid date the
etneriters will proceed todWrgb*to the .sesta
of the Pad dammed a..ong the parties en
titled thereto. baring regard only to the dein*
of wb.ob they shall then Aare received nom.,
and the executors will not be liable far the rid
masts or any pen thereof to an person or mer
ser. d whose Naim notice .hall not have bete
received by them at the date of that 44048.-
I..ted at Otderiek this 'Nth day of May. A.
D. 1111.
M. 0. CAMERON, tloderk'h.
aelletter ter the said Erse/Mrs.
-111:Z.AL141" 6144:11110::
NUR+►.. nicllAS9D
Ilatke 11. hereby giries purer* to R.0. 0.
ng adtrale•orrm.uts011t est the aw and ethers
emne• L who Mud 1. ass theistsoh
Laverty Sfth .Car of Maw*. Ml. ant
.ed bl ik
or deliver to the .der
neer than Ries ashen the es
tester ef tit seats, ea or w Thum
eetaa th • rid 7 of Jens. tell. 1hsi► ..nee
.ad .ddnwsw, with foe particular, of the
d olma In writhe. a.d the eaten el 184r
e.ewrtt3. if eery. 6.10 by them duty i.rlgM
MM that dlwrhosaki data the
tossers_. .+g ww•.d a the arta
of the rN daeemed the tartlet w110.d
thereto. tante' ward wly to the alter of
w14di be shall th.. bows ,'••Meal meat real
Ws .•west. w111 ret be Nabi. ter W mid m -
em Ran part titer( to my paws se pe.
sees of Mks iai net 1aws
by baa se th• daao e1 web 11.a.1►. -
et 0e1wbb thb >lly tar ae td•v A. e
ON •
,,e .vpI4' 7: x
P re -age ss act on which hie
In commit[ e • f the whole mortal, '•ate sial preseo''e give 10 Canada in
with Mr. Glen in the chair, flit. Bailie rhe heart art the En•pir.. at the pre. -
(Went Wawa•oathl "'ire" str••ngly stet titin, mod we [nut he may bntt be
to the manner 1.. whech the .chant s1 Ater t•. continue to spend his k, est
nowerw fort tate bwnedt of his native
Igrants were..iru,ibut d. Mr. I. ckie, land and the welts,• and advantage of
who was cbarrman of the com•nrt e • g
that brought in the rennet, affli oied the British natiexi
that. the onuocil could not greed a', e- Mov`d by Chan- 8tewmr•t,
thousands for a better purpose than to h). John Finglaod, that we fully en-
aid education. Mr. tiring (Se.forth
dorm the course of the Uppoeltioo in
reminded the council that all the ;the Ontario Legislature andel we trot
so boob in the county were e.n.nting that under the able guidance of our
on the usual giant mod that it would talented leader. Ll.lr H. A. G. mac-
a set lime setback h•r them if they i hay, the actise of the party will on
did it.
couLlmr.r G. grow in the laver ot the
not retrive I pie that at the earliest rrtus-
Mr. McDonald I Wingbami al..o I i people
will Mo command 6 pe cone -
in favor of it, 11 r. Hill. of
H▪ lyth, approved of it and *sk4ed 13.t dente of the vast majority
of the Or-
b. would like iso eMe w bylaw petwweA tacit) electorate aa to place thee) nine
• steodiog for period sur .,,eh grant• more upon the Treasury benches of
10 five years. ,heie.•y doing ewes the Province
with the neer..ity of voting thee•
from year to year ± tfoutA Huron Liberals
Mr. Manning* i1.oderieh. s ,,,gained' Neeforth. Jen. el The annual sneer.
that the report to *donned this yew' Ing of the Mouth Huron Reform Assn
alai Wet later "41 in the session .e.ps I ciation wee held at Brueefeld today.
he taken to make the grants permeate- There wa• an unu.i.slly large =teed
ant. anise, and every municipality in the
1 he vote to adopt the report was tiding was represented It was
then put end caretd by a large sea- t•rt'ggeely • how D**4 m41•t1ng. but the
jority. enthusiasm of ihr preeen1 show* the
Smith, of Ha a. o be is good fns H.
-- __ dent, and J. i1 fttanbury, of Exeter,
-treasurer Lineal
Mown.... Jure nta.-Aeeaas tear we.
and tet letaz the ',enigma ware
Road and Ozlsmd meet, ..nm...eres 4 p*n.
Mss J Dvruie. pspul. tea. TV/Ore s.
fleeter •newsier
a. as'wnb. ldar_ Jnne teen - Atleas.a ev
nrw•ms. st Jaww
wa.m srw/stMs► a. vsssn
.e Plifqe
=rectory provident'
were aisted for every monied stet.
and w neganismtine sAweted
Revolnt.iona strowgly appr•ovh*g of tbs
Dominion GovTernment and the Pry
atnreital Oppesitine, and also Indenting
redeem:aty, were p•s.md amidst ets-
thaislases. Addresses were 4lledim ed
by M. Y Melee. Y P.. the ambient
Representatives of English Solt Cam•
pony is Tows.
Prospect.e of the re-establishing 'or
the salt industry in Ooderich on a
large scale have advanced substanti-
ally this week, with tba presence in
town of 1 eprenentatives of the Salt
King Company, of London, England,
who have been carrying on negotia-
tions for some time with a view to lo-
cating their Canadian plant here.
It is intended to establish here a.
plant for the manufacture of salt by
the Hodgkinson process, • process
by whicb, it is claimed, salt can be
produced ata price very much below
the present cost of production. The
gentlemen who have been in town
this week evidently mean business,
as they have already given orders for
the erection of the first "unit" of the
new plant, for the purpose of making
a test of the brine. For this purpose
the old wells at the MacEwan block in
Saltford are being opened up. and if
the test is satisfactory it is undeeeste'a1
that the construction of the entire
mammoth Plant will be proceeded
with at once.
A9 is well known. Goderich was at
nor time the chief centre Of the salt in-
dustry in Canada. but it lost it. pre-
eminence • gn.sl many yearn ado ow-
ing to the estahli-hing of large piano
. t Windsor and Sarnia, and of late
yearn only One or two wells have been
en operation het*.
Only Ore -half Lake Vessel Capacity s
Co.n u .son at Present Time.
Buffalo, June 2 -With twenty big
freighters 'winging idly Mhind the
breakwater here. ow ng to scarcity of
rArgoes and • heavy reduction in the
number tit boater in commission, ship-
ping interestare taking a p.e*imietie
view of the outlook for the .eaeoe's
Madness* on the Great Lakes.
"tint in more than fifty years has
there been each general slackening,'
said Captain J. J. H. Herrero today
°Shipments" are almost et • st*nd.UY
at belch ord. of the lakes and thee*
are MN hosts idle het green here wad
Duluth. Only half of the total Iwbe
vessel rsparit be .n oomisior, at
the present ths
thee. and one-third of
the... heats nnuld tette ear. of the brew
Mese offered .-
Official custom. Arum show a de -
corse of 70,000 tons in Boal shipments
from this port for May and a dermas.
of Li116,4l0t) tons far Um Brat two
months of navigation. Raft ship
meets show • deerttase et ..early lin
pew east
Shipments W nnsest have drooped
from 2$5.090 barrels to 1>i,006, sod
✓ ailroad iron from 14At$ tees to 6t809
moth *MI
be the eae•ile t sinesti. span.* el